def create_cert(cfg, domain_name, force=False): """ Create a new certificate for domain name. """ repl = {"t": cfg.get("CA_TOP"), "d": domain_name} repl["cd"] = '%(t)s/certs/%(d)s' % repl if os.path.exists(repl["cd"]) and not force: print('%s already exists. Exiting.' % domain_name) return if os.path.exists(repl["cd"]) and force: shutil.rmtree(repl["cd"]) os.mkdir(repl["cd"]) config_file = cfg.create_config_file(domain_name) if cfg.get("CAKEY_PASSPHRASE") == "stdin": password = input("Enter CAKEY_PASSPHRASE: ") print(openssl(['req', '-new', '-nodes', '-keyout', '%(cd)s/%(d)s.key' % repl, '-out %(cd)s/%(d)s.req' % repl, '-days %(CRT_DAYS)s' %, '-config %s' %], write=password)) print(openssl(['ca', '-batch', '-passin %(CAKEY_PASSPHRASE)s' %, '-policy policy_anything', '-notext', '-days %(CRT_DAYS)s' %, '-out %(cd)s/%(d)s.crt' % repl, '-infiles %(cd)s/%(d)s.req' % repl], write=password)) call('cat %(cd)s/%(d)s.crt %(t)s/cacert.pem > %(cd)s/%(d)s-fullchain.pem' % repl) # chmod go= $1.crt $1.key $1.req os.unlink( return domain_name
def clone(repourl, reponame): ''' clone the mozilla/planet-content repo ''' if os.path.isdir(reponame): if 0 == call( fmt('cd {reponame} && git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree') )[0]: return call(fmt('rm -rf {reponame}')) call(fmt('git clone {repourl}'))
def task_pull(): ''' do a safe git pull ''' submods = call("git submodule status | awk '{print $2}'")[1].split() test = '`git diff-index --quiet HEAD --`' pull = 'git pull --rebase' update = 'git submodule update --remote' dirty = 'echo "refusing to \'{cmd}\' because the tree is dirty"' dirty_pull = dirty.format(cmd=pull) dirty_update = dirty.format(cmd=update) yield { 'name': 'mozilla-it/autocert', 'actions': [ f'if {test}; then {pull}; else {dirty_pull}; exit 1; fi', ], } for submod in submods: yield { 'name': submod, 'actions': [ f'cd {submod} && if {test}; then {update}; else {dirty_update}; exit 1; fi', ], }
def check_docker_compose(): import re from subprocess import check_output from packaging.version import parse as version_parse pattern = '(docker-compose version) ([0-9.]+(-rc[0-9])?)(, build [a-z0-9]+)' output = call('docker-compose --version')[1].strip() regex = re.compile(pattern) match = version = match.groups()[1] assert version_parse(version) >= version_parse( MINIMUM_DOCKER_COMPOSE_VERSION)
def is_initd(): return all([ call('git config --get submodule.%s.url' % submod, throw=False)[1] for submod in SUBMODS ])
from utils.globalslocals import gl from doit.task import clean_targets DOIT_CONFIG = { 'verbosity': 2, 'default_tasks': ['success'], } REPO = os.path.dirname(__file__) SUBMODS = subs2shas().keys() DODO = '' COLM = 'bin/colm' RAGEL = 'bin/ragel' TARGETDIR = 'src' TARGETSRC = '' PYTHON = 'python' if call('which pypy', throw=False)[0] else 'pypy' PYTHON = 'python' # FIXME: its slower; doing this for now ... -sai pylint: disable=fixme RPYTHON = 'src/pypy/rpython/bin/rpython' ROOTDIR = 'root' BINDIR = '%(ROOTDIR)s/bin' % gl() LIBDIR = '%(ROOTDIR)s/lib' % gl() PREDIR = 'tests/pre' POSTDIR = 'tests/post' VERSION_JSON = 'src/version.json' CC = os.getenv('CXX', 'g++') CXXFLAGS = '-Wall -Werror -fPIC -O2 -std=c++11 -g -I../ -I../docopt' ENVS = [ 'PYTHONPATH=.:src:src/pypy:$PYTHONPATH',
def openssl(args, write=None): """ Call openssl with given arguments.""" return call("openssl " + ' '.join(args), write)
def format_date(date): """ Formats date to iso-8601 using the date unix command. """ return call("date --date='%s' --iso-8601" % date).rstrip()
def subs2shas(path='.'): lines = call('cd %s && git submodule' % path)[1].strip().split('\n') return dict([(item[1], item[0]) for item in [line.split() for line in lines]])
def check_docker_ps(): cmd = 'docker ps --format "{{.Names}}" | grep ' + PROJNAME + ' | { grep -v grep || true; }' out = call(cmd, throw=True)[1] return out.split('\n') if out else []
def checkout(reponame, revision): ''' checkout the appropriate revision ''' call(fmt('cd {reponame} && git checkout {revision}'))
from ruamel import yaml from doit.task import clean_targets from utils.fmt import fmt, pfmt from import call, rglob, globs, which import requests import pkg_resources from bs4 import BeautifulSoup DOIT_CONFIG = { 'verbosity': 2, 'default_tasks': ['test'], } try: J = call('nproc')[1].strip() except: J = 1 REPOROOT = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) REPONAME = 'planet-content' REPOURL = '' REVISION = os.environ.get('PLANET_CONTENT_REVISION', 'master') REQS = [ 'git', 'pip', ] def check_hash(program):