def main(): puzzle = Puzzle(hard_table) stopwatch = Stopwatch() stopwatch.tic() print("Searching A*") result = AStar(puzzle, h1).search() stopwatch.toc() for path in result.path: sleep(0.25) print_puzzle_table(path) print("Depth = " + str(result.depth)) print("Cost = " + str(result.cost)) print("Time = " + str(stopwatch)) return 0
def main(): containers = 6 capacity = 6 wastes = ['t{}'.format(i) for i in range(4)] explosive = ['e{}'.format(i) for i in range(4)] frozen = ['fz{}'.format(i) for i in range(5)] fresh = ['fs{}'.format(i) for i in range(6)] edibles = ['f{}'.format(i) for i in range(6)] stopwatch = Stopwatch() stopwatch.tic() container = ContainerAssignment(containers, capacity, wastes, edibles, explosive, frozen, fresh) result = container.backtrack_search() stopwatch.toc() print("N = {};\ttime={}".format(4, stopwatch)) print(container) return 0
def main(): table = hardest_table sudoku = Sudoku(table) stopwatch = Stopwatch() stopwatch.tic() res = stopwatch.toc() print("Solved={}\ttime={}".format(res.success, stopwatch)) if res.success: for coordinates, number in res.assignment.items(): if table[coordinates[0]][coordinates[1]] == 0: table[coordinates[0]][coordinates[1]] = number else: if table[coordinates[0]][coordinates[1]] != number: raise Exception("Algoritmo di ricerca sminchiato") sudoku_pretty_print(table) return 0
def is_assignment_consistent(self, var, value): return self.assignment.count(value) == 0 and self.__check_diagonals( (var, value)) def add_assignment(self, var, value): self.assignment[var] = value def remove_assignment(self, var): self.assignment[var] = -1 def __check_diagonals(self, house): for i in range(self.size // 2 + 1): for old_assignment in enumerate(self.assignment): if old_assignment[1] == -1: continue if house[0] in [old_assignment[0] + i, old_assignment[0] - i] and \ house[1] in [old_assignment[1] + i, old_assignment[1] - i]: return False return True stopwatch = Stopwatch() stopwatch.tic() queen = QueenCSP(60) result = queen.backtrack_search() stopwatch.toc() print("N = {};\ttime={}".format(8, stopwatch)) if result.success: print("result: {}".format(result.assignment)) print(make_board(result.assignment))