Esempio n. 1
    def search(base, aim):
    both base and aim are sorted
        n = TfUtil.get_tensor_shape(base)[0]
        m = TfUtil.get_tensor_shape(aim)[0]

        def body(i, j, idx):
            catch = tf.logical_or(tf.greater_equal(base[i, 0], aim[j]),
                                  tf.equal(i, n - 1))

            def found(i, j, idx):
                match = tf.cast(tf.equal(base[i, 0], aim[j]), tf.int32)
                tmp = (i + 1) * match - 1
                idx = tf.concat([idx, tf.reshape(tmp, [1, 1])], 0)
                return i + 1, j + 1, idx

            i, j, idx = tf.cond(catch, lambda: found(i, j, idx), lambda:
                                (i + 1, j, idx))
            return i, j, idx

        i = tf.constant(0)
        j = tf.constant(0)
        idx = tf.zeros([0, 1], tf.int32)
        cond = lambda i, j, idx: tf.logical_and(tf.less(i, n), tf.less(j, m))
        i, j, idx = tf.while_loop(cond,
                                  body, [i, j, idx],
                                      tf.TensorShape([None, 1])
        return tf.squeeze(idx, 1)
Esempio n. 2
def voxel_sampling_grouping(bsg, features, dset_shape_idx):
    xyz = get_ele(features, 'xyz', dset_shape_idx)
    xyz = tf.expand_dims(xyz, 0)

    dsb = {}
    dsb['grouped_pindex'], dsb['vox_index'], dsb['grouped_bot_cen_top'], dsb['empty_mask'],\
      dsb['out_bot_cen_top'], dsb['flatting_idx'], dsb['flat_valid_mask'], dsb['nb_enough_p'], others =\

    # **********
    for s in range(1, bsg._num_scale):
        for item in [
                'grouped_pindex', 'grouped_bot_cen_top', 'empty_mask',
            features[item + '_%d' % (s)] = tf.squeeze(dsb[item][s], [0, 1])
        for item in ['flatting_idx', 'flat_valid_mask']:
            features[item + '_%d' % (s)] = dsb[item][s]

    # **********
    vertices = tf.concat([features['vertex_f'], \
                          tf.cast(features['vertex_uint8'], tf.float32)], -1)

    if TfUtil.t_shape(dsb['grouped_pindex'][0])[-1] == 0:
        vertices_gped = vertices
        vertices = TfUtil.gather(vertices, dsb['grouped_pindex'][0], 0)
        raise NotImplementedError
        vertices_gped = tf.squeeze(vertices_gped, [0, 1, 2])

    tmp = dset_shape_idx['shape']['vertex_f'][-1]
    features['vertex_f'] = vertices_gped[..., 0:tmp]
    features['vertex_uint8'] = tf.cast(vertices_gped[..., tmp:], tf.uint8)

    return features
Esempio n. 3
 def search_idx_scope(self, flat_vidx, aim_scale):
     with tf.variable_scope('search_idx_scope_Aimscale_%d' % (aim_scale)):
         flatvidx_rawidxscope = self.flatvidx[aim_scale]
         aim_idx =, flat_vidx)
         check_all_searched = tf.assert_equal(TfUtil.tshape0(aim_idx),
                                              message="search failed")
         with tf.control_dependencies([check_all_searched]):
             return aim_idx
Esempio n. 4
 def sampling_grouping(self, scale, points, grouped_pindex, xyz):
     with tf.variable_scope('SG_S%d' % (scale)):
         if grouped_pindex is None:
             # global scale
             new_points = points
             new_xyz = None
             new_points = TfUtil.gather_third_d(points, grouped_pindex)
             new_xyz = TfUtil.gather_second_d(xyz, grouped_pindex)
             new_xyz = tf.reduce_mean(new_xyz, 2)
             new_points = self.normalize_feature(new_points, 2)
             self.log_tensor_p(new_points, '', 'saming grouping norm')
     return new_points, new_xyz
Esempio n. 5
    def add_point_cloud(self,
    xyzs input is not sorted for all scales
        assert TfUtil.tsize(xyzs) == 2
        vidx_1d = self.get_vidx1d(xyzs)

        sorted_idxs_base, end_idxs_lastscale = self.get_sort_idx(
            xyzs, vidx_1d, sortedidxs_base)
        if self._scale == 0:
            vidx_rawscope_lsc = OctreeTf.get_idx_scope(end_idxs_lastscale)
            flatvidx_rawidxscopes, vidx_rawscopes = self.get_upper_scale_scope(
            flat_idx_lsc = OctreeTf.get_flat_idx(vidx_rawscope_lsc[:, 0:-2])
            flatvidx_rawscope_lsc = tf.concat(
                [tf.expand_dims(flat_idx_lsc, -1), vidx_rawscope_lsc[:, -2:]],

            self.sorted_idxs_base = sorted_idxs_base
            self.flatvidx = [d[:, 0:-2] for d in flatvidx_rawidxscopes]
            self.vidx = [d[:, 0:-2] for d in vidx_rawscopes]
            self.idxscope_pervs = [d[:, -2:] for d in vidx_rawscopes]
            if record:
        return sorted_idxs_base, end_idxs_lastscale
Esempio n. 6
    def test_search_inv(self, xyzs, test_n, aim_scale, ply=False):
        from utils import ply_util
        assert aim_scale < self._scale_num
        xyzs = check_xyz_normed(xyzs)
        xyzs = tf.gather(xyzs, self.sorted_idxs_base, 0)

        vn0 = TfUtil.tshape0(xyzs)
        sp_idx = tf.random_shuffle(tf.range(vn0))[0:test_n]
        sp_idx = tf.contrib.framework.sort(sp_idx)
        xyzs_sp = tf.gather(xyzs, sp_idx, 0)

        idx_scopes = self.search_neighbours(xyzs_sp, aim_scale)
        if not ply:
            return idx_scopes

        for i in range(5):
            ply_dir = '/tmp/octree_plys'
            fn = os.path.join(ply_dir, 'base_%d.ply' % (i))
            xyz_i = xyzs_sp[i:i + 1, :]
            ply_util.create_ply(xyz_i, fn)

            fn = os.path.join(ply_dir, 'neighbors_%d.ply' % (i))
            xyzs_neig_i = xyzs[idx_scopes[i, 0]:idx_scopes[i, 1], :]
            min_i = tf.reduce_min(xyzs_neig_i, 0)
            max_i = tf.reduce_max(xyzs_neig_i, 0)
            scope_i = max_i - min_i
            c0 = tf.reduce_all(tf.greater_equal(xyz_i - min_i, 0))
            c1 = tf.reduce_all(tf.greater_equal(max_i - xyz_i, 0))
            check = tf.assert_equal(tf.logical_and(c0, c1), True)

            ply_util.create_ply(xyzs_neig_i, fn)
        return idx_scopes
Esempio n. 7
    def get_vidx1d_all_scales(xyzs, _min, _res, _scale_num):
        with tf.variable_scope('get_vidx1d_all_scales_Scale%d' % (_scale_num)):
            xyzmin = tf.reduce_min(xyzs)
            with tf.control_dependencies([tf.greater_equal(xyzmin, 0)]):
                xyzs = tf.identity(xyzs)

            def body(vidx_1ds, i, min_i):
                res_i = _res / (tf.cast(tf.pow(2, i), tf.float32))
                vidx_3d = OctreeTf.get_vidx3d(xyzs, min_i, res_i)
                vidx_1d = idx3d_to_1d(vidx_3d)
                min_i = min_i + tf.expand_dims(res_i, 0) * tf.cast(
                    vidx_3d, tf.float32)
                i += 1
                vidx_1ds = tf.concat(
                    [vidx_1ds, tf.reshape(vidx_1d, [-1, 1])], 1)
                return vidx_1ds, i, min_i

            i = tf.constant(0)
            min_i = tf.expand_dims(_min, 0)
            vertex_num1 = TfUtil.tshape0(xyzs)
            vidx_1ds = tf.zeros([vertex_num1, 0], tf.int32)
            cond = lambda vidx_1ds, i, min_i: tf.less(i, _scale_num)
            vidx_1ds, i, min_i = tf.while_loop(cond, body, [vidx_1ds, i, min_i],\
                                  tf.TensorShape([]), tf.TensorShape([None,3])])
            vidx_1ds.set_shape([vertex_num1, _scale_num])
            return vidx_1ds
Esempio n. 8
 def get_flat_idx(vidxs):
     sn = TfUtil.get_tensor_shape(vidxs)[1]
     i = 0
     flat_vidx = vidxs[:, i] * pow(8, sn - 1)
     for i in range(1, sn):
         flat_vidx += vidxs[:, i] * pow(8, sn - i - 1)
     return flat_vidx
Esempio n. 9
 def show_summary(self):
     # vns:      [4, 18, 125, 630, 2592, 11050]
     # pn_pervs: [50431, 11207, 1613, 320, 77, 18]
     vns = [TfUtil.tshape0(v) for v in self.flatvidx]
     pn_pervs = []
     for s in range(self._scale_num):
         idxs = self.idxscope_pervs[s]
         np = idxs[:, 1] - idxs[:, 0]
Esempio n. 10
    def gather_sg_params(self, features):
        if not hasattr(self, 'sg_settings'):
            return {}
        sg_scale_num = self.sg_settings['num_sg_scale']
        assert sg_scale_num >= self.model_paras.scale_num - 1, "not enough sg scales"
        sg_params = {}
        for s in range(sg_scale_num):
            for item in ['grouped_pindex', 'grouped_bot_cen_top', 'empty_mask', \
                         'nb_enough_p', 'flatting_idx', 'flat_valid_mask']:
                if s == 0:
                    sg_params[item] = []
                    item_v = features[item + '_%d' % (s)]

            if s > 0:
                assert TfUtil.tsize(sg_params['flatting_idx'][-1]) == 3
                assert TfUtil.tsize(sg_params['grouped_pindex'][-1]) == 3
                assert TfUtil.tsize(sg_params['grouped_bot_cen_top'][-1]) == 4
        return sg_params
Esempio n. 11
    def parse_inputs(self, features):
        inputs = {}
        points = []
        for e in self.data_configs['feed_data']:
            ele = self.get_ele(features, e)
            if e == 'xyz':
                xyz = ele = self.normalize_xyz(ele)
            if e == 'color':
                ele = self.normalize_color(ele)
        inputs['points'] = points = tf.concat(points, -1)
        assert TfUtil.tsize(points) == 3

        sg_params = self.gather_sg_params(features)

        vshape = TfUtil.get_tensor_shape(points)
        #self.batch_size = vshape[0]
        self.num_vertex0 = vshape[1]
        self.log_tensor_p(points, 'points', 'raw_input')
        return inputs, xyz
Esempio n. 12
    def interp_uppooling(self, scale, points, flatting_idx, last_points):
        with tf.variable_scope('UpPool_S%d' % (scale)):
            if flatting_idx is None:
                voexl_num = TfUtil.get_tensor_shape(last_points)[1]
                points = tf.tile(points, [1, voexl_num, 1, 1])
                points = TfUtil.gather_third_d(points, flatting_idx)
                points = tf.reduce_mean(points, 2, keepdims=True)
            self.log_tensor_p(points, 'uppooling', 'scale%d' % (scale))

            if scale == 0:
                last_points = tf.transpose(last_points, [0, 2, 1, 3])
            if self.sg_settings['num_sg_scale'] > 1:
                fnl = TfUtil.get_tensor_shape(last_points)[2]
                points = tf.tile(points, [1, 1, fnl, 1])
                fnl = TfUtil.get_tensor_shape(last_points)[1]
                points = tf.tile(points, [1, fnl, 1, 1])
            points = tf.concat([last_points, points], -1)
            self.log_tensor_p(points, 'mean & interperation',
                              'scale%d' % (scale))

        return points
Esempio n. 13
    def check_sort(self, xyzs):
        xyzs = tf.gather(xyzs, self.sorted_idxs_base)
        scale = self._scale_num - 1
        idxscope_perv = self.idxscope_pervs[scale]
        flatvidx = self.flatvidx[scale]

        vn = TfUtil.get_tensor_shape(idxscope_perv)[0]
        #for i in np.random.choice(vn, 10):
        for i in range(0, 10):
            s, e = idxscope_perv[i]
            xyzs_i = xyzs[s:e, :]
            flatvidx_i = flatvidx[i]
            min_i = tf.reduce_min(xyzs_i, 0)
            max_i = tf.reduce_max(xyzs_i, 0)
            import pdb
            pdb.set_trace()  # XXX BREAKPOINT
Esempio n. 14
    def update_octree_idx_scope(self, vidx_rawscope_lsc):
        # too complicate, give up for now

        if self._scale == self._scale_num - 1:
            vn, c = TfUtil.get_tensor_shape(vidx_rawscope_lsc)
            with tf.control_dependencies([tf.assert_equal(c, 3)]):
                vn = tf.identity(vn)

            import pdb
            pdb.set_trace()  # XXX BREAKPOINT

            def body(j):
                vidx_j = vidx_rawscope_lsc[j, 0]
                self._nodes[vidx_j]._idx_scope = vidx_rawscope_lsc[j, 1:3]
                return j + 1

            i = tf.constant(0)
            cond = tf.less(i, vn)
            i = tf.while_loop(cond, body, [i])

            hist = tf.histogram_fixed_width(vidx_rawscope_lsc[:, 0], [0, 8], 8)
            start_idx_i = 0
            for i in range(8):
                cond = lambda: tf.greater(hist[i], 0)

                def do_update(start_idx):
                    end_idx = start_idx + hist[i]
                    sub_vidx_scopes = vidx_rawscope_lsc[start_idx:end_idx, 1:]
                    self._nodes[i]._idx_scope = tf.stack(
                        [sub_vidx_scopes[0, -2], sub_vidx_scopes[-1, -1]])
                    return end_idx

                def no_op(start_idx):
                    return start_idx

                start_idx_i = tf.cond(cond, lambda: do_update(start_idx_i),
                                      lambda: no_op(start_idx_i))

        import pdb
        pdb.set_trace()  # XXX BREAKPOINT
Esempio n. 15
 def normalize_feature(self, points, dim):
     assert TfUtil.tsize(points) == 4
     mean_p = tf.reduce_mean(points, dim, keepdims=True)
     points = points - mean_p
     return points
Esempio n. 16
    def get_sort_idx(self, xyzs, vidx_1d, sortedidxs_base):
    xyzs: [N,3]
    vidx_1d: [N] 0~7
    sorted_idxs_base: [N]  sorted idx of input xyzs
    end_idxs_lastscale: [M, self._scale_num-self._scale] the voxel idx of each scale,
                  and the end idx of sorted data idx at the last scale.
        sort_idx = tf.contrib.framework.argsort(vidx_1d, axis=-1)
        if self._scale != 0:
            sortedidxs_base = tf.gather(sortedidxs_base, sort_idx)
            sortedidxs_base = sort_idx
        hist = tf.histogram_fixed_width(vidx_1d, [0, 8], nbins=8)

        def add_one_voxel(start_idx, vidx):
            #print('scale {} vid {} hist: {}'.format(self._scale, vidx, hist[vidx]))
            i3d = tf.constant(idx1d_to_3d_np(vidx), tf.float32)
            min_i = self._min + self._resolution * i3d
            self._nodes[vidx] = OctreeTf(resolution=self._resolution / 2,
                                         scale=self._scale + 1,

            end_idx = start_idx + hist[vidx]
            indices_i = sort_idx[start_idx:end_idx]

            if self._scale == self._scale_num - 1:
                #sortedidxs_base_i = sortedidxs_base[start_idx:end_idx]
                sortedidxs_base_i = tf.constant([], tf.int32)
                end_idx_lastscale = tf.reshape(end_idx, [1, 1])

                if self._check_optial:
                    xyzs_i = tf.gather(xyzs, indices_i, axis=0)
                    mini = tf.reduce_min(xyzs_i, 0)
                    maxi = tf.reduce_max(xyzs_i, 0)
                    scope_i = maxi - mini
                    check_i = tf.reduce_all(
                        tf.less_equal(scope_i, self._resolution))
                #print('scale {} vid {} hist: {}'.format(self._scale, vidx, hist[vidx]))
                # After sorted, the vertices belong to this sub voxel are together
                # already. xyzs_i belong to vidx voxel only, but it is not sorted inside
                # vidx voxel
                xyzs_i = tf.gather(xyzs, indices_i, axis=0)
                sortedidxs_base_i = sortedidxs_base[start_idx:end_idx]
                sortedidxs_base_i, end_idx_lastscale = self._nodes[
                    vidx].add_point_cloud(xyzs_i, sortedidxs_base_i)
                m = self._scale_num - self._scale - 1
                tmp = tf.concat([
                    tf.zeros([1, m], tf.int32),
                    tf.reshape(start_idx, [1, 1])
                ], -1)
                end_idx_lastscale += tmp
            return end_idx, sortedidxs_base_i, end_idx_lastscale

        def no_op(start_idx, vidx):
            #print('scale {} vid {} empty'.format(self._scale, vidx))
            return start_idx, tf.constant([], tf.int32), \
                    tf.zeros([0,self._scale_num-self._scale], dtype=tf.int32)

        sorted_idxs_base_new = []
        end_idxs_lastscale = []

        start_idx_i = 0
        for i in range(8):
            not_empty = tf.greater(hist[i], 0)
            start_idx_i, sorted_idx_i, end_idx_lastscale_i = tf.cond(
                not_empty, lambda: add_one_voxel(start_idx_i, i),
                lambda: no_op(start_idx_i, i))
            ni = TfUtil.get_tensor_shape(end_idx_lastscale_i)[0]
            cur_vidx = tf.ones([ni, 1], tf.int32) * i
            end_idx_lastscale_i = tf.concat([cur_vidx, end_idx_lastscale_i],

        sorted_idxs_base_new = tf.concat(sorted_idxs_base_new, 0)
        if self._scale == self._scale_num - 1:
            sorted_idxs_base_new = sortedidxs_base
        end_idxs_lastscale = tf.concat(end_idxs_lastscale, 0)
        return sorted_idxs_base_new, end_idxs_lastscale
Esempio n. 17
def gather_second_d(inputs, indices):
  return TfUtil.gather_second_d(inputs, indices)
Esempio n. 18
def get_tensor_shape(tensor):
  return TfUtil.get_tensor_shape(tensor)
Esempio n. 19
def parse_record(tfrecord_serialized, is_training, dset_shape_idx, \
                    bsg=None, gen_ply=False):
    with tf.variable_scope('parse_record'):
        from utils.aug_data_tf import aug_main, aug_views
        #if dset_shape_idx!=None:
        #  from aug_data_tf import aug_data, tf_Rz
        #  R = tf_Rz(1)
        #  import pdb; pdb.set_trace()  # XXX BREAKPOINT

        eles = dset_shape_idx['indices'].keys()
        features_map = {
            'vertex_f': tf.FixedLenFeature([], tf.string),
            'vertex_uint8': tf.FixedLenFeature([], tf.string),
        if 'vertex_i' in eles:
            features['vertex_i'] = tf.FixedLenFeature([], tf.string)
        if 'face_i' in eles:
            features['face_i'] = tf.FixedLenFeature([], tf.string)
            features['valid_num_face'] = tf.FixedLenFeature([1],

        tfrecord_features = tf.parse_single_example(tfrecord_serialized,

        if 'vertex_i' in eles:
            vertex_i = tf.decode_raw(tfrecord_features['vertex_i'], tf.int32)
            vertex_i = tf.reshape(vertex_i,

        vertex_f = tf.decode_raw(tfrecord_features['vertex_f'], tf.float32)
        vertex_f = tf.reshape(vertex_f, dset_shape_idx['shape']['vertex_f'])

        vertex_uint8 = tf.decode_raw(tfrecord_features['vertex_uint8'],
        vertex_uint8 = tf.reshape(vertex_uint8,

        if 'face_i' in eles:
            face_i = tf.decode_raw(tfrecord_features['face_i'], tf.int32)
            face_i = tf.reshape(face_i, dset_shape_idx['shape']['face_i'])
            valid_num_face = tfrecord_features['valid_num_face']

        features = { "vertex_f": vertex_f, \
                    "vertex_uint8": vertex_uint8}
        if 'vertex_i' in tfrecord_features:
            features['vertex_i'] = vertex_i
        if 'face_i' in tfrecord_features:
            features['face_i'] = face_i
            features['valid_num_face'] = valid_num_face

        if bsg is not None:
            features = voxel_sampling_grouping(bsg, features, dset_shape_idx)

        label_category = get_ele(features, 'label_category', dset_shape_idx)
        labels = tf.squeeze(label_category, 1)

        for item in features.keys():
            if 'nb_enough_p' in item:
                assert TfUtil.tsize(features[item]) == 0, item
            elif 'label' in item:
                assert TfUtil.tsize(features[item]) == 1, item
            elif 'grouped_bot_cen_top' in item:
                assert TfUtil.tsize(features[item]) == 3, item
                assert TfUtil.tsize(features[item]) == 2, item
    return features, labels
Esempio n. 20
def get_shape0(t):
    return TfUtil.tshape0(t)