def draw(self, ctx, area, fill_or_stroke=True): """Draw the complete drawing by drawing each object in turn.""" self._painter.background(ctx, area, color=(1,1,1), clip=True) # paint white background self._painter.setup(ctx, transform={"translate":self.get_offset(), "scale": self.get_ratio()}) # paishysime tik tuos tashkus kurie pakliuna i vartotojo langa # reikia device_area konvertuoti i user koordinates x, y = self.device_to_user(Point(area.x, area.y)) x2, y2 = self.device_to_user(Point(area.x + area.width, area.y + area.height)) radius = 0 #self.pixel_radius + self.line_width # ne cia reikia prideti radiusa, o ten kur dedame i cavas'a shape'us # geriau cia, nes paprasciau yra iskviesti nupaisyti didesni gabala nei paskaiciuoti tikslu pvz linijo simboliu dydi... elements = self._index_rtree.intersection((x-radius, y-radius, x2+radius, y2+radius)) elements_zindex = self._styler.create_zindex(elements) # jis yra pilnas visu galimu zindex'u sarasas - pradzioje dalis ju gali buti ir tusti [] timer.start("draw") for zindex in sorted(elements_zindex.keys()): for element in elements_zindex[zindex]: #print "element: ", element[0][0] self._painter.draw(element, update=elements_zindex, fill_or_stroke=fill_or_stroke) # kazka visada nupaiso - bet dar papildomai gali iterpti elementu su didesniu zindex'u # tie elementai bus nupaisomi veliau. timer.end("draw")
def update_surface_buffer(self, area, offset=Point(0, 0)): """update self._surface_buffer""" #self._surface_buffer = None if not self._surface_buffer: self._surface_buffer = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, area.width, area.height) #self._surface_buffer = cairo.RecordingSurface(cairo.CONTENT_COLOR_ALPHA, (0,0, area.width, area.height)) context = cairo.Context(self._surface_buffer) timer.start("expose full redraw") self._canvas.draw(context, area) timer.end("expose full redraw") else: # reikia paslinkti arba tiesiog perpaisyti is buferio #print "expose buffer" # nupaisome buferi (jeigu reikia su postumiu) merged_surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, area.width, area.height) #merged_surface = cairo.RecordingSurface(cairo.CONTENT_COLOR_ALPHA, (0,0, area.width, area.height)) merged_ctx = cairo.Context(merged_surface) merged_ctx.set_source_surface(self._surface_buffer, offset.x, offset.y) merged_ctx.paint() # pridejome sena padraginta gabala # dabar pridesime papildomus gabalus, jeigu atliktas dragas self.invalidate_drag_regions(area, offset) # paskaiciuojame ka reikia perpaisyti po draginimo virsuje/apacioje/sonuose self.draw_invalid_regions(merged_surface) # perpaisome viska, kas buvo irasyra i self._redraw_regions = [] self._surface_buffer = merged_surface
def test(obj, tool): if obj[0] == 4: #data = Shape.decompress(obj).get_data() #data1 = geometry.curve2ocad(data) #data2 = geometry.triplets2bezier(data) geometry.bezier_points = [] timer.start("BezierLength") # praleidziama pirma ir paskutines koordinates length = geometry.bezier_length(obj[3:], maxdepth=4, distance_tolerance=0.25) # bent dvigubai greiciau nei, kai distance_tolerance=None, panasu kai maxdepth=3 # reikia apsispresti kas geriau (maxdepth=4, distance_tolerance=0.25), ar (maxdepth=3, distance_tolerance=None) # panasu, kad maxdepth=3 - duoda daugiau tasku # maxdepth=3 - rezultatas mane tenkina, ar galima pagreitinti pridejus distance_tolerance? timer.end("BezierLength") print "bezier length: ", length timer.start("CairoLength") length2 = geometry.cairo_curve_length(obj[3:]) timer.end("CairoLength") print "cairo length: ", length2 if tool._curve_id: screen.replace(tool._curve_id, ScreenLine(geometry.bezier_points)) else: tool._curve_id = screen.add(ScreenLine(geometry.bezier_points)) #timer.start("BezierLength22") #print "lnegth: ", geometry.bezier_length(data2, maxdepth=4, distance_tolerance=None) #timer.end("BezierLength22") return "Length: " + str(length) else: return str(obj[1]) + " - z-index: " + str(screen.get_canvas().get_styler().get_style(obj).get("z-index", "?")) #obj[1]
def paint_buffer(self, zoom=0): """zoom:0, tai atliekam iprasta perpaisyma (zoom nebuvo paspaustas) zoom:1 - pradinis perpaisymas po zoom paspaudimo, nupaisome tik vartotojui matoma dali zoom:2 - perpaisymas po expose ivykdymo, dapaisome likusia buferio dali """ #print "paint_buffer :", zoom self.ui_set_cursor("wait_arrow") area = self._device_area self._canvas.drag2(Point(area.width, area.height)) #pastumiam canvas, kuri paskui atstumsime atgal if not zoom: #timer.start("update 3x3") #self._surface_buffer = None - pilnai perpiesti draginimo metu apsimoka tik kartais, kai zoomlevelis pats maziausias - nes tada # ta pati figura patenka tiek i kaire tiek ir i desine drago puse ir yra perpaisoma du kartus self.update_surface_buffer(Area(0, 0, area.width*3, area.height*3), self._buffer_offset) #timer.end("update 3x3") elif zoom == 1: # perpaisome po zoom paspaudimo virsutine kaire dali #self._surface_buffer = None timer.start("update 2x2") self.update_surface_buffer(Area(0, 0, area.width*2, area.height*2)) timer.end("update 2x2") self._zoom = True # po expose elif zoom == 2: # perpaisysime likusia dali timer.start("update invalid") self.invalidate(Area(area.width*2, 0, area.width, area.height*2)) # invaliduojame buferio desini sona self.invalidate(Area(0, area.height*2, area.width*3, area.height)) # invaliduojame buferio apacia self.update_surface_buffer(Area(0, 0, area.width*3, area.height*3)) timer.end("update invalid") self._zoom = False self._canvas.drag2(Point(-area.width, -area.height)) self.ui_reset_cursor()
def load_fcad_file(self, file_path): timer.start("loading shapes.fcad") self._shapes = ShapeFile.read_fcad_file(file_path) if len(self._shapes): def generator_function(points): for i, obj in enumerate(points): if obj == None: continue yield (i, self._styler.get_bbox(fshape.Shape.decompress(obj)), obj) self._index_rtree = Rtree(generator_function(self._shapes)) timer.end("loading shapes.fcad")
def press(self, screen, point): timer.start("press") if self._object_index != None: id = self._selected_objects[self._object_index] found = list(reversed(screen.get_canvas().find_objects_at_position(point))) # apverciame kad pirmi eitu tie kuriuos nupaiseme veliausiai if id in found: self._drag_object_id = id # start dragging object self._drag_object_point = point # start of the dragging else: self._drag_object_id = None timer.end("press")
def load_pickle(self, file_path): timer.start("loading shapes.p") if os.path.exists(file_path): self._shapes = pickle.load(open(file_path, "rb")) if len(self._shapes): def generator_function(points): for i, obj in enumerate(points): if obj == None: continue yield (i, self._styler.get_bbox(fshape.Shape.decompress(obj)), obj) self._index_rtree = Rtree(generator_function(self._shapes)) timer.end("loading shapes.p")
def draw_object(self, ctx, id, fill_or_stroke=True): #self.apply_transforms(ctx) # drag and scale self._painter.setup(ctx, transform={"translate":self.get_offset(), "scale": self.get_ratio()}) elements_zindex = self._styler.create_zindex([id]) timer.start("draw single object") for zindex in sorted(elements_zindex.keys()): for element in elements_zindex[zindex]: self._painter.draw(element, update=elements_zindex, fill_or_stroke=fill_or_stroke) # kazka visada nupaiso - bet dar papildomai gali iterpti elementu su didesniu zindex'u timer.end("draw single object")
def louvainCommunityDetection(f, ft, gnx): start = timer.start(ft, 'Louvain') bp = community.best_partition(gnx) comSizeBp = getCommunitySize(gnx, bp) timer.stop(ft, start) writeTofile(comSizeBp, f) return comSizeBp
def k_core(f,ft,gnx): start = timer.start(ft, 'K-Core') result = nx.core_number(gnx) timer.stop(ft, start) for k in result: f.writelines(str(k) + ',' + str(result[k]) + '\n'); return result
def page_rank(gnx, f, ft): start = timer.start(ft, 'Page Rank') page_rank_values = nx.pagerank(gnx, alpha=0.9) timer.stop(ft, start) for k in page_rank_values.keys(): f.writelines(str(k) + ',' + str(page_rank_values[k]) + '\n') return page_rank_values
def attractor_basin(gnx, f, ft): if(not gnx.is_directed()): return start = timer.start(ft, 'Attractor Basin') attractor_dict = calc_attractor_basin(gnx) timer.stop(ft, start) for k in attractor_dict.keys(): f.writelines(str(k) + ',' + str(attractor_dict[k]) + '\n') return attractor_dict
def hierarchy_energy(gnx, f, ft): start = timer.start(ft, 'hierarchyEnergy') hierarchyEnergy_list, vet_index = calculate_hierarchyEnergy_index(gnx) timer.stop(ft, start) #writing the results in to file for n in range(0, len(vet_index)): f.writelines( str(vet_index[n]) + ',' + str(hierarchyEnergy_list[n][0]) + '\n') return hierarchyEnergy_list
def mask_iou(mask1, mask2, iscrowd=False): """ Inputs inputs are matricies of size _ x N. Output is size _1 x _2. Note: if iscrowd is True, then mask2 should be the crowd. """ timer.start('Mask IoU') intersection = torch.matmul(mask1, mask2.t()) area1 = torch.sum(mask1, dim=1).view(1, -1) area2 = torch.sum(mask2, dim=1).view(1, -1) union = (area1.t() + area2) - intersection if iscrowd: # Make sure to brodcast to the right dimension ret = intersection / area1.t() else: ret = intersection / union timer.stop('Mask IoU') return ret.cpu()
def release(self, screen, point): timer.start("release") if self._drag_object_id != None: # object drag end offset = (point.x - self._drag_object_point.x, point.y - self._drag_object_point.y) if offset != (0,0): Invoker.execute(MoveShapeCommand(self, screen, self._drag_object_id, offset)) text = "Object %i was moved." % self._drag_object_id self._drag_object_id = None return text shape_id = self.get_next(screen, point) if shape_id != None: self.show_handlers(screen, ScreenSelectedObject(shape_id)) timer.end("release") return "%i:%i of %i" % (self._object_index, shape_id, len(self._selected_objects)) else: timer.end("release") return "No objects found"
def general_information_undirected(gnx, f, ft): degrees = [] start = timer.start(ft, 'Genral information') nodes = gnx.nodes() [degrees.append([n,]) for n in nodes] timer.stop(ft, start) [f.writelines(str(degree[0]) + ',' + str(degree[1]) + '\n') for degree in degrees] map_degree = {} for degree in degrees: map_degree[degree[0]] = [degree[1]] return map_degree
def find_all_motifs(f, ft, ggt, motifs_number): motifs_veriations = get_motif_veriation_list(motifs_number) start = timer.start(ft, 'Find Motifs ' + str(motifs_number) + ' ') result = gt.clustering.motifs(ggt, motif_list=motifs_veriations, k=motifs_number, return_maps=True) timer.stop(ft, start) return parse_motif_result(f, ft, ggt, motifs_number, result, motifs_veriations)
def flow_mesure(f, ft, gnx): start = timer.start(ft, 'Flow Mesure') flow_map = calculate_flow_index(gnx) timer.stop(ft, start) for n in flow_map: f.writelines(str(n)+','+str(flow_map[n]) + '\n') return flow_map
def bfs_distance_distribution(f, ft, gnx): start = timer.start(ft, 'BFS distance distribution') bfs_dist = calc_bfs_dist(gnx) dist_moments = {} for key in bfs_dist.keys(): lst = [] lst.append(float(np.mean(bfs_dist[key]))) lst.append(float(np.std(bfs_dist[key]))) dist_moments[key] = lst timer.stop(ft, start) write_bfs_moments_to_file(dist_moments, f) return dist_moments
def general_information_directed(gnx, f, ft): out_deg = [] in_deg = [] start = timer.start(ft,'Genral information') nodes = gnx.nodes() [out_deg.append([n, gnx.out_degree(n)]) for n in nodes] [in_deg.append([n, gnx.in_degree(n)]) for n in nodes] timer.stop(ft,start) [f.writelines(str(i) + ',' + str(in_deg[i][1]) +',' + str(out_deg[i][1]) + '\n') for i in nodes] map_degree ={} for n in nodes: map_degree[n] = [in_deg[n][1], out_deg[n][1]] return map_degree
def draw_100(self, ctx, area): """100% draw for printing, no scale, area in user coordinates""" page_area = Area(0, 0, area.width, area.height) #ctx.rectangle(0, 0, area.width, area.height) #ctx.clip() # tam kad nepaisytu uzh sito staciakampio ribu (tada gaunasi dubliuotos linijos) #self.background(ctx, page_area) # paint white background self._painter.background(ctx, page_area, color=(1,1,1), clip=True) # paint white background self._painter.setup(ctx, transform={"translate":(-area.x, -area.y)}) radius = 0 #self.pixel_radius + self.line_width # ne cia reikia prideti radiusa, o ten kur dedame i cavas'a shape'us elements = self._index_rtree.intersection((area.x-radius, area.y-radius, area.x+area.width+radius, area.y+area.height+radius)) elements_zindex = self._styler.create_zindex(elements) # jis yra pilnas visu galimu zindex'u sarasas - pradzioje dalis ju gali buti ir tusti [] timer.start("draw100") for zindex in sorted(elements_zindex.keys()): for element in elements_zindex[zindex]: self._painter.draw(element, update=elements_zindex) # kazka visada nupaiso - bet dar papildomai gali iterpti elementu su didesniu zindex'u # tie elementai bus nupaisomi veliau. timer.end("draw100")
def find_all_circuits(f, ft, ggt): start = timer.start(ft, 'Find Cycles') circuits = graph_tool.topology.all_circuits(ggt) timer.stop(ft, start) for c in circuits: first = True for v in c: if (first): f.writelines('[' + str([v])) first = False else: f.writelines(',' + str([v])) f.writelines(']\n')
def betweenness_centrality(ggt, f, ft, normalized=False): b_prop = ggt.new_vertex_property('float') ggt.vp.bc = b_prop start = timer.start(ft, 'Betweenness Centrality') graph_tool.centrality.betweenness(ggt, vprop=b_prop, norm=normalized) timer.stop(ft, start) for v in ggt.vertices(): f.writelines([v] + ',' + str(ggt.vp.bc[v]) + '\n') graph_tool.centrality.betweenness(ggt, norm=False) nx.betweenness_centrality(gnx, normalized=False)
def add_random_points(self, number, area, generator=True): """Kai generator=False - sunaudoja maziau atminties ikrovimo metu, bet trunka gerokai leciau """ self._shapes = [] timer.start("Adding random data") from random import randint for x in range(0, number): color = 65536 * randint(0,255) + 256 * randint(0,255) + randint(0,255) # RGBint x, y = randint(2, area.width), randint(2, area.height) if not generator: # darysime rtree.add kiekvienam taskui atskirai self.add(fshape.Shape(1, Point(x, y), color=color)) else: self._shapes.append((1, color, x, y)) if generator: def generator_function(points): for i, obj in enumerate(points): yield (i, (obj[2], obj[3], obj[2], obj[3]), obj) self._index_rtree = Rtree(generator_function(self._shapes)) timer.end("Adding random data")
def load_ocad_file(self, file_path, generator=True): #import ocadfile #self.add(Shape(1, Point(0, 0), symbol="graphics")) # koordinaciu centras self._prj = GisProjection() self._zoom_level = self._ratio_index.index(4) of = OcadFile(file_path, self._prj) #self._styler.load_ocad_symbols(of, prj) timer.start("Adding ocad symbols") self._styler.set_symbols_style(of.get_symbols_style()) timer.end("Adding ocad symbols") timer.start("Adding ocad elements") shapes = of.get_shapes() print "Shapes: ", len(shapes) for shape in shapes: self.add(shape) timer.end("Adding ocad elements")
def load_shape_file(self, file_path, generator=True): import shapefile from random import randint sf = shapefile.Reader(file_path) print "Number of shapes: ", sf.numRecords self.add(fshape.Shape(1, Point(0, 0), style={"z-index":99})) # koordinaciu centras if self.prj.scale == 1: # pirmas kartas prj = GisProjection(self, sf.bbox) #po sito ciklo jau turesime zemelapio ribas center = prj.map_to_user(prj.get_center()) self.prj = prj timer.start("Adding shapes") symbol = sf.shapeName.split("/")[-1] self._styler.set_symbol_style(symbol, {"color": (randint(0,255),randint(0,255),randint(0,255))}) for shape in sf.ogis_shapes(self.prj): self.add(fshape.Shape(shape.shapeType, shape.points, symbol=symbol)) timer.end("Adding shapes")
def find_all_motifs(f, ft, gnx, motif_path, motifs_number=3): gnx_copy = gnx.copy() start = timer.start(ft, 'Find Motifs ' + str(motifs_number) + ' ') if motifs_number == 3: motifsHist = find_motifs_3(gnx_copy, motif_path) if motifs_number == 4: motifsHist = find_motifs_4(gnx_copy, motif_path) timer.stop(ft, start) print 'start write to file: ' + str( for i in motifsHist: line = str(i) for h in motifsHist[i]: line = line + ',' + str(h) f.writelines(line + '\n') print 'finish write to file: ' + str( return motifsHist
def prep_metrics(ap_data, nms_outs, gt, gt_masks, h, w, num_crowd, image_id, make_json, cocoapi): """ Returns a list of APs for this image, with each element being for a class """ with timer.env('After NMS'): class_ids, classes, boxes, masks = after_nms(nms_outs, h, w) if class_ids.size(0) == 0: return class_ids = list(class_ids.cpu().numpy().astype(int)) classes = list(classes.cpu().numpy().astype(float)) masks = masks.view(-1, h * w).cuda() if cuda else masks.view(-1, h * w) boxes = boxes.cuda() if cuda else boxes if cocoapi: with timer.env('Output json'): boxes = boxes.cpu().numpy() masks = masks.view(-1, h, w).cpu().numpy() for i in range(masks.shape[0]): # Make sure that the bounding box actually makes sense and a mask was produced if (boxes[i, 3] - boxes[i, 1]) * (boxes[i, 2] - boxes[i, 0]) > 0: make_json.add_bbox(image_id, class_ids[i], boxes[i, :], classes[i]) make_json.add_mask(image_id, class_ids[i], masks[i, :, :], classes[i]) return with timer.env('Prepare gt'): gt_boxes = torch.Tensor(gt[:, :4]) gt_boxes[:, [0, 2]] *= w gt_boxes[:, [1, 3]] *= h gt_classes = list(gt[:, 4].astype(int)) gt_masks = torch.Tensor(gt_masks).view(-1, h * w) if num_crowd > 0: split = lambda x: (x[-num_crowd:], x[:-num_crowd]) crowd_boxes, gt_boxes = split(gt_boxes) crowd_masks, gt_masks = split(gt_masks) crowd_classes, gt_classes = split(gt_classes) with timer.env('Eval Setup'): num_pred = len(class_ids) num_gt = len(gt_classes) mask_iou_cache = mask_iou(masks, gt_masks) bbox_iou_cache = bbox_iou(boxes.float(), gt_boxes.float()) if num_crowd > 0: crowd_mask_iou_cache = mask_iou(masks, crowd_masks, iscrowd=True) crowd_bbox_iou_cache = bbox_iou(boxes.float(), crowd_boxes.float(), iscrowd=True) else: crowd_mask_iou_cache = None crowd_bbox_iou_cache = None iou_types = [('box', lambda i, j: bbox_iou_cache[i, j].item(), lambda i, j: crowd_bbox_iou_cache[i, j].item()), ('mask', lambda i, j: mask_iou_cache[i, j].item(), lambda i, j: crowd_mask_iou_cache[i, j].item())] timer.start('Main loop') for _class in set(class_ids + gt_classes): num_gt_for_class = sum([1 for x in gt_classes if x == _class]) for iouIdx in range(len(iou_thresholds)): iou_threshold = iou_thresholds[iouIdx] for iou_type, iou_func, crowd_func in iou_types: gt_used = [False] * len(gt_classes) ap_obj = ap_data[iou_type][iouIdx][_class] ap_obj.add_gt_positives(num_gt_for_class) for i in range(num_pred): if class_ids[i] != _class: continue max_iou_found = iou_threshold max_match_idx = -1 for j in range(num_gt): if gt_used[j] or gt_classes[j] != _class: continue iou = iou_func(i, j) if iou > max_iou_found: max_iou_found = iou max_match_idx = j if max_match_idx >= 0: gt_used[max_match_idx] = True ap_obj.push(classes[i], True) else: # If the detection matches a crowd, we can just ignore it matched_crowd = False if num_crowd > 0: for j in range(len(crowd_classes)): if crowd_classes[j] != _class: continue iou = crowd_func(i, j) if iou > iou_threshold: matched_crowd = True break # All this crowd code so that we can make sure that our eval code gives the # same result as COCOEval. There aren't even that many crowd annotations to # begin with, but accuracy is of the utmost importance. if not matched_crowd: ap_obj.push(classes[i], False) timer.stop('Main loop')
def evaluate(net, cfg, step=None): dataset = COCODetection(cfg, mode='val') data_loader = data.DataLoader(dataset, 1, num_workers=4, shuffle=False, pin_memory=True, collate_fn=val_collate) ds = len(data_loader) progress_bar = ProgressBar(40, ds) timer.reset() ap_data = { 'box': [[APDataObject() for _ in cfg.class_names] for _ in iou_thres], 'mask': [[APDataObject() for _ in cfg.class_names] for _ in iou_thres] } with torch.no_grad(): for i, (img, gt, gt_masks, img_h, img_w) in enumerate(data_loader): if i == 1: timer.start() if cfg.cuda: img, gt, gt_masks = img.cuda(), gt.cuda(), gt_masks.cuda() with timer.counter('forward'): class_p, box_p, coef_p, proto_p, anchors = net(img) with timer.counter('nms'): ids_p, class_p, box_p, coef_p, proto_p = nms( class_p, box_p, coef_p, proto_p, anchors, cfg) with timer.counter('after_nms'): ids_p, class_p, boxes_p, masks_p = after_nms( ids_p, class_p, box_p, coef_p, proto_p, img_h, img_w) if ids_p is None: continue with timer.counter('metric'): ids_p = list(ids_p.cpu().numpy().astype(int)) class_p = list(class_p.cpu().numpy().astype(float)) if cfg.coco_api: boxes_p = boxes_p.cpu().numpy() masks_p = masks_p.cpu().numpy() for j in range(masks_p.shape[0]): if (boxes_p[j, 3] - boxes_p[j, 1]) * ( boxes_p[j, 2] - boxes_p[j, 0]) > 0: make_json.add_bbox(dataset.ids[i], ids_p[j], boxes_p[j, :], class_p[j]) make_json.add_mask(dataset.ids[i], ids_p[j], masks_p[j, :, :], class_p[j]) else: prep_metrics(ap_data, ids_p, class_p, boxes_p, masks_p, gt, gt_masks, img_h, img_w, iou_thres) aa = time.perf_counter() if i > 0: batch_time = aa - temp timer.add_batch_time(batch_time) temp = aa if i > 0: t_t, t_d, t_f, t_nms, t_an, t_me = timer.get_times( ['batch', 'data', 'forward', 'nms', 'after_nms', 'metric']) fps, t_fps = 1 / (t_d + t_f + t_nms + t_an), 1 / t_t bar_str = progress_bar.get_bar(i + 1) print( f'\rTesting: {bar_str} {i + 1}/{ds}, fps: {fps:.2f} | total fps: {t_fps:.2f} | ' f't_t: {t_t:.3f} | t_d: {t_d:.3f} | t_f: {t_f:.3f} | t_nms: {t_nms:.3f} | ' f't_after_nms: {t_an:.3f} | t_metric: {t_me:.3f}', end='') if cfg.coco_api: make_json.dump() print( f'\nJson files dumped, saved in: \'results/\', start evaluating.' ) gt_annotations = COCO(cfg.val_ann) bbox_dets = gt_annotations.loadRes(f'results/bbox_detections.json') mask_dets = gt_annotations.loadRes(f'results/mask_detections.json') print('\nEvaluating BBoxes:') bbox_eval = COCOeval(gt_annotations, bbox_dets, 'bbox') bbox_eval.evaluate() bbox_eval.accumulate() bbox_eval.summarize() print('\nEvaluating Masks:') bbox_eval = COCOeval(gt_annotations, mask_dets, 'segm') bbox_eval.evaluate() bbox_eval.accumulate() bbox_eval.summarize() else: table, box_row, mask_row = calc_map(ap_data, iou_thres, len(cfg.class_names), step=step) print(table) return table, box_row, mask_row
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='YOLACT Detection.') parser.add_argument('--weight', default='weights/best_30.5_res101_coco_392000.pth', type=str) parser.add_argument('--image', default=None, type=str, help='The folder of images for detecting.') parser.add_argument('--video', default=None, type=str, help='The path of the video to evaluate.') parser.add_argument('--img_size', type=int, default=544, help='The image size for validation.') parser.add_argument('--traditional_nms', default=False, action='store_true', help='Whether to use traditional nms.') parser.add_argument('--hide_mask', default=False, action='store_true', help='Hide masks in results.') parser.add_argument('--hide_bbox', default=False, action='store_true', help='Hide boxes in results.') parser.add_argument('--hide_score', default=False, action='store_true', help='Hide scores in results.') parser.add_argument('--cutout', default=False, action='store_true', help='Cut out each object and save.') parser.add_argument('--save_lincomb', default=False, action='store_true', help='Show the generating process of masks.') parser.add_argument('--no_crop', default=False, action='store_true', help='Do not crop the output masks with the predicted bounding box.') parser.add_argument('--real_time', default=False, action='store_true', help='Show the detection results real-timely.') parser.add_argument('--visual_thre', default=0.3, type=float, help='Detections with a score under this threshold will be removed.') args = parser.parse_args() prefix = re.findall(r'best_\d+\.\d+_', args.weight)[0] suffix = re.findall(r'_\d+\.pth', args.weight)[0] args.cfg = args.weight.split(prefix)[-1].split(suffix)[0] cfg = get_config(args, mode='detect') net = Yolact(cfg) net.load_weights(cfg.weight, cfg.cuda) net.eval() if cfg.cuda: cudnn.benchmark = True cudnn.fastest = True net = net.cuda() # detect images if cfg.image is not None: dataset = COCODetection(cfg, mode='detect') data_loader = data.DataLoader(dataset, 1, num_workers=2, shuffle=False, pin_memory=True, collate_fn=detect_collate) ds = len(data_loader) assert ds > 0, 'No .jpg images found.' progress_bar = ProgressBar(40, ds) timer.reset() for i, (img, img_origin, img_name) in enumerate(data_loader): if i == 1: timer.start() if cfg.cuda: img = img.cuda() img_h, img_w = img_origin.shape[0:2] with torch.no_grad(), timer.counter('forward'): class_p, box_p, coef_p, proto_p = net(img) with timer.counter('nms'): ids_p, class_p, box_p, coef_p, proto_p = nms(class_p, box_p, coef_p, proto_p, net.anchors, cfg) with timer.counter('after_nms'): ids_p, class_p, boxes_p, masks_p = after_nms(ids_p, class_p, box_p, coef_p, proto_p, img_h, img_w, cfg, img_name=img_name) with timer.counter('save_img'): img_numpy = draw_img(ids_p, class_p, boxes_p, masks_p, img_origin, cfg, img_name=img_name) cv2.imwrite(f'results/images/{img_name}', img_numpy) aa = time.perf_counter() if i > 0: batch_time = aa - temp timer.add_batch_time(batch_time) temp = aa if i > 0: t_t, t_d, t_f, t_nms, t_an, t_si = timer.get_times(['batch', 'data', 'forward', 'nms', 'after_nms', 'save_img']) fps, t_fps = 1 / (t_d + t_f + t_nms + t_an), 1 / t_t bar_str = progress_bar.get_bar(i + 1) print(f'\rTesting: {bar_str} {i + 1}/{ds}, fps: {fps:.2f} | total fps: {t_fps:.2f} | ' f't_t: {t_t:.3f} | t_d: {t_d:.3f} | t_f: {t_f:.3f} | t_nms: {t_nms:.3f} | ' f't_after_nms: {t_an:.3f} | t_save_img: {t_si:.3f}', end='') print('\nFinished, saved in: results/images.') # detect videos elif is not None: vid = cv2.VideoCapture( target_fps = round(vid.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)) frame_width = round(vid.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)) frame_height = round(vid.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)) num_frames = round(vid.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)) name ='/')[-1] video_writer = cv2.VideoWriter(f'results/videos/{name}', cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*"mp4v"), target_fps, (frame_width, frame_height)) progress_bar = ProgressBar(40, num_frames) timer.reset() t_fps = 0 for i in range(num_frames): if i == 1: timer.start() frame_origin =[1] img_h, img_w = frame_origin.shape[0:2] frame_trans = val_aug(frame_origin, cfg.img_size) frame_tensor = torch.tensor(frame_trans).float() if cfg.cuda: frame_tensor = frame_tensor.cuda() with torch.no_grad(), timer.counter('forward'): class_p, box_p, coef_p, proto_p = net(frame_tensor.unsqueeze(0)) with timer.counter('nms'): ids_p, class_p, box_p, coef_p, proto_p = nms(class_p, box_p, coef_p, proto_p, net.anchors, cfg) with timer.counter('after_nms'): ids_p, class_p, boxes_p, masks_p = after_nms(ids_p, class_p, box_p, coef_p, proto_p, img_h, img_w, cfg) with timer.counter('save_img'): frame_numpy = draw_img(ids_p, class_p, boxes_p, masks_p, frame_origin, cfg, fps=t_fps) if cfg.real_time: cv2.imshow('Detection', frame_numpy) cv2.waitKey(1) else: video_writer.write(frame_numpy) aa = time.perf_counter() if i > 0: batch_time = aa - temp timer.add_batch_time(batch_time) temp = aa if i > 0: t_t, t_d, t_f, t_nms, t_an, t_si = timer.get_times(['batch', 'data', 'forward', 'nms', 'after_nms', 'save_img']) fps, t_fps = 1 / (t_d + t_f + t_nms + t_an), 1 / t_t bar_str = progress_bar.get_bar(i + 1) print(f'\rDetecting: {bar_str} {i + 1}/{num_frames}, fps: {fps:.2f} | total fps: {t_fps:.2f} | ' f't_t: {t_t:.3f} | t_d: {t_d:.3f} | t_f: {t_f:.3f} | t_nms: {t_nms:.3f} | ' f't_after_nms: {t_an:.3f} | t_save_img: {t_si:.3f}', end='') if not cfg.real_time: print(f'\n\nFinished, saved in: results/videos/{name}') vid.release() video_writer.release()
args = parser.parse_args() cfg = Config(args=args.__dict__, mode='Detect') cfg.show_config() test_dataset = Seg_dataset(cfg) model = DLASeg(cfg).cuda() model.load_state_dict(torch.load(cfg.trained_model), strict=True) model.eval() timer.reset() with torch.no_grad(): for i, (data_tuple, img_name) in enumerate(test_dataset): if i == 1: timer.start() # timer does not timing for the first image. img_name = img_name.replace('tif', 'png') image = data_tuple[0].unsqueeze(0).cuda().detach() with timer.counter('forward'): output = model(image) with timer.counter('save result'): pred = torch.max(output, 1)[1].squeeze(0).cpu().numpy() if cfg.colorful: pred = PALLETE[pred].astype('uint8') cv2.imwrite(f'results/{img_name}', pred) if cfg.overlay: pred = PALLETE[pred].astype('uint8')
sess = ort.InferenceSession(cfg.weight) input_name = sess.get_inputs()[0].name # detect images if cfg.image is not None: dataset = COCODetection(cfg, mode='detect') data_loader = data.DataLoader(dataset, 1, num_workers=4, shuffle=False, pin_memory=True, collate_fn=detect_onnx_collate) ds = len(data_loader) assert ds > 0, 'No .jpg images found.' progress_bar = ProgressBar(40, ds) timer.reset() for i, (img, img_origin, img_name) in enumerate(data_loader): if i == 1: timer.start() img_h, img_w = img_origin.shape[0:2] with timer.counter('forward'): class_p, box_p, coef_p, proto_p, anchors =, {input_name: img}) with timer.counter('nms'): ids_p, class_p, box_p, coef_p, proto_p = nms_numpy(class_p, box_p, coef_p, proto_p, anchors, cfg) with timer.counter('after_nms'): ids_p, class_p, boxes_p, masks_p = after_nms_numpy(ids_p, class_p, box_p, coef_p, proto_p, img_h, img_w, cfg) with timer.counter('save_img'): img_numpy = draw_img(ids_p, class_p, boxes_p, masks_p, img_origin, cfg, img_name=img_name)
# if cfg.MODEL.USE_SYNCBN: # TODO: figure this out # model = torch.nn.SyncBatchNorm.convert_sync_batchnorm(model) optim = Optimizer(model, cfg) checkpointer = Checkpointer(cfg, model.module, optim.optimizer) start_iter = int(cfg.resume.split('_')[-1].split('.')[0]) if cfg.resume else 0 data_loader = make_data_loader(cfg, start_iter=start_iter) max_iter = len(data_loader) - 1 timer.reset() main_gpu = dist.get_rank() == 0 num_gpu = dist.get_world_size() for i, (img_list_batch, box_list_batch) in enumerate(data_loader, start_iter): if main_gpu and i == start_iter + 1: timer.start() optim.update_lr(step=i) img_tensor_batch = torch.stack([aa.img for aa in img_list_batch], dim=0).cuda() for box_list in box_list_batch: box_list.to_cuda() with timer.counter('for+loss'): category_loss, box_loss, iou_loss = model(img_tensor_batch, box_list_batch) all_loss = torch.stack([category_loss, box_loss, iou_loss], dim=0) dist.reduce(all_loss, dst=0) if main_gpu: # get the mean loss across all GPUS l_c = all_loss[0].item() / num_gpu # seems when printing, need to call .item(), not sure l_b = all_loss[1].item() / num_gpu
def inference(model, cfg, during_training=False): model.eval() predictions, coco_results = {}, [] val_loader = make_data_loader(cfg, during_training=during_training) dataset = val_loader.dataset dl = len(val_loader) bar = ProgressBar(length=40, max_val=dl) timer.reset() with torch.no_grad(): for i, (img_list_batch, _) in enumerate(val_loader): if i == 1: timer.start() with timer.counter('forward'): img_tensor_batch = torch.stack( [aa.img for aa in img_list_batch], dim=0).cuda() c_pred, box_pred, iou_pred, anchors = model(img_tensor_batch) with timer.counter('post_process'): resized_size = [aa.resized_size for aa in img_list_batch] pred_batch = post_process(cfg, c_pred, box_pred, iou_pred, anchors, resized_size) with timer.counter('accumulate'): for pred in pred_batch: pred.to_cpu() for img_list, pred in zip(img_list_batch, pred_batch): if[0] == 0: continue original_id = dataset.id_img_map[] pred.resize(img_list.ori_size) pred.convert_mode("x1y1wh") boxes = score = pred.score.tolist() label = pred.label.tolist() mapped_labels = [dataset.to_category_id[i] for i in label] coco_results.extend([{ "image_id": original_id, "category_id": mapped_labels[k], "bbox": box, "score": score[k] } for k, box in enumerate(boxes)]) aa = time.perf_counter() if i > 0: batch_time = aa - temp timer.add_batch_time(batch_time) time_name = [ 'batch', 'data', 'forward', 'post_process', 'accumulate' ] t_t, t_d, t_f, t_pp, t_acc = timer.get_times(time_name) fps, t_fps = 1 / (t_d + t_f + t_pp), 1 / t_t bar_str = bar.get_bar(i + 1) print( f'\rTesting: {bar_str} {i + 1}/{dl}, fps: {fps:.2f} | total fps: {t_fps:.2f} | t_t: {t_t:.3f} | ' f't_d: {t_d:.3f} | t_f: {t_f:.3f} | t_pp: {t_pp:.3f} | t_acc: {t_acc:.3f}', end='') temp = aa print('\n\nTest ended, doing evaluation...') json_name = cfg.weight.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] file_path = f'results/{json_name}.json' with open(file_path, "w") as f: json.dump(coco_results, f) coco_dt = dataset.coco.loadRes(file_path) if cfg.val_api == 'Improved COCO': from my_cocoeval.cocoeval import SelfEval bbox_eval = SelfEval(dataset.coco, coco_dt, all_points=True) else: from pycocotools.cocoeval import COCOeval bbox_eval = COCOeval(dataset.coco, coco_dt, iouType='bbox') bbox_eval.evaluate() bbox_eval.accumulate() bbox_eval.summarize() if not during_training: if cfg.val_api == 'Improved COCO': bbox_eval.draw_curve() else: compute_thre_per_class(bbox_eval)
def prep_metrics(ap_data, dets, img, gt, gt_masks, h, w, num_crowd, image_id, detections: Detections = None): """ Returns a list of APs for this image, with each element being for a class """ if not args.output_coco_json: with timer.env('Prepare gt'): gt_boxes = jt.array(gt[:, :4]) gt_boxes[:, [0, 2]] *= w gt_boxes[:, [1, 3]] *= h gt_classes = list(gt[:, 4].astype(int)) gt_masks = jt.array(gt_masks).view(-1, h * w) if num_crowd > 0: split = lambda x: (x[-num_crowd:], x[:-num_crowd]) crowd_boxes, gt_boxes = split(gt_boxes) crowd_masks, gt_masks = split(gt_masks) crowd_classes, gt_classes = split(gt_classes) with timer.env('Postprocess'): classes, scores, boxes, masks = postprocess( dets, w, h, crop_masks=args.crop, score_threshold=args.score_threshold) if classes.size(0) == 0: return classes = list(classes.numpy().astype(int)) if isinstance(scores, list): box_scores = list(scores[0].numpy().astype(float)) mask_scores = list(scores[1].numpy().astype(float)) else: scores = list(scores.numpy().astype(float)) box_scores = scores mask_scores = scores masks = masks.view(-1, h * w) boxes = boxes #print('GG') if args.output_coco_json: with timer.env('JSON Output'): boxes = boxes.numpy() masks = masks.view(-1, h, w).numpy() for i in range(masks.shape[0]): # Make sure that the bounding box actually makes sense and a mask was produced if (boxes[i, 3] - boxes[i, 1]) * (boxes[i, 2] - boxes[i, 0]) > 0: detections.add_bbox(image_id, classes[i], boxes[i, :], box_scores[i]) detections.add_mask(image_id, classes[i], masks[i, :, :], mask_scores[i]) return #print('GG') with timer.env('Eval Setup'): num_pred = len(classes) num_gt = len(gt_classes) mask_iou_cache = _mask_iou(masks, gt_masks).numpy() bbox_iou_cache = _bbox_iou(boxes.float(), gt_boxes.float()).numpy() if num_crowd > 0: crowd_mask_iou_cache = _mask_iou(masks, crowd_masks, iscrowd=True).numpy() crowd_bbox_iou_cache = _bbox_iou(boxes.float(), crowd_boxes.float(), iscrowd=True).numpy() else: crowd_mask_iou_cache = None crowd_bbox_iou_cache = None box_indices = sorted(range(num_pred), key=lambda i: -box_scores[i]) mask_indices = sorted(box_indices, key=lambda i: -mask_scores[i]) iou_types = [('box', lambda i, j: bbox_iou_cache[i, j].item(), lambda i, j: crowd_bbox_iou_cache[i, j].item(), lambda i: box_scores[i], box_indices), ('mask', lambda i, j: mask_iou_cache[i, j].item(), lambda i, j: crowd_mask_iou_cache[i, j].item(), lambda i: mask_scores[i], mask_indices)] #print('GG') #print(bbox_iou_cache) timer.start('Main loop') for _class in set(classes + gt_classes): ap_per_iou = [] num_gt_for_class = sum([1 for x in gt_classes if x == _class]) for iouIdx in range(len(iou_thresholds)): iou_threshold = iou_thresholds[iouIdx] for iou_type, iou_func, crowd_func, score_func, indices in iou_types: gt_used = [False] * len(gt_classes) ap_obj = ap_data[iou_type][iouIdx][_class] ap_obj.add_gt_positives(num_gt_for_class) for i in indices: if classes[i] != _class: continue max_iou_found = iou_threshold max_match_idx = -1 for j in range(num_gt): if gt_used[j] or gt_classes[j] != _class: continue iou = iou_func(i, j) if iou > max_iou_found: max_iou_found = iou max_match_idx = j if max_match_idx >= 0: gt_used[max_match_idx] = True ap_obj.push(score_func(i), True) else: # If the detection matches a crowd, we can just ignore it matched_crowd = False if num_crowd > 0: for j in range(len(crowd_classes)): if crowd_classes[j] != _class: continue iou = crowd_func(i, j) if iou > iou_threshold: matched_crowd = True break # All this crowd code so that we can make sure that our eval code gives the # same result as COCOEval. There aren't even that many crowd annotations to # begin with, but accuracy is of the utmost importance. if not matched_crowd: ap_obj.push(score_func(i), False) timer.stop('Main loop')
def nms(boxes, scores, overlap=0.5, top_k=200, force_cpu=True): """Apply non-maximum suppression at test time to avoid detecting too many overlapping bounding boxes for a given object. Args: boxes: (tensor) The location preds for the img, Shape: [num_priors,4]. scores: (tensor) The class predscores for the img, Shape:[num_priors]. overlap: (float) The overlap thresh for suppressing unnecessary boxes. top_k: (int) The Maximum number of box preds to consider. Return: The indices of the kept boxes with respect to num_priors. """ cuda_enabled = boxes.is_cuda if force_cpu: boxes = boxes.cpu() scores = scores.cpu() timer.start('NMS') keep = if boxes.numel() == 0: return keep x1 = boxes[:, 0] y1 = boxes[:, 1] x2 = boxes[:, 2] y2 = boxes[:, 3] area = torch.mul(x2 - x1, y2 - y1) v, idx = scores.sort(0) # sort in ascending order # I = I[v >= 0.01] idx = idx[-top_k:] # indices of the top-k largest vals xx1 = yy1 = xx2 = yy2 = w = h = # keep = torch.Tensor() count = 0 while idx.numel() > 0: i = idx[-1] # index of current largest val # keep.append(i) keep[count] = i count += 1 if idx.size(0) == 1: break idx = idx[:-1] # remove kept element from view # load bboxes of next highest vals torch.index_select(x1, 0, idx, out=xx1) torch.index_select(y1, 0, idx, out=yy1) torch.index_select(x2, 0, idx, out=xx2) torch.index_select(y2, 0, idx, out=yy2) # store element-wise max with next highest score xx1 = torch.clamp(xx1, min=x1[i]) yy1 = torch.clamp(yy1, min=y1[i]) xx2 = torch.clamp(xx2, max=x2[i]) yy2 = torch.clamp(yy2, max=y2[i]) w.resize_as_(xx2) h.resize_as_(yy2) w = xx2 - xx1 h = yy2 - yy1 # check sizes of xx1 and xx2.. after each iteration w = torch.clamp(w, min=0.0) h = torch.clamp(h, min=0.0) inter = w*h # IoU = i / (area(a) + area(b) - i) rem_areas = torch.index_select(area, 0, idx) # load remaining areas) union = (rem_areas - inter) + area[i] IoU = inter/union # store result in iou # keep only elements with an IoU <= overlap idx = idx[IoU.le(overlap)] if cuda_enabled: keep = keep.cuda() timer.stop() return keep, count