Esempio n. 1
def main():

    args = parse()
    input = args.input
    n_jobs = args.n_cpu
    a, b, c = args.cell_vectors
    thresholds = args.thresholds

    CURRENT_PATH = path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__))
    DATA_PATH = path.normpath(path.join(CURRENT_PATH, path.dirname(input)))
    base = path.splitext(path.basename(input))[0]

    # Initialize universe (time step 0.5 fs)
    u = mda.Universe(input, dt=5e-4)
    u.dimensions = np.array([a, b, c, 90, 90, 90])

    # Split trajectory into blocks
    blocks = trj2blocks.get_blocks(u, n_jobs)

    results = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(delayed(hbonds)(u, thresholds, block)
                                      for block in blocks)

    # Average autocorrelation functions of (possibly) different length
    results = tolerant.mean(results)
    t = np.arange(len(results))

    # Save results as .csv
    df = pd.DataFrame({'time': t, 'autocorr': results})
    df.to_csv('%s/%s_%s.hblifetime' % (DATA_PATH, base, thresholds[1]),

    print('\nProgram executed in %.0f seconds' % (time() - t0))
Esempio n. 2
def diffusion(u, t, block):
    '''Computes mean squared displacement of water molecules within specified
    layers parallel to a surface.

        u: MDAnalysis Universe object containing trajectory.
        t: Thresholds specifying layer boundaries.
        block: Range of frames composing block.

        Parallel (xy) mean squared displacement.

    # Select oxygen atoms
    oxygen = u.select_atoms('name O')
    msd = []

    # Initialize 3D position array (frame, atom, dimension)
    position_array = np.zeros((len(block), oxygen.n_atoms, 3))

    for i, ts in enumerate(u.trajectory[block.start:block.stop]):
        print('Processing blocks %.1f%%' % (100*i/len(block)), end='\r')

        # Store positions of all oxygens at current frame
        position_array[i, :, :] = oxygen.positions

    # Loop over oxygen atoms
    for k in range(oxygen.n_atoms):

        # Get atoms in region
        z = position_array[:, k, 2]
        z_bool = (z > t[0])*(z < t[1])+(z > t[2])*(z < t[3])

        # Get intervals in which atom remains continuously in region
        contiguous_region = find_objects(label(z_bool)[0])

        # Compute mean squared displacement of atom for each interval
        for reg in contiguous_region:
                position_array[reg[0].start:reg[0].stop, k, :2]))

    # Return average of all MSDs
    return tolerant.mean(msd)
Esempio n. 3
def vacf(u, u_vel, t, species, block):
    '''Computes velocity-velocity autocorrelation function for given species.

        u: MDAnalysis Universe object containing trajectory (positions).
        u_vel: MDAnalysis Universe object containing trajectory (velocities).
        t: Thresholds specifying layer boundaries.
        species: For which species (elements) to compute autocorrelation.
        block: Range of frames composing block.

        Velocity-velocity autocorrelation function.

    # Which species to include in velocity autocorrelation
    if species == 'HH':
        selection = 'name H'
    elif species == 'OO':
        selection = 'name O'
    elif species == 'OH':
        selection = 'name O or name H'

    # Get position and velocity trajectories of selection
    ag_trj = u.select_atoms(selection)
    ag_vel = u_vel.select_atoms(selection)
    n_atoms = ag_vel.n_atoms

    # Initialize arrays for velocities and atom heights
    velocity_array = np.zeros((len(block), n_atoms, 3))
    height_array = np.zeros((len(block), n_atoms))
    corr = []

    for i, ts in enumerate(u_vel.trajectory[block.start:block.stop]):
        print('Processing velocities %.1f%%' % (100 * i / len(block)),

        # Update positions

        # Loop over atoms
        for j, vel in enumerate(ag_vel):

            # Store heights and velocities of atom
            height_array[i, j] = ag_trj.positions[j, 2]
            velocity_array[i, j, :] = vel.position

    # Loop over atoms
    for k in range(n_atoms):

        # Get frames where atoms in specified region
        z = height_array[:, k]
        z_bool = (z > t[0]) * (z < t[1]) + (z > t[2]) * (z < t[3])

        # Select intervals where remain remains continuously in region
        contiguous_region = find_objects(label(z_bool)[0])

        # Compute dipole autocorrelation for all intervals and starting times
        for reg in contiguous_region:
                tidynamics.acf(velocity_array[reg[0].start:reg[0].stop, k, :]))

    return tolerant.mean(corr)
def rotation(u, a, t, block):
    '''Computes water orientational (dipole) relaxation.

        u: MDAnalysis Universe object containing trajectory.
        a: Lateral lattice vector assuming equal lateral dimensions
        t: Thresholds specifying layer boundaries.
        block: Range of frames composing block.

        Water orientational (dipole) autocorrelation function.

    size = len(block)
    wor = []

    # Select oxygen and hydrogen atoms
    oxygen = u.select_atoms('name O')
    hydrogen = u.select_atoms('name H')

    # Initialize OH distance array, dipole array and height array
    rOH = np.zeros((oxygen.n_atoms, hydrogen.n_atoms))
    dipole_array = np.zeros((len(block), oxygen.n_atoms, 3))
    height_array = np.zeros((len(block), oxygen.n_atoms))

    for i, ts in enumerate(u.trajectory[block.start:block.stop]):
        print('Processing blocks %.1f%%' % (100 * i / size), end='\r')

        # Wrap atoms to box

        # Compute OH distance array

        # Store heights of all oxygens
        height_array[i, :] = oxygen.positions[:, 2]

        # Loop over all oxygen positions
        for j, pos in enumerate(oxygen.positions):

            # Get bound hydrogens and combine molecules broken over PBCs
            hbound = hydrogen.positions[(rOH < 1.2)[j]]
            hbound[hbound - pos < -1.2] += a
            hbound[hbound - pos > 1.2] -= a

            # Compute dipole vectors
            dip = np.mean(hbound, axis=0) - pos
            dipole_array[i, j, :] = dip / np.linalg.norm(dip)

    # Loop over all oxygens
    for k in range(oxygen.n_atoms):

        # Get frames where oxygen in specified region
        z = height_array[:, k]
        z_bool = (z > t[0]) * (z < t[1]) + (z > t[2]) * (z < t[3])

        # Select intervals where oxygen remains continuously in region
        contiguous_region = find_objects(label(z_bool)[0])

        # Compute dipole autocorrelation for all intervals and starting times
        for reg in contiguous_region:
            corr = tidynamics.acf(dipole_array[reg[0].start:reg[0].stop, k, :])

    # Average autocorrelation functions of (possibly) different length
    return tolerant.mean(wor)