Esempio n. 1
class ContractorJson(BaseDatatableView):
    # The model we're going to show
    model = Contractor

    # define the columns that will be returned
    columns = ['name', 'short_hand', 'profile', 'remarks', 'id']

    column_names = [x for x in capitalize(columns)]
    column_names[-1] = 'Option'
    # define column names that will be used in sorting
    # order is important and should be same as order of columns
    # displayed by datatables. For non sortable columns use empty
    # value like ''
    order_columns = ['name', 'short_hand', 'profile', 'remarks', 'id']

    # set max limit of records returned, this is used to protect our site if someone tries to attack our site
    # and make it return huge amount of data
    max_display_length = 500

    def render_column(self, row, column):
        # We want to render user as a custom column
        if column == 'id':
            button_edit = '<a href="{0}{1}" class="btn default btn-xs red-stripe">Edit</a>'.format(
            button_contacts = '<a href="{0}{1}" class="btn default btn-xs green-stripe">View Contacts</a>'.format(
            return button_edit + button_contacts
            return super(ContractorJson, self).render_column(row, column)
Esempio n. 2
class AttendanceSummaryJson(BaseDatatableView):
    # The model we're going to show
    model = AttendanceSummary

    def get_initial_queryset(self):
        # pk here is the Contractor ID
        pk = self.kwargs.pop('pk', None)

        # return queryset used as base for futher sorting/filtering
        # these are simply objects displayed in datatable
        # You should not filter data returned here by any filter values entered by user. This is because
        # we need some base queryset to count total number of records.

        return self.model.objects.filter(user__pk=pk)

    # define the columns that will be returned
    columns = [
        'created_by', 'date_day', 'date_time_in', 'date_time_out',
        'total_hours', 'reason_for_excess', 'accepted', 'id'

    column_names = [x for x in capitalize(columns)]
    column_names[0] = 'employee'
    column_names[-1] = 'Option'

    # define column names that will be used in sorting
    # order is important and should be same as order of columns
    # displayed by datatables. For non sortable columns use empty
    # value like ''
    order_columns = columns

    # set max limit of records returned, this is used to protect our site if someone tries to attack our site
    # and make it return huge amount of data
    max_display_length = 500

    def render_column(self, row, column):
        # We want to render user as a custom column
        if column == 'id':
            return '<a href="{0}{1}/1" class="btn default btn-xs green-stripe">Accept</a>' \
                   '<a href="{0}{1}/0" class="btn default btn-xs red-stripe">Reject</a>' \
        elif column in ['date_time_in', 'date_time_out']:
            # timedelta of 4 because users are in UAE and server uses utc
            time = dt.datetime.combine(, getattr(
                row, column)) + dt.timedelta(hours=4)
            return time.strftime('%H:%M')
        elif column == 'total_hours':
            return int(row.total_hours)
            return super(AttendanceSummaryJson,
                         self).render_column(row, column)
Esempio n. 3
class TeamTaskSummaryJson(BaseDatatableView):
    # The model we're going to show
    model = TeamTaskSummaryDashboard
    def get_initial_queryset(self):
        # pk here is the Contractor ID
        pk = self.kwargs.pop('pk',None)

        # return queryset used as base for futher sorting/filtering
        # these are simply objects displayed in datatable
        # You should not filter data returned here by any filter values entered by user. This is because
        # we need some base queryset to count total number of records.
        if pk is None:
            return self.model.objects.filter(Q(status='Open')).order_by('-date_action').all()

#        return self.model.objects.filter(contractor__pk=pk)

        return self.model.objects.filter(Q(status='Open') & Q(contractor__pk=pk))

    # define the columns that will be returned
    columns = ['contractor', 'contract_no', 'action_taken', 'date_action', 'team_task_id']

    column_names = [x for x in capitalize(columns)]
    column_names[0] = 'Contractor'
    column_names[-2] = 'Update Date'
    column_names[-1] = 'Option'

    # define column names that will be used in sorting
    # order is important and should be same as order of columns
    # displayed by datatables. For non sortable columns use empty
    # value like ''
    order_columns = columns

    # set max limit of records returned, this is used to protect our site if someone tries to attack our site
    # and make it return huge amount of data
    max_display_length = 500

    def render_column(self, row, column):
        # We want to render user as a custom column
        if column == 'team_task_id':
            return '<a href="{0}{2}" class="btn default btn-xs red-stripe">Edit</a>' \
                   '<a href="{1}{2}" class="btn default btn-xs green-stripe">Timeline</a>' \
        elif column == 'date_action':
            return row.date_action.strftime('%d-%m-%Y')
            return super(TeamTaskSummaryJson, self).render_column(row, column)
Esempio n. 4
class ContractorContactJson(BaseDatatableView):
    # The model we're going to show
    model = ContractorContact

    def get_initial_queryset(self):
        # pk here is the Contractor ID
        pk = self.kwargs.pop('pk', None)

        # return queryset used as base for futher sorting/filtering
        # these are simply objects displayed in datatable
        # You should not filter data returned here by any filter values entered by user. This is because
        # we need some base queryset to count total number of records.
        if pk is None:
            return self.model.objects.all()

        return self.model.objects.filter(contractor__pk=pk)

    # define the columns that will be returned
    columns = [
        'name', 'contractor_id', 'position', 'eadd', 'mobile_no', 'office_no',

    column_names = [x for x in capitalize(columns)]
    column_names[-1] = 'Option'
    # define column names that will be used in sorting
    # order is important and should be same as order of columns
    # displayed by datatables. For non sortable columns use empty
    # value like ''
    order_columns = columns

    # set max limit of records returned, this is used to protect our site if someone tries to attack our site
    # and make it return huge amount of data
    max_display_length = 500

    def render_column(self, row, column):
        # We want to render user as a custom column
        if column == 'contractor_id':
        if column == 'id':
            return '<a href="{0}{1}" class="btn default btn-xs red-stripe">Edit</a>'.format(
            return super(ContractorContactJson,
                         self).render_column(row, column)
Esempio n. 5
    def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        pk = request.GET.get('pk', None)
        field_arrangement = [
            #            'id',
            #            'invoice_cert_date',
        task = Task.objects.filter(pk=pk).first()

        df_invoice = pd.DataFrame.from_records(

        df_contractor = pd.DataFrame.from_records(

        if len(df_invoice) == 0 or len(df_contractor) == 0:

            data = {}

            actual_total = 0

            overrun = False

            mg = pd.merge(df_invoice,

            mg['decimal_str_format'] = mg['capex_amount'].map(
                lambda x: '{:,.2f}'.format(x))

                    'name': 'contractor_name',  # {'old_name': 'new_name'}
                    'id_x': 'id',
                    'decimal_str_format': 'amount'

            data = mg.to_dict('records')

            actual_total = task.invoice_set.all().aggregate(

            overrun = task.is_overrun

        context = {
            'data': data,
            'columns': [i for i in capitalize(field_arrangement)],
            'keys': field_arrangement,
            'task_no': task.task_no,
            'authorize_expenditure': task.total_authorize_expenditure,
            'total_accrual': task.total_accrual,
            'actual_total': actual_total,
            'overrun': task.is_overrun,
            'overbook': task.is_overbook,
        return render(request, self.template_name, context)
Esempio n. 6
class PccJson(BaseDatatableView):
    # The model we're going to show
    model = Pcc
    def get_initial_queryset(self):
        # pk here is the Contractor ID
        pk = self.request.GET.get('pk',None)

        # return queryset used as base for futher sorting/filtering
        # these are simply objects displayed in datatable
        # You should not filter data returned here by any filter values entered by user. This is because
        # we need some base queryset to count total number of records.
        if pk is None:
            return self.model.objects.all()

        return self.model.objects.filter(task__pk=pk).all()

    # define the columns that will be returned
    columns = ['task.task_no', 'is_complete', 'pcc_date', 'ref_no', 'amount', 'file', 'id']

    # Hide Columns
    hidden_columns = [ i for i, x in enumerate(columns) if x in

    column_names = [x for x in capitalize(columns)]
    column_names[0] = 'Task No'
    column_names[-1] = 'Option'
    # define column names that will be used in sorting
    # order is important and should be same as order of columns
    # displayed by datatables. For non sortable columns use empty
    # value like ''
    order_columns = columns

    # set max limit of records returned, this is used to protect our site if someone tries to attack our site
    # and make it return huge amount of data
    max_display_length = 500

    def render_column(self, row, column):
        # We want to render user as a custom column
        if column == 'amount':
            val = getattr(row, column)
            return '{0:,.2f}'.format(val)

        elif column == 'pcc_date':
            val = getattr(row, column)
            return '{0:%d-%b-%Y}'.format(val)

        elif column == 'file':
            val = getattr(row, column)

            if bool(val):
                status = 'info' if bool(val) else 'danger'
                icon = 'check' if bool(val) else 'close'
                html_indicator = '<span class="label label-{0}"> <i class="icon-{1}"></i></span>'.format(status, icon)
                html_val = '<a target="_blank" href="{1}pcc/{2}">{0}</a>'.format(html_indicator,

                status = 'danger'
                icon = 'close'
                html_indicator = '<span class="label label-{0}"> <i class="icon-{1}"></i></span>'.format(status, icon)
                html_val = html_indicator

            html = html_val

            return html

        elif column == 'id':

            return '<a target="_blank" href="{1}?pk={0}" class="btn default btn-xs red-stripe">Edit</a>' \

            return super(PccJson, self).render_column(row, column)

    def filter_queryset(self, qs):
        Change the default startswith filtering to contains
        if not self.pre_camel_case_notation:
            # get global search value
            search = self.request.GET.get('search[value]', None)
            col_data = self.extract_datatables_column_data()
            q = Q()
            for col_no, col in enumerate(col_data):
                # apply global search to all searchable columns
                if search and col['searchable']:
                    q |= Q(**{'{0}__contains'.format(self.columns[col_no].replace('.', '__')): search})

                # column specific filter
                if col['search.value']:
                    qs = qs.filter(**{'{0}__contains'.format(self.columns[col_no].replace('.', '__')): col['search.value']})
            qs = qs.filter(q)
        return qs
Esempio n. 7
class InvoiceJson(BaseDatatableView):
    # The model we're going to show
    model = Invoice
    def get_initial_queryset(self):
        # pk here is the Contractor ID
        filter = self.request.GET.get('filter',None)

        # return queryset used as base for futher sorting/filtering
        # these are simply objects displayed in datatable
        # You should not filter data returned here by any filter values entered by user. This is because
        # we need some base queryset to count total number of records.
        if filter == 'all':
            return self.model.objects.all()

        return self.model.objects.filter(~Q(state='Completed')).all()

    # define the columns that will be returned
    columns = ['', 'task.task_no', 'region', 'invoice_no', 'invoice_amount',
               'state__name', 'status', 'reject_date']

    # Hide Columns
    hidden_columns = [ i for i, x in enumerate(columns) if x in

    column_names = [x for x in capitalize(columns)]
    column_names[0] = 'Contractor Name'
    column_names[1] = 'Task Number'
    column_names[-3] = 'Current Process'

    # columns to be summed
    sum_columns = [4]

    # define column names that will be used in sorting
    # order is important and should be same as order of columns
    # displayed by datatables. For non sortable columns use empty
    # value like ''
    order_columns = columns

    # define hidden columns

    # set max limit of records returned, this is used to protect our site if someone tries to attack our site
    # and make it return huge amount of data
    max_display_length = 500

    def render_column(self, row, column):
        # We want to render user as a custom column

        if column == 'state__name':
            val = getattr(row, column)
            html_val = '<a target="_blank" href="{1}?pk={2}">{0}</a>'.format(val,
            return html_val

        elif column == 'task.task_no':
            status = 'danger' if row.task.is_overrun is True else 'info'
            icon = 'close' if row.task.is_overrun is True else 'check'
            value = row.task.task_no
            url = reverse('budget_mgt:summary_invoice') + '?pk=' + '{}'.format(row.task_id)
            return '<span class="label label-{2}"> <i class="icon-{1}"></i></span> <a target="_blank" href="{3}">{0}</a>'.format(value, icon, status, url)

        elif column == 'invoice_no':
            val = getattr(row, column)

            status = 'danger' if row.status == 'Reject' else 'info'
            icon = 'close' if row.status == 'Reject' else 'check'
            html_indicator = '<span class="label label-{0}"> <i class="icon-{1}"></i></span>'.format(status, icon)
            html_val = '<a target="_blank" href="{1}?pk={2}">{0}</a>'.format(val,
            html = html_indicator + ' ' + html_val
            return html

        elif column == 'reject_date':
            val = getattr(row, column)
            if val:
                return '{0:%d-%b-%Y}'.format(val)
            return ""
        elif column == 'invoice_amount':
            val = getattr(row, column)
            return '<span>{:,.2f}</span>'.format(val)

            return super(InvoiceJson, self).render_column(row, column)

    def filter_queryset(self, qs):
        Change the default startswith filtering to contains
        if not self.pre_camel_case_notation:
            # get global search value
            search = self.request.GET.get('search[value]', None)
            col_data = self.extract_datatables_column_data()
            q = Q()
            for col_no, col in enumerate(col_data):
                # apply global search to all searchable columns
                if search and col['searchable']:
                    q |= Q(**{'{0}__contains'.format(self.columns[col_no].replace('.', '__')): search})

                # column specific filter
                if col['search.value']:
                    qs = qs.filter(**{'{0}__contains'.format(self.columns[col_no].replace('.', '__')): col['search.value']})
            qs = qs.filter(q)
        return qs
Esempio n. 8
class TaskJson(BaseDatatableView):
    # The model we're going to show
    model = Task
    def get_initial_queryset(self):
        # pk here is the Contractor ID
        pk = self.kwargs.pop('pk',None)

        # return queryset used as base for futher sorting/filtering
        # these are simply objects displayed in datatable
        # You should not filter data returned here by any filter values entered by user. This is because
        # we need some base queryset to count total number of records.
        if pk is None:
            return self.model.objects.annotate(remaining_accrual=F('total_accrual')-F('actual_expenditure'),
                                               task_progress=Case(When(total_authorize_expenditure=0, then=Value('0.00')),

        return self.model.objects.filter(contractor__pk=pk)

    # define the columns that will be returned
    columns = ['task_no', 'total_authorize_commitment', 'total_authorize_expenditure', 'finance_actual_expenditure',
               'total_accrual', 'total_pcc_amount', 'actual_expenditure', 'remaining_accrual', 'task_progress',
               'state__name', '']

    # Hide Columns
    hidden_columns = []

    column_names = [x for x in capitalize(columns)]
    column_names[1] = 'A. Commitment'
    column_names[2] = 'A. Expenditure'
    column_names[3] = 'F. Expenditure'
    column_names[5] = 'Total PCC'
    column_names[-5] = 'Invoice Paid'
    column_names[-4] = 'Remaining Accrual'
    column_names[-3] = 'Payment Type'
    column_names[-2] = 'Current Process'
    column_names[-1] = 'Tags'
    # define column names that will be used in sorting
    # order is important and should be same as order of columns
    # displayed by datatables. For non sortable columns use empty
    # value like ''
    order_columns = columns

    # columns to be summed
    sum_columns = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

    # set max limit of records returned, this is used to protect our site if someone tries to attack our site
    # and make it return huge amount of data
    max_display_length = 500

    def render_column(self, row, column):
        # We want to render user as a custom column
        if column == 'task_no':
            val = getattr(row, column)
            return '<a target="_blank" href="{1}?pk={0}">{2}</a>' \

        elif column == '':
            html_label = '<span class="label bg-green-jungle">{}</span> '

            html_tags = ''.join(sorted([html_label.format( for i in row.tags.all()]))
            return html_tags

        elif column == 'remaining_accrual':
            val = getattr(row, column)
            return '<span>{:,.2f}</span>'.format(val)

        elif column == 'total_pcc_amount':
            val = getattr(row, column)

            status = 'danger' if not row.is_pcc_complete else 'info'
            icon = 'close' if not row.is_pcc_complete else 'check'
            html_indicator = '<span class="label label-{0}"> <i class="icon-{1}"></i></span>'.format(status, icon)
            html_val = '<a class="sum" target="_blank" href="{1}?pk={2}">{0:,.2f}</a>'.format(val,
            html = html_indicator + ' ' + html_val
            return html
        elif column == 'total_authorize_expenditure':
            val = getattr(row, column)

            status = 'danger' if not row.is_expenditure_within_commitment else 'info'
            icon = 'close' if not row.is_expenditure_within_commitment else 'check'
            html_indicator = '<span class="label label-{0}"> <i class="icon-{1}"></i></span>'.format(status, icon)
            html_val = '<a class="sum" target="_blank" href="{1}?pk={2}">{0:,.2f}</a>'.format(val,
            html = html_indicator + ' ' + html_val
            return html

        elif column == 'total_accrual':
            val = getattr(row, column)

            status = 'danger' if row.is_overbook else 'info'
            icon = 'close' if row.is_overbook else 'check'
            html_indicator = '<span class="label label-{0}"> <i class="icon-{1}"></i></span>'.format(status, icon)
            html_val = '<a class="sum" target="_blank" href="{1}?pk={2}">{0:,.2f}</a>'.format(val,
            html = html_indicator + ' ' + html_val
            return html

        elif column == 'task_progress':
            val = getattr(row, column)
            invoice = row.invoice_set.order_by('-pk').first()
            if invoice is None:
                payment_type =  'No Invoice'
                payment_type =  invoice.payment_type

            status = 'danger' if not row.is_within_work_criteria else 'info'
            html_indicator = '<span class="label label-{0}">{1:.2%}</span>'.format(status, val)
            html_val = payment_type
            html = html_indicator + ' ' + html_val
            return html

        # elif column == 'total_pcc_amount':
        #     val = getattr(row, column)
        #     html_val = '<a target="_blank" href="{1}?pk={2}">{0:,.2f}</a>'.format(val,
        #                                                                           reverse('budget_mgt:table_pcc'),
        #                                                                 ,
        #                                                                           )
        #     html = html_val
        #     return html

        elif column == 'actual_expenditure':
            val = getattr(row, column)
            status = 'danger' if row.is_overrun else 'info'
            icon = 'close' if row.is_overrun else 'check'
            html_indicator = '<span class="label label-{0}"> <i class="icon-{1}"></i></span>'.format(status, icon)
            html_val = '<a target="_blank" href="{1}?pk={2}">{0:,.2f}</a>'.format(val,
            html = html_indicator + ' ' +html_val
            return html

        elif column == 'total_authorize_commitment':
            val = getattr(row, column)
            html = '<a target="_blank" href="{1}?pk={2}">{0:,.2f}</a>'.format(val,
            return html

        elif column == 'state__name':
            val = getattr(row, column)
            html_val = '<a target="_blank" href="{1}?pk={2}">{0}</a>'.format(val,
            if row.state == "PCC to be Issued" :
                if isinstance(row.state_date, dt.datetime):
                    # results is negative
                    duration = row.state_date -
                    days = 30 + duration.days
                    days = 0
                label_color = 'info' if days > 0 else 'danger'
                html_indicator = '<h4 class="badge badge-{1}">{0}</h4>'.format(days, label_color)
                return html_indicator + ' ' + html_val
            return html_val

        elif column == 'overrun':
            return '<span class="label label-{}"> {} </span>'.\
                    'danger' if row.is_overrun else 'success',

            return super(TaskJson, self).render_column(row, column)

    def filter_queryset(self, qs):
        Change the default startswith filtering to contains
        if not self.pre_camel_case_notation:
            # get global search value
            search = self.request.GET.get('search[value]', None)
            col_data = self.extract_datatables_column_data()
            q = Q()
            for col_no, col in enumerate(col_data):
                # apply global search to all searchable columns
                if search and col['searchable']:
                    q |= Q(**{'{0}__contains'.format(self.columns[col_no].replace('.', '__')): search})

                # column specific filter
                if col['search.value']:
                    qs = qs.filter(**{'{0}__contains'.format(self.columns[col_no].replace('.', '__')): col['search.value']})
            qs = qs.filter(q)
        return qs
Esempio n. 9
class TeamTaskJson(BaseDatatableView):
    # The model we're going to show
    model = TeamTask
    def get_initial_queryset(self):
        # pk here is the Contractor ID
        pk = self.kwargs.pop('pk',None)

        # return queryset used as base for futher sorting/filtering
        # these are simply objects displayed in datatable
        # You should not filter data returned here by any filter values entered by user. This is because
        # we need some base queryset to count total number of records.
        if pk is None:
            return self.model.objects.all()

        return self.model.objects.filter(contractor__pk=pk)

    # define the columns that will be returned
    columns = ['', 'contract_no', 'description', 'severity', 'status', 'user__username', 'id']

    # Hide Columns
    hidden_columns = [ i for i, x in enumerate(columns) if x in

    column_names = [x for x in capitalize(columns)]
    column_names[0] = 'Contractor'
    column_names[-2] = 'Person/s in charge'
    column_names[-1] = 'Option'
    # define column names that will be used in sorting
    # order is important and should be same as order of columns
    # displayed by datatables. For non sortable columns use empty
    # value like ''
    order_columns = columns

    # define hidden columns

    # set max limit of records returned, this is used to protect our site if someone tries to attack our site
    # and make it return huge amount of data
    max_display_length = 500

    def render_column(self, row, column):
        # We want to render user as a custom column
        if column == 'id':
            return '<a href="{0}{2}" class="btn default btn-xs red-stripe">Edit</a>' \
                   '<a href="{1}{2}" class="btn default btn-xs green-stripe">Timeline</a>' \
            return super(TeamTaskJson, self).render_column(row, column)

    def filter_queryset(self, qs):
        """ If search['value'] is provided then filter all searchable columns using istartswith
        if not self.pre_camel_case_notation:
            # get global search value
            search = self.request.GET.get('search[value]', None)
            col_data = self.extract_datatables_column_data()
            q = Q()
            for col_no, col in enumerate(col_data):
                # apply global search to all searchable columns
                if search and col['searchable']:
                    q |= Q(**{'{0}__contains'.format(self.columns[col_no].replace('.', '__')): search})

                # column specific filter
                if col['search.value']:
                    qs = qs.filter(**{'{0}__contains'.format(self.columns[col_no].replace('.', '__')): col['search.value']})
            qs = qs.filter(q)
        return qs