Esempio n. 1
def extract_instances_from_image_voc(name, loader, instance_root):
    inst_mask = np.array(, name + '.png')))
    gt_bboxes, _, gt_cats, _, _, _ = loader.read_annotations(name)
    instance_inds = np.unique(inst_mask)
    instance_inds = instance_inds[(instance_inds != 0) * (instance_inds != 255)]

    masks, cats = [], []
    for iind in instance_inds:
        mask = np.ones(inst_mask.shape[:2], dtype=bool)
        mask[inst_mask == iind] = 0
        coords_y, coords_x = map(np.unique, np.where(mask == 0))
        x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = 0, 0, mask.shape[0], mask.shape[1]
        if len(coords_x) > 0:
            x_min, x_max = get_ends(coords_x)
        if len(coords_y) > 0:
            y_min, y_max = get_ends(coords_y)
        mask_box = [x_min, y_min, x_max - x_min + 1, y_max - y_min + 1]

        mask_box = np.reshape(mask_box, (-1, 4))
        ious = batch_iou(gt_bboxes, mask_box).ravel()
        best_match = np.argmax(ious)
        cat = gt_cats[best_match]

    return masks, cats
Esempio n. 2
    def dynamic_place_instance(self, name, image, bbox, blending_list):
        """Finds fitting instance given a box to place in, and copies there"""

        if type(image) != list:
            backgrounds = [image.copy() for i in range(len(blending_list))]
            backgrounds = [i.copy() for i in image]
        width, height = image.size
        xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = wh2xy(bbox)
        mask, foreground, w, h, scale = self.find_instance(name, bbox)
        inst_bbox = [0, 0, w, h]
        if self.config['colorize']:
            foreground = self.color_augment(foreground)
        foreground, mask, inst_bbox = self.rescale_instance(
            foreground, mask, scale, wh2xy(inst_bbox))
        w, h = xy2wh(inst_bbox)[2:]

        fits = False
        for i in range(50):
            new_xc = np.random.randint(xmin - 0.25 * w, xmax + 0.25 * w)
            new_yc = np.random.randint(ymin - 0.25 * h, ymax + 0.25 * h)
            # new_xc = np.random.randint(xmin - 0.75*w, xmax + 0.75*w)
            # new_yc = np.random.randint(ymin - 0.75*h, ymax + 0.75*h)
            xmin, ymin = new_xc - int(w / 2), new_yc - int(h / 2)
            new_bbox, fits = self.check_bbox([xmin, ymin, w, h], width, height)
            iou = batch_iou(new_bbox, bbox)
            if (iou > 0.2 and iou < 0.7
                    or self.no_spatial_constraints) and fits:
                backgrounds = self.blend(np.array([xmin,
                                                   ymin]), mask, foreground,
                                         backgrounds, blending_list)
                return backgrounds, new_bbox
        return None, None
    def delete_covered_boxes(self, new_bbox, bboxes, cats, diff, given_cat):
        """Handles occlusions"""

        ious, intersections = batch_iou(bboxes,
                                        np.reshape(new_bbox, (1, 4)),
        assert bboxes.shape[0] == len(cats) == len(diff), \
            'Have a problem with number of examples'
        areas = bboxes[:, 2] * bboxes[:, 3]
        inter_fraq = (intersections.ravel() / areas)
        not_occluded = inter_fraq < 0.7
        bboxes = bboxes[not_occluded]
        cats = np.array(cats)[not_occluded].tolist()
        diff = np.array(diff)[not_occluded].tolist()

        bboxes = np.concatenate([bboxes, np.reshape(new_bbox, (1, 4))], axis=0)
        return bboxes, cats, diff
Esempio n. 4
    def duplicate_instance(self, image, mask_file, fg_image, blending_list):
        """Performs copy-pasting of an instance"""

        foreground = fg_image.copy()
        width, height = image.size
        if type(image) != list:
            backgrounds = [image.copy() for i in range(len(blending_list))]
            backgrounds = [i.copy() for i in image]
        scale = np.random.uniform(1 / 2, 2)
        foreground, mask, old_coord = self.extract_mask(mask_file, foreground)
        if foreground is None:
            return None, None
        x_min, y_min, w, h = old_coord
        foreground, mask, new_coord = self.rescale_instance(
            foreground, mask, scale, wh2xy(old_coord))
        if self.config['colorize']:
            foreground = self.color_augment(foreground)
        xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = new_coord
        old_bbox = xy2wh(new_coord)
        wi, hi = old_bbox[2:]
        new_wi, new_hi = xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin

        fits = False
        for i in range(50):
            new_xc = np.random.randint(xmin - self.radius * wi,
                                       xmax + self.radius * wi)
            new_yc = np.random.randint(ymin - self.radius * hi,
                                       ymax + self.radius * hi)
            xmin, ymin = new_xc - int(new_wi / 2), new_yc - int(new_hi / 2)
            new_bbox, fits = self.check_bbox([xmin, ymin, new_wi, new_hi],
                                             width, height)
            iou = batch_iou(new_bbox, old_bbox)
            if (iou > 0.2 and iou < 0.7
                    or self.no_spatial_constraints) and fits:
                backgrounds = self.blend(np.array([xmin,
                                                   ymin]), mask, foreground,
                                         backgrounds, blending_list)
                return backgrounds, new_bbox
        return None, None
Esempio n. 5
    def sample_negative(self, name=None):
        """Samples a background contextual image"""

        cat = None
        while cat is None:
            name = np.random.choice(self.loader.filenames) if name is None else name
            bboxes, _, cats, w, h, diff = self.loader.read_annotations(name)
            image = self.loader.load_image(name)
            if len(cats) == 0:
                bbox = self.draw_bbox(w, h)
                cat = 0
                for i in range(self.max_sample_tries):
                    bbox = self.draw_bbox(w, h)
                    ious = batch_iou(bboxes, bbox)
                    area = bbox[0, 2] * bbox[0, 3]
                    areas = bboxes[:, 2] * bboxes[:, 3]
                    inter_fraq = (ious * (areas + area) / (1 + ious)) / areas
                    if np.max(inter_fraq) < 0.3:
                        cat = 0
                        break = name
        return [image, bbox, cat, w, h]
Esempio n. 6
    def manipulate_image(self, name, bboxes, cats, diff):
        """Perform enlargement data augmentation for an image"""

        image =
        init_image = image.copy()
        new_bboxes = np.array(bboxes)

            instances = self.name2instances[name]
        except KeyError:
            print('No instance segmentation gt for %s' % name)
            return image, bboxes, np.array(cats), np.array(diff)
        N_min = np.min([self.config['min_objects'], len(instances)])
        N_max = np.min([self.config['max_objects'], len(instances)]) + 1
        N = np.random.choice(np.arange(N_min, N_max))
        instances = instances[:N]

        random_bboxes = np.array(bboxes)
        random_bboxes = random_bboxes[:N]

        blendings = np.random.choice(self.blending_list, N)
        for k in range(N):
            i = instances[k]
            blending = blendings[k]
            images, new_bbox, old_bbox = self.enlarge_instance(
                image, i, init_image, [blending])
            if images is not None:
                image = images[0]
                ind = np.argmax(batch_iou(new_bboxes, old_bbox), axis=0)
                new_bboxes[ind] = new_bbox
                # new_bboxes, cats, diff = self.delete_covered_boxes(
                #     new_bbox, new_bboxes, cats, diff, self.instance2cat(i))

        return image, new_bboxes, np.array(cats), np.array(diff)
Esempio n. 7
def match_anchors_to_instances(anchor_dict, excluded, loader):
    """for each candidate box finds a set of instances that could
    be inserted inside

    Creates a dict structure that for each image retrieves -> a set of
    confident context candidate boxes and for each of them -> all possible
    instance (with corresponding scaling factor) fitting there

    keys = ['bboxes', 'cats', 'scores', 'inst_paths', 'scales']
    man = DynamicInstanceManipulator(loader)  # contains instance dataset
    n_scales = 16
    all_scales = np.linspace(0.5, 2.0, n_scales)
    n_inst = len(man.ars)

    # extracting width and height for all instance boxes in the instance dataset
    all_whs = []
    for i in range(n_inst):
        wh = np.array(man.boxes[i][2:])
        whs = np.array([wh * scale for scale in all_scales])
    all_whs = np.array(all_whs)

    box2instance = dict()
    bar = progressbar.ProgressBar()
    for name in bar(anchor_dict):
        # iterating over the candidates for one image
        for i in range(anchor_dict[name].shape[0]):
            bbox = anchor_dict[name][i, :4]
            cat = anchor_dict[name][i, 4]
            score = anchor_dict[name][i, 5]

            # picking [w, h] of instances belonging to the current category
            cat_inds = np.arange(len(man.cats))[np.array(man.cats) == cat]
            cat_whs = all_whs[cat_inds]
            n_inst = cat_whs.shape[0]

            # trying to fit instances into the candidate box by re-scaling them
            # by n_scales different factors
            init_bboxes = np.tile(bbox.reshape(1, 1, 4), (n_inst, n_scales, 1))
            new_bboxes = np.concatenate([init_bboxes[:, :, :2], cat_whs],
            ious = batch_iou(bbox.reshape((1, 4)),
                             new_bboxes.reshape([-1, 4])).ravel()
            # picking the ones with high IoI
            good_ones = (ious > 0.7).reshape([n_inst, n_scales])
            good_instances = good_ones.sum(axis=1) > 0
            instances = np.arange(good_instances.shape[0])[good_instances]
            inst_paths = [man.inst_paths[cat_inds[i]] for i in instances]
            scales = [all_scales[m] for m in good_ones[instances]]
            scales = {
                inst_paths[i]: np.array([np.min(scales[i]),
                for i in np.arange(len(scales))
            if np.any(good_ones):
                storage = box2instance.get(name, {k: list() for k in keys})
                vals = {
                    'bboxes': bbox.astype(int),
                    'cats': cat,
                    'scores': score,
                    'inst_paths': inst_paths,
                    'scales': scales
                for key in keys:
                box2instance[name] = storage
    return box2instance