def export(cls, file): """Export all the parking lines from the parking lines list.""" for parkingLines in ParkingLines.list[:]: if len(parkingLines.ref) != 2: ParkingLines.list.remove(parkingLines) continue if WebotsObject.removalRadius > 0.0: # Check that the parking lines is inside the scope of a road, # otherwise, remove it from the parking lines list. if not Road.are_coords_close_to_some_road_waypoint(parkingLines.ref): ParkingLines.list.remove(parkingLines) continue # Coordinates extration c0 = (OSMCoord.coordDictionnary[parkingLines.ref[0]].x, OSMCoord.coordDictionnary[parkingLines.ref[0]].y, OSMCoord.coordDictionnary[parkingLines.ref[0]].z) c1 = (OSMCoord.coordDictionnary[parkingLines.ref[1]].x, OSMCoord.coordDictionnary[parkingLines.ref[1]].y, OSMCoord.coordDictionnary[parkingLines.ref[1]].z) # Compute the length and the angle v0 = Vector2D(c0[0], c0[2]) v1 = Vector2D(c1[0], c1[2]) deltaV = v0 - v1 length = deltaV.norm() angle = - deltaV.angle() + math.pi expectedCarParkWidth = 2.4 nCarParks = int((length + expectedCarParkWidth // 2) // expectedCarParkWidth) # cf. carParkWidth = length / nCarParks file.write("ParkingLines {\n") file.write(" translation %.2lf %.2lf %.2lf\n" % (c0[0], c0[1] + 0.01, c0[2])) file.write(" rotation 0 1 0 %.2lf\n" % (angle)) file.write(" numberOfCarParks %d\n" % (nCarParks)) file.write(" carParkWidth %f\n" % (carParkWidth)) file.write("}\n")
def checkWaypoints(self): if self.wayPoints is not None: # Compare distance between targetVector and currentPosition targetVector = self.wayPoints[ self.activeWaypointIndex ] distance = Vector2D.fromPoints( self.position, targetVector ) if distance.getVectorLength() < 10: self.activeWaypointIndex = (self.activeWaypointIndex + 1) % len( self.wayPoints ) # Change to new direction targetVector = self.wayPoints[ self.activeWaypointIndex ] # print "moving to next Waypoint " + str( targetVector ) self.direction = Vector2D.fromPoints( self.position, targetVector ) self.direction.normalizeVector()
def setWaypointList(self, wpList): self.wayPoints = wpList # Recalc direction self.activeWaypointIndex = 0 targetVector = self.wayPoints[ self.activeWaypointIndex ] self.direction = Vector2D.fromPoints( self.position, targetVector ) self.direction.normalizeVector()
def handleMouseMovment(self, mousePos): if self.refToPlayer is not None: self.refToPlayer.setCrosshairPos(mousePos) if self.mouseButtonPressed is True: trgtVec = Vector2D(mousePos[0], mousePos[1]) direction = direction = Vector2D.fromPoints(self.refToPlayer.position, trgtVec) direction.normalizeVector() self.refToPlayer.setMovment(direction, 20.0)
def smooth_sharp_angles(self): """Smooth sharp angles from self.""" if self.originalPath is None or not isinstance( self.originalPath, LineString) or len(self.originalPath.coords) < 3: return angleThreshold = 1.3 # angle threshlod in radian from which an angle is considered as sharp distanceThreshold = 5.0 # distance threshlod in meters from which a distance can be considered as sharp newPointsDistance = 3.0 # distance in meters where to add new points path = [] path.append( [self.originalPath.coords[0][0], self.originalPath.coords[0][1]]) for i in range(len(self.originalPath.coords) - 2): p1 = Vector2D(self.originalPath.coords[i][0], self.originalPath.coords[i][1]) p2 = Vector2D(self.originalPath.coords[i + 1][0], self.originalPath.coords[i + 1][1]) p3 = Vector2D(self.originalPath.coords[i + 2][0], self.originalPath.coords[i + 2][1]) v1to2 = p2 - p1 v2to3 = p3 - p2 angle = v1to2.angle(v2to3) if abs(angle) > angleThreshold and v1to2.norm( ) > distanceThreshold and v2to3.norm() > distanceThreshold: # sharp angle detected in p2 p2before = p2 + v1to2.normalize() * (-newPointsDistance) p2after = p2 + v2to3.normalize() * newPointsDistance p2new = ((p2before + p2after) * 0.5 + p2) * 0.5 path.append([p2before.x, p2before.y]) path.append([p2new.x, p2new.y]) path.append([p2after.x, p2after.y]) else: path.append([p2.x, p2.y]) path.append( [self.originalPath.coords[-1][0], self.originalPath.coords[-1][1]]) self.originalPath = LineString(path) self.finalPath = self.originalPath
def convert_polygon_to_vector2d_list(polygon): """Convert a shapely polygon to a list of Vector2D.""" assert isinstance(polygon, Polygon) or isinstance(polygon, MultiPolygon) coords = [] if isinstance(polygon, Polygon): coords = polygon.exterior.coords elif isinstance(polygon, MultiPolygon): for geom in polygon.geoms: coords += geom.exterior.coords else: return None return [Vector2D(x, y) for (x, y) in coords]
def simplify_polygon(polygon, tolerance=0.01): """Remove doubles coords from a polygon.""" assert isinstance(polygon, Polygon) or isinstance(polygon, MultiPolygon) # Get the coordinates coords = [] if isinstance(polygon, Polygon): coords = polygon.exterior.coords elif isinstance(polygon, MultiPolygon): for geom in polygon.geoms: coords += geom.exterior.coords else: return None # remove the doubled coordinates newCoords = [] v0 = Vector2D(float('inf'), float('inf')) for coord in coords: v = Vector2D(coord[0], coord[1]) if (v0 - v).norm() > tolerance: v0 = v newCoords += [[coord[0], coord[1]]] return Polygon(newCoords)
def intersects(a1, b1, a2, b2, tolerance=0.05): """Compute the intersection of a segment a1, b1 with a segment a2, b2. a1, a2, b1 and b2 are vectors. Returns a Vector2D.""" # src: # Note: Almost the same can be achieved using LineString.intersection(), but the coplanar bounds are # rejected. For this reason, a custom algorithm is preferred there. assert isinstance(a1, Vector2D) assert isinstance(b1, Vector2D) assert isinstance(a2, Vector2D) assert isinstance(b2, Vector2D) ls1 = LineString([[a1.x, a1.y], [b1.x, b1.y]]).buffer(tolerance) ls2 = LineString([[a2.x, a2.y], [b2.x, b2.y]]).buffer(tolerance) intersection = ls1.intersection(ls2) if intersection is not None and len(intersection.centroid.coords) == 1: return Vector2D(intersection.centroid.coords[0][0], intersection.centroid.coords[0][1]) return None
def cut_roads(self): """Remove the roads touching this junction using the junction shape and compute the start/end angles at these intersections.""" if self.shape is None: if len(self.roads) == 2: # When there is a crossroad containing 2 similar roads and # the crossroad has no shape, the roads start/end angles should match. r0 = list(self.roads)[0] r1 = list(self.roads)[1] if r0.is_similar(r1) and len( r0.originalPath.coords) >= 2 and len( r1.originalPath.coords) >= 2: v00 = None v01 = None if r0.startJunction == self: v00 = Vector2D(r0.originalPath.coords[0][0], r0.originalPath.coords[0][1]) else: v00 = Vector2D(r0.originalPath.coords[-1][0], r0.originalPath.coords[-1][1]) if r0.startJunction == self: v01 = Vector2D(r0.originalPath.coords[1][0], r0.originalPath.coords[1][1]) else: v01 = Vector2D(r0.originalPath.coords[-2][0], r0.originalPath.coords[-2][1]) alpha = (v00 - v01).angle() if r0.startJunction == self: r0.startingAngle = alpha + 0.5 * math.pi elif r0.endJunction == self: r0.endingAngle = alpha - 0.5 * math.pi if r1.startJunction == self: r1.startingAngle = alpha - 0.5 * math.pi elif r1.endJunction == self: r1.endingAngle = alpha + 0.5 * math.pi return for road in self.roads: # Substract this crossroad shape to the road path road.shape = road.shape.difference(self.shape) if not isinstance(road.finalPath, LineString): road.finalPath = road.finalPath.difference(self.shape) continue roadPathBeforeEndsRemoval = [ Vector2D(x, y) for (x, y) in road.finalPath.coords ] firstPoint = roadPathBeforeEndsRemoval[0] lastPoint = roadPathBeforeEndsRemoval[-1] road.finalPath = road.finalPath.difference(self.shape) if not isinstance(road.finalPath, LineString) or not road.finalPath.coords: continue roadPath = [Vector2D(x, y) for (x, y) in road.finalPath.coords] # Search if the first or last point are still present in the cut path firstPointPresent = False lastPointPresent = False for c in road.finalPath.coords: v = Vector2D(c[0], c[1]) if (v - firstPoint).norm() < 0.1: firstPointPresent = True elif (v - lastPoint).norm() < 0.1: lastPointPresent = True # Compute the starting and ending angles thanks to the intersection # point between the crossroad shape and the road path. crossroadCoords = convert_polygon_to_vector2d_list(self.shape) if not firstPointPresent: roadSegment = (roadPath[1], roadPath[0]) for i in range(len(crossroadCoords) - 1): crossroadShapeSegment = (crossroadCoords[i], crossroadCoords[i + 1]) intersection = intersects(roadSegment[0], roadSegment[1], crossroadShapeSegment[0], crossroadShapeSegment[1]) if intersection and intersection != roadPath[1]: road.startingAngle = ( crossroadShapeSegment[1] - crossroadShapeSegment[0]).angle() % (2.0 * math.pi) if not lastPointPresent: nRoadPath = len(roadPath) roadSegment = (roadPath[nRoadPath - 2], roadPath[nRoadPath - 1]) for i in range(len(crossroadCoords) - 1): crossroadShapeSegment = (crossroadCoords[i], crossroadCoords[i + 1]) intersection = intersects(roadSegment[0], roadSegment[1], crossroadShapeSegment[0], crossroadShapeSegment[1]) if intersection and intersection != roadPath[nRoadPath - 2]: road.endingAngle = ( crossroadShapeSegment[0] - crossroadShapeSegment[1]).angle() % (2.0 * math.pi)
def export(cls, f): """Export all the roads from the roads list.""" # Export crossroads sortedCrossroads = sorted(cls.crossroads.values(), key=lambda x: for crossroad in sortedCrossroads: translation = Vector2D( OSMCoord.coordDictionnary[crossroad.nodeRef].x, OSMCoord.coordDictionnary[crossroad.nodeRef].z) f.write('Crossroad {\n') f.write(' translation %f %f %f\n' % (translation.x, vOffset, translation.y)) if is not None: name = i = 1 while name in Crossroad.nameList: name = + '(%d)' % i i += 1 Crossroad.nameList.append(name) f.write(' name "%s"\n' % name) else: f.write(' name "crossroad(%d)"\n' % Crossroad.nameIndex) Crossroad.nameIndex += 1 f.write(' id "%s"\n' % f.write(' shape [\n') if crossroad.shape is not None: coords = convert_polygon_to_vector2d_list(crossroad.shape) for coord in coords: height = 0 if WebotsObject.enable3D: osmCoord = cls._convert_webots_to_osm_coord( [coord.x, coord.y]) height += WebotsObject.elevation.interpolate_height( osmCoord[0], osmCoord[1]) f.write(' %f %f %f\n' % (coord.x - translation.x, height, coord.y - translation.y)) f.write(' ]\n') f.write(' connectedRoadIDs [\n') sortedRoads = sorted(crossroad.roads, key=lambda x: for road in sortedRoads: f.write(' "%s"\n' % ( f.write(' ]\n') f.write('}\n') # Export roads for road in cls.roads: if not isinstance(road.finalPath, LineString) or not road.finalPath.coords: continue coords = road.finalPath.coords f.write('Road {\n') f.write(' translation %f %f %f\n' % (coords[0][0], vOffset + road.layer * WebotsObject.layerHeight, coords[0][1])) if road.streetName: name = road.streetName i = 1 while name in Road.nameList: name = road.streetName + '(%d)' % i i += 1 Road.nameList.append(name) f.write(' name "%s"\n' % name.replace('"', '')) else: f.write(' name "road(%d)"\n' % Road.roadNameIndex) Road.roadNameIndex += 1 f.write(' id "%s"\n' % if road.startJunction is not None: f.write(' startJunction "%s"\n' % if road.endJunction is not None: f.write(' endJunction "%s"\n' % f.write(' splineSubdivision 0\n') f.write(' numberOfLanes %d\n' % road.lanes) f.write(' numberOfForwardLanes %d\n' % road.forwardLanes) if road.maxSpeed > 0.0: f.write(' speedLimit %f\n' % road.maxSpeed) f.write(' width %f\n' % road.width) if road.noBorder: f.write(' leftBorder FALSE\n') f.write(' rightBorder FALSE\n') if road.startingAngle: if road.startingAngle > math.pi: road.startingAngle -= 2 * math.pi elif road.startingAngle < -math.pi: road.startingAngle += 2 * math.pi f.write(' startingAngle %f\n' % road.startingAngle) if road.endingAngle: if road.endingAngle > math.pi: road.endingAngle -= 2 * math.pi elif road.endingAngle < -math.pi: road.endingAngle += 2 * math.pi f.write(' endingAngle %f\n' % road.endingAngle) f.write(' lines [\n') for i in range(road.lanes - 1): f.write(' RoadLine {\n') f.write(' type "%s"\n' % ('continuous' if (i == road.forwardLanes - 1) else 'dashed')) f.write(' }\n') f.write(' ]\n') if road.turnLanesForward: f.write(' turnLanesForward "%s"\n' % road.turnLanesForward) if road.turnLanesBackward: f.write(' turnLanesBackward "%s"\n' % road.turnLanesBackward) if not Road.noIntersectionRoadLines and not road.insideARoundAbout: if road.startJunction is not None and len( road.startJunction.roads) > 2: f.write(' startLine [\n') for l in range(road.forwardLanes): f.write(' "textures/road_line_dashed.png"\n') for l in range(road.backwardLanes): f.write(' "textures/road_line_triangle.png"\n') f.write(' ]\n') if road.endJunction is not None and len( road.endJunction.roads) > 2: f.write(' endLine [\n') for l in range(road.forwardLanes): f.write(' "textures/road_line_triangle.png"\n') for l in range(road.backwardLanes): f.write(' "textures/road_line_dashed.png"\n') f.write(' ]\n') f.write(' wayPoints [\n') for coord in coords: height = 0 if WebotsObject.enable3D: osmCoord = cls._convert_webots_to_osm_coord(coord) height += WebotsObject.elevation.interpolate_height( osmCoord[0], osmCoord[1]) f.write( ' %f %f %f\n' % (coord[0] - coords[0][0], height, coord[1] - coords[0][1])) Road.allRoadWayPoints.append([coord[0], coord[1]]) f.write(' ]\n') f.write('}\n') # Export pedestrian crossings for crossingNode in road.crossings: for i in range(len(road.refs)): ref = road.refs[i] translation = Vector2D( OSMCoord.coordDictionnary[crossingNode.OSMID].x, OSMCoord.coordDictionnary[crossingNode.OSMID].z) if (translation.x == OSMCoord.coordDictionnary[ref].x and translation.y == OSMCoord.coordDictionnary[ref].z): if i == len(road.refs) - 1: otherRef = road.refs[i - 1] else: otherRef = road.refs[i + 1] alpha = math.atan( (OSMCoord.coordDictionnary[otherRef].x - OSMCoord.coordDictionnary[ref].x) / (OSMCoord.coordDictionnary[otherRef].z - OSMCoord.coordDictionnary[ref].z)) width = road.width for crossroad in cls.crossroads.values(): # If the pedestrian crossing is on crossroad, it is moved. if (translation.x == OSMCoord.coordDictionnary[ crossroad.nodeRef].x and translation.y == OSMCoord. coordDictionnary[crossroad.nodeRef].z): # Crossing must be parallel to this vector. vector = Vector2D( OSMCoord.coordDictionnary[otherRef].x - OSMCoord.coordDictionnary[ref].x, OSMCoord.coordDictionnary[otherRef].z - OSMCoord.coordDictionnary[ref].z) normVector = math.sqrt(vector.x**2 + vector.y**2) distanceFromCenter = 6.0 # distance to add to the translation in the good direction if crossroad.shape is not None: bounds = crossroad.shape.bounds # center of the crossroad centre = Vector2D( (bounds[2] + bounds[0]) / 2, (bounds[3] + bounds[1]) / 2) # difference between crossroad point and center difference = Vector2D( centre.x - OSMCoord.coordDictionnary[ crossroad.nodeRef].x, centre.y - OSMCoord.coordDictionnary[ crossroad.nodeRef].z) beta = math.atan(difference.x / difference.y) normDifference = math.sqrt( difference.x**2 + difference.y**2) # radius of the crossroad radius = math.sqrt(( (bounds[2] - bounds[0]) / 2)**2 + ( (bounds[3] - bounds[1]) / 2)**2) # We need to add a correction distance to crossing translation because the center of the # crossroad is not the same point as the crossroad point. corrector = normDifference * abs( math.cos(beta - alpha)) if normVector > math.sqrt( (centre.x - OSMCoord. coordDictionnary[otherRef].x)**2 + (centre.y - OSMCoord. coordDictionnary[otherRef].z)**2): corrector = -corrector distanceFromCenter = radius - corrector translation = Vector2D( OSMCoord.coordDictionnary[ref].x + (distanceFromCenter / normVector * vector.x), OSMCoord.coordDictionnary[ref].z + (distanceFromCenter / normVector * vector.y)) break f.write('PedestrianCrossing {\n') f.write(' translation %f %f %f\n' % (translation.x, -0.07, translation.y)) f.write(' rotation 0 1 0 %f\n' % (alpha)) f.write(' name "pedestrian crossing(%d)"\n' % (Road.pedestrianCrossingNameIndex)) Road.pedestrianCrossingNameIndex += 1 f.write(' size %f %f\n' % (width, width * 0.4)) f.write('}\n') break