Esempio n. 1
    def evaluate(self, preds):

        print('Evaluation start...')

        gts = self.datalist
        preds_joint_coord, preds_rel_root_depth, preds_hand_type, inv_trans = preds['joint_coord'], preds['rel_root_depth'], preds['hand_type'], preds['inv_trans']
        assert len(gts) == len(preds_joint_coord)
        sample_num = len(gts)
        mpjpe_sh = [[] for _ in range(self.joint_num*2)]
        mpjpe_ih = [[] for _ in range(self.joint_num*2)]
        mrrpe = []
        acc_hand_cls = 0; hand_cls_cnt = 0;
        for n in range(sample_num):
            data = gts[n]
            bbox, cam_param, joint, gt_hand_type, hand_type_valid = data['bbox'], data['cam_param'], data['joint'], data['hand_type'], data['hand_type_valid']
            focal = cam_param['focal']
            princpt = cam_param['princpt']
            gt_joint_coord = joint['cam_coord']
            joint_valid = joint['valid']
            # restore xy coordinates to original image space
            pred_joint_coord_img = preds_joint_coord[n].copy()
            pred_joint_coord_img[:,0] = pred_joint_coord_img[:,0]/cfg.output_hm_shape[2]*cfg.input_img_shape[1]
            pred_joint_coord_img[:,1] = pred_joint_coord_img[:,1]/cfg.output_hm_shape[1]*cfg.input_img_shape[0]
            for j in range(self.joint_num*2):
                pred_joint_coord_img[j,:2] = trans_point2d(pred_joint_coord_img[j,:2],inv_trans[n])
            # restore depth to original camera space
            pred_joint_coord_img[:,2] = (pred_joint_coord_img[:,2]/cfg.output_hm_shape[0] * 2 - 1) * (cfg.bbox_3d_size/2)
            # mrrpe
            if gt_hand_type == 'interacting' and joint_valid[self.root_joint_idx['left']] and joint_valid[self.root_joint_idx['right']]:
                pred_rel_root_depth = (preds_rel_root_depth[n]/cfg.output_root_hm_shape * 2 - 1) * (cfg.bbox_3d_size_root/2)

                pred_left_root_img = pred_joint_coord_img[self.root_joint_idx['left']].copy()
                pred_left_root_img[2] += data['abs_depth']['right'] + pred_rel_root_depth
                pred_left_root_cam = pixel2cam(pred_left_root_img[None,:], focal, princpt)[0]

                pred_right_root_img = pred_joint_coord_img[self.root_joint_idx['right']].copy()
                pred_right_root_img[2] += data['abs_depth']['right']
                pred_right_root_cam = pixel2cam(pred_right_root_img[None,:], focal, princpt)[0]
                pred_rel_root = pred_left_root_cam - pred_right_root_cam
                gt_rel_root = gt_joint_coord[self.root_joint_idx['left']] - gt_joint_coord[self.root_joint_idx['right']]
                mrrpe.append(float(np.sqrt(np.sum((pred_rel_root - gt_rel_root)**2))))

            # add root joint depth
            pred_joint_coord_img[self.joint_type['right'],2] += data['abs_depth']['right']
            pred_joint_coord_img[self.joint_type['left'],2] += data['abs_depth']['left']

            # back project to camera coordinate system
            pred_joint_coord_cam = pixel2cam(pred_joint_coord_img, focal, princpt)

            # root joint alignment
            for h in ('right', 'left'):
                pred_joint_coord_cam[self.joint_type[h]] = pred_joint_coord_cam[self.joint_type[h]] - pred_joint_coord_cam[self.root_joint_idx[h],None,:]
                gt_joint_coord[self.joint_type[h]] = gt_joint_coord[self.joint_type[h]] - gt_joint_coord[self.root_joint_idx[h],None,:]
            # mpjpe
            for j in range(self.joint_num*2):
                if joint_valid[j]:
                    if gt_hand_type == 'right' or gt_hand_type == 'left':
                        mpjpe_sh[j].append(np.sqrt(np.sum((pred_joint_coord_cam[j] - gt_joint_coord[j])**2)))
                        mpjpe_ih[j].append(np.sqrt(np.sum((pred_joint_coord_cam[j] - gt_joint_coord[j])**2)))

            # handedness accuray
            if hand_type_valid:
                if gt_hand_type == 'right' and preds_hand_type[n][0] > 0.5 and preds_hand_type[n][1] < 0.5:
                    acc_hand_cls += 1
                elif gt_hand_type == 'left' and preds_hand_type[n][0] < 0.5 and preds_hand_type[n][1] > 0.5:
                    acc_hand_cls += 1
                elif gt_hand_type == 'interacting' and preds_hand_type[n][0] > 0.5 and preds_hand_type[n][1] > 0.5:
                    acc_hand_cls += 1
                hand_cls_cnt += 1

            vis = False
            if vis:
                img_path = data['img_path']
                cvimg = cv2.imread(img_path, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR | cv2.IMREAD_IGNORE_ORIENTATION)
                _img = cvimg[:,:,::-1].transpose(2,0,1)
                vis_kps = pred_joint_coord_img.copy()
                vis_valid = joint_valid.copy()
                capture = str(data['capture'])
                cam = str(data['cam'])
                frame = str(data['frame'])
                filename = 'out_' + str(n) + '_' + gt_hand_type + '.jpg'
                vis_keypoints(_img, vis_kps, vis_valid, self.skeleton, filename)

            vis = False
            if vis:
                filename = 'out_' + str(n) + '_3d.jpg'
                vis_3d_keypoints(pred_joint_coord_cam, joint_valid, self.skeleton, filename)

        if hand_cls_cnt > 0: print('Handedness accuracy: ' + str(acc_hand_cls / hand_cls_cnt))
        if len(mrrpe) > 0: print('MRRPE: ' + str(sum(mrrpe)/len(mrrpe)))
        tot_err = []
        eval_summary = 'MPJPE for each joint: \n'
        for j in range(self.joint_num*2):
            tot_err_j = np.mean(np.concatenate((np.stack(mpjpe_sh[j]), np.stack(mpjpe_ih[j]))))
            joint_name = self.skeleton[j]['name']
            eval_summary += (joint_name + ': %.2f, ' % tot_err_j)
        print('MPJPE for all hand sequences: %.2f' % (np.mean(tot_err)))

        eval_summary = 'MPJPE for each joint: \n'
        for j in range(self.joint_num*2):
            mpjpe_sh[j] = np.mean(np.stack(mpjpe_sh[j]))
            joint_name = self.skeleton[j]['name']
            eval_summary += (joint_name + ': %.2f, ' % mpjpe_sh[j])
        print('MPJPE for single hand sequences: %.2f' % (np.mean(mpjpe_sh)))

        eval_summary = 'MPJPE for each joint: \n'
        for j in range(self.joint_num*2):
            mpjpe_ih[j] = np.mean(np.stack(mpjpe_ih[j]))
            joint_name = self.skeleton[j]['name']
            eval_summary += (joint_name + ': %.2f, ' % mpjpe_ih[j])
        print('MPJPE for interacting hand sequences: %.2f' % (np.mean(mpjpe_ih)))
    def evaluate(self, preds):

        print('Evaluation start...')

        gts = self.datalist
        preds_joint_coord, preds_rel_root_depth, preds_hand_type, inv_trans = preds['joint_coord'], preds['rel_root_depth'], preds['hand_type'], preds['inv_trans']
        assert len(gts) == len(preds_joint_coord)
        sample_num = len(gts)
        mpjpe = [[] for _ in range(self.joint_num)] # treat right and left hand identical
        acc_hand_cls = 0
        for n in range(sample_num):
            data = gts[n]
            bbox, cam_param, joint, gt_hand_type = data['bbox'], data['cam_param'], data['joint'], data['hand_type']
            focal = cam_param['focal']
            princpt = cam_param['princpt']
            gt_joint_coord = joint['cam_coord']
            joint_valid = joint['valid']

            # restore coordinates to original space
            pred_joint_coord_img = preds_joint_coord[n].copy()
            pred_joint_coord_img[:,0] = pred_joint_coord_img[:,0]/cfg.output_hm_shape[2]*cfg.input_img_shape[1]
            pred_joint_coord_img[:,1] = pred_joint_coord_img[:,1]/cfg.output_hm_shape[1]*cfg.input_img_shape[0]
            for j in range(self.joint_num*2):
                pred_joint_coord_img[j,:2] = trans_point2d(pred_joint_coord_img[j,:2],inv_trans[n])
            pred_joint_coord_img[:,2] = (pred_joint_coord_img[:,2]/cfg.output_hm_shape[0] * 2 - 1) * (cfg.bbox_3d_size/2)
            pred_joint_coord_img[:,2] = pred_joint_coord_img[:,2] + data['abs_depth']

            # back project to camera coordinate system
            pred_joint_coord_cam = pixel2cam(pred_joint_coord_img, focal, princpt)

            # root joint alignment
            pred_joint_coord_cam[self.joint_type['right']] = pred_joint_coord_cam[self.joint_type['right']] - pred_joint_coord_cam[self.root_joint_idx['right'],None,:]
            pred_joint_coord_cam[self.joint_type['left']] = pred_joint_coord_cam[self.joint_type['left']] - pred_joint_coord_cam[self.root_joint_idx['left'],None,:]
            gt_joint_coord[self.joint_type['right']] = gt_joint_coord[self.joint_type['right']] - gt_joint_coord[self.root_joint_idx['right'],None,:]
            gt_joint_coord[self.joint_type['left']] = gt_joint_coord[self.joint_type['left']] - gt_joint_coord[self.root_joint_idx['left'],None,:]
            # select right or left hand using groundtruth hand type
            pred_joint_coord_cam = pred_joint_coord_cam[self.joint_type[gt_hand_type]]
            gt_joint_coord = gt_joint_coord[self.joint_type[gt_hand_type]]
            joint_valid = joint_valid[self.joint_type[gt_hand_type]]

            # mpjpe save
            for j in range(self.joint_num):
                if joint_valid[j]:
                    mpjpe[j].append(np.sqrt(np.sum((pred_joint_coord_cam[j] - gt_joint_coord[j])**2)))
            if gt_hand_type == 'right' and preds_hand_type[n][0] > 0.5 and preds_hand_type[n][1] < 0.5:
                acc_hand_cls += 1
            elif gt_hand_type == 'left' and preds_hand_type[n][0] < 0.5 and preds_hand_type[n][1] > 0.5:
                acc_hand_cls += 1

            vis = False
            if vis:
                img_path = data['img_path']
                cvimg = cv2.imread(img_path, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR | cv2.IMREAD_IGNORE_ORIENTATION)
                _img = cvimg[:,:,::-1].transpose(2,0,1)
                vis_kps = pred_joint_coord_img.copy()
                vis_valid = joint_valid.copy()
                filename = 'out_' + str(n) + '.jpg'
                vis_keypoints(_img, vis_kps, vis_valid, self.skeleton[:self.joint_num], filename)

            vis = False
            if vis:
                filename = 'out_' + str(n) + '_3d.png'
                vis_3d_keypoints(pred_joint_coord_cam, joint_valid, self.skeleton[:self.joint_num], filename)

        print('Handedness accuracy: ' + str(acc_hand_cls / sample_num))

        eval_summary = 'MPJPE for each joint: \n'
        for j in range(self.joint_num):
            mpjpe[j] = np.mean(np.stack(mpjpe[j]))
            joint_name = self.skeleton[j]['name']
            eval_summary += (joint_name + ': %.2f, ' % mpjpe[j])
        print('MPJPE: %.2f' % (np.mean(mpjpe)))
Esempio n. 3
# handedness
joint_valid = np.zeros((joint_num * 2), dtype=np.float32)
right_exist = False
if hand_type[0] > 0.5:
    right_exist = True
    joint_valid[joint_type['right']] = 1
left_exist = False
if hand_type[1] > 0.5:
    left_exist = True
    joint_valid[joint_type['left']] = 1

print('Right hand exist: ' + str(right_exist) + ' Left hand exist: ' +

# visualize joint coord in 2D space
filename = 'result_2d.jpg'
vis_img = original_img.copy()[:, :, ::-1].transpose(2, 0, 1)
vis_img = vis_keypoints(vis_img,

# visualize joint coord in 3D space
# The 3D coordinate in here consists of x,y pixel and z root-relative depth.
# To make x,y, and z in real unit (e.g., mm), you need to know camera intrincis and root depth.
# The root depth can be obtained from RootNet (
filename = 'result_3d'
vis_3d_keypoints(joint_coord, joint_valid, skeleton, filename)
Esempio n. 4
    def visualize(self, preds, filename, img_path, inv_trans):
        joint_valid = [1.0]*21 + [1.0]*21 #change 1.0 to 0 if that hand is not resent right hand is comes first in output
        focal = [1500, 1500] # x-axis, y-axis
        princpt = [256/2, 256/2] 
        root_joint_idx = {'right': 20, 'left': 41}

        preds_joint_coord, preds_rel_root_depth, preds_hand_type = preds['joint_coord'], preds['rel_root_depth'], preds['hand_type']


        # img = load_image(img_path)
        # inv_trans = augmentation(img, 
        #                         np.array(bbox), 
        #                         preds_joint_coord, 
        #                         joint_valid, 
        #                         preds_hand_type, 
        #                         'test', 
        #                         None)
        pred_joint_coord_img = preds_joint_coord[0].copy()
        pred_joint_coord_img[:,0] = pred_joint_coord_img[:,0]/cfg.output_hm_shape[2]*cfg.input_img_shape[1]
        pred_joint_coord_img[:,1] = pred_joint_coord_img[:,1]/cfg.output_hm_shape[1]*cfg.input_img_shape[0]
        for j in range(21*2):
            pred_joint_coord_img[j,:2] = trans_point2d(pred_joint_coord_img[j,:2], inv_trans)
        pred_joint_coord_img[:,2] = (pred_joint_coord_img[:,2]/cfg.output_hm_shape[0] * 2 - 1) * (cfg.bbox_3d_size/2)

        # if preds_hand_type[0][0] == 0.9 and preds_hand_type[0][1] == 0.9:  #change threshold to execute this parth if both handa are present
        #     pred_rel_root_depth = (preds_rel_root_depth[0]/cfg.output_root_hm_shape * 2 - 1) * (cfg.bbox_3d_size_root/2)

        #     pred_left_root_img = pred_joint_coord_img[root_joint_idx['left']].copy()
        #     pred_left_root_img[2] +=  pred_rel_root_depth
        #     pred_left_root_cam = pixel2cam(pred_left_root_img[None,:], focal, princpt)[0]

        #     pred_right_root_img = pred_joint_coord_img[root_joint_idx['right']].copy()
        #     pred_right_root_cam = pixel2cam(pred_right_root_img[None,:], focal, princpt)[0]
        #     pred_rel_root = pred_left_root_cam - pred_right_root_cam

        # pred_joint_coord_cam = pixel2cam(pred_joint_coord_img, focal, princpt)
        # joint_type = {'right': np.arange(0,21), 'left': np.arange(21,21*2)}
        # for h in ('right', 'left'):
        #     pred_joint_coord_cam[joint_type[h]] = pred_joint_coord_cam[joint_type[h]] - pred_joint_coord_cam[root_joint_idx[h],None,:]

        # print("^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^")
        # print(pred_joint_coord_cam.shape)
        cvimg = cv2.imread(img_path, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR | cv2.IMREAD_IGNORE_ORIENTATION)
        _img = cvimg[:,:,::-1].transpose(2,0,1)
        vis_kps = pred_joint_coord_img.copy()
        vis_valid = joint_valid.copy()
        filename = img_path.replace(".jpg", "2D.jpg").replace("main/custom_data", "custom_output")
        vis_keypoints(_img, vis_kps, joint_valid, self.skeleton, filename)
        filename = img_path.replace(".jpg", "3D.jpg").replace("main/custom_data", "custom_output")
        vis_3d_keypoints(pred_joint_coord_img, joint_valid, self.skeleton, filename)

        print("Finished Processing Image!!!!" + "\n")