def write_results(images, annotations, save_path): writer = get_coco_writer() for i, anns in annotations.items(): img_h, img_w, img_path = images[i] if len(anns): image_id, _ = writer.add_frame(img_h, img_w, filename=img_path) for (bbox, category_id) in anns.values(): writer.add_annotation(image_id, bbox, category_id) writer.write_result(save_path, verbose=True)
hor_crop_name, hor_crop_id = '_'.join( hor_crop_name[:-1]) + '.jpg', int( hor_crop_name[-1].split('.')[0]) img_id = file_name2imgid.get(hor_crop_name) if img_id is None: print(f'Not found pano for {image_path}') continue hor_crop_id2annotcats[img_id][hor_crop_id] = cls_id hor_crop_id2crop_path[img_id][hor_crop_id] = image_path # Create mapping from panoramas names to panoramas paths pan_name2path = get_pannames2paths(os.path.join(args.data_path, 'pans')) mappings = defaultdict(dict) writer = get_coco_writer() for img_id in tqdm(coco.imgs, desc="Mapping annotations to panoramas"): # Skip if no anotations if not hor_crop_id2annotcats[img_id]: continue ann_ids = coco.getAnnIds(imgIds=img_id, iscrowd=None) im_anns = coco.loadAnns(ann_ids) # Extract paths, n_cut for hor_crop hor_crop_path = coco.imgs[img_id]['file_name'] n_hor_crop = int(hor_crop_path.split('_')[-1].split('.')[0]) pan_name = pan_name_from_crop_name(os.path.split(hor_crop_path)[1]) pan_path = pan_name2path[pan_name] if args.debug:
def main(args): pos_boxes = read_pos_boxes_file(args.pos_file, args.grid_radius) executor = PoolExecutor(max_workers=args.max_workers) m = mp.Manager() # Launch indexation pan_info_queue = QueueIterator(m.Queue(), batch_size=args.max_workers) get_panos_thread = Thread(target=get_panos, daemon=True, args=(pos_boxes, executor, pan_info_queue, args)) get_panos_thread.start() # Give time to start indexing time.sleep(3) thetas = get_thetas(fov=args.fov, n_cuts=args.n_cuts_per_image) hor_maps = defaultdict(dict) pans_out_path = os.path.join(args.output_path, 'pans') hor_crop_out_path = os.path.join(args.output_path, 'hor_crops') classifier_out_path = os.path.join(args.output_path, 'hor_crops_infer') annotations_out_path = os.path.join(args.output_path, 'hor_crops_annotations.json') # Load model configs det_config = load_model_config(args.detector_config) cls_config = load_model_config(args.classifier_config) detector = VinoModel(config=det_config, num_proc=args.detector_n_threads) classifier = VinoModel(config=cls_config, num_proc=args.detector_n_threads) writer = get_coco_writer() n_same, n_empty = 0, 0 pbar = tqdm(total=0, desc='Downloading & Processing') for pan_infos in pan_info_queue: = pan_info_queue.total_amount for pan_info in pan_infos: pbar.set_postfix(n_same=n_same, n_empty=n_empty) pan_id, lat, lon, year, month = (pan_info['panoid'], pan_info['lat'], pan_info['lon'], pan_info['year'], pan_info['month']) pano_name = f'{lat}_{lon}_{pan_id}_{month}_{year}' same_files = glob( os.path.join(pans_out_path, f'*{pan_id}_{month}_{year}*')) hor_crop_paths = glob( os.path.join(hor_crop_out_path, f'*{pan_id}_{month}_{year}*')) # If found panorama on disk, skip if same_files: n_same += 1 pano_img = load_img(same_files[0]) # If found horizontal crops on disk, skip downloading too elif hor_crop_paths and args.skip_processed: n_same += 1 hor_crop_paths = { int(os.path.splitext(hor_crop_path)[0].rsplit('_', 1)[1]): hor_crop_path for hor_crop_path in hor_crop_paths } pano_img = None else: pano_img = download_panorama_v5(pan_id) # If failed to download, skip if pano_img is None: n_empty += 1 pbar.update(1) continue for n_hor_crop, theta in enumerate(thetas): # If panorama is not downloaded, load the crop if pano_img is None: hor_crop_path = hor_crop_paths.get(n_hor_crop) if hor_crop_path is None: continue else: hor_img = load_img(hor_crop_path) else: # Get theta if hor_maps[pano_img.shape].get(theta) is None: hor_maps[pano_img.shape][theta] = get_mapping( *pano_img.shape[:2], theta, args.phi, args.res_y, args.res_x, args.fov) hor_img = _get_crop(pano_img, *hor_maps[pano_img.shape][theta]) hor_img_name = f'{pano_name}_{n_hor_crop}' hor_img_path = os.path.join(hor_crop_out_path, f'{hor_img_name}.jpg') is_predicted = process_image(detector, classifier, hor_img, hor_img_path, writer, classifier_out_path) if is_predicted: os.makedirs(hor_crop_out_path, exist_ok=True) save_img(hor_img_path, hor_img) pbar.update(1) # Save result every 500 pans if pbar.n % 500 == 0: writer.write_result(annotations_out_path) writer.write_result(annotations_out_path)
def main(args, writer=None): pos_boxes = read_pos_boxes_file(args.pos_file, args.grid_radius) indexed_pan_ids = set() n_boxes = len(pos_boxes) thetas = get_thetas(fov=args.fov, n_cuts=args.n_cuts_per_image) hor_maps = defaultdict(dict) pans_out_path = os.path.join(args.output_path, 'pans') hor_crop_out_path = os.path.join(args.output_path, 'hor_crops') classifier_out_path = os.path.join(args.output_path, 'hor_crops_infer') annotations_out_path = os.path.join(args.output_path, 'hor_crops_annotations.json') # Load model configs det_config = load_model_config(args.detector_config) cls_config = load_model_config(args.classifier_config) detector = VinoModel(config=det_config, num_proc=args.detector_n_threads) classifier = VinoModel(config=cls_config, num_proc=args.detector_n_threads) writer = writer or get_coco_writer() n_same, n_empty = 0, 0 pbar = tqdm(total=0, desc='Indexing 0%') for i, pos_box in enumerate(pos_boxes, 1): grid = create_grid(*pos_box, step=args.step) pan_infos = get_grid_panoids(grid, closest=args.closest) # Filter by indexed_pan_ids and add to it if not present pan_infos = [ indexed_pan_ids.add(p['panoid']) or p for p in pan_infos if p['panoid'] not in indexed_pan_ids ] # Filter by min year pan_infos = [p for p in pan_infos if p['year'] >= args.min_year] pbar.set_description(f'Indexing {i / n_boxes * 100:.2f}%') += len(pan_infos) pbar.refresh() for pan_info in pan_infos: pbar.set_postfix(n_same=n_same, n_empty=n_empty) pan_id, lat, lon, year, month = (pan_info['panoid'], pan_info['lat'], pan_info['lon'], pan_info['year'], pan_info['month']) pano_name = f'{lat}_{lon}_{pan_id}_{month}_{year}' same_files = glob( os.path.join(pans_out_path, f'*{pan_id}_{month}_{year}*')) hor_crop_paths = glob( os.path.join(hor_crop_out_path, f'*{pan_id}_{month}_{year}*')) # If found panorama on disk, skip if same_files: n_same += 1 pano_img = load_img(same_files[0]) # If found horizontal crops on disk, skip downloading too elif hor_crop_paths and args.skip_processed: n_same += 1 hor_crop_paths = { int(os.path.splitext(hor_crop_path)[0].rsplit('_', 1)[1]): hor_crop_path for hor_crop_path in hor_crop_paths } pano_img = None else: pano_img = download_panorama_v5(pan_id) # If failed to download, skip if pano_img is None: n_empty += 1 pbar.update(1) continue for n_hor_crop, theta in enumerate(thetas): # If panorama is not downloaded, load the crop if pano_img is None: hor_crop_path = hor_crop_paths.get(n_hor_crop) if hor_crop_path is None: continue else: hor_img = load_img(hor_crop_path) else: # Get theta if hor_maps[pano_img.shape].get(theta) is None: hor_maps[pano_img.shape][theta] = get_mapping( *pano_img.shape[:2], theta, args.phi, args.res_y, args.res_x, args.fov) hor_img = _get_crop(pano_img, *hor_maps[pano_img.shape][theta]) hor_img_name = f'{pano_name}_{n_hor_crop}' hor_img_path = os.path.join(hor_crop_out_path, f'{hor_img_name}.jpg') is_predicted = process_image(detector, classifier, hor_img, hor_img_path, writer, classifier_out_path) if is_predicted: os.makedirs(hor_crop_out_path, exist_ok=True) save_img(hor_img_path, hor_img) pbar.update(1) # Save result every 500 pans if pbar.n % 500 == 0: writer.write_result(annotations_out_path) writer.write_result(annotations_out_path)