Esempio n. 1
    def update_volume_info(self, volinfo):
        """Update volume info in the z/VM volume management file

        Input parameters:
        a string containing the volume info string: uuid status userid vdev
        if os.path.exists(self._zvm_volumes_file):
            uuid = volinfo.split(' ')[0]
            # Check whether there are multiple lines correspond to this uuid
            cmd = ("grep -i \"^%(uuid)s\" %(file)s") % {
                'uuid': uuid,
                'file': self._zvm_volumes_file
            status_lines = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)[1].split("\n")
            if len(status_lines) != 1:
                msg = ("Found %(count) line status for volume %(uuid)s.") % {
                    'count': len(status_lines),
                    'uuid': uuid
                raise zvmutils.ZVMException(msg)
            # Write the new status
            cmd = ("sed -i \'s/^%(uuid)s.*/%(new_line)s/g\' %(file)s") % {
                'uuid': uuid,
                'new_line': volinfo,
                'file': self._zvm_volumes_file
            LOG.debug("Updating volume status, cmd: %s" % cmd)
            msg = ("Cann't find z/VM volume management file")
            raise zvmutils.ZVMException(msg)
Esempio n. 2
def delete_volume(volume_uuid):
    """Delete a volume.

    Input parameters:
    :volume_uuid:    volume uuid in zVM
    volumeops = _get_volumeops()
    volume_info = volumeops.get_volume_info(volume_uuid)
    # Check volume status
    if (volume_info is None):
        msg = ("Volume %s does not exist.") % volume_uuid
        raise zvmutils.ZVMException(msg)
    if (volume_info['status'] == 'in-use'):
        msg = ("Cann't delete volume %(uuid)s, attached to "
               "instance %(vm)s" % {
                   'uuid': volume_uuid,
                   'vm': volume_info['userid']
        raise zvmutils.ZVMException(msg)
    # Delete volume from volume manager user
    action = '--removedisk'
    vdev = volume_uuid
    body = [" ".join([action, vdev])]
    url = zvmutils.get_xcat_url().chvm('/' + CONF.volume_mgr_node)
    zvmutils.xcat_request("PUT", url, body)
    # Delete volume from volume management file
Esempio n. 3
    def delete_volume_info(self, uuid):
        """Delete the volume from the z/VM volume management file

        Input parameters:
        :uuid: uuid of the volume to be deleted
        if os.path.exists(self._zvm_volumes_file):
            cmd = ("grep -i \"^%(uuid)s\" %(file)s") % {
                'uuid': uuid,
                'file': self._zvm_volumes_file
            status_lines = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)[1].split("\n")
            if len(status_lines) != 1:
                msg = ("Found %(count) line status for volume %(uuid)s.") % {
                    'count': len(status_lines),
                    'uuid': uuid
                raise zvmutils.ZVMException(msg)
            # Delete the volume status line
            cmd = ("sed -i \'/^%(uuid)s.*/d\' %(file)s") % {
                'uuid': uuid,
                'file': self._zvm_volumes_file
            LOG.debug("Deleting volume status, cmd: %s" % cmd)
            msg = ("Cann't find z/VM volume management file")
            raise zvmutils.ZVMException(msg)
Esempio n. 4
    def get_volume_info(self, uuid):
        """Get the volume status from the volume management file

        Input parameters:
        :uuid: the uuid of the volume

        Returns a dict containing:
        :uuid:   the volume uuid, it's also the vdev in volume_mgr_userid
        :status: the status of the volume, one of the const.ZVM_VOLUME_STATUS
        :userid: the userid to which the volume belongs to
        :vdev:   the vdev of the volume in target vm
        volume_info = {}
        if os.path.exists(self._zvm_volumes_file):
            volumes = []
            with open(self._zvm_volumes_file, 'r') as f:
                volumes = f.readlines()
            for volume in volumes:
                info = volume.strip().split(" ")
                if info[0] == uuid:
                    volume_info['uuid'] = info[0]
                    volume_info['status'] = info[1]
                    volume_info['userid'] = info[2]
                    volume_info['vdev'] = info[3]
            msg = ("Cann't find z/VM volume management file")
            raise zvmutils.ZVMException(msg)
        return volume_info
Esempio n. 5
    def get_free_vdev(self, userid):
        """Get a free vdev address in target userid

        :vdev:   virtual device number, string of 4 bit hex
        vdev = CONF.volume_vdev_start
        if os.path.exists(self._zvm_volumes_file):
            volumes = []
            with open(self._zvm_volumes_file, 'r') as f:
                volumes = f.readlines()
            max_vdev = ''
            for volume in volumes:
                volume_info = volume.strip().split(' ')
                attached_userid = volume_info[2]
                curr_vdev = volume_info[3]
                if (attached_userid == userid) and (
                    (max_vdev == '') or
                    (int(curr_vdev, 16) > int(max_vdev, 16))):
                    max_vdev = curr_vdev
            if max_vdev != '':
                vdev = self._generate_vdev(max_vdev)
                    "max_vdev used in volumes file: %s,"
                    " return vdev: %s", max_vdev, vdev)
            msg = ("Cann't find z/VM volume management file")
            raise zvmutils.ZVMException(msg)
        LOG.debug("Final link address in target VM: %s", vdev)
        return vdev
Esempio n. 6
def attach_volume(instance_name, volume_uuid):
    """Attach a volume to a target vm.

    Input parameters:
    :instance_name:   USERID of the instance, last 8 if length > 8
    ::volume_uuid:    volume uuid in zVM
    volumeops = _get_volumeops()
    volume_info = volumeops.get_volume_info(volume_uuid)
    if (volume_info is None) or (volume_info['status'] != 'free'):
        msg = ("Volume %s does not exist or status is not free.") % volume_uuid
        raise zvmutils.ZVMException(msg)
    target_vdev = volumeops.get_free_vdev(instance_name)
    # First update the status in the management file and then call smcli
    volumeops.update_volume_info(" ".join(
        [volume_uuid, "in-use", instance_name, target_vdev]))
    cmd = ("/opt/zhcp/bin/smcli Image_Disk_Share_DM -T %(dst)s"
           " -v %(dst_vdev)s -t %(src)s -r %(src_vdev)s -a MR"
           " -p multi" % {
               'dst': instance_name,
               'dst_vdev': target_vdev,
               'src': CONF.volume_mgr_userid,
               'src_vdev': volume_uuid
    zhcp_node = CONF.zvm_zhcp_node
    zvmutils.xdsh(zhcp_node, cmd)
    cmd = ("/opt/zhcp/bin/smcli Image_Disk_Create -T %(dst)s -v %(dst_vdev)s"
           " -m MR" % {
               'dst': instance_name,
               'dst_vdev': target_vdev
    zvmutils.xdsh(zhcp_node, cmd)
Esempio n. 7
    def add_volume_info(self, volinfo):
        """Add one new volume in the z/VM volume management file

        Input parameters:
        a string containing the volume info string: uuid status userid vdev
        if os.path.exists(self._zvm_volumes_file):
            with open(self._zvm_volumes_file, 'a') as f:
                f.write(volinfo + '\n')
            msg = ("Cann't find z/VM volume management file")
            raise zvmutils.ZVMException(msg)
Esempio n. 8
 def __init__(self):
     cwd = os.getcwd()
     self._zvm_volumes_file = os.path.join(cwd, const.ZVM_VOLUMES_FILE)
     if not os.path.exists(self._zvm_volumes_file):
         LOG.debug("z/VM volume management file %s does not exist, "
                   "creating it." % self._zvm_volumes_file)
         except Exception as err:
             msg = ("Failed to create the z/VM volume management file, "
                    "error: %s" % str(err))
             raise zvmutils.ZVMException(msg)
Esempio n. 9
def detach_volume(instance_name, volume_uuid):
    """Detach a volume.

    Input parameters:
    :instance_name:   USERID of the instance, last 8 if length > 8
    :volume_uuid:    volume uuid in zVM
    volumeops = _get_volumeops()
    volume_info = volumeops.get_volume_info(volume_uuid)
    # Check volume status
    if (volume_info is None):
        msg = ("Volume %s does not exist.") % volume_uuid
        raise zvmutils.ZVMException(msg)
    if (volume_info['status'] != 'in-use') or (volume_info['userid'] !=
        msg = ("Volume %(uuid)s is not attached to"
               "instance %(vm)s" % {
                   'uuid': volume_uuid,
                   'vm': instance_name
        raise zvmutils.ZVMException(msg)
    # Detach volume
    cmd = ("/opt/zhcp/bin/smcli Image_Disk_Unshare_DM -T %(dst)s"
           " -v %(dst_vdev)s -t %(src)s -r %(src_vdev)s" % {
               'dst': instance_name,
               'dst_vdev': volume_info['vdev'],
               'src': CONF.volume_mgr_userid,
               'src_vdev': volume_uuid
    zhcp_node = CONF.zvm_zhcp_node
    zvmutils.xdsh(zhcp_node, cmd)
    cmd = ("/opt/zhcp/bin/smcli Image_Disk_Delete -T %(dst)s -v %(dst_vdev)s" %
               'dst': instance_name,
               'dst_vdev': volume_info['vdev']
    zvmutils.xdsh(zhcp_node, cmd)
    # Update volume status to free in management file
    volumeops.update_volume_info(" ".join(
        [volume_uuid, "free", CONF.volume_mgr_userid, volume_uuid]))
Esempio n. 10
    def get_free_mgr_vdev(self):
        """Get a free vdev address in volume_mgr userid

        :vdev:   virtual device number, string of 4 bit hex
        vdev = CONF.volume_vdev_start
        if os.path.exists(self._zvm_volumes_file):
            volumes = []
            with open(self._zvm_volumes_file, 'r') as f:
                volumes = f.readlines()
            if len(volumes) >= 1:
                last_line = volumes[-1]
                last_vdev = last_line.strip().split(" ")[0]
                vdev = self._generate_vdev(last_vdev)
                    "last_vdev used in volumes file: %s,"
                    " return vdev: %s", last_vdev, vdev)
                LOG.debug("volumes file has no vdev defined. ")
            msg = ("Cann't find z/VM volume management file")
            raise zvmutils.ZVMException(msg)
        return vdev