Esempio n. 1
File: Progetto: benizi/dyna
 def values(self, x):
     if x in self.vs:
         return _repr(self.vs[x])
         return _repr(eval(x.replace('\\"', '"')))
     except (SyntaxError, NameError):
         if x.startswith('_'):  # looks like an intermediate variable and it's not in vs
             # TODO: we could double check that this is a temp variable by
             # looking it up in anf.
             return '?'
         return x
Esempio n. 2
 def values(self, x):
     if x in self.vs:
         return _repr(self.vs[x])
         return _repr(eval(x.replace('\\"', '"')))
     except (SyntaxError, NameError):
         if x.startswith(
         ):  # looks like an intermediate variable and it's not in vs
             # TODO: we could double check that this is a temp variable by
             # looking it up in anf.
             return '?'
         return x
Esempio n. 3
 def do_vquery(self, q):
     See query.
     results = self._query(q)
     if results is None:
     if len(results) == 0:
         print 'No results.'
     results = [(b.pop('$val'), b) for b in results]
     for val, b in sorted(results):
         print _repr(val), 'where', drepr(b)
Esempio n. 4
File: Progetto: nwf/dyna
 def do_vquery(self, q):
     See query.
     results = self._query(q)
     if results is None:
     if len(results) == 0:
         print "No results."
     results = [(b.pop("$val"), b) for b in results]
     for val, b in sorted(results):
         print _repr(val), "where", drepr(b)
Esempio n. 5
 def fold(self):
     s = [x for x, m in self.iteritems() if m > 0]
     for val in s:
         if val is not true:
             raise TypeError('%s is not true.' % _repr(val))
     # TODO: can short circuit as soon as we get a true... but above we check
     # the types.. so we don't get the benefit.
     if len(s):
         return true
Esempio n. 6
 def fold(self):
     s = [x for x, m in self.iteritems() if m > 0]
     if len(s):
         for val in s:
             if not isbool(val):
                 raise TypeError('%s is not Boolean.' % _repr(val))
         # TODO: can short circuit as soon as we get a true... but above we
         # check the types.. so we don't get the benefit.
         return todyna(any(s))
Esempio n. 7
def dig(head, visited, tail, groups, interp, depth_limit=-1):

    if depth_limit >= 0 and len(tail) >= depth_limit:
        return [yellow % '*max depth*']

    if head in tail:
        return ['%s = %s' % (yellow % head, _repr(head.value))] \
            + ['|'] \
            + branch([[red % 'continue as before (cyclic structure, will continue forever)']]) \
            + ['']

    if head in visited:
        return ['%s = %s' % (yellow % head, _repr(head.value))] \
            + ['|'] \
            + branch([[red % 'continue as before (shared structure)']]) \
            + ['']

    if head not in groups:
        return []


    contribs = []

    for ruleix in groups[head]:
        for (_, _, body, vs) in groups[head][ruleix]:

            crux = Crux(head, interp.rules[ruleix], body, dict(vs))
            block = branch([
                dig(x, visited, tail + (head, ), groups, interp, depth_limit)
                for x in body

            if block:
                contribs.append(crux.fvalue() + [''] + crux.format() + ['|'] +
                contribs.append(crux.fvalue() + [''] + crux.format() + [''])

    return ['%s = %s' % (yellow % head, cyan % _repr(head.value))] \
        + ['|'] \
        + branch(contribs)
Esempio n. 8
    def __repr__(self):
        rows = [
            term for term in self.intern.values() if term.value is not None
        if not rows:
            return ''

        heading = [, '=' * len(]

        # special handing `:-` aggregator -- only list true facts (and errors)
        if self.agg_name == ':-':
            lines = []
            for term in sorted(rows):
                if term.value is true:
                    lines.append('%s.' % _repr(term))
                else:  # e.g. $error
                    lines.append('%s = %s.' % (_repr(term), _repr(term.value)))
            if self.arity != 0:
                lines = heading + lines  # heading
            return '\n'.join(lines)

        if self.arity == 0:
            [term] = rows
            return '%s = %s.' % (term, _repr(term.value))

        p = [(_repr(term), _repr(term.value)) for term in sorted(rows)]
        lines = []
        terms, values = zip(*p)
        widths = map(len, terms)
        fmt = '%%-%ds = %%s.' % min(max(widths), 40)
        for term, value in zip(terms, values):
            lines.append(fmt % (term, value))
        return '\n'.join(heading + lines)
Esempio n. 9
    def __repr__(self):
        rows = [term for term in self.intern.values() if term.value is not None]
        if not rows:
            return ''

        heading = [, '='*len(]

        # special handing `:-` aggregator -- only list true facts (and errors)
        if self.agg_name == ':-':
            lines = []
            for term in sorted(rows):
                if term.value is true:
                    lines.append('%s.' % _repr(term))
                else:                                           # e.g. $error
                    lines.append('%s = %s.' % (_repr(term), _repr(term.value)))
            if self.arity != 0:
                lines = heading + lines # heading
            return '\n'.join(lines)

        if self.arity == 0:
            [term] = rows
            return '%s = %s.' % (term, _repr(term.value))

        p = [(_repr(term), _repr(term.value)) for term in sorted(rows)]
        lines = []
        terms, values = zip(*p)
        widths = map(len, terms)
        fmt = '%%-%ds = %%s.' % min(max(widths), 40)
        for term, value in zip(terms, values):
            lines.append(fmt % (term, value))
        return '\n'.join(heading + lines)
Esempio n. 10
File: Progetto: benizi/dyna
def dig(head, visited, tail, groups, interp, depth_limit=-1):

    if depth_limit >= 0 and len(tail) >= depth_limit:
        return [yellow % '*max depth*']

    if head in tail:
        return ['%s = %s' % (yellow % head, _repr(head.value))] \
            + ['|'] \
            + branch([[red % 'continue as before (cyclic structure, will continue forever)']]) \
            + ['']

    if head in visited:
        return ['%s = %s' % (yellow % head, _repr(head.value))] \
            + ['|'] \
            + branch([[red % 'continue as before (shared structure)']]) \
            + ['']

    if head not in groups:
        return []


    contribs = []

    for ruleix in groups[head]:
        for (_, _, body, vs) in groups[head][ruleix]:

            crux = Crux(head, interp.rules[ruleix], body, dict(vs))
            block = branch([dig(x, visited, tail + (head,), groups, interp, depth_limit) for x in body])

            if block:
                contribs.append(crux.fvalue() + [''] + crux.format() + ['|'] + block)
                contribs.append(crux.fvalue() + [''] + crux.format() + [''])

    return ['%s = %s' % (yellow % head, cyan % _repr(head.value))] \
        + ['|'] \
        + branch(contribs)
Esempio n. 11
 def _changed(self, changed):
     if not changed:
     changed = [x for x in changed if not x.fn.startswith('$rule/')]
     if not changed:
     print 'Changes'
     print '======='
     for x in sorted(changed):
         if x.fn in self.interp._gbc:  # skip BC
         print '%s = %s.' % (x, _repr(x.value))
Esempio n. 12
File: Progetto: nwf/dyna
 def _changed(self, changed):
     if not changed:
     changed = [x for x in changed if not x.fn.startswith("$rule/")]
     if not changed:
     print "Changes"
     print "======="
     for x in sorted(changed):
         if x.fn in self.interp._gbc:  # skip BC
         print "%s = %s." % (x, _repr(x.value))
Esempio n. 13
    def do_query(self, q):
        Query solution.

        Consider the following example;

          > f(1) := 1.
          > f(2) := 4.

        There a few versions of query:

         - `vquery` shows variable bindings

            > vquery f(X)
            1 where {X=1}
            4 where {X=1}

         - `query` shows variable bindings applied to query

            > query f(X)
            f(1) = 1.
            f(2) = 4.

         - `trace` is an introspection tool for visualizing the derivation of an
           item and its value. Type `help trace` for more information.

        results = self._query(q)
        if results is None:
        if len(results) == 0:
            print 'No results.'
        for term, result in sorted(
            (subst(q, result), result) for result in results):
            print '%s = %s.' % (term, _repr(todyna(result['$val'])))
Esempio n. 14
File: Progetto: nwf/dyna
    def do_query(self, q):
        Query solution.

        Consider the following example;

          > f(1) := 1.
          > f(2) := 4.

        There a few versions of query:

         - `vquery` shows variable bindings

            > vquery f(X)
            1 where {X=1}
            4 where {X=1}

         - `query` shows variable bindings applied to query

            > query f(X)
            f(1) = 1.
            f(2) = 4.

         - `trace` is an introspection tool for visualizing the derivation of an
           item and its value. Type `help trace` for more information.

        results = self._query(q)
        if results is None:
        if len(results) == 0:
            print "No results."
        for term, result in sorted((subst(q, result), result) for result in results):
            print "%s = %s." % (term, _repr(todyna(result["$val"])))
Esempio n. 15
    def dump_errors(self, out=None):
        if out is None:
            out = sys.stdout

        # separate errors into aggregation errors and update handler errors
        I = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list))
        E = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list))
        for item, x in self.error.items():
            if isinstance(item, Rule):
            (val, es) = x
            for e, h in es:
                if h is None:
                    I[item.fn][type(e)].append((item, e))
                    assert h.rule.index in self.rules
                    E[h.rule][type(e)].append((item, val, e))

        # We only dump the error chart if it's non empty.
        if not I and not E and not self.uninitialized_rules and not self.recompile:

        print >> out
        print >> out, red % 'Errors'
        print >> out, red % '======'

        # aggregation errors
        for fn in sorted(I):
            print >> out, 'Error(s) aggregating %s:' % fn
            for etype in I[fn]:
                print >> out, '  %s:' % etype.__name__
                for i, (item, e) in enumerate(sorted(I[fn][etype])):
                    if i >= 5:
                        print >> out, '    %s more ...' % (len(I[fn][etype]) -
                    print >> out, '    `%s`: %s' % (item, e)
                print >> out

        # errors pertaining to rules
        for r in sorted(E):
            print >> out, 'Error(s) in rule %s:' % r.index, r.span
            print >> out
            for line in r.src.split('\n'):
                print >> out, '   ', line
            print >> out
            for etype in E[r]:
                print >> out, '  %s:' % etype.__name__
                for i, (item, value, e) in enumerate(sorted(E[r][etype])):
                    if i >= 5:
                        print >> out, '    %s more ...' % (len(E[r][etype]) -
                    print >> out, '    when `%s` = %s' % (item, _repr(value))

                    if 'maximum recursion depth exceeded' in str(e):
                        # simplify recurision limit error because it prints some
                        # unpredictable stuff.
                        print >> out, '      maximum recursion depth exceeded'
                        print >> out, '      %s' % (e)

                    #print >> out
                    #print >> out, magenta % indent(e.traceback.rstrip(), indent='        ')

                    print >> out
                    print >> out, r.render_ctx(e.exception_frame,
                                               indent='      ')
                    print >> out

        # uninitialized rules
        if self.uninitialized_rules:
            print >> out, red % 'Uninitialized rules'
            print >> out, red % '==================='
            for rule in sorted(self.uninitialized_rules):
                e = self.error[rule]
                print >> out, 'Failed to initialize rule:'
                print >> out, '   ', rule.src
                print >> out, '  due to `%s`' % e
                print >> out, rule.render_ctx(e.exception_frame, indent='    ')
                print >> out

        # rules which failed to recompile
        if self.recompile:
            print >> out, red % 'Failed to recompile'
            print >> out, red % '==================='
            for rule in sorted(self.recompile):
                e = self.error[rule]
                print >> out, 'Failed to recompile rule:'
                print >> out, '   ', rule.src
                print >> out, '  with error'
                for line in str(e).split('\n'):
                    print >> out, '   ', line
                print >> out

        print >> out
Esempio n. 16
    def dump_errors(self, out=None):
        if out is None:
            out = sys.stdout

        # separate errors into aggregation errors and update handler errors
        I = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list))
        E = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list))
        for item, x in self.error.items():
            if isinstance(item, Rule):
            (val, es) = x
            for e, h in es:
                if h is None:
                    I[item.fn][type(e)].append((item, e))
                    assert h.rule.index in self.rules
                    E[h.rule][type(e)].append((item, val, e))

        # We only dump the error chart if it's non empty.
        if not I and not E and not self.uninitialized_rules and not self.recompile:

        print >> out
        print >> out, red % 'Errors'
        print >> out, red % '======'

        # aggregation errors
        for fn in sorted(I):
            print >> out, 'Error(s) aggregating %s:' % fn
            for etype in I[fn]:
                print >> out, '  %s:' % etype.__name__
                for i, (item, e) in enumerate(sorted(I[fn][etype])):
                    if i >= 5:
                        print >> out, '    %s more ...' % (len(I[fn][etype]) - i)
                    print >> out, '    `%s`: %s' % (item, e)
                print >> out

        # errors pertaining to rules
        for r in sorted(E):
            print >> out, 'Error(s) in rule %s:' % r.index, r.span
            print >> out
            for line in r.src.split('\n'):
                print >> out, '   ', line
            print >> out
            for etype in E[r]:
                print >> out, '  %s:' % etype.__name__
                for i, (item, value, e) in enumerate(sorted(E[r][etype])):
                    if i >= 5:
                        print >> out, '    %s more ...' % (len(E[r][etype]) - i)
                    print >> out, '    when `%s` = %s' % (item, _repr(value))

                    if 'maximum recursion depth exceeded' in str(e):
                        # simplify recurision limit error because it prints some
                        # unpredictable stuff.
                        print >> out, '      maximum recursion depth exceeded'
                        print >> out, '      %s' % (e)

                    #print >> out
                    #print >> out, magenta % indent(e.traceback.rstrip(), indent='        ')

                    print >> out
                    print >> out, r.render_ctx(e.exception_frame, indent='      ')
                    print >> out

        # uninitialized rules
        if self.uninitialized_rules:
            print >> out, red % 'Uninitialized rules'
            print >> out, red % '==================='
            for rule in sorted(self.uninitialized_rules):
                e = self.error[rule]
                print >> out, 'Failed to initialize rule:'
                print >> out, '   ', rule.src
                print >> out, '  due to `%s`' % e
                print >> out, rule.render_ctx(e.exception_frame, indent='    ')
                print >> out

        # rules which failed to recompile
        if self.recompile:
            print >> out, red % 'Failed to recompile'
            print >> out, red % '==================='
            for rule in sorted(self.recompile):
                e = self.error[rule]
                print >> out, 'Failed to recompile rule:'
                print >> out, '   ', rule.src
                print >> out, '  with error'
                for line in str(e).split('\n'):
                    print >> out, '   ', line
                print >> out

        print >> out