except: pmdec = 0.0
        try: parallax = h[0].header['PARLAX1']
        except: parallax = 0.0
        try: rv = h[0].header['RV1']
        except: rv = 0.0
        jdutcs[i] = midflux
        zmeas = np.nanmedian(chrec['z'])#utils.robust_mean(chrec['z'],3)
        rverr = utils.robust_sigma(chrec['z'])*c
        if zmeas == 0.0 or midflux < 2457469:
            rvs[i] = np.nan
            if objname == 'daytimeSky':
                rvs[i] = zmeas*c
                rvs[i] = utils.barycorr(midflux, ra, dec, pmra=pmra, pmdec=pmdec, parallax=parallax, rv=rv, zmeas=zmeas)

        print fitsname, midflux, zmeas, rvs[i], rverr
        i += 1

    print objname, np.nanstd(rvs)
    plt.xlabel('Days since UT 2016-01-01')
    plt.ylabel('RV (m/s)')
#    plt.xlim([90,160])
    plt.savefig(objname + '.png')
def vank(objname, weightthresh=1.0,chithresh=99.0, sigmaithresh=1.0):

    c = 299792458.0

    filenames = glob.glob('/Data/kiwispec-proc/n20160[4,5,6]*/*' + objname + '*.chrec.npy')

    nobs = len(filenames)
    if nobs <= 3: return

    vji = []
    wji = []
    chiji = []
    ctsji = []
    jdutcs = np.array([])

    for filename in filenames:

        chrec = np.load(filename)
        fitsname = os.path.splitext(os.path.splitext(filename)[0])[0] + '.fits'
        h = fits.open(fitsname)
        t = Time(h[0].header['DATE-OBS'], format='isot',scale='utc')
        midflux = t.jd + h[0].header['EXPTIME']/2.0/86400.0
        jdutcs = np.append(jdutcs,midflux)

        # reject chunks with bad DSST (Step 1)
        bad = np.where(chrec['wt'] == 0)
        chrec['z'][bad] = np.nan

        # reject chunks where fitter failed to converge (rchi2 == 0 or 100)
        # (Step 2)
        bad = np.where(chrec['chi'] == 0.0)
        bad2 = np.where(chrec['chi'] == 100.0)
        chrec['z'][bad] = np.nan
        if len(bad2[0]) != 0: ipdb.set_trace()

        # reject chunks with the lowest DSST weight (Step 3)
        lowweight = np.percentile(chrec['wt'],weightthresh)
        bad = np.where(chrec['wt'] <= lowweight)
        chrec['z'][bad] = np.nan

#        rverr = utils.robust_sigma(chrec['z'])*c
        ra = h[0].header['TARGRA1']
        dec = h[0].header['TARGDEC1']
        try: pmra = h[0].header['PMRA1']
        except: pmra = 0.0
        try: pmdec = h[0].header['PMDEC1']
        except: pmdec = 0.0
        try: parallax = h[0].header['PARLAX1']
        except: parallax = 0.0
        try: rv = h[0].header['RV1']
        except: rv = 0.0
        result = utils.barycorr(midflux, ra, dec, pmra=pmra, pmdec=pmdec, parallax=parallax, rv=rv, zmeas=0.0)
        zb = result/c
        rvs = c*((1.0+chrec['z'])*(1.0+zb)-1.0)

        if len(vji) == 0: vji = rvs
        else: vji = np.vstack((vji,rvs))

        if len(wji) == 0: wji = chrec['wt']
        else: wji = np.vstack((wji,chrec['wt']))
        if len(chiji) == 0: chiji = chrec['chi']
        else: chiji = np.vstack((chiji,chrec['wt']))

        if len(ctsji) == 0: ctsji = chrec['cts']
        else: ctsji = np.vstack((ctsji,chrec['cts']))

    nchunks = len(chrec)
    vij = np.transpose(vji)
    wij = np.transpose(wji)
    chiij = np.transpose(chiji)
    ctsij = np.transpose(ctsji)

    snr = np.sqrt(np.sum(ctsij,axis=0))

    # reject chunks with the worst fits (step 4)
    chimed = np.nanmedian(chiij,axis=1)
    hichi = np.percentile(chimed,chithresh)
    bad = np.where(chimed >= hichi)
    vij[bad,:] = np.nan  

    # adjust all chunks to have the same RV zero points (step 5)
    # subtract the mean velocity of all observations from each chunk
    vij -= np.transpose(np.tile(np.nanmean(vij,axis=1),(nobs,1)))

    # compute chunk weights (step 6):
    # median velocities for each observation
    vjmed = np.nanmedian(vij,axis=0) # eq 2.9

    # compute the matrix of velocity differences 
    Deltaij = vij - np.tile(vjmed,(nchunks,1)) # eq 2.8
    sigmai = np.nanstd(Deltaij,axis=1) # eq 2.6

    # reject the highest sigmai (step 7)
    bad = np.where(sigmai == 0.0)
    sigmai[bad] = np.inf
    hisigma = np.percentile(sigmai,sigmaithresh)
    bad = np.where(sigmai >= hisigma)
    sigmai[bad] = np.inf

    # compute rj (eq 2.7)
    rj = np.nanmedian(np.abs(Deltaij)*np.transpose(np.tile(sigmai,(nobs,1))),axis=0) # eq 2.7
    sigmaij = np.transpose(np.tile(sigmai,(nobs,1)))*np.tile(rj,(nchunks,1)) # eq 2.5

    # prevent nans
    bad = np.where(sigmaij == 0.0)
    sigmaij[bad] = np.inf

    wij = 1.0/sigmaij**2

    vj = np.nansum(vij*wij,axis=0)/np.nansum(wij,axis=0) # eq 2.10
    sigmavj = 1.0/np.sqrt(np.nansum(wij,axis=0)) # eq 2.12
    print objname + " RMS: " + str(np.nanstd(vj))
    # plot scatter vs time
    plt.xlabel('Days since UT 2016-01-01')
    plt.ylabel('RV (m/s)')
    plt.savefig(objname + '.png')

    # create a histogram of scatter within a night
    mindate = int(math.floor(min(jdutcs)))
    maxdate = int(math.ceil(max(jdutcs)))

    jdbin = []
    rvbin = []
    errbin = []
    sigmabin = []
    for i in range(mindate,maxdate):
        match = np.where((jdutcs >= i) & (jdutcs < (i+1)))
        if len(match[0]) > 1:

#    print jdbin, rvbin, errbin, sigmabin

    hist, bins = np.histogram(errbin, bins=20)
    width = 0.7 * (bins[1] - bins[0])
    center = (bins[:-1] + bins[1:]) / 2
    plt.bar(center, hist, align='center', width=width)
    plt.xlabel('Intranight RMS (m/s)')
    plt.ylabel('# of Nights')
    plt.savefig(objname + '.hist.png')

    # plot scatter within a night vs SNR
    plt.plot(sigmabin, errbin,'bo')
    plt.ylabel('Intranight RMS (m/s)')
    plt.savefig(objname + '.SNR.png')

    # subtract a linear trend from vj
    good = np.where(np.isfinite(vj))
    t0 = np.nanmedian(jdutcs[good])
    coeffs = np.polyfit(jdutcs[good]-t0,vj[good],1)
    vjtrend = coeffs[1] + (jdutcs[good]-t0)*coeffs[0] 

    # plot scatter minus trend vs time
    plt.xlabel('Days since UT 2016-01-01')
    plt.ylabel('RV (m/s)')
    plt.savefig(objname + '.detrended.png')
    print objname + " Detrended RMS: " + str(np.nanstd(vj[good]-vjtrend))
def vank(objname, weightthresh=10.0,chithresh=0.0, sigmaithresh=0.0):

    c = 299792458.0

    if socket.gethostname() == 'Main':
        filenames = glob.glob('/Data/kiwispec-proc/n20160[5,6]*/*' + objname + '*.chrec' + exten + '.npy')
        filenames = glob.glob('/n/home12/jeastman/minerva/data/n2016051[4-9]/*' + objname + '*.chrec' + exten + '.npy') +\
            glob.glob('/n/home12/jeastman/minerva/data/n201605[2-3]?/*' + objname + '*.chrec' + exten + '.npy') +\
            glob.glob('/n/home12/jeastman/minerva/data/n2016060?/*' + objname + '*.chrec' + exten + '.npy') +\
            glob.glob('/n/home12/jeastman/minerva/data/n2016061[0-2]/*' + objname + '*.chrec' + exten + '.npy')

    ntel = 4
    nobs = len(filenames)*ntel
    if nobs <= 3: return

    vji = []
    wji = []
    chiji = []
    ctsji = []
    alphaji = []
    ipsigmaji = []
    slopeji = []
    jdutcs = np.array([])
    telescope = np.array([])

    for filename in filenames:

        st = os.stat(filename)
#        if (st.st_size != 121120): continue
        if (st.st_size == 0.0): 
            nobs -= 4
        chrec = np.load(filename)
        fitsname = os.path.splitext(os.path.splitext(filename)[0])[0] + '.fits'
        h = pyfits.open(fitsname,mode='update')
#        # reject chunks with bad DSST (Step 1)
#        bad = np.where(chrec['wt' + str(i)] == 0)
#        chrec['z' + str(i)][bad] = np.nan

        # reject chunks where fitter failed to converge (rchi2 == 0 or 100)
        # (Step 2)
        for i in range(1,ntel+1):

            if h[0].header['FLUXMID' + str(i)] == 'UNKNOWN':
                t = Time(h[0].header['DATE-OBS'], format='isot',scale='utc')
                midflux = t.jd+h[0].header['EXPTIME']/2.0/86400.0
                h[0].header['FLUXMID' + str(i)] = midflux
                midflux = h[0].header['FLUXMID' + str(i)]

            # very noisy data can find great fits
            bad = np.where(chrec['chi' + str(i)] <= 0.3)
            chrec['z' + str(i)][bad] = np.nan

            # bad fits will have bad chi^2
            bad = np.where(chrec['chi' + str(i)] >= 5)
            chrec['z' + str(i)][bad] = np.nan

            # very noisy data can find great fits
            bad = np.where((chrec['alpha' + str(i)] <= -0.95) | (chrec['alpha' + str(i)] >= 0.95))
            chrec['z' + str(i)][bad] = np.nan

            # very noisy data can find great fits
            bad = np.where((chrec['sigma' + str(i)] <= 0.25) | (chrec['sigma' + str(i)] >= 1.25))
            chrec['z' + str(i)][bad] = np.nan

            # reject chunks with the lowest DSST weight (Step 3) or bad weights (Step 1)
            lowweight = np.nanpercentile(chrec['wt' + str(i)],weightthresh)
            bad = np.where((chrec['wt' + str(i)] <= lowweight) | (chrec['wt' + str(i)] == 0))
            chrec['z' + str(i)][bad] = np.nan

            if 'BARYCOR' + str(i) not in h[0].header.keys():
                # do the barycentric correction
                ra = h[0].header['TARGRA' + str(i)]
                dec = h[0].header['TARGDEC' + str(i)]
                try: pmra = h[0].header['PMRA' + str(i)]
                except: pmra = 0.0
                try: pmdec = h[0].header['PMDEC' + str(i)]
                except: pmdec = 0.0
                try: parallax = h[0].header['PARLAX' + str(i)]
                except: parallax = 0.0
                try: rv = h[0].header['RV' + str(i)]
                except: rv = 0.0
                result = utils.barycorr(midflux, ra, dec, pmra=pmra, pmdec=pmdec, parallax=parallax, rv=rv, zmeas=0.0)
                zb = result/c
                h[0].header['BARYCOR' + str(i)] = zb
            elif h[0].header['BARYCOR' + str(i)] == 'UNKNOWN':
                # do the barycentric correction
                ra = h[0].header['TARGRA' + str(i)]
                dec = h[0].header['TARGDEC' + str(i)]
                try: pmra = h[0].header['PMRA' + str(i)]
                except: pmra = 0.0
                try: pmdec = h[0].header['PMDEC' + str(i)]
                except: pmdec = 0.0
                try: parallax = h[0].header['PARLAX' + str(i)]
                except: parallax = 0.0
                try: rv = h[0].header['RV' + str(i)]
                except: rv = 0.0
                result = utils.barycorr(midflux, ra, dec, pmra=pmra, pmdec=pmdec, parallax=parallax, rv=rv, zmeas=0.0)
                zb = result/c
                h[0].header['BARYCOR' + str(i)] = zb
                zb = h[0].header['BARYCOR' + str(i)]

#            active = np.append(active ,h[0].header['FAUSTAT' + str(i)] == 'GUIDING')
            if h[0].header['FAUSTAT' + str(i)] == 'GUIDING' or 'daytimeSky' in h[0].header['OBJECT' + str(i)]:

                rvs = c*((1.0+chrec['z' + str(i)])*(1.0+zb)-1.0)

                # if all chunks are bad, skip it
                if len(np.where(np.isnan(rvs))[0]) == len(rvs): 

                jdutcs = np.append(jdutcs,midflux)
                telescope = np.append(telescope,i)

                if len(vji) == 0: vji = rvs
                else: vji = np.vstack((vji,rvs))

                if len(wji) == 0: wji = chrec['wt' + str(i)]
                else: wji = np.vstack((wji,chrec['wt' + str(i)]))
                if len(chiji) == 0: chiji = chrec['chi' + str(i)]
                else: chiji = np.vstack((chiji,chrec['chi' + str(i)]))

                if len(ctsji) == 0: ctsji = chrec['cts' + str(i)]
                else: ctsji = np.vstack((ctsji,chrec['cts' + str(i)]))

                if len(alphaji) == 0: alphaji = chrec['alpha' + str(i)]
                else: alphaji = np.vstack((alphaji,chrec['alpha' + str(i)]))

                if len(ipsigmaji) == 0: ipsigmaji = chrec['sigma' + str(i)]
                else: ipsigmaji = np.vstack((ipsigmaji,chrec['sigma' + str(i)]))

                if len(slopeji) == 0: slopeji = chrec['slope' + str(i)]
                else: slopeji = np.vstack((slopeji,chrec['slope' + str(i)]))
            else: nobs-=1


    nchunks = len(chrec)
    vij = np.transpose(vji)
    wij = np.transpose(wji)
    chiij = np.transpose(chiji)
    ctsij = np.transpose(ctsji)
    alphaij = np.transpose(alphaji)
    ipsigmaij = np.transpose(ipsigmaji)
    slopeij = np.transpose(slopeji)
    snr = np.sqrt(np.nansum(ctsij,axis=0))

    # reject chunks with the worst fits (step 4)
    chimed = np.nanmedian(chiij,axis=1)
    hichi = np.nanpercentile(chimed,100.0-chithresh)
    bad = np.where(chimed >= hichi)
    vij[bad,:] = np.nan  

    # adjust all chunks to have the same RV zero points (step 5)
    # subtract the mean velocity of all observations from each chunk
    vij -= np.transpose(np.tile(np.nanmean(vij,axis=1),(nobs,1)))

    # compute chunk weights (step 6):
    # median velocities for each observation
    vjmed = np.nanmedian(vij,axis=0) # eq 2.9

    # compute the matrix of velocity differences 
    Deltaij = vij - np.tile(vjmed,(nchunks,1)) # eq 2.8
    sigmai = np.nanstd(Deltaij,axis=1) # eq 2.6

    # reject the highest sigmai (step 7)
    bad = np.where(sigmai == 0.0)
    sigmai[bad] = np.inf
    hisigma = np.nanpercentile(sigmai,100.0-sigmaithresh)
    bad = np.where(sigmai >= hisigma)
    sigmai[bad] = np.inf

    # compute rj (eq 2.7)
    rj = np.nanmedian(np.abs(Deltaij)*np.transpose(np.tile(sigmai,(nobs,1))),axis=0) # eq 2.7
    sigmaij = np.transpose(np.tile(sigmai,(nobs,1)))*np.tile(rj,(nchunks,1)) # eq 2.5

    # prevent nans
    bad = np.where(sigmaij == 0.0)
    sigmaij[bad] = np.inf

    wij = 1.0/sigmaij**2

    vj = np.nansum(vij*wij,axis=0)/np.nansum(wij,axis=0) # eq 2.10
    sigmavj = 1.0/np.sqrt(np.nansum(wij,axis=0)) # eq 2.12
    print objname + " RMS: " + str(np.nanstd(vj))
    # plot scatter vs time
    colors = ['','r','g','b','orange']
    for i in range(1,ntel+1):
        match = np.where(telescope == i)

    plt.xlabel('Days since UT 2016-01-01')
    plt.ylabel('RV (m/s)')
    plt.savefig(objname + '.' + exten + '.png')
    nightlyrvs = {'all':np.array([]),

    # bin per telescope per night
    for jd in range(2457480,2457571):
        for i in range(1,ntel+1):
            match = np.where((jdutcs >= jd) & (jdutcs < (jd+1)) & np.isfinite(vj) & (telescope==i))
            night = np.mean(jdutcs[match])-2457389
            nightlyrv = np.sum(vj[match]/sigmavj[match]**2)/np.sum(1.0/sigmavj[match]**2)
            nightlyrvs['T' + str(i)] = np.append(nightlyrvs['T' + str(i)],nightlyrv)
        match = np.where((jdutcs >= jd) & (jdutcs < (jd+1)) & np.isfinite(vj))
        night = np.mean(jdutcs[match])-2457389
        nightlyrv = np.sum(vj[match]/sigmavj[match]**2)/np.sum(1.0/sigmavj[match]**2)
        nightlyrvs['all'] = np.append(nightlyrvs['all'],nightlyrv)

    plt.xlabel('Days since UT 2016-01-01')
    plt.ylabel('Nightly binned RV (m/s)')
    plt.savefig(objname + '.' + exten + '.binned.png')
    print objname + ' nightly binned RMS:'
    print "All: " + str(np.nanstd(nightlyrvs['all']))
    print "T1: " + str(np.nanstd(nightlyrvs['T1']))
    print "T2: " + str(np.nanstd(nightlyrvs['T2']))
    print "T3: " + str(np.nanstd(nightlyrvs['T3']))
    print "T4: " + str(np.nanstd(nightlyrvs['T4']))
    # create a histogram of scatter within a night
    mindate = int(math.floor(min(jdutcs)))
    maxdate = int(math.ceil(max(jdutcs)))

    jdbin = []
    rvbin = []
    errbin = []
    sigmabin = []
    for i in range(mindate,maxdate):
        match = np.where((jdutcs >= i) & (jdutcs < (i+1)) & (np.isfinite(vj)))
        if len(match[0]) > 1:

#    print jdbin, rvbin, errbin, sigmabin
    hist, bins = np.histogram(errbin, bins=20)
    width = 0.7 * (bins[1] - bins[0])
    center = (bins[:-1] + bins[1:]) / 2
    plt.bar(center, hist, align='center', width=width)
    plt.xlabel('Intranight RMS (m/s)')
    plt.ylabel('# of Nights')
    plt.savefig(objname + '.' + exten + '.hist.png')

    # plot median sigma as a function of chunk number
    for tel in range(1,ntel+1):
        match = np.where(telescope == tel)
        for chunk in range(np.shape(ipsigmaij)[0]):
    plt.xlabel('Chunk number')
    plt.savefig(objname + '.' + exten + '.sigmavchunk.png')

    # plot median alpha as a function of chunk number
    for tel in range(1,ntel+1):
        match = np.where(telescope == tel)
        for chunk in range(np.shape(alphaij)[0]):
    plt.xlabel('Chunk number')
    plt.savefig(objname + '.' + exten + '.alphavchunk.png')

    # plot median slope as a function of chunk number
    for tel in range(1,ntel+1):
        match = np.where(telescope == tel)
        for chunk in range(np.shape(slopeij)[0]):
    plt.xlabel('Chunk number')
    plt.savefig(objname + '.' + exten + '.slopevchunk.png')

    # plot sigma for chunk 150 over time
    chunk = 150
    for t in jdutcs:
        for tel in range(1,ntel+1):
            match = np.where((telescope == tel) & (jdutcs == t))
    plt.xlabel('Days since UT 2016-01-01')
    plt.savefig(objname + '.' + exten + '.sigma150vtime.png')

    # plot scatter within a night vs SNR
    plt.plot(sigmabin, errbin,'bo')
    plt.ylabel('Intranight RMS (m/s)')
    plt.savefig(objname + '.' + exten + '.SNR.png')

    # subtract a linear trend from vj
    good = np.where(np.isfinite(vj))
    t0 = np.nanmedian(jdutcs[good])
    coeffs = np.polyfit(jdutcs[good]-t0,vj[good],1)
    vjtrend = coeffs[1] + (jdutcs[good]-t0)*coeffs[0] 

    # output text files of JD, rv, rverr
    f = open(objname + '.dat','w')
    for i in range(len(vj)):
        if np.isfinite(vj[i]):
            f.write('{0:f} {1:f} {2:f} T{3:d} {4:s}'.format(jdutcs[i],vj[i],sigmavj[i],int(telescope[i]),'\n'))

    # plot scatter minus trend vs time
    plt.xlabel('Days since UT 2016-01-01')
    plt.ylabel('RV (m/s)')
    plt.savefig(objname + '.' + exten + '.detrended.png')
    print objname + " Detrended RMS: " + str(np.nanstd(vj[good]-vjtrend))

    for i in range(1,ntel+1):
        match = np.where((telescope == i) & np.isfinite(vj))
#        rate = 1.0/(jdutcs[match]-np.roll(jdutcs[match],1))
#        taus = np.logspace(0, 3, 50)
        taus = np.arange(1,len(vj[match])/3)
        (t2, ad, ade, adn) = allantools.oadev(vj[match], rate=1, data_type="freq", taus=taus)

        # overplot the line
        y = np.asarray([pow(tt,-0.5) for tt in taus])*ad[0]

    match = np.where(np.isfinite(vj))
    taus = np.arange(1,len(vj[match])/3)
    (t2, ad, ade, adn) = allantools.oadev(vj[match], rate=1, data_type="freq", taus=taus)
    # overplot the line
    y = np.asarray([pow(tt,-0.5) for tt in taus])*ad[0]

    plt.xlabel('N bin')
    plt.ylabel('Precision (m/s)')

    plt.savefig(objname + '.' + exten + '.allan.png')