def eval_dgi_one_epoch(sess, opt_dict, smi_list):
        num = 0
        loss_total = 0.0

        num_batches = len(smi_list) // FLAGS.batch_size
        if (len(smi_list) % FLAGS.batch_size != 0):
            num_batches += 1

        for i in range(num_batches):
            num += 1
            st_i = time.time()
            adj, x = convert_to_graph(
                smi_list[i * FLAGS.batch_size:(i + 1) * FLAGS.batch_size],
            feed_dict = {opt_dict.x: x, opt_dict.adj: adj}
            loss =, feed_dict=feed_dict)

            loss_total += loss
            et_i = time.time()

        loss_total /= num
        return loss_total
    def train_dgi_one_epoch(sess, opt_dict, smi_list):
        num = 0
        loss_total = 0.0
        num_batches = len(smi_list) // FLAGS.batch_size
        if (len(smi_list) % FLAGS.batch_size != 0):
            num_batches += 1

        for i in range(num_batches):
            num += 1
            st_i = time.time()
            adj, x = convert_to_graph(
                smi_list[i * FLAGS.batch_size:(i + 1) * FLAGS.batch_size],
            feed_dict = {opt_dict.x: x, opt_dict.adj: adj}
            _, loss =[opt_dict.train_dgi, opt_dict.dgi_loss],
            loss_total += loss
            et_i = time.time()
            print ("Train_iter : ", num, \
                   ", loss :  ", loss, \
                "\t Time:", round(et_i-st_i,3))

        loss_total /= num
        return loss_total
Esempio n. 3
def training(model, FLAGS, model_name, smi_total, prop_total):
    print("Start Training XD")
    num_epochs = FLAGS.epoch_size
    batch_size = FLAGS.batch_size
    init_lr = FLAGS.init_lr
    total_st = time.time()
    smi_train, smi_eval, smi_test = split_train_eval_test(
        smi_total, 0.8, 0.2, 0.1)
    prop_train, prop_eval, prop_test = split_train_eval_test(
        prop_total, 0.8, 0.2, 0.1)
    prop_eval = np.asarray(prop_eval)
    prop_test = np.asarray(prop_test)
    num_train = len(smi_train)
    num_eval = len(smi_eval)
    num_test = len(smi_test)
    smi_train = smi_train[:num_train]
    prop_train = prop_train[:num_train]
    num_batches_train = (num_train // batch_size) + 1
    num_batches_eval = (num_eval // batch_size) + 1
    num_batches_test = (num_test // batch_size) + 1
    num_sampling = 20
    total_iter = 0
    print("Number of-  training data:", num_train, "\t evaluation data:",
          num_eval, "\t test data:", num_test)
    for epoch in range(num_epochs):
        st = time.time()
        lr = init_lr * 0.5**(epoch // 10)
        smi_train, prop_train = shuffle_two_list(smi_train, prop_train)
        prop_train = np.asarray(prop_train)

        # TRAIN
        num = 0
        train_loss = 0.0
        Y_pred_total = np.array([])
        Y_batch_total = np.array([])
        for i in range(num_batches_train):
            num += 1
            st_i = time.time()
            total_iter += 1
            A_batch, X_batch = convert_to_graph(
                smi_train[i * batch_size:(i + 1) * batch_size],
            Y_batch = prop_train[i * batch_size:(i + 1) * batch_size]
            Y_noise = np.random.normal(0.0, FLAGS.noise, Y_batch.shape[0])
            Y_batch = Y_batch + Y_noise

            Y_mean, Y_logvar, loss = model.train(A_batch, X_batch, Y_batch)
            train_loss += loss
            Y_pred = Y_mean.flatten()
            Y_pred_total = np.concatenate((Y_pred_total, Y_pred), axis=0)
            Y_batch_total = np.concatenate((Y_batch_total, Y_batch), axis=0)
            et_i = time.time()
            #print ("train_iter : ", total_iter, ", epoch : ", epoch, ", loss :  ", loss, "\t Time:", (et_i-st_i))

        train_loss /= num
        train_mae = np.mean(np.abs(Y_batch_total - Y_pred_total))

        Y_pred_total = np.array([])
        Y_batch_total = np.array([])
        num = 0
        eval_loss = 0.0
        for i in range(num_batches_eval):
            A_batch, X_batch = convert_to_graph(
                smi_eval[i * batch_size:(i + 1) * batch_size], FLAGS.max_atoms)
            Y_batch = prop_eval[i * batch_size:(i + 1) * batch_size]

            # MC-sampling
            P_mean = []
            P_logvar = []
            for n in range(3):
                num += 1
                Y_mean, Y_logvar, loss = model.test(A_batch, X_batch, Y_batch)
                eval_loss += loss

            P_mean = np.asarray(P_mean)
            mean = np.mean(P_mean, axis=0)

            Y_batch_total = np.concatenate((Y_batch_total, Y_batch), axis=0)
            Y_pred_total = np.concatenate((Y_pred_total, mean), axis=0)

        eval_loss /= num
        eval_mae = np.mean(np.abs(Y_batch_total - Y_pred_total))

        # Save network!
        ckpt_path = 'save/' + model_name + '.ckpt', epoch)
        et = time.time()
        # Print Results
        print("Time for", epoch, "-th epoch: ", et - st)
        print("Loss        Train:", round(train_loss, 3), "\t Evaluation:",
              round(eval_loss, 3))
        print("MAE    Train:", round(train_mae, 3), "\t Evaluation:",
              round(eval_mae, 3))
    total_et = time.time()
    print("Finish training! Total required time for training : ",
          (total_et - total_st))

    test_st = time.time()
    Y_pred_total = np.array([])
    Y_batch_total = np.array([])
    ale_unc_total = np.array([])
    epi_unc_total = np.array([])
    tot_unc_total = np.array([])
    num = 0
    test_loss = 0.0
    for i in range(num_batches_test):
        num += 1
        A_batch, X_batch = convert_to_graph(
            smi_test[i * batch_size:(i + 1) * batch_size], FLAGS.max_atoms)
        Y_batch = prop_test[i * batch_size:(i + 1) * batch_size]

        # MC-sampling
        P_mean = []
        P_logvar = []
        for n in range(num_sampling):
            Y_mean, Y_logvar, loss = model.test(A_batch, X_batch, Y_batch)

        P_mean = np.asarray(P_mean)
        P_logvar = np.exp(np.asarray(P_logvar))

        mean = np.mean(P_mean, axis=0)
        ale_unc = np.mean(P_logvar, axis=0)
        epi_unc = np.var(P_mean, axis=0)
        tot_unc = ale_unc + epi_unc

        Y_batch_total = np.concatenate((Y_batch_total, Y_batch), axis=0)
        Y_pred_total = np.concatenate((Y_pred_total, mean), axis=0)
        ale_unc_total = np.concatenate((ale_unc_total, ale_unc), axis=0)
        epi_unc_total = np.concatenate((epi_unc_total, epi_unc), axis=0)
        tot_unc_total = np.concatenate((tot_unc_total, tot_unc), axis=0)'./statistics/' + model_name + '_mc_truth.npy', Y_batch_total)'./statistics/' + model_name + '_mc_pred.npy', Y_pred_total)'./statistics/' + model_name + '_mc_epi_unc.npy', epi_unc_total)'./statistics/' + model_name + '_mc_ale_unc.npy', ale_unc_total)'./statistics/' + model_name + '_mc_tot_unc.npy', tot_unc_total)
    test_et = time.time()
    print("Finish Testing, Total time for test:", (test_et - test_st))
Esempio n. 4
decay_rate = 0.95
batch_train = int(num_train / batch_size)
batch_validation = int(num_validation / batch_size)
batch_test = int(num_test / batch_size)

total_iter = 0
total_time = 0.0
for t in range(epoch_size):

    pred_train = [], init_lr * (decay_rate**t)))
    st = time.time()
    for i in range(batch_train):
        total_iter += 1
        smi_batch = smi_train[i * batch_size:(i + 1) * batch_size]
        X_batch, A_batch = convert_to_graph(smi_batch)
        Y_batch = logP_train[i * batch_size:(i + 1) * batch_size]
        _opt, _Y, _loss =[opt, Y_pred, loss],
                                       X: X_batch,
                                       A: A_batch,
                                       Y: Y_batch,
                                       is_training: True
        #print("Epoch :", t, "\t batch:", i, "Loss :", _loss, "\t Training")
    pred_train = np.concatenate(pred_train, axis=0)
    error = (logP_train - pred_train)
    mae = np.mean(np.abs(error))
    rmse = np.sqrt(np.mean(error**2))
    stdv = np.std(error)
Esempio n. 5
def training(model, FLAGS, model_name, smi_total, prop_total):
    print("Start Training XD")
    stuff = open("C:/Users/Zac Hung/Desktop/masterthesis/experiment/baysept9thamesfirst.txt", 'w')
    stuff1 = open("C:/Users/Zac Hung/Desktop/masterthesis/experiment/bayfirstmdames.txt", 'w')
    stuff2 = open("C:/Users/Zac Hung/Desktop/masterthesis/experiment/bayamesaleat.txt", 'w')
    stuff3 = open("C:/Users/Zac Hung/Desktop/masterthesis/experiment/bayamesepist.txt", 'w')
    #model.restore("C:/Users/Zac Hung/PycharmProjects/mythesis/uq_molecule/aug12/MC-Dropout_HIV.ckpt-31")
    num_epochs = FLAGS.epoch_size
    batch_size = FLAGS.batch_size
    init_lr = FLAGS.init_lr
    total_st = time.time()
    smi_train, smi_eval, smi_test = split_train_eval_test(smi_total, 0, 1, 0)
    prop_train, prop_eval, prop_test = split_train_eval_test(prop_total, 0, 1, 0)
    prop_eval = np.asarray(prop_eval)
    prop_test = np.asarray(prop_test)
    num_train = len(smi_train)
    num_eval = len(smi_eval)
    num_test = len(smi_test)
    smi_train = smi_train[:num_train]
    prop_train = prop_train[:num_train]
    num_batches_train = (num_train // batch_size) + 1
    num_batches_eval = (num_eval // batch_size) + 1
    num_batches_test = (num_test // batch_size) + 1
    num_sampling = 20
    total_iter = 0
    print("Number of-  training data:", num_train, "\t evaluation data:", num_eval, "\t test data:", num_test)
    for epoch in range(num_epochs):
        st = time.time()
        lr = init_lr * 0.5 ** (epoch // 10)
        #smi_train, prop_train = shuffle_two_list(smi_train, prop_train)
        prop_train = np.asarray(prop_train)

        # TRAIN
        num = 0
        train_loss = 0.0
        Y_pred_total = np.array([])
        Y_batch_total = np.array([])

        for i in range(num_batches_train):
            num += 1
            st_i = time.time()
            total_iter += 1
            #tmp=smi_train[i * batch_size:(i + 1) * batch_size]
            A_batch, X_batch = convert_to_graph(smi_train[i * batch_size:(i + 1) * batch_size], FLAGS.max_atoms)
            Y_batch = prop_train[i * batch_size:(i + 1) * batch_size]
            #mtr = np.abs(model.get_feature(A_batch, X_batch, Y_batch))
            # print(np.shape(mtr))
            #count = -1
            # for i in tmp:
            #     count += 1
            #     iMol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(i.strip())
            #     start= (np.argpartition((mtr[count]),-10))
            #     start=np.array((start[start<len(Chem.rdmolops.GetAdjacencyMatrix(iMol))])).tolist()[0:9]
            #     #stuff.write(str(smi_test[count][start:end + 1]) + "\n")
            #     #print(len(Chem.rdmolops.GetAdjacencyMatrix(iMol)))
            #     print(start)
            #     print(rdkit.Chem.rdmolfiles.MolFragmentToSmiles(iMol,start))

            Y_mean, _, loss = model.train(A_batch, X_batch, Y_batch)
            train_loss += loss
            Y_pred = np_sigmoid(Y_mean.flatten())
            Y_pred_total = np.concatenate((Y_pred_total, Y_pred), axis=0)
            Y_batch_total = np.concatenate((Y_batch_total, Y_batch), axis=0)

            et_i = time.time()

        train_loss /= num
        train_accuracy = accuracy_score(Y_batch_total, np.around(Y_pred_total).astype(int))
        train_auroc = 0.0
            train_auroc = roc_auc_score(Y_batch_total, Y_pred_total)
            train_auroc = 0.0

            # Eval
        Y_pred_total = np.array([])
        Y_batch_total = np.array([])
        num = 0
        eval_loss = 0.0
        for i in range(num_batches_eval):
            evalbatch=smi_eval[i * batch_size:(i + 1) * batch_size]
            A_batch, X_batch = convert_to_graph(evalbatch, FLAGS.max_atoms)
            Y_batch = prop_eval[i * batch_size:(i + 1) * batch_size]
            # mtr_eval = np.abs(model.get_feature(A_batch, X_batch, Y_batch))
            # print(np.shape(mtr_eval))
            # count=-1
            # print(len(evalbatch))
            # for i in evalbatch:
            #     count += 1
            #     iMol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(i.strip())
            #     #start= (np.argpartition((mtr_eval[count]),-10))
            #     start=mtr_eval[count]
            #     start=start[start>0.1]
            #     start=np.array((start[start<len(Chem.rdmolops.GetAdjacencyMatrix(iMol))])).tolist()[0:9]
            #     #stuff.write(str(smi_test[count][start:end + 1]) + "\n")
            #     #print(len(Chem.rdmolops.GetAdjacencyMatrix(iMol)))
            #     print(start)
            #     print(rdkit.Chem.rdmolfiles.MolFragmentToSmiles(iMol,start))
            # MC-sampling
            P_mean = []
            for n in range(1):
                num += 1
                Y_mean, _, loss = model.test(A_batch, X_batch, Y_batch)
                eval_loss += loss

            P_mean = np_sigmoid(np.asarray(P_mean))
            mean = np.mean(P_mean, axis=0)

            Y_batch_total = np.concatenate((Y_batch_total, Y_batch), axis=0)
            Y_pred_total = np.concatenate((Y_pred_total, mean), axis=0)

        eval_loss /= num
        eval_accuracy = accuracy_score(Y_batch_total, np.around(Y_pred_total).astype(int))
        eval_auroc = 0.0
            eval_auroc = roc_auc_score(Y_batch_total, Y_pred_total)
            eval_auroc = 0.0

            # Save network!
        ckpt_path = 'save/' + model_name + '.ckpt', epoch)
        et = time.time()
        # Print Results
        print("Time for", epoch, "-th epoch: ", et - st)
        print("Loss        Train:", round(train_loss, 3), "\t Evaluation:", round(eval_loss, 3))
        print("Accuracy    Train:", round(train_accuracy, 3), "\t Evaluation:", round(eval_accuracy, 3))
        print("AUROC       Train:", round(train_auroc, 3), "\t Evaluation:", round(eval_auroc, 3))
    total_et = time.time()
    print("Finish training! Total required time for training : ", (total_et - total_st))
    #model.restore("C:/Users/Zac Hung/PycharmProjects/mythesis/uq_molecule/aug15thames/MC-Dropout_HIV.ckpt-12")
    #model.restore("C:/Users/Zac Hung/PycharmProjects/mythesis/uq_molecule/amesaug16th/MC-Dropout_HIV.ckpt-7")
    #model.restore("C:/Users/Zac Hung/PycharmProjects/mythesis/uq_molecule/aug16-256/MC-Dropout_HIV.ckpt-4")
    #model.restore("C:/Users/Zac Hung/PycharmProjects/mythesis/uq_molecule/aug16thsummax/MC-Dropout_HIV.ckpt-4")
    #model.restore("C:/Users/Zac Hung/PycharmProjects/mythesis/uq_molecule/aug17japan/MC-Dropout_HIV.ckpt-9")
    #model.restore("C:/Users/Zac Hung/PycharmProjects/mythesis/uq_molecule/japanaug18bay/MC-Dropout_HIV.ckpt-8")
    #model.restore("C:/Users/Zac Hung/PycharmProjects/mythesis/uq_molecule/japanfullbayfirstmodSept7th/MC-Dropout_HIV.ckpt-4")
    # Test
    test_st = time.time()
    Y_pred_total = np.array([])
    Y_batch_total = np.array([])
    ale_unc_total = np.array([])
    epi_unc_total = np.array([])
    tot_unc_total = np.array([])
    num = 0
    test_loss = 0.0
    count = -1
    for i in range(num_batches_test):
        num += 1
        testBatch=smi_test[i * batch_size:(i + 1) * batch_size]
        A_batch, X_batch = convert_to_graph(testBatch, FLAGS.max_atoms)
        Y_batch = prop_test[i * batch_size:(i + 1) * batch_size]
        mtr_test = np_sigmoid(model.get_feature(A_batch, X_batch, Y_batch))
        count = -1
        for j in testBatch:
            count += 1
            iMol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(j.strip())
            #start= (np.argpartition((mtr_test[count]),-10))
            #start = mtr_test[count]
            #start = (np.squeeze(np.argwhere(start > 1)))
            #print("this is start",start)
            #print("adj len",adj_len)
            #start = np.array((start[start < adj_len])).tolist()[0:9]
            # stuff.write(str(smi_test[count][start:end + 1]) + "\n")
            # print(len(Chem.rdmolops.GetAdjacencyMatrix(iMol)))
            #print(rdkit.Chem.rdmolfiles.MolFragmentToSmiles(iMol, start))

            #tmp=rdkit.Chem.rdmolfiles.MolFragmentToSmarts(iMol, atomsToUse=start,bondsToUse=list(range(1,bondNum)),isomericSmarts=False)
            #tmp4=(rdkit.Chem.rdmolfiles.MolFragmentToSmarts(iMol, atomsToUse=start))

            stuff.write(processUnit(iMol,start,i,batch_size,count,mtr_test[count],adj_len,10)+ "\n")
            #stuff.write(tmp4+ "\n")
            #uncomment this for the drawing.
            #fig = Draw.MolToFile(iMol, "./amesfirstmodImg3/"+str(i*batch_size+count)+'.png', size=size, highlightAtoms=start)
        # MC-sampling
        P_mean = []
        for n in range(5):
            Y_mean, _, loss = model.test(A_batch, X_batch, Y_batch)
            # mtr = np.abs(model.get_feature(A_batch, X_batch, Y_batch))
            # print(np.shape(mtr))
            # for j in range(len(Y_batch)):
            #     count += 1

            #     start, end = maxSum(mtr[j], 503, 15)
            #     stuff.write(str(smi_test[count][start:end + 1]) + "\n")

        P_mean = np_sigmoid(np.asarray(P_mean))

        mean = np.mean(P_mean, axis=0)
        ale_unc = np.mean(P_mean * (1.0 - P_mean), axis=0)
        epi_unc = np.mean(P_mean ** 2, axis=0) - np.mean(P_mean, axis=0) ** 2
        tot_unc = ale_unc + epi_unc

        Y_batch_total = np.concatenate((Y_batch_total, Y_batch), axis=0)
        Y_pred_total = np.concatenate((Y_pred_total, mean), axis=0)
        ale_unc_total = np.concatenate((ale_unc_total, ale_unc), axis=0)
        epi_unc_total = np.concatenate((epi_unc_total, epi_unc), axis=0)
        tot_unc_total = np.concatenate((tot_unc_total, tot_unc), axis=0)
    stuff1.write(str(np.around(Y_pred_total)) + "\n")
    stuff2.write(str(ale_unc_total) + "\n")
    stuff3.write(str(epi_unc_total) + "\n")

    True_positive = 0
    False_postive = 0
    True_negative = 0
    False_negative = 0
    Exp = Y_batch_total
    Pred = np.around(Y_pred_total)
    for i in range(len(Exp)):
        if (Exp[i] == Pred[i] and Exp[i] == 1):
            True_positive += 1
        if (Exp[i] != Pred[i] and Exp[i] == 0):
            False_postive += 1
        if (Exp[i] == Pred[i] and Exp[i] == 0):
            True_negative += 1
        if (Exp[i] != Pred[i] and Exp[i] == 1):
            False_negative += 1
    count_TP = True_positive
    print("True Positive:", count_TP)
    count_FP = False_postive
    print("False Positive", count_FP)
    count_FN = False_negative
    print("False Negative:", count_FN)
    count_TN = True_negative
    print("True negative:", count_TN)
    Accuracy = (count_TP + count_TN) / (count_TP + count_FP + count_FN + count_TN)
    print("Accuracy:", Accuracy)
    import math

    MCC = (count_TP * count_TN - count_FP * count_FN) / math.sqrt(abs((count_TN
                                                                       + count_FP)
                                                                      * (count_TN + count_FN)
                                                                      * (count_TP + count_FP)
                                                                      * (count_TP + count_FN)))

    print("MCC", MCC)
    Specificity = count_TN / (count_TN + count_FP)
    print("Specificity:", Specificity)
    Precision = count_TP / (count_TP + count_FP)
    print("Precision:", Precision)
    # sensitivity
    Recall = count_TP / (count_TP + count_FN)
    print("Recall:", Recall)
    # F1
    Fmeasure = (2 * count_TP) / (2 * count_TP + count_FP + count_FN)
    print("Fmeasure", Fmeasure)

    test_et = time.time()
    print("Finish Testing, Total time for test:", (test_et - test_st))
Esempio n. 6
def training(model, FLAGS, model_name, smi_total, prop_total):
    print ("Start Training XD")
    num_epochs = FLAGS.epoch_size
    batch_size = FLAGS.batch_size
    init_lr = FLAGS.init_lr
    total_st = time.time()
    smi_train, smi_eval, smi_test = split_train_eval_test(smi_total, 0.8, 0.2, 0.1)
    prop_train, prop_eval, prop_test = split_train_eval_test(prop_total, 0.8, 0.2, 0.1)
    prop_eval = np.asarray(prop_eval)
    prop_test = np.asarray(prop_test)
    num_train = len(smi_train)
    num_eval = len(smi_eval)
    num_test = len(smi_test)
    smi_train = smi_train[:num_train]
    prop_train = prop_train[:num_train]
    num_batches_train = (num_train//batch_size) + 1
    num_batches_eval = (num_eval//batch_size) + 1
    num_batches_test = (num_test//batch_size) + 1
    num_sampling = 20
    total_iter = 0
    print("Number of-  training data:", num_train, "\t evaluation data:", num_eval, "\t test data:", num_test)
    for epoch in range(num_epochs):
        st = time.time()
        lr = init_lr * 0.5**(epoch//10)
        smi_train, prop_train = shuffle_two_list(smi_train, prop_train)
        prop_train = np.asarray(prop_train)

        # TRAIN
        num = 0
        train_loss = 0.0
        Y_pred_total = np.array([])
        Y_batch_total = np.array([])
        for i in range(num_batches_train):
            num += 1
            st_i = time.time()
            total_iter += 1
            A_batch, X_batch = convert_to_graph(smi_train[i*batch_size:(i+1)*batch_size], FLAGS.max_atoms) 
            Y_batch = prop_train[i*batch_size:(i+1)*batch_size]

            Y_mean, _, loss = model.train(A_batch, X_batch, Y_batch)
            train_loss += loss
            Y_pred = np_sigmoid(Y_mean.flatten())
            Y_pred_total = np.concatenate((Y_pred_total, Y_pred), axis=0)
            Y_batch_total = np.concatenate((Y_batch_total, Y_batch), axis=0)

            et_i = time.time()

        train_loss /= num
        train_accuracy = accuracy_score(Y_batch_total, np.around(Y_pred_total).astype(int))
        train_auroc = 0.0
            train_auroc = roc_auc_score(Y_batch_total, Y_pred_total)
            train_auroc = 0.0    

        Y_pred_total = np.array([])
        Y_batch_total = np.array([])
        num = 0
        eval_loss = 0.0
        for i in range(num_batches_eval):
            A_batch, X_batch = convert_to_graph(smi_eval[i*batch_size:(i+1)*batch_size], FLAGS.max_atoms) 
            Y_batch = prop_eval[i*batch_size:(i+1)*batch_size]
            # MC-sampling
            P_mean = []
            for n in range(3):
                num += 1
                Y_mean, _, loss = model.test(A_batch, X_batch, Y_batch)
                eval_loss += loss

            P_mean = np_sigmoid(np.asarray(P_mean))
            mean = np.mean(P_mean, axis=0)
            Y_batch_total = np.concatenate((Y_batch_total, Y_batch), axis=0)
            Y_pred_total = np.concatenate((Y_pred_total, mean), axis=0)

        eval_loss /= num
        eval_accuracy = accuracy_score(Y_batch_total, np.around(Y_pred_total).astype(int))
        eval_auroc = 0.0
            eval_auroc = roc_auc_score(Y_batch_total, Y_pred_total)
            eval_auroc = 0.0    

        # Save network! 
        ckpt_path = 'save/'+model_name+'.ckpt', epoch)
        et = time.time()
        # Print Results
        print ("Time for", epoch, "-th epoch: ", et-st)
        print ("Loss        Train:", round(train_loss,3), "\t Evaluation:", round(eval_loss,3))
        print ("Accuracy    Train:", round(train_accuracy,3), "\t Evaluation:", round(eval_accuracy,3))
        print ("AUROC       Train:", round(train_auroc,3), "\t Evaluation:", round(eval_auroc,3))
    total_et = time.time()
    print ("Finish training! Total required time for training : ", (total_et-total_st))

    test_st = time.time()
    Y_pred_total = np.array([])
    Y_batch_total = np.array([])
    ale_unc_total = np.array([])
    epi_unc_total = np.array([])
    tot_unc_total = np.array([])
    num = 0
    test_loss = 0.0
    for i in range(num_batches_test):
        num += 1
        A_batch, X_batch = convert_to_graph(smi_test[i*batch_size:(i+1)*batch_size], FLAGS.max_atoms) 
        Y_batch = prop_test[i*batch_size:(i+1)*batch_size]
        # MC-sampling
        P_mean = []
        for n in range(num_sampling):
            Y_mean, _, loss = model.test(A_batch, X_batch, Y_batch)

        P_mean = np_sigmoid(np.asarray(P_mean))

        mean = np.mean(P_mean, axis=0)
        ale_unc = np.mean(P_mean*(1.0-P_mean), axis=0)
        epi_unc = np.mean(P_mean**2, axis=0) - np.mean(P_mean, axis=0)**2
        tot_unc = ale_unc + epi_unc
        Y_batch_total = np.concatenate((Y_batch_total, Y_batch), axis=0)
        Y_pred_total = np.concatenate((Y_pred_total, mean), axis=0)
        ale_unc_total = np.concatenate((ale_unc_total, ale_unc), axis=0)
        epi_unc_total = np.concatenate((epi_unc_total, epi_unc), axis=0)
        tot_unc_total = np.concatenate((tot_unc_total, tot_unc), axis=0)'./statistics/'+model_name+'_mc_truth.npy', Y_batch_total)'./statistics/'+model_name+'_mc_pred.npy', Y_pred_total)'./statistics/'+model_name+'_mc_epi_unc.npy', epi_unc_total)'./statistics/'+model_name+'_mc_ale_unc.npy', ale_unc_total)'./statistics/'+model_name+'_mc_tot_unc.npy', tot_unc_total)
    test_et = time.time()
    print ("Finish Testing, Total time for test:", (test_et-test_st))