def getPkgOpen(subpkgs): """获取open 模块 模块地址 """ targetfolder = os.path.join( conf.getConfig()['path'] , 'static' , 'js' ) utils.createfolder(TEMP_FOLDER) if not os.path.exists( targetfolder ): utils.createfolder(targetfolder) subpkgs = subpkgs or conf.getConfig()['PKG_OPEN'] subpkgs.insert(0 , 'common') os.system('git clone ' + os.path.join(TEMP_FOLDER , 'open')) successpkg = [] for pkg in subpkgs: source = os.path.join( TEMP_FOLDER , 'open' , pkg ) if not os.path.exists(source): log.warn('Sub package ' + pkg + ' not exist in Open.') continue utils.copyfiles( source , os.path.join( targetfolder , 'open' , pkg ) ) successpkg.append( pkg ) utils.removefolder(TEMP_FOLDER) log.success( 'Adding Open package include ' + ','.join(successpkg) + ' success!' )
def consume_events(): createfolder(pathLocalUp) createfolder(pathLocalDl) ftp = GestorFTP(cred=FTP_PM_CRED, pLu=pathLocalUp, pRu=pathRemotoUp, pld=pathLocalDl, pRd=pathRemotoDl) # print(f"ftp[{ftp}]", flush=True) telnet = ConectorTelnet(dat=CRED_U2020) # print(f"telnet[{telnet}]", flush=True) # print("Previous m in consumer", flush=True) for m in consumer: # print("After m in consumer", flush=True) # print(m.value) # this works as expected # show_message(message=m.value) mml_event = get_mml_event(message=m.value) # print('-' * 20) if mml_event: # print(f"mml_event[{mml_event}]") print('-' * 20) # process_mml_event(mml_event=mml_event) if mml_event.some_valid(): # Debo generar archivo de comandos path = mml_event.generate_mml_file(dir=pathLocalUp) print(f"Se generó path[{path}]") # En base al archivo de comandos grabar en la BD db_entry(file_path=os.path.join(pathLocalUp, path), client_id=mml_event.client_id, script_id=mml_event.script_id) # Vía ftp depositar archivo en U2020 folder ftp.enviar(path) # Enviar telnet a U2020 telnet.conecta() telnet.ejecuta_scritp(path) telnet.desconecta() # Esperar aparición de archivo de resultados # Traer archivo de resultados band, path = ftp.extraer(path[:-4]) print(f"Se obtuvo path[{path}]") # print('Extrayendo el archivo:', path[:-4]) # Actualizar BD db_entry(file_path=os.path.join(pathLocalDl, path), client_id=mml_event.client_id, script_id=mml_event.script_id) # Responder vía Kafka a cliente # print("Previous producer.send()", flush=True) producer.send(RST_TOPIC, value=m.value) # print("After producer.send()", flush=True) # Preguntas: # - qué hago con los archivos generados ? # Sugerencias: # - generar log de proceso else: # Responder vía Kafka a cliente pass
def compileHTML(needCompress=False, needHtml=False): """为所有tpl文件加上时间戳 """ base = os.path.join(PATH, 'build', 'template') tplfiles = [] for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(base): tplfiles.extend([ os.path.join(dirpath, f) for f in filenames if f.endswith('.tpl') ]) if COMPILE_FOLDER: for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk( os.path.join(PATH, 'build', COMPILE_FOLDER)): tplfiles.extend([os.path.join(dirpath, f) for f in filenames]) for tpl in tplfiles: f = parser.compileHTML(tpl, needCompress) utils.writefile(tpl, f) if needHtml: log.log('Render html file.\nIt will under build folder.') files = os.listdir(os.path.join(base)) tplfiles = [] for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(base): tplfiles.extend([ os.path.join(dirpath, f) for f in filenames if f.endswith('.tpl') ]) for fname in tplfiles: token = fname.replace(base + '/', '').replace('.tpl', '') try: #有强行编译的需求 html = parser.parseTpl(token, isbuild=True) if token.find('/') != -1: subfolder = os.path.join(PATH, 'build', 'html', token.split('/')[0]) if not os.path.exists(subfolder): utils.createfolder(subfolder) utils.writefile( os.path.join(PATH, 'build', 'html', token + '.html'), html) except Exception as e: log.error(str(e)) if not conf.getConfig().get('html_force_output'): raise log.success('Render html success')
def compileHTML( needCompress = False , needHtml = False ): """为所有tpl文件加上时间戳 """ base = os.path.join(PATH , 'build' , 'template') tplfiles = [] for dirpath , dirnames , filenames in os.walk(base): tplfiles.extend([ os.path.join( dirpath , f ) for f in filenames if f.endswith('.tpl') ]) if COMPILE_FOLDER: for dirpath , dirnames , filenames in os.walk(os.path.join(PATH , 'build' , COMPILE_FOLDER)): tplfiles.extend([ os.path.join( dirpath , f ) for f in filenames ]) for tpl in tplfiles: f = parser.compileHTML(tpl , needCompress) utils.writefile(tpl , f) if needHtml: log.log('Render html file.\nIt will under build folder.') files = os.listdir( os.path.join( base ) ) tplfiles = [] for dirpath , dirnames, filenames in os.walk(base): tplfiles.extend( [ os.path.join(dirpath , f) for f in filenames if f.endswith('.tpl') ] ) for fname in tplfiles: token = fname.replace( base + '/' , '' ).replace('.tpl' , '') try:#有强行编译的需求 html = parser.parseTpl(token , isbuild=True) if token.find('/') != -1: subfolder = os.path.join(PATH , 'build' , 'html' , token.split('/')[0]) if not os.path.exists(subfolder): utils.createfolder(subfolder) utils.writefile( os.path.join(PATH , 'build' , 'html' , token + '.html' ) , html ) except Exception as e: log.error(str(e)) if not conf.getConfig().get('html_force_output'): raise log.success('Render html success');
def run(params , options): """ """ tmbegin = time.time() buildtype = None if params and len(params): if conf.getConfig().get(params[0]): buildtype = params[0] else: log.error('No such build type:' + params[0]) sys.exit(1) utils.removefolder(BUILD_DIR); utils.createfolder(BUILD_DIR); #直接在build目录操作哦 utils.copyfiles( 'template' , os.path.join(BUILD_DIR , 'template') ) utils.copyfiles( 'static' , os.path.join(BUILD_DIR , 'static') ) if COMPILE_FOLDER: utils.copyfiles( COMPILE_FOLDER , os.path.join(BUILD_DIR , COMPILE_FOLDER) ) #模块分为CSS和js,之前使用require_modules代表js,建议现在使用require_js_modules; #而require_css_modules代表css。 if conf.getConfig().get('require_modules'): log.warn("'require_modules' is deprecated,you should use 'require_js_modules' instead!") require_modules = conf.getConfig().get('require_js_modules') or conf.getConfig().get('require_modules') or ['main'] require_js_modules=require_modules#[email protected]:历史遗留 require_css_modules = conf.getConfig().get('require_css_modules') or ['main'] #@deprecated #maincss = os.path.join( PATH , BUILD_DIR , 'static' , 'css' , conf.getConfig().get('css_folder') or '' , 'main.css' ) try: log.log( 'Combine css&js with r.js' ) for module in require_js_modules: js = os.path.join(PATH, BUILD_DIR , 'static' , 'js' , conf.getConfig().get('js_folder') or '' , module + '.js' ) 'node ' + RJSPATH +' -o name=' + module + ' out='+ js + ' optimize=none baseUrl=' + os.path.join(PATH , BUILD_DIR , 'static' , 'js' , conf.getConfig().get('js_folder') or '') , shell=True)#使用YUICompressor压缩,这里仅合并 #[email protected]:合并css集合 for module in require_css_modules: css=os.path.join( PATH , BUILD_DIR , 'static' , 'css' , conf.getConfig().get('css_folder') or '' , module + '.css' ) 'node ' + RJSPATH + ' -o cssIn=' + css + ' out=' + css , shell=True)#cssIn参数带.css后缀 log.success( 'Combine css&js with r.js success.' ) except: log.error('Please insure you have installed r.js on your computer') raise log.log('Begin to add Timestamps...' , True) #@todo:HTML内部的css或许也需要时间戳 compileCss(); log.success('Success!') if options.get('html'): utils.createfolder( os.path.join( BUILD_DIR , 'html')) log.log('Begin to compile tpls...' ) compileHTML(options.get('compress') , options.get('html')) log.success('Success!') log.log('Begin to replace all token...', True) compileCommon(buildtype) log.success('Success!') if options.get('compress'): log.log('Begin to compile Js...' , True) for module in require_js_modules: js = os.path.join(PATH, BUILD_DIR , 'static' , 'js', conf.getConfig().get('js_folder') or '' , module + '.js' ) 'java -jar ' + YCPATH + ' --type js --charset ' + conf.getConfig()['encoding'] + ' ' + js + ' -o ' + js , shell=True ); log.success('Success!') log.log('Begin to compile Css...' , True) for module in require_css_modules:#[email protected]:编辑CSS集合 css = os.path.join(PATH, BUILD_DIR , 'static' , 'css', conf.getConfig().get('css_folder') or '' , module + '.css' ) 'java -jar ' + YCPATH + ' --type css --charset ' + conf.getConfig()['encoding'] + ' ' + css + ' -o ' + css , shell=True ); # 'java -jar ' + YCPATH + ' --type css --charset ' + conf.getConfig()['encoding'] + ' ' + maincss + ' -o ' + maincss , shell=True); log.success('Success!') log.success('Compiled successfully.') log.success('Time cost %s s.' % (time.time()-tmbegin) )
def run(params, options): """ """ tmbegin = time.time() buildtype = None if params and len(params): if conf.getConfig().get(params[0]): buildtype = params[0] else: log.error("No such build type:" + params[0]) sys.exit(1) utils.removefolder(BUILD_DIR) utils.createfolder(BUILD_DIR) # 直接在build目录操作哦 utils.copyfiles("template", os.path.join(BUILD_DIR, "template")) utils.copyfiles("static", os.path.join(BUILD_DIR, "static")) if COMPILE_FOLDER: utils.copyfiles(COMPILE_FOLDER, os.path.join(BUILD_DIR, COMPILE_FOLDER)) # 模块分为CSS和js,之前使用require_modules代表js,建议现在使用require_js_modules; # 而require_css_modules代表css。 if conf.getConfig().get("require_modules"): log.warn("'require_modules' is deprecated,you should use 'require_js_modules' instead!") require_modules = conf.getConfig().get("require_js_modules") or conf.getConfig().get("require_modules") or ["main"] require_js_modules = require_modules # [email protected]:历史遗留 require_css_modules = conf.getConfig().get("require_css_modules") or ["main"] # @deprecated # maincss = os.path.join( PATH , BUILD_DIR , 'static' , 'css' , conf.getConfig().get('css_folder') or '' , 'main.css' ) try: log.log("Combine css&js with r.js") for module in require_js_modules: js = os.path.join(PATH, BUILD_DIR, "static", "js", conf.getConfig().get("js_folder") or "", module + ".js") p = subprocess.Popen( "r.js -o name=" + module + " out=" + js + " optimize=none baseUrl=" + os.path.join(PATH, BUILD_DIR, "static", "js", conf.getConfig().get("js_folder") or ""), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, ) # 使用YUICompressor压缩,这里仅合并 (o, e) = p.communicate() print o print e if not p.returncode == 0: raise IOError("Combine js failed") # [email protected]:合并css集合 for module in require_css_modules: css = os.path.join( PATH, BUILD_DIR, "static", "css", conf.getConfig().get("css_folder") or "", module + ".css" ) p = subprocess.Popen( "r.js -o cssIn=" + css + " out=" + css, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True ) # cssIn参数带.css后缀 (o, e) = p.communicate() print o print e if not p.returncode == 0: raise IOError("Combine css failed") log.success("Combine css&js with r.js success.") except: log.error("Please insure you have installed r.js on your computer") raise log.log("Begin to add Timestamps...", True) # @todo:HTML内部的css或许也需要时间戳 compileCss() log.success("Success!") if options.get("html"): utils.createfolder(os.path.join(BUILD_DIR, "html")) log.log("Begin to compile tpls...") compileHTML(options.get("compress"), options.get("html")) log.success("Success!") log.log("Begin to replace all token...", True) compileCommon(buildtype) log.success("Success!") if options.get("compress"): log.log("Begin to compile Js...", True) for module in require_js_modules: js = os.path.join(PATH, BUILD_DIR, "static", "js", conf.getConfig().get("js_folder") or "", module + ".js") "java -jar " + YCPATH + " --type js --charset " + conf.getConfig()["encoding"] + " " + js + " -o " + js, shell=True, ) log.success("Success!") log.log("Begin to compile Css...", True) for module in require_css_modules: # [email protected]:编辑CSS集合 css = os.path.join( PATH, BUILD_DIR, "static", "css", conf.getConfig().get("css_folder") or "", module + ".css" ) "java -jar " + YCPATH + " --type css --charset " + conf.getConfig()["encoding"] + " " + css + " -o " + css, shell=True, ) # 'java -jar ' + YCPATH + ' --type css --charset ' + conf.getConfig()['encoding'] + ' ' + maincss + ' -o ' + maincss , shell=True); log.success("Success!") log.success("Compiled successfully.") log.success("Time cost %s s." % (time.time() - tmbegin))
def run(params, options): """ """ tmbegin = time.time() buildtype = None if params and len(params): if conf.getConfig().get(params[0]): buildtype = params[0] else: log.error('No such build type:' + params[0]) sys.exit(1) utils.removefolder(BUILD_DIR) utils.createfolder(BUILD_DIR) #直接在build目录操作哦 utils.copyfiles('template', os.path.join(BUILD_DIR, 'template')) utils.copyfiles('static', os.path.join(BUILD_DIR, 'static')) if COMPILE_FOLDER: utils.copyfiles(COMPILE_FOLDER, os.path.join(BUILD_DIR, COMPILE_FOLDER)) #模块分为CSS和js,之前使用require_modules代表js,建议现在使用require_js_modules; #而require_css_modules代表css。 if conf.getConfig().get('require_modules'): log.warn( "'require_modules' is deprecated,you should use 'require_js_modules' instead!" ) require_modules = conf.getConfig().get( 'require_js_modules') or conf.getConfig().get('require_modules') or [ 'main' ] require_js_modules = require_modules #[email protected]:历史遗留 require_css_modules = conf.getConfig().get('require_css_modules') or [ 'main' ] #@deprecated #maincss = os.path.join( PATH , BUILD_DIR , 'static' , 'css' , conf.getConfig().get('css_folder') or '' , 'main.css' ) try: log.log('Combine css&js with r.js') for module in require_js_modules: js = os.path.join(PATH, BUILD_DIR, 'static', 'js', conf.getConfig().get('js_folder') or '', module + '.js') p = subprocess.Popen( 'r.js -o name=' + module + ' out=' + js + ' optimize=none baseUrl=' + os.path.join(PATH, BUILD_DIR, 'static', 'js', conf.getConfig().get('js_folder') or ''), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) #使用YUICompressor压缩,这里仅合并 (o, e) = p.communicate() print o print e if not p.returncode == 0: raise IOError('Combine js failed') #[email protected]:合并css集合 for module in require_css_modules: css = os.path.join(PATH, BUILD_DIR, 'static', 'css', conf.getConfig().get('css_folder') or '', module + '.css') p = subprocess.Popen('r.js -o cssIn=' + css + ' out=' + css, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) #cssIn参数带.css后缀 (o, e) = p.communicate() print o print e if not p.returncode == 0: raise IOError('Combine css failed') log.success('Combine css&js with r.js success.') except: log.error('Please insure you have installed r.js on your computer') raise log.log('Begin to add Timestamps...', True) #@todo:HTML内部的css或许也需要时间戳 compileCss() log.success('Success!') if options.get('html'): utils.createfolder(os.path.join(BUILD_DIR, 'html')) log.log('Begin to compile tpls...') compileHTML(options.get('compress'), options.get('html')) log.success('Success!') log.log('Begin to replace all token...', True) compileCommon(buildtype) log.success('Success!') if options.get('compress'): log.log('Begin to compile Js...', True) for module in require_js_modules: js = os.path.join(PATH, BUILD_DIR, 'static', 'js', conf.getConfig().get('js_folder') or '', module + '.js')'java -jar ' + YCPATH + ' --type js --charset ' + conf.getConfig()['encoding'] + ' ' + js + ' -o ' + js, shell=True) log.success('Success!') log.log('Begin to compile Css...', True) for module in require_css_modules: #[email protected]:编辑CSS集合 css = os.path.join(PATH, BUILD_DIR, 'static', 'css', conf.getConfig().get('css_folder') or '', module + '.css')'java -jar ' + YCPATH + ' --type css --charset ' + conf.getConfig()['encoding'] + ' ' + css + ' -o ' + css, shell=True) # 'java -jar ' + YCPATH + ' --type css --charset ' + conf.getConfig()['encoding'] + ' ' + maincss + ' -o ' + maincss , shell=True); log.success('Success!') log.success('Compiled successfully.') log.success('Time cost %s s.' % (time.time() - tmbegin))