Esempio n. 1
# Check differences with previous versions.

# In[30]:

# In[30]:

utils.checkDiffs(thisTempTf, thisTf, only=set(nodeFeatures))

# # Deliver
# Copy the new TF feature from the temporary location where it has been created to its final destination.

# In[31]:

utils.deliverFeatures(thisTempTf, thisTf, nodeFeatures)

# # Compile TF

# In[ ]:

utils.caption(4, "Load and compile the new TF features")

# In[32]:

TF = Fabric(locations=[coreTf, thisTf], modules=[""])
api = TF.load("""
    lex sp vs
    predication gloss
""" + " ".join(nodeFeatures))
Esempio n. 2
# We list features that will be added and deleted and changed.
# For each changed feature we show the first line where the new feature differs from the old one.
# We ignore changes in the metadata, because the timestamp in the metadata will always change.

# In[20]:

utils.checkDiffs(thisTempTf, thisTf, only=changedFeatures)

# # Deliver
# Copy the new TF dataset from the temporary location where it has been created to its final destination.

# In[21]:


# # Compile TF
# We load the new features, use the new format, check some values

# In[22]:

utils.caption(4, 'Load and compile the new TF features')

TF = Fabric(locations=thisTf, modules=[''])
api = TF.load(' '.join(changedDataFeatures))

# # Examples