Esempio n. 1
class RampZMagHintsTheme:
    name: str = "ramp.zmaghints"
    height: int = 80
    columns: List[List] = dflt([["val", "Consensus", 160, "0.00"],
                                ["err", "Uncertainty", 160, "0.00"],
                                ["zmag", "Z magnet (mm)", 160, "0.00"]])
    units: List[str] = dflt(["(µm)", "(% strand size)"])
    rows: List[float] = dflt([50, 66, 80, 95])

    def width(self) -> int:
        "the width of the widget"
        return sum(i[2] for i in self.columns)  # pylint: disable=not-an-iterable
Esempio n. 2
class RampZMagResultsTheme:
    name: str = "ramp.zmageresults"
    step: float = .01
    value: float = -.4
    heights: Tuple[int, ...] = (48, 150)
    width: int = 500
    title: str = "Loosing {bead:.3f} ± {err:.3f} {unit} with Zmag ="
    ranges: List[float] = dflt([.05, .1, .2, .5, 1.])
    alpha = .5
    color = 'yellow'
    units: List[str] = dflt(RampZMagHintsTheme().units)
    columns: List[List] = dflt([["closing", "Closing ≥", 40, "0%"],
                                ["count", "Count", 40, "0"],
                                ["percent", "(%)", 40, "0%"],
                                ["beads", "Beads", 180, ""]])
Esempio n. 3
class MessagesListWidgetTheme:
    name:    str = "qc.messages"
    height:  int = 150
    labels:  Dict[str, str] = dflt(NAMES)
    columns: List[List]     = dflt([
        ['bead',    u'Bead',    '0', 65],
        ['type',    u'Type',    '',  (320-65)//3],
        ['cycles',  u'Cycles',  '0', (320-65)//3],
        ['message', u'Message', '',  (320-65)//3]

    def width(self) -> int:
        "return the full width"
        return sum([i[-1] for i in self.columns])  # pylint: disable=not-an-iterable
Esempio n. 4
class QCHairpinSizeTheme:
    name:         str        = "qc.hairpinsize"
    title:        str        = "Hairpins bin size"
    binsize:      float      = .1
    binstart:     float      = .05
    binend:       float      = 1.
    binstep:      float      = .05
    headers:      bool       = False
    tableheight:  int        = 125
    sliderheight: int        = 48
    columns:      List[List] = dflt([
        ["z",       "Δz (µm)", 60, ""],
        ["count",   "Count",   40, "0"],
        ["percent", "(%)",     40, ""],
        ["beads",   "Beads",  180, ""]
    def width(self) -> int:
        "return the full width"
        return sum(i[2] for i in self.columns)  # pylint: disable=not-an-iterable

    def __post_init__(self):
        # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object
        cols = self.columns
        if not self.headers:
            cols[2][-1] = cols[0][-1] = ""
            if cols[2][-1] == "":
                cols[2][-1] = "0"
            if cols[0][-1] == "":
                cols[2][-1] = "0.00"
Esempio n. 5
class PeakIDPathTheme:
    name: str = "hybridstat.peaks.idpath"
    title: str = ""
    dialogtitle: str = 'Select an id file path'
    placeholder: str = 'Id file path'
    filechecks: int = 500
    width: int = 225
    height: int = 32
    tableerror: List[str] = dflt(['File extension must be .xlsx', 'warning'])
Esempio n. 6
class PeaksStatsWidgetTheme:
    name: str = "hybridstat.peaks.stats"
    line: str = _LINE
    openhairpin: str = ' & open hairpin'
    orientation: str = '-+ '
    style: Dict[str, Any] = dflt({})
    lines: List[List[str]] = dflt([['Cycles', '.0f'],
                                   ['Stretch (base/µm)', '.3f'],
                                   ['Bias (µm)', '.4f'], ['σ[HF] (µm)', '.4f'],
                                   ['σ[Peaks] (µm)', '.4f'],
                                   ['Average Skew ', '.2f'],
                                   ['Peak count', '.0f'],
                                   ['Baseline (µm)', '.3f'],
                                   ['Singlestrand (µm)', '.3f'],
                                   ['Events per Cycle', '.1f'],
                                   ['Down Time Φ₅ (s)', '.1f'],
                                   ['Sites found', ''], ['Silhouette', '.1f'],
                                   ['reduced χ²', '.1f']])
    height: int = 20 * 14
    width: int = 230
Esempio n. 7
class SequenceTickerTheme:
    "sequence ticker theme"
    name: str = "sequence.ticker"
    standoff: int = -2
    grid: dict = dflt({
        'color': {
            'dark': ('lightgray', 'lightgreen'),
            'basic': ('gray', 'lightgreen')
        'width': (1, 1),
        'alpha': (.8, .8),
        'dash': ('solid', 'solid')
Esempio n. 8
class QCBeadStatusTheme:
    name:    str            = "qc.status"
    status:  Dict[str, str] = dflt({i: i for i in ("ok", "fixed", "bad", "missing")})
    tableheight:  int       = 102
    headers: bool           = False
    columns: List[List]     = dflt([["status",  "Status", 60, ""],
                                    ["count",   "Count",  40, "0"],
                                    ["percent", "(%)",    40, ""],
                                    ["beads",   "Beads",  180, ""]])

    def width(self) -> int:
        "return the full width"
        return sum(i[2] for i in self.columns)  # pylint: disable=not-an-iterable

    def __post_init__(self):
        cols = self.columns[2]  # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object
        if not self.headers:
            cols[-1] = ""
        elif cols[-1] == "":
            cols[-1] = "0"
Esempio n. 9
class PeakListTheme:
    name: str = "hybridstat.peaks.list"
    height: int = 400
    colwidth: int = 60
    refid: str = '0.0000'
    columns: List[List[str]] = dflt(
        [['z', 'Z (µm)', '0.0000'], ['bases', 'Z (base)', '0.0'],
         ['id', 'Hairpin', '0'], ['orient', 'Strand', ''],
         ['distance', 'Distance', '0.0'],
         ['count', PeaksPlotTheme.xlabel, '0.0'],
         ['duration', PeaksPlotTheme.xtoplabel, '0.000'],
         ['sigma', 'σ (µm)', '0.0000'], ['skew', 'skew', '0.00']])

    def width(self) -> int:
        "the table width"
        return self.colwidth * len(self.columns)
Esempio n. 10
class TaskDescriptor:
    "Access to a task"
    _LABEL = '%({self.attrname}){self.fmt}'
    __NONE = type('_None', (), {})
    label: str = ""
    fmt: str = ""
    keys: List[str] = dflt([])
    attrname: str = ""

    def __post_init__(self):
        if not self.fmt:
            ix1, ix2 = self.label.rfind("%("), self.label.rfind(")")
            self.fmt = self.label[ix2 + 1:]
            self.keys = self.label[ix1 + 2:ix2].split(".")
            self.label = self.label[:ix1].strip()

        if isinstance(self.keys, str):
            self.keys = self.keys.split('.')
        if self.keys[0] == 'task':
            self.keys = self.keys[1:]
        if len(self.keys) == 2 and self.keys[-1] == 'disabled':
            self.keys = self.keys[:1]
        if len(self.keys) == 1:
            self.fmt = 'b'

        assert len(self.keys) >= 1
        assert len(self.fmt)
        assert len(self.label)

    def __set_name__(self, _, name):
        self.attrname = name

    def __model(self, obj):
        return getattr(getattr(obj, '_model'), self.keys[0])

    def get(self, obj, wherefrom="default"):
        Gets the attribute in the task.

        Use config = True to access the default value
        mdl = self.__model(obj)
        mdl = (
            getattr(mdl, 'task', mdl) if wherefrom == "model" else
            mdl.configtask if wherefrom == "config" else mdl.defaultconfigtask)

        if len(self.keys) == 1:
            return False if mdl is None else not mdl.disabled

        if '|' not in self.fmt and 'o' in self.fmt:
            for key in self.keys[1:]:
                mdl = getattr(mdl, key, None)
            for key in self.keys[1:]:
                mdl = getattr(mdl, key)

        if self.fmt == 'b' and not isinstance(mdl, bool):
            return mdl is not None
        return mdl

    def getdefault(self, obj):
        Gets the attribute in the task.

        Use config = True to access the default value
        return self.get(obj)

    def __get__(self, obj, tpe):
        if obj is None:
            return self

        return self.get(
            obj, 'config' if self.__model(obj).task is None else 'model')

    def __set__(self, obj, val):
        outp = getattr(obj, '_get_output')()
        if len(self.keys) == 1:
            outp.setdefault(self.keys[0], {})['disabled'] = not val

        tsk = self.__model(obj).tasktype
        if len(self.keys) == 2:
            mdl = getattr(tsk, self.keys[1])
            if self.fmt == "b" and not isinstance(mdl, bool):
                val = deepcopy(mdl) if val else None
            outp.setdefault(self.keys[0], {})[self.keys[1]] = val

        mdl = outp.setdefault(self.keys[0], {}).get(self.keys[1], self.__NONE)
        if mdl is self.__NONE:
            mdl = deepcopy(getattr(tsk, self.keys[1]))
            outp[self.keys[0]][self.keys[1]] = mdl

        for key in self.keys[2:-1]:
            mdl = getattr(mdl, key)

        attr = getattr(type(mdl)(), self.keys[-1])
        if self.fmt == "b" and not isinstance(attr, bool):
            val = deepcopy(attr) if val else None
        setattr(mdl, self.keys[-1], val)

    def line(self) -> Tuple[str, str]:
        "return the line for this descriptor"
        return self.label, self._LABEL.format(self=self)