def __call__(self, img_input): t = time.time() img_input = np.transpose( img_input, axes=[1, 0, 2]).copy() if self.T else img_input img_batch = self._gen_input_batch(img_input, self._box_size, self.scales) # inference hm, xm, ym, zm = [self.heatmap, self.x_heatmap, self.y_heatmap, self.z_heatmap], {self.input_crops: img_batch}) # average scale outputs hm_size = self._box_size // self._hm_factor hm_avg = np.zeros((hm_size, hm_size, self._joints_num)) xm_avg = np.zeros((hm_size, hm_size, self._joints_num)) ym_avg = np.zeros((hm_size, hm_size, self._joints_num)) zm_avg = np.zeros((hm_size, hm_size, self._joints_num)) for i in range(len(self.scales)): rescale = 1.0 / self.scales[i] scaled_hm = utils.img_scale(hm[i, :, :, :], rescale) scaled_x_hm = utils.img_scale(xm[i, :, :, :], rescale) scaled_y_hm = utils.img_scale(ym[i, :, :, :], rescale) scaled_z_hm = utils.img_scale(zm[i, :, :, :], rescale) mid = [scaled_hm.shape[0] // 2, scaled_hm.shape[1] // 2] hm_avg += scaled_hm[mid[0] - hm_size // 2:mid[0] + hm_size // 2, mid[1] - hm_size // 2:mid[1] + hm_size // 2, :] xm_avg += scaled_x_hm[mid[0] - hm_size // 2:mid[0] + hm_size // 2, mid[1] - hm_size // 2:mid[1] + hm_size // 2, :] ym_avg += scaled_y_hm[mid[0] - hm_size // 2:mid[0] + hm_size // 2, mid[1] - hm_size // 2:mid[1] + hm_size // 2, :] zm_avg += scaled_z_hm[mid[0] - hm_size // 2:mid[0] + hm_size // 2, mid[1] - hm_size // 2:mid[1] + hm_size // 2, :] hm_avg /= len(self.scales) xm_avg /= len(self.scales) ym_avg /= len(self.scales) zm_avg /= len(self.scales) joints_2d = utils.extract_2d_joints_from_heatmap( hm_avg, self._box_size, self._hm_factor) joints_3d = utils.extract_3d_joints_from_heatmap( joints_2d, xm_avg, ym_avg, zm_avg, self._box_size, self._hm_factor) joints_2d, joints_3d = self._joint_filter(joints_2d, joints_3d) # if self.T: # joints_2d = joints_2d[:, ::-1] # joints_3d = joints_3d[:, [1, 0, 2]] print('FPS: {:>2.2f}'.format(1 / (time.time() - t))) if self.plot: # 2d plotting frame_square = utils.img_scale_squareify(img_input, self._box_size) frame_square = utils.draw_limbs_2d(frame_square, joints_2d, self._joint_parents) cv2.imshow('2D Prediction', frame_square) # 3d plotting self.imshow_3d(self.ax_3d, joints_3d, self._joint_parents) return joints_2d, joints_3d
def run(self): # initial BB by HOG detection self.BB_init() success, frame = frame = frame.T if self.T else frame while success and cv2.waitKey(1) == -1: found, w = self.hog.detectMultiScale(frame) if len(found) > 0: self._draw_BB_rect(frame, found[np.argmax(w)]) scale = 400 / self.H frame = cv2.resize(frame, (0, 0), fx=scale, fy=scale) cv2.imshow(self._box_init_window_name, frame) if self._clicked: self._clicked = False cv2.destroyWindow(self._box_init_window_name) break success, frame = frame = frame.T if self.T else frame x, y, w, h = self.rect # main loop success, frame = frame = frame.T if self.T else frame while success and cv2.waitKey(1) == -1: t = time.time() # crop bounding box from the raw frame frame_cropped = frame[y:y + h, x:x + w, :] # crop --> one sqrare input img for CNN self.frame_square = utils.img_scale_squareify( frame_cropped, self.box_size) # one sqrare input img --> a batch of sqrare input imgs self._create_input_batch() # sqrare input img batch --CNN net--> 2d and 3d skeleton joint coordinates self._run_net() # filter to smooth the joint coordinate results self._joint_coord_filter() ## plot ## # 2d plotting self.frame_square = utils.draw_limbs_2d(self.frame_square, self.joints_2d, self.joint_parents) cv2.imshow('2D Prediction', self.frame_square) # 3d plotting self._imshow_3d() print('FPS: {:>2.2f}'.format(1 / (time.time() - t))) success, frame = frame = frame.T if self.T else frame self._exit()
def demo(): joints_2d = np.zeros(shape=(args.num_of_joints, 2), dtype=np.int32) joints_3d = np.zeros(shape=(args.num_of_joints, 3), dtype=np.float32) if args.plot_3d: plt.ion() fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(121, projection='3d') ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122) if args.device == 'cpu': caffe.set_mode_cpu() elif args.device == 'gpu': caffe.set_mode_gpu() caffe.set_device(0) else: raise ValueError('No such device') model_prototxt_path = os.path.join(args.model_dir, 'vnect_net.prototxt') model_weight_path = os.path.join(args.model_dir, 'vnect_model.caffemodel') # Load model model = caffe.Net(model_prototxt_path, model_weight_path, caffe.TEST) # Show network structure and shape for layer_name in model.params.keys(): print(layer_name, model.params[layer_name][0].data.shape) print('') for i in model.blobs.keys(): print(i, model.blobs[i].data.shape) cam = cv2.VideoCapture(0) is_tracking = False # for img_name in os.listdir('test_imgs'): while True: # if not is_tracking: img_path = 'test_imgs/{}'.format('dance.jpg') t1 = time.time() input_batch = [] cam_img = utils.read_square_image('', cam, args.input_size, 'WEBCAM') # cam_img = utils.read_square_image(img_path, '', args.input_size, 'IMAGE') # cv2.imshow('', cam_img) # cv2.waitKey(0) orig_size_input = cam_img.astype(np.float32) for scale in scales: resized_img = utils.resize_pad_img(orig_size_input, scale, args.input_size) input_batch.append(resized_img) input_batch = np.asarray(input_batch, dtype=np.float32) input_batch = np.transpose(input_batch, (0, 3, 1, 2)) input_batch /= 255.0 input_batch -= 0.4 model.blobs['data'].data[...] = input_batch # Forward model.forward() # Get output data x_hm = model.blobs['x_heatmap'].data y_hm = model.blobs['y_heatmap'].data z_hm = model.blobs['z_heatmap'].data hm = model.blobs['heatmap'].data # Trans coordinates x_hm = x_hm.transpose([0, 2, 3, 1]) y_hm = y_hm.transpose([0, 2, 3, 1]) z_hm = z_hm.transpose([0, 2, 3, 1]) hm = hm.transpose([0, 2, 3, 1]) # Average scale outputs hm_size = args.input_size // args.pool_scale hm_avg = np.zeros(shape=(hm_size, hm_size, args.num_of_joints)) x_hm_avg = np.zeros(shape=(hm_size, hm_size, args.num_of_joints)) y_hm_avg = np.zeros(shape=(hm_size, hm_size, args.num_of_joints)) z_hm_avg = np.zeros(shape=(hm_size, hm_size, args.num_of_joints)) for i in range(len(scales)): rescale = 1.0 / scales[i] scaled_hm = cv2.resize(hm[i, :, :, :], (0, 0), fx=rescale, fy=rescale, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) scaled_x_hm = cv2.resize(x_hm[i, :, :, :], (0, 0), fx=rescale, fy=rescale, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) scaled_y_hm = cv2.resize(y_hm[i, :, :, :], (0, 0), fx=rescale, fy=rescale, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) scaled_z_hm = cv2.resize(z_hm[i, :, :, :], (0, 0), fx=rescale, fy=rescale, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) mid = [scaled_hm.shape[0] // 2, scaled_hm.shape[1] // 2] hm_avg += scaled_hm[mid[0] - hm_size // 2:mid[0] + hm_size // 2, mid[1] - hm_size // 2:mid[1] + hm_size // 2, :] x_hm_avg += scaled_x_hm[mid[0] - hm_size // 2:mid[0] + hm_size // 2, mid[1] - hm_size // 2:mid[1] + hm_size // 2, :] y_hm_avg += scaled_y_hm[mid[0] - hm_size // 2:mid[0] + hm_size // 2, mid[1] - hm_size // 2:mid[1] + hm_size // 2, :] z_hm_avg += scaled_z_hm[mid[0] - hm_size // 2:mid[0] + hm_size // 2, mid[1] - hm_size // 2:mid[1] + hm_size // 2, :] hm_avg /= len(scales) x_hm_avg /= len(scales) y_hm_avg /= len(scales) z_hm_avg /= len(scales) t2 = time.time() # Get 2d joints joints_2d = utils.extract_2d_joint_from_heatmap( hm_avg, args.input_size, joints_2d) # Get 3d joints joints_3d = utils.extract_3d_joints_from_heatmap( joints_2d, x_hm_avg, y_hm_avg, z_hm_avg, args.input_size, joints_3d) print('Post FPS', 1 / (time.time() - t2)) # Plot 2d location heatmap joint_map = np.zeros(shape=(args.input_size, args.input_size, 3)) for joint_num in range(joints_2d.shape[0]):, center=(joints_2d[joint_num][1], joints_2d[joint_num][0]), radius=3, color=(255, 0, 0), thickness=-1) # Plot 2d limbs limb_img = utils.draw_limbs_2d(cam_img, joints_2d, limb_parents) # Plot 3d limbs if args.plot_3d: ax.clear() ax.view_init(azim=0, elev=90) ax.set_xlim(-700, 700) ax.set_ylim(-800, 800) ax.set_zlim(-700, 700) ax.set_xlabel('x') ax.set_ylabel('y') ax.set_zlabel('z') utils.draw_limbs_3d(joints_3d, limb_parents, ax) # draw heatmap # hm_img = utils.draw_predicted_heatmap(hm_avg*200, args.input_size) # cv2.imshow('hm', hm_img.astype(np.uint8)) # cv2.waitKey(0) concat_img = np.concatenate((limb_img, joint_map), axis=1) # ax2.imshow(concat_img[..., ::-1].astype(np.uint8)) cv2.imshow('2d', concat_img.astype(np.uint8)) cv2.waitKey(1) # ax2.imshow(concat_img.astype(np.uint8)) # plt.pause(0.0001) # print('Forward FPS', 1 / (time.time() - t1))
{input_batch: img_square / 255 - 0.4}) joints_2d = utils.extract_2d_joints_from_heatmap(hm[0, ...], box_size, hm_factor) for i in range(21): if i == 0: himg = hm[0, :, :, i] ximg = xm[0, :, :, i] yimg = ym[0, :, :, i] zimg = zm[0, :, :, i] else: tmp = hm[0, :, :, i] himg = np.hstack([himg, tmp]) tmp = xm[0, :, :, i] ximg = np.hstack([ximg, tmp]) tmp = ym[0, :, :, i] yimg = np.hstack([yimg, tmp]) tmp = zm[0, :, :, i] zimg = np.hstack([zimg, tmp]) all_hm = np.vstack([himg, ximg, yimg, zimg]) cv2.imshow('all heatmaps', all_hm) img_res2d = utils.draw_limbs_2d(img_square[0, ...], joints_2d, limb_parents) cv2.imshow('2D results', img_res2d) cv2.waitKey() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def render_plt(): joints_2d = np.zeros(shape=(args.num_of_joints, 2), dtype=np.int32) joints_3d = np.zeros(shape=(args.num_of_joints, 3), dtype=np.float32) cam_img = np.zeros(shape=(args.input_size, args.input_size, 3), dtype=np.uint8) if args.plot_3d and args.plot_2d: plt.ion() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) ax = fig.add_subplot(121, projection='3d') ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122) elif args.plot_3d: plt.ion() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') while True: if model_post_q.qsize() != 0: [joints_2d, joints_3d, cam_img] = model_post_q.get(False) else: print('render old') t1 = time.time() # Plot 2d location heatmap if args.plot_2d: joint_map = np.zeros(shape=(args.input_size, args.input_size, 3)) for joint_num in range(joints_2d.shape[0]):, center=(joints_2d[joint_num][1], joints_2d[joint_num][0]), radius=3, color=(255, 0, 0), thickness=-1) # Plot 2d limbs limb_img = utils.draw_limbs_2d(cam_img, joints_2d, limb_parents) # Plot 3d limbs if args.plot_3d: ax.clear() ax.view_init(azim=0, elev=90) ax.set_xlim(-700, 700) ax.set_ylim(-800, 800) ax.set_zlim(-700, 700) ax.set_xlabel('x') ax.set_ylabel('y') ax.set_zlabel('z') utils.draw_limbs_3d(joints_3d, limb_parents, ax) # draw heatmap # hm_img = utils.draw_predicted_heatmap(hm_avg*200, args.input_size) # cv2.imshow('hm', hm_img.astype(np.uint8)) # cv2.waitKey(0) if args.plot_2d and args.plot_3d: concat_img = np.concatenate((limb_img, joint_map), axis=1) ax2.imshow(concat_img[..., ::-1].astype(np.uint8)) plt.pause(1e-10) elif args.plot_3d: plt.pause(1e-10) else: concat_img = np.concatenate((limb_img, joint_map), axis=1) cv2.imshow('2d', concat_img.astype(np.uint8)) cv2.waitKey(1) # ax2.imshow(concat_img.astype(np.uint8)) print('Render FPS', 1 / (time.time() - t1))
def render_plt(): joints_2d = np.zeros(shape=(args.num_of_joints, 2), dtype=np.int32) joints_3d = np.zeros(shape=(args.num_of_joints, 3), dtype=np.float32) cam_img = np.zeros(shape=(args.input_size, args.input_size, 3), dtype=np.uint8) if args.plot_3d and args.plot_2d: plt.ion() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) ax = fig.add_subplot(121, projection='3d') ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122) elif args.plot_3d: plt.ion() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') while True: if model_post_q.qsize() != 0: [joints_2d, joints_3d, cam_img] = model_post_q.get(False) else: print('render old') t1 = time.time() # Plot 2d location heatmap if args.plot_2d: joint_map = np.zeros(shape=(args.input_size, args.input_size, 3)) for joint_num in range(joints_2d.shape[0]):, center=(joints_2d[joint_num][1], joints_2d[joint_num][0]), radius=3, color=(255, 0, 0), thickness=-1) # Plot 2d limbs limb_img = utils.draw_limbs_2d(cam_img, joints_2d, limb_parents) # Plot 3d limbs if args.plot_3d: ax.clear() ax.view_init(azim=0, elev=90) ax.set_xlim(-700, 700) ax.set_ylim(-800, 800) ax.set_zlim(-700, 700) ax.set_xlabel('x') ax.set_ylabel('y') ax.set_zlabel('z') utils.draw_limbs_3d(joints_3d, limb_parents, ax) # draw heatmap # hm_img = utils.draw_predicted_heatmap(hm_avg*200, args.input_size) # cv2.imshow('hm', hm_img.astype(np.uint8)) # cv2.waitKey(0) if args.plot_2d and args.plot_3d: concat_img = np.concatenate((limb_img, joint_map), axis=1) ax2.imshow(concat_img[..., ::-1].astype(np.uint8)) plt.pause(1e-10) elif args.plot_3d: plt.pause(1e-10) else: concat_img = np.concatenate((limb_img, joint_map), axis=1) cv2.imshow('2d', concat_img.astype(np.uint8)) cv2.waitKey(1) # ax2.imshow(concat_img.astype(np.uint8)) print('Render FPS', 1 / (time.time() - t1))
def demo(): joints_2d = np.zeros(shape=(args.num_of_joints, 2), dtype=np.int32) joints_3d = np.zeros(shape=(args.num_of_joints, 3), dtype=np.float32) if args.plot_3d: plt.ion() fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(121, projection='3d') ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122) if args.device == 'cpu': caffe.set_mode_cpu() elif args.device == 'gpu': caffe.set_mode_gpu() caffe.set_device(0) else: raise ValueError('No such device') model_prototxt_path = os.path.join(args.model_dir, 'vnect_net.prototxt') model_weight_path = os.path.join(args.model_dir, 'vnect_model.caffemodel') # Load model model = caffe.Net(model_prototxt_path, model_weight_path, caffe.TEST) # Show network structure and shape for layer_name in model.params.keys(): print(layer_name, model.params[layer_name][0].data.shape) print('') for i in model.blobs.keys(): print(i, model.blobs[i].data.shape) cam = cv2.VideoCapture(0) is_tracking = False # for img_name in os.listdir('test_imgs'): while True: # if not is_tracking: img_path = 'test_imgs/{}'.format('dance.jpg') t1 = time.time() input_batch = [] cam_img = utils.read_square_image('', cam, args.input_size, 'WEBCAM') # cam_img = utils.read_square_image(img_path, '', args.input_size, 'IMAGE') # cv2.imshow('', cam_img) # cv2.waitKey(0) orig_size_input = cam_img.astype(np.float32) for scale in scales: resized_img = utils.resize_pad_img(orig_size_input, scale, args.input_size) input_batch.append(resized_img) input_batch = np.asarray(input_batch, dtype=np.float32) input_batch = np.transpose(input_batch, (0, 3, 1, 2)) input_batch /= 255.0 input_batch -= 0.4 model.blobs['data'].data[...] = input_batch # Forward model.forward() # Get output data x_hm = model.blobs['x_heatmap'].data y_hm = model.blobs['y_heatmap'].data z_hm = model.blobs['z_heatmap'].data hm = model.blobs['heatmap'].data # Trans coordinates x_hm = x_hm.transpose([0, 2, 3, 1]) y_hm = y_hm.transpose([0, 2, 3, 1]) z_hm = z_hm.transpose([0, 2, 3, 1]) hm = hm.transpose([0, 2, 3, 1]) # Average scale outputs hm_size = args.input_size // args.pool_scale hm_avg = np.zeros(shape=(hm_size, hm_size, args.num_of_joints)) x_hm_avg = np.zeros(shape=(hm_size, hm_size, args.num_of_joints)) y_hm_avg = np.zeros(shape=(hm_size, hm_size, args.num_of_joints)) z_hm_avg = np.zeros(shape=(hm_size, hm_size, args.num_of_joints)) for i in range(len(scales)): rescale = 1.0 / scales[i] scaled_hm = cv2.resize(hm[i, :, :, :], (0, 0), fx=rescale, fy=rescale, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) scaled_x_hm = cv2.resize(x_hm[i, :, :, :], (0, 0), fx=rescale, fy=rescale, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) scaled_y_hm = cv2.resize(y_hm[i, :, :, :], (0, 0), fx=rescale, fy=rescale, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) scaled_z_hm = cv2.resize(z_hm[i, :, :, :], (0, 0), fx=rescale, fy=rescale, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) mid = [scaled_hm.shape[0] // 2, scaled_hm.shape[1] // 2] hm_avg += scaled_hm[mid[0] - hm_size // 2: mid[0] + hm_size // 2, mid[1] - hm_size // 2: mid[1] + hm_size // 2, :] x_hm_avg += scaled_x_hm[mid[0] - hm_size // 2: mid[0] + hm_size // 2, mid[1] - hm_size // 2: mid[1] + hm_size // 2, :] y_hm_avg += scaled_y_hm[mid[0] - hm_size // 2: mid[0] + hm_size // 2, mid[1] - hm_size // 2: mid[1] + hm_size // 2, :] z_hm_avg += scaled_z_hm[mid[0] - hm_size // 2: mid[0] + hm_size // 2, mid[1] - hm_size // 2: mid[1] + hm_size // 2, :] hm_avg /= len(scales) x_hm_avg /= len(scales) y_hm_avg /= len(scales) z_hm_avg /= len(scales) t2 = time.time() # Get 2d joints joints_2d = utils.extract_2d_joint_from_heatmap(hm_avg, args.input_size, joints_2d) # Get 3d joints joints_3d = utils.extract_3d_joints_from_heatmap(joints_2d, x_hm_avg, y_hm_avg, z_hm_avg, args.input_size, joints_3d) print('Post FPS', 1/(time.time()-t2)) # Plot 2d location heatmap joint_map = np.zeros(shape=(args.input_size, args.input_size, 3)) for joint_num in range(joints_2d.shape[0]):, center=(joints_2d[joint_num][1], joints_2d[joint_num][0]), radius=3, color=(255, 0, 0), thickness=-1) # Plot 2d limbs limb_img = utils.draw_limbs_2d(cam_img, joints_2d, limb_parents) # Plot 3d limbs if args.plot_3d: ax.clear() ax.view_init(azim=0, elev=90) ax.set_xlim(-700, 700) ax.set_ylim(-800, 800) ax.set_zlim(-700, 700) ax.set_xlabel('x') ax.set_ylabel('y') ax.set_zlabel('z') utils.draw_limbs_3d(joints_3d, limb_parents, ax) # draw heatmap # hm_img = utils.draw_predicted_heatmap(hm_avg*200, args.input_size) # cv2.imshow('hm', hm_img.astype(np.uint8)) # cv2.waitKey(0) concat_img = np.concatenate((limb_img, joint_map), axis=1) # ax2.imshow(concat_img[..., ::-1].astype(np.uint8)) cv2.imshow('2d', concat_img.astype(np.uint8)) cv2.waitKey(1) # ax2.imshow(concat_img.astype(np.uint8)) # plt.pause(0.0001) # print('Forward FPS', 1 / (time.time() - t1))