Esempio n. 1
def ransac(pc, iteration=50, delta=0.15, N=200):
    e_best = 10000
    start = time.clock()
    l = len(pc)
    for i in range(iteration):
        r = []  #r is the set of hypothetical inliers
        c = []  #c is the set of consensus set
        c_ids = []
        r_ids = []
        # randomly sample three points from point cloud
        r_ids = random.sample(range(0, l), 3)
        for r_id in r_ids:
        # fit plane to hypothetical inliers
        plane = fit_plane(r)
        # generate c-consensus set
        for id, pt in enumerate(pc):
            if (id not in r_ids) and error([pc[id]], plane) < delta:
        # refit model if consensus set is sufficiently big
        if len(c) > N:
            plane_refit = fit_plane(r + c)
            e_new = error_rss(r + c, plane_refit)
            if e_new < e_best:
                e_best = e_new
                plane_best = plane_refit
                r_ids_best = r_ids
                c_ids_best = c_ids
    end = time.clock()

    #Show the resulting point cloud
    outliers = []  #plot outliers
    inliers = []  #inliers
    for id, pt in enumerate(pc):
        if id not in r_ids_best + c_ids_best:
    fig = utils.view_pc([outliers])

    #plot inliers
    utils.view_pc([inliers], fig, 'r', 'o')

    #Draw the fitted plane
    pt = numpy.matrix([[0], [0], [1 / plane_best[2, 0]]])
                     pt, (0.1, 0.7, 0.1, 0.5),
                     length=[-0.5, 1],
                     width=[-0.5, 1])
    plt.title("Plane fitting result of RANSAC algorithm", fontsize=16)
    return end - start, e_best
Esempio n. 2
def main():

    #Import the cloud
    pc = utils.load_pc('cloud_pca.csv')

    ###YOUR CODE HERE###
    # Show the input point cloud

    #Rotate the points to align with the XY plane
    n = len(pc)  #number of data in the point cloud
    x = utils.convert_pc_to_matrix(pc)
    x = x - numpy.mean(x, 1)
    Q = x * x.T / (n - 1)
    u, s, v = numpy.linalg.svd(Q)
    v = v.T  #Computes svd of covariance matrix Q=u*s*v'
    #output of v from numpy.linalg.svd is actualy V'
    #from Q = U S V'
    y = v.T * x
    pc_y = utils.convert_matrix_to_pc(y)

    #Show the resulting point cloud
    fig = utils.view_pc([pc_y])
    #plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box')

    #Rotate the points to align with the XY plane AND eliminate the noise
    v_s = v.copy()
    variances = numpy.multiply(s, s)
    e = 0.001  # threshold of variance, below which that dimension will be eliminated
    for id, variance in enumerate(variances):
        if variance < e:
            v_s[:, id] = numpy.zeros((v.shape[0], 1))
    y_s = v_s.T * x
    pc_ys = utils.convert_matrix_to_pc(y_s)

    # Show the resulting point cloud

    # fit plane to original pc
    x = utils.convert_pc_to_matrix(pc)
    pt = numpy.mean(x, 1)
    normal = v[:, variances < e]
    fig = utils.view_pc([pc])
                     pt, (0.1, 0.7, 0.1, 0.5),
                     length=[-0.5, 1],
                     width=[-0.5, 1])
    ###YOUR CODE HERE###

    raw_input("Press enter to end:")
Esempio n. 3
def main():

    #load in the point cloud
    pc = utils.load_pc('cloud_pca.csv')

    #convert the cloud to a 3 x N matrix
    mpc = utils.convert_pc_to_matrix(pc)

    #add some stuff to the matrix (move the points by (1,1,1))
    mpc = mpc + numpy.ones(mpc.shape)

    #convert back to point cloud for plotting
    pc2 = utils.convert_matrix_to_pc(mpc)

    #plot the original point cloud
    fig = utils.view_pc([pc])

    #plot the moved point cloud in red ^ markers
    fig = utils.view_pc([pc2], fig, ['r'], ['^'])

    #draw a plane
    fig = utils.draw_plane(fig,
                           numpy.matrix([0, 0, 1]).T,
                           numpy.matrix([0.5, 0.5, 0.5]).T,
                           (0.1, 0.7, 0.1, 0.5), [-1, 1], [-1, 1])
    #utils.view_pc([mug_pc, pc_noise], ['b', 'r'], ['o', '^'])
    raw_input("Press enter to end:")
Esempio n. 4
def main():
    #Import the cloud
    pc = utils.load_pc('cloud_ransac.csv')

    ###YOUR CODE HERE###
    # Show the input point cloud
    #fig = utils.view_pc([pc])
    theta = 0.08
    num_thred = 140
    shape_pc = numpy.shape(pc)
    num_point = shape_pc[0]
    data = numpy.matrix(numpy.reshape(pc, (shape_pc[0], shape_pc[1])))
    #Fit a plane to the data using ransac
    num_iteration = 2000
    min_err = 100
    flag = 0
    for i in range(num_iteration):
        index1, index2, index3 = random.sample(range(num_point), 3)
        reference_point = data[index1][:]
        v1 = data[index2][:] - data[index1][:]
        v2 = data[index3][:] - data[index1][:]
        dir_plane = numpy.cross(v1, v2)
        if numpy.linalg.norm(dir_plane) == 0:
            dir_plane = dir_plane / numpy.linalg.norm(dir_plane)
        temp = numpy.absolute(dir_plane * (data - reference_point).T)
        index_inlier = numpy.where(temp < theta)[1]
        num_inlier = len(index_inlier)
        if num_inlier > num_thred:
            data_inlier = data[index_inlier, :]
            mean_data_in = numpy.mean(data_inlier, 0)
            data_in_zero = data_inlier - mean_data_in
            u, s, vh = numpy.linalg.svd(
                numpy.matrix(data_in_zero).T * numpy.matrix(data_in_zero) /
                (num_inlier - 1))
            if s[2] / num_inlier < min_err:
                min_err = s[2] / num_inlier
                print min_err
                plane_dir = vh[:][2]
                plane_point = mean_data_in
                flag = 1

    #Show the resulting point cloud
    temp = numpy.absolute(plane_dir * (data - plane_point).T)
    index_inlier = numpy.where(temp < theta)[1]
    index_outlier = range(num_point)
    index_outlier = numpy.delete(index_outlier, index_inlier)
    data_inlier_dis = copy.deepcopy(itemgetter(*index_inlier)(pc))
    data_outlier_dis = copy.deepcopy(itemgetter(*index_outlier)(pc))
    fig = utils.view_pc([data_outlier_dis])
    fig = utils.view_pc([data_inlier_dis], fig, ['r'])
    #Draw the fitted plane
    if flag == 1:
        print 'Dir', plane_dir
        print 'Point', plane_point
        fig = utils.draw_plane(fig, plane_dir.T, plane_point.T,
                               (0.1, 1, 0.1, 0.5), [-0.7, 1.2], [-0.5, 1.3])
    ###YOUR CODE HERE###
    raw_input("Press enter to end:")
Esempio n. 5
def pca_plane_fit(pc, delta):
    start = time.clock()
    #Rotate the points to align with the XY plane
    n = len(pc)  #number of data in the point cloud
    x_raw = utils.convert_pc_to_matrix(pc)
    pt = numpy.mean(x_raw, 1)
    x = x_raw - pt
    Q = x * x.T / (n - 1)
    u, s, v = numpy.linalg.svd(Q)
    v = v.T  #Computes svd of covariance matrix Q=u*s*v'
    #output of v from numpy.linalg.svd is actualy V'
    #from Q = U S V'
    # fit plane to original pc

    variances = numpy.multiply(s, s)
    normal = v[:, 2]
    plane = normal / (

    #generate inliers and outliers
    inliers = []
    outliers = []
    for point in pc:
        if error([point], plane) < delta:
    rss_err = error_rss(inliers, plane)
    end = time.clock()

    fig = utils.view_pc([outliers])
    utils.view_pc([inliers], fig, 'r', 'o')
    pt = numpy.matrix([[0], [0], [1 / plane[2, 0]]])
                     pt, (0.1, 0.7, 0.1, 0.5),
                     length=[-0.5, 1],
                     width=[-0.5, 1])
    plt.title("Plane fitting result of PCA", fontsize=16)
    #Draw the fitted plane
    return end - start, rss_err
Esempio n. 6
def main():

    #Import the cloud
    pc = utils.load_pc('cloud_pca.csv')

    ###YOUR CODE HERE###
    # Show the input point cloud
    fig = utils.view_pc([pc])
    #Rotate the points to align with the XY plane
    thredhold = 0.01
    pc = numpy.reshape(pc,(200,3))
    pc_mean = numpy.mean(pc, 0).T
    pc_present = pc - pc_mean
    q = numpy.matrix(pc_present.T) * numpy.matrix(pc_present)/199
    u, s ,vh = numpy.linalg.svd(q)
    x_new = (vh.T * numpy.matrix(pc_present.T)).T
    print 'w=\n', vh
    #Show the resulting point cloud
    pc_present_display = numpy.reshape(copy.deepcopy(pc_present), (200,3,1))
    x_new_dis = numpy.reshape(numpy.asarray(copy.deepcopy(x_new)), (200,3,1))
    #Rotate the points to align with the XY plane AND eliminate the noise
    # Show the resulting point cloud
    for i in range(len(s)):
        if s[i] < thredhold:
            vh_cut = (numpy.matrix(copy.deepcopy(vh)).T[:][0:i]).T
            print vh_cut
            x_new_cut = (vh_cut.T * numpy.matrix(pc_present.T)).T
            extra_col = numpy.zeros((200, 1))
            x_new_cut_dis = numpy.reshape(numpy.array(numpy.hstack((x_new_cut, extra_col))), (200,3,1))

    dir_plan = numpy.matrix(vh)[:][2]
    fig = utils.draw_plane(fig, dir_plan.T, numpy.matrix(pc_mean).T, (0.1, 1, 0.1, 0.5), [-0.5, 1], [-0.5,1.3])
    ###YOUR CODE HERE###

    raw_input("Press enter to end:")
Esempio n. 7
def main():
    #Import the cloud
    pc = utils.load_pc('cloud_pca.csv')

    num_tests = 10
    fig = None
    error_list_pca = []
    error_list_ransac = []
    pc_pca_outliner_list_global = []
    pc_ransac_outliner_list_global = []
    pca_time_list = []
    ransac_time_list = []
    for i in range(0,num_tests):
        pc = add_some_outliers(pc,10) #adding 10 new outliers for each test
        fig = utils.view_pc([pc])

        ###YOUR CODE HERE###
        #Compute Mean Point
        pc2 = pc
        pc2_mat = utils.convert_pc_to_matrix(pc2)
        mean_mat = mean(pc2_mat, axis=1)

        Start PCA
        pca_start_time = time.clock()
        size = pc2_mat.shape
        minus_mat = zeros((size[0], size[1]))
        minus_mat[0, :] = mean_mat[0]
        minus_mat[1, :] = mean_mat[1]
        minus_mat[2, :] = mean_mat[2]
        pc2_pca_mat = pc2_mat - minus_mat
        q_mat = cov(pc2_pca_mat)
        u_mat, s_mat, v_mat_t = linalg.svd(q_mat)
        u_mat_mat = matrix(u_mat)

        normal_vctr_mat = u_mat_mat[:, 2]

        utils.draw_plane(fig, normal_vctr_mat, mean_mat, color=(0.0, 1, 0.0, 0.5), length=[-0.7, 0.7],
                         width=[-0.8, 0.8])

        A_para = float(normal_vctr_mat[0])
        B_para = float(normal_vctr_mat[1])
        C_para = float(normal_vctr_mat[2])
        D_para = -A_para*float(mean_mat[0]) - B_para*float(mean_mat[1]) - C_para*float(mean_mat[2])

        pca_para_list = [-A_para/C_para, -B_para/C_para, -D_para/C_para]

        pc_pca_inline_list_it = []
        pc_pca_out_list_it = []
        for mat in pc:
            if DistancePointPlane(mat, pca_para_list) < 0.1:
                # print 'found pca inliners'

        error_pca = ErrorPointListPlane(pc_pca_inline_list_it, pca_para_list)


        pca_end_time = time.clock()
        pca_time = pca_end_time - pca_start_time


        Start Ransac

        ransac_start_time = time.clock()
        ans = RANSACsolve(pc, 500, 100, 0.15)

        [a, b, c] = ans[0]
        inliers_mat_list = ans[2]
        mean_point_ransac = matrix([[float(mean_mat[0])], [float(mean_mat[1])], [a * float(mean_mat[0]) + b * float(mean_mat[1]) + c]])
        normal_ransac = matrix([[a], [b], [-1]])

        utils.draw_plane(fig, normal_ransac, mean_point_ransac, color=(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5), length=[-0.7, 0.7],
                         width=[-0.8, 0.8])

        error_ransac = ErrorPointListPlane(inliers_mat_list, ans[0])
        #raw_input("Press enter for next test:")

        pc_ransac_out_list_it = []
        for mat in pc:
            result = IfPointMatInList(mat, inliers_mat_list)
            if result[1] == False:

        ransac_end_time = time.clock()

        ransac_time_list.append(ransac_end_time - ransac_start_time)

        compute the inliners for PCA

        if i == (num_tests - 1):
            pc_pca_inline_list = []
            pc_pca_out_list = []
            for mat in pc:
                if DistancePointPlane(mat, pca_para_list) < 0.15:
                    #print 'found pca inliners'
            #print 'pc_pca_inline_list = ', pc_pca_inline_list
            #print 'len(pc_pca_inline_list) =', len(pc_pca_inline_list)

            fig_pca = utils.view_pc([pc_pca_inline_list], color='r')
            fig_pca = utils.view_pc([pc_pca_out_list], fig_pca, color='b')

            utils.draw_plane(fig_pca, normal_vctr_mat, mean_mat, color=(0.0, 1, 0.0, 0.5), length=[-0.7, 0.7],
                             width=[-0.8, 0.8])

            compute the outliners for RANSAC
            pc_ransac_inline_list = ans[2]
            pc_ransanc_out_list = []

            for mat in pc:
                result = IfPointMatInList(mat, pc_ransac_inline_list)
                if result[1] == False:

            fig_ransac = utils.view_pc([pc_ransac_inline_list], color='r')
            fig_ransac = utils.view_pc([pc_ransanc_out_list], fig_ransac, color='b')
            utils.draw_plane(fig_ransac, normal_ransac, mean_point_ransac, color=(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5), length=[-0.7, 0.7],
                             width=[-0.8, 0.8])

            print 'len(pc_pca_inline_list) =', len(pc_pca_inline_list)
            print 'len( pc_ransac_inline_list) =', len( pc_ransac_inline_list)

        ###YOUR CODE HERE###

    print 'error_list_pca =', error_list_pca
    print 'error_list_ransac =', error_list_ransac
    plt.title("Error vs outliners depends on Iteration Red-RANSAC Green-PCA")
    xvals = arange(0, 100, 10)
    yvals = array(error_list_pca)
    yvals_ransac = array(error_list_ransac)
    plt.plot(xvals, yvals, c='g')
    #plt.title("Error of PCA vs outliners")

    plt.plot(xvals, yvals_ransac, c='r')
    #plt.title("Error of RANSAC vs outliners")

    plt.title("Error vs outliners numbers Red-RANSAC Green-PCA")
    xval_srd_pca = array(pc_pca_outliner_list_global)
    xval_srd_ransac = array(pc_ransac_outliner_list_global)
    yval_srd_pca = array(error_list_pca)
    yval_srd_ransac = array(error_list_ransac)

    plt.scatter(xval_srd_pca, yval_srd_pca, c='g')
    plt.scatter(xval_srd_ransac, yval_srd_ransac, c='r')

    print 'ransac_time_list =', ransac_time_list
    print 'pca_time_list =', pca_time_list

    raw_input("Press enter to end:")
def main():

    #Import the cloud
    pc = utils.load_pc('cloud_pca.csv')

    pc2 = pc

    ###YOUR CODE HERE###
    # Show the input point cloud
    fig = utils.view_pc([pc])

    # Rotate the points to align with the XY plane

    pc2_mat = utils.convert_pc_to_matrix(pc2)
    mean_mat = mean(pc2_mat, axis=1)
    size = pc2_mat.shape
    minus_mat = zeros((size[0], size[1]))
    minus_mat[0, :] = mean_mat[0]
    minus_mat[1, :] = mean_mat[1]
    minus_mat[2, :] = mean_mat[2]
    pc2_mat = pc2_mat - minus_mat
    q_mat = cov(pc2_mat)
    u_mat, s_mat, v_mat_t = linalg.svd(q_mat)

    v_mat = v_mat_t.T
    new_pc2_mat = v_mat * pc2_mat
    new_pc2_pc = utils.convert_matrix_to_pc(new_pc2_mat)
    print '(w) V_mat =', v_mat.T

    # Show the resulting point cloud

    fig = utils.view_pc([new_pc2_pc], fig, color='r')

    # Rotate the points to align with the XY plane AND eliminate the noise

    v_elim_mat = diag(s_mat) * diag(s_mat)

    for i in range(0, len(v_elim_mat)):
        if v_elim_mat[i][i] < 0.0001:
            elim_index = i
    v_mat_elim = v_mat
    v_mat_elim[elim_index, :] = 0
    print '(W)v_mat = ', v_mat_elim.T
    new_pc2_mat_elim = v_mat_elim * pc2_mat
    new_pc2_pc_elim = utils.convert_matrix_to_pc(new_pc2_mat_elim)

    # Show the resulting point cloud

    fig = utils.view_pc([new_pc2_pc_elim], fig, color='y')

    #fit a plane to the cloud

    u_mat_mat = matrix(u_mat)

    normal_vctr_mat = u_mat_mat[:, 2]

                     color=(0.0, 1, 0.0, 0.5),
                     length=[-0.7, 0.7],
                     width=[-0.8, 0.8])

    ###YOUR CODE HERE###

    raw_input("Press enter to end:")
def main():
    #Import the cloud
    pc = utils.load_pc('cloud_ransac.csv')

    ###YOUR CODE HERE###
    print 'please wait for about 10 seconds'
    # Fit a plane to the data using ransac
    error_best = 1000
    for i in range(200):
        pcp = pc[:]

        # choose 3 samples
        for j in range(3):
            a = random.choice(range(len(pcp)))
            if j == 0:
                p1 = pcp[a]
                p1 = numpy.concatenate((p1, pcp[a]), axis=1)

        # compute model plane and normal vector
        if numpy.linalg.matrix_rank(p1.T) < 3:
            u, s, w = numpy.linalg.svd(p1.T)
            normal = w.T[:, 3]
            normal = numpy.linalg.inv(p1.T) * numpy.matrix([[1.], [1.], [1.]])

        # build consensus set and outliers set
        c = []
        o = []
        for k in range(len(pcp)):
            if numpy.linalg.matrix_rank(p1.T) < 3:
                error = -normal.T * pcp[k] / numpy.linalg.norm(normal)
                error = (1.0 - normal.T * pcp[k]) / numpy.linalg.norm(normal)
            if abs(error.tolist()[0][0]) < 0.05:

        # re-fit model if applicable
        if len(c) > 100:
            for l in range(3):
                c.append(p1[:, l])

            # use pca to find the plane that fits inliers
            for m in range(len(c)):
                if m == 0:
                    sum = c[0]
                    sum = sum + c[m]

            mu = sum / (m + 1)

            for n in range(len(c)):
                if n == 0:
                    cx = c[n] - mu
                    cx = numpy.concatenate((cx, c[n] - mu), axis=1)

            u, s, w = numpy.linalg.svd(cx * cx.T / n)
            cx_new = w * cx

            error_new = 0

            for p in range(len(cx_new.tolist()[2])):
                error_new = error_new + cx_new[2, p]**2

            if error_new < error_best:
                error_best = error_new
                vector = numpy.matrix([[0., 0., 1.]])
                planev = numpy.linalg.inv(w) * vector.T
                origin = numpy.matrix([[0., 0., 0.]])
                planep = numpy.linalg.inv(w) * origin.T + mu
                inliers = c[:]
                outliers = o[:]

    print '\nplane function is:\n', planev.tolist(
    )[0][0], '(x-', planep.tolist()[0][0], ')+', planev.tolist(
    )[1][0], '(y-', planep.tolist()[1][0], ')+', planev.tolist(
    )[2][0], '(z-', planep.tolist()[2][0], ')=0'
    fig = utils.view_pc([outliers])
    fig = utils.view_pc([inliers], fig, ['r'], ['^'])
    a = [planep]
    fig = utils.view_pc([a], fig, ['r'], ['^'])
    fig = utils.draw_plane(fig, planev, planep, (0.1, 0.7, 0.1, 0.5),
                           [-0.5, 1.0], [-0.4, 1.2])

    # Show the resulting point cloud

    # Draw the fitted plane

    ###YOUR CODE HERE###
    raw_input("Press enter to end:")
def main():
    #Import the cloud
    print 'please wait for about 20 seconds'
    pc = utils.load_pc('cloud_pca.csv')
    error_pca = [0] * 10
    error_ransac = [1000] * 10
    num_tests = 10
    t = [0] * 10
    fig = None
    for num in range(0, num_tests):
        pc = add_some_outliers(pc, 10)  #adding 10 new outliers for each test
        #fig = utils.view_pc([pc])

        ###YOUR CODE HERE###
        print '\niteration', num + 1, 'begins:\n'

        t[num] = (num + 1) * 10

        startp = time.clock()
        # use pca
        for i in range(len(pc)):
            if i == 0:
                sum = pc[0]
                sum = sum + pc[i]

        mu = sum / (len(pc))

        for j in range(len(pc)):
            if j == 0:
                pcx = pc[j] - mu
                pcx = numpy.concatenate((pcx, pc[j] - mu), axis=1)

        u, s, w = numpy.linalg.svd(pcx * pcx.T / (len(pc) - 1))
        pcx_new = w * pcx

        c_p = []
        o_p = []
        for k in range(len(pcx_new.tolist()[2])):
            if abs(pcx_new.tolist()[2][k]) < 0.05:
                error_pca[num] = error_pca[num] + abs(

        endp = time.clock()
        print 'pca runtime: ', endp - startp
        # print 'pca inliers: ', len(c_p)

        if num == num_tests - 1:
            fig2 = utils.view_pc([o_p])
            fig2 = utils.view_pc([c_p], fig2, ['r'], ['^'])
            vector = numpy.matrix([[0., 0., 1.]])
            planev = numpy.linalg.inv(w) * vector.T
            planev = planev / numpy.linalg.norm(planev)
            origin = numpy.matrix([[0., 0., 0.]])
            planep = numpy.linalg.inv(w) * origin.T + mu
            fig2 = utils.draw_plane(fig2, planev, planep, (0.1, 0.7, 0.1, 0.5),
                                    [-0.4, 0.9], [-0.4, 1])
            print '\npca fitting plane function is:\n', planev.tolist(
            )[0][0], '(x-', planep.tolist()[0][0], ')+', planev.tolist(
            )[1][0], '(y-', planep.tolist()[1][0], ')+', planev.tolist(
            )[2][0], '(z-', planep.tolist()[2][0], ')=0'

        # use ransac
        startr = time.clock()
        for i in range(200):
            pcp = pc[:]

            # choose 3 samples
            for j in range(3):
                a = random.choice(range(len(pcp)))
                if j == 0:
                    p1 = pcp[a]
                    p1 = numpy.concatenate((p1, pcp[a]), axis=1)

            # compute model plane and normal vector
            if numpy.linalg.matrix_rank(p1.T) < 3:
                u, s, w = numpy.linalg.svd(p1.T)
                normal = w.T[:, 3]
                normal = numpy.linalg.inv(p1.T) * numpy.matrix([[1.], [1.],

            # build consensus set and outliers set
            c = []
            o = []
            for k in range(len(pcp)):
                if numpy.linalg.matrix_rank(p1.T) < 3:
                    error = -normal.T * pcp[k] / numpy.linalg.norm(normal)
                    error = (1.0 -
                             normal.T * pcp[k]) / numpy.linalg.norm(normal)
                if abs(error.tolist()[0][0]) < 0.05:

            # re-fit model if applicable
            if len(c) > 100:
                for l in range(3):
                    c.append(p1[:, l])

                # use pca to find the plane that fits inliers
                for m in range(len(c)):
                    if m == 0:
                        sum = c[0]
                        sum = sum + c[m]

                mu = sum / (m + 1)

                for n in range(len(c)):
                    if n == 0:
                        cx = c[n] - mu
                        cx = numpy.concatenate((cx, c[n] - mu), axis=1)

                u, s, w = numpy.linalg.svd(cx * cx.T / n)
                cx_new = w * cx

                error_new = 0

                for p in range(len(cx_new.tolist()[2])):
                    error_new = error_new + abs(cx_new[2, p])**2

                if error_new < error_ransac[num]:
                    error_ransac[num] = error_new
                    vector = numpy.matrix([[0., 0., 1.]])
                    planev = numpy.linalg.inv(w) * vector.T
                    planev = planev / numpy.linalg.norm(planev)
                    origin = numpy.matrix([[0., 0., 0.]])
                    planep = numpy.linalg.inv(w) * origin.T + mu
                    inliers = c[:]
                    outliers = o[:]

        endr = time.clock()
        print '\nransac runtime: ', endr - startr

        if num == num_tests - 1:
            fig3 = utils.view_pc([outliers])
            fig3 = utils.view_pc([inliers], fig3, ['r'], ['^'])
            a = [planep]
            fig3 = utils.view_pc([a], fig3, ['r'], ['^'])
            fig3 = utils.draw_plane(fig3, planev, planep, (0.1, 0.7, 0.1, 0.5),
                                    [-0.4, 0.9], [-0.4, 1])
            print '\nransac fitting plane function is:\n', planev.tolist(
            )[0][0], '(x-', planep.tolist()[0][0], ')+', planev.tolist(
            )[1][0], '(y-', planep.tolist()[1][0], ')+', planev.tolist(
            )[2][0], '(z-', planep.tolist()[2][0], ')=0'

        #print '\nransac inliers: ', len(inliers)

        #this code is just for viewing, you can remove or change it
        #raw_input("Press enter for next test:")

    matplotlib.pyplot.plot(t, error_pca, 'ro-')
    matplotlib.pyplot.xlabel('Number of Outliers')
    matplotlib.pyplot.ylabel('least squares error')
    matplotlib.pyplot.ylim(0, 0.2)
    matplotlib.pyplot.plot(t, error_ransac, 'ro-')
    matplotlib.pyplot.xlabel('Number of Outliers')
    matplotlib.pyplot.ylabel('least squares error')
    matplotlib.pyplot.ylim(0, 0.2)
    ###YOUR CODE HERE###

    raw_input("Press enter to end:")
Esempio n. 11
def main():

    #Import the cloud
    pc = utils.load_pc('cloud_pca.csv')

    ###YOUR CODE HERE###
    # Show the input point cloud

    #Rotate the points to align with the XY plane
    for i in range(len(pc)):
        if i == 0:
            sum = pc[0]
            sum = sum + pc[i]

    mu = sum / (i + 1)

    for j in range(len(pc)):
        if j == 0:
            pcx = pc[j] - mu
            pcx = numpy.concatenate((pcx, pc[j] - mu), axis=1)

    u, s, w = numpy.linalg.svd(pcx * pcx.T / j)
    pcx_new = w * pcx
    print 'W:\n', w

    # Show the resulting point cloud
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
    pc1 = utils.convert_matrix_to_pc(pcx_new)
    utils.view_pc([pc1], fig)
    ax.set_xlim(-1.0, 1.0)
    ax.set_zlim(-1.0, 1.0)

    # Rotate the points to align with the XY plane AND eliminate the noise
    wv = w.copy()
    wk = w.copy()
    for i in range(len(s)):
        if s[i] <= 0.01:
            wv = numpy.delete(wv, i, 0)
            wk[i] = [0., 0., 0.]

    pcx_new_2 = wk * pcx
    print '\nWv:\n', wv

    fig2 = plt.figure()
    ax = fig2.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
    pc2 = utils.convert_matrix_to_pc(pcx_new_2)
    utils.view_pc([pc2], fig2)
    ax.set_xlim(-1.0, 1.0)
    ax.set_zlim(-1.0, 1.0)
    plt.title('pca and noise filtering')

    # plot plane
    fig = utils.view_pc([pc])
    vector = numpy.matrix([[0., 0., 1.]])
    planev = numpy.linalg.inv(w) * vector.T
    planev = planev / numpy.linalg.norm(planev)
    origin = numpy.matrix([[0., 0., 0.]])
    planep = numpy.linalg.inv(w) * origin.T + mu
    fig = utils.draw_plane(fig, planev, planep, (0.1, 0.7, 0.1, 0.5),
                           [-0.4, 0.9], [-0.4, 1])
    plt.title('fitting plane with pca')
    print '\nplane function is: \n', planev.tolist(
    )[0][0], '(x-', planep.tolist()[0][0], ')+', planev.tolist(
    )[1][0], '(y-', planep.tolist()[1][0], ')+', planev.tolist(
    )[2][0], '(z-', planep.tolist()[2][0], ')=0'

    ###YOUR CODE HERE###

    raw_input("Press enter to end:")