def _main(): paths = list(ifilter(exists, argv[1:])) if not paths: exit1(__doc__[1:-1]) for path in paths: move_to_trash(path)
def _main(): # get movie paths # `list(imap(...))` is better than `map(...)`, because it's more py3ish :) paths = list(imap(quote, ifilter(isfile, argv[1:]))) if not paths: exit1(__doc__[1:-1]) if len(paths) == 1: print get_duration(paths[0]) else: for path in paths: print get_duration(path), path
def _main(): # parse command line arguments try: extension = argv[1] except IndexError: exit1(__doc__[1:-1]) # set format if extension == 'tar.bz2': format = 'tar' pipe = '| bzip2' elif extension == 'zip': format = 'zip' pipe = '' else: exit1(__doc__[1:-1]) # check if you are within Git repository try: Git() except EnvironmentError: no_repo = True else: no_repo = False # create repository if no_repo: system('git init --quiet && ' \ 'git add . && ' \ 'git commit --quiet --message="waka waka"') # get working directory name and strip initial dot directory = basename(realpath('.')).lstrip('.') # create archive archive = '{directory}.{extension}'.format(**locals()) system('git archive --format={format} --prefix={directory}/ HEAD ' \ '{pipe} > {archive} && echo {archive}'.format(**locals())) # remove repository if no_repo: system('rm -rf .git')
def _main(): # read arguments try: action = argv[1] filepath = realpath(expanduser(argv[2])) except IndexError: exit1(__doc__[1:-1]) # validate arguments if action not in ['copy', 'move']: exit1(__doc__[1:-1]) if not isfile(filepath): exit1("'{0}' is not a path to an existing file".format(filepath)) # do the magic if action == 'copy': copy_to_public_dropbox(filepath) elif action == 'move': move_to_public_dropbox(filepath)
def _main(): # take hostage try: pdf_to_enlarge = quote(realpath(argv[1])) except IndexError: exit1(__doc__[1:-1]) # get your gun width = 10.5 height = 14.85 horizontal_margin = width * (2 - SCALE) vertical_margin = height * (2 - SCALE) horizontal_line = width * SCALE vertical_line = height * SCALE tex = Template(r""" \documentclass{article} % disable margins \usepackage{geometry} \geometry{ a4paper, textheight = 29.7cm, textwidth = 21cm } \setlength{\parindent}{0} % allow magic \usepackage{tikz} \begin{document} % left top \begin{tikzpicture} \node[inner sep=0pt, above right] { \includegraphics*[trim=0 $h $w 0, scale=$scale]{$a4} }; \draw[dashed] (0,0) -- ($hl,0) -- ($hl,$vl); \end{tikzpicture} \newpage % right top \begin{tikzpicture} \hspace*{$hm} \node[inner sep=0pt, above right] { \includegraphics*[trim=$w $h 0 0, scale=$scale]{$a4} }; \draw[dashed] (0,$vl) -- (0,0) -- ($hl,0); \end{tikzpicture} \newpage % left bottom \vspace*{$vm} \begin{tikzpicture} \node[inner sep=0pt, above right] { \includegraphics*[trim=0 0 $w $h, scale=$scale]{$a4} }; \draw[dashed] (0,$vl) -- ($hl,$vl) -- ($hl,0); \end{tikzpicture} \newpage % right bottom \vspace*{$vm} \begin{tikzpicture} \hspace*{$hm} \node[inner sep=0pt, above right] { \includegraphics*[trim=$w 0 0 $h, scale=$scale]{$a4} }; \draw[dashed] (0,0) -- (0,$vl) -- ($hl,$vl); \end{tikzpicture} \end{document} """).substitute( a4=pdf_to_enlarge, scale=SCALE, w=cm(width), h=cm(height), hm=cm(horizontal_margin), vm=cm(vertical_margin), hl=cm(horizontal_line), vl=cm(vertical_line) ) # avoid witnesses temp_dir = mkdtemp() # know your enemy source_pdf = join(temp_dir, 'texput.pdf') target_pdf = realpath('a2.pdf') # down rodeo command = ';'.join([ 'cd ' + temp_dir, 'echo -n "{0}" | pdflatex'.format(tex), 'mv {0} {1}'.format(source_pdf, target_pdf) ]) # use silencer Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=PIPE).communicate() # burn the evidence rmtree(temp_dir)