Esempio n. 1
def next_violin_dyad(previous, harmony, lowest_pitch, highest_pitch):
    harmony = [p % 12 for p in harmony]

    prev_lower = min(previous)
    prev_higher = max(previous)

    lower_ranked = rank_options(prev_lower, harmony, lowest_pitch, highest_pitch)
    higher_ranked = rank_options(prev_higher, harmony, lowest_pitch, highest_pitch)

    ranked = []
    for lower_rank, lower in enumerate(lower_ranked):
        for higher_rank, higher in enumerate(higher_ranked):
            interval = higher - lower
            if interval > 0 and interval < 8:
                rank = lower_rank + higher_rank
                    'rank': lower_rank + higher_rank,
                    'dyad': [lower, higher]

    ranked.sort(key=lambda x: x['rank'])
    ranked = [r['dyad'] for r in ranked]

    weights = exp_weights(len(ranked))
    return weighted_choice(ranked, weights)
Esempio n. 2
def next_soloist_note(soloist_name, previous, harmony, movement_number, volume_section_number):
    out_of_tune_rate = OUT_OF_TUNE_RATE[volume_section_number]
    global FIRST_NOTE
    if FIRST_NOTE:
        out_of_tune_rate = 1.0
        FIRST_NOTE = False

    if soloist_name == 'Bb Clarinet':
        out_of_tune_rate = 0.0

    registers = REGISTERS[movement_number]
    register = registers[soloist_name]
    lowest = register['lowest']
    highest = register['highest']
    if previous == None:
        previous = random.randint(lowest, highest)

    if random.random() < out_of_tune_rate:
        options = [p for p in range(previous - 2, previous + 3) if p >= lowest and p <= highest]
        p = random.choice(options)
        interval = random.choice([1, 2])
        if interval == 2:
            pitch = [p - 1, p + 1]
        elif interval == 1:
            up_or_down = random.choice([1, -1])
            pitch = [p, p + up_or_down]
        options = [p for p in range(previous - 7, previous + 8) if p % 12 in harmony and p >= lowest and p <= highest]
        ranked_by_distance = rank_by_distance(previous, options)
        weights = exp_weights(len(ranked_by_distance), exponent=1.5)
        pitch = weighted_choice(ranked_by_distance, weights)

    return pitch
Esempio n. 3
def next_bass_note(previous, harmony, lowest_pitch, highest_pitch):
    harmony = [p % 12 for p in harmony]
    options = [p for p in range(previous - 7, previous + 8) if p % 12 in harmony and p >= lowest_pitch and p <= highest_pitch]
    ranked_by_distance = rank_by_distance(previous, options)
    ranked_by_best_root = rank_by_best_root(harmony, options)

    ranks = defaultdict(list)
    len_options = len(options)
    for p in options:
        distance_rank = len_options - ranked_by_distance.index(p)
        root_rank = len_options - ranked_by_best_root.index(p)
        rank = distance_rank + root_rank
    ranked = []
    for k in sorted(ranks.keys(), reverse=True):

    weights = exp_weights(len(ranked))
    return weighted_choice(ranked, weights)
Esempio n. 4
def next_accompaniment_notes(name_a, name_b, previous_a, previous_b, harmony, unused_harmony, movement_number):
    registers = REGISTERS[movement_number]

    a_register = registers[name_a]
    b_register = registers[name_b]

    previous_a = get_previous(previous_a)
    previous_b = get_previous(previous_b)

    if previous_a == None:
        previous_a = random.randint(a_register['lowest'], a_register['highest'])

    if previous_b == None:
        previous_b = random.randint(b_register['lowest'], b_register['highest'])

    a_options = build_options(previous_a, harmony, unused_harmony, a_register['lowest'], registers[name_a]['highest'])
    b_options = build_options(previous_b, harmony, unused_harmony, b_register['lowest'], registers[name_b]['highest'])

    a_weights = exp_weights(len(a_options))
    b_weights = exp_weights(len(b_options))

    max_weight = a_weights[0] + b_weights[0]

    weighted_interval_options = []
    for a, a_weight in zip(a_options, a_weights):
        for b, b_weight in zip(b_options, b_weights):
            interval_class = get_interval_class(a, b)
            if interval_class == 1:
            if interval_class in [5, 4, 3]:
                weight = max_weight
            elif interval_class in [2, 0]:
                weight = max_weight / 2
            elif interval_class == 6:
                weight = 0

            if a == b:
                weight = 0

            weight = weight + a_weight + b_weight

            weighted_interval_options.append(((a, b), weight))

    choice_a, choice_b = weighted_choice(*zip(*weighted_interval_options))

    # Add double stops
    if name_a == 'Violin' and name_b == 'Cello':
        new_choice_a = None
        new_a_options = []
        for p in a_options:
            interval_class = get_interval_class(choice_a, p)
            in_other = p % 12 == choice_b % 12
            if interval_class in [3, 4, 5] or in_other and p != choice_a:
        a_options = new_a_options
        if a_options:
            violin_second_note = random.choice(a_options)
            new_choice_a = [choice_a, violin_second_note]

        new_choice_b = None
        new_b_options = []
        for p in b_options:
            interval_class = get_interval_class(choice_b, p)
            in_other = p % 12 == choice_a % 12
            if interval_class in [3, 4, 5] or in_other and p != choice_b:
        b_options = new_b_options
        if b_options:
            cello_second_note = random.choice(b_options)
            new_choice_b = [choice_b, cello_second_note]

        if new_choice_a:
            choice_a = new_choice_a

        if new_choice_b:
            choice_b = new_choice_b

    return choice_a, choice_b
Esempio n. 5
    [(4, 1), 1, 1, 1],
    [4, 1, 1, 1, 1],
    [4, 2, 2],

    [1, (3, 4)],
    [2, (2, 4)],
    [1, 1, (2, 4)],
    [1, 1, 1, (1, 4)],
    [1, 1, 1, 1, 4],
    [2, 2, 4],


for k in REPLACE:
    REPLACE[k]['weights'] = exp_weights(len(REPLACE[k]['options']), exponent=1.8)

# Check
for k in REPLACE:
    expected = k
    if isinstance(k, tuple):
        expected = sum(k)

    for option in REPLACE[k]['options']:
        total = 0
        for duration in option:
            if isinstance(duration, tuple):
                duration = sum(duration)
            total += duration
    def __init__(self):
        self.history = []
        self.OPTIONS = defaultdict(list)
        self.WEIGHTS = defaultdict(list)
        self.OPTIONS[1] = [[8, 8], [12, 4], [16], [8, 4, 4], [4, 12], [4, 4, 8], [4, 8, 4], [4, 4, 4, 4]]
        self.WEIGHTS[1] = exp_weights(len(self.OPTIONS[1]), exponent=1.5)

        self.OPTIONS[2] = [
            [12, (4, 8), 8],
            [8, (8, 4), 12],
            [(16, 8), 8],
            [8, (8, 12), 4],
            [(16, 12), 4],
            [(16, 8), 4, 4],
            [12, (4, 4), 12],
            [8, (8, 8), 8],
            [8, (8, 16)],
            [(16, 4), 12],
            [12, (4, 16)],
            [(16, 16)],
            [4, (12, 16)],
            [8, (8, 4), 8, 4],
            [(16, 4), 8, 4],
            [8, (8, 4), 4, 8],
            [(16, 4), 4, 8],
            [8, (8, 8), 4, 4],
            [4, (12, 8), 8],
            [4, 4, (8, 8), 8],
            [4, (12, 4), 12],
            [12, (4, 8), 4, 4],
            [4, 8, (4, 16)],
            [4, 4, (8, 4), 12],
            [4, 4, (8, 16)],
            [(16, 4), 4, 4, 4],
            [4, (12, 12), 4],
            [4, (12, 8), 4, 4],
            [4, 4, (8, 12), 4],
            [4, 4, 4, (4, 16)],
            [4, (12, 4), 8, 4],
            [4, (12, 4), 4, 8],
            [4, 4, 4, (4, 4), 12],
            [12, (4, 4), 4, 4, 4],
            [4, 8, (4, 4), 4, 8],
            [4, 8, (4, 4), 8, 4],
            [8, 4, (4, 4), 4, 8],
            [8, 4, (4, 4), 8, 4],
            [8, (8, 4), 4, 4, 4],
            [4, 4, (8, 4), 8, 4],
            [4, 4, (8, 4), 4, 8],
            [4, (12, 4), 4, 4, 4],
            [4, 4, (8, 4), 4, 4, 4],
            [4, 4, 4, (4, 8), 4, 4],
            [4, 4, 4, (4, 4), 4, 8],
            [4, 4, 4, (4, 4), 8, 4],
            [4, 8, (4, 4), 4, 4, 4],
            [8, 4, (4, 4), 4, 4, 4],
            [4, 4, 4, (4, 4), 4, 4, 4],
            # # 7
            # [4, 4, 4, (4, 4), 4, 4, 4],
            # # 6
            # [4, 4, (8, 4), 4, 4, 4],
            # [4, 4, 4, (4, 8), 4, 4],
            # [4, 4, 4, (4, 4), 4, 8],
            # [4, 4, 4, (4, 4), 4, 8],
            # [4, 4, 4, (4, 4), 8, 4],
            # [4, 8, (4, 4), 4, 4, 4],
            # [8, 4, (4, 4), 4, 4, 4],
            # # 5
            # [4, 4, 4, (4, 4), 12],
            # [12, (4, 4), 4, 4, 4],
            # [4, 8, (4, 4), 4, 8],
            # [4, 8, (4, 4), 8, 4],
            # [8, 4, (4, 4), 4, 8],
            # [8, 4, (4, 4), 8, 4],
            # [8, (8, 4), 4, 4, 4],
            # [4, 4, (8, 4), 8, 4],
            # [4, 4, (8, 4), 4, 8],
            # [4, (12, 4), 4, 4, 4],
            # # 4
            # [(16, 4), 4, 4, 4],
            # [4, (12, 8), 4, 4],
            # [4, 4, (8, 12), 4],
            # [4, 4, 4, (4, 16)],
            # [4, (12, 4), 8, 4],
            # [4, (12, 4), 4, 8],
            # [8, (8, 8), 4, 4],
            # [4, 4, (8, 8), 8],
            # [8, (8, 4), 8, 4],
            # [8, (8, 4), 4, 8],
            # [12, (4, 8), 4, 4],
            # [4, 4, (8, 4), 12],
            # # 3
            # [(16, 8), 4, 4],
            # [(16, 4), 8, 4],
            # [(16, 4), 4, 8],
            # [12, (4, 4), 8],
            # [12, (4, 8), 4],
            # [8, (8, 12), 4],
            # [8 (8, 8), 8],
            # [8, (8, 4), 12],
            # [4, (12, 12), 4],
            # [4, (12, 8), 8],
            # [4, (12, 4), 12],
            # [4, 8, (4, 16)],
            # [4, 4, (8, 16)],
            # # 2
            # [(16, 12), 4],
            # [4, (12, 16)],
            # [(16, 8), 8],
            # [8, (8, 16)],
            # [(16, 4), 12],
            # [12, (4, 16)],
            # # 1
            # [(16, 16)],
        self.WEIGHTS[2] = exp_weights(len(self.OPTIONS[2]), exponent=1.2)