Esempio n. 1
	def scanLaunchItems(self, directories):

		#launch items
		launchItems = []

		results = []

		#expand directories
		# ->ensures '~'s are expanded to all user's
		directories = utils.expandPaths(directories)

		#get all files (plists) in launch daemon/agent directories
		for directory in directories:

			#dbg msg
			utils.logMessage(utils.MODE_INFO, 'scanning %s' % directory)

			#get launch daemon/agent
			launchItems.extend(glob.glob(directory + '*'))

		# ->get all auto-run launch services
		autoRunItems = self.autoRunBinaries(launchItems)

		#iterate over all auto-run items (list of the plist and the binary)
		# ->create file object and add to results
		for autoRunItem in autoRunItems:

			#create and append
			results.append(file.File(autoRunItem[0], autoRunItem[1]))

		return results
Esempio n. 2
def scanLaunchItems(directories):

	#launch items
	launchItems = []

	results = []

	#expand directories
	# ->ensures '~'s are expanded to all user's
	directories = utils.expandPaths(directories)

	#get all files (plists) in launch daemon/agent directories
	for directory in directories:

		#dbg msg
		utils.logMessage(utils.MODE_INFO, 'scanning %s' % directory)

		#get launch daemon/agent
		launchItems.extend(glob.glob(directory + '*'))

	# ->get all auto-run launch services
	autoRunItems = autoRunBinaries(launchItems)

	#iterate over all auto-run items (list of the plist and the binary)
	# ->create file object and add to results
	for autoRunItem in autoRunItems:

		#create and append
		results.append(file.File(autoRunItem[0], autoRunItem[1]))

	return results
Esempio n. 3
def scanLaunchItems(directories):

	#launch items
	launchItems = []

	#expand directories
	# ->ensures '~'s are expanded to all user's
	directories = utils.expandPaths(directories)

	#get all files (plists) in launch daemon/agent directories
	for directory in directories:

		#dbg msg
		utils.logMessage(utils.MODE_INFO, 'scanning %s' % directory)

		#get launch daemon/agent plist
		launchItems.extend(glob.glob(directory + '*'))

	#check all plists for DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES
	# ->for each found, creates file object
	return scanPlists(launchItems, LAUNCH_ITEM_DYLD_KEY)
Esempio n. 4
def scanLaunchItems(directories):

    #launch items
    launchItems = []

    #expand directories
    # ->ensures '~'s are expanded to all user's
    directories = utils.expandPaths(directories)

    #get all files (plists) in launch daemon/agent directories
    for directory in directories:

        #dbg msg
        utils.logMessage(utils.MODE_INFO, 'scanning %s' % directory)

        #get launch daemon/agent plist
        launchItems.extend(glob.glob(directory + '*'))

    #check all plists for DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES
    # ->for each found, creates file object
    return scanPlists(launchItems, LAUNCH_ITEM_DYLD_KEY)
Esempio n. 5
	def findBinaryForOveride(self, bundleID):

		#the binary
		binary = None


			#expand launch daemons and agents directories
			directories = utils.expandPaths(LAUNCH_D_AND_A_DIRECTORIES)

			#attempt to find bundle ID in any of the directories
			for directory in directories:

				#init candidate plist path
				plistPath = directory + bundleID + '.plist'

				#check if there if candidate plist exists
				if not os.path.exists(plistPath):


				#load plist
				plistData = utils.loadPlist(plistPath)

				#check if 'ProgramArguments' exists
				if 'ProgramArguments' in plistData:

					#extract program arguments
					programArguments = plistData['ProgramArguments']

					#check if its a file
					if os.path.isfile(programArguments[0]):

						#happy, got binary for bundle id
						binary = programArguments[0]


				#check if 'Program' key contains binary
				# ->e.g. /System/Library/LaunchAgents/
				elif 'Program' in plistData:

					#check if its a file
					if os.path.isfile(plistData['Program']):

						#happy, got binary for bundle id
						binary = plistData['Program']


		#ignore exceptions


		return binary
Esempio n. 6
	def scanExtensionsChrome(self):

		results = []

		#get list of all chrome's preferences file
		# ->these contain JSON w/ info about all extensions
		chromePreferences = utils.expandPaths(CHROME_DIRECTORIES)

		#parse each for extensions
		for chromePreferenceFile in chromePreferences:


				#open preference file and load it
				with open(chromePreferenceFile, 'r') as file:

					#load as JSON
					preferences = json.loads(
					if not preferences:

						#skip/try next

				#the list of extensions are stored in the 'settings' key
				extensions = preferences['extensions']['settings']

				#scan all extensions
				# ->skip ones that are disabled, white listed, etc
				# TODO: skip ones that don't exist (path)
				for extensionKey in extensions:

					#dictionary for extension info
					extensionInfo = {}

					#save key
					extensionInfo['id'] = extensionKey

					#get extension dictionary
					currentExtension = extensions[extensionKey]

					#skip extensions if they are disabled
					# ->'state' set to 0 means disabled
					if 'state' in currentExtension and not currentExtension['state']:


					#skip extensions that are installed by default
					# ->assuming these are legit/ok
					if 'was_installed_by_default' in currentExtension and currentExtension['was_installed_by_default']:


					#extract manifest
					# ->contains name, description, etc
					if 'manifest' in currentExtension:

						manifest = currentExtension['manifest']
						if manifest:

							#extract name
							if 'name' in manifest:

								extensionInfo['name'] = manifest['name']

							#extract description
							if 'description' in manifest:

								extensionInfo['description'] = manifest['description']

					#extract path
					if 'path' in currentExtension:

						#create full path
						extensionInfo['path'] = os.path.dirname(chromePreferenceFile) + '/Extensions/' + currentExtension['path']

					#create and append

			#ignore exceptions
			except Exception, e:

				print e

				#skip/try next
Esempio n. 7
	def scanExtensionsChrome(self):

		results = []

		#get list of all chrome's preferences file
		# ->these contain JSON w/ info about all extensions
		chromePreferences = utils.expandPaths(CHROME_DIRECTORIES)

		#parse each for extensions
		for chromePreferenceFile in chromePreferences:


				#open preference file and load it
				with open(chromePreferenceFile, 'r') as file:

					#load as JSON
					preferences = json.loads(
					if not preferences:

						#skip/try next

				#the list of extensions are stored in the 'settings' key
				extensions = preferences['extensions']['settings']

				#scan all extensions
				# ->skip ones that are disabled, white listed, etc
				for extensionKey in extensions:

					#dictionary for extension info
					extensionInfo = {}

					#save key
					extensionInfo['id'] = extensionKey

					#get extension dictionary
					currentExtension = extensions[extensionKey]

					#skip extensions if they are disabled
					# ->'state' set to 0 means disabled
					if 'state' in currentExtension and not currentExtension['state']:


					#skip extensions that are installed by default
					# ->assuming these are legit/ok
					if 'was_installed_by_default' in currentExtension and currentExtension['was_installed_by_default']:


					#extract manifest
					# ->contains name, description, etc
					if 'manifest' in currentExtension:

						manifest = currentExtension['manifest']
						if manifest:

							#extract name
							if 'name' in manifest:

								extensionInfo['name'] = manifest['name']

							#extract description
							if 'description' in manifest:

								extensionInfo['description'] = manifest['description']

					#extract path
					if 'path' in currentExtension:

						#sometimes path is (already) full path
						# e.g. /Applications/Google Chrome Framework.framework/Resources/<blah>
						if os.path.exists(currentExtension['path']):

							extensionInfo['path'] = currentExtension['path']

						#generally though the full path has to be built

							#build full path
							extensionInfo['path'] = os.path.dirname(chromePreferenceFile) + '/Extensions/' + currentExtension['path']

						#ignore path's that don't exist
						# ->uninstallers may not clean up things correctly
						if not os.path.exists(extensionInfo['path']):


					#create and append

			#ignore exceptions
			except Exception, e:

				#leave in err msg (for now)
				print e

				#skip/try next
Esempio n. 8
    def findBinaryForOveride(self, bundleID):

        #the binary
        binary = None


            #expand launch daemons and agents directories
            directories = utils.expandPaths(LAUNCH_D_AND_A_DIRECTORIES)

            #attempt to find bundle ID in any of the directories
            for directory in directories:

                #init candidate plist path
                plistPath = directory + bundleID + '.plist'

                #check if there if candidate plist exists
                if not os.path.exists(plistPath):


                #load plist
                plistData = utils.loadPlist(plistPath)

                #check if 'ProgramArguments' exists
                if 'ProgramArguments' in plistData:

                    #extract program arguments
                    programArguments = plistData['ProgramArguments']

                    #check if its a file
                    if os.path.isfile(programArguments[0]):

                        #happy, got binary for bundle id
                        binary = programArguments[0]


                #check if 'Program' key contains binary
                # ->e.g. /System/Library/LaunchAgents/
                elif 'Program' in plistData:

                    #check if its a file
                    if os.path.isfile(plistData['Program']):

                        #happy, got binary for bundle id
                        binary = plistData['Program']


        #ignore exceptions


        return binary
Esempio n. 9
    def scanExtensionsChrome(self):

        results = []

        #get list of all chrome's preferences file
        # ->these contain JSON w/ info about all extensions
        chromePreferences = utils.expandPaths(CHROME_DIRECTORIES)

        #parse each for extensions
        for chromePreferenceFile in chromePreferences:


                #open preference file and load it
                with open(chromePreferenceFile, 'r') as file:

                    #load as JSON
                    preferences = json.loads(
                    if not preferences:

                        #skip/try next

                # pref file just has the list of ids,
                # everything else we might want is in
                # os.path.dirname(chromePreferenceFile) + '/Extensions/' + id + version + manifest.json
                # manifest has name, description

                extensions = preferences['extensions']['install_signature'][

                #scan all extensions
                # ->skip ones that are disabled, white listed, etc
                for extensionKey in extensions:

                    #dictionary for extension info
                    extensionInfo = {}

                    #save key
                    extensionInfo['id'] = extensionKey
                    extensionPath = os.path.dirname(
                    ) + '/Extensions/' + extensionInfo['id']

                    extdir = os.listdir(extensionPath)
                    for verdir in extdir:
                        manpath = extensionPath + '/' + verdir + '/manifest.json'

                        with open(manpath, 'r') as file:
                            manifest = json.loads(
                            if not manifest:

                        extensionInfo['path'] = manpath
                        extensionInfo['name'] = manifest['name']
                        extensionInfo['description'] = manifest['description']

                        #create and append

            #ignore exceptions
            except Exception, e:

                #leave in err msg (for now)
                print e

                #skip/try next
Esempio n. 10
	def scan(self):

		results = []

		utils.logMessage(utils.MODE_INFO, 'running scan')

		#init results
		# ->for for login hook
		results.append(self.initResults(LOGIN_HOOK_NAME, LOGIN_HOOK_DESCRIPTION))

		#init results
		# ->for logout hook
		results.append(self.initResults(LOGOUT_HOOK_NAME, LOGOUT_HOOK_DESCRIPTION))

		#expand all login/out files
		logInOutFiles = utils.expandPaths(LOGIN_WINDOW_FILES)

		#scan each file
		for logInOutFile in logInOutFiles:

			#load plist
			plistData = utils.loadPlist(logInOutFile)

			#make sure plist loaded
			if plistData:

				#grab login hook
				if 'LoginHook' in plistData:

					#check if its a file
					if os.path.isfile(plistData['LoginHook']):

						#save file

					#likely a command
					# ->could be file that doesn't exist, but ok to still report

						#save command
						results[0]['items'].append(command.Command(plistData['LoginHook'], logInOutFile))

				#grab logout hook
				if 'LogoutHook' in plistData:

					#check if its a file
					if os.path.isfile(plistData['LogoutHook']):

						#save file

					#likely a command
					# ->could be file that doesn't exist, but ok to still report

						#save command
						results[1]['items'].append(command.Command(plistData['LogoutHook'], logInOutFile))

		return results