def getScreen(stdscr, donations): rows = len(donations) + 3 donations = [[ DonationButton(i + 2, 1, donations[i]['name'], donations[i]) ] for i in range(len(donations))] donations += [[BackButton(rows - 1, 1, "Back")]] sess = utils.getSession() return Screen(stdscr, rows, 4, [], donations)
def press(self, stdscr, inps): stdscr.clear() category = inps[0][0].inputted name = inps[1][0].inputted sess = utils.getSession() r = requests.get(API_URL + '/' + sess['role'] + '/searchdonations', params={ 'category': category, 'name': name }, headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + sess['jwt']}) js = r.json() return searchresults.getScreen(stdscr, js['donations'])
def getScreen(stdscr): sess = utils.getSession() inps = [ SearchButton(2, 1, "Search"), AddButton(2, 2, "Add"), BackButton(2, 3, "Back") ] if sess['role'] == 'employees' or sess['role'] == 'managers' else [ SearchButton(2, 1, "Search"), BackButton(2, 3, "Back") ] return Screen( stdscr, 3, 4, [Text(1, 2, 'Would you like to add or search for donations?')], [inps])
def getScreen(stdscr): r = requests.get(API_URL + '/locations') js = r.json() rows = len(js['locations']) + 4 locations = [[LocationButton(i + 2, 2, js['locations'][i]['name'], js['locations'][i])] for i in range(len(js['locations']))] locations += [[DonationsButton(rows - 1, 1, "Donations"), MapButton(rows - 1, 2, "Map"), BackButton(rows - 1, 3, "Back")]] sess = utils.getSession() return Screen( stdscr, rows, 4, [ Text(1, 2, 'Welcome %s %s you are a %s.' % (sess['firstname'], sess['lastname'], sess['role'][:len(sess['role']) - 1])) ], locations )
def index(): """Main landing page""" timezone = getSession(request, "timezone", "US/Eastern") start_date = + timedelta(30) year = years = range(year, year+12) months = list(calendar.month_name)[1:] cal = calendar.Calendar() # Set weekday to start on sunday to match grid cal.setfirstweekday(6) # Get day num and weekday num tuple days = cal.itermonthdays2(start_date.year, start_date.month) return render(request, 'index', {'years': years, 'months': months, 'days': days, 'cur_year': year, 'cur_month': start_date.month, 'cur_day':, 'timezone': timezone})
def press(self, stdscr, inps): stdscr.clear() name = inps[0][0].inputted shortDesc = inps[1][0].inputted desc = inps[2][0].inputted value = inps[3][0].inputted category = inps[4][0].inputted sess = utils.getSession() r = + '/' + sess['role'] + '/adddonation', data={ 'name': name, 'shortdescription': shortDesc, 'description': desc, 'value': value, 'category': category }, headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + sess['jwt']}) js = r.json() if js['error'] != 0: return getScreen(stdscr) else: return donations.getScreen(stdscr)
calciatoreId = int(movimento['calciatori_m']) for calciatore in calciatori: if calciatore['id'] == calciatoreId: movimento['player'] = calciatore teamId = int(movimento['id_squadra_m']) for team in teams['data']: if team['id'] == teamId: movimento['team'] = team message = 'Aperte le buste per la tornata odierna:' if len(movimentiBuste) == 0: message = message + '\n--Nessuna busta presente--' else: for movimento in movimentiBuste: message = message + '\n' + movimento['player'][ 'r'] + ' ' + movimento['player']['n'] + ' (' + movimento[ 'player']['s'] + ') a ' + movimento['team'][ 'nome'] + ' per ' + str(movimento['costo_m']) message = message + '\n\n(Le eventuali buste terminate in parità non sono presenti in questa lista)' utils.sendMessage(session, message) return True session = utils.getSession() result = apriBuste(session, firstTime=True) if not result: utils.login(session) apriBuste(session, firstTime=False)
def mdy(month, day, year): """Day calculation view""" timezone = getSession(request, "timezone", "US/Eastern") now = result = timeuntil(now, datetime(year, month, day), timezone) return render(request, 'mdy', {'result': result, 'timezone': timezone})