def save_result(region): # (1) read small_buf_inconsist pickle small_buf_inconsist_path = utils.getSubDirPath( f"jcts_small_buf_inconsist_{region}", "pickled_data", "junctions") small_buf_accepted = pd.read_pickle(small_buf_inconsist_path) # (2) read consistent clusters pickle consistent_clusters_path = utils.getSubDirPath( f"jcts_consistent_clusters_{region}", "pickled_data", "junctions") consistent_plus_accepted_large_solutions = pd.read_pickle( consistent_clusters_path) complete_df = pd.concat( [small_buf_accepted, consistent_plus_accepted_large_solutions], ignore_index=True, sort=False) file_name = f'manual_merging_res_{region}_{}.csv' path = utils.getSubDirPath(file_name, 'csv_data', 'junctions') complete_df.to_csv(path, index=False, sep="|")
def delete_clust(small_buf_clstr, region): # (1) read small_buf_inconsist pickle small_buf_inconsist_path = utils.getSubDirPath( f"jcts_small_buf_inconsist_{region}", "pickled_data", "junctions") small_buf_inconsist = pd.read_pickle(small_buf_inconsist_path) # (2) read large_buf_inconsist pickle large_buf_inconsist_path = utils.getSubDirPath( f"jcts_large_buf_inconsist_{region}", "pickled_data", "junctions") large_buf_inconsist = pd.read_pickle(large_buf_inconsist_path) # Delete the specified cluster small_buf_inconsist = small_buf_inconsist[ small_buf_inconsist['neighbour_cluster'] != small_buf_clstr] small_buf_inconsist.to_pickle(small_buf_inconsist_path) # Draw a new map mapping.runAllMapTasks(region, small_buf_inconsist, large_buf_inconsist)
def main(region, junctionsdf): highwaydf, idCoords_dict = dfShizzle.metaFunc( config.paramDict[region]["bounding_box"]) print("Created highwaydf and coordsdict") unfoldedEnrichedDf = segmentizeAndEnrich.metaFunc(highwaydf, junctionsdf, idCoords_dict) print("Unfolded the enrichted df") bufferedDf = bufferSegs.bufferize(unfoldedEnrichedDf) print("Created bufferDf") oddballs, normies = clusterSegs.cluster(bufferedDf, junctionsdf) print("Created segment clusters") completeSegments = tidyData_Segs.tidyItUp(region, oddballs, normies) print("Cleaned segments") # Write to pickle for future use file_name = f"{region}_segments" path = utils.getSubDirPath(file_name, "pickled_data", "segments") completeSegments.to_pickle(path) return completeSegments
def runAllMapTasks(region, bbCentroid, nonIsolatedJunctions, isolatedJunctions, bufferSize): # I.) Set up our maps myMap = folium.Map(location=bbCentroid, zoom_start=15, tiles='cartodbpositron') # II.) Plot polys onto their respective maps plotPolys_B(nonIsolatedJunctions, 'geometry', myMap, { 'fillColor': '#ff1493', 'lineColor': '#F5FFFA' }) plotPolys_B(isolatedJunctions, 'poly_geometry', myMap, { 'fillColor': '#7FFF00', 'lineColor': '#F5FFFA' }) # III.) Export map as html file_name = f'{region}-jcts-map_buf={bufferSize}_{}.html' path = utils.getSubDirPath(file_name, "html_maps", "junctions")
def main(region, buffer_size): nodesdf = dfShizzle.metaFunc(config.paramDict[region]["bounding_box"]) print("Created nodedf") junctionsdf, junctions_for_segs = findJunctions.getJunctionsDf( nodesdf, region) print("Got junctions for region {0!s}".format(region)) bufferedJunctionsDf = bufferJcts.bufferize(junctionsdf, buffer_size) print("Created bufferDf") nonIsolatedJunctions, isolatedJunctions = clusterJcts.cluster( bufferedJunctionsDf) print("Created junction clusters") completeJunctions = tidyData_Jcts.tidyItUp( region, config.paramDict[region]["centroid"], nonIsolatedJunctions, isolatedJunctions, buffer_size) print("Cleaned junctions") # Write to pickle for future use file_name = f"{region}_junctions_buffer={buffer_size}" path = utils.getSubDirPath(file_name, "pickled_data", "junctions") # Write data frame to pickle folder; include buffer_size in the file name # ==> purpose of this is to be able to reuse data in the manual merging # tool so if a data set for a specific region and buffer size already # exists it can be utilized rather than computing everything from scratch again completeJunctions.to_pickle(path) return completeJunctions, junctions_for_segs
def runAllMapTasks(region, bbCentroid, oddballs, normies): # I.) Set up our maps myMap = folium.Map(location=bbCentroid, zoom_start=15, tiles='cartodbpositron', prefer_canvas=True) # II.) Plot polys onto their respective maps plotPolys(oddballs, 'geometry', myMap, { 'fillColor': '#ff1493', 'lineColor': '#F5FFFA' }) plotPolys(normies, 'poly_geometry', myMap, { 'fillColor': '#7FFF00', 'lineColor': '#F5FFFA' }) # III.) Export map as html # Find out if we're operating in 'segments'-subdirectory or its parent directory, # PyPipeline_ (background: we want to write all files related to segments to the # segments subdirectory) cwd = os.getcwd() file_name = f'{region}-segs-{}.html' path = utils.getSubDirPath(file_name, "html_maps", "segments")
def runAllMapTasks(region, small_buf_inconsist, large_buf_inconsist): # region, nonIsolatedJunctions, isolatedJunctions, bufferSize bbCentroid = config.paramDict[region]['centroid'] # I.) Set up our maps bbCentroid = config.paramDict[region]['centroid'] myMap = folium.Map(location=bbCentroid, zoom_start=15, tiles='cartodbpositron') # II.) Plot polys onto their respective maps marker_cluster = MarkerCluster().add_to(myMap) plotPolys(large_buf_inconsist, myMap, { 'fillColor': '#87CEEB', 'lineColor': '#4682B4' }, marker_cluster, 'blue') plotPolys(small_buf_inconsist, myMap, { 'fillColor': '#3CB371', 'color': '#2E8B57' }, marker_cluster, 'green') # III.) Export map as htmls # Find out if we're operating in 'segments'-subdirectory or its parent directory, # PyPipeline_ (background: we want to write all files related to segments to the # segments subdirectory) cwd = os.getcwd() in_target_dir = utils.inTargetDir(cwd) file_name = f'{region}-segs-manualClust_{}.html' path = utils.getSubDirPath(file_name, "html_maps", "segments")
# Parse the input parameter args = parser.parse_args() # Read junctions data from csv # Read the junctions data from csv that was produced by the junctions sub-project. # It used to be read directly from the csv_data directory in the junctions subproject, # but now to enable utilization with docker and avoid mounting hell it has to be moved # manually from junctions/csv_data to segments/csv_data (unless the top level script # in PyPipeline_ is used). # !!!!! Be sure to execute the junctions project first before executing the # segments project for the same region !!!! # (Otherwise, there might be no file to read.) subdir_path = utils.getSubDirPath(f"{args.region}_junctions_for_segs.csv", "csv_data", "segments") # Notify user if junctions_for_segs.csv is unavailable as the junctions project hasn't been # executed before the segments fraction try: junctionsdf = pd.read_csv(subdir_path) except FileNotFoundError: print( "Junctions file wasn't found! Please execute for this region to generate it." ) sys.exit() start_time = time.time() completeSegs = main(args.region, junctionsdf)
dest='buf_size', type=float, help="By how much the one-dimensional junction points will be buffered." ) # Parse the input parameters args = parser.parse_args() start_time = time.time() completeJunctions, junctions_for_segs = main(args.region, args.buf_size) print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time)) # Write entire data set to csv file_name = f"{args.region}_junctions_complete_{}.csv" path = utils.getSubDirPath(file_name, "csv_data", "junctions") completeJunctions.to_csv(path, index=False, sep="|") # Write data subset to be used by segments script to csv file_name_ = f"{args.region}_junctions_for_segs.csv" path_ = utils.getSubDirPath(file_name_, "csv_data", "junctions") junctions_for_segs.to_csv(path_)
f'Please navigate to directory PyPipeline_/junctions/html_maps and open the file \'{region}-jcts-manualClust_{}.html\' in your browser. \n' ) print( 'By default, the more conservative clustering solutions (green shapes on the map) will be accepted. \n' ) # (4) Prompt the user to add the desired changes to {region}.toml. run_modifications = input( "Please add your desired modifications to {region}.toml (in the PyPipeline_/junctions/manual_merge_config directory). \n Enter ok once you're done. \n" ) if (run_modifications == 'ok'): config_path = utils.getSubDirPath(f'{region}.toml', 'manual_merge_config', 'junctions') config = toml.load(config_path) #print(config) for elem in config['replace']: manualMergeTool.update_clust(elem['old'], elem['new'], region) for elem in config['delete']: manualMergeTool.delete_clust(elem, region) print(elem)
def meta_assist(region, small_buf, large_buf): # NEW as of 12/01/21: avoid re-computing data that already exists. # This means that whenever is executed # (and also when manual editing is performed and # 'manualMergeTool' > save_result is called), # the resultant data is not only written to .csv but # also saved as a pickle (= python serialization format # that is easy to read in, i.e. as opposed to a .csv # file we don't have to parse numerical data, lists etc # from string) # => rather than calling for small_buf and # large_buf per default, check if we already have the # data and only compute if we don't. # Get data frames for small_buf (more conservative buffer parameter) and large_buf (more liberal buffer parameter) # => from pickle (PyPipeline_/junctions/pickled_data) or computed # Do we already have a data set for the SMALL buffer size specified? # => if so, use it. Else, compute it. small_buf_file = f"{region}_junctions_buffer={small_buf}" if (utils.fileExists(small_buf_file)): small_buf_path = utils.getSubDirPath(small_buf_file, "pickled_data", "junctions") small_buf = pd.read_pickle(small_buf_path) else: small_buf = OSM_jcts.main(region, small_buf) # Do we already have a data set for the LARGE buffer size specified? # => if so, use it. Else, compute it. large_buf_file = f"{region}_junctions_buffer={large_buf}" if (utils.fileExists(large_buf_file)): large_buf_path = utils.getSubDirPath(large_buf_file, "pickled_data", "junctions") large_buf = pd.read_pickle(large_buf_path) else: large_buf = OSM_jcts.main(region, large_buf) # Determine where the two data frames (and thus the clustering solutions for smaller and larger buffer) differ small_buf_inconsist, small_buf_consist, large_buf_inconsist = determine_inconsistencies( small_buf, large_buf) mapping.runAllMapTasks(region, small_buf_inconsist, large_buf_inconsist) # PICKLE (SERIALIZE) THREE DATA SETS FOR USE BY MANUALMERGETOOL: # (1) 'small_buf_inconsist': subset of the small buffer df where clustering solutions differ from the # larger buffer solution. # (2) 'large_buf_inconsist': subset of the large buffer df where clustering solutions differ from the # smaller buffer solution. # (3) 'consistent_clusters': subset of the small buffer df where clustering solutions DO NOT differ from # the larger buffer solution; i.e. if this subset was taken from the large buffer df it would be exactly # the same. # INTENDED PROCESSING OF THESE DATA SETS IN MANUALMERGETOOL: # * The more conservative solutions contained in 'small_buf_inconsist' can be manually edited, i.e. replaced by the # more liberal solutions contained in 'large_buf_inconsist'. # * That means, when a user compares the rivaling conservative vs. liberal solutions for inconsistent clusters, # she might decide to pick the liberal solution over the conservative one. # * Hence, the respective rows belonging to the conservative solution are DELETED from the 'small_buf_inconsist' # df and the respective row belonging to the liberal solution is taken from the 'large_buf_inconsist' data set # and MOVED to 'small_buf_consist', our 'base' df which will be returned after all of the manual editing is # finished. This means that the conflict has been resolved. # * When all editing is done, what remains of 'small_buf_inconsist' (i.e., the conservative solutions that # were chosen over their liberal counterparts) is concatenated with 'consistent_clusters', which already # contains all the more liberal solutions that were chosen over the conservative ones. # Write small_buf_inconsist pickle small_buf_inconsist_path = utils.getSubDirPath( f"jcts_small_buf_inconsist_{region}", "pickled_data", "junctions") small_buf_inconsist.to_pickle(small_buf_inconsist_path) # Write large_buf_inconsist pickle large_buf_inconsist_path = utils.getSubDirPath( f"jcts_large_buf_inconsist_{region}", "pickled_data", "junctions") large_buf_inconsist.to_pickle(large_buf_inconsist_path) # Write consistent clusters pickle consistent_clusters_path = utils.getSubDirPath( f"jcts_consistent_clusters_{region}", "pickled_data", "junctions") small_buf_consist.to_pickle(consistent_clusters_path)
def update_clust(small_buf_clstrs, large_buf_clstr, region): # (1) read small_buf_inconsist pickle small_buf_inconsist_path = utils.getSubDirPath( f"jcts_small_buf_inconsist_{region}", "pickled_data", "junctions") small_buf_inconsist = pd.read_pickle(small_buf_inconsist_path) # (2) read large_buf_inconsist pickle large_buf_inconsist_path = utils.getSubDirPath( f"jcts_large_buf_inconsist_{region}", "pickled_data", "junctions") large_buf_inconsist = pd.read_pickle(large_buf_inconsist_path) # (3) read consistent clusters pickle consistent_clusters_path = utils.getSubDirPath( f"jcts_consistent_clusters_{region}", "pickled_data", "junctions") consistent_clusters = pd.read_pickle(consistent_clusters_path) # 'small_buf_clstrs' is a list of clusters having emerged in the small_buf-solution; remove the rows # corresponding to these clusters from 'small_buf_inconsist' as the large_buf-solution for the same # clustering problem is preferred as per user input. Accordingly, RESOLVE the conflict between the # small_buf- and large_buf-solutions by deleting the small_buf one and adding the large_buf one to our df # containing the 'consistent_clusters'. # Delete the rejected cluster solution from 'small_buf_inconsist' for clust in small_buf_clstrs: small_buf_inconsist = small_buf_inconsist[ small_buf_inconsist['neighbour_cluster'] != clust] # Grab the accepted solution from 'large_buf_inconsist' accepted_solution = large_buf_inconsist.loc[ large_buf_inconsist['neighbour_cluster'] == large_buf_clstr].copy() # Set 'neighbour_cluster' to 999999 to make manual editing obvious and facilitate highlighting on map accepted_solution['neighbour_cluster'] = 999999 large_buf_inconsist.loc[large_buf_inconsist['neighbour_cluster'] == large_buf_clstr, ['neighbour_cluster']] = 999999 # Append accepted solution to 'consistent_clusters' consistent_clusters = pd.concat([consistent_clusters, accepted_solution], ignore_index=True, sort=False) mapping.runAllMapTasks(region, small_buf_inconsist, large_buf_inconsist) # Pickle the three data sets for further editing. # Write small_buf_inconsist pickle small_buf_inconsist.to_pickle(small_buf_inconsist_path) # Write large_buf_inconsist pickle large_buf_inconsist.to_pickle(large_buf_inconsist_path) # Write consistent clusters pickle consistent_clusters.to_pickle(consistent_clusters_path)