def render_line2(filename, frame_rate=60): if is_animation(parse_tags(filename)): data = [] def get_line_data(filename, frame): filename = filename.replace('0000', '%04d' % frame) data_x = np.load(filename) data_y = np.load(filename.replace(',' + X_TAG, ',' + Y_TAG)) return (data_x, data_y) def update_lines(frame, line): x, y = data[frame] line.set_data(x, y) return line, dirname = os.path.dirname(filename) basename = os.path.basename(filename).replace('0000', '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]') seq = utils.get_all_files(dirname, [basename]) seq.sort() if len(seq) == 0: return data_x, data_y = get_line_data(seq[0], 0) has_bbox = False for frame in range(len(seq)): data_x, data_y = get_line_data(seq[frame], frame) if len(data_x) > 0 and len(data_y) > 0: if has_bbox: xmin = min(xmin, data_x.min()) xmax = max(xmax, data_x.max()) ymin = min(ymin, data_y.min()) ymax = max(ymax, data_y.max()) else: xmin = data_x.min() xmax = data_x.max() ymin = data_y.min() ymax = data_y.max() has_bbox = True data.append((data_x, data_y)) fig, ax = plt.subplots() x, y = get_line_data(filename, 0) if has_bbox: xmid = (xmax + xmin) / 2.0 ymid = (ymax + ymin) / 2.0 new_xmin = xmid - 1.25 * (xmid - xmin) new_xmax = xmid + 1.25 * (xmax - xmid) new_ymin = ymid - 1.25 * (ymid - ymin) new_ymax = ymid + 1.25 * (ymax - ymid) ax.set_xlim(new_xmin, new_xmax) ax.set_ylim(new_ymin, new_ymax) ax.set_aspect('equal') line, = ax.plot(x, y, lw=2, marker='o', markersize=3) anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, update_lines, len(seq), fargs=(line,), interval=60, blit=False) output_filename = get_output_movie_filename(filename.replace(',' + X_TAG, '')), fps=frame_rate, bitrate=5000, writer=video_writer, extra_args=video_extra_args) plt.close(fig) print ('Rendered <%s>' % output_filename) else: output_filename = get_output_bitmap_filename(filename.replace(',' + X_TAG, '')) render_still_line2(filename, filename.replace(',' + X_TAG, ',' + Y_TAG), output_filename)
def read_action(action_path): action_name=get_action_name(action_path) category=get_category(action_name) person=get_person(action_name) all_files=utils.get_all_files(action_path) all_files=utils.append_path(action_path+"/",all_files) frames=utils.read_images(all_files) return Action(category,person,frames)
def load_data(path,batch_size=25): all_files=utils.get_all_files(path) all_files=utils.append_path(path,all_files) images=utils.read_images(all_files) images=utils.flatten_images(images) images=map(utils.normalize,images) images=np.array(images) n_batches=get_number_of_batches(batch_size,len(images)) def get_batch(i): return images[i * batch_size: (i+1) * batch_size] batches=map(get_batch,range(n_batches)) batches = [np.array(batch) for batch in batches] print("Dataset loaded") return np.array(batches)
def main(): """Hook spot for the console script.""" parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option('-p', '--paths', action='store_true', help='Preserve path structure of original files') parser.add_option('-d', '--directory', action='store', type='string', dest='outdir', default='.', help='The output directory that the rendered files should go to.') parser.add_option('-w', '--watch', action='store_true', help='Watch original files and re-generate documentation on changes') parser.add_option('-a', '--all', action='store_true', help='Get all files from subfolders') opts, sources = parser.parse_args() if not sources: return filepath = os.path.dirname(sources[0]) start, filetype = os.path.splitext(sources[0]) if start.endswith('*'): return start = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(start))) if opts.all: sources = [i for i in get_all_files(filepath or '.', filetype)] global SOURCES SOURCES = sorted([Source(name, start) for name in sources]) process(SOURCES, outdir=opts.outdir, preserve_paths=opts.paths) # If the -w / --watch option was present, monitor the source directories # for changes and re-generate documentation for source files whenever they # are modified. if try: import import watchdog.observers except ImportError: sys.exit('The -w/--watch option requires the watchdog package.') monitor(sources, opts)
def SPVideoFromSequence(context): args = context.args if args.referenceFolder: referenceFile = get_all_files(args.referenceFolder) VideoEd.video_from_sequence( args.inputData, os.path.join(args.outputData, args.fileName), referenceFile[0], args.ext, args.fps, args.bitrate, args.lossless, ) return args.outputData
def main(argv=None): args = docopt(__doc__, argv=argv) pictures = utils.get_all_files(args['<input>']) destination = args['<destination>'] dry_run = args['--dry-run'] move = args['--move'] verbose = args['--verbose'] groups = group_pictures(pictures) groups = group_consecutive_days(groups) for group, pics in groups.iteritems(): print group, len(pics) send_to_destination(destination, groups, move=move, dry_run=dry_run, verbose=verbose)
def bbai(dirs, outfile='./data_info', model=''): files = utils.get_all_files(dirs) if model == 'fametrecafe': model = '/home/pgrespan/trained/VGG16_2020-04-21_11-01/VGG16_13_0.88753_0.86502.h5' gen = LSTGenerator(h5files=files, feature="energy", shuffle=False, intensity=None, leakage2_intensity=None, class_model=model) try: gen.get_all_info().to_pickle(outfile + '.pkl') except: print('No riesso catare a cartea, probabilmente no esiste, molton!') return gen.indexes
def test_classifiers(): model_dir= 'models/' test_file = 'feature/clean_features.csv' result_dir = 'result/' result_file = 'result.csv' model_files = get_all_files(model_dir) for mfile in model_files: model_file = os.path.join(model_dir,mfile) #get the path of the model file with open(model_file, 'rb') as fp: trained_model = cPickle.load(fp) # load trained model data = np.genfromtxt(test_file, delimiter=',') # read the test file row, col = data.shape x = data[:, 1:col - 1] # get data without the label information y_true = data[:, col - 1] # get the label information y_pred = trained_model.predict(x) # perform prediction acc = accuracy_score(y_true, y_pred) f1 = f1_score(y_true, y_pred, average=None) prc = precision_score(y_true, y_pred, average=None) rcl = recall_score(y_true, y_pred, average=None) if not os.path.exists(result_dir): os.makedirs(result_dir) res_file = os.path.join(result_dir,result_file) with open(res_file,'w') as fp: print 'writing individual results...' fp.write("acc :: " + str(acc)) fp.write('\n\n') fp.write('f1 :: ' + ','.join(str(x) for x in f1)) fp.write('\n\n') fp.write("precision :: " + ','.join( str(x) for x in prc)) fp.write('\n\n') fp.write("recall :: " + ','.join(str(x) for x in rcl)) fp.write('\n\n\n')
def main(): include_dir = os.path.join(dirname, '../include/jet') filenames = utils.get_all_files(include_dir, ['*.h']) filenames.sort() header = os.path.join(dirname, '../include/jet/jet.h') with open(header, 'w') as header_file: header_file.write("""// Copyright (c) 2017 Doyub Kim // I am making my contributions/submissions to this project solely in my // personal capacity and am not conveying any rights to any intellectual // property of any third parties.\n """) header_file.write('#ifndef INCLUDE_JET_JET_H_\n') header_file.write('#define INCLUDE_JET_JET_H_\n') for filename in filenames: if not filename.endswith('-inl.h'): line = '#include <jet/%s>\n' % os.path.basename(filename) header_file.write(line) header_file.write('#endif // INCLUDE_JET_JET_H_\n')
def __init__(self, batch_size, num_vid_frames=4, framerate=30, framesize=256, samplerate=16000, max_vid_frames=100, noise_std=0.01, center_fft=True, use_polar=True, shuffle_files=True, data_path="./data/raw"): assert batch_size > 1 self.attention_extractor = VideoAttention() self.max_vid_frames = max_vid_frames self.batch_size = batch_size self.num_vid_frames = num_vid_frames self.framerate = framerate self.framesize = framesize self.samplerate = samplerate self.noise_std = noise_std self.normalize_input_fft = False self.fft_len = int( (self.num_vid_frames / self.framerate) * self.samplerate) self.all_vids = utils.get_all_files(data_path, "mp4") print(f'number of videos found: {len(self.all_vids)}') if shuffle_files: random.shuffle(self.all_vids) # self.current_av_pair = self.load_example_pair(self.all_vids[0]) self.example_idx = 0 self.center_fft = center_fft self.use_polar = use_polar
def main(): include_dir = os.path.join(dirname, "../include/blending") filenames = utils.get_all_files(include_dir, ["*.h"]) filenames.sort() header = os.path.join(dirname, "../include/blending/blending.h") header_tmp = header + ".tmp" with open(header_tmp, "w") as header_file: header_file.write("""// Copyright (c) 2018 loyave """) header_file.write("#ifndef INCLUDE_BLENDING_BLENDING_H_\n") header_file.write("#define INCLUDE_BLENDING_BLENDING_H_\n") for filename in filenames: if not filename.endswith("-inl.h"): line = "#include <blending/%s>\n" % os.path.basename(filename) header_file.write(line) header_file.write("#endif // INCLUDE_BLENDING_BLENDING_H_\n") if not filecmp.cmp(header, header_tmp): shutil.move(header_tmp, header) else: os.remove(header_tmp)
def process_all(root, output): assert formatted or compact src_files = get_all_files(root, '.json') for f in tqdm(src_files): game = json.load(open(f, 'r')) game = process_game(game, f) dest_file = f.replace(root, output) dirname = os.path.dirname(dest_file) if not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) temp_json = tempfile.TemporaryFile('r+') json.dump(game, temp_json, indent=4) formatted = format_json(temp_json) with open(dest_file, 'w') as f: f.write(formatted)
def main(input, output, emin, emax, log_energy, its, lkg): files = get_all_files(input) print("Indexing data...") generator = DataGeneratorR(files, feature="energy", shuffle=False, intensity=its, emin=emin, emax=emax) print("Loading data and printing images...") title = "Gamma" for i in trange(generator.__len__()): images, energies = generator.__getitem__(i) #print("Images shape: ", images.shape) save_interp_images(charges=images, title=title, energies=energies, start=i, outputdir=output) print("Finished!")
def render_grid2(filename, frame_rate=60): if is_animation(parse_tags(filename)): dirname = os.path.dirname(filename) basename = os.path.basename(filename).replace('0000', '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]') seq = utils.get_all_files(dirname, [basename]) seq.sort() if len(seq) == 0: return grid_data = np.load(seq[0]) grid_data = np.flipud(grid_data) fig, ax = plt.subplots() im = ax.imshow(grid_data,, interpolation='nearest') if ISO_TAG in parse_tags(filename): plt.contour(grid_data) def update_image(i): grid_data = np.load(seq[i]) grid_data = np.flipud(grid_data) im.set_array(grid_data) if ISO_TAG in parse_tags(filename): plt.contour(grid_data) return im output_filename = get_output_movie_filename(filename.replace(',' + X_TAG, '')) anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, update_image, frames=len(seq), interval=60, blit=False), fps=frame_rate, bitrate=5000, writer=video_writer, extra_args=video_extra_args) plt.close(fig) print ('Rendered <%s>' % output_filename) else: tags = parse_tags(filename) output_filename = get_output_bitmap_filename(filename) if X_TAG in tags: grid_data_u = np.load(filename) grid_data_v = np.load(filename.replace(X_TAG, Y_TAG)) render_still_vector_grid2(filename, filename.replace(X_TAG, Y_TAG), output_filename) else: has_iso = ISO_TAG in parse_tags(filename) render_still_scalar_grid2(filename, output_filename, has_iso=has_iso)
def SPConvert(context): args = context.args video = get_all_files(args.refVideo)[0] if args.refVideo else args.refVideo PARSER = cli.FullHelpArgumentParser() CONVERT = cli.ConvertArgs( PARSER, "convert", "Convert a source image to a new one with the face swapped") argsTransfer = [ "--input-dir", args.inputData1, "--model-dir", args.inputModel, "--output-dir", args.outputData, "--color-adjustment", args.colorAdjustment, "--mask-type", args.maskType, "--scaling", args.scaling, "--gpus", str(args.__gpu), ] if args.inputData2: argsTransfer += [ "--alignments", os.path.join(args.inputData2, "alignments.json"), ] ARGUMENTS = PARSER.parse_args(argsTransfer) ARGUMENTS.func(ARGUMENTS) return args.outputData
def tester(folders, mdl, batch_size, atime, workers, intensity): h5files = get_all_files(folders) random.shuffle(h5files) model = load_model(mdl) print('Building test generator...') test_generator = DataGeneratorC(h5files, batch_size=batch_size, arrival_time=atime, shuffle=False, intensity=intensity) print('Number of test batches: ' + str(len(test_generator))) pr_labels = model.predict_generator(generator=test_generator, steps=None, max_queue_size=10, workers=workers, use_multiprocessing=True, verbose=1) test_idxs = test_generator.get_indexes() # ground truth labels gt_labels = test_idxs[:, 2].reshape(test_idxs[:, 2].shape[0]) pr_labels = pr_labels.reshape(pr_labels.shape[0]) # saving predictions df = pd.DataFrame() df['GroundTruth'] = gt_labels df['Predicted'] = pr_labels df.to_csv(mdl + '_test.csv', sep=',', index=False, encoding='utf-8') p_file = mdl + '_test.csv' print('Results saved in ' + p_file) return p_file
def main(annotation_file, image_dir, chip_dir, output_dir, show_ggnn, infer, _run): refiner = PolygonRefiner(infer=infer, show_ggnn=show_ggnn) if os.path.isfile(annotation_file): refiner.process_file( annotation_file, image_dir, chip_dir, output_dir, ) else: image_dirs = get_all_files(annotation_file, isdir=True, extension="*") for image_dir in image_dirs: (child_chip_dir, child_output_dir) = [ os.path.join(x, os.path.basename(image_dir)) for x in (chip_dir, output_dir) ] annotation_file = os.path.join(image_dir, "annotations.csv") refiner.process_file( annotation_file, image_dir, child_chip_dir, child_output_dir, )
def main(): include_dir = os.path.join(dirname, "../include/jet") filenames = utils.get_all_files(include_dir, ["*.h"]) filenames.sort() header = os.path.join(dirname, "../include/jet/jet.h") header_tmp = header + ".tmp" with open(header_tmp, "w") as header_file: header_file.write("""// Copyright (c) 2018 Doyub Kim // I am making my contributions/submissions to this project solely in my // personal capacity and am not conveying any rights to any intellectual // property of any third parties.\n """) header_file.write("#ifndef INCLUDE_JET_JET_H_\n") header_file.write("#define INCLUDE_JET_JET_H_\n") for filename in filenames: if not filename.endswith("-inl.h"): line = "#include <jet/%s>\n" % os.path.basename(filename) header_file.write(line) header_file.write("#endif // INCLUDE_JET_JET_H_\n") if not filecmp.cmp(header, header_tmp): shutil.move(header_tmp, header) else: os.remove(header_tmp)
def main(): include_dir = os.path.join(dirname, "../include/jet") filenames = utils.get_all_files(include_dir, ["*.h"]) filenames.sort() header = os.path.join(dirname, "../include/jet/jet.h") header_tmp = header + ".tmp" with open(header_tmp, "w") as header_file: header_file.write("""// Copyright (c) 2017 Doyub Kim // I am making my contributions/submissions to this project solely in my // personal capacity and am not conveying any rights to any intellectual // property of any third parties.\n """) header_file.write("#ifndef INCLUDE_JET_JET_H_\n") header_file.write("#define INCLUDE_JET_JET_H_\n") for filename in filenames: if not filename.endswith("-inl.h"): line = "#include <jet/%s>\n" % os.path.basename(filename) header_file.write(line) header_file.write("#endif // INCLUDE_JET_JET_H_\n") if not filecmp.cmp(header, header_tmp): shutil.move(header_tmp, header) else: os.remove(header_tmp)
_x = [] _y = [] for xyz in xyz_file: _x.append(float(xyz.split()[0])) _y.append(float(xyz.split()[1])) line.set_data(_x, _y) xyz_file.close() return line, # Simulation Path path = sys.argv[1] output_name = sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv) > 2 else 'result.mp4' files = utils.get_all_files(path, "*.xyz") size_files = len(files) # Set up formatting for the movie files Writer = animation.writers['ffmpeg'] writer = Writer(fps=25, bitrate=1800) fig1 = plt.figure() data = [] l, = plt.plot([], [], 'ro') plt.xlim(0, 1) plt.ylim(0, 1) plt.xlabel('x') plt.title('Simulation Result')
def main(): global _threadError num_threads = os.cpu_count() * 2 root_dir = path.join(utils.get_script_folder(), '..') docs_dir = path.join(root_dir, 'docs') xml_dir = path.join(docs_dir, 'xml') html_dir = path.join(docs_dir, 'html') mcss_dir = path.join(root_dir, 'extern', 'mcss') doxygen = path.join(mcss_dir, 'documentation', '') # delete any leftovers from the previous run if 1: utils.delete_directory(xml_dir) utils.delete_directory(html_dir) # run doxygen to generate the xml if 1: subprocess.check_call(['doxygen', 'Doxyfile'], shell=True, cwd=docs_dir) # fix some shit that's broken in the xml if 1: preprocess_xml(xml_dir) # run (m.css) to generate the html if 1: utils.run_python_script(doxygen, path.join(docs_dir, 'Doxyfile-mcss'), '--no-doxygen') # post-process html files if 1: fixes = [ CustomTagsFix(), SyntaxHighlightingFix(), IndexPageFix(), ModifiersFix1(), ModifiersFix2(), ExtDocLinksFix(), EnableIfFix(), ExternalLinksFix(), TemplateTemplateFix() ] files = [ path.split(f) for f in utils.get_all_files(html_dir, any=('*.html', '*.htm')) ] if files: with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=min(len(files), num_threads)) as executor: jobs = { executor.submit(postprocess_file, dir, file, fixes): file for dir, file in files } for job in futures.as_completed(jobs): if _threadError: executor.shutdown(False) break else: file = jobs[job] print('Finished processing {}.'.format(file)) if _threadError: return 1
def preprocess_xml(dir): global inline_namespaces global implementation_headers if not inline_namespaces and not implementation_headers: return write_xml_to_file = lambda x, f: x.write( f, encoding='utf-8', xml_declaration=True) inline_namespace_ids = [ f'namespace{doxygen_mangle_name(ns)}' for ns in inline_namespaces ] implementation_header_data = [ (hp, path.basename(hp), doxygen_mangle_name(path.basename(hp)), [(i, path.basename(i), doxygen_mangle_name(path.basename(i))) for i in impl]) for hp, impl in implementation_headers ] implementation_header_mappings = dict() implementation_header_innernamespaces = dict() implementation_header_sectiondefs = dict() for hdata in implementation_header_data: implementation_header_innernamespaces[hdata[2]] = [] implementation_header_sectiondefs[hdata[2]] = [] for (ip, ifn, iid) in hdata[3]: implementation_header_mappings[iid] = hdata if 1: extracted_implementation = False xml_files = utils.get_all_files(dir, any=('*.xml')) for xml_file in xml_files: print(f'Pre-processing {xml_file}') xml = ET.parse(xml_file) root = xml.getroot().find('compounddef') if root is None: continue changed = False # namespaces if root.get("kind") == "namespace" and inline_namespaces: for nsid in inline_namespace_ids: if root.get("id") == nsid: root.set("inline", "yes") changed = True break # dirs if root.get("kind") == "dir" and implementation_headers: innerfiles = root.findall('innerfile') for innerfile in innerfiles: if innerfile.get( 'refid') in implementation_header_mappings: root.remove(innerfile) changed = True # header files if root.get("kind") == "file" and implementation_headers: # remove junk not required by m.css for tag in ('includes', 'includedby', 'incdepgraph', 'invincdepgraph'): tags = root.findall(tag) if tags: for t in tags: root.remove(t) changed = True # rip the good bits out of implementation headers if root.get("id") in implementation_header_mappings: hid = implementation_header_mappings[root.get("id")][2] innernamespaces = root.findall('innernamespace') if innernamespaces: implementation_header_innernamespaces[ hid] = implementation_header_innernamespaces[ hid] + innernamespaces extracted_implementation = True for tag in innernamespaces: root.remove(tag) changed = True sectiondefs = root.findall('sectiondef') if sectiondefs: implementation_header_sectiondefs[ hid] = implementation_header_sectiondefs[ hid] + sectiondefs extracted_implementation = True for tag in sectiondefs: root.remove(tag) changed = True if changed: write_xml_to_file(xml, xml_file) # merge extracted implementations if extracted_implementation: for (hp, hfn, hid, impl) in implementation_header_data: xml_file = path.join(dir, f'{hid}.xml') print(f'Merging implementation nodes into {xml_file}') xml = ET.parse(xml_file) root = xml.getroot().find('compounddef') changed = False innernamespaces = root.findall('innernamespace') for new_tag in implementation_header_innernamespaces[hid]: matched = False for existing_tag in innernamespaces: if existing_tag.get('refid') == new_tag.get('refid'): matched = True break if not matched: root.append(new_tag) innernamespaces.append(new_tag) changed = True sectiondefs = root.findall('sectiondef') for new_section in implementation_header_sectiondefs[hid]: matched_section = False for existing_section in sectiondefs: if existing_section.get('kind') == new_section.get( 'kind'): matched_section = True memberdefs = existing_section.findall('memberdef') new_memberdefs = new_section.findall('memberdef') for new_memberdef in new_memberdefs: matched = False for existing_memberdef in memberdefs: if existing_memberdef.get( 'id') == new_memberdef.get('id'): matched = True break if not matched: new_section.remove(new_memberdef) existing_section.append(new_memberdef) memberdefs.append(new_memberdef) changed = True break if not matched_section: root.append(new_section) sectiondefs.append(new_section) changed = True if changed: write_xml_to_file(xml, xml_file) # delete the impl header xml files if 1 and implementation_headers: for hdata in implementation_header_data: for (ip, ifn, iid) in hdata[3]: xml_file = path.join(dir, f'{iid}.xml') if (path.exists(xml_file)): print(f'Deleting {xml_file}') os.remove(xml_file) # scan through the files and substitute impl header ids and paths as appropriate if 1 and implementation_headers: xml_files = utils.get_all_files(dir, any=('*.xml')) for xml_file in xml_files: print(f'Re-linking implementation headers in {xml_file}') xml = utils.read_all_text_from_file(xml_file) for (hp, hfn, hid, impl) in implementation_header_data: for (ip, ifn, iid) in impl: #xml = xml.replace(f'refid="{iid}"',f'refid="{hid}"') xml = xml.replace(f'compoundref="{iid}"', f'compoundref="{hid}"') xml = xml.replace(ip, hp) with open(xml_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8', newline='\n') as f: f.write(xml)
from utils import get_all_files paths = get_all_files('A') with open('dir.txt', 'w') as f: for i in paths: f.write(i + "\n")
def regressor_training_main(folders, val_folders, load_model, model_name, time, epochs, batch_size, opt, learning_rate, lropf, sd, es, feature, workers, test_dirs, intensity_cut, leakage, tb, gpu_fraction=0.5, emin=-100, emax=100, class_model='', clr=False, train_indexes=None, valid_indexes=None, clr_values=[5e-5, 5e-3, 4]): ################################### #TensorFlow wizardry for GPU dynamic memory allocation if 0 < gpu_fraction < 1: config = tf.ConfigProto() # Don't pre-allocate memory; allocate as-needed config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True # Only allow a fraction of the GPU memory to be allocated config.gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = gpu_fraction # Create a session with the above options specified. K.tensorflow_backend.set_session(tf.Session(config=config)) ################################### # remove semaphore warnings os.environ["PYTHONWARNINGS"] = "ignore:semaphore_tracker:UserWarning" # avoid validation deadlock problem mp.set_start_method('spawn', force=True) # hard coded parameters shuffle = True channels = 1 if time: channels = 2 # early stopping md_es = 0.1 # min delta p_es = 50 # patience # cycle learning rate CLR base_lr = clr_values[0] max_lr = clr_values[1] step_size = clr_values[2] # sgd lr = 0.01 # lr decay = 1e-4 # decay momentum = 0.9 # momentum nesterov = True # adam a_lr = learning_rate a_beta_1 = 0.9 a_beta_2 = 0.999 a_epsilon = None a_decay = 0 amsgrad = True # adabound ab_lr = 1e-03 ab_final_lr = 0.1 ab_gamma = 1e-03 ab_weight_decay = 0 amsbound = False # rmsprop r_lr = 0.01 r_rho = 0.9 r_epsilon = None r_decay = 0.0 # reduce lr on plateau f_lrop = 0.1 # factor p_lrop = 15 # patience md_lrop = 0.005 # min delta cd_lrop = 5 # cool down mlr_lrop = a_lr / 100 # min lr # cuts # intensity_cut = 50 leakage2_intensity_cut = leakage training_files = get_all_files(folders) validation_files = get_all_files(val_folders) # create a folder to keep model & results now = root_dir = now.strftime(model_name + '_' + feature + '_' + '%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M') mkdir(root_dir) models_dir = join(root_dir, "models") mkdir(models_dir) # generators print('Building training generator...') training_generator = LSTGenerator( training_files, batch_size=batch_size, arrival_time=time, feature=feature, shuffle=shuffle, intensity=intensity_cut, leakage2_intensity=leakage2_intensity_cut, load_indexes=train_indexes) if train_indexes is None: train_idxs = training_generator.get_all_info() train_idxs.to_pickle(join(root_dir, "train_indexes.pkl")) if len(val_folders) > 0: print('Building validation generator...') validation_generator = LSTGenerator( validation_files, batch_size=batch_size, arrival_time=time, feature=feature, shuffle=False, intensity=intensity_cut, leakage2_intensity=leakage2_intensity_cut, load_indexes=valid_indexes) if valid_indexes is None: valid_idxs = validation_generator.get_all_info() valid_idxs.to_pickle(join(root_dir, "valid_indexes.pkl")) # class_weight = {0: 1., 1: train_protons/train_gammas} # print(class_weight) # get image size (rows and columns) img_rows = training_generator.img_rows img_cols = training_generator.img_cols hype_print = '\n' + '======================================HYPERPARAMETERS======================================' hype_print += '\n' + 'Image rows: ' + str( img_rows) + ' Image cols: ' + str(img_cols) hype_print += '\n' + 'Folders:' + str(folders) hype_print += '\n' + 'Model: ' + str(model_name) hype_print += '\n' + 'Use arrival time: ' + str(time) hype_print += '\n' + 'Epochs:' + str(epochs) hype_print += '\n' + 'Batch size: ' + str(batch_size) hype_print += '\n' + 'Optimizer: ' + str(opt) hype_print += '\n' + 'Feature: ' + str(feature) hype_print += '\n' + 'Validation: ' + str(val_folders) hype_print += '\n' + 'Test dirs: ' + str(test_dirs) hype_print += '\n' + 'intensity_cut: ' + str(intensity_cut) hype_print += '\n' + 'leakage2_intensity_cut: ' + str( leakage2_intensity_cut) if clr: hype_print += '\n' + '--- Cycle Learning Rate ---' hype_print += '\n' + 'Base LR: ' + str(base_lr) hype_print += '\n' + 'Max LR: ' + str(max_lr) hype_print += '\n' + 'Step size: ' + str(step_size) + ' (' + str( step_size * len(training_generator)) + ')' if es: hype_print += '\n' + '--- Early stopping ---' hype_print += '\n' + 'Min delta: ' + str(md_es) hype_print += '\n' + 'Patience: ' + str(p_es) hype_print += '\n' + '----------------------' if opt == 'sgd': hype_print += '\n' + '--- SGD ---' hype_print += '\n' + 'Learning rate:' + str(lr) hype_print += '\n' + 'Decay: ' + str(decay) hype_print += '\n' + 'Momentum: ' + str(momentum) hype_print += '\n' + 'Nesterov: ' + str(nesterov) hype_print += '\n' + '-----------' elif opt == 'adam': hype_print += '\n' + '--- ADAM ---' hype_print += '\n' + 'lr: ' + str(a_lr) hype_print += '\n' + 'beta_1: ' + str(a_beta_1) hype_print += '\n' + 'beta_2: ' + str(a_beta_2) hype_print += '\n' + 'epsilon: ' + str(a_epsilon) hype_print += '\n' + 'decay: ' + str(a_decay) hype_print += '\n' + 'Amsgrad: ' + str(amsgrad) hype_print += '\n' + '------------' elif opt == 'rmsprop': hype_print += '\n' + '--- RMSprop ---' hype_print += '\n' + 'lr: ' + str(r_lr) hype_print += '\n' + 'rho: ' + str(r_rho) hype_print += '\n' + 'epsilon: ' + str(r_epsilon) hype_print += '\n' + 'decay: ' + str(r_decay) hype_print += '\n' + '------------' if lropf: hype_print += '\n' + '--- Reduce lr on plateau ---' hype_print += '\n' + 'lr decrease factor: ' + str(f_lrop) hype_print += '\n' + 'Patience: ' + str(p_lrop) hype_print += '\n' + 'Min delta: ' + str(md_lrop) hype_print += '\n' + 'Cool down:' + str(cd_lrop) hype_print += '\n' + 'Min lr: ' + str(mlr_lrop) hype_print += '\n' + '----------------------------' if sd: hype_print += '\n' + '--- Step decay ---' hype_print += '\n' + 'Workers: ' + str(workers) hype_print += '\n' + 'Shuffle: ' + str(shuffle) hype_print += '\n' + 'Number of training batches: ' + str( len(training_generator)) if len(val_folders) > 0: hype_print += '\n' + 'Number of validation batches: ' + str( len(validation_generator)) outcomes = 1 # loss = 'mean_absolute_percentage_error' loss = 'mean_absolute_error' # loss = 'mean_squared_error' if feature == 'direction': outcomes = 2 # loss = 'mean_absolute_error' # loss = 'mean_squared_error' # keras.backend.set_image_data_format('channels_first') if load_model: model = keras.models.load_model(model_name) model_name = Path(model_name).name else: model, hype_print = regressor_selector(model_name, hype_print, channels, img_rows, img_cols, outcomes) hype_print += '\n' + '=========================================================================================' # printing on screen hyperparameters print(hype_print) # writing hyperparameters on file f = open(root_dir + '/hyperparameters.txt', 'w') f.write(hype_print) f.close() model.summary() callbacks = [] if len(val_folders) > 0: checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint( filepath=models_dir + '/' + model_name + '_{epoch:02d}_{loss:.5f}_{val_loss:.5f}.h5', monitor='val_loss', save_best_only=False) else: checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint(filepath=models_dir + '/' + model_name + '_{epoch:02d}_{loss:.5f}.h5', monitor='loss', save_best_only=True) callbacks.append(checkpoint) # tensorboard = keras.callbacks.TensorBoard(log_dir=root_dir + "/logs", # histogram_freq=5, # batch_size=batch_size, # write_images=True, # update_freq=batch_size * 100) history = LossHistoryR() csv_callback = keras.callbacks.CSVLogger(root_dir + '/epochs_log.csv', separator=',', append=False) callbacks.append(history) callbacks.append(csv_callback) # callbacks.append(tensorboard) # sgd optimizer = None if opt == 'sgd': sgd = optimizers.SGD(lr=lr, decay=decay, momentum=momentum, nesterov=nesterov) optimizer = sgd elif opt == 'adam': adam = optimizers.Adam(lr=a_lr, beta_1=a_beta_1, beta_2=a_beta_2, epsilon=a_epsilon, decay=a_decay, amsgrad=amsgrad) optimizer = adam # elif opt == 'adabound': # adabound = AdaBound(lr=ab_lr, final_lr=ab_final_lr, gamma=ab_gamma, weight_decay=ab_weight_decay, # amsbound=False) # optimizer = adabound elif opt == 'rmsprop': rmsprop = optimizers.RMSprop(lr=r_lr, rho=r_rho, epsilon=r_epsilon, decay=r_decay) optimizer = rmsprop # reduce lr on plateau if lropf: lrop = keras.callbacks.ReduceLROnPlateau(monitor='val_loss', factor=f_lrop, patience=p_lrop, verbose=1, mode='auto', min_delta=md_lrop, cooldown=cd_lrop, min_lr=mlr_lrop) callbacks.append(lrop) if sd: # learning rate schedule def step_decay(epoch): current = K.eval( lrate = current if epoch == 99: lrate = current / 10 print('Reduced learning rate by a factor 10') return lrate stepd = LearningRateScheduler(step_decay) callbacks.append(stepd) if es: # early stopping early_stopping = EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', min_delta=md_es, patience=p_es, verbose=1, mode='max') callbacks.append(early_stopping) if tb: tb_path = os.path.join(root_dir, 'tb') if not os.path.exists(tb_path): os.mkdir(tb_path) #tb_path = os.path.join(tb_path, root_dir) # os.mkdir(tb_path) tensorboard = TensorBoard(log_dir=tb_path) callbacks.append(tensorboard) ''' findlr=False if findlr: lr_callback = LRFinder(len(training_generator)*batch_size, batch_size, 1e-05, 1e01, # validation_data=(X_val, Y_val), lr_scale='exp', save_dir=join(root_dir,'clr')) callbacks.append(lr_callback) oclr=True #CORREGGI STA MERDA OPPURE CANCELLA if oclr: lr_manager = OneCycleLR( max_lr=0.001, maximum_momentum=0.9, minimum_momentum=None, verbose=True ) callbacks.append(lr_manager) oclr=True if oclr: ocp = ktools.one_cycle.OneCycle( lr_range=(1e-5, 1e-3), momentum_range=(0.95, 0.85), reset_on_train_begin=True, record_frq=10 ) callbacks.append(ocp) ''' if clr: cyclelr = CyclicLR( base_lr=base_lr, max_lr=max_lr, step_size=step_size * len(training_generator), #mode='exp_range' # uncomment to activate exp mode, instead of traingular ) callbacks.append(cyclelr) model.compile(optimizer=optimizer, loss=loss) if len(val_folders) > 0:, validation_data=validation_generator, steps_per_epoch=len(training_generator), validation_steps=len(validation_generator), epochs=epochs, verbose=1, max_queue_size=10, use_multiprocessing=True, workers=workers, shuffle=False, callbacks=callbacks) else:, steps_per_epoch=len(training_generator), epochs=epochs, verbose=1, max_queue_size=10, use_multiprocessing=True, workers=workers, shuffle=False, callbacks=callbacks) # mp.set_start_method('fork') # save results train_history = root_dir + '/train-history' with open(train_history, 'wb') as file_pi: pickle.dump(history.dic, file_pi) # post training operations # training plots train_plots(train_history, False) if len(test_dirs) > 0: if len(val_folders) > 0: # get the best model on validation val_loss = history.dic['val_losses'] m = val_loss.index( min(val_loss)) # get the index with the highest accuracy model_checkpoints = [ join(root_dir, f) for f in listdir(root_dir) if (isfile(join(root_dir, f)) and f.startswith( model_name + '_' + '{:02d}'.format(m + 1))) ] best = model_checkpoints[0] print('Best checkpoint: ', best) else: # get the best model on validation acc = history.dic['losses'] m = acc.index(min(acc)) # get the index with the highest accuracy model_checkpoints = [ join(root_dir, f) for f in listdir(root_dir) if (isfile(join(root_dir, f)) and f.startswith( model_name + '_' + '{:02d}'.format(m + 1))) ] best = model_checkpoints[0] print('Best checkpoint: ', best) # test plots & results if test data is provided if len(test_dirs) > 0: pkl = tester(test_dirs, best, batch_size, time, feature, workers) test_plots(pkl, feature)
trainlist = datacfg_options['train'] nsamples = utils.read_train_list(trainlist) gpus = datacfg_options['gpus'] num_workers = int(datacfg_options['num_workers']) backupdir = datacfg_options['backup'] if not os.path.exists(backupdir): os.makedirs(backupdir) batch_size = int(netcfg_options['batch']) max_batches = int(netcfg_options['max_batches']) learning_rate = float(netcfg_options['learning_rate']) momentum = float(netcfg_options['momentum']) decay = float(netcfg_options['decay']) steps = [float(step) for step in netcfg_options['steps'].split(',')] scales = [float(scale) for scale in netcfg_options['scales'].split(',')] bg_file_names = utils.get_all_files('./VOCdevkit/VOC2012/JPEGImages') # Train parameters max_epochs = 700 # max_batches*batch_size/nsamples+1 use_cuda = True seed = int(time.time()) eps = 1e-5 save_interval = 10 # epoches dot_interval = 70 # batches best_acc = -1 # Test parameters conf_thresh = 0.05 nms_thresh = 0.4 match_thresh = 0.5 iou_thresh = 0.5
def tester(folders, model, batch_size, time, feature, workers, intensity_cut, leakage, gpu_fraction=1, e_model=None, test_indexes=None): if 0 >= gpu_fraction or gpu_fraction > 1: pass ################################### #TensorFlow wizardry for GPU dynamic memory allocation else: config = tf.ConfigProto() # Don't pre-allocate memory; allocate as-needed config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True # Only allow a fraction of the GPU memory to be allocated config.gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = gpu_fraction # Create a session with the above options specified. keras.backend.tensorflow_backend.set_session(tf.Session(config=config)) ################################### all_files = utils.get_all_files(folders) print('Building test generator...') plike = False if feature == 'direction': plike = True test_generator = LSTGenerator(h5files=all_files, feature=feature, batch_size=batch_size, arrival_time=time, shuffle=False, intensity=intensity_cut, leakage2_intensity=leakage, plike=plike, load_indexes=test_indexes) test_idxs = test_generator.get_all_info() if test_indexes is None: test_idxs.to_pickle("./test_indexes.pkl") pd.DataFrame(all_files).to_csv("./test_files.csv") #if feature == 'gammaness': # test_gammas = np.unique(test_idxs['class'], return_counts=True)[1][1] # test_protons = np.unique(test_idxs['class'], return_counts=True)[1][0] # test_gamma_frac = test_generator.gamma_fraction() # print('Summary: \nTest gammas: {} \nTest protons: {}, \nGamma fraction: {}'.format(test_gammas, test_protons,test_gamma_frac)) print('Number of test batches: ' + str(len(test_generator))) print('Loading model...') mdl = keras.models.load_model(model) print('Predicting {}...'.format(feature)) predictions = mdl.predict_generator(generator=test_generator, max_queue_size=10, workers=workers, use_multiprocessing=True, verbose=1) # adjust length of indexes print('Retrieving true {}...'.format(feature)) df = pd.DataFrame() df['energy_true'] = test_generator.get_energies(log=True) if feature is not 'energy' and e_model is not None: print('Predicting energy...') e_mdl = keras.models.load_model(e_model) e_predictions = e_mdl.predict_generator(generator=test_generator, max_queue_size=10, workers=workers, use_multiprocessing=True, verbose=1) df['energy_reco'] = e_predictions if feature == 'gammaness': df['class'] = test_generator.get_class() df['gammaness'] = predictions elif feature == 'energy': df['energy_reco'] = predictions elif feature == 'direction': df['d_alt_true'] = test_generator.get_AltAz(nom_frame=True)[:, 0] df['d_az_true'] = test_generator.get_AltAz(nom_frame=True)[:, 1] df['d_alt_reco'] = predictions[:, 0] df['d_az_reco'] = predictions[:, 1] res_file = model + '_' + feature + '_test.pkl' df.to_pickle(res_file) print('Results saved in ' + res_file) #print('Summary: \nTest gammas: {} \nTest protons: {}, \nGamma fraction: {}'.format(test_gammas, test_protons, test_gamma_frac)) return df
# converts video framerates all to specified rate import utils import subprocess import os all_vids = utils.get_all_files("./data/raw", "mp4") for v in all_vids: directory = os.path.split(v)[0] directory = f'{os.path.split(v)[0]}/video/' if not os.path.exists(directory): print(f'making directory: {directory}') os.makedirs(directory) filename = os.path.split(v)[-1] # filename = filename[:-4] # filename = f"{filename}.wav" output_file = f'{directory}{filename}' result = subprocess.Popen(["ffmpeg", "-i", v, "-filter:v", "fps=30", output_file],stdout=subprocess.PIPE) result.wait()
def build_native_dir(directory, output_dir, cache_dir, abis, std_includes_path, rules: BaseConfig): executables = {} for abi in abis: executable = prepare_compiler_executable(abi) if executable is None: print("failed to acquire GCC executable from NDK for abi " + abi) return CODE_FAILED_NO_GCC executables[abi] = executable try: manifest = get_manifest(directory) targets = {} soname = "lib" + manifest["shared"]["name"] + ".so" for abi in abis: targets[abi] = os.path.join(output_dir, "so/" + abi + "/" + soname) except Exception as err: print("failed to read manifest for directory " + directory + " error: " + str(err)) return CODE_FAILED_INVALID_MANIFEST keep_sources = rules.get_value("keepSources", fallback=False) if keep_sources: # copy everything and clear build files copy_directory(directory, output_dir, clear_dst=True) clear_directory(os.path.join(output_dir, "so")) os.remove(os.path.join(output_dir, soname)) else: clear_directory(output_dir) # copy manifest copy_file(os.path.join(directory, "manifest"), os.path.join(output_dir, "manifest")) # copy includes keep_includes = rules.get_value("keepIncludes", fallback=True) for include_path in manifest["shared"]["include"]: src_include_path = os.path.join(directory, include_path) output_include_path = os.path.join(output_dir, include_path) if keep_includes: copy_directory(src_include_path, output_include_path, clear_dst=True) else: clear_directory(output_include_path) std_includes = [] for std_includes_dir in os.listdir(std_includes_path): std_includes.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(std_includes_path, std_includes_dir))) # compile for every abi overall_result = CODE_OK for abi in abis: printed_compilation_title = f"compiling {os.path.basename(directory)} for {abi}" print("\n") print(f"{'=' * (48 - len(printed_compilation_title) // 2)} {printed_compilation_title} {'=' * (48 - (1 + len(printed_compilation_title)) // 2)}") executable = executables[abi] gcc = [executable, "-std=c++11"] includes = [] for std_includes_dir in std_includes: includes.append(f'-I{std_includes_dir}') dependencies = [f'-L{get_fake_so_dir(abi)}', "-landroid", "-lm", "-llog"] for link in rules.get_value("link", fallback=[]) + make_config.get_value("make.linkNative", fallback=[]) + ["horizon"]: add_fake_so(executable, abi, link) dependencies.append(f'-l{link}') if "depends" in manifest: search_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(directory, "..")) # always search for dependencies in current dir for dependency in manifest["depends"]: if dependency is not None: add_fake_so(executable, abi, dependency) dependencies.append("-l" + dependency) dependency_dir = search_directory(search_dir, dependency) if dependency_dir is not None: try: for include_dir in get_manifest(dependency_dir)["shared"]["include"]: includes.append("-I" + os.path.join(dependency_dir, include_dir)) except KeyError: pass else: print(f"ERROR: dependency directory {dependency} is not found, it will be skipped") # prepare directories source_files = get_all_files(directory, extensions=(".cpp", ".c")) preprocessed_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(cache_dir, "preprocessed", abi)) ensure_directory(preprocessed_dir) object_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(cache_dir, "object", abi)) ensure_directory(object_dir) # pre-process and compile changes import filecmp object_files = [] recompiled_count = 0 for file in source_files: relative_file = relative_path(directory, file) sys.stdout.write("preprocessing " + relative_file + " " * 64 + "\r") object_file = os.path.join(object_dir, relative_file) + ".o" preprocessed_file = os.path.join(preprocessed_dir, relative_file) tmp_preprocessed_file = preprocessed_file + ".tmp" ensure_file_dir(preprocessed_file) ensure_file_dir(object_file) object_files.append(object_file) result = + ["-E", file, "-o", tmp_preprocessed_file] + includes) if result == CODE_OK: if not os.path.isfile(preprocessed_file) or not os.path.isfile(object_file) or \ not filecmp.cmp(preprocessed_file, tmp_preprocessed_file): if os.path.isfile(preprocessed_file): os.remove(preprocessed_file) os.rename(tmp_preprocessed_file, preprocessed_file) if os.path.isfile(object_file): os.remove(object_file) sys.stdout.write("compiling " + relative_file + " " * 64 + "\n") result = max(result, + ["-c", preprocessed_file, "-shared", "-o", object_file])) if result != CODE_OK: if os.path.isfile(object_file): os.remove(object_file) overall_result = result else: recompiled_count += 1 else: if os.path.isfile(object_file): os.remove(object_file) overall_result = result print(" " * 128) if overall_result != CODE_OK: print("failed to compile", overall_result) return overall_result else: print(f"recompiled {recompiled_count}/{len(object_files)} files with result {overall_result}") ensure_file_dir(targets[abi]) command = [] command += gcc command += object_files command.append("-shared") command.append("-Wl,-soname=" + soname) command.append("-o") command.append(targets[abi]) command += includes command += dependencies print("linking object files...") result = if result == CODE_OK: print("build successful") else: print("linker failed with result code", result) overall_result = result return overall_result return overall_result
#!/usr/bin/env python """ Renders manual_tests output files """ import render import utils if __name__ == '__main__': filenames = utils.get_all_files('manual_tests_output', ['*' + render.INPUT_ARRAY_FORMAT]) filenames.sort() for filename in filenames: try: tags = render.parse_tags(filename) # Pick the first component only if render.Y_TAG in tags or render.Z_TAG in tags: continue # Pick the first frame only if render.is_animation(tags) and '0000' not in tags: continue if render.POINT2_TAG in tags: render.render_point2(filename) elif render.POINT3_TAG in tags: render.render_point3(filename) elif render.LINE2_TAG in tags: render.render_line2(filename) elif render.LINE3_TAG in tags: render.render_line3(filename) elif render.GRID2_TAG in tags:
continue tweets = pd.DataFrame(tweets_data) return tweets def result(total_pos, total_neu, total_neg): each_live_result = dict(num_pos=total_pos, num_neu=total_neu, num_neg=total_neg) return each_live_result if __name__ == '__main__': tweets_data_path = 'tweets_stream/' out = {} files = get_all_files(Config.data_path + tweets_data_path, extension='json') for file in files: tweets = load_live_tweets(file) cleaned_tweets = preprocess(tweets) total_pos, total_neu, total_neg = vader_sentiment(cleaned_tweets) time_stamp = cleaned_tweets.iat[ 1, 0] # get the time stamp of each live stream file each_live_result = result(total_pos, total_neu, total_neg) out.update({time_stamp: each_live_result}) save_to_disk(data=out, path=Config.reports_path, filename='live_sentiment_summary.json')
chrome_path_mac = 'open -a /Applications/Google\ %s' chrome_path_windows = 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe %s' if platform.system() == 'Darwin': web_browser_path = chrome_path_mac elif platform.system() == 'Windows': web_browser_path = chrome_path_windows #Running of Main Code Body with Warning Suppression with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore') safe_mkdir(output_dir) safe_mkdir(output_dir_cluster) #JPEG Colour Converter print('WITHOUT CLUSTERING: Converting image files to ASCII HTML files now.') for file_name in get_all_files(input_dir, file_ext='.jpg'): img_obj = JPEGColourConverter(img_path=file_name, output_dir=output_dir, line_height=line_height, font_size=font_size, h_stretch=h_stretch, symbol=symbol, max_size=max_size, web_browser=web_browser_path, background_colour=background_colour) img_obj.convert_save_open(open=False, loading_name=img_obj.save_file_name) print('Conversion completed.') #JPEG Cluster Colour Converter print('WITH CLUSTERING: Converting image files to ASCII HTML files now.') for num_cluster in num_clusters: for file_name in get_all_files(input_dir, file_ext='.jpg'): img_obj = JPEGClusterColourConverter(img_path=file_name, output_dir=output_dir_cluster, line_height=line_height, font_size=font_size, h_stretch=h_stretch, symbol=symbol, max_size=max_size, web_browser=web_browser_path, background_colour=background_colour, num_clusters=num_cluster) img_obj.convert_save_open(open=False, loading_name=img_obj.save_file_name) print('Conversion completed.')
maindir = sys.argv[1] output = sys.argv[2] # sanity checks if not os.path.isdir(maindir): print 'ERROR: directory',maindir,'does not exists.' sys.exit(0) if os.path.isfile(output): print 'ERROR: file',output,'exists, delete or provide a new filename.' sys.exit(0) # start time t1 = time.time() # get all h5 files allh5 = utils.get_all_files(maindir,ext='.h5') print 'found',len(allh5),'H5 files.' # create summary file HDF5.create_aggregate_file(output,expectedrows=len(allh5), summaryfile=True) print 'Summary file created, we start filling it.' # fill it h5 = HDF5.open_h5_file_append(output) HDF5.fill_hdf5_aggregate_file(h5,allh5,summaryfile=True) h5.close() # done! stimelength = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=time.time()-t1)) print 'Summarized',len(allh5),'files in:',stimelength
# GET DIR/FILE if not os.path.exists(sys.argv[1]): print 'file or dir:', sys.argv[1], 'does not exist.' sys.exit(0) if os.path.isfile(sys.argv[1]): if os.path.splitext(sys.argv[1])[1] != '.h5': print 'we expect a .h5 extension for file:', sys.argv[1] sys.exit(0) allh5files = [os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1])] elif not os.path.isdir(sys.argv[1]): print sys.argv[ 1], "is neither a file nor a directory? confused... a link? c'est klug?" sys.exit(0) else: allh5files = utils.get_all_files(sys.argv[1], ext='.h5') if len(allh5files) == 0: print 'no .h5 file found, sorry, check directory you gave us:', sys.argv[ 1] # final sanity checks for f in allh5files: assert os.path.splitext( f )[1] == '.h5', 'file with wrong extension? should have been caught earlier... file=' + f nFiles = len(allh5files) if nFiles > 1000: print 'you are creating', nFiles, 'new matlab files, hope you have the space and time!' # let's go! cnt = 0
for i in chunked: if type(i) == Tree: current_chunk.append(" ".join([token for token, pos in i.leaves()])) if current_chunk: named_entity = " ".join(current_chunk) if named_entity not in continuous_chunk: continuous_chunk.append(named_entity) current_chunk = [] else: continue return continuous_chunk if __name__ == "__main__": tweets_data_path = 'tweets_by_country/' all_files = get_all_files(Config.base_path + tweets_data_path, extension='csv') out = {} for country in Config.country_prefix: df = pd.DataFrame() news_files = list(filter(lambda x: country in x, all_files)) for file in news_files: data = pd.read_csv(file, names=Config.colnames, usecols=Config.usecols_list) data.dropna(axis=0, how='any', inplace=True) df = df.append(data, ignore_index=True) text_df = filter_df(Config.keywords, df) text_list = df_to_str(text_df) text_str = '. '.join(text_list) namedEntities = get_continuous_chunks(text_str) out[country.replace('_', '')] = namedEntities save_to_disk(data=out, path=Config.base_path + 'report_named_entities/',
") && " "cd {0} && " "git add -A && " "git commit --amend -q -m Autogenerated && " "git push -f origin master:gh-pages" .format(doc_dir, branch), "deploy-doc", [doc_rule], phony=True, no_format=True) mk.init_logger() root = "src" srcs = list(utils.get_all_files(root)) pp_rules = list(make_preprocess_rules(srcs)) rules, ppfiles = make_copy_header_rules(srcs, [".h", ".hpp"], prefix="calico/") prepare_rule = mk.alias("prepare", ppfiles) test_rules = list(make_test_rules(srcs, [".c", ".cpp"], root)) build_rule = mk.alias("build", rules + [prepare_rule]) build_bench_rule = mk.alias("build-bench", [x[2] for x in test_rules if x[2] is not None]) build_check_rule = mk.alias("build-check", [x[0] for x in test_rules if x[0] is not None])
maindir = sys.argv[1] output = sys.argv[2] # sanity checks if not os.path.isdir(maindir): print 'ERROR: directory', maindir, 'does not exists.' sys.exit(0) if os.path.isfile(output): print 'ERROR: file', output, 'exists, delete or provide a new filename.' sys.exit(0) # start time t1 = time.time() # get all h5 files allh5 = utils.get_all_files(maindir, ext='.h5') print 'found', len(allh5), 'H5 files.' # create summary file HDF5.create_aggregate_file(output, expectedrows=len(allh5), summaryfile=True) print 'Summary file created, we start filling it.' # fill it h5 = HDF5.open_h5_file_append(output) HDF5.fill_hdf5_aggregate_file(h5, allh5, summaryfile=True) h5.close() # done! stimelength = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=time.time() - t1))
ES_HOST = sys.argv[3] start_time = time.time() logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(message)s', datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p', filename='./Logs/mterms_data_preparation.log', level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger('LiteratureAnalysis')'Started') db_connection = elasticsearch_connection.ElasticsearchConnection( ES_HOST, ES_AUTH_USER, ES_AUTH_PASSWORD) elasticsearch_client = db_connection.get_elasticsearch_client() dir_path = r"D:/ASU_Part_time/LiteratureAnalysis/TermVectorJstorData/" extension = "json" files_to_proceed = utils.get_all_files( dir_path, extension)[::-1][len(utils.get_all_files(dir_path, extension)) - 24302:] for file_number, file in enumerate(files_to_proceed): completed_files = open("./completed_files_list.csv", 'a') noncompleted_files = open("./noncompleted_files_list.csv", 'a') batch_start_time = time.time() try: print("Processing of {} file number {} Started ".format( file.split("\\")[-1], 24302 - file_number - 1)) "Processing of file number {} with filename {} started".format( 24302 - file_number - 1, file)) get_term_vectors(file, elasticsearch_client, 24302 - file_number - 1) print("Processing of file number {} Completed".format(24302 -
def render_line2(filename): if is_animation(parse_tags(filename)): data = [] def get_line_data(filename, frame): filename = filename.replace('0000', '%04d' % frame) data_x = np.load(filename) data_y = np.load(filename.replace(',' + X_TAG, ',' + Y_TAG)) return (data_x, data_y) def update_lines(frame, line): x, y = data[frame] line.set_data(x, y) return line, dirname = os.path.dirname(filename) basename = os.path.basename(filename).replace('0000', '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]') seq = utils.get_all_files(dirname, [basename]) seq.sort() if len(seq) == 0: return data_x, data_y = get_line_data(seq[0], 0) has_bbox = False for frame in range(len(seq)): data_x, data_y = get_line_data(seq[frame], frame) if len(data_x) > 0 and len(data_y) > 0: if has_bbox: xmin = min(xmin, data_x.min()) xmax = max(xmax, data_x.max()) ymin = min(ymin, data_y.min()) ymax = max(ymax, data_y.max()) else: xmin = data_x.min() xmax = data_x.max() ymin = data_y.min() ymax = data_y.max() has_bbox = True data.append((data_x, data_y)) fig, ax = plt.subplots() x, y = get_line_data(filename, 0) if has_bbox: xmid = (xmax + xmin) / 2.0 ymid = (ymax + ymin) / 2.0 new_xmin = xmid - 1.25 * (xmid - xmin) new_xmax = xmid + 1.25 * (xmax - xmid) new_ymin = ymid - 1.25 * (ymid - ymin) new_ymax = ymid + 1.25 * (ymax - ymid) ax.set_xlim(new_xmin, new_xmax) ax.set_ylim(new_ymin, new_ymax) ax.set_aspect('equal') line, = ax.plot(x, y, lw=2, marker='o', markersize=3) anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, update_lines, len(seq), fargs=(line, ), interval=60, blit=False) output_filename = get_output_movie_filename( filename.replace(',' + X_TAG, '')), fps=60, bitrate=5000, writer=video_writer, extra_args=video_extra_args) plt.close(fig) print('Rendered <%s>' % output_filename) else: output_filename = get_output_bitmap_filename( filename.replace(',' + X_TAG, '')) render_still_line2(filename, filename.replace(',' + X_TAG, ',' + Y_TAG), output_filename)
import os import utils from tag import Tag from doc_loader import get_data if __name__ == '__main__': from sys import argv, stderr if len(argv) < 2: print("Usage: {} input_dir output_dir".format(argv[0]), file=stderr) exit(1) # Load all python files in the directory (and subdirectories) output = argv[2] if not os.path.isdir(output): os.mkdir(output) files = utils.get_all_files(argv[1], '.py') Tag.load_tags('tags.yaml', True) # Convert all python files into AST objects classes = [] functions = [] for file in files: _ast = utils.load_ast(file) classes.extend(utils.get_classes(_ast)) functions.extend(utils.get_functions(_ast)) # Create the readme, then create all subsequent data = get_data(classes, functions, output) readme_template = utils.load_template("../templates/", True) md = readme_template.render(data)
_y = [] for xyz in xyz_file: _x.append(float(xyz.split()[0])) _y.append(float(xyz.split()[1])) line.set_data(_x, _y) xyz_file.close() return line, # Simulation Path path = sys.argv[1] output_name = sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv) > 2 else 'result.mp4' files = utils.get_all_files(path, "*.xyz") size_files = len(files) # Set up formatting for the movie files Writer = animation.writers['ffmpeg'] writer = Writer(fps=25, bitrate=1800) fig1 = plt.figure() data = [] l, = plt.plot([], [], 'ro') plt.xlim(0, 1) plt.ylim(0, 1) plt.xlabel('x') plt.title('Simulation Result')