def index(self, request, extra_context={}): """ This index view implementation adds Google Analytics integration so that you can view important metrics right from the administrator interface. """ dashboard = self.dashboard_class(self._app_labels, #if admin google analytics is enabled if ls.ADMIN_GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_FLOW: #get the analytics user credentials storage = Storage(ls.ADMIN_GOOGLE_ANALYTICS['token_file_name']) credential = storage.get() if credential is None or credential.invalid == True: extra_context['ga_data'] = { 'error' : 'authentication' } else: #get the data from utils import get_analytics_data http = httplib2.Http() extra_context['ga_data'] = get_analytics_data(credential.authorize(http)) context = { 'title': _('Site administration'), 'app_list': dashboard.get_app_list(request, self._registry), 'dashboard': dashboard } context.update(extra_context or {}) return TemplateResponse(request, self.get_index_template() or 'admin/index.html', context,
def index(self, request, extra_context={}): """ This index view implementation adds Google Analytics integration so that you can view important metrics right from the administrator interface. """ dashboard = self.dashboard_class(self._app_labels, #if admin google analytics is enabled if ls.ADMIN_GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_FLOW: #get the analytics user credentials storage = Storage(ls.ADMIN_GOOGLE_ANALYTICS['token_file_name']) credential = storage.get() if credential is None or credential.invalid == True: extra_context['ga_data'] = { 'error' : 'authentication' } else: #get the data from utils import get_analytics_data http = httplib2.Http() extra_context['ga_data'] = get_analytics_data(credential.authorize(http)) context = { 'title': _('Site administration'), 'app_list': dashboard.get_app_list(request, self._registry), 'dashboard': dashboard } context.update(extra_context or {}) return TemplateResponse(request, self.index_template or 'admin/index.html', context,
def index(self, request, extra_context={}): """ This index view implementation adds Google Analytics integration so that you can view important metrics right from the administrator interface. """ #if admin google analytics is enabled if ls.ADMIN_GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_FLOW: #get the analytics user credentials storage = Storage(ls.ADMIN_GOOGLE_ANALYTICS['token_file_name']) credential = storage.get() if credential is None or credential.invalid == True: extra_context['ga_data'] = { 'error' : 'authentication' } else: #get the data from utils import get_analytics_data http = httplib2.Http() extra_context['ga_data'] = get_analytics_data(credential.authorize(http)) return super(YawdAdminSite, self).index(request, extra_context)