Esempio n. 1
def delete_rscref_rset(c_obj, rsc_id):
    Drop all reference to rsc_id.
    c_modified = False
    l = []
    for rref in c_obj.node.xpath("resource_set/resource_ref"):
        if rsc_id == rref.get("id"):
            c_obj.updated = True
            c_modified = True
    l = []
    cnt = 0
    nonseq_rset = False
    for rset in c_obj.node.findall("resource_set"):
        rref_cnt = len(rset.findall("resource_ref"))
        if rref_cnt == 0:
            c_obj.updated = True
            c_modified = True
        elif not get_boolean(rset.get("sequential"), True) and rref_cnt > 1:
            nonseq_rset = True
        cnt += rref_cnt
    if not nonseq_rset and cnt == 2:
    return c_modified
Esempio n. 2
def delete_rscref_rset(c_obj, rsc_id):
    Drop all reference to rsc_id.
    c_modified = False
    l = []
    for rref in c_obj.node.xpath("resource_set/resource_ref"):
        if rsc_id == rref.get("id"):
            c_obj.updated = True
            c_modified = True
    l = []
    cnt = 0
    nonseq_rset = False
    for rset in c_obj.node.findall("resource_set"):
        rref_cnt = len(rset.findall("resource_ref"))
        if rref_cnt == 0:
            c_obj.updated = True
            c_modified = True
        elif not get_boolean(rset.get("sequential"), True) and rref_cnt > 1:
            nonseq_rset = True
        cnt += rref_cnt
    if not nonseq_rset and cnt == 2:
    return c_modified
def set_public_command(instance, player, arguments):
    """ Set the public membership field for an instance.

    instance: The GameInstance database model to change.
    player: The player requesting the change. This player must
      be the current leader of the instance.
    arguments: A single item list containing the desired
      boolean value for the public field of instance.

  A public game can be joined by players without first being
  invited. Changing the value of public does not change the current
  membership of the game.

    The new value of public for the instance.

    ValueError if the requesting player is not the leader of the
    ValueError if the argument is unable to be parsed into a boolean.
    value = utils.get_boolean(arguments[0])
    instance.public = value
    return value
def set_public_command(instance, player, arguments):
    """ Set the public membership field for an instance.

    instance: The GameInstance database model to change.
    player: The player requesting the change. This player must
      be the current leader of the instance.
    arguments: A single item list containing the desired
      boolean value for the public field of instance.

  A public game can be joined by players without first being
  invited. Changing the value of public does not change the current
  membership of the game.

    The new value of public for the instance.

    ValueError if the requesting player is not the leader of the
    ValueError if the argument is unable to be parsed into a boolean.
    value = utils.get_boolean(arguments[0])
    instance.public = value
    return value
Esempio n. 5
 def parseattr(self, p):
     attrs = {"sequential": "sequential", "require-all": "require_all"}
     l = p.split('=')
     if len(l) != 2 or l[0] not in attrs:
         return False
     k, v = l
     if not verify_boolean(v):
         return False
     setattr(self, attrs[k], get_boolean(v))
     return True
Esempio n. 6
 def parseattr(self, p):
     attrs = {"sequential": "sequential",
              "require-all": "require_all"}
     l = p.split('=')
     if len(l) != 2 or l[0] not in attrs:
         return False
     k, v = l
     if not verify_boolean(v):
         return False
     setattr(self, attrs[k], get_boolean(v))
     return True
Esempio n. 7
def test_booleans():
    truthy = ['yes', 'Yes', 'True', 'true', 'TRUE',
              'YES', 'on', 'On', 'ON']
    falsy = ['no', 'false', 'off', 'OFF', 'FALSE', 'nO']
    not_truthy = ['', 'not', 'ONN', 'TRUETH', 'yess']
    for case in chain(truthy, falsy):
        assert utils.verify_boolean(case) is True
    for case in truthy:
        assert utils.is_boolean_true(case) is True
        assert utils.is_boolean_false(case) is False
        assert utils.get_boolean(case) is True
    for case in falsy:
        assert utils.is_boolean_true(case) is False
        assert utils.is_boolean_false(case) is True
        assert utils.get_boolean(case, dflt=True) is False
    for case in not_truthy:
        assert utils.verify_boolean(case) is False
        assert utils.is_boolean_true(case) is False
        assert utils.is_boolean_false(case) is False
        assert utils.get_boolean(case) is False
  def post(self):
    """ Execute new_instance and write the response to the handler.

    Request parameters:
      gid: The game id of the parent Game.
      iid: The proposed instance id of the new instance. The instance
        id of the created instance could differ from this if the
        proposed id is already in use.
      pid: The player id of the requesting player.
      make_public: A boolean indicating whether this instance should
        be able to be seen and joined by anyone.
    logging.debug('/newinstance?%s\n|%s|' %
                  (self.request.query_string, self.request.body))
    gid = self.request.get(GAME_ID_KEY)
    iid = self.request.get(INSTANCE_ID_KEY)
    pid = self.request.get(PLAYER_ID_KEY)
    make_public = False
      make_public = utils.get_boolean(self.request.get(INSTANCE_PUBLIC_KEY))
    except ValueError:
    run_with_response_as_transaction(self, new_instance, gid, iid,
      pid, make_public)
Esempio n. 9
def boolean_maybe(v):
    "returns True/False or None"
    if v is None:
        return None
    return utils.get_boolean(v)
Esempio n. 10
def boolean_maybe(v):
    "returns True/False or None"
    if v is None:
        return None
    return utils.get_boolean(v)