def demotest(sentence): ckpt_file = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(model_path) print(ckpt_file) paths['model_path'] = ckpt_file model = BiLSTM_CRF(args, embeddings, tag2label, word2id, paths, config=config) model.build_graph() saver = tf.train.Saver() with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: print('============= demo =============') saver.restore(sess, ckpt_file) while (1): #print('Please input your sentence:') demo_sent = sentence if demo_sent == '' or demo_sent.isspace(): print('语句为空') PER = [''] LOC = [''] ORG = [''] return (PER, LOC, ORG) else: demo_sent = list(demo_sent.strip()) demo_data = [(demo_sent, ['O'] * len(demo_sent))] tag = model.demo_one(sess, demo_data) PER, LOC, ORG = get_entity(tag, demo_sent) print('PER: {}\nLOC: {}\nORG: {}'.format(PER, LOC, ORG)) return (PER, LOC, ORG)
def evaluate_words(lines): print("start evaluate_words") ckpt_file = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(model_path) print(ckpt_file) paths['model_path'] = ckpt_file model = BiLSTM_CRF(args, embeddings, tag2label, word2id, paths, config=config) model.build_graph() saver = tf.train.Saver() with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: print('============= demo =============') saver.restore(sess, ckpt_file) demo_sent = lines print(demo_sent) demo_sent = list(demo_sent.strip()) print(demo_sent) demo_data = [(demo_sent, ['O'] * len(demo_sent))] tag = model.demo_one(sess, demo_data) PER, LOC, ORG = get_entity(tag, demo_sent) print('PER: {}\nLOC: {}\nORG: {}'.format(PER, LOC, ORG))
def get_org(self, text): demo_sent = text demo_sent = list(demo_sent.strip()) demo_data = [(demo_sent, ['O'] * len(demo_sent))] tag = self.model.demo_one(self.sess, demo_data) per, pos, org = get_entity(tag, demo_sent) return set(org)
def save_result(saver,sess,decoder,ckpt_file): saver.restore(sess, ckpt_file) f = open("./data/case/input.txt","r") sentences = f.readlines() f.close() result=[] for step, sen in enumerate(sentences): sys.stdout.write(' processing: {} sentence / {} sentences.'.format(step + 1, len(sentences)) + '\r') instance={} sen_ = list(sen.strip().strip('\r\n')) char_list = [(sen_, ['O'] * len(sen_))] tag = decoder.demo_one(sess, char_list) PER, LOC, ORG = get_entity(tag, sen_) #print(sen) #print("PER",PER) #print("LOC",LOC) #print("ORG",ORG) instance['sen']=sen instance['PER']=PER instance['LOC']=LOC instance['ORG']=ORG result.append(instance) with open('./data/case/result.json','w',encoding='utf-8')as fw: fw.write(json.dumps(result,ensure_ascii=False)) print("********The result is saved in the ./data/case/result.json*********"+ '\r')
def getRest(input): ckpt_file = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(model_path) print(ckpt_file) paths['model_path'] = ckpt_file model = BiLSTM_CRF(args, embeddings, tag2label, word2id, paths, config=config) model.build_graph() saver = tf.train.Saver() with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: print('============= demo =============') saver.restore(sess, ckpt_file) demo_sent = input if demo_sent == '' or demo_sent.isspace(): return {'status': 'fail'} else: demo_sent = list(demo_sent.strip()) demo_data = [(demo_sent, ['O'] * len(demo_sent))] tag = model.demo_one(sess, demo_data) PER, LOC, ORG = get_entity(tag, demo_sent) result = {'status': 'success', 'PER': PER, 'LOC': LOC, 'ORG': ORG} return result
def handle_POST(self, request, context, scheme, value): entity = context['entity'] = get_entity(scheme, value) if entity.source.module_name != 'molly.providers.apps.maps.osm': raise Http404 form = UpdateOSMForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): new_metadata = copy.deepcopy(entity.metadata['osm']) for k in ('name', 'operator', 'phone', 'opening_hours', 'url', 'cuisine', 'food', 'food__hours', 'atm', 'collection_times', 'ref', 'capacity'): tag_name = k.replace('__', ':') if tag_name in new_metadata and not form.cleaned_data[k]: del new_metadata['osm']['tags'][tag_name] elif form.cleaned_data[k]: new_metadata['tags'][tag_name] = form.cleaned_data[k] new_metadata['attrs']['version'] = str(int(new_metadata['attrs']['version'])+1) osm_update = OSMUpdate( contributor_name = form.cleaned_data['contributor_name'], contributor_email = form.cleaned_data['contributor_email'], contributor_attribute = form.cleaned_data['contributor_attribute'], entity = entity, old = simplejson.dumps(entity.metadata), new = simplejson.dumps(new_metadata), notes = form.cleaned_data['notes'], ) return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('places:entity_update', args=[scheme, value])+'?submitted=true') else: context['form'] = form return self.render(request, context, 'places/update_osm')
def get_metadata(self, request, scheme, value): entity = get_entity(scheme, value) user_location = request.session.get("geolocation:location") distance, bearing = entity.get_distance_and_bearing_from(user_location) additional = "<strong>%s</strong>" % capfirst(entity.primary_type.verbose_name) if distance: additional += ", approximately %.3fkm %s" % (distance / 1000, bearing) return {"title": entity.title, "additional": additional}
def initial_context(self, request, scheme, value): context = super(EntityDetailView, self).initial_context(request) entity = get_entity(scheme, value) context.update({ 'entity': entity, 'entity_types': entity.all_types.all(), }) return context
def deploy_model(d): vocab = read_dictionary(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'data_path/word2id1.pkl')) with tf.Session() as sess: signature_key = 'test_signature' input_key = 'input_x' input_key2 = 'sequence_length' output_key = 'output' output_key2 = 'transition_param' meta_graph_def = tf.saved_model.loader.load( sess, ['test_saved_model'], os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'model/1506177919')) # 从 meta_graph_def 中取出 SignatureDef 对象 signature = meta_graph_def.signature_def # 从 signature 中找到具体输入输出的 tensor name x_tensor_name = signature[signature_key].inputs[input_key].name x_tensor_name2 = signature[signature_key].inputs[input_key2].name y_tensor_name = signature[signature_key].outputs[output_key].name y_tensor_name2 = signature[signature_key].outputs[output_key2].name word_ids = sess.graph.get_tensor_by_name(x_tensor_name) sequence_lengths = sess.graph.get_tensor_by_name(x_tensor_name2) y = sess.graph.get_tensor_by_name(y_tensor_name) y2 = sess.graph.get_tensor_by_name(y_tensor_name2) sent = d['1'] input_sent = list(sent.strip()) input_data = [(input_sent, ['O'] * len(input_sent))] for seqs, labels in batch_yield(input_data, vocab, tag2label): feed_dict, seq_len_list = get_feed_dict(seqs, labels) [logits, transition_params] =[y, y2], feed_dict={ word_ids: seqs, sequence_lengths: seq_len_list }) label_list = [] for logit in logits: viterbi_seq, _ = viterbi_decode(logit[:seq_len_list[0]], transition_params) label_list.append(viterbi_seq) label2tag = {} for tag, label in tag2label.items(): label2tag[label] = tag if label != 0 else label tag = [label2tag[label] for label in label_list[0]] PER, LOC, ORG, OTH = get_entity(tag, input_sent) return ('PER: {}\nLOC: {}\nORG: {}\nOTH: {}'.format( PER, LOC, ORG, OTH))
def predict(self, demo_sent): if demo_sent == '' or demo_sent.isspace(): print('See you next time!') return {} else: demo_sent = list(demo_sent.strip()) demo_data = [(demo_sent, ['O'] * len(demo_sent))] tag = self.model.demo_one(self.sess, demo_data) entities = get_entity(tag, demo_sent) return entities
def do_lstm(sentence): global sess, model per = [] loc = [] org = [] # with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: if sess is not None: print('============= demo =============') if len(sentence) > 10: demo_sent = sentence.replace(u" ", u",").replace(u"《", "").replace( u"》", "").replace(" ", "").replace(",", u",").replace(u"[", "") demo_sent = demo_sent.replace(u"]", u"").replace(u"(", "").replace( u")", "").replace(u"—", "").replace(u"〔", " ").replace(u"〕", " ") demo_sent = demo_sent.replace(u""", u"").replace(u"“", "").replace( u"”", "").replace("...", "").replace(u"⒄", "") _sent = [demo_sent] for _s in _sent: if len(_s) < 10: continue # print("{}".format(_s)) _sent = list(_s.strip()) _data = [(_sent, ['O'] * len(_sent))] # print(_data) tag = model.demo_one(sess, _data) try: PER, LOC, ORG = get_entity(tag, _sent) # print('PER: {}\nLOC: {}\nORG: {}'.format(PER, LOC, ORG)) if len(PER) > 0: for _p in PER: if len(_p) > 1 and _p not in per: print('PER: {}'.format(_p)) per.append(_p) if len(LOC) > 0: for _p in LOC: if len(_p) > 1 and _p not in loc: print('LOC: {}'.format(_p)) loc.append(_p) if len(ORG) > 0: for _p in ORG: if len(_p) > 1 and _p not in org: print('ORG: {}'.format(_p)) org.append(_p) except Exception as e: print(e) return per, loc, org
def get_metadata(self, request, scheme, value): entity = get_entity(scheme, value) user_location = request.session.get('geolocation:location') distance, bearing = entity.get_distance_and_bearing_from(user_location) additional = '<strong>%s</strong>' % capfirst(entity.primary_type.verbose_name) if distance: additional += ', approximately %.3fkm %s' % (distance/1000, bearing) return { 'title': entity.title, 'additional': additional, }
def breadcrumb(self, request, context, scheme, value): if request.session.get("geolocation:location"): parent_view = "nearby-detail" else: parent_view = "category-detail" entity = get_entity(scheme, value) return Breadcrumb( "places", lazy_parent(parent_view, ptypes=entity.primary_type.slug), context["entity"].title, lazy_reverse("entity", args=[scheme, value]), )
def breadcrumb(self, request, context, scheme, value): if request.session.get('geolocation:location'): parent_view = 'nearby-detail' else: parent_view = 'category-detail' entity = get_entity(scheme, value) return Breadcrumb( 'places', lazy_parent(parent_view, ptypes=entity.primary_type.slug), context['entity'].title, lazy_reverse('entity', args=[scheme,value]), )
def page(request, entity_type, entity_id, layout_slug=None): try: entity = get_entity(entity_type, pk=int(entity_id)) except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() raise Http404 try: __layout__ = get_layout(slug=layout_slug, entity_type=entity_type, entity=entity) except: __layout__ = Layout.get() output = locals() context = RequestContext(request) return render_to_response(__layout__.get_template(), output, context)
def handle_POST(self, request, context, scheme, value): entity = context["entity"] = get_entity(scheme, value) if entity.source.module_name != "molly.providers.apps.maps.osm": raise Http404 form = UpdateOSMForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): new_metadata = copy.deepcopy(entity.metadata["osm"]) for k in ( "name", "operator", "phone", "opening_hours", "url", "cuisine", "food", "food__hours", "atm", "collection_times", "ref", "capacity", ): tag_name = k.replace("__", ":") if tag_name in new_metadata and not form.cleaned_data[k]: del new_metadata["osm"]["tags"][tag_name] elif form.cleaned_data[k]: new_metadata["tags"][tag_name] = form.cleaned_data[k] new_metadata["attrs"]["version"] = str(int(new_metadata["attrs"]["version"]) + 1) osm_update = OSMUpdate( contributor_name=form.cleaned_data["contributor_name"], contributor_email=form.cleaned_data["contributor_email"], contributor_attribute=form.cleaned_data["contributor_attribute"], entity=entity, old=simplejson.dumps(entity.metadata), new=simplejson.dumps(new_metadata), notes=form.cleaned_data["notes"], ) return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("places:entity-update", args=[scheme, value]) + "?submitted=true") else: context["form"] = form return self.render(request, context, "places/update_osm")
def demo(model, config, word2id): ckpt_file = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(config.model_dir) session = tf.Session() saver = tf.train.Saver() saver.restore(sess=session, save_path=ckpt_file) # 读取保存的模型 while True: print('Please input your sentence:') demo_sent = input() if demo_sent == '' or demo_sent.isspace(): print('See you next time!') break else: demo_sent = list(demo_sent.strip()) demo_data = [(demo_sent, ['O'] * len(demo_sent))] tag = demo_one(session, model, config, word2id, demo_data) PER, LOC, ORG = get_entity(tag, demo_sent) print('PER: {}\nLOC: {}\nORG: {}'.format(PER, LOC, ORG))
def test101(**kwargs): import argparse from utils import str2bool from data import read_dictionary, tag2label print('test101', kwargs) ## parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='BiLSTM-CRF for Chinese NER task') parser.add_argument('--train_data', type=str, default='data_path', help='train data source') parser.add_argument('--demo_model', type=str, default='1521112368', help='model for test and demo') parser.add_argument('--batch_size', type=int, default=64, help='#sample of each minibatch') args = parser.parse_args([]) ## word2id = read_dictionary(os.path.join('.', args.train_data, 'word2id.pkl')) client = BiLSTM_CRF_Client(args, tag2label, word2id) demo_sent = kwargs.get("demo_sent") demo_sent = list(demo_sent.strip()) print('demo_sent', len(demo_sent)) demo_data = [(demo_sent, ['O'] * len(demo_sent))] ret1 = client.demo_one(kwargs.get("server"), demo_data, verbose=False) print('result-1', ret1) from utils import get_entity PER, LOC, ORG = get_entity(ret1, demo_sent) print('PER: {}\nLOC: {}\nORG: {}'.format(PER, LOC, ORG))
def ner_predict(cases, encrypt=False): result = [] for case_str in cases: pc = prpcrypt(get_config().get("encryptKey", "key")) #process the string or listinfo if encrypt: case_str = pc.decrypt(bytes(case_str, encoding='utf-8')) case_str = re.sub("\|", "", case_str) case_str = re.sub(" ", "", case_str) case_str = re.sub("\n", "", case_str) case_str = re.sub(" ", "", case_str) predict_sent = list(case_str.strip()) demo_data = [(predict_sent, ['O'] * len(predict_sent))] tag = model.demo_one(sess, demo_data) LOC = get_entity(tag, predict_sent) res = { "loc": list(set(LOC)), } result.append(res["loc"]) return result
def entity_favourite(request, type_slug, id): entity = get_entity(type_slug, id) if request.method != 'POST': return HttpResponse('', mimetype='text/plain', status=405) try: value = request.POST['is_favourite'] == 'true' except KeyError: return HttpResponse('', mimetype='text/plain', status=400) make_favourite(request, entity, value) if 'no_redirect' in request.POST: return HttpResponse('', mimetype='text/plain', status=400) if 'return_url' in request.POST: return HttpResponseRedirect(request.POST['return_url']) else: return HttpResponseRedirect(entity.get_absolute_url())
def entity_favourite(request, type_slug, id): entity = get_entity(type_slug, id) if request.method != "POST": return HttpResponse("", mimetype="text/plain", status=405) try: value = request.POST["is_favourite"] == "true" except KeyError: return HttpResponse("", mimetype="text/plain", status=400) make_favourite(request, entity, value) if "no_redirect" in request.POST: return HttpResponse("", mimetype="text/plain", status=400) if "return_url" in request.POST: return HttpResponseRedirect(request.POST["return_url"]) else: return HttpResponseRedirect(entity.get_absolute_url())
def main(test_sent): start_time = time.time() channel = implementations.insecure_channel('', 5075) stub = prediction_service_pb2.beta_create_PredictionService_stub(channel) test_sent = list(test_sent.strip()) test_data = [(test_sent, ['O'] * len(test_sent))] label_list = [] for seqs, labels in batch_yield(test_data, batch_size=64, vocab=word2id, tag2label=tag2label, shuffle=False): label_list_, _ = predict_one_batch(seqs, stub) label_list.extend(label_list_) # label2tag = {} # for tag, label in tag2label.items(): # label2tag[label] = tag if label != 0 else label tag = [label2tag[label] for label in label_list[0]] print 'tag', tag PER, LOC, ORG = get_entity(tag, test_sent) time_used = time.time() - start_time print 'tim_used', time_used return PER, LOC, ORG
def handle_GET(self, request, context, scheme, value, ptype): entity = get_entity(scheme, value) return super(NearbyEntityDetailView, self).handle_GET(request, context, ptype, entity)
def get_metadata(self, request, scheme, value, ptype): entity = get_entity(type_slug, id) return super(NearbyEntityDetailView, self).get_metadata(request, ptype, entity)
def initial_context(self, request, scheme, value, ptype): entity = get_entity(scheme, value) context = super(NearbyEntityDetailView, self).initial_context(request, ptype, entity) context["entity"] = entity return context
print("test data: {}".format(test_size)) model.test(test_data) ## demo elif args.mode == 'demo': ckpt_file = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(model_path) print(ckpt_file) paths['model_path'] = ckpt_file model = BiLSTM_CRF(args, embeddings, tag2label, word2id, paths, config=config) model.build_graph() saver = tf.train.Saver() with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: print('============= demo =============') saver.restore(sess, ckpt_file) while (1): print('Please input your sentence:') demo_sent = input() if demo_sent == '' or demo_sent.isspace(): print('See you next time!') break else: demo_sent = list(demo_sent.strip()) demo_data = [(demo_sent, ['O'] * len(demo_sent))] tag = model.demo_one(sess, demo_data) ENT, HYPER = get_entity(tag, demo_sent) print('ENT: {}\nHYPER: {}'.format(ENT, HYPER))
model.test(test_data) ## demo elif args.mode == 'demo': ckpt_file = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(model_path) print(ckpt_file) paths['model_path'] = ckpt_file model = model.BiLSTM_CRF(args, embeddings, data.tag2label, word2id, paths, config=config) model.build_graph() saver = tf.train.Saver() with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: print('============= demo =============') saver.restore(sess, ckpt_file) while (1): print('Please input your sentence:') demo_sent = input() if demo_sent == '' or demo_sent.isspace(): print('See you next time!') break else: demo_sent = list(demo_sent.strip()) demo_data = [(demo_sent, ['O'] * len(demo_sent))] tag = model.demo_one(sess, demo_data) PER, LOC, ORG = utils.get_entity(tag, demo_sent) print('PER: {}\nLOC: {}\nORG: {}'.format(PER, LOC, ORG))
charge = one_text['charge'] # 犯罪原因 judgementId = one_text['judgementId'] # 判决Id,唯一标示 keywords = one_text['keywords'] # 关键词 court = one_text['court'] # 法院信息 judge_text = one_text['judge_text'] # 判决结果,是一个列表,继续循环 proponents = one_text['proponents'] # 原告 opponents = one_text['opponents'] # 被告 for text in judge_text: # 处理判决结果 text = re.sub("<a.+?</a>", '', text) if text is '': continue print('judge_text: ', text) demo_data = [(text, ['O'] * len(text))] tag = model.demo_one(sess, demo_data) PER, LOC, ORG = get_entity(tag, text) MON = get_MON_entity(text) print('PER: {}\nLOC: {}\nORG: {}\nMON: {}\n'.format( PER, LOC, ORG, MON)) # 将数据写入es es.index(index='zhizhuxia_sichuan', doc_type='ner_type', body={ 'addr': addr, 'charge': charge, 'judgementId': judgementId, 'keywords': keywords, 'court': court, 'judge_text': text, 'PER': PER,
word2id, paths, config=config) model.build_graph() saver = tf.train.Saver() with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: print('============= demo =============') saver.restore(sess, ckpt_file) while (1): print('输入待识别句子:') demo_sent = input() if demo_sent == '' or demo_sent.isspace(): print('See you next time!') break else: # 邱实在实验室买戴尔的显示屏 # ['邱', '实', '在', '实', '验', '室', '买', '戴', '尔', '的', '显', '示', '屏'] demo_sent = list(demo_sent.strip()) # [( # ['邱', '实', '在', '实', '验', '室', '买', '戴', '尔', '的', '显', '示', '屏'], # ['O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O'] # )] demo_data = [(demo_sent, ['O'] * len(demo_sent))] # ['B-PER', 'I-PER', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'B-PER', 'I-PER', 0, 0, 0, 0] tag = model.demo_one(sess, demo_data) # PER, LOC, ORG = get_entity(tag, demo_sent) targets = get_entity(tag, demo_sent) print('属性词: {}'.format(targets)) # 2019.03.07 15:45 start train
def initial_context(self, request, scheme, value): return dict(super(EntityUpdateView, self).initial_context(request), entity=get_entity(scheme, value))
saver = tf.train.Saver() with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: print('============= demo =============') saver.restore(sess, ckpt_file) while (1): print('Please input your sentence:') demo_sent = input() if demo_sent == '' or demo_sent.isspace(): print('See you next time!') break else: demo_sent = list(demo_sent.strip()) demo_data = [(demo_sent, ['O'] * len(demo_sent))] tag = model.demo_one(sess, demo_data) # name 参照 tag2label PER = get_entity(tag, demo_sent, 'PER') SEX = get_entity(tag, demo_sent, 'SEX') TIT = get_entity(tag, demo_sent, 'TIT') REA = get_entity(tag, demo_sent, 'PER') print('PER: {}\nSEX: {}\nTIT: {}\nREA: {}'.format( PER, SEX, TIT, REA)) ## predict elif args.mode == "predict": ckpt_file = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(model_path) print(ckpt_file) paths['model_path'] = ckpt_file model = BiLSTM_CRF(args, embeddings, tag2label, word2id,
ckpt_file = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(model_path) model = BLC(batch_size=args['batch_size'], epoch_num=args['epoch'], hidden_dim=args['hidden_dim'], embeddings=embeddings, dropout_keep=args['dropout'], optimizer=args['optimizer'], lr=args['lr'], clip_grad=args['clip'], tag2label=tag2label, vocab=word2id, shuffle=args['shuffle'], model_path=ckpt_file, summary_path=summary_path, result_path=result_path, update_embedding=args['update_embedding']) model.build_graph() saver = tf.train.Saver() with tf.Session() as sess: saver.restore(sess, ckpt_file) while (1): print('输入待识别的句子: ') sent = input() if sent == '' or sent.isspace(): break else: sent = list(sent.strip()) data = [(sent, ['O'] * len(sent))] tag = model.test(sess, data) ENT = get_entity(tag, sent) print('ENT: {}\n'.format(ENT))
model.build_graph() saver = tf.train.Saver() with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: print('============= demo =============') saver.restore(sess, ckpt_file) while(1): print('Please input your sentence:') demo_sent = input() if demo_sent == '' or demo_sent.isspace(): print('See you next time!') break else: demo_sent = list(demo_sent.strip()) demo_data = [(demo_sent, ['O'] * len(demo_sent))] tag = model.demo_one(sess, demo_data) ENT, EVA, ALL = get_entity(tag, demo_sent) print('ENT: {}\nEVA: {}\nALL: {}\n'.format(ENT, EVA, ALL)) elif args.mode == 'all': ckpt_file = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(model_path) print('ckpt_file:',ckpt_file) paths['model_path'] = ckpt_file model = BiLSTM_CRF(args, embeddings, tag2label, word2id, paths, config=config) model.build_graph() saver = tf.train.Saver() with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: print('============= demo =============') saver.restore(sess, ckpt_file) result = open('result.txt', 'w',encoding='utf8') with open('content.txt', encoding='utf8') as f: count = 0 error_count = 0
print(ckpt_file) paths['model_path'] = ckpt_file model = BiLSTM_CRF(args, embeddings, tag2label, word2id, paths, config=config) model.build_graph() print("test data: {}".format(test_size)) model.test(test_data) ## demo elif args.mode == 'demo': ckpt_file = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(model_path) print(ckpt_file) paths['model_path'] = ckpt_file model = BiLSTM_CRF(args, embeddings, tag2label, word2id, paths, config=config) model.build_graph() saver = tf.train.Saver() with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: print('============= demo =============') saver.restore(sess, ckpt_file) while(1): print('Please input your sentence:') demo_sent = input() if demo_sent == '' or demo_sent.isspace(): print('See you next time!') break else: demo_sent = list(demo_sent.strip()) demo_data = [(demo_sent, ['O'] * len(demo_sent))] tag = model.demo_one(sess, demo_data) PER, LOC, ORG, UNI, JOB = get_entity(tag, demo_sent) print('PER: {}\nLOC: {}\nORG: {}\nUNI: {}\nJOB: {}'.format(PER, LOC, ORG, UNI, JOB))
i = 0 with open('data_path/es_data/es_weibo_data', 'r', encoding='gb18030') as f: for line in f: i += 1 print(i) demo_sent = line.strip() demo_sent = list(demo_sent) #print (demo_sent) demo_data = [(demo_sent, ['Neg_B'] * len(demo_sent))] #print (demo_data) #print (len(demo_sent)) tag = model.demo_one(sess, demo_data) #print (tag) Neg, Pos, Neu = get_entity(tag, demo_sent) flag = 0 posList = [] negList = [] for n in Neg: if Neg_dic.get(n) is None and len(n) > 1: #fo.write(line.strip()+'\t'+'Neg:') flag = 1 Neg_dic[n] = -1 negList.append(n) #fo.write(n +' ') for p in Pos: if Pos_dic.get(p) is None and len(p) > 1: flag = 1 Pos_dic[p] = 1 posList.append(p)
print(ckpt_file) paths['model_path'] = ckpt_file model = BiLSTM_CRF(args, embeddings, tag2label, word2id, paths, config=config) model.build_graph() print("test data: {}".format(test_size)) model.test(test_data) ## demo elif args.mode == 'demo': ckpt_file = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(model_path) print(ckpt_file) paths['model_path'] = ckpt_file model = BiLSTM_CRF(args, embeddings, tag2label, word2id, paths, config=config) model.build_graph() saver = tf.train.Saver() with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: print('============= demo =============') saver.restore(sess, ckpt_file) while(1): print('Please input your sentence:') demo_sent = input() if demo_sent == '' or demo_sent.isspace(): print('See you next time!') break else: demo_sent = list(demo_sent.strip()) demo_data = [(demo_sent, ['O'] * len(demo_sent))] tag = model.demo_one(sess, demo_data) PER, LOC, ORG = get_entity(tag, demo_sent) print('PER: {}\nLOC: {}\nORG: {}'.format(PER, LOC, ORG))
embeddings=embeddings, dropout_keep=args['dropout'], optimizer=args['optimizer'], lr=args['lr'], clip_grad=args['clip'], tag2label=tag2label, vocab=word2id, shuffle=args['shuffle'], model_path=ckpt_file, summary_path=summary_path, result_path=result_path, update_embedding=args['update_embedding']) model.build_graph() saver = tf.train.Saver() with tf.Session() as sess: saver.restore(sess, ckpt_file) while (1): print('输入待识别的句子: ') sent = input() if sent == '' or sent.isspace(): break else: sent = list(sent.strip()) data = [(sent, ['O'] * len(sent))] tag = model.test(sess, data) #ENT = get_entity(tag, sent) PER, LOC, ORG = get_entity(tag, sent) #print('ENT: {}\n'.format(ENT)) print('PER: {}\n'.format(PER)) print('LOC: {}\n'.format(LOC)) print('ORG: {}\n'.format(ORG))
def get_metadata(self, request, scheme, value): entity = get_entity(scheme, value) return super(NearbyEntityListView, self).get_metadata(request, entity)
print('model_path:', model_path) ckpt_file = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(model_path) print(ckpt_file) paths['model_path'] = ckpt_file model = BiLSTM_CRF(FLAGS=FLAGS, embeddings=embeddings, server=None, num_workers=None, word2id=word2id, tag2label=tag2label, paths=paths, train_data_len=None) model.build_graph() saver = tf.train.Saver() with tf.Session() as sess: print('============= demo =============') saver.restore(sess, ckpt_file) while 1: print('Please input your sentence:') demo_sent = input('input:') if demo_sent == '' or demo_sent.isspace(): print('see you next time!') break else: demo_sent = list(demo_sent.strip()) demo_data = [(demo_sent, ['O'] * len(demo_sent))] tag = model.demo_one(sess, demo_data) PER, LOC, ORG, DUTY = get_entity(tag, demo_sent) print('PER: {}\nLOC: {}\nORG: {}\nDUTY: {}'.format( PER, LOC, ORG, DUTY))
def predictor(_): """Triggered by HTTP. """ start_time = time.time() client_datastore = datastore.Client() # Then get by key for this entity query_queue = client_datastore.query(kind='Queue') queue = list(query_queue.fetch()) if len(queue) == 0: print("No frames to process") return print("{} frames to process".format(len(queue))) # test print('Number of duplicates in the queue', count_duplicates(list(map(lambda x: dict(x)['frame'], queue)))) # Above a certain amount of frames in the queue we pick batch instead of online predictions # Or if there is currently a batch being prepared and other input files are waiting # to be written (checking if any queued frame has the key 'batch') if len(queue) >= TRESHOLD or any(map(lambda x: 'batch' in dict(x), queue)): if any_job_running( PROJECT_ID ): # TODO: think about how to plan for later a job launch (after end of this one) print("A job is already running, exiting") return # Instantiates a GCS client storage_client = storage.Client() # Required in case building an input takes multiple predictor execution, # We want to keep the same jobId than previous execution because # jobId is used for the input / output folder (we want all inputs in the same folder) jobIds = list(filter(lambda x: 'batch' in dict(x), queue)) # The model to prepare inputs is either the first of the list # either it's the first element of the list which has 'batch' property (means that a job was being prepared already) model = jobIds[0]['model'] if len(jobIds) > 0 else dict( queue[0])['model'] body = make_batch_job_body(project_name=PROJECT_ID, bucket_name=BUCKET_NAME, model_name=MODEL_NAME, region=REGION, version_name=model, max_worker_count=72) # Filtering the queue to launch a batch job only for the asked model filtered_queue = list( filter(lambda x: model in dict(x)['model'], queue)) if len(jobIds) > 0: body['jobId'] = jobIds[0]['batch'] # Also need to update paths body['predictionInput'][ 'inputPaths'] = 'gs://{}/{}/batches/*'.format( BUCKET_NAME, body['jobId']) body['predictionInput'][ 'outputPath'] = 'gs://{}/{}/batch_results'.format( BUCKET_NAME, body['jobId']) else: # Optimization, so we do it only once # We want to signal that all these frames have to be put into input files # Doing it first right away because it takes some execution time # Actually we just need to tag the last element of the batch filtered_queue[-1]['batch'] = body['jobId'] client_datastore.put(filtered_queue[-1]) # Creating multiple small input files (better scalability) for i, chunk in enumerate(chunks(filtered_queue, BATCH_CHUNK)): print('Chunk n°{}'.format(i + 1)) elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time print('Elapsed time {0:.2f}'.format(elapsed_time)) # Avoid timeout (40s) if elapsed_time > 40: # Resursive until everything into input files get_no_response( 'https://{}-{}'.format( REGION, PROJECT_ID)) print( f'{len(filtered_queue) - (1 + i) * BATCH_CHUNK} frames left to write to input file for model {model}' ) return random_file_id = random_id() for i, q in enumerate(chunk): frame_entity = get_entity(client_datastore, 'Frame', dict(q)['frame']) json_frame = frame_to_input(frame_entity) # Random name, must be different from other input files file_name = "inputs-{}.json".format(random_file_id) file_path = os.path.join("/tmp", file_name) # Open file with "a" = append the file with open(file_path, "a+") as json_file: json_file.write(json.dumps(json_frame) + "\n") client_datastore.delete(q.key) bucket = storage_client.get_bucket(BUCKET_NAME) blob = bucket.blob( os.path.join(body['jobId'], 'batches', file_name)) # Upload the input blob.upload_from_filename(file_path) # Launch the batch prediction job response = batch_predict(PROJECT_ID, body) # Dismiss processed messages from the queue in case the job has been queued only if 'QUEUED' in response: pass return else: import socket # socket.setdefaulttimeout(ONLINE_TIMEOUT) # Iterate through the frames to process for i, q in enumerate(queue): elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time print('Elapsed time {0:.2f}'.format(elapsed_time)) # Avoid timeout (40s) if elapsed_time > 30: # TODO: handle timeout treshold in relation to image size (model takes longer for bigger image) # Resursive until everything processed get_no_response( 'https://{}-{}'.format( REGION, PROJECT_ID)) print('{} frames left to process'.format(len(queue) - i)) return frame_entity = get_entity(client_datastore, 'Frame', dict(q)['frame']) json_frame = frame_to_input(frame_entity) instances = [json_frame] # Query AI Platform with the input result = online_predict(PROJECT_ID, MODEL_NAME, instances, dict(q)['model']) # Put the prediction in Datastore key_prediction = client_datastore.key('Prediction') entity_prediction = datastore.Entity(key=key_prediction) keys_object = list() # For each object detected ... # Assuming there is only one prediction possible even though there is a 's' at predictions ? for i in range(int(result['predictions'][0]['num_detections'])): if result['predictions'][0]['detection_scores'][i] > 0.1: # Create a new dict that will be put in datastore in a clean format object_detected = dict() object_detected['detection_classes'] = int( result['predictions'][0]['detection_classes'][i]) object_detected['detection_boxes'] = result['predictions'][ 0]['detection_boxes'][i] object_detected['detection_scores'] = result[ 'predictions'][0]['detection_scores'][i] # Put the information about the object into a new table row ... key_object = client_datastore.key('Object') entity_object = datastore.Entity(key=key_object) entity_object.update(object_detected) client_datastore.put(entity_object) # Store the id generated for reference in Prediction table keys_object.append( # Put a list of objects detected in prediction row entity_prediction.update({ 'model': dict(q)['model'], 'objects': keys_object }) client_datastore.put(entity_prediction) # Update the predictions properties of the Frame row if 'processing' in frame_entity['predictions']: frame_entity['predictions'] = [] # Reset it # If it doesn't go in the if, it means that it already has predictions from another model frame_entity['predictions'].append( # Push into datastore client_datastore.put(frame_entity) # Dismiss processed messages from the queue # Remove from datastore client_datastore.delete(q.key) return
def initial_context(self, request, scheme, value): return {"entity": get_entity(scheme, value)}
with tf.Session(config=model.config) as sess: model.train(sess=sess, train=train_data, dev=train_data, saver=saver) elif args.mode == 'demo': ckpt_file = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(model_path) print(ckpt_file) log_path['model_path'] = ckpt_file model = BiLSTM_CRF(args, tag2label, vocab, log_path, logger, config=config) model.build_graph() saver = tf.train.Saver() with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: print('Start demo ...') saver.restore(sess, ckpt_file) while True: print('Please input sentence(pause enter or space to exit):') demo_sent = input() if demo_sent == '' or demo_sent.isspace(): print('Error for input format, see you next time!') break else: try: demo_sent = list(demo_sent.strip()) demo_data = [(demo_sent, ['O'] * len(demo_sent))] tag = model.demo_one(sess, demo_data) NOR, VER, ENG, OTH = get_entity(tag, demo_sent) print('NOR: {}, VER: {}, ENG: {}, OTH: {}'.format( NOR, VER, ENG, OTH)) except: print('Please switch to manual service ...')
def trainAll(args): if args.mode == 'train': model = BiLSTM_CRF(args, embeddings, tag2label, word2id, paths, config=config) model.build_graph() ## hyperparameters-tuning, split train/dev # dev_data = train_data[:5000]; dev_size = len(dev_data) # train_data = train_data[5000:]; train_size = len(train_data) # print("train data: {0}\ndev data: {1}".format(train_size, dev_size)) # model.train(train=train_data, dev=dev_data) ## train model on the whole training data print("train data: {}".format(len(train_data))) model.train( train=train_data, dev=test_data ) # use test_data as the dev_data to see overfitting phenomena ## testing model elif args.mode == 'test': ckpt_file = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(model_path) print(ckpt_file) paths['model_path'] = ckpt_file model = BiLSTM_CRF(args, embeddings, tag2label, word2id, paths, config=config) model.build_graph() print("test data: {}".format(test_size)) model.test(test_data) ## demo elif args.mode == 'demo': ckpt_file = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(model_path) print(ckpt_file) paths['model_path'] = ckpt_file model = BiLSTM_CRF(args, embeddings, tag2label, word2id, paths, config=config) model.build_graph() saver = tf.train.Saver() with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: print('============= demo =============') saver.restore(sess, ckpt_file) while (1): print('Please input your sentence:') demo_sent = input() if demo_sent == '' or demo_sent.isspace(): print('See you next time!') break else: demo_sent = list(demo_sent.strip()) demo_data = [(demo_sent, ['O'] * len(demo_sent))] tag = model.demo_one(sess, demo_data) PER, LOC, ORG = get_entity(tag, demo_sent) print('PER: {}\nLOC: {}\nORG: {}'.format(PER, LOC, ORG)) elif args.mode == 'savemodel': ckpt_file = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(model_path) print(ckpt_file) paths['model_path'] = ckpt_file model = BiLSTM_CRF(args, embeddings, tag2label, word2id, paths, config=config) model.build_graph() saver = tf.train.Saver() with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: saver.restore(sess, ckpt_file) demo_sent = tf.placeholder(tf.string, name='input') demo_sent = list(str(demo_sent).strip()) demo_data = [(demo_sent, ['O'] * len(demo_sent))] tag = model.demo_one(sess, demo_data) PER, LOC, ORG = get_entity(tag, demo_sent) result = {'PER': PER, 'LOC': LOC, 'ORG': ORG} print('PER: {}\nLOC: {}\nORG: {}'.format(PER, LOC, ORG)) # #保存SavedModel模型 builder = tf.saved_model.builder.SavedModelBuilder('./savemodels') signature = predict_signature_def(inputs={'input': demo_sent}, outputs={'output': result}) builder.add_meta_graph_and_variables( sess, [tf.saved_model.tag_constants.SERVING], signature_def_map={'predict': signature}) print('savemodel saves')
def handle_GET(self, request, context, scheme, value): entity = get_entity(scheme, value) return super(NearbyEntityListView, self).handle_GET(request, context, entity)
file_name_list = file_name('../data/test2')#读取测试集 output_path = '../data/test_ori' if not os.path.exists(output_path): os.makedirs(output_path) for name in file_name_list: name_dir = '../data/test2/' + name write_dir = '../data/test_ori/rec_' + name#预测完后写入的文件 f = open(name_dir, 'r', encoding = 'utf-8') fw = open(write_dir, 'w', encoding = 'utf-8') while True: line = f.readline() if line == '': break line = list(line.strip()) demo_data = [(line, ['O'] * len(line))] tag = model.demo_one(sess, demo_data) result = get_entity(tag, line) #result = sorted(result1[0].items(), key=lambda x:x[1], reverse = False) entity_list = result #print(entity_list) #j_sort = [] i = 0 for en in entity_list: en_write1 = en['start'] en_write2 = en['end'] en_write3 = en['type'] en_write4 = en['word'] i += 1 fw.write(str(en_write1)+'\t'+str(en_write2)+'\t'+en_write3+'\t'+en_write4+'\n') print(entity_list) fw.close()
## demo elif args.mode == 'demo': ckpt_file = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(model_path) print(ckpt_file) paths['model_path'] = ckpt_file model = BiLSTM_CRF(args, embeddings, tag2label, word2id, paths, config=config) model.build_graph() saver = tf.train.Saver() with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: print('============= demo =============') #使用 saver.restore() 方法,重载模型的参数,继续训练或用于测试数据。 saver.restore(sess, ckpt_file) while (1): print('Please input your sentence:') demo_sent = input() if demo_sent == '' or demo_sent.isspace(): print('See you next time!') break else: demo_sent = list(demo_sent.strip()) demo_data = [(demo_sent, ['O'] * len(demo_sent))] tag = model.demo_one(sess, demo_data) entities = get_entity(tag, demo_sent) print({i: entities[i] for i in entities.keys()}) #print('PER: {}\nLOC: {}\nORG: {}\nTIME: {}\nROLE: {}'.format(PER, LOC, ORG, TIME, ROLE))
model.test(test_data) ## demo elif args.mode == 'demo': ckpt_file = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(model_path) print(ckpt_file) paths['model_path'] = ckpt_file model = BiLSTM_CRF(args, embeddings, tag2label, word2id, paths, config=config) model.build_graph() saver = tf.train.Saver() with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: print('============= demo =============') saver.restore(sess, ckpt_file) while (1): print('Please input your sentence:') demo_sent = input() if demo_sent == '' or demo_sent.isspace(): print('See you next time!') break else: demo_sent = list(demo_sent.strip()) demo_data = [(demo_sent, ['O'] * len(demo_sent))] tag = model.demo_one(sess, demo_data) PER, LOC, ORG = get_entity(tag, demo_sent) print('PER: {}\nLOC: {}\nORG: {}'.format(PER, LOC, ORG))
## demo elif args.mode == 'demo': ckpt_file = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(model_path) print(ckpt_file) paths['model_path'] = ckpt_file model = BiLSTM_CRF(args, embeddings, dictname2id, word2id, paths, config=config) model.build_graph() saver = tf.train.Saver() with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: print('============= demo =============') saver.restore(sess, ckpt_file) while (1): print('Please input your sentence:') demo_sent = input() if demo_sent == '' or demo_sent.isspace(): print('See you next time!') break else: demo_sent = list(demo_sent.strip()) demo_data = [(sentence2id(demo_sent, word2id), [0] * len(demo_sent))] tag = model.demo_one(sess, demo_data) res = get_entity(tag[0], demo_sent, dictname2id) print(res)