def update_defense_point(game, teamname, servicename): team = utils.get_team_byname(game['teams'], teamname) if game['flags'][teamname][servicename]['stole'] is False: try: if service_is_up( team['host']['ipaddress_{}bit'.format( services[servicename]['arch'])], servicename) is True: # Check if service is up db_flag = game['flags'][teamname][servicename]['flag'] catted_flag = utils.get_flag(team['host'], services[servicename]) if safe_str_cmp(catted_flag, db_flag) is True: # Check if flag is integry # Save to database mongodb.ctfgame.update_one( { "_id": current_game['_id'], "teams": { "$elemMatch": { "name": teamname } } }, {"$inc": { "teams.$.points.defense": 1 }}) utils.append_to_history( mongodb, current_game['_id'], "{} , {} DEFENSE +1!".format(teamname.title(), servicename)) else: utils.append_to_history( mongodb, current_game['_id'], "{} , {} FLAG NOT INTEGRITY".format( teamname.title(), servicename)) else: utils.append_to_history( mongodb, current_game['_id'], "{} , {} SERVICE DOWN!".format(teamname.title(), servicename)) except Exception as e: logger.error("Exception raised on: {}".format(e))
# Plot estimation and prediction plt.plot(est_Tt, est_path[:, iD], color='r', lw=3) plt.plot(pred_Tt, opt_pred_path[:, iD], color='r', lw=3) # Plot true states if this uses fake data if true_states is not None: plt.plot(scF.Tt, true_states[:, iD], color='k') iL_idx += 1 else: plt.plot(est_Tt, est_path[:, iD], color='r', lw=3) plt.plot(pred_Tt, opt_pred_path[:, iD], color='r', lw=3) if true_states is not None: plt.plot(scF.Tt, true_states[:, iD], color='k') save_opt_pred_plots(data_flag) # Save all the optimal predictions, measurement and stimuli to txt files stim_to_save = sp.vstack((full_Tt.T, scF.stim[full_range].T)).T meas_to_save = sp.vstack((full_Tt.T, scF.meas_data[full_range].T)).T est_to_save = sp.vstack((est_Tt.T, est_path.T)).T pred_to_save = sp.vstack((pred_Tt.T, opt_pred_path.T)).T params_to_save = sp.vstack((scF.model.param_names, est_params)).T save_opt_pred_data(data_flag, stim_to_save, meas_to_save, est_to_save, pred_to_save, params_to_save) if __name__ == '__main__': data_flag = get_flag() pred_plot(data_flag)
def hasDoneFit(): ready_flag = utils.get_flag() return flask.jsonify(ready_flag)