Esempio n. 1
def get_penalty_counts(game):
    Get penalty counts for specified home or road team, i.e. how many two-,
    five-, ten-, and twenty-minute penalties have been accumulated by its
    game_type = get_game_type_from_season_type(game)

    pen_counts = dict()
    pen_counts['home'] = defaultdict(int)
    pen_counts['road'] = defaultdict(int)

    game_events_src_path = os.path.join(CONFIG['base_data_dir'], 'game_events',
                                        str(game['season']), str(game_type),
                                        "%d.json" % game['game_id'])
    events_data = json.loads(open(game_events_src_path).read())

    for period in events_data:
        for event in events_data[period]:
            if event['type'] == 'penalty':
                duration = int(event['data']['duration'] / 60)
                if event['data']['team'] == 'home':
                    pen_counts['home'][duration] += 1
                    pen_counts['road'][duration] += 1

    return pen_counts
Esempio n. 2
def build_interval_tree(game):
    Builds interval tree containing all goalie shifts and penalties from current game.
    game_type = get_game_type_from_season_type(game)

    game_events_src_path = os.path.join(
        CONFIG['base_data_dir'], 'game_events', str(game['season']), str(game_type), "%d.json" % game['game_id'])
    events_data = json.loads(open(game_events_src_path).read())

    # setting up interval tree
    it = intervaltree.IntervalTree()
    # setting up list to contain all end of period times and all times a goal
    # has been scored
    end_period_times = list()
    goal_times = dict()
    # setting up dictionary for goalie changes
    goalie_changes = {'home': list(), 'road': list()}

    for period in sorted(events_data.keys()):
        # adding end time of current period to all end of period times
        if period in ['1', '2', '3']:
            end_period_times.append(int(period) * 1200)

        for event in events_data[period]:
            # retrieving type of event first
            event_type = event['type']

            # adding time of overtime end to list of period end times
            if period == 'overtime' and (event_type == 'periodEnd' or event_type == 'goal'):

            # adding time of goal to list of times a goal has been scored
            if event_type == 'goal':
                goal_times[event['time']] = event['data']['balance']

            # registering goalie changes
            if event_type == 'goalkeeperChange':
                register_goalie_change(event, game, goalie_changes)

            # adding penalties to interval tree
            if event_type == 'penalty':
                create_penalty_interval(event, game, it)

    # (optionally) adding final outgoing goalie change at end of game
    for home_road in goalie_changes:
        # retrieving team and player id for last registered goalie change in current game
        event_team = goalie_changes[home_road][-1].team
        player_id = goalie_changes[home_road][-1].player_id
        if goalie_changes[home_road][-1].type == 'goalie_in':
            # using the maximum time from all period end times as
            # time of game end
                GoalieChange(max(end_period_times), event_team, home_road, 'goalie_out', player_id))

    # creating actual goalie shifts from registered goalie changes
    create_goalie_shifts(goalie_changes, game, it)

    return it, goal_times
Esempio n. 3
def get_shootout_stats(game, key, opp_key):
    Gets shootout statistics for specified game and teams.
    # loading events data
    game_type = get_game_type_from_season_type(game)
    game_events_src_path = os.path.join(CONFIG['base_data_dir'], 'game_events',
                                        str(game['season']), str(game_type),
                                        "%d.json" % game['game_id'])
    events_data = json.loads(open(game_events_src_path).read())

    team_shootout_stats = dict()

    if 'shootout' in events_data and events_data['shootout']:
        # setting initial values
        for param in [
                'so_rounds', 'so_a', 'so_g', 'so_pctg', 'opp_so_a', 'opp_so_g',
                'opp_so_pctg', 'so_sv_pctg'
            team_shootout_stats[param] = 0

        for attempt in events_data['shootout']:
            if attempt['type'] != 'shootout':
            # dirty way to get indication whether the 'home' or 'road' team was shooting
            so_team = attempt['data']['team'].replace("visitor", "road")
            # re-calculating current shootout round
            team_shootout_stats['so_rounds'] = (attempt['data']['order'] +
                                                1) // 2
            # registering shootout data per team
            if so_team == key:
                team_shootout_stats['so_a'] += 1
                if attempt['data']['scored']:
                    team_shootout_stats['so_g'] += 1
                team_shootout_stats['opp_so_a'] += 1
                if attempt['data']['scored']:
                    team_shootout_stats['opp_so_g'] += 1
        # finally calculating shootout percentages
            if team_shootout_stats['so_a']:
                team_shootout_stats['so_pctg'] = round(
                    team_shootout_stats['so_g'] / team_shootout_stats['so_a'] *
                    100, 2)
            if team_shootout_stats['opp_so_a']:
                team_shootout_stats['opp_so_pctg'] = round(
                    team_shootout_stats['opp_so_g'] /
                    team_shootout_stats['opp_so_a'] * 100, 2)
                team_shootout_stats['so_sv_pctg'] = round(
                    (1 - team_shootout_stats['opp_so_g'] /
                     team_shootout_stats['opp_so_a']) * 100, 2)
    return team_shootout_stats
Esempio n. 4
def get_shootout_stats(goalie_dict, game):
    Retrieves shootout stats for specified game goaltender statistics item.
    game_type = get_game_type_from_season_type(game)
    game_events_src_path = os.path.join(CONFIG['base_data_dir'], 'game_events',
                                        str(game['season']), str(game_type),
                                        "%d.json" % game['game_id'])
    game_events = json.loads(open(game_events_src_path).read())

    if 'shootout' in game_events:
        shootout = game_events['shootout']
        shootout = list()

    # retrieving shootout attempts directed towards current goalie
    per_goalie_shootout_attempts = list(
            lambda d: d['type'] == 'shootout' and d['data']['goalkeeper'][
                'playerId'] == goalie_dict['goalie_id'], shootout))

    # retrieving game-winning goal in shootout
    so_winning_goal = list(filter(lambda d: d['type'] == 'goal', shootout))
    if so_winning_goal:
        so_winning_goal = so_winning_goal.pop(0)

    # setting initial values
    if per_goalie_shootout_attempts:
        goalie_dict['so_games_played'] = 1
        goalie_dict['so_attempts_a'] = 0
        goalie_dict['so_goals_a'] = 0
        # not yet sure how to definetely retrieve winning/losing status here
        # since winning goal data gives no indication about the goalie allowing it
        # goalie_dict['so_w'] = 0
        # goalie_dict['so_l'] = 0
    # cumulating shootout statistics
    for attempt in per_goalie_shootout_attempts:
        goalie_dict['so_attempts_a'] += 1
        if attempt['data']['scored']:
            goalie_dict['so_goals_a'] += 1
    # calculating shootout save percentage
        if 'so_attempts_a' in goalie_dict and goalie_dict['so_attempts_a']:
            goalie_dict['so_sv_pctg'] = round(
                (1 - goalie_dict['so_goals_a'] / goalie_dict['so_attempts_a'])
                * 100, 2)

    return goalie_dict
Esempio n. 5
def check_pp_goals(game, key, opp_key, gsl):
    Checks power play goals retrieved from team stats by looking at power play goals in event data.
    # loading events data
    game_type = get_game_type_from_season_type(game)
    game_events_src_path = os.path.join(CONFIG['base_data_dir'], 'game_events',
                                        str(game['season']), str(game_type),
                                        "%d.json" % game['game_id'])
    events_data = json.loads(open(game_events_src_path).read())

    pp_goals_from_events = {'home': 0, 'visitor': 0}

    for period in events_data:
        for event in events_data[period]:
            if event['type'] != 'goal':
            # fixing penalty shots erroneously identified as power play goals
            if event['data']['balance'] == 'PP0':
                event['data']['balance'] = 'PS'
            if event['data']['balance'].startswith('PP'):
                pp_goals_from_events[event['data']['team']] += 1

    pp_goals_discrepancy = False

    pp_goals_from_events['road'] = pp_goals_from_events['visitor']

    if pp_goals_from_events[key] != gsl['pp_goals']:
        pp_goals_discrepancy = True
        gsl['pp_goals'] = pp_goals_from_events[key]
    if pp_goals_from_events[opp_key] != gsl['opp_pp_goals']:
        pp_goals_discrepancy = True
        gsl['opp_pp_goals'] = pp_goals_from_events[opp_key]

    if pp_goals_discrepancy:
            "\t+ Found and corrected different number of pp goals retrieved from team stats and game event data"

    return gsl
def get_single_game_player_data(game, shots):
    Retrieves statistics for all players participating in specified game.
    game_stat_lines = list()
    game_id = game['game_id']
    home_id = game['home_id']
    road_id = game['road_id']
    game_type = get_game_type_from_season_type(game)

    home_stats_src_path = os.path.join(CONFIG['base_data_dir'],
                                       str(game['season']), str(game_type),
                                       "%d_%d.json" % (game_id, home_id))
    road_stats_src_path = os.path.join(CONFIG['base_data_dir'],
                                       str(game['season']), str(game_type),
                                       "%d_%d.json" % (game_id, road_id))
    game_events_src_path = os.path.join(CONFIG['base_data_dir'], 'game_events',
                                        str(game['season']), str(game_type),
                                        "%d.json" % game['game_id'])
    faceoffs_src_path = os.path.join(CONFIG['base_data_dir'], 'faceoffs',
                                     str(game['season']), str(game_type),
                                     "%d.json" % game['game_id'])

    home_stats = json.loads(open(home_stats_src_path).read())
    road_stats = json.loads(open(road_stats_src_path).read())
    period_events = json.loads(open(game_events_src_path).read())
    if os.path.isfile(faceoffs_src_path):
        faceoffs = json.loads(open(faceoffs_src_path).read())
        faceoffs = list()

    for home_stat_line in home_stats:
        player_game = retrieve_single_player_game_stats(
            home_stat_line, game, 'home')
        if player_game['games_played']:

    for road_stat_line in road_stats:
        player_game = retrieve_single_player_game_stats(
            road_stat_line, game, 'away')
        if player_game['games_played']:

    assistants, scorers_5v5, empty_net_goals = retrieve_assistants_from_event_data(
    penalties = retrieve_penalties_from_event_data(period_events)

    for gsl in game_stat_lines:
        # retrieving on-ice statistics
        gsl = retrieve_on_ice_stats(gsl, shots)
        # retrieving actual shots
        per_player_game_shots = list(
            filter(lambda d: d['player_id'] == gsl['player_id'], shots))
        # retrieving shots hitting posts or crossbars (available since 2020)
        shots_post_crossbar = list(
            filter(lambda d: 'hit_post' in d and d['hit_post'],
        gsl['hit_post'] = len(shots_post_crossbar)
        shots_5v5 = list(
            filter(lambda d: d['plr_situation'] == '5v5',
        gsl['shots_5v5'] = len(shots_5v5)
        shots_missed_5v5 = list(
            filter(lambda d: d['target_type'] == 'missed', shots_5v5))
        gsl['shots_missed_5v5'] = len(shots_missed_5v5)
        shots_on_goal_5v5 = list(
            filter(lambda d: d['target_type'] == 'on_goal', shots_5v5))
        gsl['shots_on_goal_5v5'] = len(shots_on_goal_5v5)
        goals_5v5 = list(
            filter(lambda d: d['scored'] is True, shots_on_goal_5v5))
        gsl['goals_5v5'] = len(goals_5v5)

        # retrieving different types of goals
        # using the score diff parameter calculated for each registered shot
        go_ahead_goals = list(
            filter(lambda d: d['scored'] and d['score_diff'] == 0,
        gsl['go_ahead_g'] = len(go_ahead_goals)
        tying_goals = list(
            filter(lambda d: d['scored'] and d['score_diff'] == -1,
        gsl['tying_g'] = len(tying_goals)
        # clutch goals are goals scored in the last ten minutes of a game or overtime whilst the score difference
        # was one or zero
        clutch_goals = list(
                lambda d: d['scored'] and abs(d['score_diff']) <= 1 and d[
                    'time'] >= 3000, per_player_game_shots))
        gsl['clutch_g'] = len(clutch_goals)
        # garbage goals are goals when the score difference is four or higher
        blowout_goals = list(
            filter(lambda d: d['scored'] and abs(d['score_diff']) >= 4,
        gsl['blowout_g'] = len(blowout_goals)
        # goals scored whilst the team was losing
        whilst_losing_goals = list(
            filter(lambda d: d['scored'] and d['score_diff'] < 0,
        gsl['w_losing_g'] = len(whilst_losing_goals)
        # goals scored whilst the team was winning
        whilst_winning_goals = list(
            filter(lambda d: d['scored'] and d['score_diff'] > 0,
        gsl['w_winning_g'] = len(whilst_winning_goals)

        gsl['goals_5v5_from_events'] = scorers_5v5.get(gsl['player_id'], 0)
        gsl['empty_net_goals'] = empty_net_goals.get(gsl['player_id'], 0)
        if gsl['player_id'] in assistants:
            single_assist_dict = assistants[gsl['player_id']]
            gsl['primary_assists'] = single_assist_dict.get('A1', 0)
            gsl['secondary_assists'] = single_assist_dict.get('A2', 0)
            gsl['pp_assists'] = single_assist_dict.get('PPA', 0)
            gsl['pp_primary_assists'] = single_assist_dict.get('PPA1', 0)
            gsl['pp_secondary_assists'] = single_assist_dict.get('PPA2', 0)
            gsl['pp_points'] += gsl['pp_assists']
            gsl['sh_assists'] = single_assist_dict.get('SHA', 0)
            gsl['sh_points'] += gsl['sh_assists']
            gsl['assists_5v5'] = single_assist_dict.get('5v5A', 0)
            gsl['primary_assists_5v5'] = single_assist_dict.get('5v5A1', 0)
            gsl['secondary_assists_5v5'] = single_assist_dict.get('5v5A2', 0)
        # calculating primary points
        gsl['primary_points'] = gsl['goals'] + gsl['primary_assists']
        gsl['points_5v5'] = gsl['goals_5v5_from_events'] + gsl['assists_5v5']
        gsl['primary_points_5v5'] = (gsl['goals_5v5_from_events'] +
        # adding penalty information to player's game stat line
        if gsl['player_id'] in penalties:
            single_penalty_dict = penalties[gsl['player_id']]
            gsl['penalties'] = single_penalty_dict.get('penalties', 0)
            gsl['pim_from_events'] = single_penalty_dict.get('pim', 0)
            for l in [2, 5, 10, 20]:
                gsl["_%dmin" % l] = single_penalty_dict['durations'].get(l, 0)
            gsl['penalty_shots'] = single_penalty_dict.get('penalty_shots')
            for category in PENALTY_CATEGORIES:
                gsl[category] = single_penalty_dict['categories'].get(
                    category, 0)
        # adding linemate information to player's game stat line
        defense_linemates, forward_linemates, line = get_linemates(gsl, game)
        gsl['line'] = line
        gsl['defense'] = defense_linemates
        gsl['forwards'] = forward_linemates
        for shot_zone in [
                'slot', 'left', 'right', 'blue_line', 'neutral_zone',
            shots_from_zone = list(
                filter(lambda d: d['shot_zone'] == shot_zone.upper(),
            gsl["%s_shots" % shot_zone] = len(shots_from_zone)
            missed_from_zone = list(
                filter(lambda d: d['target_type'] == 'missed',
            gsl["%s_missed" % shot_zone] = len(missed_from_zone)
            blocked_from_zone = list(
                filter(lambda d: d['target_type'] == 'blocked',
            gsl["%s_blocked" % shot_zone] = len(blocked_from_zone)
            shots_on_goal_from_zone = list(
                filter(lambda d: d['target_type'] == 'on_goal',
            gsl["%s_on_goal" % shot_zone] = len(shots_on_goal_from_zone)
            goals_from_zone = list(
                filter(lambda d: d['scored'], shots_on_goal_from_zone))
            gsl["%s_goals" % shot_zone] = len(goals_from_zone)

        gsl['game_score'] = round(
            0.75 * gsl['goals'] + 0.7 * gsl['primary_assists'] +
            0.55 * gsl['secondary_assists'] + 0.075 * gsl['shots_on_goal'] +
            0.05 * gsl['blocked_shots'] - 0.15 * gsl['penalties'] +
            0.01 * gsl['faceoffs_won'] - 0.01 * gsl['faceoffs_lost'] +
            0.05 * gsl['on_ice_sh_f'] - 0.05 * gsl['on_ice_sh_a'] +
            0.15 * gsl['on_ice_goals_f'] - 0.15 * gsl['on_ice_goals_a'], 2)

        gsl = retrieve_detailed_faceoff_stats(gsl, faceoffs)

        if 'shootout' in period_events and period_events['shootout']:
            gsl = retrieve_shootout_stats(gsl, period_events['shootout'])

        if 'so_gw_goals' not in gsl:
            gsl['so_gw_goals'] = 0

    return game_stat_lines
Esempio n. 7
    # retrieving set of games we already have retrieved player stats for
    registered_games = set([shot['game_id'] for shot in all_shots])

    cnt = 0
    for game in games[:]:
        cnt += 1

        # skipping already processed games
        if game['game_id'] in registered_games:
        print("+ Retrieving shots for game %s " % get_game_info(game))

        # collecting skater situation for each second of the game and a list
        # of times when goals has been scored
        times, goal_times = reconstruct_skater_situation(game)
        game_type = get_game_type_from_season_type(game)

        # retrieving raw shot data
        shots_src_path = os.path.join(CONFIG['base_data_dir'], 'shots',
                                      str(game['season']), str(game_type),
                                      "%d.json" % game['game_id'])
        if not os.path.isfile(shots_src_path):
            print("+ Skipping game since shot data is unavailable")

        shifts_src_path = os.path.join(CONFIG['base_data_dir'], 'shifts',
                                       str(game['season']), str(game_type),
                                       "%d.json" % game['game_id'])

        events_src_path = os.path.join(CONFIG['base_data_dir'], 'game_events',
                                       str(game['season']), str(game_type),
Esempio n. 8
def get_single_game_team_data(game, grouped_shot_data, pp_sit_data):
    Retrieves statistics for both teams participating in specified game.
    game_stat_lines = list()
    game_id = game['game_id']
    home_id = game['home_id']
    road_id = game['road_id']
    game_type = get_game_type_from_season_type(game)

    home_stats_src_path = os.path.join(CONFIG['base_data_dir'],
                                       'game_team_stats', str(game['season']),
                                       "%d_%d.json" % (game_id, home_id))
    road_stats_src_path = os.path.join(CONFIG['base_data_dir'],
                                       'game_team_stats', str(game['season']),
                                       "%d_%d.json" % (game_id, road_id))

    # loading raw team game stats (if available)
    raw_stats = dict()
    if os.path.isfile(home_stats_src_path):
        raw_stats['home'] = json.loads(open(home_stats_src_path).read())
        raw_stats['home'] = dict()
    if os.path.isfile(road_stats_src_path):
        raw_stats['road'] = json.loads(open(road_stats_src_path).read())
        raw_stats['road'] = dict()

    # counting penalties per team
    penalty_counts = get_penalty_counts(game)

    for key in ['home', 'road']:
        opp_key = 'road' if key == 'home' else 'home'
        game_stat_line = dict()
        # basic game information
        game_stat_line['game_date'] = game['date']
        game_stat_line['weekday'] = game['weekday']
        game_stat_line['season'] = game['season']
        game_stat_line['season_type'] = game['season_type']
        game_stat_line['round'] = game['round']
        game_stat_line['game_id'] = game_id
        game_stat_line['team_id'] = game["%s_id" % key]
        game_stat_line['team'] = game["%s_abbr" % key]
        game_stat_line['opp_team_id'] = game["%s_id" % opp_key]
        game_stat_line['opp_team'] = game["%s_abbr" % opp_key]
        # identifying team's and opposing team's division (if
        # applicable for current season and season type)
        if (game['season'], game['season_type']) in divisions:
            current_divisions = divisions[game['season'], game['season_type']]
            game_stat_line['division'] = current_divisions[
            game_stat_line['opp_division'] = current_divisions[
        # TODO: reactivate when schedule game id is available again
        # game_stat_line['schedule_game_id'] = game['schedule_game_id']
        game_stat_line['arena'] = correct_name(game['arena'])
        game_stat_line['attendance'] = game['attendance']
        if game_stat_line['arena'] in capacities:
            game_stat_line['capacity'] = capacities[game_stat_line['arena']]
            print("\t+ Unable to retrieve capacity " +
                  "for '%s'" % game_stat_line['arena'])
            game_stat_line['capacity'] = 0
        # coaches and referees
        if "%s_coach" % key in game:
            game_stat_line['coach'] = correct_name(game["%s_coach" % key],
            if game_stat_line['coach'] not in coaches:
                print("+ Unknown coach '%s'" % game_stat_line['coach'])
            print("\t+ No coach information found for %s in game %d" %
                  (game_stat_line['team'], game_id))
            game_stat_line['coach'] = correct_name(
                "%d_%s" % (game_id, game_stat_line['team']))
            print("\t+ Adjusted to '%s'" % game_stat_line['coach'])
        if "%s_coach" % opp_key in game:
            game_stat_line['opp_coach'] = correct_name(
                game["%s_coach" % opp_key], game['date'])
            if game_stat_line['opp_coach'] not in coaches:
                print("+ Unknown coach '%s'" % game_stat_line['opp_coach'])
            print("\t+ No opposition coach information found " +
                  "for %s in game %d" % (game_stat_line['opp_team'], game_id))
            game_stat_line['opp_coach'] = correct_name(
                "%d_%s" % (game_id, game_stat_line['opp_team']))
            print("\t+ Adjusted to '%s'" % game_stat_line['opp_coach'])
        game_stat_line['ref_1'] = correct_name(game['referee_1'])
        game_stat_line['ref_2'] = correct_name(game['referee_2'])
        game_stat_line['lma_1'] = correct_name(game['linesman_1'])
        game_stat_line['lma_2'] = correct_name(game['linesman_2'])
        # outcomes
        game_stat_line['games_played'] = 1
        game_stat_line['home_road'] = key
        game_stat_line['score'] = game["%s_score" % key]
        game_stat_line['goals'] = game["%s_score" % key]
        game_stat_line['opp_score'] = game["%s_score" % opp_key]
        game_stat_line['opp_goals'] = game["%s_score" % opp_key]
        # optionally correcting game scores
        if game_id in game_score_corrections:
            for team_abbr in game_score_corrections[game_id]:
                if game_stat_line['team'] == team_abbr:
                    game_stat_line['score'] = game_score_corrections[game_id][
                if game_stat_line['opp_team'] == team_abbr:
                    game_stat_line['opp_score'] = game_score_corrections[
        if game['shootout_game']:
            game_stat_line['game_type'] = 'SO'
        elif game['overtime_game']:
            game_stat_line['game_type'] = 'OT'
            game_stat_line['game_type'] = ''
        for gsl_key in ['w', 'rw', 'ow', 'sw', 'l', 'rl', 'ol', 'sl']:
            game_stat_line[gsl_key] = 0
        if game_stat_line['score'] > game_stat_line['opp_score']:
            game_stat_line['w'] += 1
            if game['shootout_game']:
                game_stat_line['sw'] += 1
                game_stat_line['goals'] -= 1
            elif game['overtime_game']:
                game_stat_line['ow'] += 1
                game_stat_line['rw'] += 1
            game_stat_line['l'] += 1
            if game['shootout_game']:
                game_stat_line['sl'] += 1
                game_stat_line['opp_goals'] -= 1
            elif game['overtime_game']:
                game_stat_line['ol'] += 1
                game_stat_line['rl'] += 1
        game_stat_line['points'] = (game_stat_line['rw'] * 3 +
                                    game_stat_line['ow'] * 2 +
                                    game_stat_line['sw'] * 2 +
                                    game_stat_line['sl'] * 1 +
                                    game_stat_line['ol'] * 1)
        # per-period goals
        for period in [1, 2, 3]:
            game_stat_line["goals_%d" % period] = game["%s_goals_%d" %
                                                       (key, period)]
            game_stat_line["opp_goals_%d" % period] = game["%s_goals_%d" %
                                                           (opp_key, period)]
        # empty-net and extra-attacker goals
        game_stat_line['en_goals'] = game["%s_en_goals" % key]
        game_stat_line['ea_goals'] = game["%s_ea_goals" % key]
        game_stat_line['opp_en_goals'] = game["%s_en_goals" % opp_key]
        game_stat_line['opp_ea_goals'] = game["%s_ea_goals" % opp_key]
        # situation after 20 and 40 minutes respectively
        for situation in [
                'tied20', 'lead20', 'trail20', 'tied40', 'lead40', 'trail40'
            game_stat_line[situation] = False
        if game_stat_line['goals_1'] == game_stat_line['opp_goals_1']:
            game_stat_line['tied20'] = True
        elif game_stat_line['goals_1'] > game_stat_line['opp_goals_1']:
            game_stat_line['lead20'] = True
            game_stat_line['trail20'] = True
        goals40 = game_stat_line['goals_1'] + game_stat_line['goals_2']
        opp_goals40 = (game_stat_line['opp_goals_1'] +
        if goals40 == opp_goals40:
            game_stat_line['tied40'] = True
        elif goals40 > opp_goals40:
            game_stat_line['lead40'] = True
            game_stat_line['trail40'] = True
        # scored first?
        if game['first_goal'] == game_stat_line['team']:
            game_stat_line['scored_first'] = True
            game_stat_line['trailed_first'] = False
        elif game['first_goal'] == game_stat_line['opp_team']:
            game_stat_line['scored_first'] = False
            game_stat_line['trailed_first'] = True
        # one-goal, two-goal, three-goal, four-goal-game?
        for goal_game in ['one_goal', 'two_goal', 'three_goal', 'four_goal']:
            game_stat_line[goal_game] = False
        score_diff = abs(
            (game_stat_line['score'] - game_stat_line['en_goals']) -
            (game_stat_line['opp_score'] - game_stat_line['opp_en_goals']))
        # in case the right amount of empty-net goals have been scored, we
        # may end up with a score differential of zero, see game between STR
        # and ING on Mar 3, 2019
        if not score_diff:
            game_stat_line['zero_goal'] = True
        if score_diff == 1:
            game_stat_line['one_goal'] = True
        elif score_diff == 2:
            game_stat_line['two_goal'] = True
        elif score_diff == 3:
            game_stat_line['three_goal'] = True
        elif score_diff > 3:
            game_stat_line['four_goal'] = True

        # retrieving score state time spans for current team
        game_stat_line['time_played'] = game['time_played']
        game_stat_line['tied'] = game['tied']
        game_stat_line['tied_pctg'] = round(
            game['tied'] / game['time_played'] * 100, 2)
        if key == 'home':
            game_stat_line['leading'] = game['home_leading']
            game_stat_line['trailing'] = game['road_leading']
            game_stat_line['leading'] = game['road_leading']
            game_stat_line['trailing'] = game['home_leading']
        game_stat_line['leading_pctg'] = round(
            game_stat_line['leading'] / game['time_played'] * 100, 2)
        game_stat_line['trailing_pctg'] = round(
            game_stat_line['trailing'] / game['time_played'] * 100, 2)

        # retrieving raw stats for team and opposing team
        for category, raw_category in RAW_STATS_MAPPING:
            game_stat_line[category] = raw_stats[key].get(raw_category, None)
            game_stat_line["opp_%s" % category] = raw_stats[opp_key].get(
                raw_category, None)

        # checking number of power play goals retrieved from team stats with those registered in event data
        game_stat_line = check_pp_goals(game, key, opp_key, game_stat_line)

        # calculating shooting percentages
        if game_stat_line['shots_on_goal']:
            game_stat_line['shot_pctg'] = round(
                game_stat_line['goals'] / game_stat_line['shots_on_goal'] *
                100., 2)
            game_stat_line['shot_pctg'] = None
        if game_stat_line['opp_shots_on_goal']:
            game_stat_line['opp_shot_pctg'] = round(
                game_stat_line['opp_goals'] /
                game_stat_line['opp_shots_on_goal'] * 100., 2)
            game_stat_line['opp_shot_pctg'] = None
        # calculating save percentages
        if game_stat_line['opp_shots_on_goal']:
            game_stat_line['save_pctg'] = round(
                100 - game_stat_line['opp_goals'] /
                game_stat_line['opp_shots_on_goal'] * 100., 2)
            game_stat_line['save_pctg'] = None
        if game_stat_line['shots_on_goal']:
            game_stat_line['opp_save_pctg'] = round(
                100 - game_stat_line['goals'] /
                game_stat_line['shots_on_goal'] * 100., 2)
            game_stat_line['opp_save_pctg'] = None
        # calculating pdo values
        if (game_stat_line['shot_pctg'] is not None
                and game_stat_line['save_pctg'] is not None):
            game_stat_line['pdo'] = round(
                (game_stat_line['shot_pctg'] + game_stat_line['save_pctg']), 1)
            game_stat_line['opp_pdo'] = round(
                (game_stat_line['opp_shot_pctg'] +
                 game_stat_line['opp_save_pctg']), 1)
        # calculating power play percentages
        if game_stat_line['pp_opps']:
            game_stat_line['pp_pctg'] = round(
                (game_stat_line['pp_goals'] / game_stat_line['pp_opps']) *
                100., 1)
            game_stat_line['pp_pctg'] = 0
        if game_stat_line['opp_pp_opps']:
            game_stat_line['opp_pp_pctg'] = round(
                (game_stat_line['opp_pp_goals'] /
                 game_stat_line['opp_pp_opps']) * 100., 1)
            game_stat_line['opp_pp_pctg'] = 0
        # calculating penalty killing percentages
        if game_stat_line['sh_opps']:
            game_stat_line['pk_pctg'] = round(
                100 - game_stat_line['opp_pp_goals'] /
                game_stat_line['sh_opps'] * 100., 1)
            game_stat_line['pk_pctg'] = 0
        if game_stat_line['opp_sh_opps']:
            game_stat_line['opp_pk_pctg'] = round(
                100 - game_stat_line['pp_goals'] /
                game_stat_line['opp_sh_opps'] * 100., 1)
            game_stat_line['opp_pk_pctg'] = 0
        game_stat_line['ev_goals'] = (game_stat_line['goals'] -
                                      game_stat_line['pp_goals'] -
        game_stat_line['opp_ev_goals'] = (game_stat_line['opp_goals'] -
                                          game_stat_line['opp_pp_goals'] -
        # faceoffs are treated separately since each of the team game stats
        # datasets only contains the number of won faceoffs and sometimes this
        # one is stored as a string (wtf?)
        game_stat_line['faceoffs_won'] = int(raw_stats[key].get(
            'faceOffsWon', 0))
        game_stat_line['faceoffs_lost'] = int(raw_stats[opp_key].get(
            'faceOffsWon', 0))
        # calculating overall number of faceoffs and faceoff percentage
        game_stat_line['faceoffs'] = (game_stat_line['faceoffs_won'] +
        if game_stat_line['faceoffs']:
            game_stat_line['faceoff_pctg'] = round(
                game_stat_line['faceoffs_won'] / game_stat_line['faceoffs'] *
                100., 1)
            game_stat_line['faceoff_pctg'] = 0.
        # best players
        game_stat_line['best_plr_id'] = game.get("%s_best_player_id" % key,
        game_stat_line['best_plr'] = game.get("%s_best_player" % key, None)
        game_stat_line['opp_best_plr_id'] = game.get(
            "%s_best_player_id" % opp_key, None)
        game_stat_line['opp_best_plr'] = game.get("%s_best_player" % opp_key,
        # game-winning-goal
        game_stat_line['gw_goal_team'] = game['gw_goal']
        game_stat_line['gw_goal_player_id'] = game['gw_goal_player_id']
        game_stat_line['gw_goal_first_name'] = game['gw_goal_first_name']
        game_stat_line['gw_goal_last_name'] = game['gw_goal_last_name']

        shot_zones_to_retain = ['slot', 'left', 'right', 'blue_line']
        shot_situations_to_retain = [
            'shots_ev', 'shots_5v5', 'shots_pp', 'shots_sh', 'shots_unblocked',
            'shots_unblocked_ev', 'shots_unblocked_5v5', 'shots_unblocked_pp',
            'shots_unblocked_sh', 'shots_on_goal_ev', 'shots_on_goal_5v5',
            'shots_on_goal_pp', 'shots_on_goal_sh', 'goals_5v5', 'hit_post'

        # retrieving shot data for current game and team
        shot_data = grouped_shot_data.get((game_id, game_stat_line['team']),
        for item in shot_data:
            if item.startswith(tuple(shot_zones_to_retain)):
                abbr_item = item
                for zone_key, replacement in SHOT_ZONE_ABBREVIATIONS.items():
                    abbr_item = abbr_item.replace(zone_key, replacement)
                game_stat_line[abbr_item] = shot_data[item]
            elif item in shot_situations_to_retain:
                game_stat_line[item] = shot_data[item]

        # retrieving shots against data for current game and team
        shot_against_data = grouped_shot_data.get(
            (game_id, game_stat_line['opp_team']), list())
        for item in shot_against_data:
            if item.startswith(tuple(shot_zones_to_retain)):
                abbr_item = item
                for zone_key, replacement in SHOT_ZONE_ABBREVIATIONS.items():
                    abbr_item = abbr_item.replace(zone_key, replacement)
                game_stat_line["%s_a" % abbr_item] = shot_against_data[item]
            elif item in shot_situations_to_retain:
                game_stat_line["opp_%s" % item] = shot_against_data[item]

            game_stat_line['ev_cf_pctg'] = round(
                game_stat_line['shots_ev'] /
                (game_stat_line['shots_ev'] + game_stat_line['opp_shots_ev']) *
                100, 2)
        except KeyError:
            print("\t+Unable to calculate even strength shots for percentage")
            game_stat_line['ev_cf_pctg'] = None

        for penalty_duration in [2, 5, 10, 20]:
            if penalty_counts[key] and penalty_duration in penalty_counts[key]:
                game_stat_line["penalty_%d" % penalty_duration] = (
                game_stat_line["penalty_%d" % penalty_duration] = 0

        game_stat_line['pp_5v4'] = pp_sit_data[key]['pp_sits']['5v4']
        game_stat_line['pp_5v3'] = pp_sit_data[key]['pp_sits']['5v3']
        game_stat_line['pp_4v3'] = pp_sit_data[key]['pp_sits']['4v3']
        game_stat_line['ppg_5v4'] = pp_sit_data[key]['pp_goals']['5v4']
        game_stat_line['ppg_5v3'] = pp_sit_data[key]['pp_goals']['5v3']
        game_stat_line['ppg_4v3'] = pp_sit_data[key]['pp_goals']['4v3']
        game_stat_line['opp_pp_5v4'] = pp_sit_data[opp_key]['pp_sits']['5v4']
        game_stat_line['opp_pp_5v3'] = pp_sit_data[opp_key]['pp_sits']['5v3']
        game_stat_line['opp_pp_4v3'] = pp_sit_data[opp_key]['pp_sits']['4v3']
        game_stat_line['opp_ppg_5v4'] = pp_sit_data[opp_key]['pp_goals']['5v4']
        game_stat_line['opp_ppg_5v3'] = pp_sit_data[opp_key]['pp_goals']['5v3']
        game_stat_line['opp_ppg_4v3'] = pp_sit_data[opp_key]['pp_goals']['4v3']

        # opp_diff = game_stat_line['pp_opps'] - (
        #     game_stat_line['pp_5v4'] +
        #     game_stat_line['pp_5v3'] +
        #     game_stat_line['pp_4v3']
        # )
        # if opp_diff:
        #     print("\tpp opp discrepancy of %d for %s" % (opp_diff, key))

        # registering shootout stats (if applicable)
        shootout_stats = get_shootout_stats(game, key, opp_key)
        if shootout_stats:
            game_stat_line = {**game_stat_line, **shootout_stats}


    return game_stat_lines