def start_auth(request):
    begin the oAuth protocol with the server
    expects either a record_id or carenet_id parameter,
    now that we are carenet-aware

    # do we have a record_id?
    record_id = request.GET.get('record_id', None)
    carenet_id = request.GET.get('carenet_id', None)

    if _loggedIn(request, record_id, carenet_id):
        sessionkey = _sessionkey(record_id=record_id, carenet_id=carenet_id)
        url = "%s/demographics" % sessionkey
        return HttpResponseRedirect(url)

    # create the client to Indivo
    client = get_indivo_client(request, with_session_token=False)

    # prepare request token parameters
    params = {'oauth_callback': 'oob'}
    if record_id:
        params['indivo_record_id'] = record_id
    if carenet_id:
        params['indivo_carenet_id'] = carenet_id

    # request a request token
    req_token = client.fetch_request_token(params)

    # store the request token in the session for when we return from auth
    request.session['request_token'] = req_token

    # redirect to the UI server
    return HttpResponseRedirect(client.auth_redirect_url)
def after_auth(request):
    after Indivo authorization, exchange the request token for an access token and store it in the web session.
    # get the token and verifier from the URL parameters
    oauth_token, oauth_verifier = request.GET['oauth_token'], request.GET['oauth_verifier']
    # retrieve request token stored in the session
    token_in_session = request.session['request_token']
    # is this the right token?
    if token_in_session['oauth_token'] != oauth_token:
        return HttpResponse("oh oh bad token")
    # get the indivo client and use the request token as the token for the exchange
    client = get_indivo_client(request, with_session_token=False)
    access_token = client.exchange_token(oauth_verifier)
    record_id = carenet_id = None
    if access_token.has_key('xoauth_indivo_record_id'):
        record_id = access_token['xoauth_indivo_record_id']
        carenet_id = access_token['xoauth_indivo_carenet_id']
    # store stuff in the session
    session = dict()
    session['access_token'] = access_token
    session['carenet_id'] = carenet_id
    session['record_id'] = record_id
    sessionkey = _sessionkey(record_id=record_id, carenet_id=carenet_id)
    request.session[sessionkey] = session
    url = "%s/demographics" % sessionkey
    return HttpResponseRedirect(url)
def start_auth(request):
    begin the oAuth protocol with the server
    expects either a record_id or carenet_id parameter,
    now that we are carenet-aware
    # do we have a record_id?
    record_id = request.GET.get('record_id', None)
    carenet_id = request.GET.get('carenet_id', None)

    if _loggedIn(request, record_id, carenet_id):
        sessionkey = _sessionkey(record_id=record_id, carenet_id=carenet_id)
        url = "%s/demographics" % sessionkey
        return HttpResponseRedirect(url)

    # create the client to Indivo
    client = get_indivo_client(request, with_session_token=False)
    # prepare request token parameters
    params = {'oauth_callback':'oob'}
    if record_id:
        params['indivo_record_id'] = record_id
    if carenet_id:
        params['indivo_carenet_id'] = carenet_id
    # request a request token
    req_token = client.fetch_request_token(params)

    # store the request token in the session for when we return from auth
    request.session['request_token'] = req_token
    # redirect to the UI server
    return HttpResponseRedirect(client.auth_redirect_url)
def after_auth(request):
    after Indivo authorization, exchange the request token for an access token and store it in the web session.
    # get the token and verifier from the URL parameters
    oauth_token, oauth_verifier = request.GET['oauth_token'], request.GET['oauth_verifier']
    # retrieve request token stored in the session
    token_in_session = request.session['request_token']
    # is this the right token?
    if token_in_session['oauth_token'] != oauth_token:
        return HttpResponse("oh oh bad token")
    # get the indivo client and use the request token as the token for the exchange
    client = get_indivo_client(request, with_session_token=False)
    access_token = client.exchange_token(oauth_verifier)
    record_id = carenet_id = None
    if access_token.has_key('xoauth_indivo_record_id'):
        record_id = access_token['xoauth_indivo_record_id']
        carenet_id = access_token['xoauth_indivo_carenet_id']
    # store stuff in the session
    session = dict()
    session['access_token'] = access_token
    session['carenet_id'] = carenet_id
    session['record_id'] = record_id
    sessionkey = _sessionkey(record_id=record_id, carenet_id=carenet_id)
    request.session[sessionkey] = session
    url = "%s/demographics" % sessionkey
    return HttpResponseRedirect(url)
Esempio n. 5
    def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
            This is a very limited version of the Manager.get(). It only retrieves
            a single record.
        # only two options supported record_id= or carenet_id=
        record_id = kwargs.get('record_id')
        carenet_id = kwargs.get('carenet_id')
        assert record_id or carenet_id

        request = get_request()

        sessionkey = _sessionkey(record_id, carenet_id)
        session = request.session.get(sessionkey)
        client = get_indivo_client(request,

        # I am using JSON to get the data from the server. I could also use XML.
        # The content of the GET document is totally different from the content of the PUT document.
        # Therefore there is no possibility of streamlineing the PUT and the GET stages.

        if record_id:
            resp, content = client.read_demographics(
                body={"response_format": "application/json"})
            if resp['status'] != '200':
                raise Exception("Error fetching demographics from record: %s" %
            resp, content = client.read_demographics_carenet(
                body={"response_format": "application/json"})
            if resp['status'] != '200':
                raise Exception(
                    "Error fetching demographics from carenet: %s" %

        data = json.loads(content)[0]
        o = self.model()
        o.carenet_id = carenet_id
        o.record_id = record_id
        if record_id:
            o._is_record = True
            o._is_carenet = False
            o._is_record = False
            o._is_carenet = True
        for k, v in data.items():
            if k != '__documentid__':
                setattr(o, k, v)
        return o
Esempio n. 6
    def save(self):
        carenet_id = self.carenet_id
        record_id = self.record_id
        assert record_id != None
        # Problem - XML format required
        d = self.to_xml()
        sessionkey = _sessionkey(record_id, carenet_id)
        request = get_request()
        session = request.session.get(sessionkey)
        client = get_indivo_client(request,

        if record_id:
            resp, content = client.set_demographics(record_id=record_id,
            if resp['status'] != '200':
                    "Error %s updating demographics from record (%s): %s\n%s" %
                    (resp['status'], record_id, content, d.replace(
                        "><", ">\n<")))
                raise Exception(
                    "Error %s updating demographics from record (%s): %s" %
                    (resp['status'], record_id, content))