Esempio n. 1
def main(api_key):
	# Set up gmaps object with API key
	gmaps = googlemaps.Client(key=api_key)

	## Get global variables
	start_string = 'The Anchor, 34 Park St, Southwark, London SE1 9EF'
	end_string = 'Southwark Brewing Company'
	n_places = 2
	radius_factor = 1
	keywords = ['bar','beer']

	## Get location info on start and end points
	start = get_lat_lng(gmaps,start_string)
	end = get_lat_lng(gmaps,end_string)

	print start_string , start
	print end_string , end

	##Find centre and radius
	c_cen = get_centre_lat_long(start,end)
	print "centre coord", c_cen

	# You may prefer to use the text_search API, instead.
	radius = haversine(c_cen['lat'],c_cen['lng'],start['lat'],start['lng'])*1000

	print "radius metres", radius
	##Get nearby places
	nearby = gmaps.places_radar(
		(c_cen['lat'], c_cen['lng']),

	###get info lists
	place_ids = map(lambda x: x['place_id'],nearby['results'])
	place_info = map(lambda x:,place_ids)
	place_names = map(lambda x: x['result']['formatted_address'],place_info)
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self, config):
                - Rearrange the Teams info. (make one function instead of two)
                - Add Delay option to match the TV broadcast
                - Add Playoff data info.
                - Add Powerplay info
                - Make a Shootout layout with check boxes for each attempt
        :param config:

        # Get lat/long and message (for debug) for dimmer and weather
        self.latlng, self.latlng_msg = get_lat_lng(config.location)

        # Test for alerts
        #self.latlng = [32.653,-83.7596]

        # Flag for if pushbutton has triggered
        self.pb_trigger = False

        # For pb state,  reboot or poweroff
        self.pb_state = None

        # Currently displayed board
        self.curr_board = None
        self.prev_board = None

        # Environment Canada manager (to share between the forecast, alerts and current obs)
        self.ecData = None
        # Weather Board Info
        self.wx_updated = False
        self.wx_units = []
        self.wx_current = []
        self.wx_curr_wind = []
        self.wx_curr_precip = []
        # Weather Alert Info
        self.wx_alerts = []
        self.wx_alert_interrupt = False

        #Weather Forecast Info
        self.forecast_updated = False
        self.wx_forecast = []

        # For update checker, True means new update available from github
        self.newUpdate = False
        self.UpdateRepo = "riffnshred/nhl-led-scoreboard"

        #For screensaver
        self.screensaver = False
        self.screensaver_displayed = False
        self.screensaver_livegame = False

        # Flag to determine when to refresh data
        self.needs_refresh = True

        # Flag for network issues
        self.network_issues = False

        # Get the teams info
        self.teams = self.get_teams()

        # Save the parsed config
        self.config = config

        # Initialize the time stamp. The time stamp is found only in the live feed endpoint of a game in the API
        # It shows the last time (UTC) the data was updated. EX 20200114_041103
        self.time_stamp = "00000000_000000"

        # Flag for when the data live feed of a game has updated
        self.new_data = True

        # Get each team's data from the teams info

        # Get the status from the API

        # Get favorite team's id
        self.pref_teams = self.get_pref_teams_id()

        # Parse today's date and see if we should use today or yesterday

        # Set the pointer to the first game in the list of Pref Games
        #self.current_game_index = 0

        # Fetch the games for today

        # Flag to indicate if all preferred games are Final
        self.all_pref_games_final = False

        # Today's date =

        # Get refresh standings

        # Playoff Flag
        self.isPlayoff = False

        # Stanley cup round flag
        self.stanleycup_round = False

        # Fetch the playoff data

        # Stanley cup champions
        self.ScChampions_id = self.check_stanley_cup_champion()
Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(self, config):
                - Rearrange the Teams info. (make one function instead of two)
                - Add Delay option to match the TV broadcast
                - Add Playoff data info.
                - Add Powerplay info
                - Make a Shootout layout with check boxes for each attempt
        :param config:

        # Get lat/long for dimmer and weather
        self.latlng = get_lat_lng(config.location)
        # Test for alerts
        #self.latlng = [49.8955367, -97.1384584]
        # Flag for if pushbutton has triggered
        self.pb_trigger = False

        # For pb state,  reboot or poweroff
        self.pb_state = None

        # Currently displayed board
        self.curr_board = None

        # Weather Board Info
        self.wx_updated = False
        self.wx_units = []
        self.wx_current = []
        self.wx_curr_wind = []
        self.wx_curr_precip = []
        # Weather Alert Info
        self.wx_alerts = []
        self.wx_alert_interrupt = False 

        # For update checker, True means new update available from github
        self.newUpdate = False

        # Flag to determine when to refresh data
        self.needs_refresh = True

        # Flag for network issues
        self.network_issues = False

        # Get the teams info
        self.teams = self.get_teams()

        # Save the parsed config
        self.config = config

        # Initialize the time stamp. The time stamp is found only in the live feed endpoint of a game in the API
        # It shows the last time (UTC) the data was updated. EX 20200114_041103
        self.time_stamp = "00000000_000000"

        # Flag for when the data live feed of a game has updated
        self.new_data = True

        # Get each team's data from the teams info

        # Get favorite team's id
        self.pref_teams = self.get_pref_teams_id()

        # Parse today's date and see if we should use today or yesterday

        # Set the pointer to the first game in the list of Pref Games
        self.current_game_index = 0

        # Fetch the games for today

        # Flag to indicate if all preferred games are Final
        self.all_pref_games_final = False

        # Today's date =

        # Get the status from the API

        # Get refresh standings

        # Get Covid 19 Data
        self.covid19 = covid19_data()
Esempio n. 4
    def __init__(self, config):

        # Get lat/long for dimmer and weather
        self.latlng = get_lat_lng(config.location)
        # Test for alerts
        #self.latlng = [32.653,-83.7596]

        # Flag for if pushbutton has triggered
        self.pb_trigger = False

        # For pb state,  reboot or poweroff
        self.pb_state = None

        # Currently displayed board
        self.curr_board = None

        # Weather Board Info
        self.wx_updated = False
        self.wx_units = []
        self.wx_current = []
        self.wx_curr_wind = []
        self.wx_curr_precip = []
        # Weather Alert Info
        self.wx_alerts = []
        self.wx_alert_interrupt = False

        # For update checker, True means new update available from github
        self.newUpdate = False
        self.UpdateRepo = "riffnshred/nhl-led-scoreboard"

        # Flag to determine when to refresh data
        self.needs_refresh = True

        # Flag for network issues
        self.network_issues = False

        # Get the teams info
        self.teams = self.get_teams()

        # Save the parsed config
        self.config = config

        # Initialize the time stamp. The time stamp is found only in the live feed endpoint of a game in the API
        # It shows the last time (UTC) the data was updated. EX 20200114_041103
        self.time_stamp = "00000000_000000"

        # Flag for when the data live feed of a game has updated
        self.new_data = True

        # Parse today's date and see if we should use today or yesterday

        # Set the pointer to the first game in the list of Pref Games
        self.current_game_index = 0

        # Flag to indicate if all preferred games are Final
        self.all_pref_games_final = False

        # Today's date =

        # Get the status from the API

        # Get Covid 19 Data
        self.covid19 = covid19_data()

        self.cta_trains = traintracker()