def build_closure(g, terminals, debug=False, verbose=False): terminals = list(terminals) # build closure gc = Graph(directed=False) gc.add_vertex(g.num_vertices()) edges_with_weight = set() r2pred = {} for r in terminals: if debug: print('root {}'.format(r)) vis = init_visitor(g, r) pbfs_search(g, source=r, terminals=terminals, visitor=vis) new_edges = set(get_edges(vis.dist, r, terminals)) if debug: print('new edges {}'.format(new_edges)) edges_with_weight |= new_edges r2pred[r] = vis.pred for u, v, c in edges_with_weight: gc.add_edge(u, v) eweight = gc.new_edge_property('int') weights = np.array([c for _, _, c in edges_with_weight]) eweight.set_2d_array(weights) vfilt = gc.new_vertex_property('bool') vfilt.a = False for v in terminals: vfilt[v] = True gc.set_vertex_filter(vfilt) return gc, eweight, r2pred
def is_order_respected(tree, root, obs_nodes, infection_times): tree = GraphView(tree) obs_set = set(obs_nodes) vfilt = tree.new_vertex_property('bool') vfilt.a = True tree.set_vertex_filter(vfilt) leaves = [o for o in obs_nodes if tree.vertex(o).out_degree() == 0] vis = init_visitor(tree, root) pbfs_search(tree, root, terminals=leaves, visitor=vis, count_threshold=-1) for l in leaves: edges = extract_edges_from_pred(tree, root, l, vis.pred) edges = edges[::-1] path = list(edges[0]) + [u for _, u in edges[1:]] useful_nodes_on_path = [v for v in path if v in obs_set] for i in range(len(useful_nodes_on_path)-1): u, v = useful_nodes_on_path[i: i+2] if infection_times[u] > infection_times[v]: return False return True
def build_closure(g, terminals, debug=False, verbose=False): terminals = list(terminals) # build closure gc = Graph(directed=False) for _ in range(g.num_vertices()): gc.add_vertex() edges_with_weight = set() r2pred = {} for r in terminals: if debug: print('root {}'.format(r)) vis = init_visitor(g, r) pbfs_search(g, source=r, terminals=terminals, visitor=vis) new_edges = set(get_edges(vis.dist, r, terminals)) if debug: print('new edges {}'.format(new_edges)) edges_with_weight |= new_edges r2pred[r] = vis.pred for u, v, c in edges_with_weight: gc.add_edge(u, v) eweight = gc.new_edge_property('int') weights = np.array([c for _, _, c in edges_with_weight]) eweight.set_2d_array(weights) vfilt = gc.new_vertex_property('bool') vfilt.a = False for v in terminals: vfilt[v] = True gc.set_vertex_filter(vfilt) return gc, eweight, r2pred
def build_closure(g, cand_source, terminals, infection_times, k=-1, strictly_smaller=True, debug=False, verbose=False): """ build a clojure graph in which cand_source + terminals are all connected to each other. the number of neighbors of each node is determined by k the larger the k, the denser the graph""" r2pred = {} edges = {} terminals = list(terminals) # from cand_source to terminals vis = init_visitor(g, cand_source) cpbfs_search(g, source=cand_source, visitor=vis, terminals=terminals, forbidden_nodes=terminals, count_threshold=k) r2pred[cand_source] = vis.pred for u, v, c in get_edges(vis.dist, cand_source, terminals): edges[(u, v)] = c if debug: print('cand_source: {}'.format(cand_source)) print('#terminals: {}'.format(len(terminals))) print('edges from cand_source: {}'.format(edges)) if verbose: terminals_iter = tqdm(terminals) print('building closure graph') else: terminals_iter = terminals # from terminal to other terminals for root in terminals_iter: if strictly_smaller: late_terminals = [t for t in terminals if infection_times[t] > infection_times[root]] else: # respect what the paper presents late_terminals = [t for t in terminals if infection_times[t] >= infection_times[root]] late_terminals = set(late_terminals) - {cand_source} # no one can connect to cand_source if debug: print('root: {}'.format(root)) print('late_terminals: {}'.format(late_terminals)) vis = init_visitor(g, root) cpbfs_search(g, source=root, visitor=vis, terminals=list(late_terminals), forbidden_nodes=list(set(terminals) - set(late_terminals)), count_threshold=k) r2pred[root] = vis.pred for u, v, c in get_edges(vis.dist, root, late_terminals): if debug: print('edge ({}, {})'.format(u, v)) edges[(u, v)] = c if verbose: print('returning closure graph') gc = Graph(directed=True) for _ in range(g.num_vertices()): gc.add_vertex() for (u, v) in edges: gc.add_edge(u, v) eweight = gc.new_edge_property('int') eweight.set_2d_array(np.array(list(edges.values()))) # for e, c in edges.items(): # eweight[e] = c return gc, eweight, r2pred
def steiner_tree_mst(g, root, infection_times, source, terminals, closure_builder=build_closure, strictly_smaller=True, return_closure=False, k=-1, debug=False, verbose=True): gc, eweight, r2pred = closure_builder(g, root, terminals, infection_times, strictly_smaller=strictly_smaller, k=k, debug=debug, verbose=verbose) # get the minimum spanning arborescence # graph_tool does not provide minimum_spanning_arborescence if verbose: print('getting mst') gx = gt2nx(gc, root, terminals, edge_attrs={'weight': eweight}) try: nx_tree = nx.minimum_spanning_arborescence(gx, 'weight') except nx.exception.NetworkXException: if debug: print('fail to find mst') if return_closure: return None, gc, None else: return None if verbose: print('returning tree') mst_tree = Graph(directed=True) for _ in range(g.num_vertices()): mst_tree.add_vertex() for u, v in nx_tree.edges(): mst_tree.add_edge(u, v) if verbose: print('extract edges from original graph') # extract the edges from the original graph # sort observations by time # and also topological order topological_index = {} for i, e in enumerate(bfs_iterator(mst_tree, source=root)): topological_index[int(] = i sorted_obs = sorted( set(terminals) - {root}, key=lambda o: (infection_times[o], topological_index[o])) tree_nodes = {root} tree_edges = set() # print('root', root) for u in sorted_obs: if u in tree_nodes: if debug: print('{} covered already'.format(u)) continue # print(u) v, u = map(int, next(mst_tree.vertex(u).in_edges())) # v is ancestor tree_nodes.add(v) late_nodes = [n for n in terminals if infection_times[n] > infection_times[u]] vis = init_visitor(g, u) # from child to any tree node, including v cpbfs_search(g, source=u, terminals=list(tree_nodes), forbidden_nodes=late_nodes, visitor=vis, count_threshold=1) # dist, pred = shortest_distance(g, source=u, pred_map=True) node_set = {v for v, d in vis.dist.items() if d > 0} reachable_tree_nodes = node_set.intersection(tree_nodes) ancestor = min(reachable_tree_nodes, key=vis.dist.__getitem__) edges = extract_edges_from_pred(g, u, ancestor, vis.pred) edges = {(j, i) for i, j in edges} # need to reverse it if debug: print('tree_nodes', tree_nodes) print('connecting {} to {}'.format(v, u)) print('using ancestor {}'.format(ancestor)) print('adding edges {}'.format(edges)) tree_nodes |= {u for e in edges for u in e} tree_edges |= edges t = Graph(directed=True) for _ in range(g.num_vertices()): t.add_vertex() for u, v in tree_edges: t.add_edge(t.vertex(u), t.vertex(v)) tree_nodes = {u for e in tree_edges for u in e} vfilt = t.new_vertex_property('bool') vfilt.a = False for v in tree_nodes: vfilt[t.vertex(v)] = True t.set_vertex_filter(vfilt) if return_closure: return t, gc, mst_tree else: return t
def find_tree_greedy(g, root, infection_times, source, obs_nodes, debug=False, verbose=True): # root = min(obs_nodes, key=infection_times.__getitem__) sorted_obs = list(sorted(obs_nodes, key=infection_times.__getitem__))[1:] tree_nodes = {root} tree_edges = set() for u in sorted_obs: if u in tree_nodes: continue # connect u to the tree vis = init_visitor(g, u) if debug: print('connect {} to tree'.format(u)) print('nodes connectable: {}'.format(tree_nodes)) forbidden_nodes = list(set(obs_nodes) - tree_nodes) cpbfs_search(g, u, visitor=vis, terminals=list(tree_nodes), forbidden_nodes=forbidden_nodes, count_threshold=1) # add edge reachable_nodes = set(filter(lambda k: vis.dist[k] > 0, vis.dist)).intersection(tree_nodes) if debug: print('reachable_nodes: {}'.format(reachable_nodes)) assert len(reachable_nodes) > 0 sorted_ancestors = sorted(reachable_nodes, key=vis.dist.__getitem__) ancestor = sorted_ancestors[0] if debug: print('ancestor: {}'.format(ancestor)) print('dist to reachable: {}'.format(vis.dist[sorted_ancestors])) new_edges = extract_edges_from_pred(g, u, ancestor, vis.pred) new_edges = {(v, u) for u, v in new_edges} # needs to reverse the order if debug: print('new_edges: {}'.format(new_edges)) tree_edges |= set(new_edges) tree_nodes |= {v for e in new_edges for v in e} t = Graph(directed=True) t.add_vertex(g.num_vertices()) vfilt = t.new_vertex_property('bool') vfilt.a = False for v in tree_nodes: vfilt[t.vertex(v)] = True for u, v in tree_edges: t.add_edge(t.vertex(u), t.vertex(v)) t.set_vertex_filter(vfilt) return t
def build_closure_with_order(g, cand_source, terminals, infection_times, k=-1, strictly_smaller=True, return_r2pred=False, debug=False, verbose=False): """ build transitive closure with infection order constraint g: gt.Graph(directed=False) cand_source: int terminals: list of int infection_times: dict int -> float build a clojure graph in which cand_source + terminals are all connected to each other. the number of neighbors of each node is determined by k the larger the k, the denser the graph note that vertex ids are preserved (without re-mapping to consecutive integers) return: gt.Graph(directed=True) """ if return_r2pred: r2pred = {} edges = {} terminals = list(terminals) # from cand_source to terminals vis = init_visitor(g, cand_source) cpbfs_search(g, source=cand_source, visitor=vis, terminals=terminals, forbidden_nodes=terminals, count_threshold=k) if return_r2pred: r2pred[cand_source] = vis.pred for u, v, c in get_edges(vis.dist, cand_source, terminals): edges[(u, v)] = c if debug: print('cand_source: {}'.format(cand_source)) print('#terminals: {}'.format(len(terminals))) print('edges from cand_source: {}'.format(edges)) if verbose: terminals_iter = tqdm(terminals) print('building closure graph') else: terminals_iter = terminals # from terminal to other terminals for root in terminals_iter: if strictly_smaller: late_terminals = [ t for t in terminals if infection_times[t] > infection_times[root] ] else: # respect what the paper presents late_terminals = [ t for t in terminals if infection_times[t] >= infection_times[root] ] late_terminals = set(late_terminals) - { cand_source } # no one can connect to cand_source if debug: print('root: {}'.format(root)) print('late_terminals: {}'.format(late_terminals)) vis = init_visitor(g, root) cpbfs_search( g, source=root, visitor=vis, terminals=list(late_terminals), forbidden_nodes=list(set(terminals) - set(late_terminals)), count_threshold=k) if return_r2pred: r2pred[root] = vis.pred for u, v, c in get_edges(vis.dist, root, late_terminals): if debug: print('edge ({}, {})'.format(u, v)) edges[(u, v)] = c if verbose: print('returning closure graph') gc = Graph(directed=True) gc.add_vertex(g.num_vertices()) vfilt = gc.new_vertex_property('bool') vfilt.a = False for (u, v) in edges: gc.add_edge(u, v) vfilt[u] = vfilt[v] = True eweight = gc.new_edge_property('int') eweight.set_2d_array(np.array(list(edges.values()))) gc.set_vertex_filter(vfilt) rets = (gc, eweight) if return_r2pred: rets += (r2pred, ) return rets
def find_tree_by_closure(g, root, infection_times, terminals, closure_builder=build_closure_with_order, strictly_smaller=True, return_closure=False, k=-1, debug=False, verbose=True): """find the steiner tree by trainsitive closure """ gc, eweight = closure_builder(g, root, terminals, infection_times, strictly_smaller=strictly_smaller, k=k, return_r2pred=False, debug=debug, verbose=verbose) # get the minimum spanning arborescence # graph_tool does not provide minimum_spanning_arborescence if verbose: print('getting mst') tree_edges = find_minimum_branching(gc, [root], weights=eweight) efilt = gc.new_edge_property('bool') efilt.a = False for u, v in tree_edges: efilt[gc.edge(u, v)] = True mst_tree = GraphView(gc, efilt=efilt) if verbose: print('extract edges from original graph') # extract the edges from the original graph # sort observations by time # and also topological order # why doing this: we want to start collecting the edges # for nodes with higher order topological_index = {} for i, e in enumerate(bfs_iterator(mst_tree, source=root)): topological_index[int(] = i try: sorted_obs = sorted(set(terminals) - {root}, key=lambda o: (infection_times[o], topological_index[o])) except KeyError: raise TreeNotFound( "it's likely that the input cannot produce a feasible solution, " + "because the topological sort on terminals does not visit all terminals" ) # next, we start reconstructing the minimum steiner arborescence tree_nodes = {root} tree_edges = set() # print('root', root) for u in sorted_obs: if u in tree_nodes: if debug: print('{} covered already'.format(u)) continue # print(u) v, u = map(int, next(mst_tree.vertex(u).in_edges())) # v is ancestor tree_nodes.add(v) late_nodes = [ n for n in terminals if infection_times[n] > infection_times[u] ] vis = init_visitor(g, u) # from child to any tree node, including v cpbfs_search(g, source=u, terminals=list(tree_nodes), forbidden_nodes=late_nodes, visitor=vis, count_threshold=1) # dist, pred = shortest_distance(g, source=u, pred_map=True) node_set = {v for v, d in vis.dist.items() if d > 0} reachable_tree_nodes = node_set.intersection(tree_nodes) ancestor = min(reachable_tree_nodes, key=vis.dist.__getitem__) edges = extract_edges_from_pred(g, u, ancestor, vis.pred) edges = {(j, i) for i, j in edges} # need to reverse it if debug: print('tree_nodes', tree_nodes) print('connecting {} to {}'.format(v, u)) print('using ancestor {}'.format(ancestor)) print('adding edges {}'.format(edges)) tree_nodes |= {u for e in edges for u in e} tree_edges |= edges t = Graph(directed=True) t.add_vertex(g.num_vertices()) for u, v in tree_edges: t.add_edge(t.vertex(u), t.vertex(v)) tree_nodes = {u for e in tree_edges for u in e} vfilt = t.new_vertex_property('bool') vfilt.a = False for v in tree_nodes: vfilt[t.vertex(v)] = True t.set_vertex_filter(vfilt) if return_closure: return t, gc, mst_tree else: return t
def build_closure(g, cand_source, terminals, infection_times, k=-1, strictly_smaller=True, debug=False, verbose=False): """ build a clojure graph in which cand_source + terminals are all connected to each other. the number of neighbors of each node is determined by k the larger the k, the denser the graph""" r2pred = {} edges = {} terminals = list(terminals) # from cand_source to terminals vis = init_visitor(g, cand_source) cpbfs_search(g, source=cand_source, visitor=vis, terminals=terminals, forbidden_nodes=terminals, count_threshold=k) r2pred[cand_source] = vis.pred for u, v, c in get_edges(vis.dist, cand_source, terminals): edges[(u, v)] = c if debug: print('cand_source: {}'.format(cand_source)) print('#terminals: {}'.format(len(terminals))) print('edges from cand_source: {}'.format(edges)) if verbose: terminals_iter = tqdm(terminals) print('building closure graph') else: terminals_iter = terminals # from terminal to other terminals for root in terminals_iter: if strictly_smaller: late_terminals = [ t for t in terminals if infection_times[t] > infection_times[root] ] else: # respect what the paper presents late_terminals = [ t for t in terminals if infection_times[t] >= infection_times[root] ] late_terminals = set(late_terminals) - { cand_source } # no one can connect to cand_source if debug: print('root: {}'.format(root)) print('late_terminals: {}'.format(late_terminals)) vis = init_visitor(g, root) cpbfs_search( g, source=root, visitor=vis, terminals=list(late_terminals), forbidden_nodes=list(set(terminals) - set(late_terminals)), count_threshold=k) r2pred[root] = vis.pred for u, v, c in get_edges(vis.dist, root, late_terminals): if debug: print('edge ({}, {})'.format(u, v)) edges[(u, v)] = c if verbose: print('returning closure graph') gc = Graph(directed=True) for _ in range(g.num_vertices()): gc.add_vertex() for (u, v) in edges: gc.add_edge(u, v) eweight = gc.new_edge_property('int') eweight.set_2d_array(np.array(list(edges.values()))) # for e, c in edges.items(): # eweight[e] = c return gc, eweight, r2pred
def steiner_tree_mst(g, root, infection_times, source, terminals, closure_builder=build_closure, strictly_smaller=True, return_closure=False, k=-1, debug=False, verbose=True): gc, eweight, r2pred = closure_builder(g, root, terminals, infection_times, strictly_smaller=strictly_smaller, k=k, debug=debug, verbose=verbose) # get the minimum spanning arborescence # graph_tool does not provide minimum_spanning_arborescence if verbose: print('getting mst') gx = gt2nx(gc, root, terminals, edge_attrs={'weight': eweight}) try: nx_tree = nx.minimum_spanning_arborescence(gx, 'weight') except nx.exception.NetworkXException: if debug: print('fail to find mst') if return_closure: return None, gc, None else: return None if verbose: print('returning tree') mst_tree = Graph(directed=True) for _ in range(g.num_vertices()): mst_tree.add_vertex() for u, v in nx_tree.edges(): mst_tree.add_edge(u, v) if verbose: print('extract edges from original graph') # extract the edges from the original graph # sort observations by time # and also topological order topological_index = {} for i, e in enumerate(bfs_iterator(mst_tree, source=root)): topological_index[int(] = i sorted_obs = sorted(set(terminals) - {root}, key=lambda o: (infection_times[o], topological_index[o])) tree_nodes = {root} tree_edges = set() # print('root', root) for u in sorted_obs: if u in tree_nodes: if debug: print('{} covered already'.format(u)) continue # print(u) v, u = map(int, next(mst_tree.vertex(u).in_edges())) # v is ancestor tree_nodes.add(v) late_nodes = [ n for n in terminals if infection_times[n] > infection_times[u] ] vis = init_visitor(g, u) # from child to any tree node, including v cpbfs_search(g, source=u, terminals=list(tree_nodes), forbidden_nodes=late_nodes, visitor=vis, count_threshold=1) # dist, pred = shortest_distance(g, source=u, pred_map=True) node_set = {v for v, d in vis.dist.items() if d > 0} reachable_tree_nodes = node_set.intersection(tree_nodes) ancestor = min(reachable_tree_nodes, key=vis.dist.__getitem__) edges = extract_edges_from_pred(g, u, ancestor, vis.pred) edges = {(j, i) for i, j in edges} # need to reverse it if debug: print('tree_nodes', tree_nodes) print('connecting {} to {}'.format(v, u)) print('using ancestor {}'.format(ancestor)) print('adding edges {}'.format(edges)) tree_nodes |= {u for e in edges for u in e} tree_edges |= edges t = Graph(directed=True) for _ in range(g.num_vertices()): t.add_vertex() for u, v in tree_edges: t.add_edge(t.vertex(u), t.vertex(v)) tree_nodes = {u for e in tree_edges for u in e} vfilt = t.new_vertex_property('bool') vfilt.a = False for v in tree_nodes: vfilt[t.vertex(v)] = True t.set_vertex_filter(vfilt) if return_closure: return t, gc, mst_tree else: return t