Esempio n. 1
    def calculate_capacity(self):
            in_data = json_request()
            resource = in_data["Resource"]
            if not isinstance(resource, dict):
                raise Exception("Resource field is not an object!")

            if "Allocation" in in_data:
                allocation = in_data["Allocation"]
                if not isinstance(allocation, list):
                    raise Exception("Allocation field is not an array!")
                allocation = {}

            if "Release" in in_data:
                release = in_data["Release"]
                if not isinstance(release, list):
                    raise Exception("Release field is not an array!")
                release = {}

            return json_reply(
                self._calculate_capacity(resource, allocation, release))

        except Exception as e:
            return json_error(e)
 def calculate_capacity(self):
        in_data = json_request()
        resource = in_data["Resource"]
        if not isinstance(resource, dict):
           raise Exception("Resource field is not an object!")
        if "Allocation" in in_data:
           allocation = in_data["Allocation"]
           if not isinstance(allocation,list):
              raise Exception("Allocation field is not an array!")
           allocation = {}
        if "Release" in in_data:
           release = in_data["Release"]
           if not isinstance(release, list):
              raise Exception("Release field is not an array!")              
           release = {} 
        return json_reply(self._calculate_capacity(resource, allocation, release))
     except Exception as e:           
        return json_error(e)   
    def create_reservation(self):
            in_data = json_request()
            alloc_req = in_data["Allocation"]

            if not isinstance(alloc_req, list):
                raise Exception("Allocation field is not an array!")

            if "Constraints" in in_data:
                constraints = in_data["Constraints"]
                if not isinstance(constraints, list):
                    raise Exception("Constraints field is not an array!")
                constraints = []

            if "Monitor" in in_data:
                monitor = in_data["Monitor"]
                if not isinstance(monitor, dict):
                    raise Exception("Monitor field is not an object!")
                monitor = {}

            if "Scheduler" in in_data:
                scheduler = in_data["Scheduler"]
                scheduler = ""

            return json_reply(
                self._create_reservation(scheduler, alloc_req, constraints,
        except Exception as e:
            return json_error(e)
Esempio n. 4
def get_colore_regione(query):
    data = json_request("")
    for color in data:
        for regione in data[color]:
            if regione.lower() == query.lower():
                return f"Zona {color}"
    return "Zona sconosciuta"
Esempio n. 5
def get_categories():
    url = ""
    data = json_request(url)
    if not data:
        return None
    response = ""
    for category in data["trivia_categories"]:
        response += "{}: {}; ".format(category["id"], category["name"])
    return response
Esempio n. 6
    def get_user_access(self,uri="/v2.0/tokens"):

        url = self.endpoint_url+uri
        req_body = {"auth": {"tenantName": self.project_name, "passwordCredentials": {"username": self.username, "password": self.password}}}
        req_headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json','User-Agent': 'python-%s'%(self.user_agent,)}
        result = json_request(url,'POST',req_body , req_headers)
        if not result.has_key("access"):
            raise Exception("get token error")
        return result["access"]
Esempio n. 7
 def elaborate_query(self, query):
     q = {'key': CLEVERBOT_KEY, 'input': query}
     if self.cleverbot_state:
         q['cs'] = self.cleverbot_state
     url = '' + urlencode(q)
     data = json_request(url)
     if data:
         self.cleverbot_state = data["cs"]
         return data["output"]
Esempio n. 8
def get_italy_province(query):
    data = json_request('')
    if not data:
        return None

    for provincia in data:
        if provincia["denominazione_provincia"].lower() == query:
            totale_casi = format(provincia["totale_casi"])
            info = 'Totale Casi: {}'.format(totale_casi)
            return info
Esempio n. 9
def get_global_status():
    data = json_request('')
    if not data:
        return None

    confirmed = format(data["Global"]["TotalConfirmed"])
    deaths = format(data["Global"]["TotalDeaths"])
    new_cases = format(data["Global"]["NewConfirmed"], sign=True)
    new_deaths = format(data["Global"]["NewDeaths"], sign=True)

    info = 'Total Cases: {} ({}) - Total Deaths: {} ({})'.format(confirmed, new_cases, deaths, new_deaths)
    return info
Esempio n. 10
def request_questions(num_questions, difficulty=None, category=None):
    q = {'amount': num_questions}
    if category:
        q['category'] = category
    if difficulty:
        q['difficulty'] = difficulty
    url = "" + urlencode(q)
    data = json_request(url)
    if not data:
        return None
    if data["response_code"] == 0:
        return data["results"]
Esempio n. 11
def _conn_keystone(ip,username="******",password = "******",port = "5000"):
    curl -i '' -X POST -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "User-Agent: python-novaclient" -d '{"auth": {"tenantName": "admin", "passwordCredentials": {"username": "******", "password": "******"}}}'
    return token id
    url =  "http://"+ip+":"+port+"/v2.0/tokens"
    data = {"auth": {"tenantName": "admin", "passwordCredentials": {"username": username, "password": password}}}
    headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json','User-Agent': 'python-novaclient', 'Accept':"application/json"}
    result = json_request(url,'POST',data , headers)
    if not result.has_key("access"):
        raise Exception("get token error")
    return result["access"]
Esempio n. 12
def search_image(query):
    q = {'num': 1, 'searchType':'image', 'q': query, 'key': YOUTUBE_KEY, 'cx': SEARCH_ENGINE}
    url = ""+urlencode(q)
    data = json_request(url)
    if not data:
        return None
    items = data["items"]
    if len(items) > 0:
        item = items[0]
        url = item['link']
        title = item['title']
        return f'\x0303[image]\x03 {title} → {url}'

    return "I haven't found anything"
Esempio n. 13
def get_country_status(query):
    data = json_request('')
    if not data:
        return None

    for country in data["Countries"]:
        if country["Country"].lower() == query or country["Slug"] == query or country["CountryCode"].lower() == query:
            confirmed = format(country["TotalConfirmed"])
            new_cases = format(country["NewConfirmed"], sign=True)
            deaths = format(country["TotalDeaths"])
            new_deaths = format(country["NewDeaths"], sign=True)

            info = 'Total Cases: {} ({}) - Total Deaths: {} ({})'.format(confirmed, new_cases, deaths, new_deaths)
            return info
Esempio n. 14
def get_youtube_description(query):
    parsed_url = urlparse(query)
    url_queries = parse_qs(parsed_url.query)

    if "v" in url_queries:
        video_id = url_queries["v"][0]
        url = '{}&key={}'.format(video_id, YOUTUBE_KEY)
        data = json_request(url)
        if not data:
            return None
        items = data["items"]
        if len(items) > 0:
            info = get_youtube_videoinfo(items[0])
            return "\x0303[youtube]\x03 {}".format(info)
    def release_reservation(self):
            in_data = json_request()
            reservations = in_data["ReservationID"]

            if not isinstance(reservations, list):
                raise Exception("ReservationID field is not an array!")

            if len(reservations) == 0:
                raise Exception("ReservationID field cannot be empty!")

            return json_reply(self._release_reservation(reservations))
        except Exception as e:
            return json_error(e)
Esempio n. 16
def get_latest_news(query = None):

    if query:
        url = '{}&sortBy=relevancy&apiKey={}'.format(query, NEWSAPI_KEY)
        url = '{}'.format(NEWSAPI_KEY)
    data = json_request(url)
    if not data:
        return None
    if data["status"] == "ok" and data["totalResults"] > 0:
        article = data["articles"][0]
        description = article["description"].replace('\n', ' ')
        info = '{} - {}'.format(article["url"], description)
        return info
        return "I haven't found anything"
Esempio n. 17
 def get_all_projects(self,uri="/tenants",token=None):
     user_access_str = self.get_user_access()
     keystone_endpoint_public_url = self.get_service_accss_url_by_name(user_access_str,"keystone")
     url = keystone_endpoint_public_url + uri
     req_body = {}
     req_headers =  {'User-Agent': 'python-%s'%(self.user_agent,)}
     if None == token:
         req_token = user_access_str["token"]["id"]
         req_token = token
     req_headers["X-Auth-Token"] = req_token
     result = json_request(url,'GET',req_body , req_headers)
     if type(result) == type(True):
         if result == False:
             raise Exception("response error .")
     if not result.has_key("tenants"):
         raise Exception("get project error")
     return result["tenants"]
Esempio n. 18
def search_youtube_video(query, music=False):

    q = {'part':'snippet', 'maxResults': 1, 'type':'video', 'q': query, 'key': YOUTUBE_KEY}
    if music:
        q['videoCategoryId'] = 10
    url = ""+urlencode(q)
    data = json_request(url)
    if not data:
        return None
    items = data["items"]
    if len(items) > 0:
        item = items[0]
        video_id = item["id"]["videoId"]
        url = "{}".format(video_id)
        info = get_youtube_videoinfo(item)
        return "\x0303[youtube]\x03 {} {}".format(url, info)

    return "I haven't found anything"
    def register_manager(self):
           in_data = json_request()
           if 'Address' in in_data:               
              addr = in_data['Address']
              addr = request.remote_addr
           # when testing (no requests), addr is None. We assume localhost   
           if addr is None:
              addr = ""
           port = in_data['Port']
           name = in_data['Name']
           if not self._acceptManager(addr, port, name):
              raise Exception("Manager %s rejected!" % name)
           key = ManagersTreeView.gen_key(name, addr, port)           
           ################### check the database ####
           conn = sqlite3.connect('manager.db')
           c = conn.cursor()
           c.execute("SELECT * from managers where key = '%s'" % key)
           r = c.fetchone()

           if r == None:
              idx = str(uuid.uuid1())
              c.execute("INSERT INTO managers VALUES  ('%s', '%s')" % (key, idx))
              idx = r[1]            
           data = { 'Address': addr, 'Port': port, 'Name': name, 'ManagerID': idx }   
           ManagersTreeView.managers[idx] = data
           print "Adding manager: %s" % data['Name']
           return json_reply(ManagersTreeView.managers[idx])    
        except Exception as e:           
           return json_error(e)
Esempio n. 20
 def get_all_vms(self,uri="/servers",is_all_tenants=False):
     user_access_str = self.get_user_access()
     project_name = user_access_str["token"]["tenant"]["name"]
     nova_endpoint_public_url = self.get_service_accss_url_by_name(user_access_str,"nova")
     url = nova_endpoint_public_url + uri
     if is_all_tenants == True:
         url = url + "?" + "all_tenants=True"
     req_body = {}
     req_headers =  {'Accept': 'application/json','User-Agent': 'python-%s'%(self.user_agent,)}
     req_headers["X-Auth-Project-Id"] = project_name
     req_headers["X-Auth-Token"] = user_access_str["token"]["id"]
     result = json_request(url,"GET",req_body,req_headers)
     if type(result) == type(True):
         if result == False:
             raise Exception("response error .")
     if not result.has_key("servers"):
         raise Exception("get project error")
     return result["servers"]
Esempio n. 21
def _query_tenant_quoto(result,tenant_id):
    curl -i '' -X GET -H "Accept: application/json" -H "User-Agent: python-novaclient" -H "X-Auth-Project-Id: admin" -H "X-Auth-Token: {SHA1}1f0cb32237c10a3ec36157036308a13777c33692"

    data = {}
    url = ""
    token_id = result["token"]["id"]
    services = result["serviceCatalog"]
    for one in services:
        if one["name"] == "nova":
            endpoints_list = one["endpoints"]
            for endpoint in endpoints_list:
                if endpoint.has_key("publicURL"):
                    url = endpoint["publicURL"]+"/os-quota-sets/"+str(tenant_id)
    headers = {'X-Auth-Token': token_id,'User-Agent': 'python-novaclient','Accept': 'application/json'}
    result = json_request(url,'GET',data , headers)
    result : 
                 "injected_file_content_bytes": 10240, 
                 "metadata_items": 1024,
                 "ram": 71200,
                 "floating_ips": 100, 
                 "key_pairs": 10, 
                 "id": "e6b0e512f4454f0d92ba81d04f09622c",
                 "instances": 100, 
                 "security_group_rules": 20,
                 "injected_files": 5, 
                 "cores": 300, 
                 "fixed_ips": -1, 
                 "injected_file_path_bytes": 255, 
                 "security_groups": 10}}
    quota = {}
        quota = result["quota_set"]
    return quota
 def get_metrics_post(self):
       in_data = json_request()
       reservID = in_data['ReservationID']    
       if "Address" not in in_data:
          addr = ""
          addr = in_data['Address']
       if 'Entry' not in in_data:
          entry = 1
          entry = in_data['Entry']
       ret = self._get_metrics(reservID, addr, entry) 
       return json_reply(ret) 
    except Exception as e:           
       return json_error(e)
Esempio n. 23
def get_italy_regione(query):
    data = json_request('')
    if not data:
        return None

    for regione in data:
        if regione["denominazione_regione"].lower() == query:
            totale_positivi = format(regione["totale_positivi"])
            variazione_totale_positivi = format(regione["variazione_totale_positivi"], sign = True)
            nuovi_positivi = format(regione["nuovi_positivi"], sign = True)
            dimessi_guariti = format(regione["dimessi_guariti"])
            deceduti = format(regione["deceduti"])
            totale_casi = format(regione["totale_casi"])
            tamponi = format(regione["tamponi"])
            colore = get_colore_regione(query)

            info = 'Attualmente positivi: {} ({}) - Dimessi guariti: {} - Deceduti: {} - Totale casi: {} ({}) - Tamponi: {} - {}' \
                    .format(totale_positivi, variazione_totale_positivi, dimessi_guariti, deceduti, totale_casi, nuovi_positivi, tamponi, colore)

            return info
Esempio n. 24
def get_italy_status():
    data = json_request('')
    if not data:
        return None

    latest = data[-1]
    yesterday = data[-2]
    totale_positivi = format(latest["totale_positivi"])
    variazione_totale_positivi = format(latest["variazione_totale_positivi"], sign = True)
    nuovi_positivi = format(latest["nuovi_positivi"], sign = True)
    deceduti = format(latest["deceduti"])
    nuovi_deceduti = format(latest["deceduti"] - yesterday["deceduti"], sign = True)
    dimessi = format(latest["dimessi_guariti"])
    nuovi_dimessi = format(latest["dimessi_guariti"] - yesterday["dimessi_guariti"], sign = True)
    totale_casi = format(latest["totale_casi"])

    info = 'Totale attualmente positivi: {} ({}) - Deceduti: {} ({}) - Dimessi guariti: {} ({}) - Totale casi: {} ({})' \
            .format(totale_positivi, variazione_totale_positivi, deceduti, nuovi_deceduti, dimessi, nuovi_dimessi, totale_casi, nuovi_positivi)
    return info
Esempio n. 25
def get_weather(location):

    url = '{}&units=metric&appid={}'.format(location, OPENWEATHER_KEY)
    data = json_request(url)
    if not data:
        return None
    if data["cod"] == '200':
        name = data["city"]["name"]
        today = data["list"][0]

        response = "Weather for {} is {}, the temperature is around {}°C. " \
                    .format(name, today["weather"][0]["description"], today["main"]["temp"])

        for day in data["list"]:
            date = + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
            if day["dt_txt"] == date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d 12:00:00"):
                response = response + "Tomorrow at 12:00 will be {}, the temperature will be around {}°C." \
                        .format(day["weather"][0]["description"], day["main"]["temp"])
        response = data["message"]
    return response
Esempio n. 26
def _query_flavor(result):
     curl -i '' -X GET -H "Accept: application/json" -H "User-Agent: python-novaclient" -H "X-Auth-Project-Id: admin" -H "X-Auth-Token: {SHA1}b625f16ede3e81b6bd3492b6e9d64648e241232a"

    data = {}
    url = ""
    token_id = result["token"]["id"]
    services = result["serviceCatalog"]
    for one in services:
        if one["name"] == "nova":
            endpoints_list = one["endpoints"]
            for endpoint in endpoints_list:
                if endpoint.has_key("publicURL"):
                    url = endpoint["publicURL"]+"/flavors/detail"
    headers = {'X-Auth-Token': token_id, 'User-Agent': 'python-novaclient' , 'Accept':'application/json','X-Auth-Project-Id':'admin'}
    result = json_request(url,'GET',data , headers)
    if result.has_key("flavors"):
        return result["flavors"]
        raise Exception("find flavor error")
Esempio n. 27
def _query_vm(result):
    curl -i '' -X GET -H "Accept: application/json" -H "User-Agent: python-novaclient" -H "X-Auth-Project-Id: admin" -H "X-Auth-Token: dcf17d8942084972b13ec4504c95496a"

    data = {}
    url = ""
    token_id = result["token"]["id"]
    services = result["serviceCatalog"]
    for one in services:
        if one["name"] == "nova":
            endpoints_list = one["endpoints"]
            for endpoint in endpoints_list:
                if endpoint.has_key("publicURL"):
                    url = endpoint["publicURL"]+"/servers/detail?all_tenants=1"
    headers = {'X-Auth-Token': token_id, 'User-Agent': 'python-novaclient' , 'Accept':'application/json','X-Auth-Project-Id':'admin'}
    result = json_request(url,'GET',data , headers)
    if result.has_key("servers"):
        return result["servers"]
        raise Exception("query vm error")
Esempio n. 28
def _query_routers(result):
     curl -i -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: c03da5a8386746879e238224831d9c4d" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "User-Agent: python-neutronclient"

    data = {}
    url = ""
    token_id = result["token"]["id"]
    services = result["serviceCatalog"]
    for one in services:
        if one["name"] == "neutron":
            endpoints_list = one["endpoints"]
            for endpoint in endpoints_list:
                if endpoint.has_key("publicURL"):
                    url = endpoint["publicURL"]+"/v2.0/routers.json"
    headers = {'X-Auth-Token': token_id, 'User-Agent': 'python-neutronclient' , 'Accept':'application/json','Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    result = json_request(url,'GET',data , headers)
    if result.has_key("routers"):
        return result["routers"]
        raise Exception("find router error")
Esempio n. 29
def _query_tenant(result):
    curl -i -X GET -H "User-Agent: python-keystoneclient" -H "X-Auth-Token: 5077f9e5326a457ba5c7c3fa9873c066"

    data = {}
    url = ""
    token_id = result["token"]["id"]
    services = result["serviceCatalog"]
    for one in services:
        if one["name"] == "keystone":
            endpoints_list = one["endpoints"]
            for endpoint in endpoints_list:
                if endpoint.has_key("adminURL"):
                    url = endpoint["adminURL"]+"/tenants"
    headers = {'X-Auth-Token': token_id,'User-Agent': 'python-keystoneclient'}
    result = json_request(url,'GET',data , headers)
    tenants = []
        tenants = result["tenants"]
    return tenants