Esempio n. 1
 def handle_response(self, status, data):
     if status == 400:
         raise BadRequest(json_to_py(data))
     elif status == 401:
         raise Unauthorized(json_to_py(data))
     elif status == 404:
         raise NotFound()
     elif status in range(400, 500):
         raise ClientError()
     elif status in range(500, 600):
         raise ServerError()
     return data
Esempio n. 2
 def handle_response(self, status, data):
   if status == 400:
     raise BadRequest(json_to_py(data))
   elif status == 401:
     raise Unauthorized(json_to_py(data))
   elif status == 404:
     raise NotFound()
   elif status in range(400, 500):
     raise ClientError()
   elif status in range(500, 600):
     raise ServerError()
   return data
Esempio n. 3
 def handle_response(self, status, data):
   if status == 400:
     raise BadRequest(json_to_py(data))
   elif status == 401:
     json_data = json_to_py(data)
     if json_data.Code == 121:
       raise ExpiredOAuthToken(json_data)
     raise Unauthorized(json_data)
   elif status == 404:
     raise NotFound()
   elif status in range(400, 500):
     raise ClientError()
   elif status in range(500, 600):
     raise ServerError()
   return data
Esempio n. 4
 def handle_response(self, status, data):
     if status == 400:
         raise BadRequest(json_to_py(data))
     elif status == 401:
         json_data = json_to_py(data)
         if json_data.Code == 121:
             raise ExpiredOAuthToken(json_data)
         raise Unauthorized(json_data)
     elif status == 404:
         raise NotFound()
     elif status in range(400, 500):
         raise ClientError()
     elif status in range(500, 600):
         raise ServerError()
     return data
Esempio n. 5
 def add(self, email_address, name):
   """Adds an administrator to an account."""
   body = {
     "EmailAddress": email_address,
     "Name": name}
   response = self._post("/admins.json", json.dumps(body))
   return json_to_py(response)
Esempio n. 6
    def external_session_url(self, email, chrome, url, integrator_id,
    Get a URL which initiates a new external session for the user with the
    given email.
    Full details:

    :param email: String The representing the email address of the
      Campaign Monitor user for whom the login session should be created.
    :param chrome: String representing which 'chrome' to display - Must be
      either "all", "tabs", or "none".
    :param url: String representing the URL to display once logged in.
      e.g. "/subscribers/"
    :param integrator_id: String representing the Integrator ID. You need to
      contact Campaign Monitor support to get an Integrator ID.
    :param client_id: String representing the Client ID of the client which
      should be active once logged in to the Campaign Monitor account.

    :returns Object containing a single field SessionUrl which represents
    the URL to initiate the external Campaign Monitor session.
        body = {
            "Email": email,
            "Chrome": chrome,
            "Url": url,
            "IntegratorID": integrator_id,
            "ClientID": client_id
        response = self._put('/externalsession.json', json.dumps(body))
        return json_to_py(response)
Esempio n. 7
  def create(self, client_id, subject, name, from_name, from_email, reply_to, html_url,
    text_url, list_ids, segment_ids):
    """Creates a new campaign for a client.

    :param client_id: String representing the ID of the client for whom the
      campaign will be created.
    :param subject: String representing the subject of the campaign.
    :param name: String representing the name of the campaign.
    :param from_name: String representing the from name for the campaign.
    :param from_email: String representing the from address for the campaign.
    :param reply_to: String representing the reply-to address for the campaign.
    :param html_url: String representing the URL for the campaign HTML content.
    :param text_url: String representing the URL for the campaign text content.
      Note that text_url is optional and if None or an empty string, text
      content will be automatically generated from the HTML content.
    :param list_ids: Array of Strings representing the IDs of the lists to
      which the campaign will be sent.
    :param segment_ids: Array of Strings representing the IDs of the segments to
      which the campaign will be sent.
    :returns String representing the ID of the newly created campaign.
    body = {
      "Subject": subject,
      "Name": name,
      "FromName": from_name,
      "FromEmail": from_email,
      "ReplyTo": reply_to,
      "HtmlUrl": html_url,
      "TextUrl": text_url,
      "ListIDs": list_ids,
      "SegmentIDs": segment_ids }
    response = self._post("/campaigns/%s.json" % client_id, json.dumps(body))
    self.campaign_id = json_to_py(response)
    return self.campaign_id
Esempio n. 8
    def create(self, client_id, subject, name, from_name, from_email, reply_to,
               html_url, text_url, list_ids, segment_ids):
        """Creates a new campaign for a client.

    :param client_id: String representing the ID of the client for whom the
      campaign will be created.
    :param subject: String representing the subject of the campaign.
    :param name: String representing the name of the campaign.
    :param from_name: String representing the from name for the campaign.
    :param from_email: String representing the from address for the campaign.
    :param reply_to: String representing the reply-to address for the campaign.
    :param html_url: String representing the URL for the campaign HTML content.
    :param text_url: String representing the URL for the campaign text content.
      Note that text_url is optional and if None or an empty string, text
      content will be automatically generated from the HTML content.
    :param list_ids: Array of Strings representing the IDs of the lists to
      which the campaign will be sent.
    :param segment_ids: Array of Strings representing the IDs of the segments to
      which the campaign will be sent.
        body = {
            "Subject": subject,
            "Name": name,
            "FromName": from_name,
            "FromEmail": from_email,
            "ReplyTo": reply_to,
            "HtmlUrl": html_url,
            "TextUrl": text_url,
            "ListIDs": list_ids,
            "SegmentIDs": segment_ids
        response = self._post("/campaigns/%s.json" % client_id,
        return json_to_py(response)
Esempio n. 9
 def create(self, list_id, title, rules):
   """Creates a new segment."""
   body = {
     "Title": title,
     "Rules": rules }
   response = self._post("/segments/%s.json" % list_id, json.dumps(body))
   return json_to_py(response)
Esempio n. 10
 def create(self, client_id, name, html_url, zip_url):
     """Creates a new email template."""
     body = {"Name": name, "HtmlPageURL": html_url, "ZipFileURL": zip_url}
     response = self._post("/templates/%s.json" % client_id,
     self.template_id = json_to_py(response)
     return self.template_id
Esempio n. 11
 def create_webhook(self, events, url, payload_format):
     """Creates a new webhook for the specified events (an array of strings). 
 Valid events are "Subscribe", "Deactivate", and "Update".
 Valid payload formats are "json", and "xml"."""
     body = {"Events": events, "Url": url, "PayloadFormat": payload_format}
     response = self._post(self.uri_for("webhooks"), json.dumps(body))
     return json_to_py(response)
 def add(self, email_address, name):
   """Adds an administrator to an account."""
   body = {
     "EmailAddress": email_address,
     "Name": name}
   response = self._post("/admins.json", json.dumps(body))
   return json_to_py(response)
Esempio n. 13
 def get(self, list_id=None, email_address=None):
     """Gets a subscriber by list ID and email address."""
     params = {"email": email_address or self.email_address}
     response = self._get("/subscribers/%s.json" %
                          (list_id or self.list_id),
     return json_to_py(response)
Esempio n. 14
 def get(self, client_id=None, email_address=None):
     """Gets a person by client ID and email address."""
     params = {"email": email_address or self.email_address}
     response = self._get("/clients/%s/people.json" %
                          (client_id or self.client_id),
     return json_to_py(response)
Esempio n. 15
  def external_session_url(self, email, chrome, url, integrator_id, client_id):
    Get a URL which initiates a new external session for the user with the
    given email.
    Full details:

    :param email: String The representing the email address of the
      Campaign Monitor user for whom the login session should be created.
    :param chrome: String representing which 'chrome' to display - Must be
      either "all", "tabs", or "none".
    :param url: String representing the URL to display once logged in.
      e.g. "/subscribers/"
    :param integrator_id: String representing the Integrator ID. You need to
      contact Campaign Monitor support to get an Integrator ID.
    :param client_id: String representing the Client ID of the client which
      should be active once logged in to the Campaign Monitor account.

    :returns Object containing a single field SessionUrl which represents
    the URL to initiate the external Campaign Monitor session.
    body = {
      "Email": email, 
      "Chrome": chrome,
      "Url": url,
      "IntegratorID": integrator_id,
      "ClientID": client_id }
    response = self._put('/externalsession.json', json.dumps(body))
    return json_to_py(response)
Esempio n. 16
  def create_from_template(self, client_id, subject, name, from_name,
    from_email, reply_to, list_ids, segment_ids, template_id, template_content):
    """Creates a new campaign for a client, from a template.

    :param client_id: String representing the ID of the client for whom the
      campaign will be created.
    :param subject: String representing the subject of the campaign.
    :param name: String representing the name of the campaign.
    :param from_name: String representing the from name for the campaign.
    :param from_email: String representing the from address for the campaign.
    :param reply_to: String representing the reply-to address for the campaign.
    :param list_ids: Array of Strings representing the IDs of the lists to
      which the campaign will be sent.
    :param segment_ids: Array of Strings representing the IDs of the segments to
      which the campaign will be sent.
    :param template_id: String representing the ID of the template on which
      the campaign will be based.
    :param template_content: Hash representing the content to be used for the
      editable areas of the template. See documentation at
      for full details of template content format.
    body = {
      "Subject": subject,
      "Name": name,
      "FromName": from_name,
      "FromEmail": from_email,
      "ReplyTo": reply_to,
      "ListIDs": list_ids,
      "SegmentIDs": segment_ids,
      "TemplateID": template_id,
      "TemplateContent": template_content }
    response = self._post("/campaigns/%s/fromtemplate.json" % client_id, json.dumps(body))
    return json_to_py(response)
Esempio n. 17
class Subscriber(CreateSendBase):
  """Represents a subscriber and associated functionality."""

  def __init__(self, auth=None, list_id=None, email_address=None):
    self.list_id = list_id
    self.email_address = email_address
    super(Subscriber, self).__init__(auth)

  def get(self, list_id, email_address):
    """Gets a subscriber by list ID and email address."""
    params = { "email": email_address }
    response = self._get("/subscribers/%s.json" % list_id, params=params)
    return json_to_py(response)

  def add(self, list_id, email_address, name, custom_fields, resubscribe, restart_subscription_based_autoresponders=False):
    """Adds a subscriber to a subscriber list."""
    body = {
      "EmailAddress": email_address,
      "Name": name,
      "CustomFields": custom_fields,
      "Resubscribe": resubscribe,
      "RestartSubscriptionBasedAutoresponders": restart_subscription_based_autoresponders }
    response = self._post("/subscribers/%s.json" % list_id, json.dumps(body))
    return json_to_py(response)
  def update(self, new_email_address, name, custom_fields, resubscribe, restart_subscription_based_autoresponders=False):
    """Updates any aspect of a subscriber, including email address, name, and 
    custom field data if supplied."""
    params = { "email": self.email_address }
    body = {
      "EmailAddress": new_email_address,
      "Name": name,
      "CustomFields": custom_fields,
      "Resubscribe": resubscribe,
      "RestartSubscriptionBasedAutoresponders": restart_subscription_based_autoresponders }
    response = self._put("/subscribers/%s.json" % self.list_id, 
      body=json.dumps(body), params=params)
    # Update self.email_address, so this object can continue to be used reliably
    self.email_address = new_email_address

  def import_subscribers(self, list_id, subscribers, resubscribe, queue_subscription_based_autoresponders=False, restart_subscription_based_autoresponders=False):
    """Imports subscribers into a subscriber list."""
    body = {
      "Subscribers": subscribers,
      "Resubscribe": resubscribe,
      "QueueSubscriptionBasedAutoresponders": queue_subscription_based_autoresponders,
      "RestartSubscriptionBasedAutoresponders": restart_subscription_based_autoresponders }
      response = self._post("/subscribers/%s/import.json" % list_id, json.dumps(body))
    except BadRequest, br:
      # Subscriber import will throw BadRequest if some subscribers are not imported
      # successfully. If this occurs, we want to return the ResultData property of
      # the BadRequest exception (which is of the same "form" as the response we'd 
      # receive upon a completely successful import)
      if hasattr(, 'ResultData'):
        raise br
    return json_to_py(response)
Esempio n. 18
 def create(self, client_id, name, html_url, zip_url):
   """Creates a new email template."""
   body = { 
     "Name": name,
     "HtmlPageURL": html_url,
     "ZipFileURL": zip_url }
   response = self._post("/templates/%s.json" % client_id, json.dumps(body))
   return json_to_py(response)
Esempio n. 19
 def create_custom_field(self, field_name, data_type, options=[]):
   """Creates a new custom field for this list."""
   body = {
     "FieldName": field_name,
     "DataType": data_type,
     "Options": options }
   response = self._post(self.uri_for("customfields"), json.dumps(body))
   return json_to_py(response)
Esempio n. 20
 def classic_email_groups(self, client_id=None):
     """Gets the list of classic email groups."""
     if client_id is None:
         response = self._get("/transactional/classicEmail/groups")
         response = self._get(
             "/transactional/classicEmail/groups?clientID=%s" % client_id)
     return json_to_py(response)
Esempio n. 21
 def create(self, list_id, title, rulegroups):
   """Creates a new segment."""
   body = {
     "Title": title,
     "RuleGroups": rulegroups }
   response = self._post("/segments/%s.json" % list_id, json.dumps(body))
   self.segment_id = json_to_py(response)
   return self.segment_id
Esempio n. 22
 def create(self, client_id, title, unsubscribe_page, confirmed_opt_in, confirmation_success_page):
   """Creates a new list for a client."""
   body = { 
     "Title": title,
     "UnsubscribePage": unsubscribe_page,
     "ConfirmedOptIn": confirmed_opt_in,
     "ConfirmationSuccessPage": confirmation_success_page }
   response = self._post("/lists/%s.json" % client_id, json.dumps(body))
   return json_to_py(response)
Esempio n. 23
 def update_custom_field(self, custom_field_key, field_name,
   """Updates a custom field belonging to this list."""
   custom_field_key = urllib.quote(custom_field_key, '')
   body = {
     "FieldName": field_name,
     "VisibleInPreferenceCenter": visible_in_preference_center }
   response = self._put(self.uri_for("customfields/%s" % custom_field_key), json.dumps(body))
   return json_to_py(response)
Esempio n. 24
 def create_custom_field(self, field_name, data_type, options=[]):
     """Creates a new custom field for this list."""
     body = {
         "FieldName": field_name,
         "DataType": data_type,
         "Options": options
     response = self._post(self.uri_for("customfields"), json.dumps(body))
     return json_to_py(response)
Esempio n. 25
 def add(self, list_id, email_address, name, custom_fields, resubscribe):
   """Adds a subscriber to a subscriber list."""
   body = {
     "EmailAddress": email_address,
     "Name": name,
     "CustomFields": custom_fields,
     "Resubscribe": resubscribe }
   response = self._post("/subscribers/%s.json" % list_id, json.dumps(body))
   return json_to_py(response)
Esempio n. 26
 def add(self, list_id, email_address, name, custom_fields, resubscribe):
   """Adds a subscriber to a subscriber list."""
   body = {
     "EmailAddress": email_address,
     "Name": name,
     "CustomFields": custom_fields,
     "Resubscribe": resubscribe }
   response = self._post("/subscribers/%s.json" % list_id, json.dumps(body))
   return json_to_py(response)
Esempio n. 27
 def suppressionlist(self, page=1, page_size=1000, order_field="email", order_direction="asc"):
   """Gets this client's suppression list."""
   params = { 
     "page": page,
     "pagesize": page_size,
     "orderfield": order_field,
     "orderdirection": order_direction }
   response = self._get(self.uri_for("suppressionlist"), params=params)
   return json_to_py(response)
Esempio n. 28
 def add(self, client_id, email_address, name, access_level, password):
   """Adds a person to a client. Password is optional and if not supplied, an invitation will be emailed to the person"""
   body = {
     "EmailAddress": email_address,
     "Name": name,
     "AccessLevel": access_level,
     "Password": password}
   response = self._post("/clients/%s/people.json" % client_id, json.dumps(body))
   return json_to_py(response)
Esempio n. 29
 def recipients(self, page=1, page_size=1000, order_field="email", order_direction="asc"):
   """Retrieves the recipients of this campaign."""
   params = { 
     "page": page,
     "pagesize": page_size,
     "orderfield": order_field,
     "orderdirection": order_direction }
   response = self._get(self.uri_for("recipients"), params=params)
   return json_to_py(response)
Esempio n. 30
 def bounces(self, page=1, page_size=1000, order_field="date", order_direction="asc"):
   """Retrieves the bounces for this campaign."""
   params = { 
     "page": page,
     "pagesize": page_size,
     "orderfield": order_field,
     "orderdirection": order_direction }
   response = self._get(self.uri_for("bounces"), params=params)
   return json_to_py(response)
Esempio n. 31
 def import_subscribers(self, list_id, subscribers, resubscribe):
   """Imports subscribers into a subscriber list."""
   body = {
     "Subscribers": subscribers,
     "Resubscribe": resubscribe }
     response = self._post("/subscribers/%s/import.json" % list_id, json.dumps(body))
   except BadRequest:
   return json_to_py(response)
Esempio n. 32
  def create(self, company, timezone, country):
    """Creates a client."""

    body = { 
      "CompanyName": company, 
      "TimeZone": timezone,
      "Country": country }
    response = self._post("/clients.json", json.dumps(body))
    self.client_id = json_to_py(response)
    return self.client_id
Esempio n. 33
 def create_custom_field(self, field_name, data_type, options=[],
   """Creates a new custom field for this list."""
   body = {
     "FieldName": field_name,
     "DataType": data_type,
     "Options": options,
     "VisibleInPreferenceCenter": visible_in_preference_center }
   response = self._post(self.uri_for("customfields"), json.dumps(body))
   return json_to_py(response)
Esempio n. 34
 def create_webhook(self, events, url, payload_format):
   """Creates a new webhook for the specified events (an array of strings). 
   Valid events are "Subscribe", "Deactivate", and "Update".
   Valid payload formats are "json", and "xml"."""
   body = {
     "Events": events,
     "Url": url,
     "PayloadFormat": payload_format }
   response = self._post(self.uri_for("webhooks"), json.dumps(body))
   return json_to_py(response)
Esempio n. 35
 def subscribers(self, date="", page=1, page_size=1000, order_field="email", order_direction="asc"):
   """Gets the active subscribers in this segment."""
   params = {
     "date": date,
     "page": page,
     "pagesize": page_size,
     "orderfield": order_field,
     "orderdirection": order_direction }
   response = self._get(self.uri_for("active"), params=params)
   return json_to_py(response)
Esempio n. 36
 def clicks(self, date, page=1, page_size=1000, order_field="date", order_direction="asc"):
   """Retrieves the subscriber clicks for this campaign."""
   params = { 
     "date": date,
     "page": page,
     "pagesize": page_size,
     "orderfield": order_field,
     "orderdirection": order_direction }
   response = self._get(self.uri_for("clicks"), params=params)
   return json_to_py(response)
Esempio n. 37
 def spam(self, date="", page=1, page_size=1000, order_field="date", order_direction="asc"):
   """Retrieves the spam complaints for this campaign."""
   params = { 
     "date": date,
     "page": page,
     "pagesize": page_size,
     "orderfield": order_field,
     "orderdirection": order_direction }
   response = self._get(self.uri_for("spam"), params=params)
   return json_to_py(response)
Esempio n. 38
    def create(self, company, timezone, country):
        """Creates a client."""

        body = {
            "CompanyName": company,
            "TimeZone": timezone,
            "Country": country
        response = self._post("/clients.json", json.dumps(body))
        return json_to_py(response)
Esempio n. 39
 def create(self, company, contact_name, email, timezone, country):
   """Creates a client."""
   body = { 
     "CompanyName": company, 
     "ContactName": contact_name,
     "EmailAddress": email,
     "TimeZone": timezone,
     "Country": country }
   response = self._post("/clients.json", json.dumps(body))
   return json_to_py(response)
Esempio n. 40
 def unsubscribed(self, date, page=1, page_size=1000, order_field="email", order_direction="asc"):
   """Gets the unsubscribed subscribers for this list."""
   params = {
     "date": date,
     "page": page,
     "pagesize": page_size,
     "orderfield": order_field,
     "orderdirection": order_direction }
   response = self._get(self.uri_for("unsubscribed"), params=params)
   return json_to_py(response)
Esempio n. 41
 def smart_email_list(self, status="all", client_id=None):
     """Gets the smart email list."""
     if client_id is None:
         response = self._get("/transactional/smartEmail?status=%s" %
         response = self._get(
             "/transactional/smartEmail?status=%s&clientID=%s" %
             (status, client_id))
     return json_to_py(response)
Esempio n. 42
 def subscribers(self, date, page=1, page_size=1000, order_field="email", order_direction="asc"):
   """Gets the active subscribers in this segment."""
   params = {
     "date": date,
     "page": page,
     "pagesize": page_size,
     "orderfield": order_field,
     "orderdirection": order_direction }
   response = self._get(self.uri_for("active"), params=params)
   return json_to_py(response)
Esempio n. 43
 def add(self, list_id, email_address, name, custom_fields, resubscribe, restart_subscription_based_autoresponders=False):
   """Adds a subscriber to a subscriber list."""
   body = {
     "EmailAddress": email_address,
     "Name": name,
     "CustomFields": custom_fields,
     "Resubscribe": resubscribe,
     "RestartSubscriptionBasedAutoresponders": restart_subscription_based_autoresponders }
   response = self._post("/subscribers/%s.json" % list_id, json.dumps(body))
   return json_to_py(response)
 def add(self, list_id, email_address, name, custom_fields, resubscribe, restart_subscription_based_autoresponders=False):
   """Adds a subscriber to a subscriber list."""
   body = {
     "EmailAddress": email_address,
     "Name": name,
     "CustomFields": custom_fields,
     "Resubscribe": resubscribe,
     "RestartSubscriptionBasedAutoresponders": restart_subscription_based_autoresponders }
   response = self._post("/subscribers/%s.json" % list_id, json.dumps(body))
   return json_to_py(response)
Esempio n. 45
 def create(self, client_id, title, unsubscribe_page, confirmed_opt_in,
     """Creates a new list for a client."""
     body = {
         "Title": title,
         "UnsubscribePage": unsubscribe_page,
         "ConfirmedOptIn": confirmed_opt_in,
         "ConfirmationSuccessPage": confirmation_success_page
     response = self._post("/lists/%s.json" % client_id, json.dumps(body))
     return json_to_py(response)
Esempio n. 46
 def add(self, client_id, email_address, name, access_level, password):
     """Adds a person to a client. Password is optional and if not supplied, an invitation will be emailed to the person"""
     body = {
         "EmailAddress": email_address,
         "Name": name,
         "AccessLevel": access_level,
         "Password": password
     response = self._post("/clients/%s/people.json" % client_id,
     return json_to_py(response)
Esempio n. 47
 def update_custom_field(self, custom_field_key, field_name,
     """Updates a custom field belonging to this list."""
     custom_field_key = urllib.quote(custom_field_key, '')
     body = {
         "FieldName": field_name,
         "VisibleInPreferenceCenter": visible_in_preference_center
     response = self._put(
         self.uri_for("customfields/%s" % custom_field_key),
     return json_to_py(response)
Esempio n. 48
 def recipients(self,
     """Retrieves the recipients of this campaign."""
     params = {
         "page": page,
         "pagesize": page_size,
         "orderfield": order_field,
         "orderdirection": order_direction
     response = self._get(self.uri_for("recipients"), params=params)
     return json_to_py(response)
Esempio n. 49
 def create_custom_field(self,
     """Creates a new custom field for this list."""
     body = {
         "FieldName": field_name,
         "DataType": data_type,
         "Options": options,
         "VisibleInPreferenceCenter": visible_in_preference_center
     response = self._post(self.uri_for("customfields"), json.dumps(body))
     return json_to_py(response)
Esempio n. 50
 def bounces(self,
     """Retrieves the bounces for this campaign."""
     params = {
         "page": page,
         "pagesize": page_size,
         "orderfield": order_field,
         "orderdirection": order_direction
     response = self._get(self.uri_for("bounces"), params=params)
     return json_to_py(response)
Esempio n. 51
 def suppressionlist(self,
     """Gets this client's suppression list."""
     params = {
         "page": page,
         "pagesize": page_size,
         "orderfield": order_field,
         "orderdirection": order_direction
     response = self._get(self.uri_for("suppressionlist"), params=params)
     return json_to_py(response)
Esempio n. 52
  def create(self, company, contact_name, email, timezone, country):
    """Creates a client."""
    if not (contact_name is None or contact_name == ""):
    	warnings.warn("[DEPRECATION] create used in this way has been deprecated. Instead, set contact_name on persons in this client using person.add or person.update")
	if not (email is None or email == ""):
		warnings.warn("[DEPRECATION] create used in this way has been deprecated. Instead, set email on persons in this client using person.add or person.update")
    body = { 
      "CompanyName": company, 
      "ContactName": contact_name,
      "EmailAddress": email,
      "TimeZone": timezone,
      "Country": country }
    response = self._post("/clients.json", json.dumps(body))
    return json_to_py(response)
Esempio n. 53
 def create(self, client_id, subject, name, from_name, from_email, reply_to, html_url,
   text_url, list_ids, segment_ids):
   """Creates a new campaign for a client."""
   body = {
     "Subject": subject,
     "Name": name,
     "FromName": from_name,
     "FromEmail": from_email,
     "ReplyTo": reply_to,
     "HtmlUrl": html_url,
     "TextUrl": text_url,
     "ListIDs": list_ids,
     "SegmentIDs": segment_ids }
   response = self._post("/campaigns/%s.json" % client_id, json.dumps(body))
   return json_to_py(response)
Esempio n. 54
 def spam(self,
     """Retrieves the spam complaints for this campaign."""
     params = {
         "date": date,
         "page": page,
         "pagesize": page_size,
         "orderfield": order_field,
         "orderdirection": order_direction
     response = self._get(self.uri_for("spam"), params=params)
     return json_to_py(response)
Esempio n. 55
 def clicks(self,
     """Retrieves the subscriber clicks for this campaign."""
     params = {
         "date": date,
         "page": page,
         "pagesize": page_size,
         "orderfield": order_field,
         "orderdirection": order_direction
     response = self._get(self.uri_for("clicks"), params=params)
     return json_to_py(response)
Esempio n. 56
 def bounced(self,
     """Gets the bounced subscribers for this list."""
     params = {
         "date": date,
         "page": page,
         "pagesize": page_size,
         "orderfield": order_field,
         "orderdirection": order_direction
     response = self._get(self.uri_for("bounced"), params=params)
     return json_to_py(response)
Esempio n. 57
 def import_subscribers(self, list_id, subscribers, resubscribe):
     """Imports subscribers into a subscriber list."""
     body = {"Subscribers": subscribers, "Resubscribe": resubscribe}
         response = self._post("/subscribers/%s/import.json" % list_id,
     except BadRequest as br:
         # Subscriber import will throw BadRequest if some subscribers are not imported
         # successfully. If this occurs, we want to return the ResultData property of
         # the BadRequest exception (which is of the same "form" as the response we'd
         # receive upon a completely successful import)
         if hasattr(, 'ResultData'):
             raise br
     return json_to_py(response)
Esempio n. 58
 def create(self, client_id, subject, name, from_name, from_email, reply_to,
            html_url, text_url, list_ids, segment_ids):
     """Creates a new campaign for a client."""
     body = {
         "Subject": subject,
         "Name": name,
         "FromName": from_name,
         "FromEmail": from_email,
         "ReplyTo": reply_to,
         "HtmlUrl": html_url,
         "TextUrl": text_url,
         "ListIDs": list_ids,
         "SegmentIDs": segment_ids
     response = self._post("/campaigns/%s.json" % client_id,
     return json_to_py(response)
Esempio n. 59
 def import_subscribers(self, list_id, subscribers, resubscribe):
   """Imports subscribers into a subscriber list."""
   body = {
     "Subscribers": subscribers,
     "Resubscribe": resubscribe }
     response = self._post("/subscribers/%s/import.json" % list_id, json.dumps(body))
   except BadRequest as br:
     # Subscriber import will throw BadRequest if some subscribers are not imported
     # successfully. If this occurs, we want to return the ResultData property of
     # the BadRequest exception (which is of the same "form" as the response we'd 
     # receive upon a completely successful import)
     if hasattr(, 'ResultData'):
       raise br
   return json_to_py(response)
Esempio n. 60
 def exchange_token(self, client_id, client_secret, redirect_uri, code):
   """Exchange a provided OAuth code for an OAuth access token, 'expires in'
   value and refresh token."""
   params = [
     ('grant_type', 'authorization_code'),
     ('client_id', client_id),
     ('client_secret', client_secret),
     ('redirect_uri', redirect_uri),
     ('code', code),
   response = self._post('', urllib.urlencode(params),
     CreateSend.oauth_token_uri, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
   access_token, expires_in, refresh_token = None, None, None
   r = json_to_py(response)
   if hasattr(r, 'error') and hasattr(r, 'error_description'):
     err = "Error exchanging code for access token: "
     err += "%s - %s" % (r.error, r.error_description)
     raise Exception(err)
   access_token, expires_in, refresh_token = r.access_token, r.expires_in, r.refresh_token
   return [access_token, expires_in, refresh_token]