Esempio n. 1

pd.set_option("display.max_colwidth", 0 if DISPLAY_ALL_TEXT else 50)

# %% [markdown] {"tags": ["md-exclude"]}
# This next cell makes sure a spaCy English model is downloaded.
# If this is your first time downloading this model, restart the kernel after executing the next cell.

# %% {"tags": ["md-exclude"]}
# Download the spaCy english model
# ! python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm

# %%
from utils import load_spam_dataset

df_train, df_dev, df_valid, df_test = load_spam_dataset()

# We pull out the label vectors for ease of use later
Y_dev = df_dev.label.values
Y_valid = df_valid.label.values
Y_test = df_test.label.values

# %% [markdown]
# Let's view 5 data points from the `dev` set.

# %%
df_dev.sample(5, random_state=3)

# %% [markdown]
# The class distribution varies slightly between `SPAM` and `HAM`, but they're approximately class-balanced.

pd.set_option("display.max_colwidth", 0 if DISPLAY_ALL_TEXT else 50)

# %% [markdown] {"tags": ["md-exclude"]}
# This next cell makes sure a spaCy English model is downloaded.
# If this is your first time downloading this model, restart the kernel after executing the next cell.

# %% {"tags": ["md-exclude"]}
# Download the spaCy english model
# ! python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm

# %%
from utils import load_spam_dataset

df_train, df_test = load_spam_dataset()

# We pull out the label vectors for ease of use later
Y_test = df_test.label.values

# %% [markdown]
# The class distribution varies slightly between `SPAM` and `HAM`, but they're approximately class-balanced.

# %%
# For clarity, we define constants to represent the class labels for spam, ham, and abstaining.
HAM = 0
SPAM = 1

# %% [markdown]
# ## 2. Writing Labeling Functions (LFs)
Esempio n. 3
# %% [markdown]
# ## 1. Loading Data

# %% [markdown]
# We load the Kaggle dataset and create Pandas DataFrame objects for each of the sets described above.
# The two main columns in the DataFrames are:
# * **`text`**: Raw text content of the comment
# * **`label`**: Whether the comment is `SPAM` (1) or `HAM` (0).
# For more details, check out the [labeling tutorial](

# %%
from utils import load_spam_dataset

df_train, _, df_valid, df_test = load_spam_dataset(load_train_labels=True)

# We pull out the label vectors for ease of use later
Y_valid = df_valid["label"].values
Y_train = df_train["label"].values
Y_test = df_test["label"].values

# %%

# %% [markdown]
# ## 2. Writing Transformation Functions (TFs)
# Transformation functions are functions that can be applied to a training data point to create another valid training data point of the same class.
# For example, for image classification problems, it is common to rotate or crop images in the training data to create new training inputs.
# Transformation functions should be atomic e.g. a small rotation of an image, or changing a single word in a sentence.
Esempio n. 4
# %% {"tags": ["md-exclude"]}
import pandas as pd


pd.set_option("display.max_colwidth", 0 if DISPLAY_ALL_TEXT else 50)

# %% [markdown]
# _Note:_ this tutorial differs from the labeling tutorial in that we use ground truth labels in the train split for demo purposes.
# SFs are intended to be used *after the training set has already been labeled* by LFs (or by hand) in the training data pipeline.

# %%
from utils import load_spam_dataset

df_train, df_valid, df_test = load_spam_dataset(load_train_labels=True,

# %% [markdown]
# ## 1. Write slicing functions
# We leverage *slicing functions* (SFs), which output binary _masks_ indicating whether an data point is in the slice or not.
# Each slice represents some noisily-defined subset of the data (corresponding to an SF) that we'd like to programmatically monitor.

# %% [markdown]
# In the following cells, we use the [`@slicing_function()`]( decorator to initialize an SF that identifies shortened links the spam dataset.
# These links could redirect us to potentially dangerous websites, and we don't want our users to click them!
# To select the subset of shortened links in our dataset, we write a regex that checks for the commonly-used `.ly` extension.
# You'll notice that the `short_link` SF is a heuristic, like the other programmatic ops we've defined, and may not fully cover the slice of interest.
# That's okay — in last section, we'll show how a model can handle this in Snorkel.