Esempio n. 1
    def post(self, picture):
        # load image from request
        imgdata = base64.b64decode(picture.replace('&', '/'))

        with open('drawings/drawing.jpg', 'wb') as f:

        X = load_test_image()

        # load optimized theta arrays
        theta1_opt = np.load('theta1_opt_76-95.npy')
        theta2_opt = np.load('theta2_opt_76-95.npy')

        # make prediction and get percentages
        pred, percentages = analize_single(theta1_opt, theta2_opt, X)
        class_ids, ids_to_class = get_class_ids()
        prediction = ids_to_class[str(pred[0])]

        slice = dict()
        slice.update({'prediction': prediction})

        i = 0
        for percentage in percentages:
            slice.update({ids_to_class[str(i)]: percentage})
            i += 1

        return slice, 201
def test_histogram_add_fixed_color():
    Test Histogram.add_fixed_color
    width_A, height_A, input_pixels_A = utils.load_test_image('flower')
    width_B, height_B, input_pixels_B = utils.load_test_image('flower-huechange-1')
    assert width_A == width_B
    width, height = width_A, height_A

    attr = liq.Attr()
    hist = liq.Histogram(attr)

    image_A = attr.create_rgba(input_pixels_A, width, height, 0)
    hist.add_image(attr, image_A)

    image_B = attr.create_rgba(input_pixels_B, width, height, 0)
    hist.add_image(attr, image_B)

        liq.Color(255, 0, 0, 255), # red
        liq.Color(0, 0, 255, 255), # blue
        liq.Color(128, 0, 128, 255), # purple
        liq.Color(255, 255, 0, 255), # yellow

    for fixedColor in FIXED_COLORS:
        hist.add_fixed_color(fixedColor, 0)

    result = hist.quantize(attr)
    result_palette = result.get_palette()

    # Check that we have a decently-sized palette
    assert len(result_palette) > 128

    # Try remapping both images -- make sure we don't get an exception
    # or something

    # Check that the fixed colors are present in the output palette
    for fixedColor in FIXED_COLORS:
        assert fixedColor in result_palette
Esempio n. 3
    def image_callback(value, image):

        # Load the map as a bytearray
        width, height, input_pixels = utils.load_test_image(value)
        buffer = bytearray(width * height)
        for i in range(0, len(input_pixels), 4):
            buffer[i // 4] = input_pixels[i]

        # Test both the getter and setter methods
        image.importance_map = buffer
        with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
Esempio n. 4
    def image_callback(value, image):

        # Load the background as an Image
        width, height, input_pixels = utils.load_test_image(value)
        attr = liq.Attr()
        background = attr.create_rgba(input_pixels, width, height, 0)

        # Test both the getter and setter methods
        image.background = background
        with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
def test_histogram_basic():
    Basic test of Histogram:
    - __init__()
    - add_image()
    - quantize()
    # Testing with three input images
    width_A, height_A, input_pixels_A = utils.load_test_image('flower')
    width_B, height_B, input_pixels_B = utils.load_test_image('flower-huechange-1')
    width_C, height_C, input_pixels_C = utils.load_test_image('flower-huechange-2')
    assert width_A == width_B == width_C
    assert height_A == height_B == height_C
    width, height = width_A, height_A

    attr = liq.Attr()
    hist = liq.Histogram(attr)

    image_A = attr.create_rgba(input_pixels_A, width, height, 0)
    hist.add_image(attr, image_A)

    image_B = attr.create_rgba(input_pixels_B, width, height, 0)
    hist.add_image(attr, image_B)

    image_C = attr.create_rgba(input_pixels_C, width, height, 0)
    hist.add_image(attr, image_C)

    result = hist.quantize(attr)

    # Check that we have a decently-sized palette
    assert len(result.get_palette()) > 128

    # Try remapping all three images -- make sure we don't get an
    # exception or something
Esempio n. 6
def test_attr_copy():
    Test Attr.copy()
    width, height, input_pixels = utils.load_test_image('flower')

    attr = liq.Attr()
    attr.max_colors = 88
    attr.min_posterization = 3
    attr.min_quality = 55

    attr2 = attr.copy()
    assert attr2.max_colors == 88
    assert attr2.min_posterization == 3
    assert attr2.min_quality == 55
def test_buffer_too_small_error():
    Trigger LIQ_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL and ensure that liq.BufferTooSmallError
    is raised

    # Load the background as an Image
    width, height, input_pixels = utils.load_test_image('test-card')
    attr = liq.Attr()
    background = attr.create_rgba(input_pixels, width, height, 0)

    def image_callback(value, image):
        # The image is too large, so using it as a background should fail
        with pytest.raises(liq.BufferTooSmallError):
            image.background = background

    utils.try_multiple_values('alpha-gradient', [None],
Esempio n. 8
args = parser.parse_args()

print("model loaded.")

d_img = path.join(args.target_ds, "images") + "/*"
d_mask = path.join(args.target_ds, "masks") + "/*"
img_paths = sorted(glob.glob(d_img))
mask_paths = sorted(glob.glob(d_mask))

j, wrong_count = 0, 0
y_pred, y_true = [], []
for img_path, mask_path in zip(img_paths, mask_paths):

    img = load_test_image(img_path, dsize=(IMG_HEIGHT, IMG_WIDTH))
    img_hsv = rgb2hsv(img, normalization=True)
    mask = pb_predict_mask(sess, img) > CLOUD_THRES
    #mask = pb_predict_window_mask(sess, img_hsv, window_size = SLIDING_WINDOW_SIZE) > CLOUD_THRES
    #mask = np.zeros_like(img_hsv[...,0])
    mask_pct = np.sum(mask) / (mask.shape[0] * mask.shape[1]) * 100
    gt_mask = load_mask(mask_path,
                        dsize=(IMG_HEIGHT, IMG_WIDTH)) / 255.0 > CLOUD_THRES
    gt_mask_pct = np.sum(gt_mask) / (gt_mask.shape[0] * gt_mask.shape[1]) * 100

    if pct_to_label(mask_pct) != pct_to_label(gt_mask_pct):
        wrong_count += 1
        print("Wrong Prediction. {} has around {}% of sky area. Predicted:{}%".
              format(img_path, PCT_LVL[pct_to_label(gt_mask_pct)],
def test_histogram_add_colors():
    Test Histogram.add_colors(), as well as the HistogramEntry class

    # First, quantize flower-huechange-1.jpg on its own
    width, height, input_pixels = utils.load_test_image('flower-huechange-1')
    attr = liq.Attr()
    other_image = attr.create_rgba(input_pixels, width, height, 0)
    result = other_image.quantize(attr)
    result_pixels = result.remap_image(other_image)
    result_palette = result.get_palette()

    # ~

    # Create a list of HistogramEntrys for it
    entries = []
    for i, color in enumerate(result_palette):
        count = result_pixels.count(i)

        entry = liq.HistogramEntry(color, count)

        # Test HistogramEntry getters
        assert entry.color == color
        assert entry.count == count

        # Test setters
        entry.color = result_palette[0]
        entry.count = 50
        assert entry.color == result_palette[0]
        assert entry.count == 50

        # (Set properties back to what they should be)
        entry.color = color
        entry.count = count

    assert entries

    # ~

    # Set up a Histogram
    attr = liq.Attr()
    hist = liq.Histogram(attr)

    # Add flower.jpg as an image
    width, height, input_pixels = utils.load_test_image('flower')
    image = attr.create_rgba(input_pixels, width, height, 0)
    hist.add_image(attr, image)

    # Add the HistogramEntrys for flower-huechange-1.jpg
    hist.add_colors(attr, entries, 0)

    # And quantize
    result = hist.quantize(attr)

    # ~

    # Check that we have a decently-sized palette
    assert len(result.get_palette()) > 128

    # Try remapping both images -- make sure we don't get an exception
    # or something
Esempio n. 10
# for i in range(len(x_train)):
#     pre = np.squeeze(model.predict(x_train[i:i+1]), axis=(0,3))
#     train_patch_pre_label = np.array(list(get_patch_label_from_array(pre,th=0.21)))
#     ground_truth_label = np.array(list(get_patch_label_from_array(y_train[i,:,:,0],th=0.21)))
#     train_acc.append(np.mean(np.equal(train_patch_pre_label[:,2],ground_truth_label[:,2])))
# # valid acc
# for i in range(len(x_valid)):
#     pre = np.squeeze(model.predict(x_valid[i:i+1]), axis=(0,3))
#     train_patch_pre_label = np.array(list(get_patch_label_from_array(pre,th=0.21)))
#     ground_truth_label = np.array(list(get_patch_label_from_array(y_valid[i,:,:,0],th=0.21)))
#     train_acc.append(np.mean(np.equal(train_patch_pre_label[:,2],ground_truth_label[:,2])))

# make submission
from utils import load_test_image
import cv2 as cv
test_mat,test_img_id = load_test_image()

th = 0.21
f = open('submission.csv','w')
for i in range(len(test_img_id)):
    img = np.expand_dims(cv.resize(test_mat[i], dsize=(400, 400), interpolation=cv.INTER_CUBIC),axis=0)
    pre = np.squeeze(model.predict(img),axis=(0,3))
    pre_resize = cv.resize(pre,dsize=(test_mat[0].shape[0],test_mat[0].shape[1]),interpolation=cv.INTER_CUBIC)
    train_patch_pre_label = list(get_patch_label_from_array(pre_resize,th=th))
    for line in train_patch_pre_label:
        final_string = "{:03d}_{}_{},{}".format(test_img_id[i], line[0], line[1], line[2])