def main(): if (FLAGS.vector_opt == 0): z = np.zeros(shape=(FLAGS.batch_size, DIM)) elif (FLAGS.vector_opt == 1): z = np.random.uniform(-0.5, 0.5, size=(FLAGS.batch_size, DIM)) elif (FLAGS.vector_opt == 2): z = load_vector() elif (FLAGS.vector_opt == 3): z = gaussian_cf_sampler(np.load(FLAGS.vector)) elif (FLAGS.vector_opt == 4): z = esm_cf_sampler(np.load(FLAGS.vector), 0.5) else: print( "Invalid value for vector_opt argument. 0-4 are the only acceptable values." ) print("Use -h or --help flags for more information.") return "./prev_img_vector.npy", z) # save our vectors to a file, so if we like one we can replicate network, tf_session = restore_model() if (FLAGS.gif): base_images = [ np.load('./counterfactualGANs/base_vectors/%s' % i) for i in BASE_VECTORS ] utils.make_gif(base_images, 'bases.gif') else: generate_image(z, network, tf_session, VIZ_OPTION)
def main(): counter = 20 rn = "golf" nz = 100 parallel = True W = torch.load('runs%d/nets_%s/netZ_glo.pth' % (counter, rn)) W = W['emb.weight'].data.cpu().numpy() netG = model_video_orig.netG_new(nz).cuda() if torch.cuda.device_count() > 1: parallel = True print("Using", torch.cuda.device_count(), "GPUs!") netG = nn.DataParallel(netG) Zs = utils.sample_gaussian(torch.from_numpy(W), 10000) Zs = state_dict = torch.load('runs%d/nets_%s/netG_glo.pth' % (counter, rn)) netG.load_state_dict(state_dict) # load the weights for generator (GLO) if parallel: netG = netG.module gmm = GaussianMixture(n_components=100, covariance_type='full', max_iter=100, n_init=10) z = torch.from_numpy(gmm.sample(100)[0]).float().cuda() video = netG(z) utils.make_gif(video, 'runs%d/ims_%s/sample' % (counter, rn), 16) return video
def main(): counter = 21 rn = "golf" nz = 100 parallel = True W = torch.load('runs%d/nets_%s/netZ_glo.pth' % (counter, rn)) W = W['emb.weight'].data.cpu().numpy() netG = model_video_orig.netG_new(nz).cuda() if torch.cuda.device_count() > 1: parallel = True print("Using", torch.cuda.device_count(), "GPUs!") netG = nn.DataParallel(netG) state_dict = torch.load('runs%d/nets_%s/netG_glo.pth' % (counter, rn)) netG.load_state_dict(state_dict) # load the weights for generator (GLO) if parallel: netG = netG.module d = 16 nepoch = 200 vaet = vae.VAETrainer(W, d) vaet.train_vae(nepoch), 'runs%d/nets_%s/netVAE.pth' % (counter, rn)) z = vaet.vae.netVAE.decode(torch.randn(100, d).cuda()) video = netG(z) print("video shape is", video.shape) utils.make_gif(video, 'runs%d/ims_%s/sample' % (counter, rn), 16) return video
def play(self, coord): total_steps = 0 test_episode_count = 0 print("Starting agent " + str(self.thread_id)) while not coord.should_stop(): episode_regret = 0 episode_suboptimal_arm = 0 episode_reward = [0 for _ in range(FLAGS.nb_actions)] episode_step_count = 0 episode_frames = [] d = False r = 0 a = 0 t = 0 self.env.set(self.settings["envs"][test_episode_count]) while not d: a = random.randint(0, FLAGS.nb_actions - 1) r, d, t = self.env.pull_arm(a) episode_frames.append( set_image_bandit(episode_reward, self.env.get_bandit(), a, t)) episode_regret += self.env.get_timestep_regret(a) optimal_action = self.env.get_optimal_arm() if optimal_action != a: episode_suboptimal_arm += 1 episode_reward[a] += r total_steps += 1 episode_step_count += 1 self.episode_rewards.append(np.sum(episode_reward)) self.episodes_suboptimal_arms.append(episode_suboptimal_arm) self.episode_regrets.append(episode_regret) self.images = np.array(episode_frames) make_gif(self.images, FLAGS.frames_test_dir + '/image' + str(test_episode_count) + '.gif', duration=len(self.images) * 0.1, true_image=True) if test_episode_count == FLAGS.nb_test_episodes - 1: mean_regret = np.mean(self.episode_regrets) mean_nb_suboptimal_arms = np.mean( self.episodes_suboptimal_arms) print("Mean regret for the model is {}".format(mean_regret)) print("Regret in terms of suboptimal arms is {}".format( mean_nb_suboptimal_arms)) return 1 test_episode_count += 1
def train(): tf.keras.backend.clear_session() with strategy.scope() if config['use_tpu'] else empty_context_mgr(): model = GAN_PG(**config) # Define optimizers optimizer_g = tf.train.AdamOptimizer( learning_rate=config['learning_rate'], beta1=0.0) optimizer_d = tf.train.AdamOptimizer( learning_rate=config['learning_rate'], beta1=0.0) # Compile the model model.compile_model(optimizer_g=optimizer_g, optimizer_d=optimizer_d, loss=config['gan_mode'], tpu_strategy=strategy, resolver=resolver, config=config['sess_config']) if config['restore']: model.load_weights('{}/weights'.format(config['folder'])) # Prepare inputs inputs = (X_train, y_train) if config['conditional'] else X_train # Train for stage in config['train_stages']: # Get training stage num stage_num = config['train_stages'].index(stage) print( '\nProcessing stage: {} with image size {} ==========================================' .format(stage_num, stage['size'])) # Define schedulers alpha_scheduler = Scheduler(stage['train_epochs'], [0, 0.5], [0, 1.0]) learning_rate_scheduler = Scheduler( stage['train_epochs'], [0, 0.5], [stage['lr'] * 0.1, stage['lr']]) model.fit_stage(inputs, config['batch_size'], stage_num=stage_num, alpha_scheduler=alpha_scheduler, learning_rate_scheduler=learning_rate_scheduler, folder=config['folder'], save_epoch=config['save_epoch'], seed_noise=seed_noise, seed_labels=seed_labels) make_gif( glob.iglob('{}/progress/*.png'.format(config['folder'])), '{}/progress/{}_{}.gif'.format(config['folder'], config['gan_mode'], 'progress'))
def main(): # initial values x, y = 1, 2 gd = GradientDescent(x, y, parameters["SGD"]) for step in range(0, parameters["n_epochs"]): gd.minimize() # save animation save_anim(parameters["n_epochs"], gd.x_hist, gd.y_hist, gd.z_hist, "SGD") make_gif(parameters["n_epochs"])
def generate_random_walking(self): """Generate fonts with random walking Generate fonts from random walking inputs. Results are changed gradually. """ for c in self.embedding_chars: dst_dir = os.path.join(self.dst_walk, c) if not os.path.exists(dst_dir): os.mkdir(dst_dir) batch_n = (self.char_embedding_n * FLAGS.char_img_n) // self.batch_size c_ids = self.real_dataset.get_ids_from_labels(self.embedding_chars) for batch_i in tqdm(range(batch_n)): style_id_start = batch_i if batch_i == batch_n - 1: style_id_end = 0 else: style_id_end = batch_i + 1 generated_imgs = self.generated_imgs, feed_dict={ self.style_ids_x: np.ones(self.batch_size) * style_id_start, self.style_ids_y: np.ones(self.batch_size) * style_id_end, self.style_ids_alpha: np.repeat( np.linspace(0., 1., num=self.walk_step, endpoint=False), self.char_embedding_n), self.char_ids_x: np.tile(c_ids, self.batch_size // self.char_embedding_n), self.char_ids_y: np.tile(c_ids, self.batch_size // self.char_embedding_n), self.char_ids_alpha: np.zeros(self.batch_size) }) for img_i in range(generated_imgs.shape[0]): img = generated_imgs[img_i] img = (img + 1.) * 127.5 pil_img = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(img)) os.path.join( self.dst_walk, str(self.embedding_chars[img_i % self.char_embedding_n]), '{:05d}.png'.format( (batch_i * self.batch_size + img_i) // self.char_embedding_n))) print('making gif animations...') for i in range(self.char_embedding_n): make_gif( os.path.join(self.dst_walk, self.embedding_chars[i]), os.path.join(self.dst_walk, self.embedding_chars[i] + '.gif'))
def main(): #定义网络 net = models.LeNetWithAngle(classes_num) if use_gpu: net = net.cuda() #定义优化器 optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr=model_lr, weight_decay=1e-5, nesterov=True, momentum=0.9) print("net and optimzer load succeed") #定义数据加载 trainloader, testloader = dataloader.get_loader(batch_size=batch_size, root_path="./data/MNIST") print("data load succeed") #定义logger logger = utils.Logger(tb_path="./logs/tblog/") #定义学习率调整器 scheduler = lr_sche.StepLR(optimizer, 30, 0.1) #定义损失函数 criterion = a_softmax.AngleSoftmaxLoss(gamma=0) best_acc = 0 #开始训练 for i in range(1, epochs + 1): scheduler.step(epoch=i) net.train() train_acc,train_loss,all_feature,all_labels=\ train(net,optimizer,criterion,trainloader,i) utils.plot_features(all_feature, all_labels, classes_num, i, "./logs/images/train/train_{}.png") net.eval() test_acc, test_loss, all_feature, all_labels = test( net, criterion, testloader, i) utils.plot_features(all_feature, all_labels, classes_num, i, "./logs/images/test/test_{}.png") print("{} epoch end, train acc is {:.4f}, test acc is {:.4f}".format( i, train_acc, test_acc)) content = { "Train/acc": train_acc, "Test/acc": test_acc, "Train/loss": train_loss, "Test/loss": test_loss } logger.log(step=i, content=content) if best_acc < test_acc: best_acc = test_acc utils.save_checkpoints("./logs/weights/net_{}.pth",i,\ net.state_dict(),(best_acc==test_acc)) utils.make_gif("./logs/images/train/", "./logs/train.gif") utils.make_gif("./logs/images/test/", "./logs/test.gif") print("Traing finished...")
def play(self, coord): total_steps = 0 test_episode_count = 0 print("Starting agent " + str(self.thread_id)) while not coord.should_stop(): episode_regret = 0 episode_suboptimal_arm = 0 episode_reward = [0 for _ in range(FLAGS.nb_actions)] episode_step_count = 0 episode_frames = [] d = False r = 0 a = 0 t = 0 self.env.set(self.settings["envs"][test_episode_count]) while not d: a = random.randint(0, FLAGS.nb_actions - 1) r, d, t = self.env.pull_arm(a) episode_frames.append(set_image_bandit(episode_reward, self.env.get_bandit(), a, t)) episode_regret += self.env.get_timestep_regret(a) optimal_action = self.env.get_optimal_arm() if optimal_action != a: episode_suboptimal_arm += 1 episode_reward[a] += r total_steps += 1 episode_step_count += 1 self.episode_rewards.append(np.sum(episode_reward)) self.episodes_suboptimal_arms.append(episode_suboptimal_arm) self.episode_regrets.append(episode_regret) self.images = np.array(episode_frames) make_gif(self.images, FLAGS.frames_test_dir + '/image' + str(test_episode_count) + '.gif', duration=len(self.images) * 0.1, true_image=True) if test_episode_count == FLAGS.nb_test_episodes - 1: mean_regret = np.mean(self.episode_regrets) mean_nb_suboptimal_arms = np.mean(self.episodes_suboptimal_arms) print("Mean regret for the model is {}".format(mean_regret)) print("Regret in terms of suboptimal arms is {}".format(mean_nb_suboptimal_arms)) return 1 test_episode_count += 1
def visualize(self, epoch, opt_params): Igen = self.netG(self.fixed_noise) # GLO on a noise utils.make_gif( Igen, 'runs%d/ims_%s/generations_epoch_%03d' % (counter, self.rn, epoch), opt_params.batch_size) z = utils.sample_gaussian(self.netZ.emb.weight.clone().cpu(), self.vis_n) Igauss = self.netG(z) # GLO on gaussian utils.make_gif( Igauss, 'runs%d/ims_%s/gaussian_epoch_%03d' % (counter, self.rn, epoch), opt_params.batch_size)
def celeb(): """ Function that loads Celeb data, reshapes it to TF desired input (hight, width, color) Then, the function defines the shape of the discriminator and generator """ # This just gets a list of filenames to be loaded in dynamically due to their large number and size X = utils.load_Celeb() dimensions = 64 # Assumes images are square - uses only 1 dimension colors = 3 # Hyperparamters gathered from other official implementations that worked! Selected with hyper param optimisation techniques # Hyperparameter keys: # conv layer: (feature maps, filter size, stride=2, batch norm used?) # dense layer: (hidden units, batch norm used?) discriminator_sizes = { 'conv_layers': [(64, 5, 2, False), (128, 5, 2, True), (256, 5, 2, True), (512, 5, 2, True)], 'dense_layers': [] } # Hyperparameter keys: # z : latent variable dimensionality (drawing uniform random samples from it) # projection: initial number of feature maps (flat vector -> 3D image!) # batchNorm_after_projection: flag, showing, if we want to use batchnorm after projecting the flat vector # conv layer: (feature maps, filter size, stride=2, batch norm used?) # dense layer: (hidden units, batch norm used?) # output_action: activation function - using sigmoid since the Celeb data is scaled between {-1, 1} - This is recommended by GAN researchers generator_sizes = { 'z': 100, 'projection': 512, 'batchNorm_after_projection': True, 'conv_layers': [(256, 5, 2, True), (128, 5, 2, True), (64, 5, 2, True), (colors, 5, 2, False)], 'dense_layers': [], 'output_activation': tf.tanh, } # Create the DCGAN and fit it to the images name = 'Celeb' GAN = DCGAN(dimensions, colors, discriminator_sizes, generator_sizes), name) utils.make_gif(name)
def mnist(): """ Function that loads MNIST, reshapes it to TF desired input (hight, width, color) Then, the function defines the shape of the discriminator and generator """ X, _ = utils.load_MNIST() X = X.reshape(len(X), 28, 28, 1) dimensions = X.shape[ 1] # Assumes images are square - uses only 1 dimension colors = X.shape[-1] # Hyperparamters gathered from other official implementations that worked! Selected with hyper param optimisation techniques # Hyperparameter keys: # conv layer: (feature maps, filter size, stride=2, batch norm used?) # dense layer: (hidden units, batch norm used?) discriminator_sizes = { 'conv_layers': [(2, 5, 2, False), (64, 5, 2, True)], 'dense_layers': [(1024, True)] } # Hyperparameter keys: # z : latent variable dimensionality (drawing uniform random samples from it) # projection: initial number of feature maps (flat vector -> 3D image!) # batchNorm_after_projection: flag, showing, if we want to use batchnorm after projecting the flat vector # conv layer: (feature maps, filter size, stride=2, batch norm used?) # dense layer: (hidden units, batch norm used?) # output_action: activation function - using sigmoid since MNIST varies between {0, 1} generator_sizes = { 'z': 100, 'projection': 128, 'batchNorm_after_projection': False, 'conv_layers': [(128, 5, 2, True), (colors, 5, 2, False)], 'dense_layers': [(1024, True)], 'output_activation': tf.sigmoid, } # Create the DCGAN and fit it to the images name = 'MNIST' GAN = DCGAN(dimensions, colors, discriminator_sizes, generator_sizes), name) utils.make_gif(name)
def build_weixin_message(weixin): items = [] index = 0 message_title = '' if != u'' and weixin.title != u'' and weixin.recommended_reason != u'': message_title = weixin.title items.append(WeixinMessageItem(image=weixin.cover.path, title=weixin.title, digest=weixin.title, content=weixin.recommended_reason)) index += 1 for news in title = u'游戏情报站 - %s' % news.brief_comment if index == 0: message_title = title items.append(WeixinMessageItem(image=make_gif(news), title=title, digest=title, content=news.recommended_reason + u'<br><br><font color="gray">点击“阅读原文”查看更多</font>', sourceurl=u'' % index += 1 for game in title = u'%s - %s' % (, game.brief_comment) if index == 0: message_title = title if index > 0: items.append(WeixinMessageItem(image=make_gif(game), title=title, digest=title, content=_normalize_content(game), sourceurl=u'' % else: items.append(WeixinMessageItem(image=make_gif(game), title=title, digest=title, content=_normalize_content(game), sourceurl=u'' % index += 1 for player in weixin.players.all(): title = u'我是玩家 - %s' % player.brief_comment if index == 0: message_title = title items.append(WeixinMessageItem(image=player.image_url.path, title=title, digest=title, content=player.recommended_reason)) index += 1 for puzzle in weixin.puzzles.all(): title = u'趣味答题 - %s' % puzzle.title if index == 0: message_title = title content = puzzle.description + '<br>' content += 'A.' + puzzle.option1 + '<br>' content += 'B.' + puzzle.option2 + '<br>' content += 'C.' + puzzle.option3 + '<br>' content += 'D.' + puzzle.option4 + '<br></br>' content += u'<font color="gray">回复"答题",参与答题得积分换礼品的活动吧</font><br>' items.append(WeixinMessageItem(image=puzzle.image_url.path, title=title, digest=title, content=content)) index += 1 return WeixinMessage(, message_title, items)
def get_optimized_model_camera(mesh, camera, config): model = ModelCamera(mesh.vertices, mesh.faces, mesh.regions, config.CAMERA.REF_SILHOUETTE, camera.x, camera.y, camera.z, min_distance=config.CAMERA.MIN_DISTANCE, max_rotation_l_r=config.CAMERA.MAX_ROTATION_LR, max_rotation_u_d=config.CAMERA.MAX_ROTATION_UD, use_anchor_points=config.CAMERA.USE_ANCHOR_POINTS, silhouette_nose=config.CAMERA.ANCHOR_NOSE_IMG, silhouette_mouth=config.CAMERA.ANCHOR_MOUTH_IMG) model.cuda() optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=config.OPT.LR_CAMERA) dir_imgs = os.path.join(config.PATH.TMP, "camera") if not os.path.isdir(dir_imgs): os.mkdir(dir_imgs) loop = tqdm(range(config.OPT.ITER_CAMERA)) for i in loop: loop.set_description(f"Optimizing camera") optimizer.zero_grad() loss = model() loss.backward() optimizer.step() images, _, _ = model.renderer(model.vertices, model.faces, torch.tanh(model.textures)) image = images.detach().cpu().numpy()[0].transpose(1, 2, 0) imsave(os.path.join(dir_imgs, "%04d.png" % i), (255 * image).astype(np.uint8)) # Save output igms and gif make_gif(os.path.join(config.PATH.OUT, "camera.gif"), dir_imgs) # Silhouette faces image = model.renderer(model.vertices, model.faces, mode='silhouettes') image = image.detach().cpu().numpy().transpose(1, 2, 0) imsave(os.path.join(config.PATH.OUT, "silhouette_camera.png"), (255 * image).astype(np.uint8)) # Silhouette nose image = model.renderer(model.vertices, model.triangles_nose, mode='silhouettes') image = image.detach().cpu().numpy().transpose(1, 2, 0) imsave(os.path.join(config.PATH.OUT, "silhouette_nose.png"), (255 * image).astype(np.uint8)) # Silhouette mouth image = model.renderer(model.vertices, model.triangles_mouth, mode='silhouettes') image = image.detach().cpu().numpy().transpose(1, 2, 0) imsave(os.path.join(config.PATH.OUT, "silhouette_mouth.png"), (255 * image).astype(np.uint8)) return model
def post_process_and_save_he(sols, results_dir="./data/HE", name_simulation="HE_sim_default_name", save_plots=False): try: os.makedirs(results_dir) except: pass, name_simulation + "_array"), sols) if save_plots: make_gif(sols, os.path.join(results_dir, name_simulation + "gif" + ".gif")) ampsn = [] for sol in sols: ampsn.append(np.sum(sol)) ampsn = np.array(ampsn) / np.size(sol) amps_max = [] for sol in sols: amps_max.append(np.max(sol)) amps_max = np.array(amps_max) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15)) plt.plot(np.arange(0, len(ampsn), 1), np.abs(ampsn), label="avg amp") plt.legend() fig.savefig( os.path.join(results_dir, name_simulation + "amplitude_avg.png")) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15)) plt.plot(np.arange(0, len(amps_max), 1), np.abs(amps_max), label="amp max") plt.legend() fig.savefig( os.path.join(results_dir, name_simulation + "amplitude_max.png"))
def post_process_and_save_ac(sols, results_dir="./data/AC", name_simulation="AC_sim_default_name", save_plots=False, duration=0.05): try: os.makedirs(results_dir) except: pass, name_simulation + "_array"), sols) if save_plots: make_gif(sols, os.path.join(results_dir, name_simulation + "gif" + ".gif"), duration=duration) amps = [] for sol in sols: amps.append(np.sum(np.abs(sol))) amps = np.array(amps) / np.size(sol) ampsn = [] for sol in sols: ampsn.append(np.sum(sol)) ampsn = np.array(ampsn) / np.size(sol) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15)) plt.plot(np.arange(0, len(amps), 1), amps, label="avg abs phase") plt.plot(np.arange(0, len(ampsn), 1), np.abs(ampsn), label="abs avg phase") plt.legend() plt.savefig( os.path.join(results_dir, name_simulation + "avg_phases_time.png"))
def on_epoch_end(self, trainer, model): #epoch = trainer.current_epoch self._epoch += 1 epoch = int(self._epoch / 2) #dirty fix if epoch % self._plot_every == 0: plt.close("all") fig = plot_2D_comparison_analytical(model, self._val_fun, title="epoch {}".format(epoch)) array = fig_to_array(fig) self._arrays.append(array) if epoch % self._save_every == 0: make_gif(self._arrays, self._results_dir + "/{}.gif".format(self._name), size=self._size, duration=0.5)
def get_optimized_model_morphing(mesh, camera, config): model = ModelMorphing(mesh.vertices, mesh.faces, config.CAMERA.REF_SILHOUETTE, camera.x, camera.y, camera.z) model.cuda() optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, model.parameters()), lr=config.OPT.LR_MORPHING) dir_imgs = os.path.join(config.PATH.TMP, "morphing") if not os.path.isdir(dir_imgs): os.mkdir(dir_imgs) loop = tqdm(range(config.OPT.ITER_MORPHING)) for i in loop: loop.set_description(f"Morphing model") optimizer.zero_grad() loss = model() loss.backward() optimizer.step() images = model.renderer(model.vertices, model.faces, mode='silhouettes') image = images.detach().cpu().numpy().transpose(1, 2, 0) imsave(os.path.join(dir_imgs, "%04d.png" % i), (255 * image).astype(np.uint8)) make_gif(os.path.join(config.PATH.OUT, "morphing.gif"), dir_imgs) return model
def play_episode(model, env, memory, save_path): memory.clear() frame = env.reset() done = False cumulative_reward = 0 frames = [] while not done: frames.append(frame) with torch.no_grad(): action = model( memory.get_state(frame)).max(1)[1][0].cpu() # .numpy() next_frame, reward, done, info = env.step(action) cumulative_reward += reward memory.add_experience(frame, action, reward, next_frame, done) frame = next_frame save_path = Path( save_path.parent, save_path.stem + '_r' + str(int(cumulative_reward)) + save_path.suffix) # save_path = + '_r' + cumulative_reward + save_path.suffix make_gif(frames, save_path) return cumulative_reward
def play(self, sess, coord, saver): episode_count = total_steps = 0 if not FLAGS.train: test_episode_count = 0 print("Starting agent " + str(self.thread_id)) with sess.as_default(), sess.graph.as_default(): while not coord.should_stop(): if FLAGS.train and episode_count > FLAGS.max_nb_episodes_train: return 0 episode_buffer = [] # if not FLAGS.train: # print("Episode {}".format(test_episode_count)) episode_regret = 0 episode_suboptimal_arm = 0 episode_values = [] episode_frames = [] episode_reward = [0 for _ in range(FLAGS.nb_actions)] episode_step_count = 0 d = False if FLAGS.meta: r = 0 a = 0 t = 0 if not FLAGS.resume and FLAGS.train: self.env.reset() else: #print(test_episode_count) self.env.set(self.settings["envs"][test_episode_count]) rnn_state = self.local_AC.state_init while not d: if FLAGS.meta: feed_dict = { self.local_AC.prev_rewards: [[r]], self.local_AC.timestep: [[t]], self.local_AC.prev_actions: [a], self.local_AC.state_in[0]: rnn_state[0], self.local_AC.state_in[1]: rnn_state[1] } else: feed_dict = { self.local_AC.timestep: [[t]], self.local_AC.prev_actions: [a], self.local_AC.state_in[0]: rnn_state[0], self.local_AC.state_in[1]: rnn_state[1] } pi, v, rnn_state_new =[ self.local_AC.policy, self.local_AC.value, self.local_AC.state_out ], feed_dict=feed_dict) a = np.random.choice(pi[0]) a = np.argmax(pi == a) rnn_state = rnn_state_new r, d, t = self.env.pull_arm(a) # if not FLAGS.train: episode_regret += self.env.get_timestep_regret(a) optimal_action = self.env.get_optimal_arm() if optimal_action != a: episode_suboptimal_arm += 1 episode_buffer.append([a, r, t, d, v[0, 0]]) episode_values.append(v[0, 0]) if not == '11arms': episode_frames.append( set_image_bandit(episode_reward, self.env.get_bandit(), a, t)) else: episode_frames.append( set_image_bandit_11_arms( episode_reward, self.env.get_optimal_arm(), a, t)) episode_reward[a] += r total_steps += 1 episode_step_count += 1 self.episode_rewards.append(np.sum(episode_reward)) self.episodes_suboptimal_arms.append(episode_suboptimal_arm) self.episode_regrets.append(episode_regret) # if not FLAGS.train: # print("Episode total reward was: {} vs optimal reward {}".format(np.sum(episode_reward), # episode_rewards_for_optimal_arm)) # print("Regret is {}".format(max(episode_rewards_for_optimal_arm - np.sum(episode_reward), 0))) # print("Suboptimal arms in the episode: {}".format(episode_suboptimal_arm)) self.episode_lengths.append(episode_step_count) self.episode_mean_values.append(np.mean(episode_values)) if len(episode_buffer) != 0 and FLAGS.train == True: if episode_count % FLAGS.summary_interval == 0 and episode_count != 0: l, v_l, p_l, e_l, g_n, v_n, ms = self.train( episode_buffer, sess, 0.0, self.settings, True) else: self.train(episode_buffer, sess, 0.0, self.settings, False) if not FLAGS.train and test_episode_count == FLAGS.nb_test_episodes - 1: # episode_regret = [max(o - r, 0) for (o, r) in # zip(self.episode_optimal_rewards, self.episode_rewards)] mean_regret = np.mean(self.episode_regrets) mean_nb_suboptimal_arms = np.mean( self.episodes_suboptimal_arms) if self.settings["mode"] == "val": with open(FLAGS.results_val_file, "a+") as f: f.write( "Model: game={} lr={} gamma={} mean_regret={} mean_nb_subopt_arms={}\n" .format(self.settings["game"], self.settings["lr"], self.settings["gamma"], mean_regret, mean_nb_suboptimal_arms)) elif self.settings["mode"] == "test": self.images = np.array(episode_frames) #make_gif(self.images, # self.settings["frames_dir"] + '/image' + str(test_episode_count) + '.gif', # duration=len(self.images) * 0.1, true_image=True) with open(FLAGS.results_test_file, "a+") as f: f.write( "Model: game={} lr={} gamma={} mean_regret={} mean_nb_subopt_arms={}\n" .format(self.settings["game"], self.settings["lr"], self.settings["gamma"], mean_regret, mean_nb_suboptimal_arms)) else: with open(FLAGS.results_eval_file, "a+") as f: f.write("{} ".format(mean_regret)) print("Mean regret for the model is {}".format( mean_regret)) print( "Regret in terms of suboptimal arms is {}".format( mean_nb_suboptimal_arms)) return 1 if not FLAGS.train: self.images = np.array(episode_frames) make_gif(self.images, FLAGS.frames_test_dir + '/image' + str(episode_count) + '.gif', duration=len(self.images) * 0.1, true_image=True) if FLAGS.train == True and episode_count % FLAGS.checkpoint_interval == 0 and episode_count != 0:, self.model_path + '/model-' + str(episode_count) + '.cptk', global_step=self.global_episode) print("Saved Model at {}".format(self.model_path + '/model-' + str(episode_count) + '.cptk')) if FLAGS.train and episode_count % FLAGS.summary_interval == 0 and episode_count != 0: # if episode_count % FLAGS.frames_interval == 0 and == 'agent_0': # self.images = np.array(episode_frames) # make_gif(self.images, self.settings.frames_dir + '/image' + str(episode_count) + '.gif', # duration=len(self.images) * 0.1, true_image=True) mean_reward = np.mean( self.episode_rewards[-FLAGS.summary_interval:]) mean_length = np.mean( self.episode_lengths[-FLAGS.summary_interval:]) mean_value = np.mean( self.episode_mean_values[-FLAGS.summary_interval:]) episode_regret = [ max(o - r, 0) for (o, r) in zip( self. episode_optimal_rewards[-FLAGS.summary_interval:], self.episode_rewards[-50:]) ] mean_regret = np.mean(episode_regret) mean_nb_suboptimal_arms = np.mean( self.episodes_suboptimal_arms[-FLAGS.summary_interval:] ) self.summary.value.add(tag='Perf/Reward', simple_value=float(mean_reward)) self.summary.value.add(tag='Perf/Length', simple_value=float(mean_length)) self.summary.value.add(tag='Perf/Value', simple_value=float(mean_value)) self.summary.value.add(tag='Mean Regret', simple_value=float(mean_regret)) self.summary.value.add( tag='Mean NSuboptArms', simple_value=float(mean_nb_suboptimal_arms)) self.summary.value.add(tag='Losses/Total Loss', simple_value=float(l)) self.summary.value.add(tag='Losses/Value Loss', simple_value=float(v_l)) self.summary.value.add(tag='Losses/Policy Loss', simple_value=float(p_l)) self.summary.value.add(tag='Losses/Entropy', simple_value=float(e_l)) self.summary.value.add(tag='Losses/Grad Norm', simple_value=float(g_n)) self.summary.value.add(tag='Losses/Var Norm', simple_value=float(v_n)) summaries = tf.Summary().FromString(ms) sub_summaries_dict = {} for value in summaries.value: value_field = value.WhichOneof('value') value_ifo = sub_summaries_dict.setdefault( value.tag, { 'value_field': None, 'values': [] }) if not value_ifo['value_field']: value_ifo['value_field'] = value_field else: assert value_ifo['value_field'] == value_field value_ifo['values'].append(getattr(value, value_field)) for name, value_ifo in sub_summaries_dict.items(): summary_value = self.summary.value.add() summary_value.tag = name if value_ifo['value_field'] == 'histo': values = value_ifo['values'] summary_value.histo.min = min( [x.min for x in values]) summary_value.histo.max = max( [x.max for x in values]) summary_value.histo.num = sum( [x.num for x in values]) summary_value.histo.sum = sum( [x.sum for x in values]) summary_value.histo.sum_squares = sum( [x.sum_squares for x in values]) for lim in values[0].bucket_limit: summary_value.histo.bucket_limit.append(lim) for bucket in values[0].bucket: summary_value.histo.bucket.append(bucket) else: print( 'Warning: could not aggregate summary of type {}' .format(value_ifo['value_field'])) self.summary_writer.add_summary(self.summary, episode_count) self.summary_writer.flush() if == 'agent_0': if not FLAGS.train: # if self.settings["mode"] == "test": # self.images = np.array(episode_frames) # make_gif(self.images, self.settings["frames_dir"] + '/image' + str(test_episode_count) + '.gif', # duration=len(self.images) * 0.1, true_image=True) test_episode_count += 1 episode_count += 1
W = W['emb.weight'].data.cpu().numpy() netG = modelvideo.netG_new(nz).cuda() if torch.cuda.device_count() > 1: parallel = True print("Using", torch.cuda.device_count(), "GPUs!") netG = nn.DataParallel(netG) state_dict = torch.load('runs%d/nets_%s/netG_glo.pth' % (counter, rn)) netG.load_state_dict(state_dict) # load the weights for generator (GLO) if parallel: netG = netG.module # d is the dimension of noise vector (e) d = 16 nepoch = 50 icpt = icp.ICPTrainer(W, d) icpt.train_icp(nepoch), 'runs%d/nets_%s/netT_nag.pth' % (counter, rn)) #saves the param of the netT #Prediction z = icpt.icp.netT(torch.randn(100, d).cuda()) print("z shape", z.shape) video = netG(z) print("video shape is", video.shape) # utils.make_gif(utils.denorm(video), 'runs3/ims_%s/sample' % (rn), 1) utils.make_gif(video, 'runs%d/ims_%s/sample' % (counter, rn), 5)
#!/usr/bin/env python import argparse from glob import glob from utils import make_gif parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--model_name", type=str, default='ptb_2018-08-22_11-44-47') parser.add_argument("--max_frame", type=int, default=5) parser.add_argument("--output", type=str, default="sampe.gif") parser.add_argument("--title", type=str, default="") if __name__ == "__main__": args = parser.parse_args() paths = glob(f"./logs/{args.model_name}/networks/*.png") make_gif(paths, args.output, max_frame=args.max_frame, prefix=f"{args.title}\n" if args.title else "")
''' n_updates += 1 counter += 1 if (batch_index + 1) % 10 == 0: save_img( flow[0].data.cpu(), DIR_TO_SAVE + 'original_flow_%s_%s_a.jpg' % (current_epoch, batch_index)) save_img( gen_flow[0].data.cpu(), DIR_TO_SAVE + 'fake_flow_%s_%s_a.jpg' % (current_epoch, batch_index)) make_gif( denorm([0]), DIR_TO_SAVE + 'original_gifs_%s_%s_b.gif' % (current_epoch, batch_index)) save_img( denorm(first_frame[0].data.cpu()), DIR_TO_SAVE + 'fake_gifs_%s_%s_a.jpg' % (current_epoch, batch_index)) make_gif( denorm([0]), DIR_TO_SAVE + 'fake_gifs_%s_%s_b.gif' % (current_epoch, batch_index)) make_gif( denorm([0]), DIR_TO_SAVE + 'mask__%s_%s_b.gif' % (current_epoch, batch_index))'Gifs saved at epoch: %d, batch_index: %d' % (current_epoch, batch_index)) if current_epoch % 100 == 0:, './generator1.pkl')
# avg loss values for plot D_avg_losses.append(D_avg_loss) G_avg_losses.append(G_avg_loss) # Show result for test image gen_image = G(Variable(test_input)) #.cuda())) gen_image = gen_image.cpu().data utils.plot_test_result(test_input, test_target, gen_image, epoch, save=True, save_dir=save_dir) np.savetxt("D_losses.csv", D_losses, delimiter=",") np.savetxt("G_losses.csv", G_losses, delimiter=",") # Plot average losses utils.plot_loss(D_losses, G_losses, params.num_epochs, save=True, save_dir=save_dir) # Make gif utils.make_gif(params.dataset, params.num_epochs, save_dir=save_dir) # Save trained parameters of model, model_dir + 'generator_param.pkl'), model_dir + 'discriminator_param.pkl')
col=10, figsize=(50, 50), dataformat='CHW') fig.savefig(PICTURE_DIR + "%s_%d.png" % (str(count).zfill(3), index)) plt.close(fig) "Epoch({}/{}) D_loss : {}, G_loss : {}, Q_loss : {}". format(epoch + 1, train_epochs, D_loss, G_loss, Q_loss)) # Save model saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=10), os.path.join(SAVE_DIR, 'model'), global_step=epoch + 1)"Model save in %s" % SAVE_DIR) if __name__ == '__main__': create_dir(SAVE_DIR) create_dir(PICTURE_DIR) infogan = InfoGAN() infogan.initialize() infogan.train(100000) for index in range(2): images_path = glob.glob(os.path.join(PICTURE_DIR, '*_%d.png' % index)) gif_path = os.path.join(PICTURE_DIR, '%d.gif' % index) make_gif(sorted(images_path), gif_path)
def play(self, sess, coord, saver): episode_count = total_steps = 0 if not FLAGS.train: test_episode_count = 0 print("Starting agent " + str(self.thread_id)) with sess.as_default(), sess.graph.as_default(): while not coord.should_stop(): if FLAGS.train and episode_count > FLAGS.max_nb_episodes_train: return 0 episode_buffer = [] # if not FLAGS.train: # print("Episode {}".format(test_episode_count)) episode_regret = 0 episode_suboptimal_arm = 0 episode_values = [] episode_frames = [] episode_reward = [0 for _ in range(FLAGS.nb_actions)] episode_step_count = 0 d = False if FLAGS.meta: r = 0 a = 0 t = 0 if not FLAGS.resume and FLAGS.train: self.env.reset() else: #print(test_episode_count) self.env.set(self.settings["envs"][test_episode_count]) rnn_state = self.local_AC.state_init while not d: if FLAGS.meta: feed_dict = { self.local_AC.prev_rewards: [[r]], self.local_AC.timestep: [[t]], self.local_AC.prev_actions: [a], self.local_AC.state_in[0]: rnn_state[0], self.local_AC.state_in[1]: rnn_state[1]} else: feed_dict = { self.local_AC.timestep: [[t]], self.local_AC.prev_actions: [a], self.local_AC.state_in[0]: rnn_state[0], self.local_AC.state_in[1]: rnn_state[1]} pi, v, rnn_state_new = [self.local_AC.policy, self.local_AC.value, self.local_AC.state_out], feed_dict=feed_dict) a = np.random.choice(pi[0]) a = np.argmax(pi == a) rnn_state = rnn_state_new r, d, t = self.env.pull_arm(a) # if not FLAGS.train: episode_regret += self.env.get_timestep_regret(a) optimal_action = self.env.get_optimal_arm() if optimal_action != a: episode_suboptimal_arm += 1 episode_buffer.append([a, r, t, d, v[0, 0]]) episode_values.append(v[0, 0]) if not == '11arms': episode_frames.append(set_image_bandit(episode_reward, self.env.get_bandit(), a, t)) else: episode_frames.append( set_image_bandit_11_arms(episode_reward, self.env.get_optimal_arm(), a, t)) episode_reward[a] += r total_steps += 1 episode_step_count += 1 self.episode_rewards.append(np.sum(episode_reward)) self.episodes_suboptimal_arms.append(episode_suboptimal_arm) self.episode_regrets.append(episode_regret) # if not FLAGS.train: # print("Episode total reward was: {} vs optimal reward {}".format(np.sum(episode_reward), # episode_rewards_for_optimal_arm)) # print("Regret is {}".format(max(episode_rewards_for_optimal_arm - np.sum(episode_reward), 0))) # print("Suboptimal arms in the episode: {}".format(episode_suboptimal_arm)) self.episode_lengths.append(episode_step_count) self.episode_mean_values.append(np.mean(episode_values)) if len(episode_buffer) != 0 and FLAGS.train == True: if episode_count % FLAGS.summary_interval == 0 and episode_count != 0: l, v_l, p_l, e_l, g_n, v_n, ms = self.train(episode_buffer, sess, 0.0, self.settings, True) else: self.train(episode_buffer, sess, 0.0, self.settings, False) if not FLAGS.train and test_episode_count == FLAGS.nb_test_episodes - 1: # episode_regret = [max(o - r, 0) for (o, r) in # zip(self.episode_optimal_rewards, self.episode_rewards)] mean_regret = np.mean(self.episode_regrets) mean_nb_suboptimal_arms = np.mean(self.episodes_suboptimal_arms) if self.settings["mode"] == "val": with open(FLAGS.results_val_file, "a+") as f: f.write("Model: game={} lr={} gamma={} mean_regret={} mean_nb_subopt_arms={}\n".format( self.settings["game"], self.settings["lr"], self.settings["gamma"], mean_regret, mean_nb_suboptimal_arms)) elif self.settings["mode"] == "test": self.images = np.array(episode_frames) #make_gif(self.images, # self.settings["frames_dir"] + '/image' + str(test_episode_count) + '.gif', # duration=len(self.images) * 0.1, true_image=True) with open(FLAGS.results_test_file, "a+") as f: f.write("Model: game={} lr={} gamma={} mean_regret={} mean_nb_subopt_arms={}\n".format( self.settings["game"], self.settings["lr"], self.settings["gamma"], mean_regret, mean_nb_suboptimal_arms)) else: with open(FLAGS.results_eval_file, "a+") as f: f.write("{} ".format(mean_regret)) print("Mean regret for the model is {}".format(mean_regret)) print("Regret in terms of suboptimal arms is {}".format(mean_nb_suboptimal_arms)) return 1 if not FLAGS.train: self.images = np.array(episode_frames) make_gif(self.images, FLAGS.frames_test_dir + '/image' + str(episode_count) + '.gif', duration=len(self.images) * 0.1, true_image=True) if FLAGS.train == True and episode_count % FLAGS.checkpoint_interval == 0 and episode_count != 0:, self.model_path + '/model-' + str(episode_count) + '.cptk', global_step=self.global_episode) print("Saved Model at {}".format(self.model_path + '/model-' + str(episode_count) + '.cptk')) if FLAGS.train and episode_count % FLAGS.summary_interval == 0 and episode_count != 0: # if episode_count % FLAGS.frames_interval == 0 and == 'agent_0': # self.images = np.array(episode_frames) # make_gif(self.images, self.settings.frames_dir + '/image' + str(episode_count) + '.gif', # duration=len(self.images) * 0.1, true_image=True) mean_reward = np.mean(self.episode_rewards[-FLAGS.summary_interval:]) mean_length = np.mean(self.episode_lengths[-FLAGS.summary_interval:]) mean_value = np.mean(self.episode_mean_values[-FLAGS.summary_interval:]) episode_regret = [max(o - r, 0) for (o, r) in zip(self.episode_optimal_rewards[-FLAGS.summary_interval:], self.episode_rewards[-50:])] mean_regret = np.mean(episode_regret) mean_nb_suboptimal_arms = np.mean(self.episodes_suboptimal_arms[-FLAGS.summary_interval:]) self.summary.value.add(tag='Perf/Reward', simple_value=float(mean_reward)) self.summary.value.add(tag='Perf/Length', simple_value=float(mean_length)) self.summary.value.add(tag='Perf/Value', simple_value=float(mean_value)) self.summary.value.add(tag='Mean Regret', simple_value=float(mean_regret)) self.summary.value.add(tag='Mean NSuboptArms', simple_value=float(mean_nb_suboptimal_arms)) self.summary.value.add(tag='Losses/Total Loss', simple_value=float(l)) self.summary.value.add(tag='Losses/Value Loss', simple_value=float(v_l)) self.summary.value.add(tag='Losses/Policy Loss', simple_value=float(p_l)) self.summary.value.add(tag='Losses/Entropy', simple_value=float(e_l)) self.summary.value.add(tag='Losses/Grad Norm', simple_value=float(g_n)) self.summary.value.add(tag='Losses/Var Norm', simple_value=float(v_n)) summaries = tf.Summary().FromString(ms) sub_summaries_dict = {} for value in summaries.value: value_field = value.WhichOneof('value') value_ifo = sub_summaries_dict.setdefault(value.tag, {'value_field': None, 'values': []}) if not value_ifo['value_field']: value_ifo['value_field'] = value_field else: assert value_ifo['value_field'] == value_field value_ifo['values'].append(getattr(value, value_field)) for name, value_ifo in sub_summaries_dict.items(): summary_value = self.summary.value.add() summary_value.tag = name if value_ifo['value_field'] == 'histo': values = value_ifo['values'] summary_value.histo.min = min([x.min for x in values]) summary_value.histo.max = max([x.max for x in values]) summary_value.histo.num = sum([x.num for x in values]) summary_value.histo.sum = sum([x.sum for x in values]) summary_value.histo.sum_squares = sum([x.sum_squares for x in values]) for lim in values[0].bucket_limit: summary_value.histo.bucket_limit.append(lim) for bucket in values[0].bucket: summary_value.histo.bucket.append(bucket) else: print( 'Warning: could not aggregate summary of type {}'.format(value_ifo['value_field'])) self.summary_writer.add_summary(self.summary, episode_count) self.summary_writer.flush() if == 'agent_0': if not FLAGS.train: # if self.settings["mode"] == "test": # self.images = np.array(episode_frames) # make_gif(self.images, self.settings["frames_dir"] + '/image' + str(test_episode_count) + '.gif', # duration=len(self.images) * 0.1, true_image=True) test_episode_count += 1 episode_count += 1
PATH = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) == 2 else str(Path(__file__).parent.absolute())[:-3]+'imgs/' NAME = 'huge' fst = Param( CLUSTERS = 12**2, CLUST_SIDE_LEN = 7, DAYS = 100, INFECTION_TIME = 20, DEATH_RATE = 0.4, INFECT_RATE = 0.3, MIGRATIONS_PER_DAY = 100, FEAR_RATE = 0.4, HEALTHCARE_CAPACITY = 2500 ) start = time() cumulative, active, healed, dead, migrations, real_mig = run_simulation(fst, PATH) print('time elapsed:', time() - start, flush=True) make_gif(PATH, NAME) # plt.plot(range(len(migrations)), migrations, label='migrations', color='blue') plt.plot(range(len(real_mig)), real_mig, label='migrations', color='blue', ls=':') make_plot(fst, cumulative, active, healed, dead, label='', color='red') plt.savefig(PATH+NAME+'.png') print("The visualization of the simulation is available at './imgs/'", flush=True)
[0.65, 0.65, 2.5], [-0.65, 0.65, 2.5], ]) # # PRIMEIRA QUESTÃO q1(cube_points, parallel_points, pyramid_points, tronco_points) # SEGUNDA QUESTÃO cube_points, parallel_points, pyramid_points, tronco_points = q2( cube_points, parallel_points, pyramid_points, tronco_points) # TERCEIRA QUESTÃO c_points, p_points = q3(copy(cube_points), copy(pyramid_points), copy(parallel_points), copy(tronco_points), np.array([3, -3, 3]), True) # QUARTA QUESTÃO q4(c_points, p_points, True) # OPCIONAL eyes = [np.array([i, -3, 3]) for i in np.arange(-2, 8, .5)] for i, eye in enumerate(eyes): # TERCEIRA QUESTÃO c_points, p_points = q3(copy(cube_points), copy(pyramid_points), copy(parallel_points), copy(tronco_points), eye) # QUARTA QUESTÃO q4(c_points, p_points, show=False) make_gif()
def train_agent_model_free(agent, env, params): update_timestep = params['update_every_n_steps'] seed = params['seed'] log_interval = 1000 gif_interval = 500000 n_random_actions = params['n_random_actions'] n_evals = params['n_evals'] n_collect_steps = params['n_collect_steps'] use_statefilter = params['obs_filter'] save_model = params['save_model'] assert n_collect_steps > agent.batchsize, "We must initially collect as many steps as the batch size!" avg_length = 0 time_step = 0 cumulative_timestep = 0 cumulative_log_timestep = 0 n_updates = 0 i_episode = 0 log_episode = 0 samples_number = 0 episode_rewards = [] episode_steps = [] if use_statefilter: state_filter = MeanStdevFilter(env.env.observation_space.shape[0]) else: state_filter = None random.seed(seed) torch.manual_seed(seed) np.random.seed(seed) env.seed(seed) env.action_space.np_random.seed(seed) max_steps = env.spec.max_episode_steps writer = SummaryWriter() while samples_number < 3e7: time_step = 0 episode_reward = 0 i_episode += 1 log_episode += 1 state = env.reset() if state_filter: state_filter.update(state) done = False while (not done): cumulative_log_timestep += 1 cumulative_timestep += 1 time_step += 1 samples_number += 1 if samples_number < n_random_actions: action = env.action_space.sample() else: action = agent.get_action(state, state_filter=state_filter) nextstate, reward, done, _ = env.step(action) # if we hit the time-limit, it's not a 'real' done; we don't want to assign low value to those states real_done = False if time_step == max_steps else done agent.replay_pool.push( Transition(state, action, reward, nextstate, real_done)) state = nextstate if state_filter: state_filter.update(state) episode_reward += reward # update if it's time if cumulative_timestep % update_timestep == 0 and cumulative_timestep > n_collect_steps: q1_loss, q2_loss, pi_loss, a_loss = agent.optimize( update_timestep, state_filter=state_filter) n_updates += 1 # logging if cumulative_timestep % log_interval == 0 and cumulative_timestep > n_collect_steps: writer.add_scalar('Loss/Q-func_1', q1_loss, n_updates) writer.add_scalar('Loss/Q-func_2', q2_loss, n_updates) writer.add_scalar('Loss/policy', pi_loss, n_updates) writer.add_scalar('Loss/alpha', a_loss, n_updates) writer.add_scalar('Values/alpha', np.exp(agent.log_alpha.item()), n_updates) avg_length = np.mean(episode_steps) running_reward = np.mean(episode_rewards) eval_reward = evaluate_agent(env, agent, state_filter, n_starts=n_evals) writer.add_scalar('Reward/Train', running_reward, cumulative_timestep) writer.add_scalar('Reward/Test', eval_reward, cumulative_timestep) print( 'Episode {} \t Samples {} \t Avg length: {} \t Test reward: {} \t Train reward: {} \t Number of Policy Updates: {}' .format(i_episode, samples_number, avg_length, eval_reward, running_reward, n_updates)) episode_steps = [] episode_rewards = [] if cumulative_timestep % gif_interval == 0: make_gif(agent, env, cumulative_timestep, state_filter) if save_model: make_checkpoint(agent, cumulative_timestep, params['env']) episode_steps.append(time_step) episode_rewards.append(episode_reward)
def build_weixin_message(weixin): items = [] index = 0 message_title = '' if != u'' and weixin.title != u'' and weixin.recommended_reason != u'': message_title = weixin.title items.append( WeixinMessageItem(image=weixin.cover.path, title=weixin.title, digest=weixin.title, content=weixin.recommended_reason)) index += 1 for news in title = u'游戏情报站 - %s' % news.brief_comment if index == 0: message_title = title items.append( WeixinMessageItem( image=make_gif(news), title=title, digest=title, content=news.recommended_reason + u'<br><br><font color="gray">点击“阅读原文”查看更多</font>', sourceurl=u'' % index += 1 for game in title = u'%s - %s' % (, game.brief_comment) if index == 0: message_title = title if index > 0: items.append( WeixinMessageItem( image=make_gif(game), title=title, digest=title, content=_normalize_content(game), sourceurl=u'' % else: items.append( WeixinMessageItem( image=make_gif(game), title=title, digest=title, content=_normalize_content(game), sourceurl=u'' % index += 1 for player in weixin.players.all(): title = u'我是玩家 - %s' % player.brief_comment if index == 0: message_title = title items.append( WeixinMessageItem(image=player.image_url.path, title=title, digest=title, content=player.recommended_reason)) index += 1 for puzzle in weixin.puzzles.all(): title = u'趣味答题 - %s' % puzzle.title if index == 0: message_title = title content = puzzle.description + '<br>' content += 'A.' + puzzle.option1 + '<br>' content += 'B.' + puzzle.option2 + '<br>' content += 'C.' + puzzle.option3 + '<br>' content += 'D.' + puzzle.option4 + '<br></br>' content += u'<font color="gray">回复"答题",参与答题得积分换礼品的活动吧</font><br>' items.append( WeixinMessageItem(image=puzzle.image_url.path, title=title, digest=title, content=content)) index += 1 return WeixinMessage(, message_title, items)
def train(self): # Seed np.random.seed(self.manual_seed) random.seed(self.manual_seed) torch.manual_seed(self.manual_seed) # For fast training cudnn.benchmark = True # For BatchNorm self.G.train() self.D.train() # Fixed noise for sampling from G fixed_noise = torch.randn(self.batch_size, self.z_dim, device=self.device) if self.num_of_classes < self.batch_size: fixed_labels = torch.from_numpy( np.tile(np.arange(self.num_of_classes), self.batch_size // self.num_of_classes + 1)[:self.batch_size]).to(self.device) else: fixed_labels = torch.from_numpy(np.arange(self.batch_size)).to( self.device) # For gan loss label = torch.full((self.batch_size, ), 1, device=self.device) ones = torch.full((self.batch_size, ), 1, device=self.device) # Losses file log_file_name = os.path.join(self.save_path, 'log.txt') log_file = open(log_file_name, "wt") # Init start_time = time.time() G_losses = [] D_losses_real = [] D_losses_fake = [] D_losses = [] D_xs = [] D_Gz_trainDs = [] D_Gz_trainGs = [] # Instance noise - make random noise mean (0) and std for injecting inst_noise_mean = torch.full( (self.batch_size, 3, self.imsize, self.imsize), 0, device=self.device) inst_noise_std = torch.full( (self.batch_size, 3, self.imsize, self.imsize), self.inst_noise_sigma, device=self.device) # Start training for self.step in range(self.start, self.total_step): # Instance noise std is linearly annealed from self.inst_noise_sigma to 0 thru self.inst_noise_sigma_iters inst_noise_sigma_curr = 0 if self.step > self.inst_noise_sigma_iters else ( 1 - self.step / self.inst_noise_sigma_iters) * self.inst_noise_sigma inst_noise_std.fill_(inst_noise_sigma_curr) # ================== TRAIN D ================== # for _ in range(self.d_steps_per_iter): # Zero grad self.reset_grad() # TRAIN with REAL # Get real images & real labels real_images, real_labels = self.get_real_samples() # Get D output for real images & real labels inst_noise = torch.normal(mean=inst_noise_mean, std=inst_noise_std).to(self.device) d_out_real = self.D(real_images + inst_noise, real_labels) # Compute D loss with real images & real labels if self.adv_loss == 'hinge': d_loss_real = torch.nn.ReLU()(ones - d_out_real).mean() elif self.adv_loss == 'wgan_gp': d_loss_real = -d_out_real.mean() else: label.fill_(1) d_loss_real = self.criterion(d_out_real, label) # Backward d_loss_real.backward() # TRAIN with FAKE # Create random noise z = torch.randn(self.batch_size, self.z_dim, device=self.device) # Generate fake images for same real labels fake_images = self.G(z, real_labels) # Get D output for fake images & same real labels inst_noise = torch.normal(mean=inst_noise_mean, std=inst_noise_std).to(self.device) d_out_fake = self.D(fake_images.detach() + inst_noise, real_labels) # Compute D loss with fake images & real labels if self.adv_loss == 'hinge': d_loss_fake = torch.nn.ReLU()(ones + d_out_fake).mean() elif self.adv_loss == 'dcgan': label.fill_(0) d_loss_fake = self.criterion(d_out_fake, label) else: d_loss_fake = d_out_fake.mean() # Backward d_loss_fake.backward() # If WGAN_GP, compute GP and add to D loss if self.adv_loss == 'wgan_gp': d_loss_gp = self.lambda_gp * self.compute_gradient_penalty( real_images, real_labels, fake_images.detach()) d_loss_gp.backward() # Optimize self.D_optimizer.step() # ================== TRAIN G ================== # for _ in range(self.g_steps_per_iter): # Zero grad self.reset_grad() # Get real images & real labels (only need real labels) real_images, real_labels = self.get_real_samples() # Create random noise z = torch.randn(self.batch_size, self.z_dim).to(self.device) # Generate fake images for same real labels fake_images = self.G(z, real_labels) # Get D output for fake images & same real labels inst_noise = torch.normal(mean=inst_noise_mean, std=inst_noise_std).to(self.device) g_out_fake = self.D(fake_images + inst_noise, real_labels) # Compute G loss with fake images & real labels if self.adv_loss == 'dcgan': label.fill_(1) g_loss = self.criterion(g_out_fake, label) else: g_loss = -g_out_fake.mean() # Backward + Optimize g_loss.backward() self.G_optimizer.step() # Print out log info if self.step % self.log_step == 0: G_losses.append(g_loss.mean().item()) D_losses_real.append(d_loss_real.mean().item()) D_losses_fake.append(d_loss_fake.mean().item()) D_loss = D_losses_real[-1] + D_losses_fake[-1] if self.adv_loss == 'wgan_gp': D_loss += d_loss_gp.mean().item() D_losses.append(D_loss) D_xs.append(d_out_real.mean().item()) D_Gz_trainDs.append(d_out_fake.mean().item()) D_Gz_trainGs.append(g_out_fake.mean().item()) curr_time = time.time() curr_time_str = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( curr_time).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') elapsed = str( datetime.timedelta(seconds=(curr_time - start_time))) log = ( "[{}] : Elapsed [{}], Iter [{} / {}], G_loss: {:.4f}, D_loss: {:.4f}, D_loss_real: {:.4f}, D_loss_fake: {:.4f}, D(x): {:.4f}, D(G(z))_trainD: {:.4f}, D(G(z))_trainG: {:.4f}\n" .format(curr_time_str, elapsed, self.step, self.total_step, G_losses[-1], D_losses[-1], D_losses_real[-1], D_losses_fake[-1], D_xs[-1], D_Gz_trainDs[-1], D_Gz_trainGs[-1])) print(log) log_file.write(log) log_file.flush() utils.make_plots(G_losses, D_losses, D_losses_real, D_losses_fake, D_xs, D_Gz_trainDs, D_Gz_trainGs, self.log_step, self.save_path) # Sample images if self.step % self.sample_step == 0: self.G.eval() fake_images = self.G(fixed_noise, fixed_labels) self.G.train() sample_images = utils.denorm( fake_images.detach()[:self.save_n_images]) # Save batch images vutils.save_image( sample_images, os.path.join(self.sample_path, 'fake_{:05d}.png'.format(self.step))) # Save gif utils.make_gif( sample_images[0].cpu().numpy().transpose(1, 2, 0) * 255, self.step, self.sample_path,, max_frames_per_gif=self.max_frames_per_gif) # Save model if self.step % self.model_save_step == 0: utils.save_ckpt(self)
disc_loss_fake.append(d_loss_f) gen_loss = np.mean(np.asarray(gen_loss)) disc_loss_real = np.mean(np.asarray(disc_loss_real)) disc_loss_fake = np.mean(np.asarray(disc_loss_fake)) if (np.isnan(gen_loss) or np.isnan(disc_loss_real) or np.isnan(disc_loss_fake)): print("Something broke.") break generate_and_save_images(gen, ep + 1, seed, out_path) print("Time for epoch:", time.time() - start) print("Gen loss=", gen_loss) print("Disc loss real=", disc_loss_real) print("Disc loss fake=", disc_loss_fake) if __name__ == "__main__": args = parse_args() epochs = args.epochs batch_size = args.batch ckpt_path = args.checkpoint imgs_path = args.imgs out_path = args.output lr = train(epochs, batch_size, ckpt_path, imgs_path, lr, out_path) make_gif(out_path)
if (batch_index + 1) % 5 == 0:"Epoch [%d/%d], Step[%d/%d], d_loss: %.4f, g_loss: %.4f, \ g_val_loss: %.4f, time: %4.4f" \ % (current_epoch, num_epoch, batch_index+1, num_batch, \[0],[0],[0], time.time()-start_time)) counter += 1 if (batch_index + 1) % 100 == 0: gen_out = generator(sample_input) save_img(, DIR_TO_SAVE + 'fake_gifs_sample_%s_%s_a.jpg' % (current_epoch, batch_index)) make_gif( denorm([0]), DIR_TO_SAVE + 'fake_gifs_sample__%s_%s_b.gif' % (current_epoch, batch_index)) save_img( first_frame[0].data.cpu(), DIR_TO_SAVE + 'fake_gifs_%s_%s_a.jpg' % (current_epoch, batch_index)) make_gif( denorm([0]), DIR_TO_SAVE + 'fake_gifs_%s_%s_b.gif' % (current_epoch, batch_index))'Gifs saved at epoch: %d, batch_index: %d' % (current_epoch, batch_index)) if (batch_index + 1) % 1000 == 0:, './generator.pkl'), './discriminator.pkl')
def main(_): pp.pprint(flags.FLAGS.__flags) if not os.path.exists(FLAGS.checkpoint_dir): os.makedirs(FLAGS.checkpoint_dir) if not os.path.exists(FLAGS.sample_dir): os.makedirs(FLAGS.sample_dir) with tf.Session() as sess: if FLAGS.dataset == 'mnist': dcgan = DCGAN(sess, image_size=FLAGS.image_size, batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size, y_dim=10, dataset_name=FLAGS.dataset, is_crop=FLAGS.is_crop, checkpoint_dir=FLAGS.checkpoint_dir) else: dcgan = DCGAN(sess, image_size=FLAGS.image_size, batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size, dataset_name=FLAGS.dataset, is_crop=FLAGS.is_crop, checkpoint_dir=FLAGS.checkpoint_dir) if FLAGS.is_train: dcgan.train(FLAGS) else: dcgan.load(FLAGS.checkpoint_dir) to_json("./web/js/layers.js", [dcgan.h0_w, dcgan.h0_b, dcgan.g_bn0], [dcgan.h1_w, dcgan.h1_b, dcgan.g_bn1], [dcgan.h2_w, dcgan.h2_b, dcgan.g_bn2], [dcgan.h3_w, dcgan.h3_b, dcgan.g_bn3], [dcgan.h4_w, dcgan.h4_b, None]) # Below is codes for visualization OPTION = 2 if OPTION == 0: z_sample = np.random.uniform(-0.5, 0.5, size=(FLAGS.batch_size, dcgan.z_dim)) samples =, feed_dict={dcgan.z: z_sample}) save_images(samples, [8, 8], './samples/test_%s.png' % strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime())) elif OPTION == 1: values = np.arange(0, 1, 1./FLAGS.batch_size) for idx in xrange(100): print(" [*] %d" % idx) z_sample = np.zeros([FLAGS.batch_size, dcgan.z_dim]) for kdx, z in enumerate(z_sample): z[idx] = values[kdx] samples =, feed_dict={dcgan.z: z_sample}) save_images(samples, [8, 8], './samples/test_arange_%s.png' % (idx)) elif OPTION == 2: values = np.arange(0, 1, 1./FLAGS.batch_size) for idx in [random.randint(0, 99) for _ in xrange(100)]: print(" [*] %d" % idx) z = np.random.uniform(-0.2, 0.2, size=(dcgan.z_dim)) z_sample = np.tile(z, (FLAGS.batch_size, 1)) #z_sample = np.zeros([FLAGS.batch_size, dcgan.z_dim]) for kdx, z in enumerate(z_sample): z[idx] = values[kdx] samples =, feed_dict={dcgan.z: z_sample}) make_gif(samples, './samples/test_gif_%s.gif' % (idx)) elif OPTION == 3: values = np.arange(0, 1, 1./FLAGS.batch_size) for idx in xrange(100): print(" [*] %d" % idx) z_sample = np.zeros([FLAGS.batch_size, dcgan.z_dim]) for kdx, z in enumerate(z_sample): z[idx] = values[kdx] samples =, feed_dict={dcgan.z: z_sample}) make_gif(samples, './samples/test_gif_%s.gif' % (idx)) elif OPTION == 4: image_set = [] values = np.arange(0, 1, 1./FLAGS.batch_size) for idx in xrange(100): print(" [*] %d" % idx) z_sample = np.zeros([FLAGS.batch_size, dcgan.z_dim]) for kdx, z in enumerate(z_sample): z[idx] = values[kdx] image_set.append(, feed_dict={dcgan.z: z_sample})) make_gif(image_set[-1], './samples/test_gif_%s.gif' % (idx)) new_image_set = [merge(np.array([images[idx] for images in image_set]), [10, 10]) for idx in range(64) + range(63, -1, -1)] make_gif(new_image_set, './samples/test_gif_merged.gif', duration=8) elif OPTION == 5: image_set = [] values = np.arange(0, 1, 1./FLAGS.batch_size) z_idx = [[random.randint(0,99) for _ in xrange(5)] for _ in xrange(200)] for idx in xrange(200): print(" [*] %d" % idx) #z_sample = np.zeros([FLAGS.batch_size, dcgan.z_dim]) z = np.random.uniform(-1e-1, 1e-1, size=(dcgan.z_dim)) z_sample = np.tile(z, (FLAGS.batch_size, 1)) for kdx, z in enumerate(z_sample): for jdx in xrange(5): z_sample[kdx][z_idx[idx][jdx]] = values[kdx] image_set.append(, feed_dict={dcgan.z: z_sample})) make_gif(image_set[-1], './samples/test_gif_%s.gif' % (idx)) new_image_set = [merge(np.array([images[idx] for images in image_set]), [10, 20]) for idx in range(64) + range(63, -1, -1)] make_gif(new_image_set, './samples/test_gif_random_merged.gif', duration=4) elif OPTION == 6: image_set = [] values = np.arange(0, 1, 1.0/FLAGS.batch_size).tolist() z_idx = [[random.randint(0,99) for _ in xrange(10)] for _ in xrange(100)] for idx in xrange(100): print(" [*] %d" % idx) z = np.random.uniform(-0.2, 0.2, size=(dcgan.z_dim)) z_sample = np.tile(z, (FLAGS.batch_size, 1)) for kdx, z in enumerate(z_sample): for jdx in xrange(10): z_sample[kdx][z_idx[idx][jdx]] = values[kdx] image_set.append(, feed_dict={dcgan.z: z_sample})) save_images(image_set[-1], [8, 8], './samples/test_random_arange_%s.png' % (idx)) new_image_set = [merge(np.array([images[idx] for images in image_set]), [10, 10]) for idx in range(64) + range(63, -1, -1)] make_gif(new_image_set, './samples/test_gif_merged_random.gif', duration=4) elif OPTION == 7: for _ in xrange(50): z_idx = [[random.randint(0,99) for _ in xrange(10)] for _ in xrange(8)] zs = [] for idx in xrange(8): z = np.random.uniform(-0.2, 0.2, size=(dcgan.z_dim)) zs.append(np.tile(z, (8, 1))) z_sample = np.concatenate(zs) values = np.arange(0, 1, 1/8.) for idx in xrange(FLAGS.batch_size): for jdx in xrange(8): z_sample[idx][z_idx[idx/8][jdx]] = values[idx%8] samples =, feed_dict={dcgan.z: z_sample}) save_images(samples, [8, 8], './samples/multiple_testt_%s.png' % strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime())) elif OPTION == 8: counter = 0 for _ in xrange(50): import scipy.misc z_idx = [[random.randint(0,99) for _ in xrange(10)] for _ in xrange(8)] zs = [] for idx in xrange(8): z = np.random.uniform(-0.2, 0.2, size=(dcgan.z_dim)) zs.append(np.tile(z, (8, 1))) z_sample = np.concatenate(zs) values = np.arange(0, 1, 1/8.) for idx in xrange(FLAGS.batch_size): for jdx in xrange(8): z_sample[idx][z_idx[idx/8][jdx]] = values[idx%8] samples =, feed_dict={dcgan.z: z_sample}) for sample in samples: scipy.misc.imsave('./samples/turing/%s.png' % counter, sample) counter += 1 else: import scipy.misc from glob import glob samples = [] fnames = glob("/Users/carpedm20/Downloads/x/1/*.png") fnames = sorted(fnames, key = lambda x: int(x.split("_")[1]) * 10000 + int(x.split('_')[2].split(".")[0])) for f in fnames: samples.append(scipy.misc.imread(f)) make_gif(samples, './samples/training.gif', duration=8, true_image=True)