def visualize(self):
        Publish various visualization messages.
        if not self.DO_VIZ:

        if self.pose_pub.get_num_connections() > 0 and isinstance(self.inferred_pose, np.ndarray):
            # Publish the inferred pose for visualization
            ps = PoseStamped()
            ps.header = Utils.make_header("map")
            ps.pose.position.x = self.inferred_pose[0]
            ps.pose.position.y = self.inferred_pose[1]
            ps.pose.orientation = Utils.angle_to_quaternion(self.inferred_pose[2])

        if self.particle_pub.get_num_connections() > 0:
            # publish a downsampled version of the particle distribution to avoid a lot of latency
            if self.MAX_PARTICLES > self.MAX_VIZ_PARTICLES:
                # randomly downsample particles
                proposal_indices = np.random.choice(self.particle_indices, self.MAX_VIZ_PARTICLES, p=self.weights)
                # proposal_indices = np.random.choice(self.particle_indices, self.MAX_VIZ_PARTICLES)

        if self.pub_fake_scan.get_num_connections() > 0 and isinstance(self.ranges, np.ndarray):
            # generate the scan from the point of view of the inferred position for visualization
            self.viz_queries[:,0] = self.inferred_pose[0]
            self.viz_queries[:,1] = self.inferred_pose[1]
            self.viz_queries[:,2] = self.downsampled_angles + self.inferred_pose[2]
            self.range_method.calc_range_many(self.viz_queries, self.viz_ranges)
            self.publish_scan(self.downsampled_angles, self.viz_ranges)
Esempio n. 2
def make_arbiter(name, base_dir, masters, slave=None):
    """Arbiter module generation.
    The arbiter module is used to generate all the necessary logic glue to
    allow multi-masters to got access to a bus or a slave.
        @param name: arbiter module name
        @param base_dir: destination directory
        @param masters: master interfaces signals
        @param slave: slave interface signals
        @return: vhdl.Entity instance from Arbiter module.
        master[0] = InstanceInterface object
        master[1] = {'signal_name' : 'signal attached'}
    base_name = ("arbiter_%s" % name)
    filename = path.join(base_dir, ("%s.vhd" % base_name))

        vhdl_fd = open(filename, "w")
    except IOError:
        raise ArbiterError("Can't create %s.vhd file." % base_name)

    vhdl_fd.write(make_header("Wishbone Round-Robin arbiter module", 
    # 1. Building Entity declaration
    entity = "entity %s is\n" % base_name
    entity += "  port (\n"
    entity += "    -- Global signals\n"
    entity += "    clk : in std_logic;\n"
    entity += "    reset : in std_logic;\n\n"

    entity += "\n  );"
    entity += "\nend entity;\n"


    # 2. Starting Architecture declaration
    vhdl_fd.write(_VHDL_ARCHITECTURE % (base_name))

    # 3. Adding local signals
    vhdl_fd.write(to_comment(['Signals declaration']))
    # 7. Closing module
    vhdl_fd.write("end architecture;\n")
    # 8. Create vhdl.Entity object
    entity = Entity(StringIO(entity))
    instance = Instance(entity, base_name)
    # 9. Adding signals interconnection
    # 10. Returning instance
    return instance, ("%s.vhd" % base_name)
Esempio n. 3
 def publish_scan(self, angles, ranges):
     ls = LaserScan()
     ls.header = Utils.make_header("laser", stamp=self.last_stamp)
     ls.angle_min = np.min(angles)
     ls.angle_max = np.max(angles)
     ls.angle_increment = np.abs(angles[0] - angles[1])
     ls.range_min = 0
     ls.range_max = np.max(ranges)
     ls.ranges = ranges
    def publish_tf(self,pose, stamp=None):
        """ Publish a tf for the car. This tells ROS where the car is with respect to the map. """
        if stamp == None:
            stamp =

        # this may cause issues with the TF tree. If so, see the below code.
        self.pub_tf.sendTransform((pose[0],pose[1],0),tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, pose[2]), 
               stamp , "/laser", "/map")

        # also publish odometry to facilitate getting the localization pose
        if self.PUBLISH_ODOM:
            odom = Odometry()
            odom.header = Utils.make_header("/map", stamp)
            odom.pose.pose.position.x = pose[0]
            odom.pose.pose.position.y = pose[1]
            odom.pose.pose.orientation = Utils.angle_to_quaternion(pose[2])
        return # below this line is disabled

        Our particle filter provides estimates for the "laser" frame
        since that is where our laser range estimates are measure from. Thus,
        We want to publish a "map" -> "laser" transform.

        However, the car's position is measured with respect to the "base_link"
        frame (it is the root of the TF tree). Thus, we should actually define
        a "map" -> "base_link" transform as to not break the TF tree.

        # Get map -> laser transform.
        map_laser_pos = np.array( (pose[0],pose[1],0) )
        map_laser_rotation = np.array( tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, pose[2]) )
        # Apply laser -> base_link transform to map -> laser transform
        # This gives a map -> base_link transform
        laser_base_link_offset = (0.265, 0, 0)
        map_laser_pos -=[:3,:3], laser_base_link_offset).T

        # Publish transform
        self.pub_tf.sendTransform(map_laser_pos, map_laser_rotation, stamp , "/base_link", "/map")
Esempio n. 5
    def update_dynamic_map(self, pose, angles, ranges):
        coords = self.pol2cart(pose[0], pose[1], pose[2],
                             ranges, angles, self.map_info.resolution)
        if (self.clicked and time.time()-self.clicked_time > self.SETTLE_TIME):
            for coord in coords:
                if coord[0] < self.map_info.width and coord[1] < self.map_info.height:
                    if self.dynamic_map[coord[1]][coord[0]] < 10:
                        self.dynamic_map[coord[1]][coord[0]] += OCCUPANCY_INC_PER_SCAN
                        self.dynamic_map[coord[1]][coord[0]] = 100 = self.dynamic_map.astype(int).flatten().tolist()

        if self.cartesian_debug.get_num_connections() > 0:
            msg = Marker()
            msg.header = Utils.make_header("map")
   = 0
            msg.type = 8  # POINTS
            msg.action = 0  # ADD
            msg.pose.position.x = 0
            msg.pose.position.y = 0
            msg.pose.position.z = 0
            msg.pose.orientation.x = 0.0
            msg.pose.orientation.y = 0.0
            msg.pose.orientation.z = 0.0
            msg.pose.orientation.w = 0.0
            msg.scale.x = 0.1
            msg.scale.y = 0.1
            msg.scale.z = 0.1
            msg.color.a = 1.0
            msg.color.r = 1.0
            msg.color.g = 0.0
            msg.color.b = 0.0
            pts = []
            for coord in coords:
                pts.append(Point(coord[0], coord[1], 0))
            msg.points = pts
 def publish_particles(self, particles):
     # publish the given particles as a PoseArray object
     pa = PoseArray()
     pa.header = Utils.make_header("map")
     pa.poses = Utils.particles_to_poses(particles)
Esempio n. 7
def make_intercon(name, base_dir, master, slaves):
    """Intercon module generation.
    The intercon module is used to generate all the necessary logic glue to
    allow master interface to communicate with each slave.
        @param name: intercon module name
        @param base_dir: destination directory
        @param masters: master interfaces signals
        @param slaves: slave interfaces signals
        @return: vhdl.Entity instance from Intercom module.
        master[0] = InstanceInterface object
        master[1] = {'signal_name' : 'signal attached'}
    base_name = ("intercon_%s" % name)
    filename = path.join(base_dir, ("%s.vhd" % base_name))

    # Generate master bytes selection signals list
    _, sel_width = master.wb_signal_width("SEL")
    byte_width = master.data_width // 8

    master_sel = [ mk_sel_bit(master, idx, sel_width, byte_width)
                    for idx in range(byte_width)
        vhdl_fd = open(filename, "w")
    except IOError:
        raise InterconError("Can't create %s.vhd file." % base_name)

    vhdl_fd.write(make_header("Wishbone address decoder module", base_name))
    # 1. Building Entity declaration
    entity = "entity %s is\n" % base_name
    entity += "  port (\n"
    #entity += "    -- Global signals\n"
    #entity += "    clk : in std_logic;\n"
    #entity += "    reset : in std_logic;\n\n"
    entity += "    -- Master signals\n"
    # for signal in master.
    entity_ports =  dict(port_matrix(master, signal, "wbs_master") 
                            for _, signal in master.signals.iteritems()
    ports = ["    %s : %s" % (key, value[0]) 
                for key, value in entity_ports.iteritems()
    entity += ";\n".join(ports)

    slaves_max_width = 8
    for slave in slaves:
        entity += ";\n\n    -- Slave %s.%s signals\n" % (slave.instance_name,
        if slave.data_width > slaves_max_width:
            slaves_max_width = slave.data_width 
        # for signal out slave.

        slave_ports =  dict(port_matrix(slave, signal) 
                                for _, signal in slave.signals.iteritems()
        entity += ";\n".join(["    %s : %s" % (key, value[0]) 
                              for key, value in slave_ports.iteritems()

    entity += "\n  );"
    entity += "\nend entity;\n"


    # 2. Starting Architecture declaration
    vhdl_fd.write(_VHDL_ARCHITECTURE % (base_name))

    slaves_max_width //= 8
    slaves_max_sel = 0
    while 2**slaves_max_sel < slaves_max_width:
        slaves_max_sel += 1
    master_sels = [mk_sel_array(master, master_sel, 2**idx) 
                        for idx in range(slaves_max_sel+1)]
    if(len(slaves) > 1):
        slave_cnx = [InterconRegisterIface(slave, master, 
                        for idx, slave in enumerate(slaves)
        slave_cnx = [InterconRegisterIface(slaves[0], master, 

    # 3. Adding local signals
    vhdl_fd.write(to_comment(['Signals declaration']))
    if(len(slaves) > 1):
        vhdl_fd.write("  signal slave_sel : std_logic_vector(%u downto 0);\n" % 
                      (len(slaves) - 1))
        vhdl_fd.write("  signal slave_sel : std_logic;\n") 

    # 3.1 Adding bytes selection signals
    for idx, sels in enumerate(master_sels):
        (_, signals) = sels
        if len(signals) == 1:
            vhdl_fd.write("  signal master_sel%u : std_logic;\n" % (8 * (2 ** idx)))
            vhdl_fd.write("  signal master_sel%u : std_logic_vector(%d downto 0);\n" % 
                          (8 * (2 ** idx),  len(signals) - 1))
    # 4. Building address decoders
    vhdl_fd.write(to_comment(['Byte selection signals']))
    for idx, sels in enumerate(master_sels):
        def _to_signal(sig):
            if sig == None:
                return "'1'"
                return sig
        (_, signals) = sels
        if len(signals) == 1:
            vhdl_fd.write("  master_sel%u <= %s;\n" % 
                          (8 * (2 ** idx), _to_signal(signals[0])))
            vhdl = ["  master_sel%u(%u) <= %s;\n" % 
                          (8 * (2 ** idx), idx2, _to_signal(signals[idx2]))
                          for idx2 in range(len(signals))]

    # 4. Building address decoders
    vhdl_fd.write(to_comment(['Address decoders']))
    vhdl = [slave.addr_sel for slave in slave_cnx]
    vhdl_fd.write("  %s;\n" % ";\n  ".join(vhdl))

    vhdl = [slave.addr for slave in slave_cnx]
    vhdl_fd.write("  %s;\n" % ";\n  ".join(vhdl))
    # 5. Building acknowledge signal
    vhdl_fd.write(to_comment(['Control signals']))
    vhdl = [slave.ack for slave in slave_cnx]
    vhdl_fd.write("  wbs_master_ack_o <= %s;\n" % 
                  "\n                      else ".join(vhdl))

    vhdl = ["  %s;\n" % ";\n  ".join(slave.control) for slave in slave_cnx]
    # 6. Building datapath
    vhdl_fd.write(to_comment(['Datapath wrapping']))
    vhdl = [slave.byte_sel for slave in slave_cnx if slave.byte_ok]
    if len(vhdl):
        vhdl_fd.write("  %s;\n" % ";\n  ".join(vhdl))

    vhdl = [slave.writedata for slave in slave_cnx if slave.writedata_ok]
    if len(vhdl):
        vhdl_fd.write("  %s;\n" % ";\n  ".join(vhdl))

    if master.has_signal("dat", True):
        for idx in range(byte_width):
            vhdl = [slave.readdata(idx) for slave in slave_cnx 
                                            if slave.readdata_ok(idx)
            vhdl = [elmt for elmt in reduce(list.__add__, vhdl) if elmt != None]
            name = "wbs_master_dat_o(%d downto %d)" % ((idx*8)+7, idx*8)
            if len(vhdl) == 0:
                vhdl_fd.write("  %s <= (others => '0');\n" % name)
                vhdl.append("(others => '0')")
                sep = "\n%s else " % (" " * (len(name) + 5))
                vhdl_fd.write("  %s <= %s;\n" % 
                              (name, sep.join(vhdl)))

    # 7. Closing module
    vhdl_fd.write("\nend architecture;\n")
    # 8. Create vhdl.Entity object
    entity = Entity(StringIO(entity))
    instance = Instance(entity, "CP_" + base_name)
    # 9. Adding signals interconnection
    ports = dict((key, value[1]) 
                 for key, value in entity_ports.iteritems())


    # 10. Returning instance
    return instance, base_name+".vhd"
Esempio n. 8
    def handle_smooth_path(self, req):
        ''' 1. Save raw path to raw_path_.
            2. Smooth path by gradient descending.
            3. Remove point from smoothed path which is too close to its neighborhood points ,or its neighborhood points is too close(which means there is probably a peak in path).
            4. Publish the result path
        raw_path = req.raw_path
        tolerance = self.param_tolerance_
        max_iterations = self.param_iterations_
        alpha = self.param_alpha_
        beta = self.param_beta_
        margin = self.param_margin_
        min_point_dist = self.param_min_point_dist_

        if not isinstance(self.map_data_, OccupancyGrid):
            print 'Received smooth path request, but cannot smooth when map data not received.'

        diff = tolerance + 1
        step = 0
        np_path = self.makeNpArray(raw_path)
        if not isinstance(np_path, object):
        new_path = deepcopy(np_path)

        while step < max_iterations:
            if diff < tolerance:
                print 'smooth ok'

            step += 1
            diff = 0.
            pre_path = deepcopy(new_path)

            i = 1
            while i != new_path.shape[0] - 2:
                new_path[i] += alpha * (pre_path[i] - new_path[i]) + beta * (
                    new_path[i - 1] + new_path[i + 1] - 2 * new_path[i])
                if self.isCollision(new_path[i], self.map_data_, margin):
                    new_path[i] = deepcopy(pre_path[i])
                    i += 1
                if np.sum(
                    (new_path[i - 1] - new_path[i + 1])**2) < min_point_dist:
                    new_path = np.delete(new_path, i, axis=0)
                    pre_path = np.delete(pre_path, i, axis=0)
                    i -= 1
                i += 1

            diff += np.sum((new_path - pre_path)**2)

        print 'round: ', step, '; diff: ', diff, '; origin # of points: ', len(
        ), '; result # of points: ', new_path.shape[
            0], '; # of deleted points: ', np_path.shape[0] - new_path.shape[0]

        smoothed_path = Path()
        smoothed_path.header = make_header(self.param_map_frame_)
        for i in xrange(new_path.shape[0]):
            pose = PoseStamped()
            pose.pose.position.x = new_path[i][0]
            pose.pose.position.y = new_path[i][1]
            pose.pose.position.z = 0
            pose.pose.orientation = angle_to_quaternion(0)
        resp = SmoothPathResponse(smoothed_path)
        if self.param_save:
            trajectory = LineTrajectory("/bulid_trajectory")
        return resp
Esempio n. 9
class Smoothing(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.param_margin_ = rospy.get_param('~margin', default=0.3)
        self.param_alpha_ = rospy.get_param('~alpha', default=0.1)
        self.param_beta_ = rospy.get_param('~beta', default=0.3)
        self.param_iterations_ = rospy.get_param('~iterations', default=50)
        self.param_tolerance_ = rospy.get_param('~tolerance', default=0.5)
        self.param_min_point_dist_ = rospy.get_param('~min_point_dist',
        self.param_min_point_dist_ = self.param_min_point_dist_**2
        self.param_map_frame_ = rospy.get_param('~map_frame', default='/map')
        self.param_should_publish_ = rospy.get_param('~should_publish',
        self.param_save_path = os.path.join(
            ), "smoothed-" + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") + ".traj")
        self.param_save = rospy.get_param("~save", default=False)
        self.param_load_or_not = rospy.get_param('~load_or_not', default=False)

        self.map_data_ = None
        self.raw_path_ = None
        self.smoothed_path_ = None

        self.srv_smooth_path_ = rospy.Service("/smooth_path", SmoothPath,
        print 'init ok.'

        # wait for map data, and save it to self.map_data_
            getmap_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy('/static_map', GetMap)
            resp = getmap_srv()
            self.map_data_ =
            self.param_map_frame_ = self.map_data_.header.frame_id
            print 'Map data set.'
        except rospy.ServiceException, e:
            print "Service call failed: ", e

        if self.param_load_or_not:
            # wait for raw path(which is need to be smoothed), and save it to self.raw_path_
                get_raw_path_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy('/get_raw_path',
                resp = get_raw_path_srv()
                self.raw_path_ = resp.raw_path
                self.raw_path_.header = make_header(self.param_map_frame_)
                print 'Raw path set.'
            except rospy.ServiceException, e:
                print 'Service call failed: ', e

            if self.param_should_publish_:
                    ''' 1. Smooth path by gradient descending.
                        2. Remove point from smoothed path which is too close to its neighborhood points ,or its neighborhood points is too close(which means there is probably a peak in path).
                        3. Publish the result path
                    smooth_path_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy(
                        '/smooth_path', SmoothPath)
                    resp = smooth_path_srv(self.raw_path_)
                    self.smoothed_path_ = resp.smoothed_path
                    self.smoothed_path_.header = make_header(
                except rospy.ServiceException, e:
                    print 'Service call failed: ', e
                self.pub_smoothed_path_ = rospy.Publisher('/smoothed_path',
                while not rospy.is_shutdown():
 def publish_particles(self, particles):
     # publish the given particles as a PoseArray object
     pa = PoseArray()
     pa.header = Utils.make_header('map')
     pa.poses = Utils.particles_to_poses(particles)
Esempio n. 11
 def publish_particles(self, particles):
     pa = PoseArray()
     pa.header = Utils.make_header("map")
     pa.poses = Utils.particles_to_poses(particles)
Esempio n. 12
class VeloscanProcessor:
    def __init__(self):
        self.velodyne_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/racecar/velodyne_points", PointCloud2, self.velodyne_cb, queue_size=1)
        self.cert_pub = rospy.Publisher("/racecar/cert_points", Marker, queue_size=1)
        self.snow_pub = rospy.Publisher("/racecar/snow_points", Marker, queue_size=1)
        self.image_pub = rospy.Publisher("/output/image_raw/compressed", CompressedImage, queue_size=1)
        self.first_scan = False
        self.scan_data = None
        self.last_scan_t = None
        self.centroid = (int(.5*320), int(.5*240))
        self.image_np = None
        self.np_arr = None
        self.hsv = None
        self.mask = None

    def image_to_laser(self, centroid, laser_data):
        laser_vertical_lower = -15.0 * np.pi / 180.0
        laser_vertical_upper = -laser_vertical_lower
        laser_fov_left = -30.0 * np.pi / 180.0
        laser_fov_right = -laser_fov_left
        h = 480.0
        w = 640.0
        nearest_ring = laser_vertical_upper - 30.0*np.pi/180.0 * (centroid[1] / h) 

    def velodyne_cb(self, msg):
        rings = {x:[] for x in range(0,16)}
        for p in pc2.read_points(msg, field_names = ("x", "y", "z", "ring"), skip_nans=True):
        pt = transform(self.centroid, (640, 480), rings)

        m = Marker()
        m.header = utils.make_header("velodyne")
        m.type = 8
        m.color.r = 1.
        m.color.g = 0.
        m.color.b = 0.
        m.color.a = 1.
        m.scale.x = .05
        m.scale.y = .05
        m.points = [Point(pt[0], pt[1], pt[2])]

        c = controller.controller(data)
        print ""
        print c.action
        r = interlock.interlock(c)
        print ""
        pts = []

        m = Marker()
        m.header = utils.make_header("velodyne")
        m.type = 8
        m.color.r = 1. if not r else 0.
        m.color.g = 0. if not r else 1.
        m.color.b = 0.
        m.color.a = 1.
        m.scale.x = .02
        m.scale.y = .02
        m.points = [Point(x[0], x[1], x[2]) for x in c.points]

        snow_pts = []
        n = Marker()
        n.header = utils.make_header("velodyne")
        n.type = 8
        n.color.r = .75
        n.color.g = 0. 
        n.color.b = 0.75
        n.color.a = 1.
        n.scale.x = .02
        n.scale.y = .02
        n.points = [Point(x[0], x[1], x[2]) for x in c.snow_points]
Esempio n. 13
def make_testbench(project):
    """Testbench module generation.
    The testbench module is used to generate all the necessary code to
    create a instance of System on Chip and to start simulation.
        @param project: System on Chip project settings 
    base_name = ("%s_tb" % = base_name
    filename = path.join(project.path, ("%s.vhd" % base_name))

        vhdl_fd = open(filename, "w")
    except IOError:
        raise TestbenchError("Can't create %s.vhd file." % base_name)

    vhdl_fd.write(make_header("System on Chip testbench skeleton.", 
    # 1. Building Entity declaration
    vhdl_fd.write("entity %s is\nend entity;\n" % base_name)

    # 2. Starting Architecture declaration
    vhdl_fd.write(_VHDL_ARCHITECTURE % (base_name))

    # 3. Adding project constants
    vhdl_fd.write(to_comment(['Project constants']))
    reset_min = 0
    const_def = []
    # 3.1 Define constant for each clock frequency
    for clk in project.soc.clocks.iteritems():
        const_def.append("  constant %s_PERIOD : time := 1 sec / %d;" % 
                          (, clk.frequency))
        if clk.frequency < reset_min or reset_min == 0:
            reset_min = clk.frequency
    # 3.2 Define reset timing
    const_def.append("  constant RESET_ON : time := 1 sec / %d;" % 
                     (reset_min * 3))
    const_def.append("  constant RESET_OFF : time := RESET_ON * 5;")
    # 3.3 Define constant for each slave interface base address
    for inst in project.instances.itervalues():
        for iface in inst.interfaces.itervalues():
            if iface.type == "WBS":
                const_def.append("  constant %s_%s_BASE_ADDR : integer := %d;" % 
    # 4. Adding local signals
    vhdl_fd.write(to_comment(['Signals declaration']))
    vhdl_fd.write("  signal reset : std_logic;\n")
    vhdl_fd.write("".join(["  signal %s : %s := '0';\n" % (name, sig_type)
                           for name, sig_type in project.clock_list.iteritems()
    vhdl_fd.write("".join(["  signal %s : %s;\n" % (name, sig_type)
                            for name, sig_type in project.port_list.iteritems()

    # 4.1. Connecting signals to Top entity
    project.entity.setPorts(dict((name, name) 
                                 for name in project.port_list.iterkeys()))
    project.entity.setPorts(dict((name, name) 
                                 for name in project.clock_list.iterkeys()))

    # 5. Adding entity declaration
    vhdl_fd.write(to_comment(['Components declaration']))

    # 6. Clocks and reset signals generation
    vhdl_fd.write("  reset <= '0', '1' after RESET_ON, '0' after RESET_OFF;\n")
    vhdl_fd.write("".join(["  %s <= not %s after %s_PERIOD/2;\n" % 
                           (name, name, name)
                            for name in project.clock_list.keys()
    # 7. Adding SoC Top entity
    # 8. Closing testbench
    vhdl_fd.write("end architecture;\n")
    # 9. Returning file name
    return ("%s.vhd" % base_name)
    def find_best_angle(self):
        abs_real_angles = np.absolute(self.real_laser_angles)
        relevant_ranges = self.laser_ranges.copy()
        relevant_ranges[abs_real_angles > math.pi / 2] = 0.5
        abs_real_angles *= -1
        #self.laser_ranges[abs_real_angles > math.pi/2] = 0.5  # don't consider points behind car
        best_dist_index = np.lexsort((abs_real_angles, relevant_ranges))[-1]
        dist = self.laser_ranges[best_dist_index]
        angle = normalize_angle(self.real_laser_angles[best_dist_index] +

        # check the scan to the left and scan to the right
        # bias [angle proportional to distance] toward the scan with larger dist

        if self.best_pt_valid:
            # update the best_pt info (but not the actual best_pt) since we've moved closer to it
            self.best_pt_dist = np.hypot(
                self.cur_pose.position.x - self.best_pt[0],
                self.cur_pose.position.y - self.best_pt[1])
            self.best_pt_angle = normalize_angle(math.atan2(self.best_pt[1] - self.cur_pose.position.y , \
                                            self.best_pt[0] - self.cur_pose.position.x))
            if self.best_pt_dist > 11:  # out of range
                print "condition 1"
                self.best_pt_valid = False
                lidar_min = self.cur_angle + self.laser_scan_min  # verified
                #index = int(np.hypot((self.best_pt_angle+4*math.pi)%(2*math.pi) ,(lidar_min+4*math.pi)%(2*math.pi)) / (self.STEP_SIZE * self.laser_scan_inc))
                positive_best_pt_angle = self.best_pt_angle if self.best_pt_angle > 0 else self.best_pt_angle + 2 * math.pi
                positive_lidar_min = lidar_min if lidar_min > 0 else lidar_min + 2 * math.pi
                index = int((positive_best_pt_angle - positive_lidar_min) /
                            (self.STEP_SIZE * self.laser_scan_inc))

                if index > (self.real_laser_angles_size - 1) or index < 0:
                    self.best_pt_valid = False
                    print "condition 2"
                    thresh = self.BLOCKED_TRAJ_THRESH
                    self.best_pt_valid = (abs(self.laser_ranges[index-1] - self.best_pt_dist) < thresh or \
                                    abs(self.laser_ranges[index] - self.best_pt_dist) < thresh or \
                                    abs(self.laser_ranges[index+1] - self.best_pt_dist) < thresh)
                    if not self.best_pt_valid:
                        print "condition 3"

                    #ps = PoseStamped()
                    #ps.header = Utils.make_header("map")
                    #ps.pose.position.x = self.cur_pose.position.x
                    #ps.pose.position.y = self.cur_pose.position.y
                    #ps.pose.orientation = Utils.angle_to_quaternion(self.cur_angle + self.forward_dir_delta)
                    ##ps.pose.orientation = Utils.angle_to_quaternion(self.best_pt_angle if self.best_pt_angle > 0 else self.best_pt_angle)

        #or abs(abs(self.best_pt_angle - self.FORWARD_ANGLE) - \
        #        abs(angle - self.FORWARD_ANGLE)) > self.NEW_PT_ANGLE_THRESH \

        if (not self.best_pt_valid
                or abs(self.best_pt_dist - dist) > self.NEW_PT_DIST_THRESH):
            print "condition 3"
            self.best_pt_dist = dist
            self.best_pt_angle = angle
            self.best_pt = (self.cur_pose.position.x + dist*math.cos(angle), \
                    self.cur_pose.position.y + dist*math.sin(angle))
            self.best_pt_valid = True

        #left_scan = self.real_laser_angles[best_dist_index-1] if best_dist_index > 0 else 0
        #right_scan = self.real_laser_angles[best_dist_index+1] if best_dist_index < self.real_laser_angles_size else 0
        #best_dist_angle = best_dist_angle + (-1 if left_scan < right_scan else 1) * 0.1*((math.pi/2)/((max(min(left_scan, right_scan), 0))+1))

        if self.best_pt is not None:
            traj = Marker()
            traj.header = Utils.make_header("map")
            traj.ns = "my_namespace"
   = 0
            traj.type = 5  #LINELIST
            traj.action = 0  # ADD
            traj.pose.position.x = 0
            traj.pose.position.y = 0
            traj.pose.position.z = 0
            traj.pose.orientation.x = 0.0
            traj.pose.orientation.y = 0.0
            traj.pose.orientation.z = 0.0
            traj.pose.orientation.w = 0.0
            traj.scale.x = 0.1
            traj.scale.y = 0.1
            traj.scale.z = 0.1
            traj.color.a = 1.0
            traj.color.r = 1.0
            traj.color.g = 0.0
            traj.color.b = 0.0
            traj.points = [
                Point(self.cur_pose.position.x, self.cur_pose.position.y, 0),
                Point(self.best_pt[0], self.best_pt[1], 0)

            collide = Marker()
            collide.header = Utils.make_header("map")
            collide.ns = "my_namespace2"
   = 0
            collide.type = 8  #POINT CLOUD
            collide.action = 0  # ADD
            collide.pose.position.x = 0
            collide.pose.position.y = 0
            collide.pose.position.z = 0
            collide.pose.orientation.x = 0.0
            collide.pose.orientation.y = 0.0
            collide.pose.orientation.z = 0.0
            collide.pose.orientation.w = 0.0
            collide.scale.x = 0.2
            collide.scale.y = 0.2
            collide.scale.z = 0.2
            collide.color.a = 1.0
            collide.color.r = 1.0
            collide.color.g = 1.0
            collide.color.b = 0.0
            #points = [Point(x[0], x[1], 0) for x in self.pol2cart(self.cur_pose.position.x, self.cur_pose.position.y, self.FORWARD_ANGLE, self.laser_ranges[self.points_in_box], self.real_laser_angles[self.points_in_box])]
            #print self.points_in_box
            #print self.closest_pt_index
            if self.closest_pt_index is not None:
                points = [
                    Point(x[0], x[1], 0) for x in self.pol2cart(
                        self.cur_pose.position.x, self.cur_pose.position.y,
                        self.FORWARD_ANGLE, self.laser_ranges[
                            self.closest_pt_index], self.real_laser_angles[
                points = []
            collide.points = points

            deflected = Marker()
            deflected.header = Utils.make_header("map")
            deflected.ns = "my_namespace3"
   = 0
            deflected.type = 5  #LINELIST
            deflected.action = 0  # ADD
            deflected.pose.position.x = 0
            deflected.pose.position.y = 0
            deflected.pose.position.z = 0
            deflected.pose.orientation.x = 0.0
            deflected.pose.orientation.y = 0.0
            deflected.pose.orientation.z = 0.0
            deflected.pose.orientation.w = 0.0
            deflected.scale.x = 0.1
            deflected.scale.y = 0.1
            deflected.scale.z = 0.1
            deflected.color.a = 1.0
            deflected.color.r = 0.5
            deflected.color.g = 1.0
            deflected.color.b = 0.75
            if self.deflected_pt is not None:
                deflected.points = [
                    Point(self.cur_pose.position.x, self.cur_pose.position.y,
                    Point(self.deflected_pt[0], self.deflected_pt[1], 0)
            markers = MarkerArray([collide, traj, deflected])
Esempio n. 15
 def publish_particles(self, particles):
     pa = PoseArray()
     pa.header = Utils.make_header("map")
     pa.poses = Utils.particles_to_poses(particles)