def copyOut(url): min_YCrCb = np.array([0, 133, 77], np.uint8) max_YCrCb = np.array([255, 173, 127], np.uint8) folder_name, filename = url.split("/") # Grab video frame, decode it and return next video frame sourceImage = cv2.imread(root_path + "/" + url) if os.path.exists(ldmk_path + "/" + folder_name + "/" + filename[:-4] + ".txt"): return #sourceImage = sourceImage[:,:,[2,1,0]] # Convert image to YCrCb imageYCrCb = cv2.cvtColor(sourceImage, cv2.COLOR_BGR2YCR_CB) # Find region with skin tone in YCrCb image skinRegion = cv2.inRange(imageYCrCb, min_YCrCb, max_YCrCb) cv2.imwrite("z.png", skinRegion * 100) percent = np.count_nonzero(skinRegion) / (sourceImage.shape[0] * sourceImage.shape[1] * 1.0) if percent > 0.35: print url utils.mkdirP(out_path + "/" + folder_name) shutil.copy(root_path + "/" + url, out_path + "/" + url)
def gen_class_centers(root_path): path_feat = root_path + "_features" path_outerliers = root_path + "_outliers" path_class_center = root_path + "_cls_centers" print "Loading features..." files = loader.load_prefix(path_feat, "../tmp/" + path_feat.split("/")[-1], "npy", partial(is_outlier, path_outerliers)) utils.mkdirP(path_class_center) func = partial(computer_center, path_feat, path_outerliers, path_class_center) #for feat in feature_ms20k_files' pool = Pool(), files)
def make(self): print "Loading data..." saved_data_name = "../tmp/" + self.root_path.split( "/")[-1] + "_img_label" img_labels = [] if not os.path.exists(saved_data_name + ".npy"): img_labels = loader.load_img_labels(self.root_path, saved_data_name) else: img_labels = np.load(saved_data_name + ".npy") data = self._getUrls(img_labels) print "Reading out {0} images.".format(len(data)) utils.mkdirP(self.feat_path) chunk_size = 15000 # or whatever chunks = [ data[i:i + chunk_size] for i in xrange(0, len(data), chunk_size) ] N_chunks = len(chunks) pool = Pool() iidx = 0 for chunk in chunks[iidx:]: print 'Working chunks: {0}/{1}...'.format(iidx, N_chunks) new_chunk = filter(self._filteringOut, chunk) print "Filtering out: {0}".format(len(chunk) - len(new_chunk)) _getDatum(new_chunk[0]) results =, new_chunk) print "Reading out: {0}".format(len(results)) bs = 256 batches = [results[i:i + bs] for i in xrange(0, len(results), bs)] N_bs = len(batches) iidx_bs = 0 for batch in batches: print '--->Working batches: {0}/{1}...'.format(iidx_bs, N_bs) feats =, feats) iidx_bs += 1 iidx += 1
def make(self): self.detector = FaceDetector(minsize=20, gpuid=self.gpu_id, fastresize=False) if self.save_aligned_img: utils.mkdirP(self.root_path + self.save_path_suffix) if self.save_landmarks: utils.mkdirP(self.root_path + "_landmarks") #f_list = open(list_path, "r") all_files = self.getLines() N = len(all_files) cnt = 0 for line in all_files: filename = line['filename'] class_num = line['class_num'] if cnt >= 0: self.align_and_save_face(filename) print("{0}/{1}".format(cnt + 1, N)) cnt += 1
def getLines(self): lines = [] root_path = self.root_path class_label = 0 for parent, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(root_path): for dirname in dirnames: for sub_parent, sub_dirnames, sub_filenames in os.walk( root_path + "/" + dirname): for sub_filename in sub_filenames: if self.save_aligned_img: utils.mkdirP(root_path + self.save_path_suffix + "/" + dirname) if self.save_landmarks: utils.mkdirP(root_path + "_landmarks/" + dirname) if (sub_filename.endswith("png") or sub_filename.endswith("jpg") or sub_filename.endswith("bmp")): tmp = {} tmp['filename'] = dirname + "/" + sub_filename tmp['class_num'] = class_label lines.append(tmp) class_label += 1 return lines
Column 3: Physical coordinate (GRCh37 assumed) Column 4: Allele 1 (row retained only if allele 1 in ALLELE_SET) Column 5: Allele 2 (if present) ''' CHROMOSOME_SET = { '24', 'Y' } ALLELE_SET = set('ACGTDI') fnEnding2fnTypeDict = { '.ped': 'ped', '.23andMe.txt': 'ttam', '.acom.txt': 'ttam', } outDir = 'converted' utils.mkdirP(outDir) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # ped and map def convertPed(pedFN, fnRoot, fnEnding): 'reads a .ped and a .map and converts to .genos.txt' mapFN = pedFN.replace(fnEnding, '.map') outFN = '%s/%s.genos.txt' % (outDir, fnRoot) outFile = open(outFN, 'w') indexList = readMap(mapFN, outFile) processPed(pedFN, indexList, outFile)
return #sourceImage = sourceImage[:,:,[2,1,0]] # Convert image to YCrCb imageYCrCb = cv2.cvtColor(sourceImage, cv2.COLOR_BGR2YCR_CB) # Find region with skin tone in YCrCb image skinRegion = cv2.inRange(imageYCrCb, min_YCrCb, max_YCrCb) cv2.imwrite("z.png", skinRegion * 100) percent = np.count_nonzero(skinRegion) / (sourceImage.shape[0] * sourceImage.shape[1] * 1.0) if percent > 0.35: print url utils.mkdirP(out_path + "/" + folder_name) shutil.copy(root_path + "/" + url, out_path + "/" + url) #persons = loader.load_img_labels(root_path, "../tmp/MsCelebV1-Faces-Cropped-aligned_182") persons = np.load("../tmp/MsCelebV1-Faces-Cropped-aligned_182.npy") urls = [] for p in persons: for z in p["pathes"]: urls.append(z) utils.mkdirP(out_path) pool = Pool(), urls)
def makeOutputDirectories(self): 'make output directories if they do not already exist' if not self.suppressOutputAndLog: utils.mkdirP(self.outDir) utils.mkdirP(self.phyloOutDir)