def train_model(X, y, clf): #split the dataset crossvalidation = cross_validation.StratifiedKFold(y, n_folds=5) #fit the model cms = [] train_scores = [] test_scores = [] for train, test in crossvalidation: X_train, y_train = X[train], y[train] X_test, y_test = X[test], y[test] X_train, X_test = impute_nan(X_train, X_test) X_train, X_test = normalize_features(X_train, X_test) #print(X_train[0]), y_train) #evaluate the model train_score = clf.score(X_train, y_train) train_scores.append(train_score) test_score = clf.score(X_test, y_test) test_scores.append(test_score) y_predict = clf.predict(X_test) cm = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_predict) cms.append(cm) return np.mean(test_scores), np.mean(train_scores), np.asarray(cms)
def feature_extraction(audio_file, wl=20, ws=10, nf=24, nceps=19, fmin=0., fmax=4000., d_w=2, pre=0.97, mel=True): # Parameters used to extract MFCC (These can be defined in a separate configuration file) # wl = 20 # The window length in milliseconds # ws = 10 # The window shift of the in milliseconds # nf = 24 # The number of filter bands # nceps = 19 # The number of cepstral coefficients # fmin = 0. # The minimal frequency of the filter bank # fmax = 4000. # The maximal frequency of the filter bank # d_w = 2 # The delta value used to compute 1st and 2nd derivatives # pre = 0.97 # The coefficient used for the pre-emphasis # mel = True # Tell whether MFCC or LFCC are extracted # We could also add 1st and 2nd derivatives by activating their flags! # read the audio file #(rate, signal) = (rate, signal) = utils.load_wav_as_mono(audio_file) # extract MFCCsu ceps = bob.ap.Ceps(rate, wl, ws, nf, nceps, fmin, fmax, d_w, pre, mel) #Convert signal to float array signal = numpy.cast['float'](signal) mfcc = ceps(signal) # let's just normalize them using this helper function # This will reduce the effect of the channel mfcc = utils.normalize_features(mfcc) return mfcc
def train_model(X, y, c): svm_clf = SVC(kernel='linear', C=c) crossvalidation = cross_validation.StratifiedKFold(y, n_folds=5) #fit the model clfs = [] cms = [] train_scores = [] test_scores = [] for train, test in crossvalidation: X_train, y_train = X[train], y[train] X_test, y_test = X[test], y[test] X_train, X_test = normalize_features(X_train, X_test), y_train) train_score = svm_clf.score(X_train, y_train) train_scores.append(train_score) test_score = svm_clf.score(X_test, y_test) test_scores.append(test_score) y_predict = svm_clf.predict(X_test) cm = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_predict) cms.append(cm) return np.mean(test_scores), np.mean(train_scores), np.asarray(cms)
def train_nolearn_model(X, y): ''' NeuralNet with nolearn ''' X = X.astype(np.float32) y = y.astype(np.int32) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size = 0.2, random_state = 5) X_train, X_test = impute_nan(X_train, X_test) X_train, X_test = normalize_features(X_train, X_test) lays = [('input', layers.InputLayer), ('hidden', layers.DenseLayer), ('output', layers.DenseLayer), ] net = NeuralNet( layers = lays, input_shape=(None, 23), hidden_num_units=10, objective_loss_function=lasagne.objectives.categorical_crossentropy, output_nonlinearity=lasagne.nonlinearities.sigmoid, output_num_units=10, update = nesterov_momentum, update_learning_rate= 0.001, update_momentum=0.9, max_epochs=10, verbose=1, ), y_train) #predicted = net.predict(X_test) test_score = net.predict(X_test, y_test) train_score = net.score(X_train, y_train) return train_score, test_score
def train_sknn(X, y): ''' NeuralNet with sknn ''' X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size = 0.25, random_state = 5) X_train, X_test = impute_nan(X_train, X_test) X_train, X_test = normalize_features(X_train, X_test) nn = Classifier( layers=[ Layer("Tanh", units=12), Layer("Softmax")], learning_rate=0.005, n_iter=25) # gs = GridSearchCV(nn, param_grid={ # 'learning_rate': [0.05, 0.01, 0.005, 0.001], # 'hidden0__units': [4, 8, 12,100], # 'hidden0__type': ["Rectifier", "Sigmoid", "Tanh"]}) #, y_train) # print(gs.best_estimator_), y_train) predicted = nn.predict(X_test).flatten() labels = y_test return predicted, labels
def test7(): print("\n\nTest 7 - K-Means Clustering & PCA") print("Expected / Actual:") print("\nCentroid assignment:") raw = ut.read_mat_raw('mat/ex7data2.mat') X = raw['X'] K = 3 mu = np.array([[3, 3], [6, 2], [8, 5]]) idx = km.assign_centroids(X, mu) print("0 /", idx[0]) print("2 /", idx[1]) print("1 /", idx[2]) print("1 /", idx[-3]) print("1 /", idx[-2]) print("0 /", idx[-1]) print("\nCentroid adjustment:") mu = km.adjust_centroids(X, idx, K) print("2.428301 /", mu[0, 0]) print("3.157924 /", mu[0, 1]) print("5.813503 /", mu[1, 0]) print("2.633656 /", mu[1, 1]) print("7.119387 /", mu[2, 0]) print("3.616684 /", mu[2, 1]) print("\nPixel clustering:") A = mpl.imread('img/bird_small.png') # mpl.imshow(A, extent=[0, 1, 0, 1]) # mpl.colorbar() # imgsz = A.shape A = A.reshape(imgsz[0] * imgsz[1], imgsz[2]) K = 16 iter = 10 mu, idx = km.clusterize(A, K, iter) min = km.compute_cost(A, mu, idx) print("Iteration %d cost - %.10f" % (0, min)) for i in range(1, 1): mu_tmp, idx_tmp = km.clusterize(A, K, iter) curr = km.compute_cost(A, mu_tmp, idx_tmp) print("Iteration %d cost - %.10f" % (i, curr)) if (curr < min): min = curr mu = mu_tmp idx = idx_tmp print("Minimum cost found - %.10f" % min) A_new = mu[idx].reshape(imgsz[0], imgsz[1], imgsz[2]) # mpl.imshow(A_new, extent=[0, 1, 0, 1]) # mpl.colorbar() # print("\nPrincipal Component Analysis: ") raw = ut.read_mat_raw('mat/ex7data1.mat') X = raw['X'] X = ut.normalize_features(X)[0].T U, S = alg.PCA(X) print("0.707 /", np.abs(U[0, 0])) print("0.707 /", np.abs(U[1, 0])) K = 1 Z = alg.project_data(X, U, K) print("1.481 / ", np.abs(Z[0, 0])) X_app = alg.recover_data(Z, U, K) print("1.047 / ", np.abs(X_app[0, 0])) print("1.047 / ", np.abs(X_app[1, 0])) # print(X_app.T) print("% Variance =", alg.compute_retention(S, K))
def test1(): print("\n\nTest 1 - Linear Regression") print("Expected / Actual:") print("\nBatch gradient descent: ") X, y = ut.read_csv('csv/ex1data1.csv') X = ut.create_design(X) theta = np.zeros((X.shape[1], )) iterations = 1500 alpha = 0.01 print("32.0727 / ", alg.SSD(theta, X, y)) print("52.2425 / ", alg.SSD(np.array([-1, 2]), X, y)) alg.batch_gd(X, y, theta, alpha, iterations, alg.SSD_gradient) print("-3.630291 / ", theta[0]) print("1.166362 / ", theta[1]) print("34962.991574 / ", ut.predict(np.array([[6.1101]]), theta)[0] * 10**4) print("45342.450129 / ", ut.predict(np.array([[7]]), theta)[0] * 10**4) print("\nWith optimization: ") theta = np.zeros((X.shape[1]), ) res = opt.minimize(alg.SSD, theta, (X, y), jac=alg.SSD_gradient, method='Newton-CG', options={"maxiter": 1500}) theta = res.x print("-3.630291 / ", theta[0]) print("1.166362 / ", theta[1]) print("34962.991574 / ", ut.predict(np.array([[6.1101]]), theta)[0] * 10**4) print("45342.450129 / ", ut.predict(np.array([[7]]), theta)[0] * 10**4) print("\nNormalized batch gradient descent:") X, y = ut.read_csv('csv/ex1data2.csv') X, mu, sigma = ut.normalize_features(X) X = ut.create_design(X) alpha = 0.1 iterations = 400 theta = np.zeros((X.shape[1], )) alg.batch_gd(X, y, theta, alpha, iterations, alg.SSD_gradient) print("2000.680851 / ", mu[0]) print("3.170213 / ", mu[1]) print("794.7024 / ", sigma[0]) print("0.7610 / ", sigma[1]) print("340412.659574 / ", theta[0]) print("110631.048958 / ", theta[1]) print("-6649.472950 / ", theta[2]) print("\nNormal equation:") X, y, = ut.read_csv('csv/ex1data2.csv') X = ut.create_design(X) alg.normal_eqn(X, y) print("340412.659574 / ", theta[0]) print("110631.048958 / ", theta[1]) print("-6649.472950 / ", theta[2]) print("\nNormalized prediction:") print("293081.464622 / ", ut.predict(np.array([[1650, 3]]), theta, mu, sigma)[0]) print("284343.447245 / ", ut.predict(np.array([[1650, 4]]), theta, mu, sigma)[0]) return
X_test_node2 = path+'motifs/'+day+'_thres_'+thres+'_test_'+contacts+'_out_node2_3_0.0001/mat.npy' X_test_window = path+'motifs/'+day+'_thres_'+thres+'_test_'+contacts+'_out_btw_nodes_3_0.0001/mat.npy' X_valid_node1 = path+'motifs/'+day+'_thres_'+thres+'_valid_'+contacts+'_out_node1_3_0.0001/mat.npy' X_valid_node2 = path+'motifs/'+day+'_thres_'+thres+'_valid_'+contacts+'_out_node2_3_0.0001/mat.npy' X_valid_window = path+'motifs/'+day+'_thres_'+thres+'_valid_'+contacts+'_out_btw_nodes_3_0.0001/mat.npy' y_train = get_labels(path+day+'_y_train_thres_'+thres+'.npy') y_test = get_labels(path+day+'_y_test_thres_'+thres+'.npy') y_valid = get_labels(path+day+'_y_valid_thres_'+thres+'.npy') X_train=concat_motifs([X_train_node1, X_train_node2]) X_test=concat_motifs([X_test_node1, X_test_node2]) X_valid=concat_motifs([X_valid_node1, X_valid_node2]) X_train_normalized_pairs, X_valid_normalized_pairs, X_test_normalized_pairs = normalize_features(X_train, X_valid, X_test) X_train_normalized = X_train_normalized_pairs.reshape(X_train_normalized_pairs.shape[0],X_train_normalized_pairs.shape[2]*X_train_normalized_pairs.shape[3]) X_valid_normalized = X_valid_normalized_pairs.reshape(X_valid_normalized_pairs.shape[0],X_valid_normalized_pairs.shape[2]*X_valid_normalized_pairs.shape[3]) X_test_normalized = X_test_normalized_pairs.reshape(X_test_normalized_pairs.shape[0],X_test_normalized_pairs.shape[2]*X_test_normalized_pairs.shape[3]) X_train_valid = np.concatenate((X_train_normalized, X_valid_normalized), axis=0) y_train_valid = np.concatenate((y_train, y_valid), axis=0) # test_fold to 0 for all samples that are part of the validation set, and to -1 for all other samples. valid_index=[-1 for i in range(X_train_normalized.shape[0])]+[0 for i in range(X_valid_normalized.shape[0])] param_grid = {'gamma': [1e-3, 1e-4, 0.005, 0.05, 0.5],'C': [1, 10, 100]} best_param={} svm = Genome3D_SVM_RBF(best_param) best_param = svm.train_cross_val(X_train_valid[:,:], [i for i in y_train_valid[:,0]], valid_index, param_grid)
cost = np.sum(np.multiply(y, np.log(sigmoid( + np.multiply((1 - y), np.log(1 - sigmoid( / -m + \ l2_lambda / (2 * m) * np.sum(np.power(theta[1:], 2)) / (2 * m) # cost + regularization parameter gradient = - y) / m + l2_lambda / m * np.vstack([0, theta[1:]]) return cost, gradient if __name__ == "__main__": # Load data from the file data = np.matrix( np.genfromtxt('logistic_regression/data/data.csv', delimiter=',')) X = data[:, 0:2] y = data[:, 2] # Initial setup alpha = 5 X = normalize_features(X) # normalize features X = np.append(np.ones((X.shape[0], 1)), X, axis=1) theta = np.zeros((X.shape[1], 1)) l2_lambda = 0.1 costs = np.array([]) iterations = 0 # Calculate the changing theta while True: # Re-calculate theta cost, gradient = calculate_cost_and_gradient(theta, X, y, l2_lambda) theta = theta - alpha * gradient print('Cost: %f' % (cost)) print("Theta: [ %f, %f, %f ]" % (theta[0, 0], theta[1, 0], theta[2, 0])) #Plot the dependence of cost vs iteration plt.clf()
from import wavfile audioname = "1brian.wav" fs, signal = #fs=8000 mt_size = 2.0 mt_step = 0.2 st_win = 0.05 st_step = st_win #FEATURE EXTRACTION AND NORMALISATION [mid_term_features, short_term_features] = mt_feature_extraction(signal, fs, mt_size * fs, mt_step * fs, round(fs * st_win)) [mid_term_features_norm, _, _] = normalize_features([mid_term_features.T]) mid_term_features_norm = mid_term_features_norm[0].T num_of_windows = mid_term_features.shape[1] # VAD reserved_time = 1 segment_limits = vad(short_term_features, st_step, smooth_window=0.5, weight=0.3) i_vad = ivad(segment_limits, mt_step, reserved_time, num_of_windows) mid_term_features_norm = mid_term_features_norm[:, i_vad] # remove outliers: distances_all = numpy.sum(distance.squareform( distance.pdist(mid_term_features_norm.T)),
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.decomposition import PCA import numpy as np from utils import normalize_features file = "ex7data1.mat" current_dir = os.path.abspath(".") data_dir = join(current_dir, 'data') file_name = join(data_dir, file) mat_dict = sio.loadmat(file_name) print("mat_dict.keys() : ", mat_dict.keys()) X = mat_dict["X"] m = X.shape[0] # remove mean and feature scaling is recommended by Andrew Ng X_normalized = normalize_features(X) # m = x1.size sigma = (1 / m) *, X_normalized) # nxn (n is 2 : number of features) def plot(_X, title): x1 = _X[:, 0] x2 = _X[:, 1] plt.plot(x1, x2, 'o') plt.title(title) plt.xlabel('x1') plt.ylabel('x2') plt.grid()
def dayday_feature(data, n_class=2, label_most_common_1=19, flag_unlabel=0): t1 = time.time() data = data.copy() x = data['fea_table'].copy() num_nodes = x.shape[0] nodes_all = list(x.index) df = data['edge_file'].copy() max_weight = max(df['edge_weight']) df.rename(columns={'edge_weight': 'weight'}, inplace=True) degree_in_1st = np.zeros(num_nodes) degree_out_1st = np.zeros(num_nodes) weight_in_1st = np.zeros(num_nodes) weight_out_1st = np.zeros(num_nodes) for source, target, weight in df.values: source = int(source) target = int(target) degree_in_1st[target] += 1 degree_out_1st[source] += 1 weight_in_1st[target] += weight weight_out_1st[source] += weight degree_1st_diff = degree_in_1st - degree_out_1st weight_1st_diff = weight_in_1st - weight_out_1st features_1 = np.concatenate([ degree_in_1st.reshape(-1, 1), degree_out_1st.reshape(-1, 1), weight_in_1st.reshape(-1, 1), weight_out_1st.reshape(-1, 1), degree_1st_diff.reshape(-1, 1), weight_1st_diff.reshape(-1, 1) ], axis=1) features_in_1st = pd.DataFrame({ "node_index": np.arange(num_nodes), "degree_in_1st": degree_in_1st, "weight_in_1st": weight_in_1st }) df_degree_in_1st = pd.merge(left=df, right=features_in_1st, left_on="src_idx", right_on="node_index", how="left") df_degree_in_1st_info = df_degree_in_1st.groupby( 'dst_idx')['degree_in_1st'].agg({ 'degree_in_1st_sum': np.sum, 'degree_in_1st_mean': np.mean, 'degree_in_1st_min': np.min, 'degree_in_1st_max': np.max, 'degree_in_1st_median': np.median }) df_weight_in_1st_info = df_degree_in_1st.groupby( 'dst_idx')['weight_in_1st'].agg({ 'weight_in_1st_sum': np.sum, 'weight_in_1st_mean': np.mean, 'weight_in_1st_min': np.min, 'weight_in_1st_max': np.max, 'weight_in_1st_median': np.median }) df_degree_in_2nd = pd.DataFrame({ "node_index": df_degree_in_1st_info.index, "degree_in_2nd": df_degree_in_1st_info['degree_in_1st_sum'] }) df_degree_in_2nd = pd.merge(left=df, right=df_degree_in_2nd, how="left", left_on="src_idx", right_on="node_index") df_degree_in_2nd_info = df_degree_in_2nd.groupby( 'dst_idx')['degree_in_2nd'].agg({ 'degree_in_2nd_sum': np.sum, 'degree_in_2nd_mean': np.mean, 'degree_in_2nd_min': np.min, 'degree_in_2nd_max': np.max, 'degree_in_2nd_median': np.median }) features_2_index = df_degree_in_1st_info.index features_2_t = np.hstack([ df_degree_in_1st_info.values, df_weight_in_1st_info.values, df_degree_in_2nd_info.values ]) features_2 = np.zeros((num_nodes, features_2_t.shape[1])) for i, index in enumerate(features_2_index): features_2[index] = features_2_t[i] train_y = data['train_label'].copy() df_info_in = pd.merge(left=df, right=train_y, how='left', left_on='src_idx', right_on='node_index') if flag_unlabel == 0: df_info_in.dropna(inplace=True) else: df_info_in.fillna(-1, inplace=True) df_labels_in_count = df_info_in.pivot_table(index=["dst_idx"], columns='label', aggfunc='size', fill_value=0) df_labels_in_precent = pd.crosstab(index=df_info_in.dst_idx, columns=df_info_in.label, normalize='index') df_labels_in_without_most_common = df_info_in.copy() df_labels_in_without_most_common = df_labels_in_without_most_common[ df_labels_in_without_most_common.label != label_most_common_1] df_labels_in_precent_without_most_common = pd.crosstab( index=df_labels_in_without_most_common.dst_idx, columns=df_labels_in_without_most_common.label, normalize='index') df_labels_weight_count_in = df_info_in.pivot_table(index=['dst_idx'], columns='label', values='weight', aggfunc='sum', fill_value=0) df_labels_weight_percent_in = pd.crosstab(index=df_info_in.dst_idx, columns=df_info_in.label, values=df_info_in.weight, aggfunc='sum', normalize='index') df_labels_weight_percent_in_without_most_common = pd.crosstab( index=df_labels_in_without_most_common.dst_idx, columns=df_labels_in_without_most_common.label, values=df_labels_in_without_most_common.weight, aggfunc='sum', normalize='index') features_3_index = list(df_labels_in_count.index) features_3_t = np.hstack( (df_labels_in_count.values, df_labels_in_precent.values, df_labels_weight_count_in.values, df_labels_weight_percent_in.values)) features_3 = np.zeros((num_nodes, features_3_t.shape[1])) for i, index in enumerate(features_3_index): features_3[index] = features_3_t[i] labels_in_temp = features_3[:, :n_class] labels_weight_in_temp = features_3[:, 2 * n_class:3 * n_class] features_labels_all_in_2nd = np.zeros((num_nodes, n_class)) features_labels_weight_all_in_2nd = np.zeros((num_nodes, n_class)) for source, target, weight in df.values: source = int(source) target = int(target) features_labels_all_in_2nd[source] += labels_in_temp[target] features_labels_weight_all_in_2nd[source] += labels_weight_in_temp[ target] features_labels_all_in_2nd_percent = np.delete(features_labels_all_in_2nd, label_most_common_1, axis=1) features_labels_all_in_2nd_percent = normalize_features( features_labels_all_in_2nd_percent) features_out_1st = pd.DataFrame({ "node_index": np.arange(num_nodes), "degree_out_1st": degree_out_1st, "weight_out_1st": weight_out_1st }) df_degree_out_1st = pd.merge(left=df, right=features_out_1st, left_on="dst_idx", right_on="node_index", how="left") df_degree_out_1st_info = df_degree_out_1st.groupby( 'src_idx')['degree_out_1st'].agg({ 'degree_out_1st_sum': np.sum, 'degree_out_1st_mean': np.mean, 'degree_out_1st_min': np.min, 'degree_out_1st_max': np.max, 'degree_out_1st_median': np.median }) df_weight_out_1st_info = df_degree_out_1st.groupby( 'src_idx')['weight_out_1st'].agg({ 'weight_out_1st_sum': np.sum, 'weight_out_1st_mean': np.mean, 'weight_out_1st_min': np.min, 'weight_out_1st_max': np.max, 'weight_out_1st_median': np.median }) df_degree_out_2nd = pd.DataFrame({ "node_index": df_degree_out_1st_info.index, "degree_out_2nd": df_degree_out_1st_info['degree_out_1st_sum'] }) df_degree_out_2nd = pd.merge(left=df, right=df_degree_out_2nd, how="left", left_on="dst_idx", right_on="node_index") df_degree_out_2nd_info = df_degree_out_2nd.groupby( 'src_idx')['degree_out_2nd'].agg({ 'degree_out_2nd_sum': np.sum, 'degree_out_2nd_mean': np.mean, 'degree_out_2nd_min': np.min, 'degree_out_2nd_max': np.max, 'degree_out_2nd_median': np.median }) features_4_index = df_degree_out_1st_info.index features_4_t = np.hstack([ df_degree_out_1st_info.values, df_weight_out_1st_info.values, df_degree_out_2nd_info.values ]) features_4 = np.zeros((num_nodes, features_4_t.shape[1])) for i, index in enumerate(features_4_index): features_4[index] = features_4_t[i] df_info_out = pd.merge(left=df, right=train_y, how='left', left_on='dst_idx', right_on='node_index') if flag_unlabel == 0: df_info_out.dropna(inplace=True) else: df_info_out.fillna(-1, inplace=True) df_labels_out_count = df_info_out.pivot_table(index=["src_idx"], columns='label', aggfunc='size', fill_value=0) df_labels_out_precent = pd.crosstab(index=df_info_out.src_idx, columns=df_info_out.label, normalize='index') df_labels_out_without_most_common = df_info_out.copy() df_labels_out_without_most_common = df_labels_out_without_most_common[ df_labels_out_without_most_common.label != label_most_common_1] df_labels_out_precent_without_most_common = pd.crosstab( index=df_labels_out_without_most_common.src_idx, columns=df_labels_out_without_most_common.label, normalize='index') df_labels_weight_count_out = df_info_out.pivot_table(index=['src_idx'], columns='label', values='weight', aggfunc='sum', fill_value=0) df_labels_weight_percent_out = pd.crosstab(index=df_info_out.src_idx, columns=df_info_out.label, values=df_info_out.weight, aggfunc='sum', normalize='index') df_labels_weight_percent_out_without_most_common = pd.crosstab( index=df_labels_out_without_most_common.src_idx, columns=df_labels_out_without_most_common.label, values=df_labels_out_without_most_common.weight, aggfunc='sum', normalize='index') features_5_index = list(df_labels_out_count.index) features_5_t = np.hstack( (df_labels_out_count.values, df_labels_out_precent.values, df_labels_weight_count_out.values, df_labels_weight_percent_out.values)) features_5 = np.zeros((num_nodes, features_5_t.shape[1])) for i, index in enumerate(features_5_index): features_5[index] = features_5_t[i] features_merge = np.concatenate([ features_1, features_2, features_3, features_4, features_5, features_labels_all_in_2nd, features_labels_all_in_2nd_percent ], axis=1) features_merge = np.unique(features_merge, axis=1) features_merge = np.delete( features_merge, np.argwhere(np.sum(features_merge, axis=0) == 0), axis=1) return features_merge
print("Params: lr={:.4f}, epochs={}, weight_decay={:.5f}, patience={}, hidden_size={}, num_layers={}, package={}, dataset={}"\ .format(, args.epochs, args.weight_decay, args.patience, args.hidden_size, args.num_layers, args.package, args.dataset)) if args.dataset == "cora": data = load_data("data/cora/cora.pkl") adj = data['adj'] features = data['features'] y_train = data['y_train'] y_val = data['y_val'] y_test = data['y_test'] train_mask = data['train_index'] val_mask = data['val_index'] test_mask = data['test_index'] adj = normalize_adj(adj) features = normalize_features(features) if args.package == "numpy": features = features.toarray() adj = adj.toarray() elif args.package == "ctf": y_train = ctf.astensor(y_train) y_val = ctf.astensor(y_val) y_test = ctf.astensor(y_test) features = features.toarray() adj = adj.toarray() adj = ctf.astensor(adj) features = ctf.astensor(features) adj = ctf.tensor(sp=True, copy=adj)