def hmm_mle(training_set, model): """ Calculates the Maximum Likelihood estimation of the transition and emission probabilities for the standard multinomial HMM. :param training_set: an iterable sequence of sentences, each containing both the words and the PoS tags of the sentence. :param model: an initial HMM with the pos2i and word2i mappings among other things. :return: a mapping of the transition and emission probabilities. """ transition_prob = np.zeros((model.pos_size, model.pos_size)) emission_prob = np.zeros((model.pos_size, model.words_size)) for row in training_set: pos_tags = row[0] words = row[1] for i in range(len(pos_tags) - 1): transition_prob[model.pos2i[pos_tags[i]], model.pos2i[pos_tags[i + 1]]] += 1 emission_prob[model.pos2i[pos_tags[i]], model.word2i[words[i]]] += 1 emission_prob[model.pos2i[pos_tags[-1]], model.word2i[words[-1]]] += 1 return utils.normalize_prob(transition_prob), utils.normalize_prob( emission_prob)
def e_step(pt_z, pt_t_z, pf_z, pf_f_z, b_t, b_f): """ :param pt_z: probability distribution of latent vectors for high-time-res plca; shape (n_latent,) :param pt_t_z: conditional probability distribution of temporal component for high-time-res plca, i.e. temporal basis; shape (n_latent, fft_size) :param pf_z: probability distribution of latent vectors for high-spec-res plca; shape (n_latent,) :param pf_f_z: conditional probability distribution of spectral component for high-spec-res plca, i.e. spectral basis; shape (n_latent, fft_size) :param b_t: blurring function for temporal basis :param b_f: blurring function for spectral basis :return: pt_z_tf, pf_z_tf where pt_z_tf conditional distribution of latent components for high-time-res plca; shape (n_latent, temporal_size, fft_size) and pf_z_tf conditional distribution of latent components for high-spec-res plca shape (n_latent, temporal_size, fft_size) """ pt_z_tf = normalize_prob( np.expand_dims(pt_z, (1, 2)) * np.expand_dims(pt_t_z, 2) * np.expand_dims(b_f(pf_f_z), 1), 0) pf_z_tf = normalize_prob( np.expand_dims(pf_z, (1, 2)) * np.expand_dims(b_t(pt_t_z), 2) * np.expand_dims(pf_f_z, 1), 0) return pt_z_tf, pf_z_tf
def m_step(pt_z_tf, spec_t, pf_z_tf, spec_f): """ :param pt_z_tf: conditional distribution of latent components for high-time-res plca; shape (n_latent, temporal_size, fft_size) :param spec_t: high-time-res spectrogram; shape (temporal_size, fft_size) :param pf_z_tf: conditional distribution of latent components for high-spec-res plca; shape (n_latent, temporal_size, fft_size) :param spec_f: high-spec-res spectrogram; shape (temporal_size, fft_size) :return: pt_z, pt_f_z, pf_z, pf_f_z pt_z: probability distribution of latent vectors for high-time-res plca; shape (n_latent,) pt_f_z: conditional probability distribution of spectral component for high-time-res plca, i.e. spectral basis; shape (n_latent, fft_size) pt_t_z: conditional probability distribution of temporal component for high-time-res plca, i.e. temporal basis; shape (n_latent, fft_size) pf_z: probability distribution of latent vectors for high-spec-res plca; shape (n_latent,) """ weighted_density_t = np.expand_dims(spec_t, 0) * pt_z_tf weighted_density_f = np.expand_dims(spec_f, 0) * pf_z_tf pt_z = normalize_prob(np.sum(weighted_density_t, (1, 2))) pt_t_z = normalize_prob(np.sum(weighted_density_t, 2), 1) pf_z = normalize_prob(np.sum(weighted_density_f, (1, 2))) pf_f_z = normalize_prob(np.sum(weighted_density_f, 1), 1) return pt_z, pt_t_z, pf_z, pf_f_z
def build_subword_prob( subword_counter, normalize_prob=normalize_prob, min_prob=None, take_root=False, ): subword_prob = normalize_prob(subword_counter) subword_prob = subword_prob_post_process( subword_prob, min_prob=min_prob, take_root=take_root, ) return Counter(subword_prob)
def calc_subword_weights( w, *, subword_vocab, get_subword_prob=None, weight_threshold=None, ): subword_weights = {} if get_subword_prob: p_prefix = calc_prefix_prob(w, get_subword_prob) p_suffix = calc_prefix_prob(w, get_subword_prob, backward=True) for j in range(1, len(w) + 1): for i in range(j): sub = w[i:j] if sub in subword_vocab: p_sub = get_subword_prob(sub) * p_prefix[i] * p_suffix[j] subword_weights.setdefault(sub, 0) subword_weights[sub] += p_sub subword_weights = normalize_prob(subword_weights) if weight_threshold: subword_weights = { k: v for k, v in subword_weights.items() if v > weight_threshold } else: for j in range(1, len(w) + 1): for i in range(j): sub = w[i:j] if sub in subword_vocab: subword_weights.setdefault(sub, 0) subword_weights[sub] += 1 subword_weights = normalize_prob(subword_weights) if len(subword_weights) == 0: logger.warning(f"no qualified subwords for '{w}'") return {} return subword_weights
def init_params(n_latent, temporal_size, fft_size, spec_f=None, show_progress=False): """ Initializes probability functions for pcla if 'VF' is not None will intitialize the spectral weights using VF :returns pt_t_z, pt_z, pf_f_z, pf_z pt_t_z is temporal basis for high-temporal-res; shape (n_latent, temporal_size) pt_z is latent distribution for high-temporal-res; shape (n_latent) pf_t_z is temporal basis for high-spectral-res; shape (n_latent, temporal_size) pf_z is latent distribution for high-spectral-res; shape (n_latent) """ if show_progress: print("\rInitializing parameters", end='') pt_z = np.random.random(n_latent) + 1 pt_z = pt_z / np.sum(pt_z) pt_t_z = np.random.random((n_latent, temporal_size)) + 1 pt_t_z = normalize_prob(pt_t_z, ax=0) pf_z = np.random.random(n_latent) + 1 pf_z = pf_z / np.sum(pf_z) if spec_f is not None: n = spec_f.shape[0] pf_f_z = spec_f[random_indices(n, n_latent)] + epsilon else: pf_f_z = np.random.random((n_latent, fft_size)) + 1 pf_f_z = normalize_prob(pf_f_z, ax=0) np.random.random((n_latent, fft_size)) + 1 if show_progress: print("\rDone initializing parameters") return pt_z, pt_t_z, pf_z, pf_f_z
def test_blur_functions_spectrograms(): spec_t, spec_f = gen_spectrograms_for_testing() spec_t = normalize_prob(spec_t, 0) spec_f = normalize_prob(spec_f, 1) b_t, b_f = make_blur_functions(TEST_WIN_T_SIZE, TEST_WIN_F_SIZE, TEST_FFT_SIZE, TEST_STRIDE, win_type='hann') # show blur filters plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) plt.plot(b_t.blur_filter.squeeze()) plt.title('filter-t') plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) plt.plot(b_f.blur_filter.squeeze()) plt.title('filter-f') # Show blurred images blurred_t = b_t(spec_t) blurred_f = b_f(spec_f) plt.subplot(2, 2, 1) plt.imshow(spec_t[:250]) plt.title('original t') plt.subplot(2, 2, 2) plt.imshow(spec_f[:250]) plt.title('original norm_f') plt.subplot(2, 2, 3) plt.imshow(blurred_t[:250]) plt.title('blur-time') plt.subplot(2, 2, 4) plt.imshow(blurred_f[:250]) plt.title('blur-spec')
def baseline_mle(training_set, model): """ Calculates the Maximum Likelihood estimation of the multinomial and emission probabilities for the baseline model. :param training_set: an iterable sequence of sentences, each containing both the words and the PoS tags of the sentence. :param model: an initial baseline model with the pos2i and word2i mappings among other things. :return: a mapping of the multinomial and emission probabilities. """ multinomial_probs = np.zeros(model.pos_size) emission_prob = np.zeros((model.pos_size, model.words_size)) for row in training_set: pos_tags = row[0] words = row[1] for i in range(len(pos_tags)): emission_prob[model.pos2i[pos_tags[i]], model.word2i[words[i]]] += 1 multinomial_probs[model.pos2i[pos_tags[i]]] += 1 return multinomial_probs / np.sum(multinomial_probs), utils.normalize_prob( emission_prob)
def __call__(self, spec): blurred = convolve2d(spec, self.blur_filter, mode='same') if self.norm_axis is not None: return normalize_prob(blurred, ax=self.norm_axis) else: return blurred