def importData(file, characterEncoding, format, user, folder): start_time = time.time() try: #manage zipfile fd, fname = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=fileExt_dic[format]) os.close(fd) f = open(fname, "wb") for chunk in file.chunks(): f.write(chunk) f.close() if not zipfile.is_zipfile(fname): os.remove(fname) return "Not a valid zip archive.", None zip = zipfile.ZipFile(fname) hasSuffix = {} required_suffixes = suffixes_dic[format] for suffix in required_suffixes: hasSuffix[suffix] = False for info in zip.infolist(): extension = os.path.splitext(info.filename)[1].lower() if extension in required_suffixes: hasSuffix[extension] = True for suffix in required_suffixes: if not hasSuffix[suffix]: zip.close() os.remove(fname) return "Archive missing required %s file." % suffix, None zip = zipfile.ZipFile(fname) shapefileName = None dirname = tempfile.mkdtemp() for info in zip.infolist(): if info.filename.endswith(filenameExt_dic[format]): shapefileName = info.filename dstFile = os.path.join(dirname, info.filename) f = open(dstFile, "wb") f.write( f.close() zip.close() #verify if shapefile is valid driver = ogr.GetDriverByName(ogrDriver_dic[format]) datasource = driver.Open(os.path.join(dirname, shapefileName)) for i in range(datasource.GetLayerCount()): layer = datasource.GetLayer(i) srcSpatialRef = layer.GetSpatialRef() geometryType = layer.GetGeomType() geometryName = utils.ogrTypeToGeometryName(geometryType) print "geometry type:" + str(geometryType), geometryName srs_wkt = srcSpatialRef.ExportToWkt() shapefile = Shapefile.objects.create(name=layer.GetName(), parent=folder, srs_wkt=srs_wkt, geom_type=geometryName, encoding=characterEncoding, created_by=user) #define shapefile's attributes attributes = [] layerDef = layer.GetLayerDefn() for i in range(layerDef.GetFieldCount()): fieldDef = layerDef.GetFieldDefn(i) attr = Attribute(shapefile=shapefile, name=fieldDef.GetName(), type=fieldDef.GetType(), width=fieldDef.GetWidth(), precision=fieldDef.GetPrecision()) attributes.append(attr) Attribute.objects.bulk_create(attributes) #store shapefile's features dstSpatialRef = osr.SpatialReference() dstSpatialRef.ImportFromEPSG(3857) coordTransform = osr.CoordinateTransformation( srcSpatialRef, dstSpatialRef) features = [] for i in range(layer.GetFeatureCount()): srcFeature = layer.GetNextFeature() id = srcFeature.GetFID() srcGeometry = srcFeature.GetGeometryRef() srcGeometry.Transform(coordTransform) if srcGeometry.GetCoordinateDimension() == 3: srcGeometry #geometry = GEOSGeometry(srcGeometry.ExportToWkt()) #geometry = utils.wrapGEOSGeometry(geometry) #geometryField = utils.calcGeometryField(geometryName) multi_geom = ogr.ForceToMultiPolygon(srcGeometry) #Store shapefile"s attributes hash_attributeValue = defaultdict(dict) attribute_value = {} attributes.sort(key=lambda x: for attr in attributes: success, result = utils.getOGRFeatureAttribute( attr, srcFeature, characterEncoding) if not success: datasource.Destroy() os.remove(fname) shutil.rmtree(dirname) shapefile.delete() return 'Wrong character encoding', None hash_attributeValue.setdefault(, result) feature = Feature(shapefile=shapefile, attribute_value=hash_attributeValue, id_relat=id) setattr(feature, 'geom_multipolygon', multi_geom.ExportToWkt()) features.append(feature) Feature.objects.bulk_create(features) print("Temps final: --- %s seconds ---" % str(time.time() - start_time)) return None, shapefile except Exception, e: return e, None
def importData (shapefile, characterEncoding ): fname = None # store a copy of the UploadedFile so it can be manipulated fd, fname = tempfile.mkstemp (suffix=".zip") os.close (fd) f = open (fname , "wb") for chunk in shapefile.chunks (): f.write (chunk) f.close () # ---------- if not zipfile.is_zipfile (fname): os.remove (fname) return "Not a valid zip archive %s " %(fname) # check that the shapefile zip has the required files zip = zipfile.ZipFile (fname) required_suffixes = [ ".shp" , ".shx" , ".dbf" , ".prj" ] hasSuffix = {} for suffix in required_suffixes: hasSuffix [suffix] = False for info in zip.infolist (): extn = os.path.splitext (info.filename) [1].lower () if (extn in required_suffixes): hasSuffix [extn] = True for suffix in required_suffixes: if not hasSuffix [suffix]: zip.close () os.remove ( fname ) return "Archive missing required "+suffix+" file." # save the shapefile components (shp, dff etc) into # a temporary directory zip = zipfile.ZipFile (fname) shapefileName = None dirname = tempfile.mkdtemp () for info in zip.infolist (): if info.filename.endswith (".shp"): shapefileName = info.filename dstFile = os.path.join ( dirname, info.filename ) f = open (dstFile, "wb") f.write ( ( info.filename ) ) f.close () zip.close () # Use OGR to (try to) open up the Shapefile try: datasource= ogr.Open (os.path.join ( dirname , shapefileName ) ) layer = datasource.GetLayer (0) shapeFileOK = True except: traceback.print_exc() shapeFileOK = False if not shapeFileOK: os.remove (fname) shutil.rmtree (dirname) return "Not a valid shapefile... couldn't open it with OGR" # Add the shapefile to the database srcSpatialRef = layer.GetSpatialRef () geometryType = layer.GetLayerDefn ().GetGeomType () geometryName = utils.ogrTypeToGeometryName (geometryType) print "about to save shapefile. The details: " print ".. srs_skt " + srcSpatialRef.ExportToWkt () print ".. shapefileName: " + shapefileName # TODO. This will be truncated and should not be... srs_wkd = srcSpatialRef.ExportToWkt () [0:254] shapefile = Shapefile ( filename = shapefileName , srs_wkd = srs_wkd, geom_type= geometryName, encoding = characterEncoding) () # Add the shapefile's attributes to the database attributes = [] layerDef = layer.GetLayerDefn () for counter in range ( layerDef.GetFieldCount () ): fieldDef = layerDef.GetFieldDefn ( counter ) attr = Attribute ( shapefile = shapefile , name = fieldDef.GetName () , type = fieldDef.GetType () , # int code precision = fieldDef.GetPrecision () , width = fieldDef.GetWidth () ) () attributes.append (attr) # Import the features dstSpatialRef = osr.SpatialReference () dstSpatialRef.ImportFromEPSG ( 4326 ) coordTransform = osr.CoordinateTransformation ( srcSpatialRef , dstSpatialRef ) for count in range ( layer.GetFeatureCount () ): srcFeature = layer.GetFeature ( count ) srcGeometry = srcFeature.GetGeometryRef () srcGeometry.Transform ( coordTransform ) # return a limited set of geometries .. geometry = utils.wrapGEOSGeometry ( srcGeometry ) # Geometry field will correspond with the field name in Feature class / table geometryField = utils.calcGeometryField (geometryName) \ # param is e.g. LineString / Point args = {} args[ 'shapefile'] = shapefile args[ geometryField] = geometry feature = Feature ( **args ) () # save the attribute values for attr in attributes: # srcFeature (ogr.Layer.Feature) # attr (shapeEditor.models.Attribute) success, result = utils.getOGRFeatureAttribute ( attr, srcFeature, characterEncoding ) if not success: os.remove (fname) shutil.rmtree (dirname) shapefile.delete () return result value = result attrValue = AttributeValue ( feature = feature, attribute = attr , value = value ) () os.remove (fname) shutil.rmtree (dirname) return None
def importData(shapefile, characterEncoding): fd, fname = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".zip") os.close(fd) f = open(fname, "wb") for chunk in shapefile.chunks(): f.write(chunk) f.close() if not zipfile.is_zipfile(fname): os.remove(fname) return "Not a valid zip archive." zip = zipfile.ZipFile(fname) required_suffixes = [".shp", ".shx", ".dbf", ".prj"] hasSuffix = {} for suffix in required_suffixes: hasSuffix[suffix] = False for info in zip.infolist(): extension = os.path.splitext(info.filename)[1].lower() if extension in required_suffixes: hasSuffix[extension] = True for suffix in required_suffixes: if not hasSuffix[suffix]: zip.close() os.remove(fname) return "Archive missing required " + suffix + " file." zip = zipfile.ZipFile(fname) shapefileName = None dirname = tempfile.mkdtemp() for info in zip.infolist(): if info.filename.endswith(".shp"): shapefileName = info.filename dstFile = os.path.join(dirname, info.filename) f = open(dstFile, "wb") f.write( f.close() zip.close() try: datasource = ogr.Open(os.path.join(dirname, shapefileName)) layer = datasource.GetLayer(0) shapefileOK = True except: traceback.print_exc() shapefileOK = False if not shapefileOK: os.remove(fname) shutil.rmtree(dirname) return "Not a valid shapefile." srcSpatialRef = layer.GetSpatialRef() geometryType = layer.GetLayerDefn().GetGeomType() geometryName = utils.ogrTypeToGeometryName(geometryType) shapefile = Shapefile(filename=shapefileName, srs_wkt=srcSpatialRef.ExportToWkt(), geom_type=geometryName, encoding=characterEncoding) attributes = [] layerDef = layer.GetLayerDefn() for i in range(layerDef.GetFieldCount()): fieldDef = layerDef.GetFieldDefn(i) attr = Attribute(shapefile=shapefile, name=fieldDef.GetName(), type=fieldDef.GetType(), width=fieldDef.GetWidth(), precision=fieldDef.GetPrecision()) attributes.append(attr) dstSpatialRef = osr.SpatialReference() dstSpatialRef.ImportFromEPSG(4326) coordTransform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(srcSpatialRef, dstSpatialRef) for i in range(layer.GetFeatureCount()): srcFeature = layer.GetFeature(i) srcGeometry = srcFeature.GetGeometryRef() srcGeometry.Transform(coordTransform) geometry = GEOSGeometry(srcGeometry.ExportToWkt()) geometry = utils.wrapGEOSGeometry(geometry) geometryField = utils.calcGeometryField(geometryName) args = {} args['shapefile'] = shapefile args[geometryField] = geometry feature = Feature(**args) for attr in attributes: success, result = utils.getOGRFeatureAttribute(attr, srcFeature, characterEncoding) if not success: os.remove(fname) shutil.rmtree(dirname) shapefile.delete() return result attrValue = AttributeValue(feature=feature, attribute=attr, value=result) os.remove(fname) shutil.rmtree(dirname) return "Data imported!"
def importexc(request): if request.method == "GET": form = ImportExcForm() return render_to_response("importexc.html", {'form' : form}) elif request.method == "POST": form = ImportExcForm(request.POST, request.FILES) if form.is_valid(): excfile = request.FILES['import_exc'] character_encoding = request.POST['character_encoding'] excel_file = xlrd.open_workbook( filename=excel_file.sheet_names() filename = filename[0] dirpath = tempfile.mkdtemp() sh = excel_file.sheet_by_index(0) w = shapefile.Writer(shapefile.POINT) w.field('Station','I') w.field('Longitude', 'F') w.field('Latitude', 'F') w.field('Gravel_pc', 'F') w.field('Sand_pc', 'F') w.field('Mud_pc', 'F') for rownum in range(sh.nrows): if rownum == 0: continue else: x_coord = sh.cell_value(rowx=rownum, colx=1) y_coord = sh.cell_value(rowx=rownum, colx=2) w.point(x_coord, y_coord) w.record(Station=sh.cell_value(rowx=rownum, colx=0),Latitude=sh.cell_value(rowx=rownum, colx=2), Longitude=sh.cell_value(rowx=rownum, colx=1),Gravel_pc=sh.cell_value(rowx=rownum, colx=3), Sand_pc=sh.cell_value(rowx=rownum, colx=4),Mud_pc=sh.cell_value(rowx=rownum, colx=5)),filename)) prj = open("%s.prj" % os.path.join(dirpath,filename), "w") epsg = 'GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SHEROID["WGS84",6378137,298.257223563]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]]' prj.write(epsg) prj.close() for item in os.listdir(dirpath): if item.endswith(".shp"): shapefileName = item datasource = ogr.Open(os.path.join(dirpath, shapefileName)) layer = datasource.GetLayer(0) layerDefinition = layer.GetLayerDefn() srcSpatialRef = layer.GetSpatialRef() geometryType = layer.GetLayerDefn().GetGeomType() geometryName = utils.ogrTypeToGeometryName(geometryType) shpfile = Shpfile( filename=shapefileName, srs_wkt=srcSpatialRef.ExportToWkt(), geom_type=geometryName, encoding=character_encoding ) attributes = [] layerDef = layer.GetLayerDefn() for i in range(layerDef.GetFieldCount()): fieldDef = layerDef.GetFieldDefn(i) attr = Attribute( shpfile=shpfile, name=fieldDef.GetName(), type=fieldDef.GetType(), width=fieldDef.GetWidth(), ) attributes.append(attr) for i in range(layer.GetFeatureCount()): srcFeature = layer.GetFeature(i) srcGeometry = srcFeature.GetGeometryRef() geometry = GEOSGeometry(srcGeometry.ExportToWkt()) geometry = utils.wrapGEOSGeometry(geometry) geometryField = utils.calcGeometryField(geometryName) args = {} args['shpfile'] = shpfile args[geometryField] = geometry feature = Feature(**args) for attr in attributes: success,result = utils.getOGRFeatureAttribute( attr, srcFeature, character_encoding ) if not success: shutil.rmtree(dirpath) shpfile.delete() return result attrValue = AttributeValue( feature=feature, attribute=attr, value=result ) shutil.rmtree(dirpath) return HttpResponse("data imported!!")
def importData(file, characterEncoding, format, user, folder): start_time = time.time() try: #manage zipfile fd,fname = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=fileExt_dic[format]) os.close(fd) f = open(fname, "wb") for chunk in file.chunks(): f.write(chunk) f.close() if not zipfile.is_zipfile(fname): os.remove(fname) return "Not a valid zip archive.", None zip = zipfile.ZipFile(fname) hasSuffix = {} required_suffixes = suffixes_dic[format] for suffix in required_suffixes: hasSuffix[suffix] = False for info in zip.infolist(): extension = os.path.splitext(info.filename)[1].lower() if extension in required_suffixes: hasSuffix[extension] = True for suffix in required_suffixes: if not hasSuffix[suffix]: zip.close() os.remove(fname) return "Archive missing required %s file." % suffix, None zip = zipfile.ZipFile(fname) shapefileName = None dirname = tempfile.mkdtemp() for info in zip.infolist(): if info.filename.endswith(filenameExt_dic[format]): shapefileName = info.filename dstFile = os.path.join(dirname, info.filename) f = open(dstFile, "wb") f.write( f.close() zip.close() #verify if shapefile is valid driver = ogr.GetDriverByName(ogrDriver_dic[format]) datasource = driver.Open(os.path.join(dirname,shapefileName)) for i in range(datasource.GetLayerCount()): layer = datasource.GetLayer(i) srcSpatialRef = layer.GetSpatialRef() geometryType = layer.GetGeomType() geometryName = utils.ogrTypeToGeometryName(geometryType) print "geometry type:" + str(geometryType), geometryName srs_wkt=srcSpatialRef.ExportToWkt() shapefile = Shapefile.objects.create(name=layer.GetName(), parent=folder, srs_wkt=srs_wkt, geom_type=geometryName, encoding=characterEncoding, created_by=user) #define shapefile's attributes attributes = [] layerDef = layer.GetLayerDefn() for i in range(layerDef.GetFieldCount()): fieldDef = layerDef.GetFieldDefn(i) attr = Attribute(shapefile=shapefile, name=fieldDef.GetName(), type=fieldDef.GetType(), width=fieldDef.GetWidth(), precision=fieldDef.GetPrecision()) attributes.append(attr) Attribute.objects.bulk_create(attributes) #store shapefile's features dstSpatialRef = osr.SpatialReference() dstSpatialRef.ImportFromEPSG(3857) coordTransform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(srcSpatialRef, dstSpatialRef) features = [] for i in range(layer.GetFeatureCount()): srcFeature = layer.GetNextFeature() id = srcFeature.GetFID() srcGeometry = srcFeature.GetGeometryRef() srcGeometry.Transform(coordTransform) if srcGeometry.GetCoordinateDimension() == 3: srcGeometry #geometry = GEOSGeometry(srcGeometry.ExportToWkt()) #geometry = utils.wrapGEOSGeometry(geometry) #geometryField = utils.calcGeometryField(geometryName) multi_geom = ogr.ForceToMultiPolygon(srcGeometry) #Store shapefile"s attributes hash_attributeValue = defaultdict(dict) attribute_value = {} attributes.sort(key=lambda for attr in attributes: success,result = utils.getOGRFeatureAttribute(attr, srcFeature, characterEncoding) if not success: datasource.Destroy() os.remove(fname) shutil.rmtree(dirname) shapefile.delete() return 'Wrong character encoding', None hash_attributeValue.setdefault(,result) feature = Feature(shapefile=shapefile, attribute_value=hash_attributeValue, id_relat=id) setattr(feature, 'geom_multipolygon', multi_geom.ExportToWkt() ) features.append(feature) Feature.objects.bulk_create(features) print("Temps final: --- %s seconds ---" % str(time.time() - start_time)) return None, shapefile except Exception, e: return e, None
def importData(shapefile, characterEncoding): fd,fname = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".zip") os.close(fd) f = open(fname, "wb") for chunk in shapefile.chunks(): f.write(chunk) f.close() if not zipfile.is_zipfile(fname): os.remove(fname) return "Not a valid zip archive." zip = zipfile.ZipFile(fname) required_suffixes = [".shp", ".shx", ".dbf", ".prj"] hasSuffix = {} for suffix in required_suffixes: hasSuffix[suffix] = False for info in zip.infolist(): extension = os.path.splitext(info.filename)[1].lower() if extension in required_suffixes: hasSuffix[extension] = True for suffix in required_suffixes: if not hasSuffix[suffix]: zip.close() os.remove(fname) return "Archive missing required "+suffix+" file." zip = zipfile.ZipFile(fname) shapefileName = None dirname = tempfile.mkdtemp() for info in zip.infolist(): if info.filename.endswith(".shp"): shapefileName = info.filename dstFile = os.path.join(dirname, info.filename) f = open(dstFile, "wb") f.write( f.close() zip.close() try: datasource = ogr.Open(os.path.join(dirname, shapefileName)) layer = datasource.GetLayer(0) shapefileOK = True except: traceback.print_exc() shapefileOK = False if not shapefileOK: os.remove(fname) shutil.rmtree(dirname) return "Not a valid shapefile." srcSpatialRef = layer.GetSpatialRef() geometryType = layer.GetLayerDefn().GetGeomType() geometryName = utils.ogrTypeToGeometryName(geometryType) shapefile = Shapefile( filename=shapefileName, srs_wkt=srcSpatialRef.ExportToWkt(), geom_type=geometryName, encoding=characterEncoding ) attributes = [] layerDef = layer.GetLayerDefn() for i in range(layerDef.GetFieldCount()): fieldDef = layerDef.GetFieldDefn(i) attr = Attribute( shapefile=shapefile, name=fieldDef.GetName(), type=fieldDef.GetType(), width=fieldDef.GetWidth(), precision=fieldDef.GetPrecision() ) attributes.append(attr) dstSpatialRef = osr.SpatialReference() dstSpatialRef.ImportFromEPSG(4326) coordTransform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(srcSpatialRef, dstSpatialRef) for i in range(layer.GetFeatureCount()): srcFeature = layer.GetFeature(i) srcGeometry = srcFeature.GetGeometryRef() srcGeometry.Transform(coordTransform) geometry = GEOSGeometry(srcGeometry.ExportToWkt()) geometry = utils.wrapGEOSGeometry(geometry) geometryField = utils.calcGeometryField(geometryName) args = {} args['shapefile'] = shapefile args[geometryField] = geometry feature = Feature(**args) for attr in attributes: success,result = utils.getOGRFeatureAttribute( attr, srcFeature, characterEncoding ) if not success: os.remove(fname) shutil.rmtree(dirname) shapefile.delete() return result attrValue = AttributeValue( feature=feature, attribute=attr, value=result ) os.remove(fname) shutil.rmtree(dirname) return "Data imported!"
def importData(shapefile, characterEncoding): fname = None # store a copy of the UploadedFile so it can be manipulated fd, fname = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".zip") os.close(fd) f = open(fname, "wb") for chunk in shapefile.chunks(): f.write(chunk) f.close() # ---------- if not zipfile.is_zipfile(fname): os.remove(fname) return "Not a valid zip archive %s " % (fname) # check that the shapefile zip has the required files zip = zipfile.ZipFile(fname) required_suffixes = [".shp", ".shx", ".dbf", ".prj"] hasSuffix = {} for suffix in required_suffixes: hasSuffix[suffix] = False for info in zip.infolist(): extn = os.path.splitext(info.filename)[1].lower() if (extn in required_suffixes): hasSuffix[extn] = True for suffix in required_suffixes: if not hasSuffix[suffix]: zip.close() os.remove(fname) return "Archive missing required " + suffix + " file." # save the shapefile components (shp, dff etc) into # a temporary directory zip = zipfile.ZipFile(fname) shapefileName = None dirname = tempfile.mkdtemp() for info in zip.infolist(): if info.filename.endswith(".shp"): shapefileName = info.filename dstFile = os.path.join(dirname, info.filename) f = open(dstFile, "wb") f.write( f.close() zip.close() # Use OGR to (try to) open up the Shapefile try: datasource = ogr.Open(os.path.join(dirname, shapefileName)) layer = datasource.GetLayer(0) shapeFileOK = True except: traceback.print_exc() shapeFileOK = False if not shapeFileOK: os.remove(fname) shutil.rmtree(dirname) return "Not a valid shapefile... couldn't open it with OGR" # Add the shapefile to the database srcSpatialRef = layer.GetSpatialRef() geometryType = layer.GetLayerDefn().GetGeomType() geometryName = utils.ogrTypeToGeometryName(geometryType) print "about to save shapefile. The details: " print ".. srs_skt " + srcSpatialRef.ExportToWkt() print ".. shapefileName: " + shapefileName # TODO. This will be truncated and should not be... srs_wkd = srcSpatialRef.ExportToWkt()[0:254] shapefile = Shapefile(filename=shapefileName, srs_wkd=srs_wkd, geom_type=geometryName, encoding=characterEncoding) # Add the shapefile's attributes to the database attributes = [] layerDef = layer.GetLayerDefn() for counter in range(layerDef.GetFieldCount()): fieldDef = layerDef.GetFieldDefn(counter) attr = Attribute( shapefile=shapefile, name=fieldDef.GetName(), type=fieldDef.GetType(), # int code precision=fieldDef.GetPrecision(), width=fieldDef.GetWidth()) attributes.append(attr) # Import the features dstSpatialRef = osr.SpatialReference() dstSpatialRef.ImportFromEPSG(4326) coordTransform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(srcSpatialRef, dstSpatialRef) for count in range(layer.GetFeatureCount()): srcFeature = layer.GetFeature(count) srcGeometry = srcFeature.GetGeometryRef() srcGeometry.Transform(coordTransform) # return a limited set of geometries .. geometry = utils.wrapGEOSGeometry(srcGeometry) # Geometry field will correspond with the field name in Feature class / table geometryField = utils.calcGeometryField (geometryName) \ # param is e.g. LineString / Point args = {} args['shapefile'] = shapefile args[geometryField] = geometry feature = Feature(**args) # save the attribute values for attr in attributes: # srcFeature (ogr.Layer.Feature) # attr (shapeEditor.models.Attribute) success, result = utils.getOGRFeatureAttribute( attr, srcFeature, characterEncoding) if not success: os.remove(fname) shutil.rmtree(dirname) shapefile.delete() return result value = result attrValue = AttributeValue(feature=feature, attribute=attr, value=value) os.remove(fname) shutil.rmtree(dirname) return None
def importData(shapefile, characterEncoding): """ Attempt to import the contents of a shapefile into our database. 'shapefile' is the Django UploadedFile object that was uploaded, and 'characterEncoding' is the character encoding to use for interpreting the shapefile's string attributes. We return None if the import succeeded. Otherwise we return a string containing a suitable error message explaining why the shapefile can't be imported. """ # Copy the zip archive into a temporary file. fd,fname = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".zip") os.close(fd) f = open(fname, "wb") for chunk in shapefile.chunks(): f.write(chunk) f.close() # Open the zip file and check its contents. if not zipfile.is_zipfile(fname): os.remove(fname) return "Not a valid zip archive." zip = zipfile.ZipFile(fname) required_suffixes = [".shp", ".shx", ".dbf", ".prj"] hasSuffix = {} for suffix in required_suffixes: hasSuffix[suffix] = False for info in zip.infolist(): extension = os.path.splitext(info.filename)[1].lower() if extension in required_suffixes: hasSuffix[extension] = True else: print "Extraneous file: " + info.filename for suffix in required_suffixes: if not hasSuffix[suffix]: zip.close() os.remove(fname) return "Archive missing required " + suffix + " file." # Decompress the zip archive into a temporary directory. At the same # time, we get the name of the main ".shp" file. zip = zipfile.ZipFile(fname) shapefileName = None dirname = tempfile.mkdtemp() for info in zip.infolist(): if info.filename.endswith(".shp"): shapefileName = info.filename dstFile = os.path.join(dirname, info.filename) f = open(dstFile, "wb") f.write( f.close() zip.close() # Attempt to open the shapefile. try: datasource = ogr.Open(os.path.join(dirname, shapefileName)) layer = datasource.GetLayer(0) shapefileOK = True except: traceback.print_exc() shapefileOK = False if not shapefileOK: os.remove(fname) shutil.rmtree(dirname) return "Not a valid shapefile." # Import the data from the opened shapefile. geometryType = layer.GetLayerDefn().GetGeomType() geometryName = utils.ogrTypeToGeometryName(geometryType) srcSpatialRef = layer.GetSpatialRef() dstSpatialRef = osr.SpatialReference() dstSpatialRef.ImportFromEPSG(4326) shapefile = Shapefile(filename=shapefileName, srs_wkt=srcSpatialRef.ExportToWkt(), geom_type=geometryName, encoding=characterEncoding) attributes = [] layerDef = layer.GetLayerDefn() for i in range(layerDef.GetFieldCount()): fieldDef = layerDef.GetFieldDefn(i) attr = Attribute(shapefile=shapefile, name=fieldDef.GetName(), type=fieldDef.GetType(), width=fieldDef.GetWidth(), precision=fieldDef.GetPrecision()) attributes.append(attr) coordTransform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(srcSpatialRef, dstSpatialRef) for i in range(layer.GetFeatureCount()): srcFeature = layer.GetFeature(i) srcGeometry = srcFeature.GetGeometryRef() srcGeometry.Transform(coordTransform) geometry = GEOSGeometry(srcGeometry.ExportToWkt()) geometry = utils.wrapGEOSGeometry(geometry) geometryField = utils.calcGeometryField(geometryName) args = {} args['shapefile'] = shapefile args[geometryField] = geometry feature = Feature(**args) for attr in attributes: success,result = \ utils.getOGRFeatureAttribute(attr, srcFeature, characterEncoding) if not success: os.remove(fname) shutil.rmtree(dirname) shapefile.delete() return result attrValue = AttributeValue(feature=feature, attribute=attr, value=result) # Finally, clean everything up. os.remove(fname) shutil.rmtree(dirname) return None # success.