Esempio n. 1
def findVelocities(trajectories):
    """ This function admits a 'trajectories' dataframe as an input
        (usually from trackpy) and returns another dataframe where
        instant velocities are included """

    n_tracks = len(set(trajectories.track))
    col_names = ['frame', 'track', 'x', 'y', 'vx', 'vy']
    # Creating an empty dataframe to store results
    data = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros(shape=(1, 6), dtype=np.int64), columns=col_names)
    for item in set(trajectories.track):      
        sub = trajectories[trajectories.track==item]
        if sub.shape[0]<=2:
            #Para obviar los casos en los que solo hay una o dos filas de datos
            printp('Deriving velocities for track: '+ str(item) + '/'+ str(n_tracks))
            dvx = pd.DataFrame(np.gradient(sub.x), columns=['vx',])
            dvy = pd.DataFrame(np.gradient(sub.y), columns=['vy',])
            new_df = pd.concat((sub.frame.reset_index(drop=True), sub.track.reset_index(drop=True), 
                                sub.x.reset_index(drop=True), sub.y.reset_index(drop=True), dvx, dvy), 
                                axis=1, names=col_names, sort=False)
            data = pd.concat((data, new_df), axis=0)
    # This is to get rid of the first 'np.zeros' row and to reset indexes
    data = data.reset_index(drop=True)
    data = data.drop(0)
    data = data.reset_index(drop=True)
    return data
Esempio n. 2
def deleteShortTrajectories(velocities, minimumFrames=150):
    """ This function takes a pandas dataframe with the velocities of one or
        more particles and deletes all trajectories 
        shorter than 'minimumFrames' """
    col_names = ['frame', 'track', 'x', 'y', 'vx', 'vy']
    # Creating an empty dataframe to store results
    data = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros(shape=(1, 6), dtype=np.int64), columns=col_names)
    for item in set(velocities.track):
        sub = velocities[velocities.track==item]
        if sub.shape[0] <= minimumFrames:
            printp('Deleting velocities for track: '+str(item)+ ' --> Size: ' + str(sub.shape[0]))
            new_df = pd.concat((sub.vx.reset_index(drop=True), sub.vy.reset_index(drop=True), 
                                sub.x.reset_index(drop=True), sub.y.reset_index(drop=True),
                                sub.frame.reset_index(drop=True), sub.track.reset_index(drop=True)),
                                axis=1, names=col_names, sort=False)
            data = pd.concat((data, new_df), axis=0)
    # This is to get rid of the first 'np.zeros' row and to reset indexes
    data = data.reset_index(drop=True)
    data = data.drop(0)
    data = data.reset_index(drop=True)
    return data
Esempio n. 3
def velocity_autocorrelation_ensemble(vel_data, max_lag='all'):
    """ Calculates the velocity autocorrelation function for integrating for
        every particle in the system

    vel_data : pandas Dataframe
        It must be have the usual structure with at least the folowing columns:
        ['frame', 'track', 'vx', 'vy']
    max_lag : int, optional (default: 'all')
        Maximum number of steps (lag time) for which the VAC is calculated     

    vac : pandas Dataframe
        A 1D pandas dataframe of shape N where N is equal to max_steps. 
        Containing the value of the VAC for each interval.
    ensemble = pd.DataFrame()
    for traj in set(vel_data.track):
        if vel_data[vel_data.track == traj].shape[0] > 2:
            vel_aut = velocity_autocorrelation(vel_data, traj, max_lag=max_lag)
            ensemble = pd.concat((ensemble, vel_aut), axis=1)
            printp('Integrating velocity autocorrelations: ' + str(traj) +
                   '/' + str(len(set(vel_data.track))))
    vac = ensemble.mean(axis=1)
    return vac
Esempio n. 4
def msd_ensemble(data, max_steps='all', column='x'):
    """ Calculates the mean square displacement using every available track on the Dataframe
        data : pandas Dataframe
            It must be have the usual structure with at least the folowing columns:
            ['frame', 'track', 'x', 'y']
        max_steps : int, optional (default: 'all')
            Maximum number of steps (lag time) for which the MSD is calculated     
        column : string (default: 'x')
            Name of the column for the component to be analysed
        results : array
            A 1D numpy array of shape N where N is equal to max_steps. 
            Containing the value of the mean square displacement for that interval.
    ensemble = pd.DataFrame()
    for traj in set(data.track):
        if data[data.track == traj].shape[0] > 2:
            msd_traj = meanSquaredDisplacement(data,
            # I only need the data not the steps columns
            msd_traj = pd.DataFrame(msd_traj[:, 1])
            ensemble = pd.concat((ensemble, msd_traj), axis=1)
            printp('Calculating MSD for trajectory: ' + str(traj) + '/' +

    return ensemble.mean(axis=1)
Esempio n. 5
def smoothPositions(pos_data, window_length=25, poly_order=3, kind='savgol', butter_size=0.8):
    """ This function takes a pandas dataframe with the velocities of one or
        more particles and smooths positions applying an Savgol filter """
    if kind=='savgol':
        col_names = ['frame', 'track', 'x', 'y', 'vx', 'vy']
        # Creating an empty dataframe to store results
        data = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros(shape=(1, 6), dtype=np.int64), columns=col_names)
        for item in set(pos_data.track):
            sub = pos_data[pos_data.track==item]
            if sub.shape[0] <= window_length+1:
                #Para obviar los casos en los que la trayectoria dura menos que la ventana de suavizado
                printp('Smoothing positions for track: '+ str(item))
                # Savgol filter
                x = pd.DataFrame(savgol_filter(sub.x, window_length, poly_order), columns=['x',])
                y = pd.DataFrame(savgol_filter(sub.y, window_length, poly_order), columns=['y',])
                new_df = pd.concat((x, y, sub.vx.reset_index(drop=True), sub.vy.reset_index(drop=True),
                                    sub.frame.reset_index(drop=True), sub.track.reset_index(drop=True)),
                                    axis=1, names=col_names, sort=False)
                data = pd.concat((data, new_df), axis=0, sort=True)
        # This is to get rid of the first 'np.zeros' row and to reset indexes
        data = data.reset_index(drop=True)
        data = data.drop(0)
        data = data.reset_index(drop=True)

    elif kind=='butter':
        col_names = ['frame', 'track', 'x', 'y', 'vx', 'vy']
        # Creating an empty dataframe to store results
        data = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros(shape=(1, 6), dtype=np.int64), columns=col_names)
        for item in set(pos_data.track):
            sub = pos_data[pos_data.track==item]
            if sub.shape[0] <= window_length+1:
                #Para obviar los casos en los que la trayectoria dura menos que la ventana de suavizado
                printp('Smoothing positions for track: '+ str(item))
                # Savgol filter
                x = pd.DataFrame(butter_lowpass(butter_size, window_length, sub.x), columns=['x',])
                y = pd.DataFrame(butter_lowpass(butter_size, window_length, sub.y), columns=['y',])
                new_df = pd.concat((x, y, sub.vx.reset_index(drop=True), sub.vy.reset_index(drop=True),
                                    sub.frame.reset_index(drop=True), sub.track.reset_index(drop=True)),
                                    axis=1, names=col_names, sort=False)
                data = pd.concat((data, new_df), axis=0)
        # This is to get rid of the first 'np.zeros' row and to reset indexes
        data = data.reset_index(drop=True)
        data = data.drop(0)
        data = data.reset_index(drop=True)

    return data
Esempio n. 6
def calculate_jumps(data, interval=1, moving_window=True):
    """ returns a neww dataframe with columns 'dx', 'dy', representing
        the jump during a jump of lenght 'interval' (n_frames) """
    col_names = ['frame', 'track', 'x', 'y', 'dx', 'dy']
    n_tracks = len(set(data.track))
    # Creating an empty dataframe to store results
# =============================================================================
#     out = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros(shape=(1, 6), dtype=np.int64), columns=col_names)
# =============================================================================
    out = []

    for item in set(data.track):      
        sub = data[data.track==item]
        if sub.shape[0]<=interval+1:
            #Para obviar los casos en los que solo hay pocos datos
            printp('Calculating jumps for track: '+ str(item) + '/'+ str(n_tracks))
            if moving_window==False:
                dx = pd.DataFrame(sub.x.iloc[interval::interval].values - sub.x.iloc[0::interval].values[:-1], columns=['dx',])
                dy = pd.DataFrame(sub.y.iloc[interval::interval].values - sub.y.iloc[0::interval].values[:-1], columns=['dy',])
                sub = sub.iloc[0::interval].reset_index(drop=True)

            elif moving_window==True: # Este es el comportamiento por defecto
                dx = pd.DataFrame(difference(sub.x.values, n=interval), columns=['dx',])
                dy = pd.DataFrame(difference(sub.y.values, n=interval), columns=['dy',])

            new_df = pd.concat((sub.frame.reset_index(drop=True), sub.track.reset_index(drop=True), 
                                sub.x.reset_index(drop=True), sub.y.reset_index(drop=True), dx, dy), 
                                axis=1, names=col_names, sort=False)
# =============================================================================
#             out = pd.concat((out, new_df), axis=0)
# =============================================================================
    out = pd.concat(out, axis=0)

    # This is to get rid of the first 'np.zeros' row and to reset indexes, also, delete nans that appear at the end (in [-interval:])
    data = out.reset_index(drop=True)
    data = data.drop(0)
    data = data.dropna() #26-09-2019
    data = data.reset_index(drop=True)
    return data
Esempio n. 7
def alternative_delete_short_trajectories(data, minimumFrames=10):
    """ This function takes a pandas dataframe with the velocities of one or
        more particles and deletes all trajectories 
        shorter than 'minimumFrames' """
    # First, find what tracks have less datapoints that 'minimumFrames'
    tracks_to_delete = []
    for item in set(data.track):
        sub = data[data.track==item]
        n_elements = len(sub)
        if n_elements <= minimumFrames:
            printp('Deleting velocities for track: ' + str(item) + ' --> Size: ' + str(n_elements))
    # Actual cleaning of short trajectories, first locate indexes   
    indexNames = data[data.track.isin(tracks_to_delete)].index
    data = data.drop(indexNames)
    data = data.reset_index(drop=True)
    return data
Esempio n. 8
def alternative_calculate_velocities(trajectories, n=1, use_gradient=False):

    n_tracks = len(set(trajectories.track))

    # Con gradient solo se puede usar n=1
    if use_gradient==True:
        out = []
        for t in set(trajectories.track):
            sub = trajectories[trajectories.track == t]
                vxvy = np.gradient(sub[['x','y']].values, axis=0)
                sub['vx'] = vxvy[:,0]
                sub['vy'] = vxvy[:,1]
                printp('Deriving velocities for track: '+ str(t+1) + '/'+ str(n_tracks))

        if n==1:
            out = []
            for t in set(trajectories.track):
                sub = trajectories[trajectories.track == t]
                vxvy = np.diff(sub[['x','y']].values, axis=0)
                sub = sub[:-1]
                sub['vx'] = vxvy[:,0]
                sub['vy'] = vxvy[:,1]
                printp('Deriving velocities for track: '+ str(t+1) + '/'+ str(n_tracks))
        # Calculo de desplazamientos con ventana movil
            out = []
            for t in set(trajectories.track):
                sub = trajectories[trajectories.track == t]
                    vxvy = sub[['x','y']][n:].values - sub[['x','y']][:-n].values
                    sub = sub[:-n]
                    sub['vx'] = vxvy[:,0] / n
                    sub['vy'] = vxvy[:,1] / n
                    printp('Deriving velocities for track: '+ str(t+1) + '/'+ str(n_tracks))

    out = pd.concat(out)
    out = out.reset_index(drop=True)
    out = reset_track_indexes(out)

    return out
Esempio n. 9
def radial_distribution_function_square_region(data,
                                               roi_corner=[250, 50],
    from tqdm import tqdm
    """ Calculates the radial distribution function, averaging g(r) for all frames.
        All parameters must be in the same units (either pixels, cm or natural units)

    data : pandas Dataframe
        It must be have the usual structure with at least the folowing columns:
        ['frame', 'track', 'x', 'y']
    roi_center : int list or tuple
        Coordinates of the bottom left corner of the ROI
    roi_radius : int
    min_step : float
        This is the size of the distance step we use to calculate g(r). Reducing this
        will increase the resolution of data (at the cost of higher computing times)
    particle_diameter : float
        Used to express the results in terms of the particle's diameter (useful for plotting)
        Use 1 if no conversion desired

    gr : pandas Dataframe
        A pandas dataframe of shape (N, 2) where N is equal to max_radial_distance/min_step.
        Containing the value of the g(r) for each step. Column names are: ['r', 'gr']
    # The maximum radial distance we can get away from each particle is the distance
    # from the particle to the edge of the ROI. We add a new column with that info
    data = data.assign(
        distances_to_left_roi_wall=(data.x - roi_corner[0]),
        distances_to_right_roi_wall=(roi_corner[0] + roi_width - data.x),
        distances_to_top_roi_wall=(roi_corner[1] + roi_height - data.y),
        distances_to_bottom_roi_wall=(data.y - roi_corner[1]))

    distance_to_closest_wall = np.abs(data.loc[:, [
        'distances_to_left_roi_wall', 'distances_to_right_roi_wall',
        'distances_to_top_roi_wall', 'distances_to_bottom_roi_wall'

    data = data.assign(distance_to_closest_wall=distance_to_closest_wall)

    list_grs = []
    N = 0
    n_frames = len(set(data.frame))
    # Looping for each frame and storing the instant g(r) in a dataframe
    for f in tqdm(set(data.frame)):
        printp(f'Calculating g(r), frame: {f} / {n_frames}')
        sub_data = data[data['frame'] == f]
        gr = instant_radial_distribution_function_square_region(
            sub_data, min_step=min_step)
        N += len(data[data.frame ==
                      f])  # To calculate the number of particles in the ROI

    ensemble = pd.concat(list_grs, axis=1)
    # Mean for all frames
    gr = ensemble.mean(axis=1)
    # Firs row's g(r) must be zero (0)
    gr.iloc[0] = 0
    # New column with distances (in terms of particle's diameter)
    distances = pd.DataFrame(
        np.arange(0, min_step * len(gr), step=min_step) / particle_diameter)
    gr = pd.concat((distances, gr), axis=1)
    # Naming columns
    gr.columns = ['r', 'gr']

    # Last normalization
    area = roi_width * roi_height
    mean_N = N / len(set(data.frame)) = * area / (2 * mean_N)
    return gr
Esempio n. 10
def radial_distribution_function(data,
                                 roi_center=[650, 400],
    """ Calculates the radial distribution function, averaging g(r) for all frames.
        All parameters must be in the same units (either pixels, cm or natural units)

    data : pandas Dataframe
        It must be have the usual structure with at least the folowing columns:
        ['frame', 'track', 'x', 'y']
    roi_center : int list or tuple
        Coordinates of the central point of the region of interest (in the case of a
        circular ROI)
    roi_radius : int
    min_step : float
        This is the size of the distance step we use to calculate g(r). Reducing this
        will increase the resolution of data (at the cost of higher computing times)
    particle_diameter : float
        Used to express the results in terms of the particle's diameter (useful for plotting)
        Use 1 if no conversion desired

    gr : pandas Dataframe
        A pandas dataframe of shape (N, 2) where N is equal to max_radial_distance/min_step.
        Containing the value of the g(r) for each step. Column names are: ['r', 'gr']
    # The maximum radial distance we can get away from each particle is the distance
    # from the particle to the edge of the ROI. We add a new column with that info
    distances_to_center = distanceToCenter(data.x, data.y, roi_center[0],
    distances_to_edge = roi_radius - distances_to_center
    data = data.assign(dist_edge=distances_to_edge)

    list_grs = []
    N = 0
    # Looping for each frame and storing the instant g(r) in a dataframe
    for f in set(data.frame):
        printp('Calculating g(r), frame: ' + str(f) + ' / ' +
        gr = instant_radial_distribution_function(data,
        N += len(data[data.frame ==
                      f])  # To calculate the number of particles in the ROI

    ensemble = pd.concat(list_grs, axis=1)
    # Mean for all frames
    gr = ensemble.mean(axis=1)
    # Firs row's g(r) must be zero (0)
    gr.iloc[0] = 0
    # New column with distances (in terms of particle's diameter)
    distances = pd.DataFrame(
        np.arange(0, min_step * len(gr), step=min_step) / particle_diameter)
    gr = pd.concat((distances, gr), axis=1)
    # Naming columns
    gr.columns = ['r', 'gr']

    # Last normalization
    area = np.pi * (roi_radius**2)
    mean_N = N / len(set(data.frame)) = * area / (2 * mean_N)
    return gr