Esempio n. 1
    def test_equivariance(self):
        hnet = HNet(5)
        inp = torch.randn(7, 1, 60, 60)
        inp_rot = rot90(inp)

        out = hnet(inp)
        out_rot = hnet(inp_rot)

        diff = (rot90(out) - out_rot).max().item()

        self.assertLess(diff, 1e-3)
Esempio n. 2
    def test_backward_jit(self):
        b, h, w = 5, 30, 30
        repr = (2, 3)
        rnorm = RayleighNorm2d(repr).double()

        inp = torch.randn(2, b, sum(repr), h, w, dtype=torch.float64)
        rot = rot90(inp)

        base_fwd = rnorm(inp)
        rot_fwd = rnorm(rot)

        diff = (rot90(base_fwd) - rot_fwd).max().item()
        self.assertLess(diff, 1e-5)
Esempio n. 3
    def test_equivariance_eval(self):
        b, h, w, d = 5, 30, 30, 30
        repr = (2, 3)
        bnorm = InstanceNorm3d(repr).double()

        inp = torch.randn(2, b, sum(repr), h, w, d, dtype=torch.float64)
        rot = rot90(inp)

        base_fwd = bnorm(inp)
        rot_fwd = bnorm(rot)

        diff = (rot90(base_fwd) - rot_fwd).max().item()
        self.assertLess(diff, 1e-5)
Esempio n. 4
    def test_equivariance(self):
        b, h, w = 5, 30, 30
        repr = (2, 3)
        rnorm = RayleighNorm2d(repr).double()

        inp = torch.randn(2, b, sum(repr), h, w, dtype=torch.float64)
        rot = rot90(inp)

        # train mode
        base_fwd = rnorm(inp)
        rot_fwd = rnorm(rot)

        diff = (rot90(base_fwd) - rot_fwd).max().item()
        self.assertLess(diff, 1e-5)
Esempio n. 5
    def test_backward_jit(self):
        b, h, w = 5, 30, 30
        repr = (2, 3)
        gnorm = GroupNorm2d(repr).double()

        inp = torch.randn(2, b, sum(repr), h, w, dtype=torch.float64)
        rot = rot90(inp)

        # train mode
        base_fwd = gnorm(inp)
        rot_fwd = gnorm(rot)

        diff = (rot90(base_fwd) - rot_fwd).max().item()
        self.assertLess(diff, 1e-5)
Esempio n. 6
	def test_rot90_fn(self):
		Test rotation function
		img = self._read_img('lena512color.tiff')
		img_rot = self._read_img('lena512color_rot90.tiff')
		self.assertTrue((rot90(img,1)-img_rot).sum() ==0)
Esempio n. 7
    def _test_equivariance(self, order):
        b, s, c1, c2, h, w = 5, 7, 5, 10, 30, 30
        repr1 = [c1]
        repr2 = [0] * (order - 1) + [c2]

        conv1 = HConv2d(repr1, repr2, s).double()
        conv2 = HConv2d(repr2, repr1, s).double()

        inp = torch.randn(2, b, c1, h, w, dtype=torch.float64)
        rot = rot90(inp)

        base_fwd = conv2(conv1(inp))
        rot_fwd = conv2(conv1(rot))

        diff = (rot90(base_fwd) - rot_fwd).max().item()

        self.assertLess(diff, 1e-5)
Esempio n. 8
def extract_images(
        file_chk, i_chk, j_chk, d_chk, file_scl, i_scl, j_scl, d_scl, rot, out_chk, out_scl, out_eye):

	# open checker image
	img_chk_bgr = cv2.imread(file_chk, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
	if img_chk_bgr is None:
		print('Failed to load image file:', file_chk)

	# open sclera image
	img_scl_bgr = cv2.imread(file_scl, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
	if img_scl_bgr is None:
		print('Failed to load image file:', file_scl)

	# compute area
	area_chk_bgr, chk_mask = utils.compute_area(img_chk_bgr, (j_chk, i_chk), (d_chk,)*3)
	area_scl_bgr, scl_mask = utils.compute_area(img_scl_bgr, (j_scl, i_scl), (d_scl,)*3)

    # correct wb
	wb_bgr_f = numpy.float32(cv2.mean(area_chk_bgr, mask=chk_mask)[:3])
	img_scl_bgr_wb_f = img_scl_bgr.copy().astype(numpy.float32)
	img_scl_bgr_wb_f /= wb_bgr_f
	area_chk_bgr_wb_f = area_chk_bgr.copy().astype(numpy.float32)
	area_chk_bgr_wb_f /= wb_bgr_f
	area_scl_bgr_wb_f = area_scl_bgr.copy().astype(numpy.float32)
	area_scl_bgr_wb_f /= wb_bgr_f

    # crop and rotate
	chk_x0, chk_x1, chk_y0, chk_y1 = utils.crop_rect(chk_mask, CROP_K)
	img_chk = utils.rot90(area_chk_bgr_wb_f[chk_y0:chk_y1, chk_x0:chk_x1], rot)
	scl_x0, scl_x1, scl_y0, scl_y1 = utils.crop_rect(scl_mask, CROP_K)
	img_scl = utils.rot90(area_scl_bgr_wb_f[scl_y0:scl_y1, scl_x0:scl_x1], rot)
	img_eye = utils.rot90(img_scl_bgr_wb_f[scl_y0:scl_y1, scl_x0:scl_x1], rot)
	# write output images
	cv2.imwrite(out_scl+'.png', img_scl*WB_K_LDR)
	cv2.imwrite(out_scl+'.exr', img_scl*WB_K_HDR)
	cv2.imwrite(out_chk+'.png', img_chk*WB_K_LDR)
	cv2.imwrite(out_chk+'.exr', img_chk*WB_K_HDR)
	cv2.imwrite(out_eye+'.png', img_eye*WB_K_LDR)
	cv2.imwrite(out_eye+'.exr', img_eye*WB_K_HDR)
	print('{}, WB = {}'.format(out_scl, wb_bgr_f))
Esempio n. 9
    def test_equivariance_multi_stream(self):
        b, s, h, w, d = 3, 5, 20, 20, 20

        rep1 = (2, )
        rep2 = (1, 2, 3)

        cconv1 = HConv3d(rep1, rep2, s).double()
        cconv2 = HConv3d(rep2, rep1, s).double()

        inp = torch.randn(2, b, rep1[0], h, w, d, dtype=torch.float64)
        rot = rot90(inp)

        base_fwd = cconv2(cconv1(inp))
        rot_fwd = cconv2(cconv1(rot))

        diff = (rot90(base_fwd) - rot_fwd).max().item()

        self.assertLess(diff, 1e-3)
Esempio n. 10
    def test_equivariance_multi_stream_two_hops(self):
        b, r, h, w = 5, 7, 50, 50

        rep1 = (2, )
        rep2 = (1, 2, 3)
        rep3 = (4, 5, 6)
        rep4 = (2, )

        cconv1 = HConv2d(rep1, rep2, r).double()
        cconv2 = HConv2d(rep2, rep3, r).double()
        cconv3 = HConv2d(rep3, rep4, r).double()

        inp = torch.randn(2, b, rep1[0], h, w, dtype=torch.float64)
        rot = rot90(inp)

        base_fwd = cconv3(cconv2(cconv1(inp)))
        rot_fwd = cconv3(cconv2(cconv1(rot)))

        diff = (rot90(base_fwd) - rot_fwd).max().item()

        self.assertLess(diff, 1e-3)
Esempio n. 11
    def _test_equivariance_transition(self, order):
        b, s, c1, c2, h, w = 5, 7, 5, 10, 32, 32
        repr1 = [c1]
        repr2 = [0] * (order - 1) + [c2]

        conv1 = HConv2d(repr1, repr2, s, conv_kwargs={
            'stride': 2,
#        conv2 = HConv2d(repr2, repr1, s, conv_kwargs={
#            'stride': 2,
#        }).double()
        conv2 = HConv2dTranspose(repr2, repr1, s, conv_kwargs={
            'stride': 2,
            #'output_padding': 1,

        inp = torch.randn(2, b, c1, h, w, dtype=torch.float64)
        inp = expand_twice(inp)
        rot = rot90(inp)

        base_fwd = rot90(conv2(conv1(inp)))
        rot_fwd = conv2(conv1(rot))
#        self.assertEqual(inp.shape, base_fwd.shape)

        diff = (base_fwd - rot_fwd)

        rot_fwd_np = rot_fwd.detach().numpy()
        base_fwd_np = base_fwd.detach().numpy()
        diff_np = rot_fwd_np - base_fwd_np
        ax.quiver(rot_fwd_np[0, 0, 0], base_fwd_np[0, 0, 0])

        self.assertLess(diff.max().item(), 1e-5)
Esempio n. 12
    def _diff_rotation(self, order, plane):
        b, s, c1, c2, h, w, d = 3, 5, 3, 8, 20, 20, 20
        repr1 = [c1]
        repr2 = [0] * (order - 1) + [c2]

        conv1 = HConv3d(repr1, repr2, s).double()
        conv2 = HConv3d(repr2, repr1, s).double()

        rotation = lambda t: rot90(t, plane=plane)

        inp = torch.randn(2, b, c1, h, w, d, dtype=torch.float64)
        rot = rotation(inp)

        base_fwd = conv2(conv1(inp))
        rot_fwd = conv2(conv1(rot))

        return (rotation(base_fwd) - rot_fwd).max().item()