def get_preview_orders_by_shopcart(token_type,user_info): result={'code':1,'msg':'ok'} try: data=request.get_json() buyer_address=BuyerAddress.query.filter_by(buyer_id=user_info.buyer_id,is_default='1').first() xzb=None yzb=None mktxzb=None mktyzb=None if buyer_address: xzb=buyer_address.xzb yzb=buyer_address.yzb mktxzb=buyer_address.mktxzb mktyzb=buyer_address.mktyzb is_selected=data.get('is_selected',None) shop_list=GetShopListFromCart(mktxzb, mktyzb, user_info, is_selected) temp=[] for shop in shop_list: if not str(shop['shop_id']).isdigit(): continue temp.append(shop) ##判断用户是否是第一次下单 orders= Order.query.filter_by(buyer_id=user_info.buyer_id,shop_id=shop['shop_id']).first() if orders: shop['first_order']=False else: shop['first_order']=True #获取已经有的商铺优惠券 sql=''' SELECT IFNULL( sum( CASE WHEN CouponType = '0' THEN CouponMoney ELSE -CouponMoney END ), 0 ) AS CouponMoney FROM tb_coupon WHERE ShopID = %s AND BuyerID =%s''' shopCoupons = db.engine.execute(sql,(shop['shop_id'], user_info.buyer_id)) shop['shopCoupons']=rows_array_converter(shopCoupons) goods=GetGoodsListFromCart(shop['shop_id'], user_info.buyer_id, is_selected) shop['goods']=goods result['orders']=temp except Exception,e: current_app.logger.exception(e) result['code']=0 result['msg']=e.message
def get_orders_count(token_type,user_info): result={'code':1,'msg':'ok'} try: sql="select count(OrderNo) as count,status from tb_order_s where BuyerID='%s' group by status"; rows= db.engine.execute(sql,(user_info.buyer_id)) result['orders_counts']=rows_array_converter(rows) except Exception,e: result['msg']=e.message
def get_all_my_coupons(token_type,buyer): result={'code':1,'msg':'ok'} try: sql=''' SELECT c.ShopID, s.ShopName, IFNULL( sum( CASE WHEN CouponType = '0' THEN CouponMoney ELSE - CouponMoney END ), 0 ) AS CanUseCouponSum, IFNULL( sum( CASE WHEN CouponType = '0' THEN CouponMoney ELSE 0 END ), 0 ) AS GetCouponSum, IFNULL( sum( CASE WHEN CouponType = '1' THEN CouponMoney ELSE 0 END ), 0 ) AS UsedCouponSum FROM tb_coupon c INNER JOIN tb_shopinfo_s s on s.ShopID = c.ShopID WHERE BuyerID = %s GROUP BY c.ShopID,s.ShopName ''' rows=db.engine.execute(sql,(buyer.buyer_id)) r=rows_array_converter(rows) r.reverse() result['coupons']=r except Exception,e: current_app.logger.exception(e) result['code']=0 result['msg']=e.message
def get_delivery_list_counts(token_type,user_info): result = {'code':1,'msg':'ok'} try: sql='select count(DeliveryStatus) as counts,DeliveryStatus from tb_deliverylist where BuyerID=%s group by DeliveryStatus ' rows=db.engine.execute(sql,(user_info.buyer_id)) result['delivery_list_counts']=rows_array_converter(rows) except Exception as e: current_app.logger.exception(e) result['code'] = 0 result['msg'] = e.message return Response(json.dumps(result), content_type='application/json')
def get_communities_by_xyzb(token_type, user_info): result = {'code': 1, 'msg': 'ok'} data = request.json mktxzb = data.get('mktxzb', None) mktyzb = data.get('mktyzb', None) try: sql = '''select c.communityId,c.communityName,ROUND(SQRT(POW(%s - c.mktxzb, 2) + POW(%s- c.mktyzb, 2)),2) AS Distance from tb_community_m c where ROUND(SQRT(POW(%s - c.mktxzb, 2) + POW(%s- c.mktyzb, 2)),2)<=500 order by Distance''' if mktyzb and mktxzb: rows = db.engine.execute(sql, (mktxzb, mktyzb, mktxzb, mktyzb)) result['communities'] = rows_array_converter(rows) else: result['communities'] = [] except Exception, e: current_app.logger.exception(e) result['msg'] = e.message result['code'] = 0
def query_coupons_by_shop_id(token_type,buyer): result={'code':1,'msg':'ok'} try: data=request.get_json() sql='''SELECT s.ShopName, CASE c.CouponType WHEN '0' THEN '收入' WHEN '1' THEN '支出' END AS CouponTypeName, c.OperateTime, c.OrderNO, c.ShopID, CASE c.CouponType WHEN '0' THEN c.CouponMoney WHEN '1' THEN -c.CouponMoney END AS CouponMoney, c.Remark FROM tb_coupon c LEFT JOIN tb_shopinfo_s s ON c.ShopID = s.ShopID WHERE c.BuyerID = %s AND c.ShopID = %s ''' rows=db.engine.execute(sql,(buyer.buyer_id,data['shop_id'])) r=rows_array_converter(rows) r.reverse() rr=[] for temp in r: if temp["coupon_money"]!=0: rr.append(temp) result['coupons']=rr except Exception,e: current_app.logger.exception(e) result['code']=0 result['msg']=e.message
def GetShopListFromCart(mktxzb,mktyzb,user_info,is_selected): arr=[] try: if mktxzb and mktyzb: sql=''' SELECT tmp.ShopID, tmp.ShopName, tmp.OrderAmount, tmp.FreeDistance, tmp.FarthestDistance, tmp.Distance, tmp.Freight as BaseFreight, tmp.ExtraOrderAmount, tmp.ExtraFreight, tmp.Money, tmp.CouponMoney, IFNULL(tmp.OrderCount,0) as OrderCount, tmp.FirstGiveCoupon, tmp.GiveLimit, tmp.GiveCoupon, tmp.UseLimit, tmp.CanUseCoupon, IF ( tmp.Distance > tmp.FreeDistance, CEIL( tmp.Distance - tmp.FreeDistance ) * tmp.Freight + IF(tmp.Money < tmp.ExtraOrderAmount,tmp.ExtraFreight,0), 0 + IF(tmp.Money < tmp.ExtraOrderAmount,tmp.ExtraFreight,0) ) AS Freight FROM ( SELECT c.ShopID, c.ShopName, c.OrderAmount, c.FreeDistance / 1000 AS FreeDistance, c.Freight, c.FarthestDistance / 1000 AS FarthestDistance, ROUND( SQRT( POW(%s - c.mktxzb, 2) + POW(%s - c.mktyzb, 2) ) / 1000, 2 ) AS Distance, c.ExtraOrderAmount, c.ExtraFreight, sum( IF ( a.Quantity >= b.SetNum, round(b.SetPrice * a.Quantity, 2), round( round(b.SalePrice * b.Discount, 2) * a.Quantity, 2 ) ) ) AS Money, sum( case when b.CanGetCoupon = 1 then IF ( a.Quantity >= b.SetNum, round(b.SetPrice * a.Quantity, 2), round( round(b.SalePrice * b.Discount, 2) * a.Quantity, 2 ) ) else 0 end ) AS CouponMoney, d.OrderCount, c.FirstGiveCoupon, c.GiveLimit, c.GiveCoupon, c.UseLimit, c.CanUseCoupon FROM tb_shoppingcart a LEFT JOIN tb_goodsinfo_s b ON a.GoodsID = b.GoodsID LEFT JOIN tb_shopinfo_s c ON b.ShopID = c.ShopID LEFT JOIN (select count(1) as OrderCount,ShopID,BuyerID from tb_order_s group by ShopID,BuyerID) d on d.ShopID = c.ShopID and d.BuyerID = a.BuyerID WHERE a.BuyerID = %s ''' if int(is_selected)==1: sql=sql+" and a.IsSelected=1 " sql=sql+'''GROUP BY c.ShopID, c.ShopName, c.OrderAmount, FreeDistance, c.Freight, FarthestDistance, Distance, c.ExtraOrderAmount, c.ExtraFreight) tmp''' result_set=db.engine.execute(sql,(mktxzb,mktyzb,user_info.buyer_id)) arr=rows_array_converter(result_set) else: sql=''' SELECT c.ShopID, c.ShopName, c.OrderAmount, c.FreeDistance / 1000 AS FreeDistance, c.Freight, c.FarthestDistance / 1000 AS FarthestDistance, c.ExtraOrderAmount, c.ExtraFreight, sum( IF ( a.Quantity >= b.SetNum, round(b.SetPrice * a.Quantity, 2), round( round(b.SalePrice * b.Discount, 2) * a.Quantity, 2 ) ) ) AS Money, c.FirstGiveCoupon, c.GiveLimit, c.GiveCoupon, c.UseLimit, c.CanUseCoupon, 0 as CouponMoney FROM tb_shoppingcart a LEFT JOIN tb_goodsinfo_s b ON a.GoodsID = b.GoodsID LEFT JOIN tb_shopinfo_s c ON b.ShopID = c.ShopID WHERE a.BuyerID = %s''' if int(is_selected)==1: sql=sql+" and a.IsSelected=1 " else: sql=sql+''' GROUP BY c.ShopID, c.ShopName, c.OrderAmount, FreeDistance, c.Freight, FarthestDistance, c.ExtraOrderAmount, c.ExtraFreight''' result_set=db.engine.execute(sql,(user_info.buyer_id)) arr=rows_array_converter(result_set) print "===============================""==================") for row in arr: if int(row['use_limit'])==0: row['coupon_money']='0.00' else: row['coupon_money']=int(float(row['money'])/float(row['use_limit']))*float(row['can_use_coupon']) row['coupon_money']=str(row['coupon_money']) except Exception,e: current_app.logger.exception(e)
def get_delivery_list_by_page(token_type, buyer): result = {'code': 1, 'msg': 'ok'} data = request.get_json() try: page = data.get('page', 1) page_size = data.get('page_size', 20) order_no = data.get('order_no', None) sql = '''SELECT, d.SubmitTime, d.OrderNo, s.ShopName, s.ShopPhone, b.Phone as BuyerPhone, IFNULL( IF ( b.NickName = '', NULL, b.NickName ), b.Account ) AS BuyerName, b.Phone, b.Avatar, (o.SaleMoney + o.Freight) AS orderMoney, o.Freight, o.SendAddress, o.Receiver,, o.Remark as OrderRemark, o.PayStatus, d.DeliveryMoney, c.ItemName, o.PayType, d.DeliveryStatus, CONCAT('+',(o.SaleMoney + o.Freight)-d.DeliveryMoney) as giveMoney FROM tb_deliverylist d LEFT JOIN tb_buyer b ON b.BuyerID = d.BuyerID LEFT JOIN tb_constent_m c ON c.ItemID = d.DeliveryStatus INNER JOIN tb_order_s o ON o.OrderNo = d.OrderNo AND c.TypeID = '021' Left join tb_shopinfo_s s on s.ShopID=o.ShopID WHERE d.BuyerID = %s''' values = [] values.append(buyer.buyer_id) if order_no: sql += ' and d.OrderNo=%s' values.append(order_no) sql += ' ORDER BY d.ReceiveTime DESC limit %s , %s' values.append((page - 1) * page_size) values.append(page_size) rows = db.engine.execute(sql, tuple(values)) result['delivery_list'] = rows_array_converter(rows) except Exception, e: current_app.logger.exception(e) result['code'] = 0 result['msg'] = e.message