def test_running_mean(self): x, N = [1, 1, 1], 1 expected = np.array([1, 1, 1]) np.testing.assert_allclose(running_mean(x, N), expected) x, N = [1, 1, 1], 4 expected = np.array([1, 1, 1]) np.testing.assert_allclose(running_mean(x, N), expected) x, N = [1, 1, 1], 0 expected = np.array([1, 1, 1]) np.testing.assert_allclose(running_mean(x, N), expected) x, N = [1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1], 2 expected = np.array([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) np.testing.assert_allclose(running_mean(x, N), expected) x, N = [1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1], 3 expected = np.array([1, 0, 1 / 3, -1 / 3, 1 / 3, -1 / 3]) np.testing.assert_allclose(running_mean(x, N), expected)
def avgComplexCW(crossDict, length=0): """ Plots rolling average of length "length" of magnitude and phase of all dict items. Parameters ---------- crossDict : dictionary (it plots phase, so auto will be boring) length : int (default: len(crossDict[key])) """ global fignum if length == 0: # Only run if no useful length is supplied for key in crossDict: if key[0] != 'd': length = max(length, len(crossDict[key])) avgMagDict = {} avgPhaseDict = {} for key in crossDict: if key[0] != 'd': avgMagDict[key] = utils.running_mean( 10.*np.log10(np.abs(crossDict[key])), length) avgPhaseDict[key] = utils.running_mean( np.angle(crossDict[key])*180/np.pi, length) fig = plt.figure(fignum) fig.suptitle('{}kHz CW - rolling averages of length {}'.format( du.get_frequency(), length)) phase = plt.subplot(211) phase.set_title('Phase') phase.set_ylabel('Degrees') for key in crossDict: phase.plot(avgPhaseDict[key], label=key) mag = plt.subplot(212) mag.set_title('Magnitude') mag.set_ylabel('dB (Voltage)') for key in crossDict: mag.plot(avgMagDict[key], label=key) plt.legend() print('Fignum: {}'.format(fignum)) fignum += 1
def avgFloatCW(floatDict, unitLabel='', length=0): """ Plots rolling average of length "length" of all dict items without changing their unit. If input is rads, output is rads. Parameters ---------- floatDict : dictionary length : int (default: len(floatDict[key])) unitLabel : label for y-axis """ global fignum fullAvg = False if length == 0: # Only run if no useful length is supplied fullAvg = True for key in floatDict: length = max(length, len(floatDict[key])) avgfloatDict = {} for key in floatDict: avgfloatDict[key] = utils.running_mean(floatDict[key], length) plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 18}) plt.figure(fignum) plt.ylabel(unitLabel) if fullAvg is True: for key in avgfloatDict: plt.plot(np.repeat(avgfloatDict[key], 2), label=key) plt.xlabel('Samples') plt.title('{}kHz CW - experiment average'.format( du.get_frequency())) plt.tick_params( axis='x', # changes apply to the x-axis which='both', # both major and minor ticks are affected bottom=False, # ticks along the bottom edge are off top=False, # ticks along the top edge are off labelbottom=False) # labels along the bottom edge are off else: for key in avgfloatDict: plt.plot(avgfloatDict[key], label=key) plt.xlabel('Samples') plt.title('{}kHz CW - rolling averages of length {}'.format( du.get_frequency(), length)) plt.legend() print('Fignum: {}'.format(fignum)) fignum += 1
def run_per_slice_eval(groundtruth, prediction, avg=True, sc=4.): downscaled = utils.downscale_manually(groundtruth, sc) bicubic = utils.bicubic_up(downscaled, sc, 0) prediction, [groundtruth, bicubic] = utils.cut_to_same_size(prediction, [groundtruth, bicubic]) raw_error_arr = se_arr(prediction, groundtruth) bicubic_weighting = se_arr(bicubic, groundtruth) print(np.max(bicubic_weighting)) bicubic_weighting = 0.5 + bicubic_weighting / (np.max(bicubic_weighting) * 2) weighted_error_arr = raw_error_arr * bicubic_weighting raw_error_per_slice = evaluate_per_slice(raw_error_arr) weighted_error_per_slice = evaluate_per_slice(weighted_error_arr) if avg: raw_error_per_slice, _ = utils.running_mean(raw_error_per_slice, sc) weighted_error_per_slice, _ = utils.running_mean( weighted_error_per_slice, sc) plt.plot(raw_error_per_slice) plt.plot(weighted_error_per_slice)
def plot_decay(self, fig=None, ax=None, plot_file_path=None): """Plots decay graph. Args: fig: Figure instance. New will be created if None is passed. ax: Axis instance. New will be created if None is passed to fig. plot_file_path: Save plot figure to a file. Returns: - Figure - Axes """ if fig is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() peak_ind, knee_point_ind, noise_floor, window_size = self.decay_params( ) start = max(0, (peak_ind - 2 * (knee_point_ind - peak_ind))) end = min(len(self), (peak_ind + 2 * (knee_point_ind - peak_ind))) t = np.arange(start, end) / self.fs squared = squared /= np.max(np.abs(squared)) squared = squared[start:end]**2 avg = running_mean(squared, window_size) squared = 10 * np.log10(squared + 1e-24) avg = 10 * np.log10(avg + 1e-24) ax.plot(t * 1000, squared, color=COLORS['lightblue'], label='Squared impulse response') ax.plot(t[window_size // 2:window_size // 2 + len(avg)] * 1000, avg, color=COLORS['blue'], label=f'{window_size / self.fs *1000:.0f} ms moving average') ax.set_ylim([np.min(avg) * 1.2, 0]) ax.set_xlim([start / self.fs * 1000, end / self.fs * 1000]) ax.set_xlabel('Time (ms)') ax.set_ylabel('Amplitude (dBr)') ax.grid(True, which='major') ax.set_title('Decay') ax.legend(loc='upper right') if plot_file_path: fig.savefig(plot_file_path) return fig, ax
def _create_corrected_sales_and_trend_normalization_df(self): N = 28 list_corrected_sales = [] norm_factor = [] for i in range(self.oos_flag_df.shape[0]): oos = self.oos_flag_df.iloc[i,:-1-self.test_size].values.astype(int) sales = self.sales_raw_df.iloc[i,6:].values.astype(int) sales_moving_avg = running_mean(sales,N) #Arrays without trailing zeros oos_without_beg = oos[np.argmax(sales!=0):] sales_mov_avg_without_beg = sales_moving_avg[np.argmax(sales!=0):] #Replace mov av sales with zero for timestamp where oos sales_mov_avg_without_beg = sales_mov_avg_without_beg*(1-oos_without_beg) #Fill zeroes with last know non zero value sales_mov_avg_without_beg = self._fill_zeros_with_last(sales_mov_avg_without_beg) #Create new sales by replacing wherever oos by the moving average sales_corrected = np.concatenate([sales[:np.argmax(sales!=0)],np.where(oos_without_beg==0,sales[np.argmax(sales!=0):],sales_mov_avg_without_beg)]) list_corrected_sales.append(sales_corrected) #Normalization (has 28 more values than sales_df to be able to use it for inference) sales_mov_avg_corrected = np.concatenate([sales[:np.argmax(sales!=0)],sales_mov_avg_without_beg]) sales_mov_avg_corrected = np.concatenate([sales_mov_avg_corrected[0]*np.ones(28),sales_mov_avg_corrected]) normalization = np.where(sales_mov_avg_corrected==0,1,1/sales_mov_avg_corrected) norm_factor.append(normalization) self.corrected_sales_df = pd.DataFrame(list_corrected_sales,columns=self.sales_raw_df.columns[6:]) self.corrected_sales_df = self._add_nan_for_test(self.corrected_sales_df) self.corrected_sales_df['id'] = self.sales_df['id'] self.normalization_factor_df = pd.DataFrame(norm_factor,columns=['d_'+str(i+1) for i in range(norm_factor[0].shape[0])]) self.normalization_factor_df = self._add_nan_for_test(self.normalization_factor_df) self.normalization_factor_df['id'] = self.sales_df['id']
obs = next_obs rsum += reward j += 1 if env.verbose: env.render() if done: print("Episode : " + str(i) + " rsum=" + str(rsum) + ", " + str(j) + " actions") break if experience_replay and len(agent._memory) > agent.batch_size: agent.experience_replay(epoch=10, update_target=True) rewards.append(envm.get_episode_rewards()) env.close() import pickle as pk pk.dump((rewards, parameters), open("dqldata.dat", "wb")) for i, r in enumerate(rewards): reward = running_mean(r, 50) plt.plot([i for i in range(len(reward))], reward, label=f'tau={parameters[i][0]} ' f' er={parameters[i][1]}') plt.legend(loc="upper left") plt.savefig(f'img/{name}gamma{gamma}alpha{alpha}.png')
def ionospheric_height(phaseDict, key, mean=200, planar=True): """ Plots the calculated ionospheric height (assuming planar wave arrival) between a single phaseDict element. A rolling mean is used. Parameters ---------- phaseDict : dictionary key : string which element to plot mean : int rolling average window length (default=200) planar : boolean if False, calculated using triangle method """ global fignum plotDict = {} freq = du.get_frequency() if du.get_config() != 2: print('Continuing, but config 2 is all this makes sense to me for. Not sure how to calculate height for config 1.') plotDict[key] = utils.running_mean(phaseDict[key], mean) length = len(plotDict[sorted(plotDict.keys())[0]])-mean+1 if all(item in key for item in ['2', '6']): bl = 20 td = 0 if all(item in key for item in ['2', '7']): bl = 40 td = 0 if all(item in key for item in ['2', '8']): bl = 60 td = 0 if all(item in key for item in ['6', '7']): bl = 20 td = 20 if all(item in key for item in ['6', '8']): bl = 40 td = 20 if all(item in key for item in ['7', '8']): bl = 20 td = 40 print('bl={}, key={}'.format(bl, key)) for i in range(0, length-1): phase = VH.get_phase_diff_as_dist(plotDict[key][i], freq*1000) if planar == True: plotDict[key][i] = VH.find_virtual_height_plane_wave(phase, 19841+td, bl) elif planar == False: plotDict[key][i] = VH.find_virtual_height_triangles(phase,19841+td,bl) time=np.linspace(0,length)*0.4 plt.figure(fignum) for key in plotDict: plt.plot(time, plotDict[key]/1000, label=key) plt.xlabel('Time (s)') plt.ylabel('Height (km)') plt.title('Ionospheric virtual reflection height at {}MHz assuming planar wave={}'.format(freq/1000, planar)) plt.xlim(time[0], time[-1]) # plt.ylim(0, 400) plt.legend() print('Fignum: {}'.format(fignum)) fignum += 1
def decay_times(self, peak_ind=None, knee_point_ind=None, noise_floor=None, window_size=None): """Calculates decay times EDT, RT20, RT30, RT60 Args: peak_ind: Peak index as returned by `decay_params()`. Optional. knee_point_ind: Knee point index as returned by `decay_params()`. Optional. noise_floor: Noise floor as returned by `decay_params()`. Optional. window_size: Moving average window size as returned by `decay_params()`. Optional. Returns: - EDT, None if SNR < 10 dB - RT20, None if SNR < 35 dB - RT30, None if SNR < 45 dB - RT60, None if SNR < 75 dB """ if peak_ind is None or knee_point_ind is None or noise_floor is None: peak_ind, knee_point_ind, noise_floor, window_size = self.decay_params( ) t = np.linspace(0, self.duration(), len(self)) knee_point_ind -= (peak_ind + 0) data = data = data[peak_ind - 0 * self.fs // 1000:] data /= np.max(np.abs(data)) # analytical = np.abs(signal.hilbert(data)) # Hilbert doesn't work will with broadband signa analytical = np.abs(data) schroeder = np.cumsum(analytical[knee_point_ind::-1]**2 / np.sum(analytical[:knee_point_ind]**2))[:0:-1] schroeder = 10 * np.log10(schroeder) # Moving average of the squared impulse response avg = # Truncate data to avoid unnecessary computations # Ideally avg_head is the half window size but this might not be possible if the IR has been truncated already # and the peak is closer to the start than half window avg_head = min((window_size // 2), peak_ind) avg_tail = min((window_size // 2), len(avg) - (peak_ind + knee_point_ind)) # We need an index offset for average curve if the avg_head is not half window avg_offset = window_size // 2 - avg_head avg = avg[peak_ind - avg_head:peak_ind + knee_point_ind + avg_tail] # Truncate avg /= np.max(np.abs(avg)) # Normalize avg = avg**2 avg = running_mean(avg, window_size) avg = 10 * np.log10(avg + 1e-18) # Find offset which minimizes difference between Schroeder backward integral and the moving average # ie. offset which moves Schroeder curve to same vertical position as the decay power curve # Limit the range 10% -> 90% of Schroeder and avg start and end fit_start = max(int(len(schroeder) * 0.1), avg_offset) # avg could start after 10% of Schroeder fit_end = min(int(len(schroeder) * 0.9), avg_offset + (len(avg))) # avg could end before 90% of Schroeder offset = np.mean( schroeder[fit_start:fit_end] - avg[fit_start - avg_offset:fit_end - avg_offset] # Shift avg indexes by the offset length ) decay_times = dict() limits = [(-1, -10, -10, 'EDT'), (-5, -25, -20, 'RT20'), (-5, -35, -30, 'RT30'), (-5, -65, -60, 'RT60')] for start_target, end_target, decay_target, name in limits: decay_times[name] = None if end_target < noise_floor + offset + 10: # There has to be at least 10 dB of headroom between the end target point and noise floor, # in this case there is not. Current decay time shall remain undefined. continue try: start = np.argwhere(schroeder <= start_target)[0, 0] end = np.argwhere(schroeder <= end_target)[0, 0] except IndexError as err: # Targets not found on the Schroeder curve continue slope, intercept, _, _, _ = stats.linregress( t[start:end], schroeder[start:end]) decay_times[name] = decay_target / slope return decay_times['EDT'], decay_times['RT20'], decay_times[ 'RT30'], decay_times['RT60']