def build_options_menu( self ):
   pmc.setParent( menu = True )
   menu = label = 'Options', allowOptionBoxes = True )
   pmc.menuItem( label = 'Set xNormal Location',
                 command = self.set_xn_location )
   pmc.menuItem( divider = True )
   enable = utils.get_bake_normals( )
   if enable == None:
     utils.set_bake_normals( True )
     enable = True
   pmc.menuItem( label = 'Bake Normal Map',
                 cb = enable,
                 command = pmc.CallbackWithArgs( self.map_cbx_callback,
                                                 'normal' ) )
   enable = utils.get_bake_ao( )
   if enable == None:
     utils.set_bake_ao( False )
     enable = False
   pmc.menuItem( optionBox = True )
   pmc.menuItem( label = 'Bake Ambient Occlusion Map',
                 cb = enable,
                 command = pmc.CallbackWithArgs( self.map_cbx_callback,
                                                 'ao' ) )
   pmc.menuItem( optionBox = True )
 def map_cbx_callback( self, map, evt ):
   Callback for when user clicks on the "bake normal map" Check Box in the
   options menu
   if map == 'normal':  
     utils.set_bake_normals( evt )
   elif map == 'ao':
     utils.set_bake_ao( evt )