def cache(defs, this): if get_cache(defs, this): app.log(this, "Bah! I could have cached", cache_key(defs, this)) return tempfile.tempdir = app.config['tmp'] tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() cachefile = os.path.join(tmpdir, cache_key(defs, this)) if this.get('kind') == "system": utils.hardlink_all_files(this['install'], this['sandbox']) shutil.rmtree(this['install']) shutil.rmtree(this['build']) utils.set_mtime_recursively(this['sandbox']) utils.make_deterministic_tar_archive(cachefile, this['sandbox']) os.rename('%s.tar' % cachefile, cachefile) else: utils.set_mtime_recursively(this['install']) utils.make_deterministic_gztar_archive(cachefile, this['install']) os.rename('%s.tar.gz' % cachefile, cachefile) unpack(defs, this, cachefile) if app.config.get('kbas-password', 'insecure') != 'insecure' and \ app.config.get('kbas-url', '') != '': if this.get('kind', 'chunk') == 'chunk': with app.timer(this, 'upload'): upload(defs, this)
def extract_commit(name, repo, ref, target_dir): '''Check out a single commit (or tree) from a Git repo. The checkout() function actually clones the entire repo, so this function is much quicker when you don't need to copy the whole repo into target_dir. ''' gitdir = os.path.join(app.config['gits'], get_repo_name(repo)) if not os.path.exists(gitdir): mirror(name, repo) elif not mirror_has_ref(gitdir, ref): update_mirror(name, repo, gitdir) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as git_index_file: git_env = os.environ.copy() git_env['GIT_INDEX_FILE'] = git_env['GIT_WORK_TREE'] = target_dir app.log(name, 'Extracting commit', ref) if call(['git', 'read-tree', ref], env=git_env, cwd=gitdir): app.log(name, 'git read-tree failed for', ref, exit=True) app.log(name, 'Then checkout index', ref) if call(['git', 'checkout-index', '--all'], env=git_env, cwd=gitdir): app.log(name, 'Git checkout-index failed for', ref, exit=True) app.log(name, 'Done', ref) utils.set_mtime_recursively(target_dir)
def cache(defs, this): if get_cache(defs, this): app.log(this, "Bah! I could have cached", cache_key(defs, this)) return tempfile.tempdir = app.config['tmp'] tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() cachefile = os.path.join(tmpdir, cache_key(defs, this)) if this.get('kind') == "system": utils.hardlink_all_files(this['install'], this['sandbox']) shutil.rmtree(this['install']) shutil.rmtree(this['build']) utils.set_mtime_recursively(this['sandbox']) utils.make_deterministic_tar_archive(cachefile, this['sandbox']) shutil.move('%s.tar' % cachefile, cachefile) else: utils.set_mtime_recursively(this['install']) utils.make_deterministic_gztar_archive(cachefile, this['install']) shutil.move('%s.tar.gz' % cachefile, cachefile) app.config['counter'].increment() unpack(defs, this, cachefile) if app.config.get('kbas-password', 'insecure') != 'insecure' and \ app.config.get('kbas-url') is not None: if this.get('kind', 'chunk') in ['chunk', 'stratum']: with app.timer(this, 'upload'): upload(defs, this)
def cache(defs, this): if get_cache(defs, this): app.log(this, "Bah! I could have cached", cache_key(defs, this)) return tempfile.tempdir = app.config["tmp"] tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() cachefile = os.path.join(tmpdir, cache_key(defs, this)) if this.get("kind") == "system": utils.hardlink_all_files(this["install"], this["sandbox"]) shutil.rmtree(this["install"]) shutil.rmtree(this["build"]) utils.set_mtime_recursively(this["sandbox"]) utils.make_deterministic_tar_archive(cachefile, this["sandbox"]) os.rename("%s.tar" % cachefile, cachefile) else: utils.set_mtime_recursively(this["install"]) utils.make_deterministic_gztar_archive(cachefile, this["install"]) os.rename("%s.tar.gz" % cachefile, cachefile) unpack(defs, this, cachefile) if ( app.config.get("kbas-password", "insecure") != "insecure" and app.config.get("kbas-url", "") != "" ): if this.get("kind") is not "cluster": with app.timer(this, "upload"): upload(defs, this)
def checkout(name, repo, ref, checkout): gitdir = os.path.join(app.config['gits'], get_repo_name(repo)) if not os.path.exists(gitdir): mirror(name, repo) elif not mirror_has_ref(gitdir, ref): update_mirror(name, repo, gitdir) # checkout the required version of this from git with open(os.devnull, "w") as fnull: # We need to pass '--no-hardlinks' because right now there's nothing to # stop the build from overwriting the files in the .git directory # inside the sandbox. If they were hardlinks, it'd be possible for a # build to corrupt the repo cache. I think it would be faster if we # removed --no-hardlinks, though. if call(['git', 'clone', '--no-hardlinks', gitdir, checkout], stdout=fnull, stderr=fnull): app.exit(name, 'ERROR: git clone failed for', ref) with app.chdir(checkout): if call(['git', 'checkout', '--force', ref], stdout=fnull, stderr=fnull): app.exit(name, 'ERROR: git checkout failed for', ref) app.log(name, 'Git checkout %s in %s' % (repo, checkout)) app.log(name, 'Upstream version %s' % get_version(checkout, ref)) if os.path.exists('.gitmodules'): checkout_submodules(name, ref) utils.set_mtime_recursively(checkout)
def extract_commit(name, repo, ref, target_dir): '''Check out a single commit (or tree) from a Git repo. The checkout() function actually clones the entire repo, so this function is much quicker when you don't need to copy the whole repo into target_dir. ''' gitdir = os.path.join(app.config['gits'], get_repo_name(repo)) if not os.path.exists(gitdir): mirror(name, repo) elif not mirror_has_ref(gitdir, ref): update_mirror(name, repo, gitdir) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as git_index_file: git_env = os.environ.copy() git_env['GIT_INDEX_FILE'] = git_env['GIT_WORK_TREE'] = target_dir app.log(name, 'Extracting commit', ref) if call(['git', 'read-tree', ref], env=git_env, cwd=gitdir): app.exit(name, 'ERROR: git read-tree failed for', ref) app.log(name, 'Then checkout index', ref) if call(['git', 'checkout-index', '--all'], env=git_env, cwd=gitdir): app.exit(name, 'ERROR: git checkout-index failed for', ref) app.log(name, 'Done', ref) utils.set_mtime_recursively(target_dir)
def extract_commit(name, repo, ref, target_dir): """Check out a single commit (or tree) from a Git repo. The checkout() function actually clones the entire repo, so this function is much quicker when you don't need to copy the whole repo into target_dir. """ gitdir = os.path.join(app.config["gits"], get_repo_name(repo)) if not os.path.exists(gitdir): mirror(name, repo) elif not mirror_has_ref(gitdir, ref): update_mirror(name, repo, gitdir) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as git_index_file: git_env = os.environ.copy() git_env["GIT_INDEX_FILE"] = git_env["GIT_WORK_TREE"] = target_dir app.log(name, "Extracting commit", ref) if call(["git", "read-tree", ref], env=git_env, cwd=gitdir): app.exit(name, "ERROR: git read-tree failed for", ref) app.log(name, "Then checkout index", ref) if call(["git", "checkout-index", "--all"], env=git_env, cwd=gitdir): app.exit(name, "ERROR: git checkout-index failed for", ref) app.log(name, "Done", ref) utils.set_mtime_recursively(target_dir)
def cache(dn): if get_cache(dn): app.log(dn, "Bah! I could have cached", cache_key(dn)) return tempfile.tempdir = app.config['tmp'] tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() cachefile = os.path.join(tmpdir, cache_key(dn)) if dn.get('kind') == "system": utils.hardlink_all_files(dn['install'], dn['sandbox']) shutil.rmtree(dn['checkout']) utils.set_mtime_recursively(dn['install']) utils.make_deterministic_tar_archive(cachefile, dn['install']) shutil.move('%s.tar' % cachefile, cachefile) else: utils.set_mtime_recursively(dn['install']) utils.make_deterministic_gztar_archive(cachefile, dn['install']) shutil.move('%s.tar.gz' % cachefile, cachefile) app.config['counter'].increment() unpack(dn, cachefile) if app.config.get('kbas-password', 'insecure') != 'insecure' and \ app.config.get('kbas-url') is not None: if dn.get('kind', 'chunk') in app.config.get('kbas-upload', 'chunk'): with app.timer(dn, 'upload'): upload(dn)
def cache(defs, this, full_root=False): if get_cache(defs, this): app.log(this, "Bah! I could have cached", cache_key(defs, this)) return tempfile.tempdir = app.config['tmp'] tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() cachefile = os.path.join(tmpdir, cache_key(defs, this)) if full_root: utils.hardlink_all_files(this['install'], this['sandbox']) shutil.rmtree(this['install']) shutil.rmtree(this['build']) utils.set_mtime_recursively(this['sandbox']) utils.make_deterministic_tar_archive(cachefile, this['sandbox']) os.rename('%s.tar' % cachefile, cachefile) else: utils.set_mtime_recursively(this['install']) utils.make_deterministic_gztar_archive(cachefile, this['install']) os.rename('%s.tar.gz' % cachefile, cachefile) unpackdir = cachefile + '.unpacked' os.makedirs(unpackdir) if call(['tar', 'xf', cachefile, '--directory', unpackdir]): app.exit(this, 'ERROR: Problem unpacking', cachefile) try: target = os.path.join(app.config['artifacts'], cache_key(defs, this)) os.rename(tmpdir, target) size = os.path.getsize(get_cache(defs, this)) app.log(this, 'Now cached %s bytes as' % size, cache_key(defs, this)) except: app.log(this, 'Bah! I raced and rebuilt', cache_key(defs, this))
def checkout(this): _checkout(this['name'], this['repo'], this['ref'], this['build']) with app.chdir(this['build']): if os.path.exists('.gitmodules') or this.get('submodules'): checkout_submodules(this) utils.set_mtime_recursively(this['build'])
def checkout(dn): _checkout(dn['name'], dn['repo'], dn['ref'], dn['checkout']) with app.chdir(dn['checkout']): if os.path.exists('.gitmodules') or dn.get('submodules'): checkout_submodules(dn) utils.set_mtime_recursively(dn['checkout'])
def cache(defs, this, full_root=False): app.log(this, "Creating cache artifact") cachefile = os.path.join(app.settings['artifacts'], cache_key(defs, this)) if full_root: shutil.make_archive(cachefile, 'tar', this['sandbox']) os.rename('%s.tar' % cachefile, cachefile) else: utils.set_mtime_recursively(this['install']) shutil.make_archive(cachefile, 'gztar', this['install']) os.rename('%s.tar.gz' % cachefile, cachefile) app.log(this, 'Now cached as', cache_key(defs, this)) if os.fork() == 0: upload(this, cachefile) sys.exit()
def checkout(name, repo, ref, checkoutdir): gitdir = os.path.join(app.settings['gits'], get_repo_name(repo)) if not os.path.exists(gitdir): mirror(name, repo) app.log(name, 'Upstream version:', get_upstream_version(repo, ref)) app.log(name, 'Git checkout %s in %s' % (repo, checkoutdir)) # checkout the required version of this from git with app.chdir(checkoutdir), open(os.devnull, "w") as fnull: copy_repo(gitdir, checkoutdir) if call(['git', 'checkout', ref], stdout=fnull, stderr=fnull): app.log(name, 'ERROR: git checkout failed for', ref) raise SystemExit if os.path.exists('.gitmodules'): checkout_submodules(name, ref) utils.set_mtime_recursively(checkoutdir)
def cache(this): cachefile = os.path.join(app.settings['artifacts'], cache_key(this)) utils.set_mtime_recursively(this['install']) shutil.make_archive(cachefile, 'gztar', this['install']) app.log(this, 'Now cached as', cache_key(this))