def register_user(): body = request.get_json() check_params(body, 'email', 'password', 'device_token') # If user exists and failed to validate his account user = (Users.query.filter_by(email=body['email'], password=sha256( body['password'])).first()) if user and user.valid == False: data = {'validation_link': validation_link(} send_email(type='email_validation',, data=data) return jsonify({ 'message': 'Another email has been sent for email validation' }) elif user and user.valid: raise APIException('User already exists', 405) user = Users(email=body['email'], password=sha256(body['password'])) db.session.add(user) db.session.add(Devices(token=body['device_token'], user=user)) db.session.commit() user = Users.query.filter_by(email=body['email']).first() send_email(type='email_validation',, data={'validation_link': validation_link(}) return jsonify({'message': 'Please verify your email'}), 200
def nur(): Nurses.query.delete() db.session.execute("ALTER TABLE userpatient AUTO_INCREMENT = 1") nurs = Nurses( fullname="Anntonian Brown", username="******", password=utils.sha256("brown"), email="*****@*****.**", age="35", work_exprience="yes", license="yes", years_working="10", ) db.session.add(nurs) nurs2 = Nurses( fullname="Rajae Lindsay", username="******", password=utils.sha256("bignurselindsay"), email="*****@*****.**", age="35", work_exprience="yes", license="yes", years_working="20", ) db.session.add(nurs2) db.session.commit()
def make_iso_image(): setfile('${ISO_DESTDIR}/boot/loader.conf', template('${BUILD_CONFIG}/templates/cdrom/loader.conf')) setfile('${ISO_DESTDIR}/.mount.conf', template('${BUILD_CONFIG}/templates/cdrom/mount.conf')) sh('cp ${WORLD_DESTDIR}/boot/loader ${ISO_DESTDIR}/boot/loader') sh('cp ${WORLD_DESTDIR}/boot/device.hints ${ISO_DESTDIR}/boot/device.hints' ) sh('cp ${WORLD_DESTDIR}/boot/*.4th ${ISO_DESTDIR}/boot') sh('cp ${WORLD_DESTDIR}/boot/loader.rc ${ISO_DESTDIR}/boot/loader.rc') sh('cp ${WORLD_DESTDIR}/boot/loader.rc.local ${ISO_DESTDIR}/boot/loader.rc.local' ) sh('cp ${WORLD_DESTDIR}/boot/menu.rc ${ISO_DESTDIR}/boot/menu.rc') sh('cp -R ${WORLD_DESTDIR}/boot/defaults ${ISO_DESTDIR}/boot/defaults') # New-style isoboot image output_nogrub = output.replace('.iso', '-NOGRUB.iso') sh('${BUILD_ROOT}/build/tools/ ${CDROM_LABEL} ${output_nogrub} ${WORLD_DESTDIR} ${ISO_DESTDIR}' ) sha256(output_nogrub) # Old-style GRUB image sh('mkdir -p ${ISO_DESTDIR}/boot/grub') setfile('${ISO_DESTDIR}/boot/grub/grub.cfg', template('${BUILD_CONFIG}/templates/cdrom/grub.cfg')) sh('grub-mkrescue --xorriso=${BUILD_ROOT}/build/tools/ -o ${output} ${ISO_DESTDIR} -- -volid ${CDROM_LABEL}' ) sha256(output)
def make_iso_image(): setfile('${ISO_DESTDIR}/boot/loader.conf', template('${BUILD_CONFIG}/templates/cdrom/loader.conf')) setfile('${ISO_DESTDIR}/boot/grub/grub.cfg', template('${BUILD_CONFIG}/templates/cdrom/grub.cfg')) setfile('${ISO_DESTDIR}/.mount.conf', template('${BUILD_CONFIG}/templates/cdrom/mount.conf')) sh('cp ${WORLD_DESTDIR}/boot/device.hints ${ISO_DESTDIR}/boot/device.hints') sh('grub-mkrescue -o ${output} ${ISO_DESTDIR} -- -volid ${CDROM_LABEL}') sha256(output)
def reset_password(id): if id == 'me': id = str(get_jwt())['sub'] if not id.isnumeric(): raise APIException('Invalid id: ' + id, 400) if request.args.get('forgot') == 'true': return jsonify({ 'message': 'A link has been sent to your email to reset the password', 'link': os.environ.get('API_HOST') + '/users/reset_password/' + create_jwt({ 'id': id, 'role': 'password' }) }), 200 body = request.get_json() check_params(body, 'email', 'password', 'new_password') user = Users.query.filter_by(id=int(id), email=body['email'], password=sha256(body['password'])).first() if not user: raise APIException('Invalid parameters', 400) user.password = sha256(body['new_password']) db.session.commit() return jsonify({'message': 'Your password has been changed'}), 200
def chain(self, receipt, previousJwsString): chainingValue = None if previousJwsString: chainingValue = utils.sha256(previousJwsString.encode("utf-8")) else: chainingValue = utils.sha256(receipt.registerId.encode("utf-8")) return chainingValue[0:8]
def create_package(): if os.path.exists('/usr/local/bin/pigz'): sh('tar -C ${DEBUG_ROOT} -cvf - . | /usr/local/bin/pigz -c > ${output}', log='/dev/null') else: sh('tar -C ${DEBUG_ROOT} -cvJf ${output} .', log='/dev/null') sha256(output)
def create_package(): info('Creating debug package') if os.path.exists('/usr/local/bin/pigz'): sh('tar -C ${DEBUG_ROOT} -cvf - . | /usr/local/bin/pigz -c > ${output}', log='/dev/null') else: sh('tar -C ${DEBUG_ROOT} -cvJf ${output} .', log='/dev/null') sha256(output)
def run(): Userpatient.query.delete() db.session.execute("ALTER TABLE userpatient AUTO_INCREMENT = 1") user_patient1 = Userpatient(fullname="antoan", username="******", email='brown12gngemail', password=utils.sha256('password for patient1'), age='35', gender='gender', race='black', home_address='home_address', patient_condition="Aalzheimer", patient_allergies="cats", patient_name="debbie bropwe", patient_medications="patient_medications", patient_age="66", patient_gender="female", patient_race="black") db.session.add(user_patient1) user_patient2 = Userpatient(fullname="ann cqambple", username="******", email='aanathebestemail', password=utils.sha256('password for patient2'), age='26', gender='female', race='whitee', home_address='home_address', patient_condition="Aalzheimer", patient_allergies="strawberry", patient_name="patr caqmpbewl;", patient_medications="pills", patient_age="48", patient_gender="male", patient_race="white") db.session.add(user_patient2) user_patient3 = Userpatient( fullname="antoan jackson ", username="******", email='email', password=utils.sha256('password'), age='age', gender='gender', race='race', home_address='home_addresstyahate i lihe 415 ln', patient_condition="Aalzheimer", patient_allergies="penut", patient_name="manne jackson", patient_medications="pills", patient_age="15", patient_gender="male", patient_race="espanic") db.session.add(user_patient3) db.session.commit()
def sync(self): database_hash = sha256(database) print("Started sync") print('-' * 30) while True: time.sleep(1) #Update the GUI only if there's a change to the database if sha256(database) != database_hash: #if serialize(database) != serialize(previous_database): self.update_chats(database['users']) self.update_chatbox() #previous_database = deepcopy(database) database_hash = sha256(database)
def make_iso_image(): setfile('${ISO_DESTDIR}/boot/loader.conf', template('${BUILD_CONFIG}/templates/cdrom/loader.conf')) setfile('${ISO_DESTDIR}/.mount.conf', template('${BUILD_CONFIG}/templates/cdrom/mount.conf')) sh('cp ${WORLD_DESTDIR}/boot/loader ${ISO_DESTDIR}/boot/loader') sh('cp ${WORLD_DESTDIR}/boot/device.hints ${ISO_DESTDIR}/boot/device.hints' ) sh('cp -r ${WORLD_DESTDIR}/boot/lua ${ISO_DESTDIR}/boot/') sh('cp -R ${WORLD_DESTDIR}/boot/defaults ${ISO_DESTDIR}/boot/defaults') # New-style isoboot image sh('${BUILD_ROOT}/build/tools/ ${CDROM_LABEL} ${output} ${WORLD_DESTDIR} ${ISO_DESTDIR}' ) sha256(output)
def login(): if request.method == 'GET': return render_template('login.html', host=os.environ.get('API_HOST')) json = request.get_json() utils.check_params(json, 'email', 'password') user = Users.query.filter_by(email=json['email'], password=utils.sha256( json['password'])).first() if user is None: return jsonify({ 'login': False, 'message': 'Email and password are incorrect', }) return jsonify({ 'login': True, 'jwt': create_jwt({ 'id':, 'role': 'admin' }) })
def get_all_users_in_trmnt(id): r = request.get_json() # Security token check if r['api_token'] != utils.sha256( os.environ['POKERSOCIETY_API_TOKEN'] ): return jsonify({'error':'API token does not match'}) trmnt = Tournaments.query.get( id ) if trmnt is None: return jsonify({'error':'Tournament not found with id: '+str(id)}) trmnt_data = { 'tournament name':, 'casino':, 'start date': trmnt.start_at } users = [ trmnt_data ] for swap in trmnt.swaps: user = swap.sender_user data = { 'email':, 'first name': user.first_name, 'last name': user.last_name, 'ID (poker society)': user.pokersociety_id } if swap.status._value_ == 'agreed': if data not in users: users.append(data) return jsonify(users)
def countPrivilege(self): '''根据预置的秘密计算一个时间相关的随机数,每分钟变一次,用来发布ROM的时候做验证。''' secret = config.AUTOPUB_SECRET salt = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:00", time.localtime(time.time())) ptoken = utils.sha256(secret + salt) print("hasPrivilege: ptoken is:", ptoken) return ptoken
def resolve_conflict(self): base = self.find_same_base(self.rev, self.rev - 1) v0, boundaries = read(base) v1, _ = read(self.rev - 1) v2, _ = read(self.rev) user1 = self.vector[self.rev - 1].get_attribute('modifier') user2 = self.vector[self.rev].get_attribute('modifier') user1 = user1['firstname'] + user1['lastname'] user2 = user2['firstname'] + user2['lastname'] ops = operation.conflict_resolution(v0, v1, user1, v2, user2) v12 = operation.apply_sequence(v0, ops) chunker = ocdc.ocdc(ops, boundaries) chunker.mark() chunker.recalculate(v12) hashs = [] datas = [] for i in range(len(chunker.boundaries)): start = chunker.boundaries[i] if i == len(chunker.boundaries) - 1: end = len(v12) else: end = chunker.boundaries[i + 1] data = v12[start:end] datas.append(data) hashs.append(utils.sha256(data)) node = vnode.vnode({}, hashs) node.set_attribute('size', len(v12)) node.set_attribute('base_rev', base) node.set_attribute('modifier', config.server_user) node.set_attribute('modified_time', int(time.time() * 1000)) self.add_vnode(node, True) return hashs, datas
def login_admin(): if request.method == 'GET': return render_template('login.html', host=os.environ.get('API_HOST')) json = request.get_json() utils.check_params(json, 'email', 'password') user = Users.query.filter_by(email=json['email'], password=utils.sha256( json['password'])).first() if user is None: return jsonify({ 'login': False, 'message': 'Email and password are incorrect', }) identity = {'id':, 'role': 'admin', 'sub':} return jsonify({ 'login': True, 'jwt': jwt.encode(identity, os.environ['JWT_SECRET_KEY'], algorithm='HS256') })
def post(self): a = self.get_argument("a","") uname = self.get_argument("uname","") urole = self.get_argument("urole","developer") upwd1 = self.get_argument("upassword","") upwd2 = self.get_argument("upassword2","") picname = self.get_argument("upicname",config.DEFAULT_HEAD) uavatar = list(self.request.files.items()) udscpt = self.get_argument("udescription","") if not (self.accessSelf(uname) or self.accessAdmin()): ##不是自己操作或者不是管理员则返回 self.permissionDenied() return if (a =='add'): if (not (upwd1 == upwd2)) or (upwd1==""): self.write("密码输入不一致") return mtime = int(time.time()) if (len(uavatar)>0): (field, mpic) = uavatar[0] for picfile in mpic: picname ="/static/images/"+ (picfile["filename"]) #1, 保存新应用的图标 utils.saveBin("."+picname, picfile["body"]) # 确保只有管理员可以改变用户角色 if not self.accessAdmin(): urole = "developer" #3, 保存在数据库里 self.logI(u"保存开发者信息:%s:%s"%(uname,urole)) model.add_new_user(uname, utils.sha256(upwd1), urole, picname, udscpt, mtime) self.seeother("/publish")
def decryptTurnoverCounter(self, receipt, encTurnoverCounter, key): iv = utils.sha256( receipt.registerId.encode("utf-8") + receipt.receiptId.encode("utf-8"))[0:16] decCtr = utils.aes256ctr(iv, key, encTurnoverCounter) return int.from_bytes(decCtr, byteorder='big', signed=True)
def swapprofit_user(): json = request.get_json() utils.check_params(json, 'api_token', 'email', 'password', 'first_name', 'last_name') if json['api_token'] != utils.sha256(os.environ['API_TOKEN']): raise APIException('Invalid api token', 400) # Find user in db user = Users.query.filter_by(email=json['email']).first() # If no user found, create one if user is None: print('user is None', end='\n') user = Users(email=json['email'], password=json['password'], first_name=json['first_name'], last_name=json['last_name'], nickname=json.get('nickname'), hendon_url=json.get('hendon_url'), status='valid') db.session.add(user) db.session.commit() return jsonify({'pokersociety_id':})
def login(): req = request.get_json() check_params(req, 'email', 'password', 'device_token') user = Users.query.filter_by(email=req['email'], password=sha256(req['password'])).first() if user is None: raise APIException('Sorry you entered the wrong email or password', 404) if user.status._value_ == 'invalid': raise APIException('Email not validated', 405) if user.status._value_ == 'suspended': raise APIException('Your account is suspended', 405) is_token_registered = \ Devices.query.filter_by( token=req['device_token'] ).first() is not None profile_exists = Profiles.query.get( is not None if profile_exists and not is_token_registered: db.session.add(Devices(, token=req['device_token'])) db.session.commit() return jsonify({ 'jwt': create_jwt({ 'id':, 'role': 'user', 'exp': req.get('exp', 15) }) }), 200
def upload(self, filepath): """ Function to upload a file """ sha256_file = utils.sha256(filepath) url = '%s/apks/%s/get_upload_url' % (BASE_URL, sha256_file) response = requests.get(url=url, headers=self.headers, verify=REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE) if response.status_code == 200: json_data = response.json() # print json_data.get('upload_url', None) files = {'file': open(filepath, 'rb')} response ="upload_url"), files=files, verify=REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE) while response.status_code == 404: # Workaround server problem sometimes time.sleep(1) response ="upload_url"), files=files, verify=REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE) return sha256_file elif response.status_code == 409: raise Exception("APK already exists") else: raise Exception("Unknown error: %s" % response.text)
def handle_login(): body = request.get_json() user = users.query.filter_by(email=body['email'], password=sha256(body['password'])).first() if not user: return 'User not found', 404 return jsonify({ # 'token': create_jwt(identity=1), 'id':, 'email':, 'firstname': user.firstname, 'lastname': user.lastname, 'avatar': user.avatar, 'wallet': user.wallet, 'birthdate': user.birthdate, 'gender': user.gender, 'address': user.address, 'city':, 'state': user.state, 'zipCode': user.zipCode, 'phone':, 'admin': user.admin })
def handle_register(): body = request.get_json() if body is None: raise APIException( "You need to specify the request body as a json object", status_code=400) if 'firstname' not in body and 'lastname' not in body: raise APIException("You need to specify the first name and last name", status_code=400) if 'password' not in body and 'email' not in body: raise APIException("You need to specify the password and email", status_code=400) if 'firstname' not in body: raise APIException('You need to specify the first name', status_code=400) if 'lastname' not in body: raise APIException('You need to specify the last name', status_code=400) if 'password' not in body: raise APIException('You need to specify the password', status_code=400) if 'email' not in body: raise APIException('You need to specify the email', status_code=400) db.session.add( users(email=body['email'], firstname=body['firstname'], lastname=body['lastname'], password=sha256(body['password']), admin=0)) db.session.commit() return jsonify({'register': 'success', 'msg': 'Successfully Registered'})
def html_reset_password(token): jwt_data = decode_jwt(token) if request.method == 'GET': user = Users.query.filter_by(id=jwt_data['sub'], email=jwt_data['role']).first() if user is None: raise APIException('User not found', 404) return render_template('reset_password.html', host=os.environ.get('API_HOST'), token=token, email=jwt_data['role']) # request.method == 'PUT' req = request.get_json() utils.check_params(req, 'email', 'password') if len(req['password']) < 6: raise APIException('Password must be at least 6 characters long') user = Users.query.filter_by(id=jwt_data['sub'], email=req['email']) if user is None: raise APIException('User not found', 404) user.password = utils.sha256(req['password']) db.session.commit() return jsonify({'message': 'Your password has been updated'}), 200
def handle_register(): json = request.get_json() property_check = [ 'first_name', 'last_name', 'username', 'password', 'email' ] missing_props = [] empty_props = [] for prop in property_check: if prop not in json: missing_props.append(prop) if len(missing_props) > 0: raise APIException( f'Missing {", ".join(missing_props)} property in json') for prop in property_check: if json[prop] == "": empty_props.append(prop) if len(empty_props) > 0: raise APIException(f'Missing {", ".join(empty_props)} data in json') db.session.add( Users(first_name=json['first_name'], last_name=json['last_name'], username=json['username'], password=utils.sha256(json['password']), date_of_birth=json.get('date_of_birth'), email=json['email'])) db.session.commit() return jsonify(json)
def update_email(user_id): req = request.get_json() utils.check_params(req, 'email', 'password', 'new_email') if req['email'] == req['new_email']: return jsonify( {'message': 'Your email is already ' + req['new_email']}) user = Users.query.filter_by(id=user_id, email=req['email'], password=utils.sha256( req['password'])).first() if user is None: raise APIException('User not found', 404) user.status = 'invalid' = req['new_email'] db.session.commit() send_email(template='email_validation',, data={ 'validation_link': utils.jwt_link(, role='email_change') }) return jsonify({'message': 'Please verify your new email'}), 200
def html_reset_password(token): jwt_data = decode_jwt(token) if jwt_data['role'] != 'password': raise APIException('Access denied', 401) if request.method == 'GET': return render_template('reset_password.html', data={ 'host': os.environ.get('API_HOST'), 'token': token }) # request.method == 'PUT' body = request.get_json() check_params(body, 'email', 'password') user = Users.query.filter_by(id=jwt_data['sub'], email=body['email']).first() if not user: raise APIException('User not found', 404) user.password = sha256(body['password']) db.session.commit() return jsonify({'message': 'Your password has been updated'}), 200
def update_email(id): if id == 'me': id = str(get_jwt()['sub']) if not id.isnumeric(): raise APIException('Invalid id: ' + id, 400) body = request.get_json() check_params(body, 'email', 'password', 'new_email') user = Users.query.filter_by(id=int(id), email=body['email'], password=sha256(body['password'])).first() if not user: raise APIException('Invalid parameters', 400) user.valid = False = body['new_email'] db.session.commit() return jsonify({ 'message': 'Please verify your new email', 'validation_link': validation_link( }), 200
def countPrivilege(self): '''根据预置的秘密计算一个时间相关的随机数,每分钟变一次,用来发布ROM的时候做验证。''' secret = config.AUTOPUB_SECRET salt = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:00",time.localtime(time.time())) ptoken = utils.sha256(secret+salt) print("hasPrivilege: ptoken is:",ptoken) return ptoken
def encryptTurnoverCounter(self, receipt, turnoverCounter, key, size): iv = utils.sha256( receipt.registerId.encode("utf-8") + receipt.receiptId.encode("utf-8"))[0:16] pt = turnoverCounter.to_bytes(size, byteorder='big', signed=True) return utils.aes256ctr(iv, key, pt)
def get_queued_tx_hash(self): hashes = bytearray() if not self.tx_queue: hashes = b'\x00' * 32 else: for tx in self.tx_queue: hashes.extend(tx.hash()) return sha256(hashes)
def canonical_request(self): # body is hashed here TODO req = self.method + "\n" + self.path + "\n\n" for hk in sorted(self.signed_headers): hv = self.header[hk] req += hk.lower()+":"+hv+"\n" req += "\n" + ";".join(self.signed_headers) + "\n" req += utils.sha256(self.body) return req
def reset_password(): req = request.get_json() utils.check_params(req, 'email') # User forgot their password if request.args.get('forgot') == 'true': user = Users.query.filter_by(email=req['email']).first() if user is None: raise APIException('This email is not registered', 400) send_email('reset_password_link', emails=req['email'], data={ 'link': utils.jwt_link(, 'users/reset_password/', req['email']) }) return jsonify({ 'message': 'A link has been sent to your email to reset the password' }), 200 # User knows their password utils.check_params(req, 'password', 'new_password') if req['password'] == req['new_password']: raise APIException( 'Your new password is the same as the old password') if len(req['new_password']) < 6: raise APIException( 'Your new password must be at least 6 characters long') user = Users.query.filter_by(email=req['email'], password=utils.sha256( req['password'])).first() if user is None: raise APIException('User not found', 404) user.password = utils.sha256(req['new_password']) db.session.commit() return jsonify({'message': 'Your password has been changed'}), 200
def create_member(sid, name, password, department, level): result = conn.insert( "member", { "sid": sid, "name": name, "password": sha256(password), "department": department, "level": level }) return result.inserted_id
def login_post(self, username,password): '''验证网站管理员登录''' user = model.get_user_by_uname(username) if (user is None): return False usr = user["u_name"] pwd = user["u_password"] j1 = (username == usr) j2 = (pwd == utils.sha256(password)) return j1 and j2
def canonical_request(self): # body is hashed here TODO req = self.method + "\n" + self.path + "\n\n" for hk in sorted(self.signed_headers): hv = self.header[hk] req += hk.lower()+":"+hv+"\n" req += "\n" + ";".join(self.signed_headers) + "\n" if not self.header.get("x-amz-content-sha256"): req += utils.sha256(self.body) else: req += self.header["x-amz-content-sha256"] return req
def __init__(self,inp): # Within Amazon Glacier files use their names and get ID labels. # If you want to keep the interface the same it should take # either a file name or an ID within Glacier. # That's why the input is undefinied at first. # As stated here ( # latest/dev/working-with-archives.html) archive IDs are 138 bytes long. # If there is the coincidence that the file name is 138 bytes long # the result will still be interpreted as file if it exists. if len(inp) == 138 and not os.path.isfile(inp): = inp else: try: self.file = open(inp,"r").read() self.path = inp self.size = len(self.file) self.hash = utils.sha256(self.file) self.treehash = self.get_tree_hash() except IOError: raise IOError("file " + inp + " does not exist.")
def __init__(self, inp): """ Creates an archive instance Archives can either represent a local file instance or a remote id. As soon as the archive gets uploaded the instance will transform. :param inp: local file name or archive id :type inp: string """ # Within Amazon Glacier files use their names and get ID labels. # If you want to keep the interface the same it should take # either a file name or an ID within Glacier. # That's why the input is undefinied at first. # As stated here ( # latest/dev/working-with-archives.html) archive IDs are 138 bytes long. # If there is the coincidence that the file name is 138 bytes long # the result will still be interpreted as file if it exists. # If you run into trouble opening files on Mac: If you drag and drop # files into the editor/terminal the escaped strings wil look like # this: "\ ". This doesn't work for Python. Remove each backslash # and you will running again. if len(inp) == 138 and not os.path.isfile(inp): = inp else: try: self.file = open(inp, "r") self.path = inp self.size = os.fstat(self.file.fileno()).st_size self.hash = utils.sha256(self.file) self.treehash = self.get_tree_hash() except IOError: raise IOError("file " + inp + " does not exist.")
def string_to_sign(self,canonical_request): return "\n".join(["AWS4-HMAC-SHA256",self.header["x-amz-date"], "%(time)s/%(region)s/glacier/aws4_request" % \ {"time":utils.time("%Y%m%d"),"region": self.region}, utils.sha256(canonical_request)])
def part_hash(self, part): """ Returns the sha256 hashof the requested part """ return utils.sha256(self.read_part(part))
def get_hash(self): if not self._hash: self._hash = utils.sha256(self.file) return self._hash
def string_to_sign(self,canonical_request): return "\n".join(["AWS4-HMAC-SHA256",self.header["x-amz-date"], utils.time("%Y%m%d")+"/us-east-1/glacier/aws4_request", utils.sha256(canonical_request)])